/* * Copyright (c) 2018 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved. * * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license * that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source * tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found * in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may * be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree. */ #include "rtc_tools/frame_analyzer/video_geometry_aligner.h" #include #include "api/video/i420_buffer.h" #include "rtc_base/checks.h" #include "rtc_base/ref_counted_object.h" #include "rtc_tools/frame_analyzer/video_quality_analysis.h" #include "third_party/libyuv/include/libyuv/scale.h" namespace webrtc { namespace test { namespace { bool IsValidRegion(const CropRegion& region, const rtc::scoped_refptr& frame) { return region.left >= 0 && region.right >= 0 && region.top >= 0 && region.bottom >= 0 && region.left + region.right < frame->width() && region.top + region.bottom < frame->height(); } } // namespace rtc::scoped_refptr CropAndZoom( const CropRegion& crop_region, const rtc::scoped_refptr& frame) { RTC_CHECK(IsValidRegion(crop_region, frame)); const int uv_crop_left = crop_region.left / 2; const int uv_crop_top = crop_region.top / 2; const int cropped_width = frame->width() - crop_region.left - crop_region.right; const int cropped_height = frame->height() - crop_region.top - crop_region.bottom; // Crop by only adjusting pointers. const uint8_t* y_plane = frame->DataY() + frame->StrideY() * crop_region.top + crop_region.left; const uint8_t* u_plane = frame->DataU() + frame->StrideU() * uv_crop_top + uv_crop_left; const uint8_t* v_plane = frame->DataV() + frame->StrideV() * uv_crop_top + uv_crop_left; // Stretch the cropped frame to the original size using libyuv. rtc::scoped_refptr adjusted_frame = I420Buffer::Create(frame->width(), frame->height()); libyuv::I420Scale(y_plane, frame->StrideY(), u_plane, frame->StrideU(), v_plane, frame->StrideV(), cropped_width, cropped_height, adjusted_frame->MutableDataY(), adjusted_frame->StrideY(), adjusted_frame->MutableDataU(), adjusted_frame->StrideU(), adjusted_frame->MutableDataV(), adjusted_frame->StrideV(), frame->width(), frame->height(), libyuv::kFilterBilinear); return adjusted_frame; } CropRegion CalculateCropRegion( const rtc::scoped_refptr& reference_frame, const rtc::scoped_refptr& test_frame) { RTC_CHECK_EQ(reference_frame->width(), test_frame->width()); RTC_CHECK_EQ(reference_frame->height(), test_frame->height()); CropRegion best_region; double best_ssim = Ssim(reference_frame, test_frame); typedef int CropRegion::*CropParameter; CropParameter crop_parameters[4] = {&CropRegion::left, &CropRegion::top, &CropRegion::right, &CropRegion::bottom}; while (true) { // Find the parameter in which direction SSIM improves the most. CropParameter best_parameter = nullptr; const CropRegion prev_best_region = best_region; for (CropParameter crop_parameter : crop_parameters) { CropRegion test_region = prev_best_region; ++(test_region.*crop_parameter); if (!IsValidRegion(test_region, reference_frame)) continue; const double ssim = Ssim(CropAndZoom(test_region, reference_frame), test_frame); if (ssim > best_ssim) { best_ssim = ssim; best_parameter = crop_parameter; best_region = test_region; } } // No improvement among any direction, stop iteration. if (best_parameter == nullptr) break; // Iterate in the best direction as long as it improves SSIM. for (CropRegion test_region = best_region; IsValidRegion(test_region, reference_frame); ++(test_region.*best_parameter)) { const double ssim = Ssim(CropAndZoom(test_region, reference_frame), test_frame); if (ssim <= best_ssim) break; best_ssim = ssim; best_region = test_region; } } return best_region; } rtc::scoped_refptr AdjustCropping( const rtc::scoped_refptr& reference_frame, const rtc::scoped_refptr& test_frame) { return CropAndZoom(CalculateCropRegion(reference_frame, test_frame), reference_frame); } rtc::scoped_refptr