/* * \file trc_frame_deformatter.cpp * \brief OpenCSD : * * \copyright Copyright (c) 2015, ARM Limited. All Rights Reserved. */ /* * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, * are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation * and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * 3. Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its contributors * may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without * specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS 'AS IS' AND * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED * WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. * IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, * INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES * (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; * LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND * ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS * SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include #include "common/trc_frame_deformatter.h" #include "trc_frame_deformatter_impl.h" /***************************************************************/ /* Implementation */ /***************************************************************/ #ifdef __GNUC__ // G++ doesn't like the ## pasting #define DEFORMATTER_NAME "DFMT_CSFRAMES" #else // VC is fine #define DEFORMATTER_NAME OCSD_CMPNAME_PREFIX_FRAMEDEFORMATTER##"_CSFRAMES" #endif TraceFmtDcdImpl::TraceFmtDcdImpl() : TraceComponent(DEFORMATTER_NAME), m_cfgFlags(0), m_force_sync_idx(0), m_use_force_sync(false), m_alignment(16), // assume frame aligned data as default. m_b_output_packed_raw(false), m_b_output_unpacked_raw(false), m_pStatsBlock(0) { resetStateParams(); setRawChanFilterAll(true); } TraceFmtDcdImpl::TraceFmtDcdImpl(int instNum) : TraceComponent(DEFORMATTER_NAME, instNum), m_cfgFlags(0), m_force_sync_idx(0), m_use_force_sync(false), m_alignment(16) { resetStateParams(); setRawChanFilterAll(true); } TraceFmtDcdImpl::~TraceFmtDcdImpl() { } ocsd_datapath_resp_t TraceFmtDcdImpl::TraceDataIn( const ocsd_datapath_op_t op, const ocsd_trc_index_t index, const uint32_t dataBlockSize, const uint8_t *pDataBlock, uint32_t *numBytesProcessed) { ocsd_datapath_resp_t resp = OCSD_RESP_FATAL_INVALID_OP; InitCollateDataPathResp(); m_b_output_packed_raw = m_RawTraceFrame.num_attached() && ((m_cfgFlags & OCSD_DFRMTR_PACKED_RAW_OUT) != 0); m_b_output_unpacked_raw = m_RawTraceFrame.num_attached() && ((m_cfgFlags & OCSD_DFRMTR_UNPACKED_RAW_OUT) != 0); switch(op) { case OCSD_OP_RESET: resp = Reset(); break; case OCSD_OP_FLUSH: resp = Flush(); break; case OCSD_OP_EOT: // local 'flush' here? // pass on EOT to connected ID streams resp = executeNoneDataOpAllIDs(OCSD_OP_EOT); break; case OCSD_OP_DATA: if((dataBlockSize <= 0) || ( pDataBlock == 0) || (numBytesProcessed == 0)) resp = OCSD_RESP_FATAL_INVALID_PARAM; else resp = processTraceData(index,dataBlockSize, pDataBlock, numBytesProcessed); break; default: break; } return resp; } /* enable / disable ID streams - default as all enabled */ ocsd_err_t TraceFmtDcdImpl::OutputFilterIDs(std::vector &id_list, bool bEnable) { ocsd_err_t err = OCSD_OK; std::vector::iterator iter = id_list.begin(); uint8_t id = 0; while((iter < id_list.end()) && (err == OCSD_OK)) { id = *iter; if(id > 128) err = OCSD_ERR_INVALID_ID; else { m_IDStreams[id].set_enabled(bEnable); m_raw_chan_enable[id] = bEnable; } iter++; } return err; } ocsd_err_t TraceFmtDcdImpl::OutputFilterAllIDs(bool bEnable) { for(uint8_t id = 0; id < 128; id++) { m_IDStreams[id].set_enabled(bEnable); } setRawChanFilterAll(bEnable); return OCSD_OK; } void TraceFmtDcdImpl::setRawChanFilterAll(bool bEnable) { for(int i=0; i<128; i++) { m_raw_chan_enable[i] = bEnable; } } const bool TraceFmtDcdImpl::rawChanEnabled(const uint8_t id) const { if(id < 128) return m_raw_chan_enable[id]; return false; } /* decode control */ ocsd_datapath_resp_t TraceFmtDcdImpl::Reset() { resetStateParams(); InitCollateDataPathResp(); return executeNoneDataOpAllIDs(OCSD_OP_RESET); } ocsd_datapath_resp_t TraceFmtDcdImpl::Flush() { executeNoneDataOpAllIDs(OCSD_OP_FLUSH); // flush any upstream data. if(dataPathCont()) outputFrame(); // try to flush any partial frame data remaining return highestDataPathResp(); } ocsd_datapath_resp_t TraceFmtDcdImpl::executeNoneDataOpAllIDs(ocsd_datapath_op_t op, const ocsd_trc_index_t index /* = 0*/) { ITrcDataIn *pTrcComp = 0; for(uint8_t id = 0; id < 128; id++) { if(m_IDStreams[id].num_attached()) { pTrcComp = m_IDStreams[id].first(); while(pTrcComp) { CollateDataPathResp(pTrcComp->TraceDataIn(op,index,0,0,0)); pTrcComp = m_IDStreams[id].next(); } } } if( m_RawTraceFrame.num_attached()) { if(m_RawTraceFrame.first()) m_RawTraceFrame.first()->TraceRawFrameIn(op,0,OCSD_FRM_NONE,0,0,0); } return highestDataPathResp(); } void TraceFmtDcdImpl::outputRawMonBytes(const ocsd_datapath_op_t op, const ocsd_trc_index_t index, const ocsd_rawframe_elem_t frame_element, const int dataBlockSize, const uint8_t *pDataBlock, const uint8_t traceID) { if( m_RawTraceFrame.num_attached()) { if(m_RawTraceFrame.first()) m_RawTraceFrame.first()->TraceRawFrameIn(op,index,frame_element,dataBlockSize, pDataBlock,traceID); } } void TraceFmtDcdImpl::CollateDataPathResp(const ocsd_datapath_resp_t resp) { // simple most severe error across multiple IDs. if(resp > m_highestResp) m_highestResp = resp; } ocsd_datapath_resp_t TraceFmtDcdImpl::processTraceData( const ocsd_trc_index_t index, const uint32_t dataBlockSize, const uint8_t *pDataBlock, uint32_t *numBytesProcessed ) { try { if(!m_first_data) // is this the initial data block? { m_trc_curr_idx = index; } else { if(m_trc_curr_idx != index) // none continuous trace data - throw an error. throw ocsdError(OCSD_ERR_SEV_ERROR,OCSD_ERR_DFMTR_NOTCONTTRACE,index); } if(dataBlockSize % m_alignment) // must be correctly aligned data { ocsdError err(OCSD_ERR_SEV_ERROR, OCSD_ERR_INVALID_PARAM_VAL); char msg_buffer[64]; sprintf(msg_buffer,"Input block incorrect size, must be %d byte multiple", m_alignment); err.setMessage(msg_buffer); throw ocsdError(&err); } // record the incoming block for extraction routines to use. m_in_block_base = pDataBlock; m_in_block_size = dataBlockSize; m_in_block_processed = 0; // processing loop... if(checkForSync()) { bool bProcessing = true; while(bProcessing) { bProcessing = extractFrame(); // will stop on end of input data. if(bProcessing) bProcessing = unpackFrame(); if(bProcessing) bProcessing = outputFrame(); // will stop on data path halt. } } } catch(const ocsdError &err) { LogError(err); CollateDataPathResp(OCSD_RESP_FATAL_INVALID_DATA); } catch(...) { LogError(ocsdError(OCSD_ERR_SEV_ERROR, OCSD_ERR_FAIL)); CollateDataPathResp(OCSD_RESP_FATAL_SYS_ERR); } if(!m_first_data) m_first_data = true; // update the outputs. *numBytesProcessed = m_in_block_processed; return highestDataPathResp(); } ocsd_err_t TraceFmtDcdImpl::DecodeConfigure(uint32_t flags) { const char *pszErrMsg = ""; ocsd_err_t err = OCSD_OK; if((flags & ~OCSD_DFRMTR_VALID_MASK) != 0) { err = OCSD_ERR_INVALID_PARAM_VAL; pszErrMsg = "Unknown Config Flags"; } if((flags & OCSD_DFRMTR_VALID_MASK) == 0) { err = OCSD_ERR_INVALID_PARAM_VAL; pszErrMsg = "No Config Flags Set"; } if((flags & (OCSD_DFRMTR_HAS_FSYNCS | OCSD_DFRMTR_HAS_HSYNCS)) && (flags & OCSD_DFRMTR_FRAME_MEM_ALIGN) ) { err = OCSD_ERR_INVALID_PARAM_VAL; pszErrMsg = "Invalid Config Flag Combination Set"; } if(err != OCSD_OK) { ocsdError errObj(OCSD_ERR_SEV_ERROR,OCSD_ERR_INVALID_PARAM_VAL); errObj.setMessage(pszErrMsg); LogError(errObj); } else { m_cfgFlags = flags; m_alignment = 16; if(flags & OCSD_DFRMTR_HAS_FSYNCS) m_alignment = 4; else if(flags & OCSD_DFRMTR_HAS_HSYNCS) m_alignment = 2; } return err; } void TraceFmtDcdImpl::resetStateParams() { // overall dynamic state - intra frame m_trc_curr_idx = OCSD_BAD_TRC_INDEX; /* source index of current trace data */ m_frame_synced = false; m_first_data = false; m_curr_src_ID = OCSD_BAD_CS_SRC_ID; // current frame processing m_ex_frm_n_bytes = 0; m_trc_curr_idx_sof = OCSD_BAD_TRC_INDEX; } bool TraceFmtDcdImpl::checkForSync() { // we can sync on:- // 16 byte alignment - standard input buffers such as ETB // FSYNC packets in the stream // forced index programmed into the object. uint32_t unsynced_bytes = 0; if(!m_frame_synced) { if(m_use_force_sync) { // is the force sync point in this block? if((m_force_sync_idx >= m_trc_curr_idx) && (m_force_sync_idx < (m_trc_curr_idx + m_in_block_size))) { unsynced_bytes = m_force_sync_idx - m_trc_curr_idx; m_frame_synced = true; } else { unsynced_bytes = m_in_block_size; } } else if( m_cfgFlags & OCSD_DFRMTR_HAS_FSYNCS) // memory aligned data { unsynced_bytes = findfirstFSync(); } else { // OCSD_DFRMTR_FRAME_MEM_ALIGN - this has guaranteed 16 byte frame size and alignment. m_frame_synced = true; } if(unsynced_bytes) { outputUnsyncedBytes(unsynced_bytes); m_in_block_processed = unsynced_bytes; m_trc_curr_idx += unsynced_bytes; } } return m_frame_synced; } uint32_t TraceFmtDcdImpl::findfirstFSync() { uint32_t processed = 0; const uint32_t FSYNC_PATTERN = 0x7FFFFFFF; // LE host pattern for FSYNC const uint8_t *dataPtr = m_in_block_base; while (processed < (m_in_block_size - 3)) { if (*((uint32_t *)(dataPtr)) == FSYNC_PATTERN) { m_frame_synced = true; break; } processed++; dataPtr++; } return processed; } void TraceFmtDcdImpl::outputUnsyncedBytes(uint32_t /*num_bytes*/) { //**TBD: } int TraceFmtDcdImpl::checkForResetFSyncPatterns() { const uint32_t FSYNC_PATTERN = 0x7FFFFFFF; // LE host pattern for FSYNC bool check_for_fsync = true; int num_fsyncs = 0; const uint8_t *dataPtr = m_in_block_base + m_in_block_processed; while (check_for_fsync && (m_in_block_processed < m_in_block_size)) { // look for consecutive fsyncs as padding or for reset downstream - both cases will reset downstream.... if (*((uint32_t *)(dataPtr)) == FSYNC_PATTERN) { dataPtr += sizeof(uint32_t); num_fsyncs++; } else check_for_fsync = false; } if (num_fsyncs) { if ((num_fsyncs % 4) == 0) { // reset the upstream decoders executeNoneDataOpAllIDs(OCSD_OP_RESET,m_trc_curr_idx); // reset the intra frame parameters m_curr_src_ID = OCSD_BAD_CS_SRC_ID; m_ex_frm_n_bytes = 0; m_trc_curr_idx_sof = OCSD_BAD_TRC_INDEX; } else { // TBD: throw processing error, none frame size block of fsyncs } } return num_fsyncs * 4; } bool TraceFmtDcdImpl::extractFrame() { const uint32_t FSYNC_PATTERN = 0x7FFFFFFF; // LE host pattern for FSYNC const uint16_t HSYNC_PATTERN = 0x7FFF; // LE host pattern for HSYNC bool cont_process = true; // continue processing after extraction. uint32_t f_sync_bytes = 0; // skipped f sync bytes uint32_t h_sync_bytes = 0; // skipped h sync bytes uint32_t ex_bytes = 0; // extracted this pass (may be filling out part frame) // memory aligned sources are always multiples of frames, aligned to start. if( m_cfgFlags & OCSD_DFRMTR_FRAME_MEM_ALIGN) { // some linux drivers (e.g. for perf) will insert FSYNCS to pad or differentiate // between blocks of aligned data, always in frame aligned complete 16 byte frames. if (m_cfgFlags & OCSD_DFRMTR_RESET_ON_4X_FSYNC) { f_sync_bytes = checkForResetFSyncPatterns(); /* in this case the FSYNC pattern is output on both packed and unpacked cases */ if (f_sync_bytes && (m_b_output_packed_raw || m_b_output_unpacked_raw)) { outputRawMonBytes(OCSD_OP_DATA, m_trc_curr_idx, OCSD_FRM_FSYNC, f_sync_bytes, m_in_block_base + m_in_block_processed, 0); } } if((m_in_block_processed+f_sync_bytes) == m_in_block_size) { m_ex_frm_n_bytes = 0; cont_process = false; // end of input data. } else { // always a complete frame. m_ex_frm_n_bytes = OCSD_DFRMTR_FRAME_SIZE; memcpy(m_ex_frm_data, m_in_block_base + m_in_block_processed + f_sync_bytes, m_ex_frm_n_bytes); m_trc_curr_idx_sof = m_trc_curr_idx + f_sync_bytes; ex_bytes = OCSD_DFRMTR_FRAME_SIZE; } } else { // extract data accounting for frame syncs and hsyncs if present. // we know we are aligned at this point - could be FSYNC or HSYNCs here. // check what we a looking for bool hasFSyncs = ((m_cfgFlags & OCSD_DFRMTR_HAS_FSYNCS) == OCSD_DFRMTR_HAS_FSYNCS); bool hasHSyncs = ((m_cfgFlags & OCSD_DFRMTR_HAS_HSYNCS) == OCSD_DFRMTR_HAS_HSYNCS); const uint8_t *dataPtr = m_in_block_base+m_in_block_processed; const uint8_t *eodPtr = m_in_block_base+m_in_block_size; cont_process = (bool)(dataPtr < eodPtr); // can have FSYNCS at start of frame (in middle is an error). if(hasFSyncs && cont_process && (m_ex_frm_n_bytes == 0)) { while((*((uint32_t *)(dataPtr)) == FSYNC_PATTERN) && cont_process) { f_sync_bytes += 4; dataPtr += 4; cont_process = (bool)(dataPtr < eodPtr); } } // not an FSYNC while((m_ex_frm_n_bytes < OCSD_DFRMTR_FRAME_SIZE) && cont_process) { // check for illegal out of sequence FSYNC if((m_ex_frm_n_bytes % 4) == 0) { if(*((uint32_t *)(dataPtr)) == FSYNC_PATTERN) { // throw an illegal FSYNC error throw ocsdError(OCSD_ERR_SEV_ERROR, OCSD_ERR_DFMTR_BAD_FHSYNC, m_trc_curr_idx, "Bad FSYNC in frame."); } } // mark start of frame after FSyncs if(m_ex_frm_n_bytes == 0) m_trc_curr_idx_sof = m_trc_curr_idx + f_sync_bytes; m_ex_frm_data[m_ex_frm_n_bytes] = dataPtr[0]; m_ex_frm_data[m_ex_frm_n_bytes+1] = dataPtr[1]; m_ex_frm_n_bytes+=2; ex_bytes +=2; // check pair is not HSYNC if(*((uint16_t *)(dataPtr)) == HSYNC_PATTERN) { if(hasHSyncs) { m_ex_frm_n_bytes-=2; ex_bytes -= 2; h_sync_bytes+=2; } else { // throw illegal HSYNC error. throw ocsdError(OCSD_ERR_SEV_ERROR, OCSD_ERR_DFMTR_BAD_FHSYNC, m_trc_curr_idx, "Bad HSYNC in frame."); } } dataPtr += 2; cont_process = (bool)(dataPtr < eodPtr); } // if we hit the end of data but still have a complete frame waiting, // need to continue processing to allow it to be used. if(!cont_process && (m_ex_frm_n_bytes == OCSD_DFRMTR_FRAME_SIZE)) cont_process = true; } // total bytes processed this pass uint32_t total_processed = ex_bytes + f_sync_bytes + h_sync_bytes; // output raw data on raw frame channel - packed raw. if (((m_ex_frm_n_bytes == OCSD_DFRMTR_FRAME_SIZE) || !cont_process) && m_b_output_packed_raw) { outputRawMonBytes( OCSD_OP_DATA, m_trc_curr_idx, OCSD_FRM_PACKED, total_processed, m_in_block_base+m_in_block_processed, 0); } // update the processed count for the buffer m_in_block_processed += total_processed; // update index past the processed data m_trc_curr_idx += total_processed; // update any none trace data byte stats addToFrameStats((uint64_t)(f_sync_bytes + h_sync_bytes)); return cont_process; } bool TraceFmtDcdImpl::unpackFrame() { // unpack cannot fail as never called on incomplete frame. uint8_t frameFlagBit = 0x1; uint8_t newSrcID = OCSD_BAD_CS_SRC_ID; bool PrevIDandIDChange = false; uint64_t noneDataBytes = 0; // init output processing m_out_data_idx = 0; m_out_processed = 0; // set up first out data packet... m_out_data[m_out_data_idx].id = m_curr_src_ID; m_out_data[m_out_data_idx].valid = 0; m_out_data[m_out_data_idx].index = m_trc_curr_idx_sof; m_out_data[m_out_data_idx].used = 0; // work on byte pairs - bytes 0 - 13. for(int i = 0; i < 14; i+=2) { PrevIDandIDChange = false; // it's an ID + data if(m_ex_frm_data[i] & 0x1) { newSrcID = (m_ex_frm_data[i] >> 1) & 0x7f; if(newSrcID != m_curr_src_ID) // ID change { PrevIDandIDChange = ((frameFlagBit & m_ex_frm_data[15]) != 0); // following byte for old id? if(PrevIDandIDChange) // 2nd byte always data m_out_data[m_out_data_idx].data[m_out_data[m_out_data_idx].valid++] = m_ex_frm_data[i+1]; // change ID m_curr_src_ID = newSrcID; // if we already have data in this buffer if(m_out_data[m_out_data_idx].valid > 0) { m_out_data_idx++; // move to next buffer m_out_data[m_out_data_idx].valid = 0; m_out_data[m_out_data_idx].used = 0; m_out_data[m_out_data_idx].index = m_trc_curr_idx_sof + i; } // set new ID on buffer m_out_data[m_out_data_idx].id = m_curr_src_ID; /// TBD - ID indexing in here. } noneDataBytes++; } else // it's just data { m_out_data[m_out_data_idx].data[m_out_data[m_out_data_idx].valid++] = m_ex_frm_data[i] | ((frameFlagBit & m_ex_frm_data[15]) ? 0x1 : 0x0); } // 2nd byte always data if(!PrevIDandIDChange) // output only if we didn't for an ID change + prev ID. m_out_data[m_out_data_idx].data[m_out_data[m_out_data_idx].valid++] = m_ex_frm_data[i+1]; frameFlagBit <<= 1; } // unpack byte 14; // it's an ID if(m_ex_frm_data[14] & 0x1) { // no matter if change or not, no associated data in byte 15 anyway so just set. m_curr_src_ID = (m_ex_frm_data[14] >> 1) & 0x7f; noneDataBytes++; } // it's data else { m_out_data[m_out_data_idx].data[m_out_data[m_out_data_idx].valid++] = m_ex_frm_data[14] | ((frameFlagBit & m_ex_frm_data[15]) ? 0x1 : 0x0); } m_ex_frm_n_bytes = 0; // mark frame as empty; noneDataBytes++; // byte 15 is always non-data. addToFrameStats(noneDataBytes); // update the non data byte stats. return true; } // output data to channels. bool TraceFmtDcdImpl::outputFrame() { bool cont_processing = true; ITrcDataIn *pDataIn = 0; uint32_t bytes_used; // output each valid ID within the frame - stopping if we get a wait or error while((m_out_processed < (m_out_data_idx + 1)) && cont_processing) { // may have data prior to a valid ID appearing if(m_out_data[m_out_processed].id != OCSD_BAD_CS_SRC_ID) { if((pDataIn = m_IDStreams[m_out_data[m_out_processed].id].first()) != 0) { // log the stuff we are about to put out early so as to make it visible before interpretation // however, don't re-output if only part used first time round. if(m_b_output_unpacked_raw && (m_out_data[m_out_processed].used == 0) && rawChanEnabled( m_out_data[m_out_processed].id)) { outputRawMonBytes( OCSD_OP_DATA, m_out_data[m_out_processed].index, OCSD_FRM_ID_DATA, m_out_data[m_out_processed].valid, m_out_data[m_out_processed].data, m_out_data[m_out_processed].id); } // output to the connected packet process CollateDataPathResp(pDataIn->TraceDataIn(OCSD_OP_DATA, m_out_data[m_out_processed].index + m_out_data[m_out_processed].used, m_out_data[m_out_processed].valid - m_out_data[m_out_processed].used, m_out_data[m_out_processed].data + m_out_data[m_out_processed].used, &bytes_used)); addToIDStats((uint64_t)bytes_used); if(!dataPathCont()) { cont_processing = false; m_out_data[m_out_processed].used += bytes_used; if(m_out_data[m_out_processed].used == m_out_data[m_out_processed].valid) m_out_processed++; // we have used up all this data. } else { m_out_processed++; // we have sent this data; } } else { // optional raw output for debugging / monitor tools if(m_b_output_unpacked_raw && rawChanEnabled( m_out_data[m_out_processed].id)) { outputRawMonBytes( OCSD_OP_DATA, m_out_data[m_out_processed].index, OCSD_FRM_ID_DATA, m_out_data[m_out_processed].valid, m_out_data[m_out_processed].data, m_out_data[m_out_processed].id); } if (isReservedID(m_out_data[m_out_processed].id)) addToReservedIDStats((uint64_t)m_out_data[m_out_processed].valid); else addToNoIDStats((uint64_t)m_out_data[m_out_processed].valid); m_out_processed++; // skip past this data. } } else { // optional raw output for debugging / monitor tools of unknown src ID data if(m_b_output_unpacked_raw) { outputRawMonBytes( OCSD_OP_DATA, m_out_data[m_out_processed].index, OCSD_FRM_ID_DATA, m_out_data[m_out_processed].valid, m_out_data[m_out_processed].data, m_out_data[m_out_processed].id); } addToUnknownIDStats((uint64_t)m_out_data[m_out_processed].valid); m_out_processed++; // skip past this data. } } return cont_processing; } void TraceFmtDcdImpl::addToIDStats(uint64_t val) { if (m_pStatsBlock) m_pStatsBlock->valid_id_bytes += val; } void TraceFmtDcdImpl::addToNoIDStats(uint64_t val) { if (m_pStatsBlock) m_pStatsBlock->no_id_bytes += val; } void TraceFmtDcdImpl::addToFrameStats(uint64_t val) { if (m_pStatsBlock) m_pStatsBlock->frame_bytes += val; } void TraceFmtDcdImpl::addToUnknownIDStats(uint64_t val) { if (m_pStatsBlock) m_pStatsBlock->unknown_id_bytes += val; } void TraceFmtDcdImpl::addToReservedIDStats(uint64_t val) { if (m_pStatsBlock) m_pStatsBlock->reserved_id_bytes += val; } /***************************************************************/ /* interface */ /***************************************************************/ TraceFormatterFrameDecoder::TraceFormatterFrameDecoder() : m_pDecoder(0) { m_instNum = -1; } TraceFormatterFrameDecoder::TraceFormatterFrameDecoder(int instNum) : m_pDecoder(0) { m_instNum = instNum; } TraceFormatterFrameDecoder::~TraceFormatterFrameDecoder() { if(m_pDecoder) { delete m_pDecoder; m_pDecoder = 0; } } /* the data input interface from the reader / source */ ocsd_datapath_resp_t TraceFormatterFrameDecoder::TraceDataIn( const ocsd_datapath_op_t op, const ocsd_trc_index_t index, const uint32_t dataBlockSize, const uint8_t *pDataBlock, uint32_t *numBytesProcessed) { return (m_pDecoder == 0) ? OCSD_RESP_FATAL_NOT_INIT : m_pDecoder->TraceDataIn(op,index,dataBlockSize,pDataBlock,numBytesProcessed); } /* attach a data processor to a stream ID output */ componentAttachPt *TraceFormatterFrameDecoder::getIDStreamAttachPt(uint8_t ID) { componentAttachPt *pAttachPt = 0; if((ID < 128) && (m_pDecoder != 0)) pAttachPt = &(m_pDecoder->m_IDStreams[ID]); return pAttachPt; } /* attach a data processor to the raw frame output */ componentAttachPt *TraceFormatterFrameDecoder::getTrcRawFrameAttachPt() { return (m_pDecoder != 0) ? &m_pDecoder->m_RawTraceFrame : 0; } componentAttachPt *TraceFormatterFrameDecoder::getTrcSrcIndexAttachPt() { return (m_pDecoder != 0) ? &m_pDecoder->m_SrcIndexer : 0; } componentAttachPt *TraceFormatterFrameDecoder::getErrLogAttachPt() { return (m_pDecoder != 0) ? m_pDecoder->getErrorLogAttachPt() : 0; } /* configuration - set operational mode for incoming stream (has FSYNCS etc) */ ocsd_err_t TraceFormatterFrameDecoder::Configure(uint32_t cfg_flags) { if(!m_pDecoder) { if(m_instNum >= 0) m_pDecoder = new (std::nothrow) TraceFmtDcdImpl(m_instNum); else m_pDecoder = new (std::nothrow) TraceFmtDcdImpl(); if(!m_pDecoder) return OCSD_ERR_MEM; } m_pDecoder->DecodeConfigure(cfg_flags); return OCSD_OK; } const uint32_t TraceFormatterFrameDecoder::getConfigFlags() const { uint32_t flags = 0; if(m_pDecoder) flags = m_pDecoder->m_cfgFlags; return flags; } /* enable / disable ID streams - default as all enabled */ ocsd_err_t TraceFormatterFrameDecoder::OutputFilterIDs(std::vector &id_list, bool bEnable) { return (m_pDecoder == 0) ? OCSD_ERR_NOT_INIT : m_pDecoder->OutputFilterIDs(id_list,bEnable); } ocsd_err_t TraceFormatterFrameDecoder::OutputFilterAllIDs(bool bEnable) { return (m_pDecoder == 0) ? OCSD_ERR_NOT_INIT : m_pDecoder->OutputFilterAllIDs(bEnable); } /* decode control */ ocsd_datapath_resp_t TraceFormatterFrameDecoder::Reset() { return (m_pDecoder == 0) ? OCSD_RESP_FATAL_NOT_INIT : m_pDecoder->Reset(); } ocsd_datapath_resp_t TraceFormatterFrameDecoder::Flush() { return (m_pDecoder == 0) ? OCSD_RESP_FATAL_NOT_INIT : m_pDecoder->Flush(); } void TraceFormatterFrameDecoder::SetDemuxStatsBlock(ocsd_demux_stats_t *pStatsBlock) { if (m_pDecoder) m_pDecoder->SetDemuxStatsBlock(pStatsBlock); } /* End of File trc_frame_deformatter.cpp */