// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others. // License & terms of use: http://www.unicode.org/copyright.html /* ******************************************************************************* * Copyright (C) 1997-2011,2014-2015 International Business Machines * Corporation and others. All Rights Reserved. ******************************************************************************* * Date Name Description * 06/21/00 aliu Creation. ******************************************************************************* */ #ifndef UTRANS_H #define UTRANS_H #include "unicode/utypes.h" #if !UCONFIG_NO_TRANSLITERATION #include "unicode/urep.h" #include "unicode/parseerr.h" #include "unicode/uenum.h" #if U_SHOW_CPLUSPLUS_API #include "unicode/localpointer.h" #endif // U_SHOW_CPLUSPLUS_API /******************************************************************** * General Notes ******************************************************************** */ /** * @addtogroup ICU4C * @{ * \file * \brief C API: Transliterator * *
After a transliteration operation, some of the indices in this * structure will be modified. See the field descriptions for * details. * *
contextStart <= start <= limit <= contextLimit * *
Note: All index values in this structure must be at code point
* boundaries. That is, none of them may occur between two code units
* of a surrogate pair. If any index does split a surrogate pair,
* results are unspecified.
* \xrefitem stable "Stable" "Stable List" ICU 2.0
typedef struct UTransPosition {
* Beginning index, inclusive, of the context to be considered for
* a transliteration operation. The transliterator will ignore
* anything before this index. INPUT/OUTPUT parameter: This parameter
* is updated by a transliteration operation to reflect the maximum
* amount of antecontext needed by a transliterator.
* \xrefitem stable "Stable" "Stable List" ICU 2.4
int32_t contextStart;
* Ending index, exclusive, of the context to be considered for a
* transliteration operation. The transliterator will ignore
* anything at or after this index. INPUT/OUTPUT parameter: This
* parameter is updated to reflect changes in the length of the
* text, but points to the same logical position in the text.
* \xrefitem stable "Stable" "Stable List" ICU 2.4
int32_t contextLimit;
* Beginning index, inclusive, of the text to be transliterated.
* INPUT/OUTPUT parameter: This parameter is advanced past
* characters that have already been transliterated by a
* transliteration operation.
* \xrefitem stable "Stable" "Stable List" ICU 2.4
int32_t start;
* Ending index, exclusive, of the text to be transliterated.
* INPUT/OUTPUT parameter: This parameter is updated to reflect
* changes in the length of the text, but points to the same
* logical position in the text.
* \xrefitem stable "Stable" "Stable List" ICU 2.4
int32_t limit;
} UTransPosition;
* General API
* Open a custom transliterator, given a custom rules string
* OR
* a system transliterator, given its ID.
* Any non-NULL result from this function should later be closed with
* utrans_close().
* @param id a valid transliterator ID
* @param idLength the length of the ID string, or -1 if NUL-terminated
* @param dir the desired direction
* @param rules the transliterator rules. See the C++ header rbt.h for
* rules syntax. If NULL then a system transliterator matching
* the ID is returned.
* @param rulesLength the length of the rules, or -1 if the rules
* are NUL-terminated.
* @param parseError a pointer to a UParseError struct to receive the details
* of any parsing errors. This parameter may be NULL if no
* parsing error details are desired.
* @param pErrorCode a pointer to the UErrorCode
* @return a transliterator pointer that may be passed to other
* utrans_xxx() functions, or NULL if the open call fails.
* \xrefitem stable "Stable" "Stable List" ICU 2.8
U_CAPI UTransliterator* U_EXPORT2
utrans_openU(const UChar *id,
int32_t idLength,
UTransDirection dir,
const UChar *rules,
int32_t rulesLength,
UParseError *parseError,
UErrorCode *pErrorCode) __INTRODUCED_IN(__ANDROID_API_T__);
* Open an inverse of an existing transliterator. For this to work,
* the inverse must be registered with the system. For example, if
* the Transliterator "A-B" is opened, and then its inverse is opened,
* the result is the Transliterator "B-A", if such a transliterator is
* registered with the system. Otherwise the result is NULL and a
* failing UErrorCode is set. Any non-NULL result from this function
* should later be closed with utrans_close().
* @param trans the transliterator to open the inverse of.
* @param status a pointer to the UErrorCode
* @return a pointer to a newly-opened transliterator that is the
* inverse of trans, or NULL if the open call fails.
* \xrefitem stable "Stable" "Stable List" ICU 2.0
U_CAPI UTransliterator* U_EXPORT2
utrans_openInverse(const UTransliterator* trans,
UErrorCode* status) __INTRODUCED_IN(__ANDROID_API_T__);
* Create a copy of a transliterator. Any non-NULL result from this
* function should later be closed with utrans_close().
* @param trans the transliterator to be copied.
* @param status a pointer to the UErrorCode
* @return a transliterator pointer that may be passed to other
* utrans_xxx() functions, or NULL if the clone call fails.
* \xrefitem stable "Stable" "Stable List" ICU 2.0
U_CAPI UTransliterator* U_EXPORT2
utrans_clone(const UTransliterator* trans,
UErrorCode* status) __INTRODUCED_IN(__ANDROID_API_T__);
* Close a transliterator. Any non-NULL pointer returned by
* utrans_openXxx() or utrans_clone() should eventually be closed.
* @param trans the transliterator to be closed.
* \xrefitem stable "Stable" "Stable List" ICU 2.0
utrans_close(UTransliterator* trans) __INTRODUCED_IN(__ANDROID_API_T__);
* \class LocalUTransliteratorPointer
* "Smart pointer" class, closes a UTransliterator via utrans_close().
* For most methods see the LocalPointerBase base class.
* @see LocalPointerBase
* @see LocalPointer
* \xrefitem stable "Stable" "Stable List" ICU 4.4
U_DEFINE_LOCAL_OPEN_POINTER(LocalUTransliteratorPointer, UTransliterator, utrans_close);
* Set the filter used by a transliterator. A filter can be used to
* make the transliterator pass certain characters through untouched.
* The filter is expressed using a UnicodeSet pattern. If the
* filterPattern is NULL or the empty string, then the transliterator
* will be reset to use no filter.
* @param trans the transliterator
* @param filterPattern a pattern string, in the form accepted by
* UnicodeSet, specifying which characters to apply the
* transliteration to. May be NULL or the empty string to indicate no
* filter.
* @param filterPatternLen the length of filterPattern, or -1 if
* filterPattern is zero-terminated
* @param status a pointer to the UErrorCode
* @see UnicodeSet
* \xrefitem stable "Stable" "Stable List" ICU 2.0
utrans_setFilter(UTransliterator* trans,
const UChar* filterPattern,
int32_t filterPatternLen,
UErrorCode* status) __INTRODUCED_IN(__ANDROID_API_T__);
* Return a UEnumeration for the available transliterators.
* @param pErrorCode Pointer to the UErrorCode in/out parameter.
* @return UEnumeration for the available transliterators.
* Close with uenum_close().
* \xrefitem stable "Stable" "Stable List" ICU 2.8
U_CAPI UEnumeration * U_EXPORT2
utrans_openIDs(UErrorCode *pErrorCode) __INTRODUCED_IN(__ANDROID_API_T__);
* Transliteration API
* Transliterate a segment of a UReplaceable string. The string is
* passed in as a UReplaceable pointer rep and a UReplaceableCallbacks
* function pointer struct repFunc. Functions in the repFunc struct
* will be called in order to modify the rep string.
* @param trans the transliterator
* @param rep a pointer to the string. This will be passed to the
* repFunc functions.
* @param repFunc a set of function pointers that will be used to
* modify the string pointed to by rep.
* @param start the beginning index, inclusive; 0 <= start <=
* limit
* @param limit pointer to the ending index, exclusive; start <=
* limit <= repFunc->length(rep)
. Upon return, *limit will
* contain the new limit index. The text previously occupying
* [start, limit)
has been transliterated, possibly to a
* string of a different length, at [start,
, where new-limit
* is the return value.
* @param status a pointer to the UErrorCode
* \xrefitem stable "Stable" "Stable List" ICU 2.0
utrans_trans(const UTransliterator* trans,
UReplaceable* rep,
const UReplaceableCallbacks* repFunc,
int32_t start,
int32_t* limit,
UErrorCode* status) __INTRODUCED_IN(__ANDROID_API_T__);
* Transliterate the portion of the UReplaceable text buffer that can
* be transliterated unambiguously. This method is typically called
* after new text has been inserted, e.g. as a result of a keyboard
* event. The transliterator will try to transliterate characters of
* rep
between index.cursor
* index.limit
. Characters before
* index.cursor
will not be changed.
Upon return, values in index
will be updated.
* index.start
will be advanced to the first
* character that future calls to this method will read.
* index.cursor
and index.limit
* be adjusted to delimit the range of text that future calls to
* this method may change.
Typical usage of this method begins with an initial call
* with index.start
and index.limit
* set to indicate the portion of text
to be
* transliterated, and index.cursor == index.start
* Thereafter, index
can be used without
* modification in future calls, provided that all changes to
* text
are made via this method.
This method assumes that future calls may be made that will
* insert new text into the buffer. As a result, it only performs
* unambiguous transliterations. After the last call to this method,
* there may be untransliterated text that is waiting for more input
* to resolve an ambiguity. In order to perform these pending
* transliterations, clients should call utrans_trans() with a start
* of index.start and a limit of index.end after the last call to this
* method has been made.
* @param trans the transliterator
* @param rep a pointer to the string. This will be passed to the
* repFunc functions.
* @param repFunc a set of function pointers that will be used to
* modify the string pointed to by rep.
* @param pos a struct containing the start and limit indices of the
* text to be read and the text to be transliterated
* @param status a pointer to the UErrorCode
* \xrefitem stable "Stable" "Stable List" ICU 2.0
utrans_transIncremental(const UTransliterator* trans,
UReplaceable* rep,
const UReplaceableCallbacks* repFunc,
UTransPosition* pos,
UErrorCode* status) __INTRODUCED_IN(__ANDROID_API_T__);
* Transliterate a segment of a UChar* string. The string is passed
* in in a UChar* buffer. The string is modified in place. If the
* result is longer than textCapacity, it is truncated. The actual
* length of the result is returned in *textLength, if textLength is
* non-NULL. *textLength may be greater than textCapacity, but only
* textCapacity UChars will be written to *text, including the zero
* terminator.
* @param trans the transliterator
* @param text a pointer to a buffer containing the text to be
* transliterated on input and the result text on output.
* @param textLength a pointer to the length of the string in text.
* If the length is -1 then the string is assumed to be
* zero-terminated. Upon return, the new length is stored in
* *textLength. If textLength is NULL then the string is assumed to
* be zero-terminated.
* @param textCapacity the length of the text buffer
* @param start the beginning index, inclusive; 0 <= start <=
* limit
* @param limit pointer to the ending index, exclusive; start <=
* limit <= repFunc->length(rep)
. Upon return, *limit will
* contain the new limit index. The text previously occupying
* [start, limit)
has been transliterated, possibly to a
* string of a different length, at [start,
, where new-limit
* is the return value.
* @param status a pointer to the UErrorCode
* \xrefitem stable "Stable" "Stable List" ICU 2.0
utrans_transUChars(const UTransliterator* trans,
UChar* text,
int32_t* textLength,
int32_t textCapacity,
int32_t start,
int32_t* limit,
UErrorCode* status) __INTRODUCED_IN(__ANDROID_API_T__);
* Transliterate the portion of the UChar* text buffer that can be
* transliterated unambiguously. See utrans_transIncremental(). The
* string is passed in in a UChar* buffer. The string is modified in
* place. If the result is longer than textCapacity, it is truncated.
* The actual length of the result is returned in *textLength, if
* textLength is non-NULL. *textLength may be greater than
* textCapacity, but only textCapacity UChars will be written to
* *text, including the zero terminator. See utrans_transIncremental()
* for usage details.
* @param trans the transliterator
* @param text a pointer to a buffer containing the text to be
* transliterated on input and the result text on output.
* @param textLength a pointer to the length of the string in text.
* If the length is -1 then the string is assumed to be
* zero-terminated. Upon return, the new length is stored in
* *textLength. If textLength is NULL then the string is assumed to
* be zero-terminated.
* @param textCapacity the length of the text buffer
* @param pos a struct containing the start and limit indices of the
* text to be read and the text to be transliterated
* @param status a pointer to the UErrorCode
* @see utrans_transIncremental
* \xrefitem stable "Stable" "Stable List" ICU 2.0
utrans_transIncrementalUChars(const UTransliterator* trans,
UChar* text,
int32_t* textLength,
int32_t textCapacity,
UTransPosition* pos,
UErrorCode* status) __INTRODUCED_IN(__ANDROID_API_T__);
* Create a rule string that can be passed to utrans_openU to recreate this
* transliterator.
* @param trans The transliterator
* @param escapeUnprintable if true then convert unprintable characters to their
* hex escape representations, \\uxxxx or \\Uxxxxxxxx.
* Unprintable characters are those other than
* U+000A, U+0020..U+007E.
* @param result A pointer to a buffer to receive the rules.
* @param resultLength The maximum size of result.
* @param status A pointer to the UErrorCode. In case of error status, the
* contents of result are undefined.
* @return int32_t The length of the rule string (may be greater than resultLength,
* in which case an error is returned).
* \xrefitem stable "Stable" "Stable List" ICU 53
U_CAPI int32_t U_EXPORT2
utrans_toRules( const UTransliterator* trans,
UBool escapeUnprintable,
UChar* result, int32_t resultLength,
UErrorCode* status) __INTRODUCED_IN(__ANDROID_API_T__);
/* deprecated API ----------------------------------------------------------- */
/* see utrans.h documentation for why these functions are deprecated */
/** @} */ // addtogroup