/* * Copyright (C) 2012 The Guava Authors * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.google.common.testing; import static com.google.common.truth.Truth.assertThat; import com.google.common.base.Predicates; import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; import junit.framework.TestCase; /** * Unit tests for {@link AbstractPackageSanityTests}. * * @author Ben Yu */ public class AbstractPackageSanityTestsTest extends TestCase { /* * This is a public type so that the Android test runner can create an instance directly as it * insists upon doing. It then runs the test, which behaves exactly like this package's existing * PackageSanityTests. (The test would run on the JVM, too, if not for the suppression below, and * that would be a problem because it violates small-test rules. Note that we strip the * suppression externally, but it's OK because we don't enforce test-size rules there.) * * We'd just use PackageSanityTests directly, saving us from needing this separate type, but we're * currently skipping MediumTests on Android, and we skip them by not making them present at * runtime at all. I could just make _this_ test a MediumTest, but then it wouldn't run on * Android.... The right long-term fix is probably to get MediumTests running under Android by * default and then suppress them strategically as needed. */ public static final class ConcretePackageSanityTests extends AbstractPackageSanityTests {} private final AbstractPackageSanityTests sanityTests = new ConcretePackageSanityTests(); public void testFindClassesToTest_testClass() { assertThat(findClassesToTest(ImmutableList.of(EmptyTest.class))).isEmpty(); assertThat(findClassesToTest(ImmutableList.of(EmptyTests.class))).isEmpty(); assertThat(findClassesToTest(ImmutableList.of(EmptyTestCase.class))).isEmpty(); assertThat(findClassesToTest(ImmutableList.of(EmptyTestSuite.class))).isEmpty(); } public void testFindClassesToTest_noCorrespondingTestClass() { assertThat(findClassesToTest(ImmutableList.of(Foo.class))).containsExactly(Foo.class); assertThat(findClassesToTest(ImmutableList.of(Foo.class, Foo2Test.class))) .containsExactly(Foo.class); } public void testFindClassesToTest_publicApiOnly() { sanityTests.publicApiOnly(); assertThat(findClassesToTest(ImmutableList.of(Foo.class))).isEmpty(); assertThat(findClassesToTest(ImmutableList.of(PublicFoo.class))).contains(PublicFoo.class); } public void testFindClassesToTest_ignoreClasses() { sanityTests.ignoreClasses(Predicates.equalTo(PublicFoo.class)); assertThat(findClassesToTest(ImmutableList.of(PublicFoo.class))).isEmpty(); assertThat(findClassesToTest(ImmutableList.of(Foo.class))).contains(Foo.class); } public void testFindClassesToTest_ignoreUnderscores() { assertThat(findClassesToTest(ImmutableList.of(Foo.class, Foo_Bar.class))) .containsExactly(Foo.class, Foo_Bar.class); sanityTests.ignoreClasses(AbstractPackageSanityTests.UNDERSCORE_IN_NAME); assertThat(findClassesToTest(ImmutableList.of(Foo.class, Foo_Bar.class))) .containsExactly(Foo.class); } public void testFindClassesToTest_withCorrespondingTestClassButNotExplicitlyTested() { assertThat(findClassesToTest(ImmutableList.of(Foo.class, FooTest.class), "testNotThere")) .containsExactly(Foo.class); assertThat(findClassesToTest(ImmutableList.of(Foo.class, FooTest.class), "testNotPublic")) .containsExactly(Foo.class); } public void testFindClassesToTest_withCorrespondingTestClassAndExplicitlyTested() { ImmutableList> classes = ImmutableList.of(Foo.class, FooTest.class); assertThat(findClassesToTest(classes, "testPublic")).isEmpty(); assertThat(findClassesToTest(classes, "testNotThere", "testPublic")).isEmpty(); } public void testFindClassesToTest_withCorrespondingTestClass_noTestName() { assertThat(findClassesToTest(ImmutableList.of(Foo.class, FooTest.class))) .containsExactly(Foo.class); } static class EmptyTestCase {} static class EmptyTest {} static class EmptyTests {} static class EmptyTestSuite {} static class Foo {} static class Foo_Bar {} public static class PublicFoo {} static class FooTest { @SuppressWarnings("unused") // accessed reflectively public void testPublic() {} @SuppressWarnings("unused") // accessed reflectively void testNotPublic() {} } // Shouldn't be mistaken as Foo's test static class Foo2Test { @SuppressWarnings("unused") // accessed reflectively public void testPublic() {} } private List> findClassesToTest( Iterable> classes, String... explicitTestNames) { return sanityTests.findClassesToTest(classes, Arrays.asList(explicitTestNames)); } }