#!/usr/bin/env python3 # # Copyright (C) 2018 The Android Open Source Project # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # """A command line utility to pull multiple change lists from Gerrit.""" from __future__ import print_function import argparse import collections import itertools import json import multiprocessing import os import os.path import re import sys import xml.dom.minidom from gerrit import ( create_url_opener_from_args, find_gerrit_name, normalize_gerrit_name, query_change_lists, run ) from subprocess import PIPE try: # pylint: disable=redefined-builtin from __builtin__ import raw_input as input # PY2 except ImportError: pass try: from shlex import quote as _sh_quote # PY3.3 except ImportError: # Shell language simple string pattern. If a string matches this pattern, # it doesn't have to be quoted. _SHELL_SIMPLE_PATTERN = re.compile('^[a-zA-Z90-9_./-]+$') def _sh_quote(txt): """Quote a string if it contains special characters.""" return txt if _SHELL_SIMPLE_PATTERN.match(txt) else json.dumps(txt) if bytes is str: def write_bytes(data, file): # PY2 """Write bytes to a file.""" # pylint: disable=redefined-builtin file.write(data) else: def write_bytes(data, file): # PY3 """Write bytes to a file.""" # pylint: disable=redefined-builtin file.buffer.write(data) def _confirm(question, default, file=sys.stderr): """Prompt a yes/no question and convert the answer to a boolean value.""" # pylint: disable=redefined-builtin answers = {'': default, 'y': True, 'yes': True, 'n': False, 'no': False} suffix = '[Y/n] ' if default else ' [y/N] ' while True: file.write(question + suffix) file.flush() ans = answers.get(input().lower()) if ans is not None: return ans class ChangeList(object): """A ChangeList to be checked out.""" # pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods,too-many-instance-attributes def __init__(self, project, fetch, commit_sha1, commit, change_list): """Initialize a ChangeList instance.""" # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments self.project = project self.number = change_list['_number'] self.fetch = fetch fetch_git = None for protocol in ('http', 'sso', 'rpc'): fetch_git = fetch.get(protocol) if fetch_git: break if not fetch_git: raise ValueError( 'unknown fetch protocols: ' + str(list(fetch.keys()))) self.fetch_url = fetch_git['url'] self.fetch_ref = fetch_git['ref'] self.commit_sha1 = commit_sha1 self.commit = commit self.parents = commit['parents'] self.change_list = change_list def is_merge(self): """Check whether this change list a merge commit.""" return len(self.parents) > 1 def find_repo_top(curdir): """Find the top directory for this git-repo source tree.""" olddir = None while curdir != olddir: if os.path.exists(os.path.join(curdir, '.repo')): return curdir olddir = curdir curdir = os.path.dirname(curdir) raise ValueError('.repo dir not found') def build_project_name_dir_dict(manifest_name): """Build the mapping from Gerrit project name to source tree project directory path.""" manifest_cmd = ['repo', 'manifest'] if manifest_name: manifest_cmd.extend(['-m', manifest_name]) raw_manifest_xml = run(manifest_cmd, stdout=PIPE, check=True).stdout manifest_xml = xml.dom.minidom.parseString(raw_manifest_xml) project_dirs = {} for project in manifest_xml.getElementsByTagName('project'): name = project.getAttribute('name') path = project.getAttribute('path') if path: project_dirs[name] = path else: project_dirs[name] = name return project_dirs def group_and_sort_change_lists(change_lists): """Build a dict that maps projects to a list of topologically sorted change lists.""" # Build a dict that map projects to dicts that map commits to changes. projects = collections.defaultdict(dict) for change_list in change_lists: commit_sha1 = None for commit_sha1, value in change_list['revisions'].items(): fetch = value['fetch'] commit = value['commit'] if not commit_sha1: raise ValueError('bad revision') project = change_list['project'] project_changes = projects[project] if commit_sha1 in project_changes: raise KeyError('repeated commit sha1 "{}" in project "{}"'.format( commit_sha1, project)) project_changes[commit_sha1] = ChangeList( project, fetch, commit_sha1, commit, change_list) # Sort all change lists in a project in post ordering. def _sort_project_change_lists(changes): visited_changes = set() sorted_changes = [] def _post_order_traverse(change): visited_changes.add(change) for parent in change.parents: parent_change = changes.get(parent['commit']) if parent_change and parent_change not in visited_changes: _post_order_traverse(parent_change) sorted_changes.append(change) for change in sorted(changes.values(), key=lambda x: x.number): if change not in visited_changes: _post_order_traverse(change) return sorted_changes # Sort changes in each projects sorted_changes = [] for project in sorted(projects.keys()): sorted_changes.append(_sort_project_change_lists(projects[project])) return sorted_changes def _main_json(args): """Print the change lists in JSON format.""" change_lists = _get_change_lists_from_args(args) json.dump(change_lists, sys.stdout, indent=4, separators=(', ', ': ')) print() # Print the end-of-line # Git commands for merge commits _MERGE_COMMANDS = { 'merge': ['git', 'merge', '--no-edit'], 'merge-ff-only': ['git', 'merge', '--no-edit', '--ff-only'], 'merge-no-ff': ['git', 'merge', '--no-edit', '--no-ff'], 'reset': ['git', 'reset', '--hard'], 'checkout': ['git', 'checkout'], } # Git commands for non-merge commits _PICK_COMMANDS = { 'pick': ['git', 'cherry-pick', '--allow-empty'], 'merge': ['git', 'merge', '--no-edit'], 'merge-ff-only': ['git', 'merge', '--no-edit', '--ff-only'], 'merge-no-ff': ['git', 'merge', '--no-edit', '--no-ff'], 'reset': ['git', 'reset', '--hard'], 'checkout': ['git', 'checkout'], } def build_pull_commands(change, branch_name, merge_opt, pick_opt): """Build command lines for each change. The command lines will be passed to subprocess.run().""" cmds = [] if branch_name is not None: cmds.append(['repo', 'start', branch_name]) cmds.append(['git', 'fetch', change.fetch_url, change.fetch_ref]) if change.is_merge(): cmds.append(_MERGE_COMMANDS[merge_opt] + ['FETCH_HEAD']) else: cmds.append(_PICK_COMMANDS[pick_opt] + ['FETCH_HEAD']) return cmds def _sh_quote_command(cmd): """Convert a command (an argument to subprocess.run()) to a shell command string.""" return ' '.join(_sh_quote(x) for x in cmd) def _sh_quote_commands(cmds): """Convert multiple commands (arguments to subprocess.run()) to shell command strings.""" return ' && '.join(_sh_quote_command(cmd) for cmd in cmds) def _main_bash(args): """Print the bash command to pull the change lists.""" repo_top = find_repo_top(os.getcwd()) project_dirs = build_project_name_dir_dict(args.manifest) branch_name = _get_local_branch_name_from_args(args) change_lists = _get_change_lists_from_args(args) change_list_groups = group_and_sort_change_lists(change_lists) print(_sh_quote_command(['pushd', repo_top])) for changes in change_list_groups: for change in changes: project_dir = project_dirs.get(change.project, change.project) cmds = [] cmds.append(['pushd', project_dir]) cmds.extend(build_pull_commands( change, branch_name, args.merge, args.pick)) cmds.append(['popd']) print(_sh_quote_commands(cmds)) print(_sh_quote_command(['popd'])) def _do_pull_change_lists_for_project(task): """Pick a list of changes (usually under a project directory).""" changes, task_opts = task branch_name = task_opts['branch_name'] merge_opt = task_opts['merge_opt'] pick_opt = task_opts['pick_opt'] project_dirs = task_opts['project_dirs'] repo_top = task_opts['repo_top'] for i, change in enumerate(changes): try: cwd = project_dirs[change.project] except KeyError: err_msg = 'error: project "{}" cannot be found in manifest.xml\n' err_msg = err_msg.format(change.project).encode('utf-8') return (change, changes[i + 1:], [], err_msg) print(change.commit_sha1[0:10], i + 1, cwd) cmds = build_pull_commands(change, branch_name, merge_opt, pick_opt) for cmd in cmds: proc = run(cmd, cwd=os.path.join(repo_top, cwd), stderr=PIPE) if proc.returncode != 0: return (change, changes[i + 1:], cmd, proc.stderr) return None def _print_pull_failures(failures, file=sys.stderr): """Print pull failures and tracebacks.""" # pylint: disable=redefined-builtin separator = '=' * 78 separator_sub = '-' * 78 print(separator, file=file) for failed_change, skipped_changes, cmd, errors in failures: print('PROJECT:', failed_change.project, file=file) print('FAILED COMMIT:', failed_change.commit_sha1, file=file) for change in skipped_changes: print('PENDING COMMIT:', change.commit_sha1, file=file) print(separator_sub, file=sys.stderr) print('FAILED COMMAND:', _sh_quote_command(cmd), file=file) write_bytes(errors, file=sys.stderr) print(separator, file=sys.stderr) def _main_pull(args): """Pull the change lists.""" repo_top = find_repo_top(os.getcwd()) project_dirs = build_project_name_dir_dict(args.manifest) branch_name = _get_local_branch_name_from_args(args) # Collect change lists change_lists = _get_change_lists_from_args(args) change_list_groups = group_and_sort_change_lists(change_lists) # Build the options list for tasks task_opts = { 'branch_name': branch_name, 'merge_opt': args.merge, 'pick_opt': args.pick, 'project_dirs': project_dirs, 'repo_top': repo_top, } # Run the commands to pull the change lists if args.parallel <= 1: results = [_do_pull_change_lists_for_project((changes, task_opts)) for changes in change_list_groups] else: pool = multiprocessing.Pool(processes=args.parallel) results = pool.map(_do_pull_change_lists_for_project, zip(change_list_groups, itertools.repeat(task_opts))) # Print failures and tracebacks failures = [result for result in results if result] if failures: _print_pull_failures(failures) sys.exit(1) def _parse_args(): """Parse command line options.""" parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('command', choices=['pull', 'bash', 'json'], help='Commands') parser.add_argument('query', help='Change list query string') parser.add_argument('-g', '--gerrit', help='Gerrit review URL') parser.add_argument('--gitcookies', default=os.path.expanduser('~/.gitcookies'), help='Gerrit cookie file') parser.add_argument('--manifest', help='Manifest') parser.add_argument('--limits', default=1000, type=int, help='Max number of change lists') parser.add_argument('--start', default=0, type=int, help='Skip first N changes in query') parser.add_argument('-m', '--merge', choices=sorted(_MERGE_COMMANDS.keys()), default='merge-ff-only', help='Method to pull merge commits') parser.add_argument('-p', '--pick', choices=sorted(_PICK_COMMANDS.keys()), default='pick', help='Method to pull merge commits') parser.add_argument('-b', '--branch', help='Local branch name for `repo start`') parser.add_argument('-j', '--parallel', default=1, type=int, help='Number of parallel running commands') return parser.parse_args() def _get_change_lists_from_args(args): """Query the change lists by args.""" url_opener = create_url_opener_from_args(args) return query_change_lists(url_opener, args.gerrit, args.query, args.start, args.limits) def _get_local_branch_name_from_args(args): """Get the local branch name from args.""" if not args.branch and not _confirm( 'Do you want to continue without local branch name?', False): print('error: `-b` or `--branch` must be specified', file=sys.stderr) sys.exit(1) return args.branch def main(): """Main function""" args = _parse_args() if args.gerrit: args.gerrit = normalize_gerrit_name(args.gerrit) else: try: args.gerrit = find_gerrit_name() # pylint: disable=bare-except except: print('gerrit instance not found, use [-g GERRIT]') sys.exit(1) if args.command == 'json': _main_json(args) elif args.command == 'bash': _main_bash(args) elif args.command == 'pull': _main_pull(args) else: raise KeyError('unknown command') if __name__ == '__main__': main()