#!/bin/bash # update-spirvheaderss merges the latest changes from # the github.com/KhronosGroup/SPIRV-Headers into third_party/SPIRV-Headers. # This script copies the change descriptions from the squash change into the # top merge change, along with a standardized description. REASON=$1 if [ ! -z "$REASON" ]; then REASON="\n$REASON\n" fi git subtree pull --prefix third_party/SPIRV-Headers https://github.com/KhronosGroup/SPIRV-Headers master --squash -m "Update SPIR-V Headers" ALL_CHANGES=`git log -n 1 HEAD^2 | egrep '^(\s{4}[0-9a-f]{9}\s*.*)$'` HEAD_CHANGE=`echo "$ALL_CHANGES" | egrep '[0-9a-f]{9}' -o -m 1` LOG_MSG=`echo -e "Update SPIR-V Headers to $HEAD_CHANGE\n${REASON}\nChanges:\n$ALL_CHANGES\n\nCommands:\n ./third_party/update-spirvheaders.sh \n\nBug: b/123642959"` git commit --no-verify --amend -m "$LOG_MSG"