use crate::syntax::namespace::Namespace; use crate::syntax::report::Errors; use crate::syntax::Atom::{self, *}; use crate::syntax::{Derive, Doc, ForeignName}; use proc_macro2::{Ident, TokenStream}; use quote::ToTokens; use syn::parse::{Nothing, Parse, ParseStream, Parser as _}; use syn::{Attribute, Error, LitStr, Path, Result, Token}; // Intended usage: // // let mut doc = Doc::new(); // let mut cxx_name = None; // let mut rust_name = None; // /* ... */ // let attrs = attrs::parse( // cx, // item.attrs, // attrs::Parser { // doc: Some(&mut doc), // cxx_name: Some(&mut cxx_name), // rust_name: Some(&mut rust_name), // /* ... */ // ..Default::default() // }, // ); // #[derive(Default)] pub struct Parser<'a> { pub doc: Option<&'a mut Doc>, pub derives: Option<&'a mut Vec>, pub repr: Option<&'a mut Option>, pub namespace: Option<&'a mut Namespace>, pub cxx_name: Option<&'a mut Option>, pub rust_name: Option<&'a mut Option>, pub variants_from_header: Option<&'a mut Option>, // Suppress clippy needless_update lint ("struct update has no effect, all // the fields in the struct have already been specified") when preemptively // writing `..Default::default()`. pub(crate) _more: (), } pub fn parse(cx: &mut Errors, attrs: Vec, mut parser: Parser) -> OtherAttrs { let mut passthrough_attrs = Vec::new(); for attr in attrs { if attr.path.is_ident("doc") { match parse_doc_attribute.parse2(attr.tokens.clone()) { Ok(lit) => { if let Some(doc) = &mut parser.doc { doc.push(lit); continue; } } Err(err) => { cx.push(err); break; } } } else if attr.path.is_ident("derive") { match attr.parse_args_with(|attr: ParseStream| parse_derive_attribute(cx, attr)) { Ok(attr) => { if let Some(derives) = &mut parser.derives { derives.extend(attr); continue; } } Err(err) => { cx.push(err); break; } } } else if attr.path.is_ident("repr") { match attr.parse_args_with(parse_repr_attribute) { Ok(attr) => { if let Some(repr) = &mut parser.repr { **repr = Some(attr); continue; } } Err(err) => { cx.push(err); break; } } } else if attr.path.is_ident("namespace") { match parse_namespace_attribute.parse2(attr.tokens.clone()) { Ok(attr) => { if let Some(namespace) = &mut parser.namespace { **namespace = attr; continue; } } Err(err) => { cx.push(err); break; } } } else if attr.path.is_ident("cxx_name") { match parse_cxx_name_attribute.parse2(attr.tokens.clone()) { Ok(attr) => { if let Some(cxx_name) = &mut parser.cxx_name { **cxx_name = Some(attr); continue; } } Err(err) => { cx.push(err); break; } } } else if attr.path.is_ident("rust_name") { match parse_rust_name_attribute.parse2(attr.tokens.clone()) { Ok(attr) => { if let Some(rust_name) = &mut parser.rust_name { **rust_name = Some(attr); continue; } } Err(err) => { cx.push(err); break; } } } else if attr.path.is_ident("variants_from_header") && cfg!(feature = "experimental") { if let Err(err) = Nothing::parse.parse2(attr.tokens.clone()) { cx.push(err); } if let Some(variants_from_header) = &mut parser.variants_from_header { **variants_from_header = Some(attr); continue; } } else if attr.path.is_ident("allow") || attr.path.is_ident("warn") || attr.path.is_ident("deny") || attr.path.is_ident("forbid") || attr.path.is_ident("deprecated") || attr.path.is_ident("must_use") { // passthrough_attrs.push(attr); continue; } else if attr.path.segments.len() > 1 { let tool = &attr.path.segments.first().unwrap().ident; if tool == "rustfmt" { // Skip, rustfmt only needs to find it in the pre-expansion source file. continue; } else if tool == "clippy" { passthrough_attrs.push(attr); continue; } } cx.error(attr, "unsupported attribute"); break; } OtherAttrs(passthrough_attrs) } fn parse_doc_attribute(input: ParseStream) -> Result { input.parse::()?; let lit: LitStr = input.parse()?; Ok(lit) } fn parse_derive_attribute(cx: &mut Errors, input: ParseStream) -> Result> { let paths = input.parse_terminated::(Path::parse_mod_style)?; let mut derives = Vec::new(); for path in paths { if let Some(ident) = path.get_ident() { if let Some(derive) = Derive::from(ident) { derives.push(derive); continue; } } cx.error(path, "unsupported derive"); } Ok(derives) } fn parse_repr_attribute(input: ParseStream) -> Result { let begin = input.cursor(); let ident: Ident = input.parse()?; if let Some(atom) = Atom::from(&ident) { match atom { U8 | U16 | U32 | U64 | Usize | I8 | I16 | I32 | I64 | Isize if input.is_empty() => { return Ok(atom); } _ => {} } } Err(Error::new_spanned( begin.token_stream(), "unrecognized repr", )) } fn parse_namespace_attribute(input: ParseStream) -> Result { input.parse::()?; let namespace = input.parse::()?; Ok(namespace) } fn parse_cxx_name_attribute(input: ParseStream) -> Result { input.parse::()?; if input.peek(LitStr) { let lit: LitStr = input.parse()?; ForeignName::parse(&lit.value(), lit.span()) } else { let ident: Ident = input.parse()?; ForeignName::parse(&ident.to_string(), ident.span()) } } fn parse_rust_name_attribute(input: ParseStream) -> Result { input.parse::()?; if input.peek(LitStr) { let lit: LitStr = input.parse()?; lit.parse() } else { input.parse() } } pub struct OtherAttrs(Vec); impl OtherAttrs { pub fn none() -> Self { OtherAttrs(Vec::new()) } } impl ToTokens for OtherAttrs { fn to_tokens(&self, tokens: &mut TokenStream) { for attr in &self.0 { let Attribute { pound_token, style, bracket_token, path, tokens: attr_tokens, } = attr; pound_token.to_tokens(tokens); let _ = style; // ignore; render outer and inner attrs both as outer bracket_token.surround(tokens, |tokens| { path.to_tokens(tokens); attr_tokens.to_tokens(tokens); }); } } }