/* * Copyright 2016 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved. * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be * found in the LICENSE file. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef __ANDROID__ #include #include #endif #include "drv_helpers.h" #include "drv_priv.h" #include "util.h" #ifdef DRV_AMDGPU extern const struct backend backend_amdgpu; #endif #ifdef DRV_I915 extern const struct backend backend_i915; #endif #ifdef DRV_MEDIATEK extern const struct backend backend_mediatek; #endif #ifdef DRV_MSM extern const struct backend backend_msm; #endif #ifdef DRV_ROCKCHIP extern const struct backend backend_rockchip; #endif #ifdef DRV_VC4 extern const struct backend backend_vc4; #endif // Dumb / generic drivers extern const struct backend backend_evdi; extern const struct backend backend_marvell; extern const struct backend backend_meson; extern const struct backend backend_nouveau; extern const struct backend backend_komeda; extern const struct backend backend_radeon; extern const struct backend backend_synaptics; extern const struct backend backend_virtgpu; extern const struct backend backend_udl; extern const struct backend backend_vkms; static const struct backend *drv_get_backend(int fd) { drmVersionPtr drm_version; unsigned int i; drm_version = drmGetVersion(fd); if (!drm_version) return NULL; const struct backend *backend_list[] = { #ifdef DRV_AMDGPU &backend_amdgpu, #endif #ifdef DRV_I915 &backend_i915, #endif #ifdef DRV_MEDIATEK &backend_mediatek, #endif #ifdef DRV_MSM &backend_msm, #endif #ifdef DRV_ROCKCHIP &backend_rockchip, #endif #ifdef DRV_VC4 &backend_vc4, #endif &backend_evdi, &backend_marvell, &backend_meson, &backend_nouveau, &backend_komeda, &backend_radeon, &backend_synaptics, &backend_virtgpu, &backend_udl, &backend_virtgpu, &backend_vkms }; for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(backend_list); i++) { const struct backend *b = backend_list[i]; if (!strcmp(drm_version->name, b->name)) { drmFreeVersion(drm_version); return b; } } drmFreeVersion(drm_version); return NULL; } struct driver *drv_create(int fd) { struct driver *drv; int ret; drv = (struct driver *)calloc(1, sizeof(*drv)); if (!drv) return NULL; char *minigbm_debug; minigbm_debug = getenv("MINIGBM_DEBUG"); drv->compression = (minigbm_debug == NULL) || (strcmp(minigbm_debug, "nocompression") != 0); drv->fd = fd; drv->backend = drv_get_backend(fd); if (!drv->backend) goto free_driver; if (pthread_mutex_init(&drv->buffer_table_lock, NULL)) goto free_driver; drv->buffer_table = drmHashCreate(); if (!drv->buffer_table) goto free_buffer_table_lock; if (pthread_mutex_init(&drv->mappings_lock, NULL)) goto free_buffer_table; drv->mappings = drv_array_init(sizeof(struct mapping)); if (!drv->mappings) goto free_mappings_lock; drv->combos = drv_array_init(sizeof(struct combination)); if (!drv->combos) goto free_mappings; if (drv->backend->init) { ret = drv->backend->init(drv); if (ret) { drv_array_destroy(drv->combos); goto free_mappings; } } return drv; free_mappings: drv_array_destroy(drv->mappings); free_mappings_lock: pthread_mutex_destroy(&drv->mappings_lock); free_buffer_table: drmHashDestroy(drv->buffer_table); free_buffer_table_lock: pthread_mutex_destroy(&drv->buffer_table_lock); free_driver: free(drv); return NULL; } void drv_destroy(struct driver *drv) { if (drv->backend->close) drv->backend->close(drv); drv_array_destroy(drv->combos); drv_array_destroy(drv->mappings); pthread_mutex_destroy(&drv->mappings_lock); drmHashDestroy(drv->buffer_table); pthread_mutex_destroy(&drv->buffer_table_lock); free(drv); } int drv_get_fd(struct driver *drv) { return drv->fd; } const char *drv_get_name(struct driver *drv) { return drv->backend->name; } struct combination *drv_get_combination(struct driver *drv, uint32_t format, uint64_t use_flags) { struct combination *curr, *best; if (format == DRM_FORMAT_NONE || use_flags == BO_USE_NONE) return 0; best = NULL; uint32_t i; for (i = 0; i < drv_array_size(drv->combos); i++) { curr = drv_array_at_idx(drv->combos, i); if ((format == curr->format) && use_flags == (curr->use_flags & use_flags)) if (!best || best->metadata.priority < curr->metadata.priority) best = curr; } return best; } struct bo *drv_bo_new(struct driver *drv, uint32_t width, uint32_t height, uint32_t format, uint64_t use_flags, bool is_test_buffer) { struct bo *bo; bo = (struct bo *)calloc(1, sizeof(*bo)); if (!bo) return NULL; bo->drv = drv; bo->meta.width = width; bo->meta.height = height; bo->meta.format = format; bo->meta.use_flags = use_flags; bo->meta.num_planes = drv_num_planes_from_format(format); bo->is_test_buffer = is_test_buffer; if (!bo->meta.num_planes) { free(bo); errno = EINVAL; return NULL; } return bo; } static void drv_bo_mapping_destroy(struct bo *bo) { struct driver *drv = bo->drv; uint32_t idx = 0; /* * This function is called right before the buffer is destroyed. It will free any mappings * associated with the buffer. */ pthread_mutex_lock(&drv->mappings_lock); for (size_t plane = 0; plane < bo->meta.num_planes; plane++) { while (idx < drv_array_size(drv->mappings)) { struct mapping *mapping = (struct mapping *)drv_array_at_idx(drv->mappings, idx); if (mapping->vma->handle != bo->handles[plane].u32) { idx++; continue; } if (!--mapping->vma->refcount) { int ret = drv->backend->bo_unmap(bo, mapping->vma); if (ret) { pthread_mutex_unlock(&drv->mappings_lock); assert(ret); drv_log("munmap failed\n"); return; } free(mapping->vma); } /* This shrinks and shifts the array, so don't increment idx. */ drv_array_remove(drv->mappings, idx); } } pthread_mutex_unlock(&drv->mappings_lock); } /* * Acquire a reference on plane buffers of the bo. */ static void drv_bo_acquire(struct bo *bo) { struct driver *drv = bo->drv; pthread_mutex_lock(&drv->buffer_table_lock); for (size_t plane = 0; plane < bo->meta.num_planes; plane++) { uintptr_t num = 0; if (!drmHashLookup(drv->buffer_table, bo->handles[plane].u32, (void **)&num)) drmHashDelete(drv->buffer_table, bo->handles[plane].u32); drmHashInsert(drv->buffer_table, bo->handles[plane].u32, (void *)(num + 1)); } pthread_mutex_unlock(&drv->buffer_table_lock); } /* * Release a reference on plane buffers of the bo. Return true when the bo has lost all its * references. Otherwise, return false. */ static bool drv_bo_release(struct bo *bo) { struct driver *drv = bo->drv; uintptr_t num; if (drv->backend->bo_release) drv->backend->bo_release(bo); pthread_mutex_lock(&drv->buffer_table_lock); for (size_t plane = 0; plane < bo->meta.num_planes; plane++) { if (!drmHashLookup(drv->buffer_table, bo->handles[plane].u32, (void **)&num)) { drmHashDelete(drv->buffer_table, bo->handles[plane].u32); if (num > 1) { drmHashInsert(drv->buffer_table, bo->handles[plane].u32, (void *)(num - 1)); } } } /* The same buffer can back multiple planes with different offsets. */ for (size_t plane = 0; plane < bo->meta.num_planes; plane++) { if (!drmHashLookup(drv->buffer_table, bo->handles[plane].u32, (void **)&num)) { /* num is positive if found in the hashmap. */ pthread_mutex_unlock(&drv->buffer_table_lock); return false; } } pthread_mutex_unlock(&drv->buffer_table_lock); return true; } struct bo *drv_bo_create(struct driver *drv, uint32_t width, uint32_t height, uint32_t format, uint64_t use_flags) { int ret; struct bo *bo; bool is_test_alloc; is_test_alloc = use_flags & BO_USE_TEST_ALLOC; use_flags &= ~BO_USE_TEST_ALLOC; bo = drv_bo_new(drv, width, height, format, use_flags, is_test_alloc); if (!bo) return NULL; ret = -EINVAL; if (drv->backend->bo_compute_metadata) { ret = drv->backend->bo_compute_metadata(bo, width, height, format, use_flags, NULL, 0); if (!is_test_alloc && ret == 0) ret = drv->backend->bo_create_from_metadata(bo); } else if (!is_test_alloc) { ret = drv->backend->bo_create(bo, width, height, format, use_flags); } if (ret) { errno = -ret; free(bo); return NULL; } drv_bo_acquire(bo); return bo; } struct bo *drv_bo_create_with_modifiers(struct driver *drv, uint32_t width, uint32_t height, uint32_t format, const uint64_t *modifiers, uint32_t count) { int ret; struct bo *bo; if (!drv->backend->bo_create_with_modifiers && !drv->backend->bo_compute_metadata) { errno = ENOENT; return NULL; } bo = drv_bo_new(drv, width, height, format, BO_USE_NONE, false); if (!bo) return NULL; ret = -EINVAL; if (drv->backend->bo_compute_metadata) { ret = drv->backend->bo_compute_metadata(bo, width, height, format, BO_USE_NONE, modifiers, count); if (ret == 0) ret = drv->backend->bo_create_from_metadata(bo); } else { ret = drv->backend->bo_create_with_modifiers(bo, width, height, format, modifiers, count); } if (ret) { free(bo); return NULL; } drv_bo_acquire(bo); return bo; } void drv_bo_destroy(struct bo *bo) { if (!bo->is_test_buffer && drv_bo_release(bo)) { drv_bo_mapping_destroy(bo); bo->drv->backend->bo_destroy(bo); } free(bo); } struct bo *drv_bo_import(struct driver *drv, struct drv_import_fd_data *data) { int ret; size_t plane; struct bo *bo; off_t seek_end; bo = drv_bo_new(drv, data->width, data->height, data->format, data->use_flags, false); if (!bo) return NULL; ret = drv->backend->bo_import(bo, data); if (ret) { free(bo); return NULL; } drv_bo_acquire(bo); bo->meta.format_modifier = data->format_modifier; for (plane = 0; plane < bo->meta.num_planes; plane++) { bo->meta.strides[plane] = data->strides[plane]; bo->meta.offsets[plane] = data->offsets[plane]; seek_end = lseek(data->fds[plane], 0, SEEK_END); if (seek_end == (off_t)(-1)) { drv_log("lseek() failed with %s\n", strerror(errno)); goto destroy_bo; } lseek(data->fds[plane], 0, SEEK_SET); if (plane == bo->meta.num_planes - 1 || data->offsets[plane + 1] == 0) bo->meta.sizes[plane] = seek_end - data->offsets[plane]; else bo->meta.sizes[plane] = data->offsets[plane + 1] - data->offsets[plane]; if ((int64_t)bo->meta.offsets[plane] + bo->meta.sizes[plane] > seek_end) { drv_log("buffer size is too large.\n"); goto destroy_bo; } bo->meta.total_size += bo->meta.sizes[plane]; } return bo; destroy_bo: drv_bo_destroy(bo); return NULL; } void *drv_bo_map(struct bo *bo, const struct rectangle *rect, uint32_t map_flags, struct mapping **map_data, size_t plane) { struct driver *drv = bo->drv; uint32_t i; uint8_t *addr; struct mapping mapping = { 0 }; assert(rect->width >= 0); assert(rect->height >= 0); assert(rect->x + rect->width <= drv_bo_get_width(bo)); assert(rect->y + rect->height <= drv_bo_get_height(bo)); assert(BO_MAP_READ_WRITE & map_flags); /* No CPU access for protected buffers. */ assert(!(bo->meta.use_flags & BO_USE_PROTECTED)); if (bo->is_test_buffer) return MAP_FAILED; mapping.rect = *rect; mapping.refcount = 1; pthread_mutex_lock(&drv->mappings_lock); for (i = 0; i < drv_array_size(drv->mappings); i++) { struct mapping *prior = (struct mapping *)drv_array_at_idx(drv->mappings, i); if (prior->vma->handle != bo->handles[plane].u32 || prior->vma->map_flags != map_flags) continue; if (rect->x != prior->rect.x || rect->y != prior->rect.y || rect->width != prior->rect.width || rect->height != prior->rect.height) continue; prior->refcount++; *map_data = prior; goto exact_match; } for (i = 0; i < drv_array_size(drv->mappings); i++) { struct mapping *prior = (struct mapping *)drv_array_at_idx(drv->mappings, i); if (prior->vma->handle != bo->handles[plane].u32 || prior->vma->map_flags != map_flags) continue; prior->vma->refcount++; mapping.vma = prior->vma; goto success; } mapping.vma = calloc(1, sizeof(*mapping.vma)); if (!mapping.vma) { *map_data = NULL; pthread_mutex_unlock(&drv->mappings_lock); return MAP_FAILED; } memcpy(mapping.vma->map_strides, bo->meta.strides, sizeof(mapping.vma->map_strides)); addr = drv->backend->bo_map(bo, mapping.vma, plane, map_flags); if (addr == MAP_FAILED) { *map_data = NULL; free(mapping.vma); pthread_mutex_unlock(&drv->mappings_lock); return MAP_FAILED; } mapping.vma->refcount = 1; mapping.vma->addr = addr; mapping.vma->handle = bo->handles[plane].u32; mapping.vma->map_flags = map_flags; success: *map_data = drv_array_append(drv->mappings, &mapping); exact_match: drv_bo_invalidate(bo, *map_data); addr = (uint8_t *)((*map_data)->vma->addr); addr += drv_bo_get_plane_offset(bo, plane); pthread_mutex_unlock(&drv->mappings_lock); return (void *)addr; } int drv_bo_unmap(struct bo *bo, struct mapping *mapping) { struct driver *drv = bo->drv; uint32_t i; int ret = 0; pthread_mutex_lock(&drv->mappings_lock); if (--mapping->refcount) goto out; if (!--mapping->vma->refcount) { ret = drv->backend->bo_unmap(bo, mapping->vma); free(mapping->vma); } for (i = 0; i < drv_array_size(drv->mappings); i++) { if (mapping == (struct mapping *)drv_array_at_idx(drv->mappings, i)) { drv_array_remove(drv->mappings, i); break; } } out: pthread_mutex_unlock(&drv->mappings_lock); return ret; } int drv_bo_invalidate(struct bo *bo, struct mapping *mapping) { int ret = 0; assert(mapping); assert(mapping->vma); assert(mapping->refcount > 0); assert(mapping->vma->refcount > 0); if (bo->drv->backend->bo_invalidate) ret = bo->drv->backend->bo_invalidate(bo, mapping); return ret; } int drv_bo_flush(struct bo *bo, struct mapping *mapping) { int ret = 0; assert(mapping); assert(mapping->vma); assert(mapping->refcount > 0); assert(mapping->vma->refcount > 0); if (bo->drv->backend->bo_flush) ret = bo->drv->backend->bo_flush(bo, mapping); return ret; } int drv_bo_flush_or_unmap(struct bo *bo, struct mapping *mapping) { int ret = 0; assert(mapping); assert(mapping->vma); assert(mapping->refcount > 0); assert(mapping->vma->refcount > 0); assert(!(bo->meta.use_flags & BO_USE_PROTECTED)); if (bo->drv->backend->bo_flush) ret = bo->drv->backend->bo_flush(bo, mapping); else ret = drv_bo_unmap(bo, mapping); return ret; } uint32_t drv_bo_get_width(struct bo *bo) { return bo->meta.width; } uint32_t drv_bo_get_height(struct bo *bo) { return bo->meta.height; } size_t drv_bo_get_num_planes(struct bo *bo) { return bo->meta.num_planes; } union bo_handle drv_bo_get_plane_handle(struct bo *bo, size_t plane) { return bo->handles[plane]; } #ifndef DRM_RDWR #define DRM_RDWR O_RDWR #endif int drv_bo_get_plane_fd(struct bo *bo, size_t plane) { int ret, fd; assert(plane < bo->meta.num_planes); if (bo->is_test_buffer) return -EINVAL; ret = drmPrimeHandleToFD(bo->drv->fd, bo->handles[plane].u32, DRM_CLOEXEC | DRM_RDWR, &fd); // Older DRM implementations blocked DRM_RDWR, but gave a read/write mapping anyways if (ret) ret = drmPrimeHandleToFD(bo->drv->fd, bo->handles[plane].u32, DRM_CLOEXEC, &fd); if (ret) drv_log("Failed to get plane fd: %s\n", strerror(errno)); return (ret) ? ret : fd; } uint32_t drv_bo_get_plane_offset(struct bo *bo, size_t plane) { assert(plane < bo->meta.num_planes); return bo->meta.offsets[plane]; } uint32_t drv_bo_get_plane_size(struct bo *bo, size_t plane) { assert(plane < bo->meta.num_planes); return bo->meta.sizes[plane]; } uint32_t drv_bo_get_plane_stride(struct bo *bo, size_t plane) { assert(plane < bo->meta.num_planes); return bo->meta.strides[plane]; } uint64_t drv_bo_get_format_modifier(struct bo *bo) { return bo->meta.format_modifier; } uint32_t drv_bo_get_format(struct bo *bo) { return bo->meta.format; } uint32_t drv_bo_get_tiling(struct bo *bo) { return bo->meta.tiling; } uint64_t drv_bo_get_use_flags(struct bo *bo) { return bo->meta.use_flags; } size_t drv_bo_get_total_size(struct bo *bo) { return bo->meta.total_size; } /* * Map internal fourcc codes back to standard fourcc codes. */ uint32_t drv_get_standard_fourcc(uint32_t fourcc_internal) { return (fourcc_internal == DRM_FORMAT_YVU420_ANDROID) ? DRM_FORMAT_YVU420 : fourcc_internal; } void drv_resolve_format_and_use_flags(struct driver *drv, uint32_t format, uint64_t use_flags, uint32_t *out_format, uint64_t *out_use_flags) { assert(drv->backend->resolve_format_and_use_flags); drv->backend->resolve_format_and_use_flags(drv, format, use_flags, out_format, out_use_flags); } uint32_t drv_num_buffers_per_bo(struct bo *bo) { uint32_t count = 0; size_t plane, p; if (bo->is_test_buffer) return 0; for (plane = 0; plane < bo->meta.num_planes; plane++) { for (p = 0; p < plane; p++) if (bo->handles[p].u32 == bo->handles[plane].u32) break; if (p == plane) count++; } return count; } void drv_log_prefix(const char *prefix, const char *file, int line, const char *format, ...) { char buf[50]; snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "[%s:%s(%d)]", prefix, basename(file), line); va_list args; va_start(args, format); #ifdef __ANDROID__ __android_log_vprint(ANDROID_LOG_ERROR, buf, format, args); #else fprintf(stderr, "%s ", buf); vfprintf(stderr, format, args); #endif va_end(args); } int drv_resource_info(struct bo *bo, uint32_t strides[DRV_MAX_PLANES], uint32_t offsets[DRV_MAX_PLANES], uint64_t *format_modifier) { for (uint32_t plane = 0; plane < bo->meta.num_planes; plane++) { strides[plane] = bo->meta.strides[plane]; offsets[plane] = bo->meta.offsets[plane]; } *format_modifier = bo->meta.format_modifier; if (bo->drv->backend->resource_info) return bo->drv->backend->resource_info(bo, strides, offsets, format_modifier); return 0; } uint32_t drv_get_max_texture_2d_size(struct driver *drv) { if (drv->backend->get_max_texture_2d_size) return drv->backend->get_max_texture_2d_size(drv); return UINT32_MAX; }