/**************************************************************************** **************************************************************************** *** *** This header was automatically generated from a Linux kernel header *** of the same name, to make information necessary for userspace to *** call into the kernel available to libc. It contains only constants, *** structures, and macros generated from the original header, and thus, *** contains no copyrightable information. *** *** To edit the content of this header, modify the corresponding *** source file (e.g. under external/kernel-headers/original/) then *** run bionic/libc/kernel/tools/update_all.py *** *** Any manual change here will be lost the next time this script will *** be run. You've been warned! *** **************************************************************************** ****************************************************************************/ #ifndef __MGA_DRM_H__ #define __MGA_DRM_H__ #include "drm.h" #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif #ifndef __MGA_SAREA_DEFINES__ #define __MGA_SAREA_DEFINES__ #define MGA_F 0x1 #define MGA_A 0x2 #define MGA_S 0x4 #define MGA_T2 0x8 #define MGA_WARP_TGZ 0 #define MGA_WARP_TGZF (MGA_F) #define MGA_WARP_TGZA (MGA_A) #define MGA_WARP_TGZAF (MGA_F | MGA_A) #define MGA_WARP_TGZS (MGA_S) #define MGA_WARP_TGZSF (MGA_S | MGA_F) #define MGA_WARP_TGZSA (MGA_S | MGA_A) #define MGA_WARP_TGZSAF (MGA_S | MGA_F | MGA_A) #define MGA_WARP_T2GZ (MGA_T2) #define MGA_WARP_T2GZF (MGA_T2 | MGA_F) #define MGA_WARP_T2GZA (MGA_T2 | MGA_A) #define MGA_WARP_T2GZAF (MGA_T2 | MGA_A | MGA_F) #define MGA_WARP_T2GZS (MGA_T2 | MGA_S) #define MGA_WARP_T2GZSF (MGA_T2 | MGA_S | MGA_F) #define MGA_WARP_T2GZSA (MGA_T2 | MGA_S | MGA_A) #define MGA_WARP_T2GZSAF (MGA_T2 | MGA_S | MGA_F | MGA_A) #define MGA_MAX_G200_PIPES 8 #define MGA_MAX_G400_PIPES 16 #define MGA_MAX_WARP_PIPES MGA_MAX_G400_PIPES #define MGA_WARP_UCODE_SIZE 32768 #define MGA_CARD_TYPE_G200 1 #define MGA_CARD_TYPE_G400 2 #define MGA_CARD_TYPE_G450 3 #define MGA_CARD_TYPE_G550 4 #define MGA_FRONT 0x1 #define MGA_BACK 0x2 #define MGA_DEPTH 0x4 #define MGA_UPLOAD_CONTEXT 0x1 #define MGA_UPLOAD_TEX0 0x2 #define MGA_UPLOAD_TEX1 0x4 #define MGA_UPLOAD_PIPE 0x8 #define MGA_UPLOAD_TEX0IMAGE 0x10 #define MGA_UPLOAD_TEX1IMAGE 0x20 #define MGA_UPLOAD_2D 0x40 #define MGA_WAIT_AGE 0x80 #define MGA_UPLOAD_CLIPRECTS 0x100 #define MGA_BUFFER_SIZE (1 << 16) #define MGA_NUM_BUFFERS 128 #define MGA_NR_SAREA_CLIPRECTS 8 #define MGA_CARD_HEAP 0 #define MGA_AGP_HEAP 1 #define MGA_NR_TEX_HEAPS 2 #define MGA_NR_TEX_REGIONS 16 #define MGA_LOG_MIN_TEX_REGION_SIZE 16 #define DRM_MGA_IDLE_RETRY 2048 #endif typedef struct { unsigned int dstorg; unsigned int maccess; unsigned int plnwt; unsigned int dwgctl; unsigned int alphactrl; unsigned int fogcolor; unsigned int wflag; unsigned int tdualstage0; unsigned int tdualstage1; unsigned int fcol; unsigned int stencil; unsigned int stencilctl; } drm_mga_context_regs_t; typedef struct { unsigned int pitch; } drm_mga_server_regs_t; typedef struct { unsigned int texctl; unsigned int texctl2; unsigned int texfilter; unsigned int texbordercol; unsigned int texorg; unsigned int texwidth; unsigned int texheight; unsigned int texorg1; unsigned int texorg2; unsigned int texorg3; unsigned int texorg4; } drm_mga_texture_regs_t; typedef struct { unsigned int head; unsigned int wrap; } drm_mga_age_t; typedef struct _drm_mga_sarea { drm_mga_context_regs_t context_state; drm_mga_server_regs_t server_state; drm_mga_texture_regs_t tex_state[2]; unsigned int warp_pipe; unsigned int dirty; unsigned int vertsize; struct drm_clip_rect boxes[MGA_NR_SAREA_CLIPRECTS]; unsigned int nbox; unsigned int req_drawable; unsigned int req_draw_buffer; unsigned int exported_drawable; unsigned int exported_index; unsigned int exported_stamp; unsigned int exported_buffers; unsigned int exported_nfront; unsigned int exported_nback; int exported_back_x, exported_front_x, exported_w; int exported_back_y, exported_front_y, exported_h; struct drm_clip_rect exported_boxes[MGA_NR_SAREA_CLIPRECTS]; unsigned int status[4]; unsigned int last_wrap; drm_mga_age_t last_frame; unsigned int last_enqueue; unsigned int last_dispatch; unsigned int last_quiescent; struct drm_tex_region texList[MGA_NR_TEX_HEAPS][MGA_NR_TEX_REGIONS + 1]; unsigned int texAge[MGA_NR_TEX_HEAPS]; int ctxOwner; } drm_mga_sarea_t; #define DRM_MGA_INIT 0x00 #define DRM_MGA_FLUSH 0x01 #define DRM_MGA_RESET 0x02 #define DRM_MGA_SWAP 0x03 #define DRM_MGA_CLEAR 0x04 #define DRM_MGA_VERTEX 0x05 #define DRM_MGA_INDICES 0x06 #define DRM_MGA_ILOAD 0x07 #define DRM_MGA_BLIT 0x08 #define DRM_MGA_GETPARAM 0x09 #define DRM_MGA_SET_FENCE 0x0a #define DRM_MGA_WAIT_FENCE 0x0b #define DRM_MGA_DMA_BOOTSTRAP 0x0c #define DRM_IOCTL_MGA_INIT DRM_IOW(DRM_COMMAND_BASE + DRM_MGA_INIT, drm_mga_init_t) #define DRM_IOCTL_MGA_FLUSH DRM_IOW(DRM_COMMAND_BASE + DRM_MGA_FLUSH, struct drm_lock) #define DRM_IOCTL_MGA_RESET DRM_IO(DRM_COMMAND_BASE + DRM_MGA_RESET) #define DRM_IOCTL_MGA_SWAP DRM_IO(DRM_COMMAND_BASE + DRM_MGA_SWAP) #define DRM_IOCTL_MGA_CLEAR DRM_IOW(DRM_COMMAND_BASE + DRM_MGA_CLEAR, drm_mga_clear_t) #define DRM_IOCTL_MGA_VERTEX DRM_IOW(DRM_COMMAND_BASE + DRM_MGA_VERTEX, drm_mga_vertex_t) #define DRM_IOCTL_MGA_INDICES DRM_IOW(DRM_COMMAND_BASE + DRM_MGA_INDICES, drm_mga_indices_t) #define DRM_IOCTL_MGA_ILOAD DRM_IOW(DRM_COMMAND_BASE + DRM_MGA_ILOAD, drm_mga_iload_t) #define DRM_IOCTL_MGA_BLIT DRM_IOW(DRM_COMMAND_BASE + DRM_MGA_BLIT, drm_mga_blit_t) #define DRM_IOCTL_MGA_GETPARAM DRM_IOWR(DRM_COMMAND_BASE + DRM_MGA_GETPARAM, drm_mga_getparam_t) #define DRM_IOCTL_MGA_SET_FENCE DRM_IOW(DRM_COMMAND_BASE + DRM_MGA_SET_FENCE, __u32) #define DRM_IOCTL_MGA_WAIT_FENCE DRM_IOWR(DRM_COMMAND_BASE + DRM_MGA_WAIT_FENCE, __u32) #define DRM_IOCTL_MGA_DMA_BOOTSTRAP DRM_IOWR(DRM_COMMAND_BASE + DRM_MGA_DMA_BOOTSTRAP, drm_mga_dma_bootstrap_t) typedef struct _drm_mga_warp_index { int installed; unsigned long phys_addr; int size; } drm_mga_warp_index_t; typedef struct drm_mga_init { enum { MGA_INIT_DMA = 0x01, MGA_CLEANUP_DMA = 0x02 } func; unsigned long sarea_priv_offset; __struct_group(, always32bit,, int chipset; int sgram; unsigned int maccess; unsigned int fb_cpp; unsigned int front_offset, front_pitch; unsigned int back_offset, back_pitch; unsigned int depth_cpp; unsigned int depth_offset, depth_pitch; unsigned int texture_offset[MGA_NR_TEX_HEAPS]; unsigned int texture_size[MGA_NR_TEX_HEAPS]; ); unsigned long fb_offset; unsigned long mmio_offset; unsigned long status_offset; unsigned long warp_offset; unsigned long primary_offset; unsigned long buffers_offset; } drm_mga_init_t; typedef struct drm_mga_dma_bootstrap { unsigned long texture_handle; __u32 texture_size; __u32 primary_size; __u32 secondary_bin_count; __u32 secondary_bin_size; __u32 agp_mode; __u8 agp_size; } drm_mga_dma_bootstrap_t; typedef struct drm_mga_clear { unsigned int flags; unsigned int clear_color; unsigned int clear_depth; unsigned int color_mask; unsigned int depth_mask; } drm_mga_clear_t; typedef struct drm_mga_vertex { int idx; int used; int discard; } drm_mga_vertex_t; typedef struct drm_mga_indices { int idx; unsigned int start; unsigned int end; int discard; } drm_mga_indices_t; typedef struct drm_mga_iload { int idx; unsigned int dstorg; unsigned int length; } drm_mga_iload_t; typedef struct _drm_mga_blit { unsigned int planemask; unsigned int srcorg; unsigned int dstorg; int src_pitch, dst_pitch; int delta_sx, delta_sy; int delta_dx, delta_dy; int height, ydir; int source_pitch, dest_pitch; } drm_mga_blit_t; #define MGA_PARAM_IRQ_NR 1 #define MGA_PARAM_CARD_TYPE 2 typedef struct drm_mga_getparam { int param; void __user * value; } drm_mga_getparam_t; #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #endif