/* * Copyright 2018 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved. * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be * found in the LICENSE file. */ #ifdef DRV_MSM #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "drv_helpers.h" #include "drv_priv.h" #include "util.h" /* Alignment values are based on SDM845 Gfx IP */ #define DEFAULT_ALIGNMENT 64 #define BUFFER_SIZE_ALIGN 4096 #define VENUS_STRIDE_ALIGN 128 #define VENUS_SCANLINE_ALIGN 16 #define NV12_LINEAR_PADDING (12 * 1024) #define NV12_UBWC_PADDING(y_stride) (MAX(16 * 1024, y_stride * 48)) #define MACROTILE_WIDTH_ALIGN 64 #define MACROTILE_HEIGHT_ALIGN 16 #define PLANE_SIZE_ALIGN 4096 #define MSM_UBWC_TILING 1 static const uint32_t render_target_formats[] = { DRM_FORMAT_ABGR8888, DRM_FORMAT_ARGB8888, DRM_FORMAT_RGB565, DRM_FORMAT_XBGR8888, DRM_FORMAT_XRGB8888, DRM_FORMAT_ABGR2101010, DRM_FORMAT_ABGR16161616F }; static const uint32_t texture_source_formats[] = { DRM_FORMAT_NV12, DRM_FORMAT_R8, DRM_FORMAT_YVU420, DRM_FORMAT_YVU420_ANDROID, DRM_FORMAT_P010 }; /* * Each macrotile consists of m x n (mostly 4 x 4) tiles. * Pixel data pitch/stride is aligned with macrotile width. * Pixel data height is aligned with macrotile height. * Entire pixel data buffer is aligned with 4k(bytes). */ static uint32_t get_ubwc_meta_size(uint32_t width, uint32_t height, uint32_t tile_width, uint32_t tile_height) { uint32_t macrotile_width, macrotile_height; macrotile_width = DIV_ROUND_UP(width, tile_width); macrotile_height = DIV_ROUND_UP(height, tile_height); // Align meta buffer width to 64 blocks macrotile_width = ALIGN(macrotile_width, MACROTILE_WIDTH_ALIGN); // Align meta buffer height to 16 blocks macrotile_height = ALIGN(macrotile_height, MACROTILE_HEIGHT_ALIGN); return ALIGN(macrotile_width * macrotile_height, PLANE_SIZE_ALIGN); } static unsigned get_pitch_alignment(struct bo *bo) { switch (bo->meta.format) { case DRM_FORMAT_NV12: return VENUS_STRIDE_ALIGN; case DRM_FORMAT_YVU420: case DRM_FORMAT_YVU420_ANDROID: /* TODO other YUV formats? */ /* Something (in the video stack?) assumes the U/V planes can use * half the pitch as the Y plane.. to componsate, double the * alignment: */ return 2 * DEFAULT_ALIGNMENT; default: return DEFAULT_ALIGNMENT; } } static void msm_calculate_layout(struct bo *bo) { uint32_t width, height; width = bo->meta.width; height = bo->meta.height; /* NV12 format requires extra padding with platform * specific alignments for venus driver */ if (bo->meta.format == DRM_FORMAT_NV12 || bo->meta.format == DRM_FORMAT_P010) { uint32_t y_stride, uv_stride, y_scanline, uv_scanline, y_plane, uv_plane, size, extra_padding; // P010 has the same layout as NV12. The difference is that each // pixel in P010 takes 2 bytes, while in NV12 each pixel takes 1 byte. if (bo->meta.format == DRM_FORMAT_P010) width *= 2; y_stride = ALIGN(width, VENUS_STRIDE_ALIGN); uv_stride = ALIGN(width, VENUS_STRIDE_ALIGN); y_scanline = ALIGN(height, VENUS_SCANLINE_ALIGN * 2); uv_scanline = ALIGN(DIV_ROUND_UP(height, 2), VENUS_SCANLINE_ALIGN * (bo->meta.tiling ? 2 : 1)); y_plane = y_stride * y_scanline; uv_plane = uv_stride * uv_scanline; if (bo->meta.tiling == MSM_UBWC_TILING) { y_plane = ALIGN(y_plane, PLANE_SIZE_ALIGN); uv_plane = ALIGN(uv_plane, PLANE_SIZE_ALIGN); y_plane += get_ubwc_meta_size(width, height, 32, 8); uv_plane += get_ubwc_meta_size(width >> 1, height >> 1, 16, 8); extra_padding = NV12_UBWC_PADDING(y_stride); } else { extra_padding = NV12_LINEAR_PADDING; } bo->meta.strides[0] = y_stride; bo->meta.sizes[0] = y_plane; bo->meta.offsets[1] = y_plane; bo->meta.strides[1] = uv_stride; size = y_plane + uv_plane + extra_padding; bo->meta.total_size = ALIGN(size, BUFFER_SIZE_ALIGN); bo->meta.sizes[1] = bo->meta.total_size - bo->meta.sizes[0]; } else { uint32_t stride, alignw, alignh; alignw = ALIGN(width, get_pitch_alignment(bo)); /* HAL_PIXEL_FORMAT_YV12 requires that the buffer's height not be aligned. DRM_FORMAT_R8 of height one is used for JPEG camera output, so don't height align that. */ if (bo->meta.format == DRM_FORMAT_YVU420_ANDROID || (bo->meta.format == DRM_FORMAT_R8 && height == 1)) { alignh = height; } else { alignh = ALIGN(height, DEFAULT_ALIGNMENT); } stride = drv_stride_from_format(bo->meta.format, alignw, 0); /* Calculate size and assign stride, size, offset to each plane based on format */ drv_bo_from_format(bo, stride, alignh, bo->meta.format); /* For all RGB UBWC formats */ if (bo->meta.tiling == MSM_UBWC_TILING) { bo->meta.sizes[0] += get_ubwc_meta_size(width, height, 16, 4); bo->meta.total_size = bo->meta.sizes[0]; assert(IS_ALIGNED(bo->meta.total_size, BUFFER_SIZE_ALIGN)); } } } static bool is_ubwc_fmt(uint32_t format) { switch (format) { case DRM_FORMAT_XBGR8888: case DRM_FORMAT_ABGR8888: case DRM_FORMAT_XRGB8888: case DRM_FORMAT_ARGB8888: #ifndef QCOM_DISABLE_COMPRESSED_NV12 case DRM_FORMAT_NV12: #endif return 1; default: return 0; } } static void msm_add_ubwc_combinations(struct driver *drv, const uint32_t *formats, uint32_t num_formats, struct format_metadata *metadata, uint64_t use_flags) { for (uint32_t i = 0; i < num_formats; i++) { if (is_ubwc_fmt(formats[i])) { struct combination combo = { .format = formats[i], .metadata = *metadata, .use_flags = use_flags }; drv_array_append(drv->combos, &combo); } } } /** * Check for buggy apps that are known to not support modifiers, to avoid surprising them * with a UBWC buffer. */ static bool should_avoid_ubwc(void) { #ifndef __ANDROID__ /* waffle is buggy and, requests a renderable buffer (which on qcom platforms, we * want to use UBWC), and then passes it to the kernel discarding the modifier. * So mesa ends up correctly rendering to as tiled+compressed, but kernel tries * to display as linear. Other platforms do not see this issue, simply because * they only use compressed (ex, AFBC) with the BO_USE_SCANOUT flag. * * See b/163137550 */ if (dlsym(RTLD_DEFAULT, "waffle_display_connect")) { drv_log("WARNING: waffle detected, disabling UBWC\n"); return true; } /* Sommelier relies on implicit modifier, which does not pass host modifier to * zwp_linux_buffer_params_v1_add. Graphics will be broken if UBWC is enabled. * Sommelier shall be fixed to mirror what arc wayland_service does, and then * we can re-enable UBWC here. * * Inherit the trick from crrev/c/2523246 previously used for gtest. The side * effect is all VM guests on msm will revert back to use linear modifier. * * See b/229147702 */ if (!dlsym(RTLD_DEFAULT, "cupsFilePrintf")) { drv_log("WARNING: virtualization detected, disabling UBWC\n"); return true; } #endif return false; } static int msm_init(struct driver *drv) { struct format_metadata metadata; uint64_t render_use_flags = BO_USE_RENDER_MASK | BO_USE_SCANOUT; uint64_t texture_use_flags = BO_USE_TEXTURE_MASK | BO_USE_HW_VIDEO_DECODER; /* * NOTE: we actually could use tiled in the BO_USE_FRONT_RENDERING case, * if we had a modifier for tiled-but-not-compressed. But we *cannot* use * compressed in this case because the UBWC flags/meta data can be out of * sync with pixel data while the GPU is writing a frame out to memory. */ uint64_t sw_flags = (BO_USE_RENDERSCRIPT | BO_USE_SW_MASK | BO_USE_LINEAR | BO_USE_FRONT_RENDERING); drv_add_combinations(drv, render_target_formats, ARRAY_SIZE(render_target_formats), &LINEAR_METADATA, render_use_flags); drv_add_combinations(drv, texture_source_formats, ARRAY_SIZE(texture_source_formats), &LINEAR_METADATA, texture_use_flags); /* The camera stack standardizes on NV12 for YUV buffers. */ /* YVU420 and NV12 formats for camera, display and encoding. */ drv_modify_combination(drv, DRM_FORMAT_NV12, &LINEAR_METADATA, BO_USE_CAMERA_READ | BO_USE_CAMERA_WRITE | BO_USE_SCANOUT | BO_USE_HW_VIDEO_ENCODER); /* * R8 format is used for Android's HAL_PIXEL_FORMAT_BLOB and is used for JPEG snapshots * from camera and input/output from hardware decoder/encoder. */ drv_modify_combination(drv, DRM_FORMAT_R8, &LINEAR_METADATA, BO_USE_CAMERA_READ | BO_USE_CAMERA_WRITE | BO_USE_HW_VIDEO_DECODER | BO_USE_HW_VIDEO_ENCODER); /* * Android also frequently requests YV12 formats for some camera implementations * (including the external provider implmenetation). */ drv_modify_combination(drv, DRM_FORMAT_YVU420_ANDROID, &LINEAR_METADATA, BO_USE_CAMERA_READ | BO_USE_CAMERA_WRITE); /* Android CTS tests require this. */ drv_add_combination(drv, DRM_FORMAT_BGR888, &LINEAR_METADATA, BO_USE_SW_MASK); #ifdef SC_7280 drv_modify_combination(drv, DRM_FORMAT_P010, &LINEAR_METADATA, BO_USE_SCANOUT | BO_USE_HW_VIDEO_ENCODER); #endif drv_modify_linear_combinations(drv); if (should_avoid_ubwc() || !drv->compression) return 0; metadata.tiling = MSM_UBWC_TILING; metadata.priority = 2; metadata.modifier = DRM_FORMAT_MOD_QCOM_COMPRESSED; render_use_flags &= ~sw_flags; texture_use_flags &= ~sw_flags; msm_add_ubwc_combinations(drv, render_target_formats, ARRAY_SIZE(render_target_formats), &metadata, render_use_flags); msm_add_ubwc_combinations(drv, texture_source_formats, ARRAY_SIZE(texture_source_formats), &metadata, texture_use_flags); drv_modify_combination(drv, DRM_FORMAT_NV12, &metadata, BO_USE_SCANOUT | BO_USE_HW_VIDEO_ENCODER); return 0; } static int msm_bo_create_for_modifier(struct bo *bo, uint32_t width, uint32_t height, uint32_t format, const uint64_t modifier) { struct drm_msm_gem_new req = { 0 }; int ret; size_t i; bo->meta.tiling = (modifier == DRM_FORMAT_MOD_QCOM_COMPRESSED) ? MSM_UBWC_TILING : 0; msm_calculate_layout(bo); req.flags = MSM_BO_WC | MSM_BO_SCANOUT; req.size = bo->meta.total_size; ret = drmIoctl(bo->drv->fd, DRM_IOCTL_MSM_GEM_NEW, &req); if (ret) { drv_log("DRM_IOCTL_MSM_GEM_NEW failed with %s\n", strerror(errno)); return -errno; } /* * Though we use only one plane, we need to set handle for * all planes to pass kernel checks */ for (i = 0; i < bo->meta.num_planes; i++) bo->handles[i].u32 = req.handle; bo->meta.format_modifier = modifier; return 0; } static int msm_bo_create_with_modifiers(struct bo *bo, uint32_t width, uint32_t height, uint32_t format, const uint64_t *modifiers, uint32_t count) { static const uint64_t modifier_order[] = { DRM_FORMAT_MOD_QCOM_COMPRESSED, DRM_FORMAT_MOD_LINEAR, }; uint64_t modifier = drv_pick_modifier(modifiers, count, modifier_order, ARRAY_SIZE(modifier_order)); if (!bo->drv->compression && modifier == DRM_FORMAT_MOD_QCOM_COMPRESSED) modifier = DRM_FORMAT_MOD_LINEAR; return msm_bo_create_for_modifier(bo, width, height, format, modifier); } /* msm_bo_create will create linear buffers for now */ static int msm_bo_create(struct bo *bo, uint32_t width, uint32_t height, uint32_t format, uint64_t flags) { struct combination *combo = drv_get_combination(bo->drv, format, flags); if (!combo) { drv_log("invalid format = %d, flags = %" PRIx64 " combination\n", format, flags); return -EINVAL; } return msm_bo_create_for_modifier(bo, width, height, format, combo->metadata.modifier); } static void *msm_bo_map(struct bo *bo, struct vma *vma, size_t plane, uint32_t map_flags) { int ret; struct drm_msm_gem_info req = { 0 }; req.handle = bo->handles[0].u32; ret = drmIoctl(bo->drv->fd, DRM_IOCTL_MSM_GEM_INFO, &req); if (ret) { drv_log("DRM_IOCLT_MSM_GEM_INFO failed with %s\n", strerror(errno)); return MAP_FAILED; } vma->length = bo->meta.total_size; return mmap(0, bo->meta.total_size, drv_get_prot(map_flags), MAP_SHARED, bo->drv->fd, req.offset); } const struct backend backend_msm = { .name = "msm", .init = msm_init, .bo_create = msm_bo_create, .bo_create_with_modifiers = msm_bo_create_with_modifiers, .bo_destroy = drv_gem_bo_destroy, .bo_import = drv_prime_bo_import, .bo_map = msm_bo_map, .bo_unmap = drv_bo_munmap, .resolve_format_and_use_flags = drv_resolve_format_and_use_flags_helper, }; #endif /* DRV_MSM */