// Copyright 2017, The Go Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. package diff import ( "fmt" "math/rand" "strings" "testing" "unicode" ) func TestDifference(t *testing.T) { tests := []struct { // Before passing x and y to Difference, we strip all spaces so that // they can be used by the test author to indicate a missing symbol // in one of the lists. x, y string want string // '|' separated list of possible outputs }{{ x: "", y: "", want: "", }, { x: "#", y: "#", want: ".", }, { x: "##", y: "# ", want: ".X|X.", }, { x: "a#", y: "A ", want: "MX", }, { x: "#a", y: " A", want: "XM", }, { x: "# ", y: "##", want: ".Y|Y.", }, { x: " #", y: "@#", want: "Y.", }, { x: "@#", y: " #", want: "X.", }, { x: "##########0123456789", y: " 0123456789", want: "XXXXXXXXXX..........", }, { x: " 0123456789", y: "##########0123456789", want: "YYYYYYYYYY..........", }, { x: "#####0123456789#####", y: " 0123456789 ", want: "XXXXX..........XXXXX", }, { x: " 0123456789 ", y: "#####0123456789#####", want: "YYYYY..........YYYYY", }, { x: "01234##########56789", y: "01234 56789", want: ".....XXXXXXXXXX.....", }, { x: "01234 56789", y: "01234##########56789", want: ".....YYYYYYYYYY.....", }, { x: "0123456789##########", y: "0123456789 ", want: "..........XXXXXXXXXX", }, { x: "0123456789 ", y: "0123456789##########", want: "..........YYYYYYYYYY", }, { x: "abcdefghij0123456789", y: "ABCDEFGHIJ0123456789", want: "MMMMMMMMMM..........", }, { x: "ABCDEFGHIJ0123456789", y: "abcdefghij0123456789", want: "MMMMMMMMMM..........", }, { x: "01234abcdefghij56789", y: "01234ABCDEFGHIJ56789", want: ".....MMMMMMMMMM.....", }, { x: "01234ABCDEFGHIJ56789", y: "01234abcdefghij56789", want: ".....MMMMMMMMMM.....", }, { x: "0123456789abcdefghij", y: "0123456789ABCDEFGHIJ", want: "..........MMMMMMMMMM", }, { x: "0123456789ABCDEFGHIJ", y: "0123456789abcdefghij", want: "..........MMMMMMMMMM", }, { x: "ABCDEFGHIJ0123456789 ", y: " 0123456789abcdefghij", want: "XXXXXXXXXX..........YYYYYYYYYY", }, { x: " 0123456789abcdefghij", y: "ABCDEFGHIJ0123456789 ", want: "YYYYYYYYYY..........XXXXXXXXXX", }, { x: "ABCDE0123456789 FGHIJ", y: " 0123456789abcdefghij", want: "XXXXX..........YYYYYMMMMM", }, { x: " 0123456789abcdefghij", y: "ABCDE0123456789 FGHIJ", want: "YYYYY..........XXXXXMMMMM", }, { x: "ABCDE01234F G H I J 56789 ", y: " 01234 a b c d e56789fghij", want: "XXXXX.....XYXYXYXYXY.....YYYYY", }, { x: " 01234a b c d e 56789fghij", y: "ABCDE01234 F G H I J56789 ", want: "YYYYY.....XYXYXYXYXY.....XXXXX", }, { x: "FGHIJ01234ABCDE56789 ", y: " 01234abcde56789fghij", want: "XXXXX.....MMMMM.....YYYYY", }, { x: " 01234abcde56789fghij", y: "FGHIJ01234ABCDE56789 ", want: "YYYYY.....MMMMM.....XXXXX", }, { x: "ABCAB BA ", y: " C BABAC", want: "XX.X.Y..Y|XX.Y.X..Y", }, { x: "# #### ###", y: "#y####yy###", want: ".Y....YY...", }, { x: "# #### # ##x#x", y: "#y####y y## # ", want: ".Y....YXY..X.X", }, { x: "###z#z###### x #", y: "#y##Z#Z###### yy#", want: ".Y..M.M......XYY.", }, { x: "0 12z3x 456789 x x 0", y: "0y12Z3 y456789y y y0", want: ".Y..M.XY......YXYXY.|.Y..M.XY......XYXYY.", }, { x: "0 2 4 6 8 ..................abXXcdEXF.ghXi", y: " 1 3 5 7 9..................AB CDE F.GH I", want: "XYXYXYXYXY..................MMXXMM.X..MMXM", }, { x: "I HG.F EDC BA..................9 7 5 3 1 ", y: "iXhg.FXEdcXXba.................. 8 6 4 2 0", want: "MYMM..Y.MMYYMM..................XYXYXYXYXY", }, { x: "x1234", y: " 1234", want: "X....", }, { x: "x123x4", y: " 123 4", want: "X...X.", }, { x: "x1234x56", y: " 1234 ", want: "X....XXX", }, { x: "x1234xxx56", y: " 1234 56", want: "X....XXX..", }, { x: ".1234...ab", y: " 1234 AB", want: "X....XXXMM", }, { x: "x1234xxab.", y: " 1234 AB ", want: "X....XXMMX", }, { x: " 0123456789", y: "9012345678 ", want: "Y.........X", }, { x: " 0123456789", y: "8901234567 ", want: "YY........XX", }, { x: " 0123456789", y: "7890123456 ", want: "YYY.......XXX", }, { x: " 0123456789", y: "6789012345 ", want: "YYYY......XXXX", }, { x: "0123456789 ", y: " 5678901234", want: "XXXXX.....YYYYY|YYYYY.....XXXXX", }, { x: "0123456789 ", y: " 4567890123", want: "XXXX......YYYY", }, { x: "0123456789 ", y: " 3456789012", want: "XXX.......YYY", }, { x: "0123456789 ", y: " 2345678901", want: "XX........YY", }, { x: "0123456789 ", y: " 1234567890", want: "X.........Y", }, { x: "0 1 2 3 45 6 7 8 9 ", y: " 9 8 7 6 54 3 2 1 0", want: "XYXYXYXYX.YXYXYXYXY", }, { x: "0 1 2345678 9 ", y: " 6 72 5 819034", want: "XYXY.XX.XX.Y.YYY", }, { x: "F B Q M O I G T L N72X90 E 4S P 651HKRJU DA 83CVZW", y: " 5 W H XO10R9IV K ZLCTAJ8P3N SEQM4 7 2G6 UBD F ", want: "XYXYXYXY.YYYY.YXYXY.YYYYYYY.XXXXXY.YY.XYXYY.XXXXXX.Y.XYXXXXXX", }} for _, tt := range tests { t.Run("", func(t *testing.T) { x := strings.Replace(tt.x, " ", "", -1) y := strings.Replace(tt.y, " ", "", -1) es := testStrings(t, x, y) var want string got := es.String() for _, want = range strings.Split(tt.want, "|") { if got == want { return } } t.Errorf("Difference(%s, %s):\ngot %s\nwant %s", x, y, got, want) }) } } func TestDifferenceFuzz(t *testing.T) { tests := []struct{ px, py, pm float32 }{ {px: 0.0, py: 0.0, pm: 0.1}, {px: 0.0, py: 0.1, pm: 0.0}, {px: 0.1, py: 0.0, pm: 0.0}, {px: 0.0, py: 0.1, pm: 0.1}, {px: 0.1, py: 0.0, pm: 0.1}, {px: 0.2, py: 0.2, pm: 0.2}, {px: 0.3, py: 0.1, pm: 0.2}, {px: 0.1, py: 0.3, pm: 0.2}, {px: 0.2, py: 0.2, pm: 0.2}, {px: 0.3, py: 0.3, pm: 0.3}, {px: 0.1, py: 0.1, pm: 0.5}, {px: 0.4, py: 0.1, pm: 0.5}, {px: 0.3, py: 0.2, pm: 0.5}, {px: 0.2, py: 0.3, pm: 0.5}, {px: 0.1, py: 0.4, pm: 0.5}, } for i, tt := range tests { t.Run(fmt.Sprintf("P%d", i), func(t *testing.T) { // Sweep from 1B to 1KiB. for n := 1; n <= 1024; n <<= 1 { t.Run(fmt.Sprintf("N%d", n), func(t *testing.T) { for j := 0; j < 10; j++ { x, y := generateStrings(n, tt.px, tt.py, tt.pm, int64(j)) testStrings(t, x, y) } }) } }) } } func BenchmarkDifference(b *testing.B) { for n := 1 << 10; n <= 1<<20; n <<= 2 { b.Run(fmt.Sprintf("N%d", n), func(b *testing.B) { x, y := generateStrings(n, 0.05, 0.05, 0.10, 0) b.ReportAllocs() b.SetBytes(int64(len(x) + len(y))) for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ { Difference(len(x), len(y), func(ix, iy int) Result { return compareByte(x[ix], y[iy]) }) } }) } } func generateStrings(n int, px, py, pm float32, seed int64) (string, string) { if px+py+pm > 1.0 { panic("invalid probabilities") } py += px pm += py b := make([]byte, n) r := rand.New(rand.NewSource(seed)) r.Read(b) var x, y []byte for len(b) > 0 { switch p := r.Float32(); { case p < px: // UniqueX x = append(x, b[0]) case p < py: // UniqueY y = append(y, b[0]) case p < pm: // Modified x = append(x, 'A'+(b[0]%26)) y = append(y, 'a'+(b[0]%26)) default: // Identity x = append(x, b[0]) y = append(y, b[0]) } b = b[1:] } return string(x), string(y) } func testStrings(t *testing.T, x, y string) EditScript { es := Difference(len(x), len(y), func(ix, iy int) Result { return compareByte(x[ix], y[iy]) }) if es.LenX() != len(x) { t.Errorf("es.LenX = %d, want %d", es.LenX(), len(x)) } if es.LenY() != len(y) { t.Errorf("es.LenY = %d, want %d", es.LenY(), len(y)) } if !validateScript(x, y, es) { t.Errorf("invalid edit script: %v", es) } return es } func validateScript(x, y string, es EditScript) bool { var bx, by []byte for _, e := range es { switch e { case Identity: if !compareByte(x[len(bx)], y[len(by)]).Equal() { return false } bx = append(bx, x[len(bx)]) by = append(by, y[len(by)]) case UniqueX: bx = append(bx, x[len(bx)]) case UniqueY: by = append(by, y[len(by)]) case Modified: if !compareByte(x[len(bx)], y[len(by)]).Similar() { return false } bx = append(bx, x[len(bx)]) by = append(by, y[len(by)]) } } return string(bx) == x && string(by) == y } // compareByte returns a Result where the result is Equal if x == y, // similar if x and y differ only in casing, and different otherwise. func compareByte(x, y byte) (r Result) { switch { case x == y: return equalResult // Identity case unicode.ToUpper(rune(x)) == unicode.ToUpper(rune(y)): return similarResult // Modified default: return differentResult // UniqueX or UniqueY } } var ( equalResult = Result{NumDiff: 0} similarResult = Result{NumDiff: 1} differentResult = Result{NumDiff: 2} ) func TestResult(t *testing.T) { tests := []struct { result Result wantEqual bool wantSimilar bool }{ // equalResult is equal since NumDiff == 0, by definition of Equal method. {equalResult, true, true}, // similarResult is similar since it is a binary result where only one // element was compared (i.e., Either NumSame==1 or NumDiff==1). {similarResult, false, true}, // differentResult is different since there are enough differences that // it isn't even considered similar. {differentResult, false, false}, // Zero value is always equal. {Result{NumSame: 0, NumDiff: 0}, true, true}, // Binary comparisons (where NumSame+NumDiff == 1) are always similar. {Result{NumSame: 1, NumDiff: 0}, true, true}, {Result{NumSame: 0, NumDiff: 1}, false, true}, // More complex ratios. The exact ratio for similarity may change, // and may require updates to these test cases. {Result{NumSame: 1, NumDiff: 1}, false, true}, {Result{NumSame: 1, NumDiff: 2}, false, true}, {Result{NumSame: 1, NumDiff: 3}, false, false}, {Result{NumSame: 2, NumDiff: 1}, false, true}, {Result{NumSame: 2, NumDiff: 2}, false, true}, {Result{NumSame: 2, NumDiff: 3}, false, true}, {Result{NumSame: 3, NumDiff: 1}, false, true}, {Result{NumSame: 3, NumDiff: 2}, false, true}, {Result{NumSame: 3, NumDiff: 3}, false, true}, {Result{NumSame: 1000, NumDiff: 0}, true, true}, {Result{NumSame: 1000, NumDiff: 1}, false, true}, {Result{NumSame: 1000, NumDiff: 2}, false, true}, {Result{NumSame: 0, NumDiff: 1000}, false, false}, {Result{NumSame: 1, NumDiff: 1000}, false, false}, {Result{NumSame: 2, NumDiff: 1000}, false, false}, } for _, tt := range tests { if got := tt.result.Equal(); got != tt.wantEqual { t.Errorf("%#v.Equal() = %v, want %v", tt.result, got, tt.wantEqual) } if got := tt.result.Similar(); got != tt.wantSimilar { t.Errorf("%#v.Similar() = %v, want %v", tt.result, got, tt.wantSimilar) } } }