/* * Copyright 2018 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ //#define LOG_NDEBUG 0 #define LOG_TAG "CodecServiceRegistrant" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace /* unnamed */ { using ::android::hardware::hidl_vec; using ::android::hardware::hidl_string; using ::android::hardware::Return; using ::android::hardware::Void; using ::android::sp; using namespace ::android::hardware::media::c2::V1_2; using namespace ::android::hardware::media::c2::V1_2::utils; constexpr c2_status_t C2_TRANSACTION_FAILED = C2_CORRUPTED; // Converter from IComponentStore to C2ComponentStore. class H2C2ComponentStore : public C2ComponentStore { protected: using IComponentStore = ::android::hardware::media::c2::V1_0::IComponentStore; using IConfigurable = ::android::hardware::media::c2::V1_0::IConfigurable; sp mStore; sp mConfigurable; public: explicit H2C2ComponentStore(sp const& store) : mStore{store}, mConfigurable{[store]() -> sp{ if (!store) { return nullptr; } Return> transResult = store->getConfigurable(); return transResult.isOk() ? static_cast>(transResult) : nullptr; }()} { if (!mConfigurable) { LOG(ERROR) << "Preferred store is corrupted."; } } virtual ~H2C2ComponentStore() override = default; virtual c2_status_t config_sm( std::vector const ¶ms, std::vector>* const failures ) override { Params hidlParams; if (!createParamsBlob(&hidlParams, params)) { LOG(ERROR) << "config -- bad input."; return C2_TRANSACTION_FAILED; } c2_status_t status{}; Return transResult = mConfigurable->config( hidlParams, true, [&status, ¶ms, failures]( Status s, const hidl_vec f, const Params& o) { status = static_cast(s); if (status != C2_OK && status != C2_BAD_INDEX) { LOG(DEBUG) << "config -- call failed: " << status << "."; } size_t i = failures->size(); failures->resize(i + f.size()); for (const SettingResult& sf : f) { if (!objcpy(&(*failures)[i++], sf)) { LOG(ERROR) << "config -- " << "invalid SettingResult returned."; return; } } if (!updateParamsFromBlob(params, o)) { LOG(ERROR) << "config -- " << "failed to parse returned params."; status = C2_CORRUPTED; } }); if (!transResult.isOk()) { LOG(ERROR) << "config -- transaction failed."; return C2_TRANSACTION_FAILED; } return status; }; virtual c2_status_t copyBuffer( std::shared_ptr, std::shared_ptr) override { LOG(ERROR) << "copyBuffer -- not supported."; return C2_OMITTED; } virtual c2_status_t createComponent( C2String, std::shared_ptr *const component) override { component->reset(); LOG(ERROR) << "createComponent -- not supported."; return C2_OMITTED; } virtual c2_status_t createInterface( C2String, std::shared_ptr *const interface) { interface->reset(); LOG(ERROR) << "createInterface -- not supported."; return C2_OMITTED; } virtual c2_status_t query_sm( const std::vector &stackParams, const std::vector &heapParamIndices, std::vector> *const heapParams) const override { hidl_vec indices( stackParams.size() + heapParamIndices.size()); size_t numIndices = 0; for (C2Param* const& stackParam : stackParams) { if (!stackParam) { LOG(WARNING) << "query -- null stack param encountered."; continue; } indices[numIndices++] = static_cast(stackParam->index()); } size_t numStackIndices = numIndices; for (const C2Param::Index& index : heapParamIndices) { indices[numIndices++] = static_cast(static_cast(index)); } indices.resize(numIndices); if (heapParams) { heapParams->reserve(heapParams->size() + numIndices); } c2_status_t status; Return transResult = mConfigurable->query( indices, true, [&status, &numStackIndices, &stackParams, heapParams]( Status s, const Params& p) { status = static_cast(s); if (status != C2_OK && status != C2_BAD_INDEX) { LOG(DEBUG) << "query -- call failed: " << status << "."; return; } std::vector paramPointers; if (!parseParamsBlob(¶mPointers, p)) { LOG(ERROR) << "query -- error while parsing params."; status = C2_CORRUPTED; return; } size_t i = 0; for (auto it = paramPointers.begin(); it != paramPointers.end(); ) { C2Param* paramPointer = *it; if (numStackIndices > 0) { --numStackIndices; if (!paramPointer) { LOG(WARNING) << "query -- null stack param."; ++it; continue; } for (; i < stackParams.size() && !stackParams[i]; ) { ++i; } if (i >= stackParams.size()) { LOG(ERROR) << "query -- unexpected error."; status = C2_CORRUPTED; return; } if (stackParams[i]->index() != paramPointer->index()) { LOG(WARNING) << "query -- param skipped: " "index = " << stackParams[i]->index() << "."; stackParams[i++]->invalidate(); continue; } if (!stackParams[i++]->updateFrom(*paramPointer)) { LOG(WARNING) << "query -- param update failed: " "index = " << paramPointer->index() << "."; } } else { if (!paramPointer) { LOG(WARNING) << "query -- null heap param."; ++it; continue; } if (!heapParams) { LOG(WARNING) << "query -- " "unexpected extra stack param."; } else { heapParams->emplace_back( C2Param::Copy(*paramPointer)); } } ++it; } }); if (!transResult.isOk()) { LOG(ERROR) << "query -- transaction failed."; return C2_TRANSACTION_FAILED; } return status; } virtual c2_status_t querySupportedParams_nb( std::vector> *const params) const { c2_status_t status; Return transResult = mConfigurable->querySupportedParams( std::numeric_limits::min(), std::numeric_limits::max(), [&status, params]( Status s, const hidl_vec& p) { status = static_cast(s); if (status != C2_OK) { LOG(DEBUG) << "querySupportedParams -- call failed: " << status << "."; return; } size_t i = params->size(); params->resize(i + p.size()); for (const ParamDescriptor& sp : p) { if (!objcpy(&(*params)[i++], sp)) { LOG(ERROR) << "querySupportedParams -- " << "invalid returned ParamDescriptor."; return; } } }); if (!transResult.isOk()) { LOG(ERROR) << "querySupportedParams -- transaction failed."; return C2_TRANSACTION_FAILED; } return status; } virtual c2_status_t querySupportedValues_sm( std::vector &fields) const { hidl_vec inFields(fields.size()); for (size_t i = 0; i < fields.size(); ++i) { if (!objcpy(&inFields[i], fields[i])) { LOG(ERROR) << "querySupportedValues -- bad input"; return C2_TRANSACTION_FAILED; } } c2_status_t status; Return transResult = mConfigurable->querySupportedValues( inFields, true, [&status, &inFields, &fields]( Status s, const hidl_vec& r) { status = static_cast(s); if (status != C2_OK) { LOG(DEBUG) << "querySupportedValues -- call failed: " << status << "."; return; } if (r.size() != fields.size()) { LOG(ERROR) << "querySupportedValues -- " "input and output lists " "have different sizes."; status = C2_CORRUPTED; return; } for (size_t i = 0; i < fields.size(); ++i) { if (!objcpy(&fields[i], inFields[i], r[i])) { LOG(ERROR) << "querySupportedValues -- " "invalid returned value."; status = C2_CORRUPTED; return; } } }); if (!transResult.isOk()) { LOG(ERROR) << "querySupportedValues -- transaction failed."; return C2_TRANSACTION_FAILED; } return status; } virtual C2String getName() const { C2String outName; Return transResult = mConfigurable->getName( [&outName](const hidl_string& name) { outName = name.c_str(); }); if (!transResult.isOk()) { LOG(ERROR) << "getName -- transaction failed."; } return outName; } virtual std::shared_ptr getParamReflector() const override { struct SimpleParamReflector : public C2ParamReflector { virtual std::unique_ptr describe( C2Param::CoreIndex coreIndex) const { hidl_vec indices(1); indices[0] = static_cast(coreIndex.coreIndex()); std::unique_ptr descriptor; Return transResult = mBase->getStructDescriptors( indices, [&descriptor]( Status s, const hidl_vec& sd) { c2_status_t status = static_cast(s); if (status != C2_OK) { LOG(DEBUG) << "SimpleParamReflector -- " "getStructDescriptors() failed: " << status << "."; descriptor.reset(); return; } if (sd.size() != 1) { LOG(DEBUG) << "SimpleParamReflector -- " "getStructDescriptors() " "returned vector of size " << sd.size() << ". " "It should be 1."; descriptor.reset(); return; } if (!objcpy(&descriptor, sd[0])) { LOG(DEBUG) << "SimpleParamReflector -- " "getStructDescriptors() returned " "corrupted data."; descriptor.reset(); return; } }); return descriptor; } explicit SimpleParamReflector(sp base) : mBase(base) { } sp mBase; }; return std::make_shared(mStore); } virtual std::vector> listComponents() override { LOG(ERROR) << "listComponents -- not supported."; return {}; } }; bool ionPropertiesDefined() { using namespace ::android::base; std::string heapMask = GetProperty("ro.com.android.media.swcodec.ion.heapmask", "undefined"); std::string flags = GetProperty("ro.com.android.media.swcodec.ion.flags", "undefined"); std::string align = GetProperty("ro.com.android.media.swcodec.ion.align", "undefined"); if (heapMask != "undefined" || flags != "undefined" || align != "undefined") { LOG(INFO) << "Some system properties for mediaswcodec ION usage are set: " << "heapmask = " << heapMask << ", " << "flags = " << flags << ", " << "align = " << align << ". " << "Preferred Codec2 store is defaulted to \"software\"."; return true; } return false; } } // unnamed namespace extern "C" void RegisterCodecServices() { LOG(INFO) << "Creating software Codec2 service..."; std::shared_ptr store = android::GetCodec2PlatformComponentStore(); if (!store) { LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to create Codec2 service."; return; } using namespace ::android::hardware::media::c2; int platformVersion = android_get_device_api_level(); if (platformVersion >= __ANDROID_API_S__) { android::sp storeV1_2 = new V1_2::utils::ComponentStore(store); if (storeV1_2->registerAsService("software") != android::OK) { LOG(ERROR) << "Cannot register software Codec2 v1.2 service."; return; } } else if (platformVersion == __ANDROID_API_R__) { android::sp storeV1_1 = new V1_1::utils::ComponentStore(store); if (storeV1_1->registerAsService("software") != android::OK) { LOG(ERROR) << "Cannot register software Codec2 v1.1 service."; return; } } else if (platformVersion == __ANDROID_API_Q__) { android::sp storeV1_0 = new V1_0::utils::ComponentStore(store); if (storeV1_0->registerAsService("software") != android::OK) { LOG(ERROR) << "Cannot register software Codec2 v1.0 service."; return; } } else { // platformVersion < __ANDROID_API_Q__ LOG(ERROR) << "The platform version " << platformVersion << " is not supported."; return; } if (!ionPropertiesDefined()) { using IComponentStore = ::android::hardware::media::c2::V1_0::IComponentStore; std::string const preferredStoreName = "default"; sp preferredStore = IComponentStore::getService(preferredStoreName.c_str()); if (preferredStore) { ::android::SetPreferredCodec2ComponentStore( std::make_shared(preferredStore)); LOG(INFO) << "Preferred Codec2 store is set to \"" << preferredStoreName << "\"."; } else { LOG(INFO) << "Preferred Codec2 store is defaulted to \"software\"."; } } LOG(INFO) << "Software Codec2 service created and registered."; }