/* * Copyright (C) 2015 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include "ResourceUtils.h" #include #include #include "android-base/stringprintf.h" #include "androidfw/ResourceTypes.h" #include "androidfw/ResourceUtils.h" #include "NameMangler.h" #include "SdkConstants.h" #include "format/binary/ResourceTypeExtensions.h" #include "text/Unicode.h" #include "text/Utf8Iterator.h" #include "util/Files.h" #include "util/Util.h" using ::aapt::text::Utf8Iterator; using ::android::ConfigDescription; using ::android::StringPiece; using ::android::StringPiece16; using ::android::base::StringPrintf; namespace aapt { namespace ResourceUtils { std::optional ToResourceName(const android::ResTable::resource_name& name_in) { // TODO: Remove this when ResTable and AssetManager(1) are removed from AAPT2 ResourceName name_out; if (!name_in.package) { return {}; } name_out.package = util::Utf16ToUtf8(StringPiece16(name_in.package, name_in.packageLen)); std::optional type; if (name_in.type) { type = ParseResourceNamedType(util::Utf16ToUtf8(StringPiece16(name_in.type, name_in.typeLen))); } else if (name_in.type8) { type = ParseResourceNamedType(StringPiece(name_in.type8, name_in.typeLen)); } else { return {}; } if (!type) { return {}; } name_out.type = type->ToResourceNamedType(); if (name_in.name) { name_out.entry = util::Utf16ToUtf8(StringPiece16(name_in.name, name_in.nameLen)); } else if (name_in.name8) { name_out.entry.assign(name_in.name8, name_in.nameLen); } else { return {}; } return name_out; } std::optional ToResourceName(const android::AssetManager2::ResourceName& name_in) { ResourceName name_out; if (!name_in.package) { return {}; } name_out.package = std::string(name_in.package, name_in.package_len); std::optional type; if (name_in.type16) { type = ParseResourceNamedType(util::Utf16ToUtf8(StringPiece16(name_in.type16, name_in.type_len))); } else if (name_in.type) { type = ParseResourceNamedType(StringPiece(name_in.type, name_in.type_len)); } else { return {}; } if (!type) { return {}; } name_out.type = type->ToResourceNamedType(); if (name_in.entry16) { name_out.entry = util::Utf16ToUtf8(StringPiece16(name_in.entry16, name_in.entry_len)); } else if (name_in.entry) { name_out.entry = std::string(name_in.entry, name_in.entry_len); } else { return {}; } return name_out; } bool ParseResourceName(const StringPiece& str, ResourceNameRef* out_ref, bool* out_private) { if (str.empty()) { return false; } size_t offset = 0; bool priv = false; if (str.data()[0] == '*') { priv = true; offset = 1; } StringPiece package; StringPiece type; StringPiece entry; if (!android::ExtractResourceName(str.substr(offset, str.size() - offset), &package, &type, &entry)) { return false; } std::optional parsed_type = ParseResourceNamedType(type); if (!parsed_type) { return false; } if (entry.empty()) { return false; } if (out_ref) { out_ref->package = package; out_ref->type = *parsed_type; out_ref->entry = entry; } if (out_private) { *out_private = priv; } return true; } bool ParseReference(const StringPiece& str, ResourceNameRef* out_ref, bool* out_create, bool* out_private) { StringPiece trimmed_str(util::TrimWhitespace(str)); if (trimmed_str.empty()) { return false; } bool create = false; bool priv = false; if (trimmed_str.data()[0] == '@') { size_t offset = 1; if (trimmed_str.data()[1] == '+') { create = true; offset += 1; } ResourceNameRef name; if (!ParseResourceName( trimmed_str.substr(offset, trimmed_str.size() - offset), &name, &priv)) { return false; } if (create && priv) { return false; } if (create && name.type.type != ResourceType::kId) { return false; } if (out_ref) { *out_ref = name; } if (out_create) { *out_create = create; } if (out_private) { *out_private = priv; } return true; } return false; } bool IsReference(const StringPiece& str) { return ParseReference(str, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr); } bool ParseAttributeReference(const StringPiece& str, ResourceNameRef* out_ref) { StringPiece trimmed_str(util::TrimWhitespace(str)); if (trimmed_str.empty()) { return false; } if (*trimmed_str.data() == '?') { StringPiece package; StringPiece type; StringPiece entry; if (!android::ExtractResourceName(trimmed_str.substr(1, trimmed_str.size() - 1), &package, &type, &entry)) { return false; } if (!type.empty() && type != "attr") { return false; } if (entry.empty()) { return false; } if (out_ref) { out_ref->package = package; out_ref->type = ResourceNamedTypeWithDefaultName(ResourceType::kAttr); out_ref->entry = entry; } return true; } return false; } bool IsAttributeReference(const StringPiece& str) { return ParseAttributeReference(str, nullptr); } /* * Style parent's are a bit different. We accept the following formats: * * @[[*]package:][style/] * ?[[*]package:]style/ * <[*]package>:[style/] * [[*]package:style/] */ std::optional ParseStyleParentReference(const StringPiece& str, std::string* out_error) { if (str.empty()) { return {}; } StringPiece name = str; bool has_leading_identifiers = false; bool private_ref = false; // Skip over these identifiers. A style's parent is a normal reference. if (name.data()[0] == '@' || name.data()[0] == '?') { has_leading_identifiers = true; name = name.substr(1, name.size() - 1); } if (name.data()[0] == '*') { private_ref = true; name = name.substr(1, name.size() - 1); } ResourceNameRef ref; ref.type = ResourceNamedTypeWithDefaultName(ResourceType::kStyle); StringPiece type_str; android::ExtractResourceName(name, &ref.package, &type_str, &ref.entry); if (!type_str.empty()) { // If we have a type, make sure it is a Style. const ResourceType* parsed_type = ParseResourceType(type_str); if (!parsed_type || *parsed_type != ResourceType::kStyle) { std::stringstream err; err << "invalid resource type '" << type_str << "' for parent of style"; *out_error = err.str(); return {}; } } if (!has_leading_identifiers && ref.package.empty() && !type_str.empty()) { std::stringstream err; err << "invalid parent reference '" << str << "'"; *out_error = err.str(); return {}; } Reference result(ref); result.private_reference = private_ref; return result; } std::optional ParseXmlAttributeName(const StringPiece& str) { StringPiece trimmed_str = util::TrimWhitespace(str); const char* start = trimmed_str.data(); const char* const end = start + trimmed_str.size(); const char* p = start; Reference ref; if (p != end && *p == '*') { ref.private_reference = true; start++; p++; } StringPiece package; StringPiece name; while (p != end) { if (*p == ':') { package = StringPiece(start, p - start); name = StringPiece(p + 1, end - (p + 1)); break; } p++; } ref.name = ResourceName(package, ResourceNamedTypeWithDefaultName(ResourceType::kAttr), name.empty() ? trimmed_str : name); return std::optional(std::move(ref)); } std::unique_ptr TryParseReference(const StringPiece& str, bool* out_create) { ResourceNameRef ref; bool private_ref = false; if (ParseReference(str, &ref, out_create, &private_ref)) { std::unique_ptr value = util::make_unique(ref); value->private_reference = private_ref; return value; } if (ParseAttributeReference(str, &ref)) { if (out_create) { *out_create = false; } return util::make_unique(ref, Reference::Type::kAttribute); } return {}; } std::unique_ptr TryParseNullOrEmpty(const StringPiece& str) { const StringPiece trimmed_str(util::TrimWhitespace(str)); if (trimmed_str == "@null") { return MakeNull(); } else if (trimmed_str == "@empty") { return MakeEmpty(); } return {}; } std::unique_ptr MakeNull() { // TYPE_NULL with data set to 0 is interpreted by the runtime as an error. // Instead we set the data type to TYPE_REFERENCE with a value of 0. return util::make_unique(); } std::unique_ptr MakeEmpty() { return util::make_unique(android::Res_value::TYPE_NULL, android::Res_value::DATA_NULL_EMPTY); } std::unique_ptr TryParseEnumSymbol(const Attribute* enum_attr, const StringPiece& str) { StringPiece trimmed_str(util::TrimWhitespace(str)); for (const Attribute::Symbol& symbol : enum_attr->symbols) { // Enum symbols are stored as @package:id/symbol resources, // so we need to match against the 'entry' part of the identifier. const ResourceName& enum_symbol_resource_name = symbol.symbol.name.value(); if (trimmed_str == enum_symbol_resource_name.entry) { android::Res_value value = {}; value.dataType = symbol.type; value.data = symbol.value; return util::make_unique(value); } } return {}; } std::unique_ptr TryParseFlagSymbol(const Attribute* flag_attr, const StringPiece& str) { android::Res_value flags = {}; flags.dataType = android::Res_value::TYPE_INT_HEX; flags.data = 0u; if (util::TrimWhitespace(str).empty()) { // Empty string is a valid flag (0). return util::make_unique(flags); } for (const StringPiece& part : util::Tokenize(str, '|')) { StringPiece trimmed_part = util::TrimWhitespace(part); bool flag_set = false; for (const Attribute::Symbol& symbol : flag_attr->symbols) { // Flag symbols are stored as @package:id/symbol resources, // so we need to match against the 'entry' part of the identifier. const ResourceName& flag_symbol_resource_name = symbol.symbol.name.value(); if (trimmed_part == flag_symbol_resource_name.entry) { flags.data |= symbol.value; flag_set = true; break; } } if (!flag_set) { return {}; } } return util::make_unique(flags); } static uint32_t ParseHex(char c, bool* out_error) { if (c >= '0' && c <= '9') { return c - '0'; } else if (c >= 'a' && c <= 'f') { return c - 'a' + 0xa; } else if (c >= 'A' && c <= 'F') { return c - 'A' + 0xa; } else { *out_error = true; return 0xffffffffu; } } std::unique_ptr TryParseColor(const StringPiece& str) { StringPiece color_str(util::TrimWhitespace(str)); const char* start = color_str.data(); const size_t len = color_str.size(); if (len == 0 || start[0] != '#') { return {}; } android::Res_value value = {}; bool error = false; if (len == 4) { value.dataType = android::Res_value::TYPE_INT_COLOR_RGB4; value.data = 0xff000000u; value.data |= ParseHex(start[1], &error) << 20; value.data |= ParseHex(start[1], &error) << 16; value.data |= ParseHex(start[2], &error) << 12; value.data |= ParseHex(start[2], &error) << 8; value.data |= ParseHex(start[3], &error) << 4; value.data |= ParseHex(start[3], &error); } else if (len == 5) { value.dataType = android::Res_value::TYPE_INT_COLOR_ARGB4; value.data |= ParseHex(start[1], &error) << 28; value.data |= ParseHex(start[1], &error) << 24; value.data |= ParseHex(start[2], &error) << 20; value.data |= ParseHex(start[2], &error) << 16; value.data |= ParseHex(start[3], &error) << 12; value.data |= ParseHex(start[3], &error) << 8; value.data |= ParseHex(start[4], &error) << 4; value.data |= ParseHex(start[4], &error); } else if (len == 7) { value.dataType = android::Res_value::TYPE_INT_COLOR_RGB8; value.data = 0xff000000u; value.data |= ParseHex(start[1], &error) << 20; value.data |= ParseHex(start[2], &error) << 16; value.data |= ParseHex(start[3], &error) << 12; value.data |= ParseHex(start[4], &error) << 8; value.data |= ParseHex(start[5], &error) << 4; value.data |= ParseHex(start[6], &error); } else if (len == 9) { value.dataType = android::Res_value::TYPE_INT_COLOR_ARGB8; value.data |= ParseHex(start[1], &error) << 28; value.data |= ParseHex(start[2], &error) << 24; value.data |= ParseHex(start[3], &error) << 20; value.data |= ParseHex(start[4], &error) << 16; value.data |= ParseHex(start[5], &error) << 12; value.data |= ParseHex(start[6], &error) << 8; value.data |= ParseHex(start[7], &error) << 4; value.data |= ParseHex(start[8], &error); } else { return {}; } return error ? std::unique_ptr() : util::make_unique(value); } std::optional ParseBool(const StringPiece& str) { StringPiece trimmed_str(util::TrimWhitespace(str)); if (trimmed_str == "true" || trimmed_str == "TRUE" || trimmed_str == "True") { return std::optional(true); } else if (trimmed_str == "false" || trimmed_str == "FALSE" || trimmed_str == "False") { return std::optional(false); } return {}; } std::optional ParseInt(const StringPiece& str) { std::u16string str16 = util::Utf8ToUtf16(str); android::Res_value value; if (android::ResTable::stringToInt(str16.data(), str16.size(), &value)) { return value.data; } return {}; } std::optional ParseResourceId(const StringPiece& str) { StringPiece trimmed_str(util::TrimWhitespace(str)); std::u16string str16 = util::Utf8ToUtf16(trimmed_str); android::Res_value value; if (android::ResTable::stringToInt(str16.data(), str16.size(), &value)) { if (value.dataType == android::Res_value::TYPE_INT_HEX) { ResourceId id(value.data); if (id.is_valid()) { return id; } } } return {}; } std::optional ParseSdkVersion(const StringPiece& str) { StringPiece trimmed_str(util::TrimWhitespace(str)); std::u16string str16 = util::Utf8ToUtf16(trimmed_str); android::Res_value value; if (android::ResTable::stringToInt(str16.data(), str16.size(), &value)) { return static_cast(value.data); } // Try parsing the code name. std::optional entry = GetDevelopmentSdkCodeNameVersion(trimmed_str); if (entry) { return entry.value(); } // Try parsing codename from "[codename].[preview_sdk_fingerprint]" value. const StringPiece::const_iterator begin = std::begin(trimmed_str); const StringPiece::const_iterator end = std::end(trimmed_str); const StringPiece::const_iterator codename_end = std::find(begin, end, '.'); entry = GetDevelopmentSdkCodeNameVersion(trimmed_str.substr(begin, codename_end)); if (entry) { return entry.value(); } return {}; } std::unique_ptr TryParseBool(const StringPiece& str) { if (std::optional maybe_result = ParseBool(str)) { const uint32_t data = maybe_result.value() ? 0xffffffffu : 0u; return util::make_unique(android::Res_value::TYPE_INT_BOOLEAN, data); } return {}; } std::unique_ptr MakeBool(bool val) { return util::make_unique(android::Res_value::TYPE_INT_BOOLEAN, val ? 0xffffffffu : 0u); } std::unique_ptr TryParseInt(const StringPiece& str) { std::u16string str16 = util::Utf8ToUtf16(util::TrimWhitespace(str)); android::Res_value value; if (!android::ResTable::stringToInt(str16.data(), str16.size(), &value)) { return {}; } return util::make_unique(value); } std::unique_ptr MakeInt(uint32_t val) { return util::make_unique(android::Res_value::TYPE_INT_DEC, val); } std::unique_ptr TryParseFloat(const StringPiece& str) { std::u16string str16 = util::Utf8ToUtf16(util::TrimWhitespace(str)); android::Res_value value; if (!android::ResTable::stringToFloat(str16.data(), str16.size(), &value)) { return {}; } return util::make_unique(value); } uint32_t AndroidTypeToAttributeTypeMask(uint16_t type) { switch (type) { case android::Res_value::TYPE_NULL: case android::Res_value::TYPE_REFERENCE: case android::Res_value::TYPE_ATTRIBUTE: case android::Res_value::TYPE_DYNAMIC_REFERENCE: case android::Res_value::TYPE_DYNAMIC_ATTRIBUTE: return android::ResTable_map::TYPE_REFERENCE; case android::Res_value::TYPE_STRING: return android::ResTable_map::TYPE_STRING; case android::Res_value::TYPE_FLOAT: return android::ResTable_map::TYPE_FLOAT; case android::Res_value::TYPE_DIMENSION: return android::ResTable_map::TYPE_DIMENSION; case android::Res_value::TYPE_FRACTION: return android::ResTable_map::TYPE_FRACTION; case android::Res_value::TYPE_INT_DEC: case android::Res_value::TYPE_INT_HEX: return android::ResTable_map::TYPE_INTEGER | android::ResTable_map::TYPE_ENUM | android::ResTable_map::TYPE_FLAGS; case android::Res_value::TYPE_INT_BOOLEAN: return android::ResTable_map::TYPE_BOOLEAN; case android::Res_value::TYPE_INT_COLOR_ARGB8: case android::Res_value::TYPE_INT_COLOR_RGB8: case android::Res_value::TYPE_INT_COLOR_ARGB4: case android::Res_value::TYPE_INT_COLOR_RGB4: return android::ResTable_map::TYPE_COLOR; default: return 0; }; } std::unique_ptr TryParseItemForAttribute( const StringPiece& value, uint32_t type_mask, const std::function& on_create_reference) { using android::ResTable_map; auto null_or_empty = TryParseNullOrEmpty(value); if (null_or_empty) { return null_or_empty; } bool create = false; auto reference = TryParseReference(value, &create); if (reference) { reference->type_flags = type_mask; if (create && on_create_reference) { if (!on_create_reference(reference->name.value())) { return {}; } } return std::move(reference); } if (type_mask & ResTable_map::TYPE_COLOR) { // Try parsing this as a color. auto color = TryParseColor(value); if (color) { return std::move(color); } } if (type_mask & ResTable_map::TYPE_BOOLEAN) { // Try parsing this as a boolean. auto boolean = TryParseBool(value); if (boolean) { return std::move(boolean); } } if (type_mask & ResTable_map::TYPE_INTEGER) { // Try parsing this as an integer. auto integer = TryParseInt(value); if (integer) { return std::move(integer); } } const uint32_t float_mask = ResTable_map::TYPE_FLOAT | ResTable_map::TYPE_DIMENSION | ResTable_map::TYPE_FRACTION; if (type_mask & float_mask) { // Try parsing this as a float. auto floating_point = TryParseFloat(value); if (floating_point) { if (type_mask & AndroidTypeToAttributeTypeMask(floating_point->value.dataType)) { return std::move(floating_point); } } } return {}; } /** * We successively try to parse the string as a resource type that the Attribute * allows. */ std::unique_ptr TryParseItemForAttribute( const StringPiece& str, const Attribute* attr, const std::function& on_create_reference) { using android::ResTable_map; const uint32_t type_mask = attr->type_mask; auto value = TryParseItemForAttribute(str, type_mask, on_create_reference); if (value) { return value; } if (type_mask & ResTable_map::TYPE_ENUM) { // Try parsing this as an enum. auto enum_value = TryParseEnumSymbol(attr, str); if (enum_value) { return std::move(enum_value); } } if (type_mask & ResTable_map::TYPE_FLAGS) { // Try parsing this as a flag. auto flag_value = TryParseFlagSymbol(attr, str); if (flag_value) { return std::move(flag_value); } } return {}; } std::string BuildResourceFileName(const ResourceFile& res_file, const NameMangler* mangler) { std::stringstream out; out << "res/" << res_file.name.type; if (res_file.config != ConfigDescription{}) { out << "-" << res_file.config; } out << "/"; if (mangler && mangler->ShouldMangle(res_file.name.package)) { out << NameMangler::MangleEntry(res_file.name.package, res_file.name.entry); } else { out << res_file.name.entry; } out << file::GetExtension(res_file.source.path); return out.str(); } std::unique_ptr ParseBinaryResValue(const ResourceType& type, const ConfigDescription& config, const android::ResStringPool& src_pool, const android::Res_value& res_value, StringPool* dst_pool) { if (type == ResourceType::kId) { if (res_value.dataType != android::Res_value::TYPE_REFERENCE && res_value.dataType != android::Res_value::TYPE_DYNAMIC_REFERENCE) { // plain "id" resources are actually encoded as unused values (aapt1 uses an empty string, // while aapt2 uses a false boolean). return util::make_unique(); } // fall through to regular reference deserialization logic } const uint32_t data = util::DeviceToHost32(res_value.data); switch (res_value.dataType) { case android::Res_value::TYPE_STRING: { const std::string str = util::GetString(src_pool, data); auto spans_result = src_pool.styleAt(data); // Check if the string has a valid style associated with it. if (spans_result.has_value() && (*spans_result)->name.index != android::ResStringPool_span::END) { const android::ResStringPool_span* spans = spans_result->unsafe_ptr(); StyleString style_str = {str}; while (spans->name.index != android::ResStringPool_span::END) { style_str.spans.push_back(Span{util::GetString(src_pool, spans->name.index), spans->firstChar, spans->lastChar}); spans++; } return util::make_unique(dst_pool->MakeRef( style_str, StringPool::Context(StringPool::Context::kNormalPriority, config))); } else { if (type != ResourceType::kString && util::StartsWith(str, "res/")) { // This must be a FileReference. std::unique_ptr file_ref = util::make_unique(dst_pool->MakeRef( str, StringPool::Context(StringPool::Context::kHighPriority, config))); if (type == ResourceType::kRaw) { file_ref->type = ResourceFile::Type::kUnknown; } else if (util::EndsWith(*file_ref->path, ".xml")) { file_ref->type = ResourceFile::Type::kBinaryXml; } else if (util::EndsWith(*file_ref->path, ".png")) { file_ref->type = ResourceFile::Type::kPng; } return std::move(file_ref); } // There are no styles associated with this string, so treat it as a simple string. return util::make_unique(dst_pool->MakeRef(str, StringPool::Context(config))); } } break; case android::Res_value::TYPE_REFERENCE: case android::Res_value::TYPE_ATTRIBUTE: case android::Res_value::TYPE_DYNAMIC_REFERENCE: case android::Res_value::TYPE_DYNAMIC_ATTRIBUTE: { Reference::Type ref_type = Reference::Type::kResource; if (res_value.dataType == android::Res_value::TYPE_ATTRIBUTE || res_value.dataType == android::Res_value::TYPE_DYNAMIC_ATTRIBUTE) { ref_type = Reference::Type::kAttribute; } if (data == 0u) { // A reference of 0, must be the magic @null reference. return util::make_unique(); } // This is a normal reference. auto reference = util::make_unique(data, ref_type); if (res_value.dataType == android::Res_value::TYPE_DYNAMIC_REFERENCE || res_value.dataType == android::Res_value::TYPE_DYNAMIC_ATTRIBUTE) { reference->is_dynamic = true; } return reference; } break; } // Treat this as a raw binary primitive. return util::make_unique(res_value); } // Converts the codepoint to UTF-8 and appends it to the string. static bool AppendCodepointToUtf8String(char32_t codepoint, std::string* output) { ssize_t len = utf32_to_utf8_length(&codepoint, 1); if (len < 0) { return false; } const size_t start_append_pos = output->size(); // Make room for the next character. output->resize(output->size() + len); char* dst = &*(output->begin() + start_append_pos); utf32_to_utf8(&codepoint, 1, dst, len + 1); return true; } // Reads up to 4 UTF-8 characters that represent a Unicode escape sequence, and appends the // Unicode codepoint represented by the escape sequence to the string. static bool AppendUnicodeEscapeSequence(Utf8Iterator* iter, std::string* output) { char32_t code = 0; for (size_t i = 0; i < 4 && iter->HasNext(); i++) { char32_t codepoint = iter->Next(); char32_t a; if (codepoint >= U'0' && codepoint <= U'9') { a = codepoint - U'0'; } else if (codepoint >= U'a' && codepoint <= U'f') { a = codepoint - U'a' + 10; } else if (codepoint >= U'A' && codepoint <= U'F') { a = codepoint - U'A' + 10; } else { return {}; } code = (code << 4) | a; } return AppendCodepointToUtf8String(code, output); } StringBuilder::StringBuilder(bool preserve_spaces) : preserve_spaces_(preserve_spaces), quote_(preserve_spaces) { } StringBuilder& StringBuilder::AppendText(const std::string& text) { if (!error_.empty()) { return *this; } const size_t previous_len = xml_string_.text.size(); Utf8Iterator iter(text); while (iter.HasNext()) { char32_t codepoint = iter.Next(); if (!preserve_spaces_ && !quote_ && (codepoint <= std::numeric_limits::max()) && isspace(static_cast(codepoint))) { if (!last_codepoint_was_space_) { // Emit a space if it's the first. xml_string_.text += ' '; last_codepoint_was_space_ = true; } // Keep eating spaces. continue; } // This is not a space. last_codepoint_was_space_ = false; if (codepoint == U'\\') { if (iter.HasNext()) { codepoint = iter.Next(); switch (codepoint) { case U't': xml_string_.text += '\t'; break; case U'n': xml_string_.text += '\n'; break; case U'#': case U'@': case U'?': case U'"': case U'\'': case U'\\': xml_string_.text += static_cast(codepoint); break; case U'u': if (!AppendUnicodeEscapeSequence(&iter, &xml_string_.text)) { error_ = StringPrintf("invalid unicode escape sequence in string\n\"%s\"", text.c_str()); return *this; } break; default: // Ignore the escape character and just include the codepoint. AppendCodepointToUtf8String(codepoint, &xml_string_.text); break; } } } else if (!preserve_spaces_ && codepoint == U'"') { // Only toggle the quote state when we are not preserving spaces. quote_ = !quote_; } else if (!preserve_spaces_ && !quote_ && codepoint == U'\'') { // This should be escaped when we are not preserving spaces error_ = StringPrintf("unescaped apostrophe in string\n\"%s\"", text.c_str()); return *this; } else { AppendCodepointToUtf8String(codepoint, &xml_string_.text); } } // Accumulate the added string's UTF-16 length. const uint8_t* utf8_data = reinterpret_cast(xml_string_.text.c_str()); const size_t utf8_length = xml_string_.text.size(); ssize_t len = utf8_to_utf16_length(utf8_data + previous_len, utf8_length - previous_len); if (len < 0) { error_ = StringPrintf("invalid unicode code point in string\n\"%s\"", utf8_data + previous_len); return *this; } utf16_len_ += static_cast(len); return *this; } StringBuilder::SpanHandle StringBuilder::StartSpan(const std::string& name) { if (!error_.empty()) { return 0u; } // When we start a span, all state associated with whitespace truncation and quotation is ended. ResetTextState(); Span span; span.name = name; span.first_char = span.last_char = utf16_len_; xml_string_.spans.push_back(std::move(span)); return xml_string_.spans.size() - 1; } void StringBuilder::EndSpan(SpanHandle handle) { if (!error_.empty()) { return; } // When we end a span, all state associated with whitespace truncation and quotation is ended. ResetTextState(); xml_string_.spans[handle].last_char = utf16_len_ - 1u; } StringBuilder::UntranslatableHandle StringBuilder::StartUntranslatable() { if (!error_.empty()) { return 0u; } UntranslatableSection section; section.start = section.end = xml_string_.text.size(); xml_string_.untranslatable_sections.push_back(section); return xml_string_.untranslatable_sections.size() - 1; } void StringBuilder::EndUntranslatable(UntranslatableHandle handle) { if (!error_.empty()) { return; } xml_string_.untranslatable_sections[handle].end = xml_string_.text.size(); } FlattenedXmlString StringBuilder::GetFlattenedString() const { return xml_string_; } std::string StringBuilder::to_string() const { return xml_string_.text; } StringBuilder::operator bool() const { return error_.empty(); } std::string StringBuilder::GetError() const { return error_; } void StringBuilder::ResetTextState() { quote_ = preserve_spaces_; last_codepoint_was_space_ = false; } } // namespace ResourceUtils } // namespace aapt