########### OP-TEE testsuite and demo by Rockchip ########## The optee_test git contains the source code for the TEE test suite in Linux using the ARM(R) TrustZone(R) technology. ##### HOWTO build the testsuite ##### 1 build optee_client first * mm Android.mk in optee_client to build Dynamic Library: libteec.so and Executable Binary: tee_supplicant. 2 build CA/TA * mm Android.mk in optee_test to build CA(Client Application, running in normal world) and TA(Trust Application, running in secure world). * OR if you only have NDK environment, you can use build.sh to build TA and use ndk_build.sh to build CA. ##### HOWTO run the testsuite ##### 1 adb push the files mentioned above to machine. * put libteec.so in /system/lib/ and tee_supplicant in /system/bin/. * put CA in /system/bin/. * mkdir optee_armtz in /system/lib, then put TA in system/lib/optee_armtz. 2 run tee_supplicant * run tee_supplicant as root in background. $ su # tee_supplicant & 3 run CA * run CA. # testapp # testapp_storage ... ##### NOTICE ##### 1 After each boot, you need run tee_supplicant first, otherwise CA/TA can not complete interaction.