/* * Copyright (C) 2015 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include "Link.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "android-base/errors.h" #include "android-base/expected.h" #include "android-base/file.h" #include "android-base/stringprintf.h" #include "androidfw/Locale.h" #include "androidfw/StringPiece.h" #include "AppInfo.h" #include "Debug.h" #include "LoadedApk.h" #include "NameMangler.h" #include "ResourceUtils.h" #include "ResourceValues.h" #include "ValueVisitor.h" #include "cmd/Util.h" #include "compile/IdAssigner.h" #include "compile/XmlIdCollector.h" #include "filter/ConfigFilter.h" #include "format/Archive.h" #include "format/Container.h" #include "format/binary/TableFlattener.h" #include "format/binary/XmlFlattener.h" #include "format/proto/ProtoDeserialize.h" #include "format/proto/ProtoSerialize.h" #include "io/BigBufferStream.h" #include "io/FileStream.h" #include "io/FileSystem.h" #include "io/Util.h" #include "io/ZipArchive.h" #include "java/JavaClassGenerator.h" #include "java/ManifestClassGenerator.h" #include "java/ProguardRules.h" #include "link/Linkers.h" #include "link/ManifestFixer.h" #include "link/NoDefaultResourceRemover.h" #include "link/ReferenceLinker.h" #include "link/ResourceExcluder.h" #include "link/TableMerger.h" #include "link/XmlCompatVersioner.h" #include "optimize/ResourceDeduper.h" #include "optimize/VersionCollapser.h" #include "process/IResourceTableConsumer.h" #include "process/SymbolTable.h" #include "split/TableSplitter.h" #include "trace/TraceBuffer.h" #include "util/Files.h" #include "xml/XmlDom.h" using ::aapt::io::FileInputStream; using ::android::ConfigDescription; using ::android::StringPiece; using ::android::base::expected; using ::android::base::StringPrintf; using ::android::base::unexpected; namespace aapt { namespace { expected GetStaticLibraryPackage(ResourceTable* table) { // Resource tables built by aapt2 always contain one package. This is a post condition of // VerifyNoExternalPackages. if (table->packages.size() != 1u) { return unexpected("static library contains more than one package"); } return table->packages.back().get(); } } // namespace constexpr uint8_t kAndroidPackageId = 0x01; class LinkContext : public IAaptContext { public: explicit LinkContext(IDiagnostics* diagnostics) : diagnostics_(diagnostics), name_mangler_({}), symbols_(&name_mangler_) { } PackageType GetPackageType() override { return package_type_; } void SetPackageType(PackageType type) { package_type_ = type; } IDiagnostics* GetDiagnostics() override { return diagnostics_; } NameMangler* GetNameMangler() override { return &name_mangler_; } void SetNameManglerPolicy(const NameManglerPolicy& policy) { name_mangler_ = NameMangler(policy); } const std::string& GetCompilationPackage() override { return compilation_package_; } void SetCompilationPackage(const StringPiece& package_name) { compilation_package_ = package_name.to_string(); } uint8_t GetPackageId() override { return package_id_; } void SetPackageId(uint8_t id) { package_id_ = id; } SymbolTable* GetExternalSymbols() override { return &symbols_; } bool IsVerbose() override { return verbose_; } void SetVerbose(bool val) { verbose_ = val; } int GetMinSdkVersion() override { return min_sdk_version_; } void SetMinSdkVersion(int minSdk) { min_sdk_version_ = minSdk; } const std::set& GetSplitNameDependencies() override { return split_name_dependencies_; } void SetSplitNameDependencies(const std::set& split_name_dependencies) { split_name_dependencies_ = split_name_dependencies; } private: DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(LinkContext); PackageType package_type_ = PackageType::kApp; IDiagnostics* diagnostics_; NameMangler name_mangler_; std::string compilation_package_; uint8_t package_id_ = 0x0; SymbolTable symbols_; bool verbose_ = false; int min_sdk_version_ = 0; std::set split_name_dependencies_; }; // A custom delegate that generates compatible pre-O IDs for use with feature splits. // Feature splits use package IDs > 7f, which in Java (since Java doesn't have unsigned ints) // is interpreted as a negative number. Some verification was wrongly assuming negative values // were invalid. // // This delegate will attempt to masquerade any '@id/' references with ID 0xPPTTEEEE, // where PP > 7f, as 0x7fPPEEEE. Any potential overlapping is verified and an error occurs if such // an overlap exists. // // See b/37498913. class FeatureSplitSymbolTableDelegate : public DefaultSymbolTableDelegate { public: explicit FeatureSplitSymbolTableDelegate(IAaptContext* context) : context_(context) { } virtual ~FeatureSplitSymbolTableDelegate() = default; virtual std::unique_ptr FindByName( const ResourceName& name, const std::vector>& sources) override { std::unique_ptr symbol = DefaultSymbolTableDelegate::FindByName(name, sources); if (symbol == nullptr) { return {}; } // Check to see if this is an 'id' with the target package. if (name.type.type == ResourceType::kId && symbol->id) { ResourceId* id = &symbol->id.value(); if (id->package_id() > kAppPackageId) { // Rewrite the resource ID to be compatible pre-O. ResourceId rewritten_id(kAppPackageId, id->package_id(), id->entry_id()); // Check that this doesn't overlap another resource. if (DefaultSymbolTableDelegate::FindById(rewritten_id, sources) != nullptr) { // The ID overlaps, so log a message (since this is a weird failure) and fail. context_->GetDiagnostics()->Error(DiagMessage() << "Failed to rewrite " << name << " for pre-O feature split support"); return {}; } if (context_->IsVerbose()) { context_->GetDiagnostics()->Note(DiagMessage() << "rewriting " << name << " (" << *id << ") -> (" << rewritten_id << ")"); } *id = rewritten_id; } } return symbol; } private: DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(FeatureSplitSymbolTableDelegate); IAaptContext* context_; }; static bool FlattenXml(IAaptContext* context, const xml::XmlResource& xml_res, const StringPiece& path, bool keep_raw_values, bool utf16, OutputFormat format, IArchiveWriter* writer) { TRACE_CALL(); if (context->IsVerbose()) { context->GetDiagnostics()->Note(DiagMessage(path) << "writing to archive (keep_raw_values=" << (keep_raw_values ? "true" : "false") << ")"); } switch (format) { case OutputFormat::kApk: { BigBuffer buffer(1024); XmlFlattenerOptions options = {}; options.keep_raw_values = keep_raw_values; options.use_utf16 = utf16; XmlFlattener flattener(&buffer, options); if (!flattener.Consume(context, &xml_res)) { return false; } io::BigBufferInputStream input_stream(&buffer); return io::CopyInputStreamToArchive(context, &input_stream, path.to_string(), ArchiveEntry::kCompress, writer); } break; case OutputFormat::kProto: { pb::XmlNode pb_node; // Strip whitespace text nodes from tha AndroidManifest.xml SerializeXmlOptions options; options.remove_empty_text_nodes = (path == kAndroidManifestPath); SerializeXmlResourceToPb(xml_res, &pb_node); return io::CopyProtoToArchive(context, &pb_node, path.to_string(), ArchiveEntry::kCompress, writer); } break; } return false; } // Inflates an XML file from the source path. static std::unique_ptr LoadXml(const std::string& path, IDiagnostics* diag) { TRACE_CALL(); FileInputStream fin(path); if (fin.HadError()) { diag->Error(DiagMessage(path) << "failed to load XML file: " << fin.GetError()); return {}; } return xml::Inflate(&fin, diag, Source(path)); } struct ResourceFileFlattenerOptions { bool no_auto_version = false; bool no_version_vectors = false; bool no_version_transitions = false; bool no_xml_namespaces = false; bool keep_raw_values = false; bool do_not_compress_anything = false; bool update_proguard_spec = false; bool do_not_fail_on_missing_resources = false; OutputFormat output_format = OutputFormat::kApk; std::unordered_set extensions_to_not_compress; std::optional regex_to_not_compress; }; // A sampling of public framework resource IDs. struct R { struct attr { enum : uint32_t { paddingLeft = 0x010100d6u, paddingRight = 0x010100d8u, paddingHorizontal = 0x0101053du, paddingTop = 0x010100d7u, paddingBottom = 0x010100d9u, paddingVertical = 0x0101053eu, layout_marginLeft = 0x010100f7u, layout_marginRight = 0x010100f9u, layout_marginHorizontal = 0x0101053bu, layout_marginTop = 0x010100f8u, layout_marginBottom = 0x010100fau, layout_marginVertical = 0x0101053cu, }; }; }; template uint32_t GetCompressionFlags(const StringPiece& str, T options) { if (options.do_not_compress_anything) { return 0; } if (options.regex_to_not_compress && std::regex_search(str.to_string(), options.regex_to_not_compress.value())) { return 0; } for (const std::string& extension : options.extensions_to_not_compress) { if (util::EndsWith(str, extension)) { return 0; } } return ArchiveEntry::kCompress; } class ResourceFileFlattener { public: ResourceFileFlattener(const ResourceFileFlattenerOptions& options, IAaptContext* context, proguard::KeepSet* keep_set); bool Flatten(ResourceTable* table, IArchiveWriter* archive_writer); private: struct FileOperation { ConfigDescription config; // The entry this file came from. ResourceEntry* entry; // The file to copy as-is. io::IFile* file_to_copy; // The XML to process and flatten. std::unique_ptr xml_to_flatten; // The destination to write this file to. std::string dst_path; }; std::vector> LinkAndVersionXmlFile(ResourceTable* table, FileOperation* file_op); ResourceFileFlattenerOptions options_; IAaptContext* context_; proguard::KeepSet* keep_set_; XmlCompatVersioner::Rules rules_; }; ResourceFileFlattener::ResourceFileFlattener(const ResourceFileFlattenerOptions& options, IAaptContext* context, proguard::KeepSet* keep_set) : options_(options), context_(context), keep_set_(keep_set) { SymbolTable* symm = context_->GetExternalSymbols(); // Build up the rules for degrading newer attributes to older ones. // NOTE(adamlesinski): These rules are hardcoded right now, but they should be // generated from the attribute definitions themselves (b/62028956). if (const SymbolTable::Symbol* s = symm->FindById(R::attr::paddingHorizontal)) { std::vector replacements{ {"paddingLeft", R::attr::paddingLeft, Attribute(android::ResTable_map::TYPE_DIMENSION)}, {"paddingRight", R::attr::paddingRight, Attribute(android::ResTable_map::TYPE_DIMENSION)}, }; rules_[R::attr::paddingHorizontal] = util::make_unique(std::move(replacements)); } if (const SymbolTable::Symbol* s = symm->FindById(R::attr::paddingVertical)) { std::vector replacements{ {"paddingTop", R::attr::paddingTop, Attribute(android::ResTable_map::TYPE_DIMENSION)}, {"paddingBottom", R::attr::paddingBottom, Attribute(android::ResTable_map::TYPE_DIMENSION)}, }; rules_[R::attr::paddingVertical] = util::make_unique(std::move(replacements)); } if (const SymbolTable::Symbol* s = symm->FindById(R::attr::layout_marginHorizontal)) { std::vector replacements{ {"layout_marginLeft", R::attr::layout_marginLeft, Attribute(android::ResTable_map::TYPE_DIMENSION)}, {"layout_marginRight", R::attr::layout_marginRight, Attribute(android::ResTable_map::TYPE_DIMENSION)}, }; rules_[R::attr::layout_marginHorizontal] = util::make_unique(std::move(replacements)); } if (const SymbolTable::Symbol* s = symm->FindById(R::attr::layout_marginVertical)) { std::vector replacements{ {"layout_marginTop", R::attr::layout_marginTop, Attribute(android::ResTable_map::TYPE_DIMENSION)}, {"layout_marginBottom", R::attr::layout_marginBottom, Attribute(android::ResTable_map::TYPE_DIMENSION)}, }; rules_[R::attr::layout_marginVertical] = util::make_unique(std::move(replacements)); } } static bool IsTransitionElement(const std::string& name) { return name == "fade" || name == "changeBounds" || name == "slide" || name == "explode" || name == "changeImageTransform" || name == "changeTransform" || name == "changeClipBounds" || name == "autoTransition" || name == "recolor" || name == "changeScroll" || name == "transitionSet" || name == "transition" || name == "transitionManager"; } static bool IsVectorElement(const std::string& name) { return name == "vector" || name == "animated-vector" || name == "pathInterpolator" || name == "objectAnimator" || name == "gradient" || name == "animated-selector" || name == "set"; } template std::vector make_singleton_vec(T&& val) { std::vector vec; vec.emplace_back(std::forward(val)); return vec; } std::vector> ResourceFileFlattener::LinkAndVersionXmlFile( ResourceTable* table, FileOperation* file_op) { TRACE_CALL(); xml::XmlResource* doc = file_op->xml_to_flatten.get(); const Source& src = doc->file.source; if (context_->IsVerbose()) { context_->GetDiagnostics()->Note(DiagMessage() << "linking " << src.path << " (" << doc->file.name << ")"); } // First, strip out any tools namespace attributes. AAPT stripped them out early, which means // that existing projects have out-of-date references which pass compilation. xml::StripAndroidStudioAttributes(doc->root.get()); XmlReferenceLinker xml_linker(table); if (!options_.do_not_fail_on_missing_resources && !xml_linker.Consume(context_, doc)) { return {}; } if (options_.update_proguard_spec && !proguard::CollectProguardRules(context_, doc, keep_set_)) { return {}; } if (options_.no_xml_namespaces) { XmlNamespaceRemover namespace_remover; if (!namespace_remover.Consume(context_, doc)) { return {}; } } if (options_.no_auto_version) { return make_singleton_vec(std::move(file_op->xml_to_flatten)); } if (options_.no_version_vectors || options_.no_version_transitions) { // Skip this if it is a vector or animated-vector. xml::Element* el = doc->root.get(); if (el && el->namespace_uri.empty()) { if ((options_.no_version_vectors && IsVectorElement(el->name)) || (options_.no_version_transitions && IsTransitionElement(el->name))) { return make_singleton_vec(std::move(file_op->xml_to_flatten)); } } } const ConfigDescription& config = file_op->config; ResourceEntry* entry = file_op->entry; XmlCompatVersioner xml_compat_versioner(&rules_); const util::Range api_range{config.sdkVersion, FindNextApiVersionForConfig(entry, config)}; return xml_compat_versioner.Process(context_, doc, api_range); } ResourceFile::Type XmlFileTypeForOutputFormat(OutputFormat format) { switch (format) { case OutputFormat::kApk: return ResourceFile::Type::kBinaryXml; case OutputFormat::kProto: return ResourceFile::Type::kProtoXml; } LOG_ALWAYS_FATAL("unreachable"); return ResourceFile::Type::kUnknown; } static auto kDrawableVersions = std::map{ { "adaptive-icon" , SDK_O }, }; bool ResourceFileFlattener::Flatten(ResourceTable* table, IArchiveWriter* archive_writer) { TRACE_CALL(); bool error = false; std::map, FileOperation> config_sorted_files; proguard::CollectResourceReferences(context_, table, keep_set_); for (auto& pkg : table->packages) { CHECK(!pkg->name.empty()) << "Packages must have names when being linked"; for (auto& type : pkg->types) { // Sort by config and name, so that we get better locality in the zip file. config_sorted_files.clear(); std::queue file_operations; // Populate the queue with all files in the ResourceTable. for (auto& entry : type->entries) { for (auto& config_value : entry->values) { // WARNING! Do not insert or remove any resources while executing in this scope. It will // corrupt the iteration order. FileReference* file_ref = ValueCast(config_value->value.get()); if (!file_ref) { continue; } io::IFile* file = file_ref->file; if (!file) { context_->GetDiagnostics()->Error(DiagMessage(file_ref->GetSource()) << "file not found"); return false; } FileOperation file_op; file_op.entry = entry.get(); file_op.dst_path = *file_ref->path; file_op.config = config_value->config; file_op.file_to_copy = file; if (type->type != ResourceType::kRaw && (file_ref->type == ResourceFile::Type::kBinaryXml || file_ref->type == ResourceFile::Type::kProtoXml)) { std::unique_ptr data = file->OpenAsData(); if (!data) { context_->GetDiagnostics()->Error(DiagMessage(file->GetSource()) << "failed to open file"); return false; } if (file_ref->type == ResourceFile::Type::kProtoXml) { pb::XmlNode pb_xml_node; if (!pb_xml_node.ParseFromArray(data->data(), static_cast(data->size()))) { context_->GetDiagnostics()->Error(DiagMessage(file->GetSource()) << "failed to parse proto XML"); return false; } std::string error; file_op.xml_to_flatten = DeserializeXmlResourceFromPb(pb_xml_node, &error); if (file_op.xml_to_flatten == nullptr) { context_->GetDiagnostics()->Error(DiagMessage(file->GetSource()) << "failed to deserialize proto XML: " << error); return false; } } else { std::string error_str; file_op.xml_to_flatten = xml::Inflate(data->data(), data->size(), &error_str); if (file_op.xml_to_flatten == nullptr) { context_->GetDiagnostics()->Error(DiagMessage(file->GetSource()) << "failed to parse binary XML: " << error_str); return false; } } // Update the type that this file will be written as. file_ref->type = XmlFileTypeForOutputFormat(options_.output_format); file_op.xml_to_flatten->file.config = config_value->config; file_op.xml_to_flatten->file.source = file_ref->GetSource(); file_op.xml_to_flatten->file.name = ResourceName(pkg->name, type->type, entry->name); } // NOTE(adamlesinski): Explicitly construct a StringPiece here, or // else we end up copying the string in the std::make_pair() method, // then creating a StringPiece from the copy, which would cause us // to end up referencing garbage in the map. const StringPiece entry_name(entry->name); config_sorted_files[std::make_pair(config_value->config, entry_name)] = std::move(file_op); } } // Now flatten the sorted values. for (auto& map_entry : config_sorted_files) { const ConfigDescription& config = map_entry.first.first; FileOperation& file_op = map_entry.second; if (file_op.xml_to_flatten) { // Check minimum sdk versions supported for drawables auto drawable_entry = kDrawableVersions.find(file_op.xml_to_flatten->root->name); if (drawable_entry != kDrawableVersions.end()) { if (drawable_entry->second > context_->GetMinSdkVersion() && drawable_entry->second > config.sdkVersion) { context_->GetDiagnostics()->Error(DiagMessage(file_op.xml_to_flatten->file.source) << "<" << drawable_entry->first << "> elements " << "require a sdk version of at least " << (int16_t) drawable_entry->second); error = true; continue; } } std::vector> versioned_docs = LinkAndVersionXmlFile(table, &file_op); if (versioned_docs.empty()) { error = true; continue; } for (std::unique_ptr& doc : versioned_docs) { std::string dst_path = file_op.dst_path; if (doc->file.config != file_op.config) { // Only add the new versioned configurations. if (context_->IsVerbose()) { context_->GetDiagnostics()->Note(DiagMessage(doc->file.source) << "auto-versioning resource from config '" << config << "' -> '" << doc->file.config << "'"); } const ResourceFile& file = doc->file; dst_path = ResourceUtils::BuildResourceFileName(file, context_->GetNameMangler()); auto file_ref = util::make_unique(table->string_pool.MakeRef(dst_path)); file_ref->SetSource(doc->file.source); // Update the output format of this XML file. file_ref->type = XmlFileTypeForOutputFormat(options_.output_format); bool result = table->AddResource(NewResourceBuilder(file.name) .SetValue(std::move(file_ref), file.config) .SetAllowMangled(true) .Build(), context_->GetDiagnostics()); if (!result) { return false; } } error |= !FlattenXml(context_, *doc, dst_path, options_.keep_raw_values, false /*utf16*/, options_.output_format, archive_writer); } } else { error |= !io::CopyFileToArchive(context_, file_op.file_to_copy, file_op.dst_path, GetCompressionFlags(file_op.dst_path, options_), archive_writer); } } } } return !error; } static bool WriteStableIdMapToPath(IDiagnostics* diag, const std::unordered_map& id_map, const std::string& id_map_path) { io::FileOutputStream fout(id_map_path); if (fout.HadError()) { diag->Error(DiagMessage(id_map_path) << "failed to open: " << fout.GetError()); return false; } text::Printer printer(&fout); for (const auto& entry : id_map) { const ResourceName& name = entry.first; const ResourceId& id = entry.second; printer.Print(name.to_string()); printer.Print(" = "); printer.Println(id.to_string()); } fout.Flush(); if (fout.HadError()) { diag->Error(DiagMessage(id_map_path) << "failed writing to file: " << fout.GetError()); return false; } return true; } static bool LoadStableIdMap(IDiagnostics* diag, const std::string& path, std::unordered_map* out_id_map) { std::string content; if (!android::base::ReadFileToString(path, &content, true /*follow_symlinks*/)) { diag->Error(DiagMessage(path) << "failed reading stable ID file"); return false; } out_id_map->clear(); size_t line_no = 0; for (StringPiece line : util::Tokenize(content, '\n')) { line_no++; line = util::TrimWhitespace(line); if (line.empty()) { continue; } auto iter = std::find(line.begin(), line.end(), '='); if (iter == line.end()) { diag->Error(DiagMessage(Source(path, line_no)) << "missing '='"); return false; } ResourceNameRef name; StringPiece res_name_str = util::TrimWhitespace(line.substr(0, std::distance(line.begin(), iter))); if (!ResourceUtils::ParseResourceName(res_name_str, &name)) { diag->Error(DiagMessage(Source(path, line_no)) << "invalid resource name '" << res_name_str << "'"); return false; } const size_t res_id_start_idx = std::distance(line.begin(), iter) + 1; const size_t res_id_str_len = line.size() - res_id_start_idx; StringPiece res_id_str = util::TrimWhitespace(line.substr(res_id_start_idx, res_id_str_len)); std::optional maybe_id = ResourceUtils::ParseResourceId(res_id_str); if (!maybe_id) { diag->Error(DiagMessage(Source(path, line_no)) << "invalid resource ID '" << res_id_str << "'"); return false; } (*out_id_map)[name.ToResourceName()] = maybe_id.value(); } return true; } class Linker { public: Linker(LinkContext* context, const LinkOptions& options) : options_(options), context_(context), final_table_(), file_collection_(util::make_unique()) { } void ExtractCompileSdkVersions(android::AssetManager2* assets) { using namespace android; // Find the system package (0x01). AAPT always generates attributes with the type 0x01, so // we're looking for the first attribute resource in the system package. android::ApkAssetsCookie cookie; if (auto value = assets->GetResource(0x01010000, true /** may_be_bag */); value.has_value()) { cookie = value->cookie; } else { // No Framework assets loaded. Not a failure. return; } std::unique_ptr manifest( assets->OpenNonAsset(kAndroidManifestPath, cookie, Asset::AccessMode::ACCESS_BUFFER)); if (manifest == nullptr) { // No errors. return; } std::string error; std::unique_ptr manifest_xml = xml::Inflate(manifest->getBuffer(true /*wordAligned*/), manifest->getLength(), &error); if (manifest_xml == nullptr) { // No errors. return; } if (!options_.manifest_fixer_options.compile_sdk_version) { xml::Attribute* attr = manifest_xml->root->FindAttribute(xml::kSchemaAndroid, "versionCode"); if (attr != nullptr) { auto& compile_sdk_version = options_.manifest_fixer_options.compile_sdk_version; if (BinaryPrimitive* prim = ValueCast(attr->compiled_value.get())) { switch (prim->value.dataType) { case Res_value::TYPE_INT_DEC: compile_sdk_version = StringPrintf("%" PRId32, static_cast(prim->value.data)); break; case Res_value::TYPE_INT_HEX: compile_sdk_version = StringPrintf("%" PRIx32, prim->value.data); break; default: break; } } else if (String* str = ValueCast(attr->compiled_value.get())) { compile_sdk_version = *str->value; } else { compile_sdk_version = attr->value; } } } if (!options_.manifest_fixer_options.compile_sdk_version_codename) { xml::Attribute* attr = manifest_xml->root->FindAttribute(xml::kSchemaAndroid, "versionName"); if (attr != nullptr) { std::optional& compile_sdk_version_codename = options_.manifest_fixer_options.compile_sdk_version_codename; if (String* str = ValueCast(attr->compiled_value.get())) { compile_sdk_version_codename = *str->value; } else { compile_sdk_version_codename = attr->value; } } } } // Creates a SymbolTable that loads symbols from the various APKs. // Pre-condition: context_->GetCompilationPackage() needs to be set. bool LoadSymbolsFromIncludePaths() { TRACE_NAME("LoadSymbolsFromIncludePaths: #" + std::to_string(options_.include_paths.size())); auto asset_source = util::make_unique(); for (const std::string& path : options_.include_paths) { if (context_->IsVerbose()) { context_->GetDiagnostics()->Note(DiagMessage() << "including " << path); } std::string error; auto zip_collection = io::ZipFileCollection::Create(path, &error); if (zip_collection == nullptr) { context_->GetDiagnostics()->Error(DiagMessage() << "failed to open APK: " << error); return false; } if (zip_collection->FindFile(kProtoResourceTablePath) != nullptr) { // Load this as a static library include. std::unique_ptr static_apk = LoadedApk::LoadProtoApkFromFileCollection( Source(path), std::move(zip_collection), context_->GetDiagnostics()); if (static_apk == nullptr) { return false; } if (context_->GetPackageType() != PackageType::kStaticLib) { // Can't include static libraries when not building a static library (they have no IDs // assigned). context_->GetDiagnostics()->Error( DiagMessage(path) << "can't include static library when not building a static lib"); return false; } ResourceTable* table = static_apk->GetResourceTable(); // If we are using --no-static-lib-packages, we need to rename the package of this table to // our compilation package so the symbol package name does not get mangled into the entry // name. if (options_.no_static_lib_packages && !table->packages.empty()) { auto lib_package_result = GetStaticLibraryPackage(table); if (!lib_package_result.has_value()) { context_->GetDiagnostics()->Error(DiagMessage(path) << lib_package_result.error()); return false; } lib_package_result.value()->name = context_->GetCompilationPackage(); } context_->GetExternalSymbols()->AppendSource( util::make_unique(table)); static_library_includes_.push_back(std::move(static_apk)); } else { if (!asset_source->AddAssetPath(path)) { context_->GetDiagnostics()->Error(DiagMessage() << "failed to load include path " << path); return false; } } } // Capture the shared libraries so that the final resource table can be properly flattened // with support for shared libraries. for (auto& entry : asset_source->GetAssignedPackageIds()) { if (entry.first == kAppPackageId) { // Capture the included base feature package. included_feature_base_ = entry.second; } else if (entry.first == kFrameworkPackageId) { // Try to embed which version of the framework we're compiling against. // First check if we should use compileSdkVersion at all. Otherwise compilation may fail // when linking our synthesized 'android:compileSdkVersion' attribute. std::unique_ptr symbol = asset_source->FindByName( ResourceName("android", ResourceType::kAttr, "compileSdkVersion")); if (symbol != nullptr && symbol->is_public) { // The symbol is present and public, extract the android:versionName and // android:versionCode from the framework AndroidManifest.xml. ExtractCompileSdkVersions(asset_source->GetAssetManager()); } } else if (asset_source->IsPackageDynamic(entry.first, entry.second)) { final_table_.included_packages_[entry.first] = entry.second; } } context_->GetExternalSymbols()->AppendSource(std::move(asset_source)); return true; } std::optional ExtractAppInfoFromManifest(xml::XmlResource* xml_res, IDiagnostics* diag) { TRACE_CALL(); // Make sure the first element is with package attribute. xml::Element* manifest_el = xml::FindRootElement(xml_res->root.get()); if (manifest_el == nullptr) { return {}; } AppInfo app_info; if (!manifest_el->namespace_uri.empty() || manifest_el->name != "manifest") { diag->Error(DiagMessage(xml_res->file.source) << "root tag must be "); return {}; } xml::Attribute* package_attr = manifest_el->FindAttribute({}, "package"); if (!package_attr) { diag->Error(DiagMessage(xml_res->file.source) << " must have a 'package' attribute"); return {}; } app_info.package = package_attr->value; if (xml::Attribute* version_code_attr = manifest_el->FindAttribute(xml::kSchemaAndroid, "versionCode")) { std::optional maybe_code = ResourceUtils::ParseInt(version_code_attr->value); if (!maybe_code) { diag->Error(DiagMessage(xml_res->file.source.WithLine(manifest_el->line_number)) << "invalid android:versionCode '" << version_code_attr->value << "'"); return {}; } app_info.version_code = maybe_code.value(); } if (xml::Attribute* version_code_major_attr = manifest_el->FindAttribute(xml::kSchemaAndroid, "versionCodeMajor")) { std::optional maybe_code = ResourceUtils::ParseInt(version_code_major_attr->value); if (!maybe_code) { diag->Error(DiagMessage(xml_res->file.source.WithLine(manifest_el->line_number)) << "invalid android:versionCodeMajor '" << version_code_major_attr->value << "'"); return {}; } app_info.version_code_major = maybe_code.value(); } if (xml::Attribute* revision_code_attr = manifest_el->FindAttribute(xml::kSchemaAndroid, "revisionCode")) { std::optional maybe_code = ResourceUtils::ParseInt(revision_code_attr->value); if (!maybe_code) { diag->Error(DiagMessage(xml_res->file.source.WithLine(manifest_el->line_number)) << "invalid android:revisionCode '" << revision_code_attr->value << "'"); return {}; } app_info.revision_code = maybe_code.value(); } if (xml::Attribute* split_name_attr = manifest_el->FindAttribute({}, "split")) { if (!split_name_attr->value.empty()) { app_info.split_name = split_name_attr->value; } } if (xml::Element* uses_sdk_el = manifest_el->FindChild({}, "uses-sdk")) { if (xml::Attribute* min_sdk = uses_sdk_el->FindAttribute(xml::kSchemaAndroid, "minSdkVersion")) { app_info.min_sdk_version = ResourceUtils::ParseSdkVersion(min_sdk->value); } } for (const xml::Element* child_el : manifest_el->GetChildElements()) { if (child_el->namespace_uri.empty() && child_el->name == "uses-split") { if (const xml::Attribute* split_name = child_el->FindAttribute(xml::kSchemaAndroid, "name")) { if (!split_name->value.empty()) { app_info.split_name_dependencies.insert(split_name->value); } } } } return app_info; } // Precondition: ResourceTable doesn't have any IDs assigned yet, nor is it linked. // Postcondition: ResourceTable has only one package left. All others are // stripped, or there is an error and false is returned. bool VerifyNoExternalPackages() { auto is_ext_package_func = [&](const std::unique_ptr& pkg) -> bool { return context_->GetCompilationPackage() != pkg->name; }; bool error = false; for (const auto& package : final_table_.packages) { if (is_ext_package_func(package)) { // We have a package that is not related to the one we're building! for (const auto& type : package->types) { for (const auto& entry : type->entries) { ResourceNameRef res_name(package->name, type->type, entry->name); for (const auto& config_value : entry->values) { // Special case the occurrence of an ID that is being generated // for the 'android' package. This is due to legacy reasons. if (ValueCast(config_value->value.get()) && package->name == "android") { context_->GetDiagnostics()->Warn(DiagMessage(config_value->value->GetSource()) << "generated id '" << res_name << "' for external package '" << package->name << "'"); } else { context_->GetDiagnostics()->Error(DiagMessage(config_value->value->GetSource()) << "defined resource '" << res_name << "' for external package '" << package->name << "'"); error = true; } } } } } } auto new_end_iter = std::remove_if(final_table_.packages.begin(), final_table_.packages.end(), is_ext_package_func); final_table_.packages.erase(new_end_iter, final_table_.packages.end()); return !error; } /** * Returns true if no IDs have been set, false otherwise. */ bool VerifyNoIdsSet() { for (const auto& package : final_table_.packages) { for (const auto& type : package->types) { for (const auto& entry : type->entries) { if (entry->id) { ResourceNameRef res_name(package->name, type->type, entry->name); context_->GetDiagnostics()->Error(DiagMessage() << "resource " << res_name << " has ID " << entry->id.value() << " assigned"); return false; } } } } return true; } std::unique_ptr MakeArchiveWriter(const StringPiece& out) { if (options_.output_to_directory) { return CreateDirectoryArchiveWriter(context_->GetDiagnostics(), out); } else { return CreateZipFileArchiveWriter(context_->GetDiagnostics(), out); } } bool FlattenTable(ResourceTable* table, OutputFormat format, IArchiveWriter* writer) { TRACE_CALL(); switch (format) { case OutputFormat::kApk: { BigBuffer buffer(1024); TableFlattener flattener(options_.table_flattener_options, &buffer); if (!flattener.Consume(context_, table)) { context_->GetDiagnostics()->Error(DiagMessage() << "failed to flatten resource table"); return false; } io::BigBufferInputStream input_stream(&buffer); return io::CopyInputStreamToArchive(context_, &input_stream, kApkResourceTablePath, ArchiveEntry::kAlign, writer); } break; case OutputFormat::kProto: { pb::ResourceTable pb_table; SerializeTableToPb(*table, &pb_table, context_->GetDiagnostics(), options_.proto_table_flattener_options); return io::CopyProtoToArchive(context_, &pb_table, kProtoResourceTablePath, ArchiveEntry::kCompress, writer); } break; } return false; } bool WriteJavaFile(ResourceTable* table, const StringPiece& package_name_to_generate, const StringPiece& out_package, const JavaClassGeneratorOptions& java_options, const std::optional& out_text_symbols_path = {}) { if (!options_.generate_java_class_path && !out_text_symbols_path) { return true; } std::string out_path; std::unique_ptr fout; if (options_.generate_java_class_path) { out_path = options_.generate_java_class_path.value(); file::AppendPath(&out_path, file::PackageToPath(out_package)); if (!file::mkdirs(out_path)) { context_->GetDiagnostics()->Error(DiagMessage() << "failed to create directory '" << out_path << "'"); return false; } file::AppendPath(&out_path, "R.java"); fout = util::make_unique(out_path); if (fout->HadError()) { context_->GetDiagnostics()->Error(DiagMessage() << "failed writing to '" << out_path << "': " << fout->GetError()); return false; } } std::unique_ptr fout_text; if (out_text_symbols_path) { fout_text = util::make_unique(out_text_symbols_path.value()); if (fout_text->HadError()) { context_->GetDiagnostics()->Error(DiagMessage() << "failed writing to '" << out_text_symbols_path.value() << "': " << fout_text->GetError()); return false; } } JavaClassGenerator generator(context_, table, java_options); if (!generator.Generate(package_name_to_generate, out_package, fout.get(), fout_text.get())) { context_->GetDiagnostics()->Error(DiagMessage(out_path) << generator.GetError()); return false; } return true; } bool GenerateJavaClasses() { TRACE_CALL(); // The set of packages whose R class to call in the main classes onResourcesLoaded callback. std::vector packages_to_callback; JavaClassGeneratorOptions template_options; template_options.types = JavaClassGeneratorOptions::SymbolTypes::kAll; template_options.javadoc_annotations = options_.javadoc_annotations; if (context_->GetPackageType() == PackageType::kStaticLib || options_.generate_non_final_ids) { template_options.use_final = false; } if (context_->GetPackageType() == PackageType::kSharedLib) { template_options.use_final = false; template_options.rewrite_callback_options = OnResourcesLoadedCallbackOptions{}; } const StringPiece actual_package = context_->GetCompilationPackage(); StringPiece output_package = context_->GetCompilationPackage(); if (options_.custom_java_package) { // Override the output java package to the custom one. output_package = options_.custom_java_package.value(); } // Generate the private symbols if required. if (options_.private_symbols) { packages_to_callback.push_back(options_.private_symbols.value()); // If we defined a private symbols package, we only emit Public symbols // to the original package, and private and public symbols to the private package. JavaClassGeneratorOptions options = template_options; options.types = JavaClassGeneratorOptions::SymbolTypes::kPublicPrivate; if (!WriteJavaFile(&final_table_, actual_package, options_.private_symbols.value(), options)) { return false; } } // Generate copies of the original package R class but with different package names. // This is to support non-namespaced builds. for (const std::string& extra_package : options_.extra_java_packages) { packages_to_callback.push_back(extra_package); JavaClassGeneratorOptions options = template_options; options.types = JavaClassGeneratorOptions::SymbolTypes::kAll; if (!WriteJavaFile(&final_table_, actual_package, extra_package, options)) { return false; } } // Generate R classes for each package that was merged (static library). // Use the actual package's resources only. for (const std::string& package : table_merger_->merged_packages()) { packages_to_callback.push_back(package); JavaClassGeneratorOptions options = template_options; options.types = JavaClassGeneratorOptions::SymbolTypes::kAll; if (!WriteJavaFile(&final_table_, package, package, options)) { return false; } } // Generate the main public R class. JavaClassGeneratorOptions options = template_options; // Only generate public symbols if we have a private package. if (options_.private_symbols) { options.types = JavaClassGeneratorOptions::SymbolTypes::kPublic; } if (options.rewrite_callback_options) { options.rewrite_callback_options.value().packages_to_callback = std::move(packages_to_callback); } if (!WriteJavaFile(&final_table_, actual_package, output_package, options, options_.generate_text_symbols_path)) { return false; } return true; } bool WriteManifestJavaFile(xml::XmlResource* manifest_xml) { TRACE_CALL(); if (!options_.generate_java_class_path) { return true; } std::unique_ptr manifest_class = GenerateManifestClass(context_->GetDiagnostics(), manifest_xml); if (!manifest_class) { // Something bad happened, but we already logged it, so exit. return false; } if (manifest_class->empty()) { // Empty Manifest class, no need to generate it. return true; } // Add any JavaDoc annotations to the generated class. for (const std::string& annotation : options_.javadoc_annotations) { std::string proper_annotation = "@"; proper_annotation += annotation; manifest_class->GetCommentBuilder()->AppendComment(proper_annotation); } const std::string package_utf8 = options_.custom_java_package.value_or(context_->GetCompilationPackage()); std::string out_path = options_.generate_java_class_path.value(); file::AppendPath(&out_path, file::PackageToPath(package_utf8)); if (!file::mkdirs(out_path)) { context_->GetDiagnostics()->Error(DiagMessage() << "failed to create directory '" << out_path << "'"); return false; } file::AppendPath(&out_path, "Manifest.java"); io::FileOutputStream fout(out_path); if (fout.HadError()) { context_->GetDiagnostics()->Error(DiagMessage() << "failed to open '" << out_path << "': " << fout.GetError()); return false; } ClassDefinition::WriteJavaFile(manifest_class.get(), package_utf8, true, false /* strip_api_annotations */, &fout); fout.Flush(); if (fout.HadError()) { context_->GetDiagnostics()->Error(DiagMessage() << "failed writing to '" << out_path << "': " << fout.GetError()); return false; } return true; } bool WriteProguardFile(const std::optional& out, const proguard::KeepSet& keep_set) { TRACE_CALL(); if (!out) { return true; } const std::string& out_path = out.value(); io::FileOutputStream fout(out_path); if (fout.HadError()) { context_->GetDiagnostics()->Error(DiagMessage() << "failed to open '" << out_path << "': " << fout.GetError()); return false; } proguard::WriteKeepSet(keep_set, &fout, options_.generate_minimal_proguard_rules, options_.no_proguard_location_reference); fout.Flush(); if (fout.HadError()) { context_->GetDiagnostics()->Error(DiagMessage() << "failed writing to '" << out_path << "': " << fout.GetError()); return false; } return true; } bool MergeStaticLibrary(const std::string& input, bool override) { TRACE_CALL(); if (context_->IsVerbose()) { context_->GetDiagnostics()->Note(DiagMessage() << "merging static library " << input); } std::unique_ptr apk = LoadedApk::LoadApkFromPath(input, context_->GetDiagnostics()); if (apk == nullptr) { context_->GetDiagnostics()->Error(DiagMessage(input) << "invalid static library"); return false; } ResourceTable* table = apk->GetResourceTable(); if (table->packages.empty()) { return true; } auto lib_package_result = GetStaticLibraryPackage(table); if (!lib_package_result.has_value()) { context_->GetDiagnostics()->Error(DiagMessage(input) << lib_package_result.error()); return false; } ResourceTablePackage* pkg = lib_package_result.value(); bool result; if (options_.no_static_lib_packages) { // Merge all resources as if they were in the compilation package. This is the old behavior // of aapt. // Add the package to the set of --extra-packages so we emit an R.java for each library // package. if (!pkg->name.empty()) { options_.extra_java_packages.insert(pkg->name); } // Clear the package name, so as to make the resources look like they are coming from the // local package. pkg->name = ""; result = table_merger_->Merge(Source(input), table, override); } else { // This is the proper way to merge libraries, where the package name is // preserved and resource names are mangled. result = table_merger_->MergeAndMangle(Source(input), pkg->name, table); } if (!result) { return false; } // Make sure to move the collection into the set of IFileCollections. merged_apks_.push_back(std::move(apk)); return true; } bool MergeExportedSymbols(const Source& source, const std::vector& exported_symbols) { TRACE_CALL(); // Add the exports of this file to the table. for (const SourcedResourceName& exported_symbol : exported_symbols) { ResourceName res_name = exported_symbol.name; if (res_name.package.empty()) { res_name.package = context_->GetCompilationPackage(); } std::optional mangled_name = context_->GetNameMangler()->MangleName(res_name); if (mangled_name) { res_name = mangled_name.value(); } auto id = util::make_unique(); id->SetSource(source.WithLine(exported_symbol.line)); bool result = final_table_.AddResource( NewResourceBuilder(res_name).SetValue(std::move(id)).SetAllowMangled(true).Build(), context_->GetDiagnostics()); if (!result) { return false; } } return true; } bool MergeCompiledFile(const ResourceFile& compiled_file, io::IFile* file, bool override) { TRACE_CALL(); if (context_->IsVerbose()) { context_->GetDiagnostics()->Note(DiagMessage() << "merging '" << compiled_file.name << "' from compiled file " << compiled_file.source); } if (!table_merger_->MergeFile(compiled_file, override, file)) { return false; } return MergeExportedSymbols(compiled_file.source, compiled_file.exported_symbols); } // Takes a path to load as a ZIP file and merges the files within into the main ResourceTable. // If override is true, conflicting resources are allowed to override each other, in order of last // seen. // An io::IFileCollection is created from the ZIP file and added to the set of // io::IFileCollections that are open. bool MergeArchive(const std::string& input, bool override) { TRACE_CALL(); if (context_->IsVerbose()) { context_->GetDiagnostics()->Note(DiagMessage() << "merging archive " << input); } std::string error_str; std::unique_ptr collection = io::ZipFileCollection::Create(input, &error_str); if (!collection) { context_->GetDiagnostics()->Error(DiagMessage(input) << error_str); return false; } bool error = false; for (auto iter = collection->Iterator(); iter->HasNext();) { if (!MergeFile(iter->Next(), override)) { error = true; } } // Make sure to move the collection into the set of IFileCollections. collections_.push_back(std::move(collection)); return !error; } // Takes a path to load and merge into the main ResourceTable. If override is true, // conflicting resources are allowed to override each other, in order of last seen. // If the file path ends with .flata, .jar, .jack, or .zip the file is treated // as ZIP archive and the files within are merged individually. // Otherwise the file is processed on its own. bool MergePath(const std::string& path, bool override) { if (util::EndsWith(path, ".flata") || util::EndsWith(path, ".jar") || util::EndsWith(path, ".jack") || util::EndsWith(path, ".zip")) { return MergeArchive(path, override); } else if (util::EndsWith(path, ".apk")) { return MergeStaticLibrary(path, override); } io::IFile* file = file_collection_->InsertFile(path); return MergeFile(file, override); } // Takes an AAPT Container file (.apc/.flat) to load and merge into the main ResourceTable. // If override is true, conflicting resources are allowed to override each other, in order of last // seen. // All other file types are ignored. This is because these files could be coming from a zip, // where we could have other files like classes.dex. bool MergeFile(io::IFile* file, bool override) { TRACE_CALL(); const Source& src = file->GetSource(); if (util::EndsWith(src.path, ".xml") || util::EndsWith(src.path, ".png")) { // Since AAPT compiles these file types and appends .flat to them, seeing // their raw extensions is a sign that they weren't compiled. const StringPiece file_type = util::EndsWith(src.path, ".xml") ? "XML" : "PNG"; context_->GetDiagnostics()->Error(DiagMessage(src) << "uncompiled " << file_type << " file passed as argument. Must be " "compiled first into .flat file."); return false; } else if (!util::EndsWith(src.path, ".apc") && !util::EndsWith(src.path, ".flat")) { if (context_->IsVerbose()) { context_->GetDiagnostics()->Warn(DiagMessage(src) << "ignoring unrecognized file"); return true; } } std::unique_ptr input_stream = file->OpenInputStream(); if (input_stream == nullptr) { context_->GetDiagnostics()->Error(DiagMessage(src) << "failed to open file"); return false; } if (input_stream->HadError()) { context_->GetDiagnostics()->Error(DiagMessage(src) << "failed to open file: " << input_stream->GetError()); return false; } ContainerReaderEntry* entry; ContainerReader reader(input_stream.get()); if (reader.HadError()) { context_->GetDiagnostics()->Error(DiagMessage(src) << "failed to read file: " << reader.GetError()); return false; } while ((entry = reader.Next()) != nullptr) { if (entry->Type() == ContainerEntryType::kResTable) { TRACE_NAME(std::string("Process ResTable:") + file->GetSource().path); pb::ResourceTable pb_table; if (!entry->GetResTable(&pb_table)) { context_->GetDiagnostics()->Error(DiagMessage(src) << "failed to read resource table: " << entry->GetError()); return false; } ResourceTable table; std::string error; if (!DeserializeTableFromPb(pb_table, nullptr /*files*/, &table, &error)) { context_->GetDiagnostics()->Error(DiagMessage(src) << "failed to deserialize resource table: " << error); return false; } if (!table_merger_->Merge(src, &table, override)) { context_->GetDiagnostics()->Error(DiagMessage(src) << "failed to merge resource table"); return false; } } else if (entry->Type() == ContainerEntryType::kResFile) { TRACE_NAME(std::string("Process ResFile") + file->GetSource().path); pb::internal::CompiledFile pb_compiled_file; off64_t offset; size_t len; if (!entry->GetResFileOffsets(&pb_compiled_file, &offset, &len)) { context_->GetDiagnostics()->Error(DiagMessage(src) << "failed to get resource file: " << entry->GetError()); return false; } ResourceFile resource_file; std::string error; if (!DeserializeCompiledFileFromPb(pb_compiled_file, &resource_file, &error)) { context_->GetDiagnostics()->Error(DiagMessage(src) << "failed to read compiled header: " << error); return false; } if (!MergeCompiledFile(resource_file, file->CreateFileSegment(offset, len), override)) { return false; } } } return true; } bool CopyAssetsDirsToApk(IArchiveWriter* writer) { std::map> merged_assets; for (const std::string& assets_dir : options_.assets_dirs) { std::optional> files = file::FindFiles(assets_dir, context_->GetDiagnostics(), nullptr); if (!files) { return false; } for (const std::string& file : files.value()) { std::string full_key = "assets/" + file; std::string full_path = assets_dir; file::AppendPath(&full_path, file); auto iter = merged_assets.find(full_key); if (iter == merged_assets.end()) { merged_assets.emplace(std::move(full_key), util::make_unique(Source(std::move(full_path)))); } else if (context_->IsVerbose()) { context_->GetDiagnostics()->Warn(DiagMessage(iter->second->GetSource()) << "asset file overrides '" << full_path << "'"); } } } for (auto& entry : merged_assets) { uint32_t compression_flags = GetCompressionFlags(entry.first, options_); if (!io::CopyFileToArchive(context_, entry.second.get(), entry.first, compression_flags, writer)) { return false; } } return true; } ResourceEntry* ResolveTableEntry(LinkContext* context, ResourceTable* table, Reference* reference) { if (!reference || !reference->name) { return nullptr; } auto name_ref = ResourceNameRef(reference->name.value()); if (name_ref.package.empty()) { name_ref.package = context->GetCompilationPackage(); } const auto search_result = table->FindResource(name_ref); if (!search_result) { return nullptr; } return search_result.value().entry; } void AliasAdaptiveIcon(xml::XmlResource* manifest, ResourceTable* table) { const xml::Element* application = manifest->root->FindChild("", "application"); if (!application) { return; } const xml::Attribute* icon = application->FindAttribute(xml::kSchemaAndroid, "icon"); const xml::Attribute* round_icon = application->FindAttribute(xml::kSchemaAndroid, "roundIcon"); if (!icon || !round_icon) { return; } // Find the icon resource defined within the application. const auto icon_reference = ValueCast(icon->compiled_value.get()); const auto icon_entry = ResolveTableEntry(context_, table, icon_reference); if (!icon_entry) { return; } int icon_max_sdk = 0; for (auto& config_value : icon_entry->values) { icon_max_sdk = (icon_max_sdk < config_value->config.sdkVersion) ? config_value->config.sdkVersion : icon_max_sdk; } if (icon_max_sdk < SDK_O) { // Adaptive icons must be versioned with v26 qualifiers, so this is not an adaptive icon. return; } // Find the roundIcon resource defined within the application. const auto round_icon_reference = ValueCast(round_icon->compiled_value.get()); const auto round_icon_entry = ResolveTableEntry(context_, table, round_icon_reference); if (!round_icon_entry) { return; } int round_icon_max_sdk = 0; for (auto& config_value : round_icon_entry->values) { round_icon_max_sdk = (round_icon_max_sdk < config_value->config.sdkVersion) ? config_value->config.sdkVersion : round_icon_max_sdk; } if (round_icon_max_sdk >= SDK_O) { // The developer explicitly used a v26 compatible drawable as the roundIcon, meaning we should // not generate an alias to the icon drawable. return; } // Add an equivalent v26 entry to the roundIcon for each v26 variant of the regular icon. for (auto& config_value : icon_entry->values) { if (config_value->config.sdkVersion < SDK_O) { continue; } context_->GetDiagnostics()->Note(DiagMessage() << "generating " << round_icon_reference->name.value() << " with config \"" << config_value->config << "\" for round icon compatibility"); CloningValueTransformer cloner(&table->string_pool); auto value = icon_reference->Transform(cloner); auto round_config_value = round_icon_entry->FindOrCreateValue(config_value->config, config_value->product); round_config_value->value = std::move(value); } } bool VerifySharedUserId(xml::XmlResource* manifest, ResourceTable* table) { const xml::Element* manifest_el = xml::FindRootElement(manifest->root.get()); if (manifest_el == nullptr) { return true; } if (!manifest_el->namespace_uri.empty() || manifest_el->name != "manifest") { return true; } const xml::Attribute* attr = manifest_el->FindAttribute(xml::kSchemaAndroid, "sharedUserId"); if (!attr) { return true; } const auto validate = [&](const std::string& shared_user_id) -> bool { if (util::IsAndroidSharedUserId(context_->GetCompilationPackage(), shared_user_id)) { return true; } DiagMessage error_msg(manifest_el->line_number); error_msg << "attribute 'sharedUserId' in tag is not a valid shared user id: '" << shared_user_id << "'"; if (options_.manifest_fixer_options.warn_validation) { // Treat the error only as a warning. context_->GetDiagnostics()->Warn(error_msg); return true; } context_->GetDiagnostics()->Error(error_msg); return false; }; // If attr->compiled_value is not null, check if it is a ref if (attr->compiled_value) { const auto ref = ValueCast(attr->compiled_value.get()); if (ref == nullptr) { return true; } const auto shared_user_id_entry = ResolveTableEntry(context_, table, ref); if (!shared_user_id_entry) { return true; } for (const auto& value : shared_user_id_entry->values) { const auto str_value = ValueCast(value->value.get()); if (str_value != nullptr && !validate(*str_value->value)) { return false; } } return true; } // Fallback to checking the raw value return validate(attr->value); } // Writes the AndroidManifest, ResourceTable, and all XML files referenced by the ResourceTable // to the IArchiveWriter. bool WriteApk(IArchiveWriter* writer, proguard::KeepSet* keep_set, xml::XmlResource* manifest, ResourceTable* table) { TRACE_CALL(); const bool keep_raw_values = (context_->GetPackageType() == PackageType::kStaticLib) || options_.keep_raw_values; bool result = FlattenXml(context_, *manifest, kAndroidManifestPath, keep_raw_values, true /*utf16*/, options_.output_format, writer); if (!result) { return false; } // When a developer specifies an adaptive application icon, and a non-adaptive round application // icon, create an alias from the round icon to the regular icon for v26 APIs and up. We do this // because certain devices prefer android:roundIcon over android:icon regardless of the API // levels of the drawables set for either. This auto-aliasing behaviour allows an app to prefer // the android:roundIcon on API 25 devices, and prefer the adaptive icon on API 26 devices. // See (b/34829129) AliasAdaptiveIcon(manifest, table); // Verify the shared user id here to handle the case of reference value. if (!VerifySharedUserId(manifest, table)) { return false; } ResourceFileFlattenerOptions file_flattener_options; file_flattener_options.keep_raw_values = keep_raw_values; file_flattener_options.do_not_compress_anything = options_.do_not_compress_anything; file_flattener_options.extensions_to_not_compress = options_.extensions_to_not_compress; file_flattener_options.regex_to_not_compress = options_.regex_to_not_compress; file_flattener_options.no_auto_version = options_.no_auto_version; file_flattener_options.no_version_vectors = options_.no_version_vectors; file_flattener_options.no_version_transitions = options_.no_version_transitions; file_flattener_options.no_xml_namespaces = options_.no_xml_namespaces; file_flattener_options.update_proguard_spec = static_cast(options_.generate_proguard_rules_path); file_flattener_options.output_format = options_.output_format; file_flattener_options.do_not_fail_on_missing_resources = options_.merge_only; ResourceFileFlattener file_flattener(file_flattener_options, context_, keep_set); if (!file_flattener.Flatten(table, writer)) { context_->GetDiagnostics()->Error(DiagMessage() << "failed linking file resources"); return false; } // Hack to fix b/68820737. // We need to modify the ResourceTable's package name, but that should NOT affect // anything else being generated, which includes the Java classes. // If required, the package name is modifed before flattening, and then modified back // to its original name. ResourceTablePackage* package_to_rewrite = nullptr; // Pre-O, the platform treats negative resource IDs [those with a package ID of 0x80 // or higher] as invalid. In order to work around this limitation, we allow the use // of traditionally reserved resource IDs [those between 0x02 and 0x7E]. Allow the // definition of what a valid "split" package ID is to account for this. const bool isSplitPackage = (options_.allow_reserved_package_id && context_->GetPackageId() != kAppPackageId && context_->GetPackageId() != kFrameworkPackageId) || (!options_.allow_reserved_package_id && context_->GetPackageId() > kAppPackageId); if (isSplitPackage && included_feature_base_ == context_->GetCompilationPackage()) { // The base APK is included, and this is a feature split. If the base package is // the same as this package, then we are building an old style Android Instant Apps feature // split and must apply this workaround to avoid requiring namespaces support. if (!table->packages.empty() && table->packages.back()->name == context_->GetCompilationPackage()) { package_to_rewrite = table->packages.back().get(); std::string new_package_name = StringPrintf("%s.%s", package_to_rewrite->name.c_str(), app_info_.split_name.value_or("feature").c_str()); if (context_->IsVerbose()) { context_->GetDiagnostics()->Note( DiagMessage() << "rewriting resource package name for feature split to '" << new_package_name << "'"); } package_to_rewrite->name = new_package_name; } } bool success = FlattenTable(table, options_.output_format, writer); if (package_to_rewrite != nullptr) { // Change the name back. package_to_rewrite->name = context_->GetCompilationPackage(); // TableFlattener creates an `included_packages_` mapping entry for each package with a // non-standard package id (not 0x01 or 0x7f). Since this is a feature split and not a shared // library, do not include a mapping from the feature package name to the feature package id // in the feature's dynamic reference table. table->included_packages_.erase(context_->GetPackageId()); } if (!success) { context_->GetDiagnostics()->Error(DiagMessage() << "failed to write resource table"); } return success; } int Run(const std::vector& input_files) { TRACE_CALL(); // Load the AndroidManifest.xml std::unique_ptr manifest_xml = LoadXml(options_.manifest_path, context_->GetDiagnostics()); if (!manifest_xml) { return 1; } // First extract the Package name without modifying it (via --rename-manifest-package). if (std::optional maybe_app_info = ExtractAppInfoFromManifest(manifest_xml.get(), context_->GetDiagnostics())) { const AppInfo& app_info = maybe_app_info.value(); context_->SetCompilationPackage(app_info.package); } // Determine the package name under which to merge resources. if (options_.rename_resources_package) { if (!options_.custom_java_package) { // Generate the R.java under the original package name instead of the package name specified // through --rename-resources-package. options_.custom_java_package = context_->GetCompilationPackage(); } context_->SetCompilationPackage(options_.rename_resources_package.value()); } // Now that the compilation package is set, load the dependencies. This will also extract // the Android framework's versionCode and versionName, if they exist. if (!LoadSymbolsFromIncludePaths()) { return 1; } ManifestFixer manifest_fixer(options_.manifest_fixer_options); if (!manifest_fixer.Consume(context_, manifest_xml.get())) { return 1; } std::optional maybe_app_info = ExtractAppInfoFromManifest(manifest_xml.get(), context_->GetDiagnostics()); if (!maybe_app_info) { return 1; } app_info_ = maybe_app_info.value(); context_->SetMinSdkVersion(app_info_.min_sdk_version.value_or(0)); context_->SetNameManglerPolicy(NameManglerPolicy{context_->GetCompilationPackage()}); context_->SetSplitNameDependencies(app_info_.split_name_dependencies); // Override the package ID when it is "android". if (context_->GetCompilationPackage() == "android") { context_->SetPackageId(kAndroidPackageId); // Verify we're building a regular app. if (context_->GetPackageType() != PackageType::kApp) { context_->GetDiagnostics()->Error( DiagMessage() << "package 'android' can only be built as a regular app"); return 1; } } TableMergerOptions table_merger_options; table_merger_options.auto_add_overlay = options_.auto_add_overlay; table_merger_options.override_styles_instead_of_overlaying = options_.override_styles_instead_of_overlaying; table_merger_options.strict_visibility = options_.strict_visibility; table_merger_ = util::make_unique(context_, &final_table_, table_merger_options); if (context_->IsVerbose()) { context_->GetDiagnostics()->Note(DiagMessage() << StringPrintf("linking package '%s' using package ID %02x", context_->GetCompilationPackage().data(), context_->GetPackageId())); } // Extract symbols from AndroidManifest.xml, since this isn't merged like the other XML files // in res/**/*. { XmlIdCollector collector; if (!collector.Consume(context_, manifest_xml.get())) { return false; } if (!MergeExportedSymbols(manifest_xml->file.source, manifest_xml->file.exported_symbols)) { return false; } } for (const std::string& input : input_files) { if (!MergePath(input, false)) { context_->GetDiagnostics()->Error(DiagMessage() << "failed parsing input"); return 1; } } for (const std::string& input : options_.overlay_files) { if (!MergePath(input, true)) { context_->GetDiagnostics()->Error(DiagMessage() << "failed parsing overlays"); return 1; } } if (!VerifyNoExternalPackages()) { return 1; } if (context_->GetPackageType() != PackageType::kStaticLib) { PrivateAttributeMover mover; if (context_->GetPackageId() == kAndroidPackageId && !mover.Consume(context_, &final_table_)) { context_->GetDiagnostics()->Error(DiagMessage() << "failed moving private attributes"); return 1; } // Assign IDs if we are building a regular app. IdAssigner id_assigner(&options_.stable_id_map); if (!id_assigner.Consume(context_, &final_table_)) { context_->GetDiagnostics()->Error(DiagMessage() << "failed assigning IDs"); return 1; } // Now grab each ID and emit it as a file. if (options_.resource_id_map_path) { for (auto& package : final_table_.packages) { for (auto& type : package->types) { for (auto& entry : type->entries) { ResourceName name(package->name, type->type, entry->name); // The IDs are guaranteed to exist. options_.stable_id_map[std::move(name)] = entry->id.value(); } } } if (!WriteStableIdMapToPath(context_->GetDiagnostics(), options_.stable_id_map, options_.resource_id_map_path.value())) { return 1; } } } else { // Static libs are merged with other apps, and ID collisions are bad, so // verify that // no IDs have been set. if (!VerifyNoIdsSet()) { return 1; } } // Add the names to mangle based on our source merge earlier. context_->SetNameManglerPolicy( NameManglerPolicy{context_->GetCompilationPackage(), table_merger_->merged_packages()}); // Add our table to the symbol table. context_->GetExternalSymbols()->PrependSource( util::make_unique(&final_table_)); // Workaround for pre-O runtime that would treat negative resource IDs // (any ID with a package ID > 7f) as invalid. Intercept any ID (PPTTEEEE) with PP > 0x7f // and type == 'id', and return the ID 0x7fPPEEEE. IDs don't need to be real resources, they // are just identifiers. if (context_->GetMinSdkVersion() < SDK_O && context_->GetPackageType() == PackageType::kApp) { if (context_->IsVerbose()) { context_->GetDiagnostics()->Note(DiagMessage() << "enabling pre-O feature split ID rewriting"); } context_->GetExternalSymbols()->SetDelegate( util::make_unique(context_)); } // Before we process anything, remove the resources whose default values don't exist. // We want to force any references to these to fail the build. if (!options_.no_resource_removal) { if (!NoDefaultResourceRemover{}.Consume(context_, &final_table_)) { context_->GetDiagnostics()->Error(DiagMessage() << "failed removing resources with no defaults"); return 1; } } ReferenceLinker linker; if (!options_.merge_only && !linker.Consume(context_, &final_table_)) { context_->GetDiagnostics()->Error(DiagMessage() << "failed linking references"); return 1; } if (context_->GetPackageType() == PackageType::kStaticLib) { if (!options_.products.empty()) { context_->GetDiagnostics()->Warn(DiagMessage() << "can't select products when building static library"); } } else { ProductFilter product_filter(options_.products); if (!product_filter.Consume(context_, &final_table_)) { context_->GetDiagnostics()->Error(DiagMessage() << "failed stripping products"); return 1; } } if (!options_.no_auto_version) { AutoVersioner versioner; if (!versioner.Consume(context_, &final_table_)) { context_->GetDiagnostics()->Error(DiagMessage() << "failed versioning styles"); return 1; } } if (context_->GetPackageType() != PackageType::kStaticLib && context_->GetMinSdkVersion() > 0) { if (context_->IsVerbose()) { context_->GetDiagnostics()->Note(DiagMessage() << "collapsing resource versions for minimum SDK " << context_->GetMinSdkVersion()); } VersionCollapser collapser; if (!collapser.Consume(context_, &final_table_)) { return 1; } } if (!options_.exclude_configs_.empty()) { std::vector excluded_configs; for (auto& config_string : options_.exclude_configs_) { TRACE_NAME("ConfigDescription::Parse"); ConfigDescription config_description; if (!ConfigDescription::Parse(config_string, &config_description)) { context_->GetDiagnostics()->Error(DiagMessage() << "failed to parse --excluded-configs " << config_string); return 1; } excluded_configs.push_back(config_description); } ResourceExcluder excluder(excluded_configs); if (!excluder.Consume(context_, &final_table_)) { context_->GetDiagnostics()->Error(DiagMessage() << "failed excluding configurations"); return 1; } } if (!options_.no_resource_deduping) { ResourceDeduper deduper; if (!deduper.Consume(context_, &final_table_)) { context_->GetDiagnostics()->Error(DiagMessage() << "failed deduping resources"); return 1; } } proguard::KeepSet proguard_keep_set = proguard::KeepSet(options_.generate_conditional_proguard_rules); proguard::KeepSet proguard_main_dex_keep_set; if (context_->GetPackageType() == PackageType::kStaticLib) { if (options_.table_splitter_options.config_filter != nullptr || !options_.table_splitter_options.preferred_densities.empty()) { context_->GetDiagnostics()->Warn(DiagMessage() << "can't strip resources when building static library"); } } else { // Adjust the SplitConstraints so that their SDK version is stripped if it is less than or // equal to the minSdk. const size_t origConstraintSize = options_.split_constraints.size(); options_.split_constraints = AdjustSplitConstraintsForMinSdk(context_->GetMinSdkVersion(), options_.split_constraints); if (origConstraintSize != options_.split_constraints.size()) { context_->GetDiagnostics()->Warn(DiagMessage() << "requested to split resources prior to min sdk of " << context_->GetMinSdkVersion()); } TableSplitter table_splitter(options_.split_constraints, options_.table_splitter_options); if (!table_splitter.VerifySplitConstraints(context_)) { return 1; } table_splitter.SplitTable(&final_table_); // Now we need to write out the Split APKs. auto path_iter = options_.split_paths.begin(); auto split_constraints_iter = options_.split_constraints.begin(); for (std::unique_ptr& split_table : table_splitter.splits()) { if (context_->IsVerbose()) { context_->GetDiagnostics()->Note(DiagMessage(*path_iter) << "generating split with configurations '" << util::Joiner(split_constraints_iter->configs, ", ") << "'"); } std::unique_ptr archive_writer = MakeArchiveWriter(*path_iter); if (!archive_writer) { context_->GetDiagnostics()->Error(DiagMessage() << "failed to create archive"); return 1; } // Generate an AndroidManifest.xml for each split. std::unique_ptr split_manifest = GenerateSplitManifest(app_info_, *split_constraints_iter); XmlReferenceLinker linker(&final_table_); if (!linker.Consume(context_, split_manifest.get())) { context_->GetDiagnostics()->Error(DiagMessage() << "failed to create Split AndroidManifest.xml"); return 1; } if (!WriteApk(archive_writer.get(), &proguard_keep_set, split_manifest.get(), split_table.get())) { return 1; } ++path_iter; ++split_constraints_iter; } } // Start writing the base APK. std::unique_ptr archive_writer = MakeArchiveWriter(options_.output_path); if (!archive_writer) { context_->GetDiagnostics()->Error(DiagMessage() << "failed to create archive"); return 1; } bool error = false; { // AndroidManifest.xml has no resource name, but the CallSite is built from the name // (aka, which package the AndroidManifest.xml is coming from). // So we give it a package name so it can see local resources. manifest_xml->file.name.package = context_->GetCompilationPackage(); XmlReferenceLinker manifest_linker(&final_table_); if (options_.merge_only || manifest_linker.Consume(context_, manifest_xml.get())) { if (options_.generate_proguard_rules_path && !proguard::CollectProguardRulesForManifest(manifest_xml.get(), &proguard_keep_set)) { error = true; } if (options_.generate_main_dex_proguard_rules_path && !proguard::CollectProguardRulesForManifest(manifest_xml.get(), &proguard_main_dex_keep_set, true)) { error = true; } if (options_.generate_java_class_path) { if (!WriteManifestJavaFile(manifest_xml.get())) { error = true; } } if (options_.no_xml_namespaces) { // PackageParser will fail if URIs are removed from // AndroidManifest.xml. XmlNamespaceRemover namespace_remover(true /* keepUris */); if (!namespace_remover.Consume(context_, manifest_xml.get())) { error = true; } } } else { error = true; } } if (error) { context_->GetDiagnostics()->Error(DiagMessage() << "failed processing manifest"); return 1; } if (!WriteApk(archive_writer.get(), &proguard_keep_set, manifest_xml.get(), &final_table_)) { return 1; } if (!CopyAssetsDirsToApk(archive_writer.get())) { return 1; } if (options_.generate_java_class_path || options_.generate_text_symbols_path) { if (!GenerateJavaClasses()) { return 1; } } if (!WriteProguardFile(options_.generate_proguard_rules_path, proguard_keep_set)) { return 1; } if (!WriteProguardFile(options_.generate_main_dex_proguard_rules_path, proguard_main_dex_keep_set)) { return 1; } return 0; } private: LinkOptions options_; LinkContext* context_; ResourceTable final_table_; AppInfo app_info_; std::unique_ptr table_merger_; // A pointer to the FileCollection representing the filesystem (not archives). std::unique_ptr file_collection_; // A vector of IFileCollections. This is mainly here to retain ownership of the // collections. std::vector> collections_; // The set of merged APKs. This is mainly here to retain ownership of the APKs. std::vector> merged_apks_; // The set of included APKs (not merged). This is mainly here to retain ownership of the APKs. std::vector> static_library_includes_; // The set of shared libraries being used, mapping their assigned package ID to package name. std::map shared_libs_; // The package name of the base application, if it is included. std::optional included_feature_base_; }; int LinkCommand::Action(const std::vector& args) { TRACE_FLUSH(trace_folder_ ? trace_folder_.value() : "", "LinkCommand::Action"); LinkContext context(diag_); // Expand all argument-files passed into the command line. These start with '@'. std::vector arg_list; for (const std::string& arg : args) { if (util::StartsWith(arg, "@")) { const std::string path = arg.substr(1, arg.size() - 1); std::string error; if (!file::AppendArgsFromFile(path, &arg_list, &error)) { context.GetDiagnostics()->Error(DiagMessage(path) << error); return 1; } } else { arg_list.push_back(arg); } } // Expand all argument-files passed to -R. for (const std::string& arg : overlay_arg_list_) { if (util::StartsWith(arg, "@")) { const std::string path = arg.substr(1, arg.size() - 1); std::string error; if (!file::AppendArgsFromFile(path, &options_.overlay_files, &error)) { context.GetDiagnostics()->Error(DiagMessage(path) << error); return 1; } } else { options_.overlay_files.push_back(arg); } } if (verbose_) { context.SetVerbose(verbose_); } if (int{shared_lib_} + int{static_lib_} + int{proto_format_} > 1) { context.GetDiagnostics()->Error( DiagMessage() << "only one of --shared-lib, --static-lib, or --proto_format can be defined"); return 1; } if (shared_lib_ && options_.private_symbols) { // If a shared library styleable in a public R.java uses a private attribute, attempting to // reference the private attribute within the styleable array will cause a link error because // the private attribute will not be emitted in the public R.java. context.GetDiagnostics()->Error(DiagMessage() << "--shared-lib cannot currently be used in combination with" << " --private-symbols"); return 1; } if (options_.merge_only && !static_lib_) { context.GetDiagnostics()->Error( DiagMessage() << "the --merge-only flag can be only used when building a static library"); return 1; } // The default build type. context.SetPackageType(PackageType::kApp); context.SetPackageId(kAppPackageId); if (shared_lib_) { context.SetPackageType(PackageType::kSharedLib); context.SetPackageId(0x00); } else if (static_lib_) { context.SetPackageType(PackageType::kStaticLib); options_.output_format = OutputFormat::kProto; } else if (proto_format_) { options_.output_format = OutputFormat::kProto; } if (package_id_) { if (context.GetPackageType() != PackageType::kApp) { context.GetDiagnostics()->Error( DiagMessage() << "can't specify --package-id when not building a regular app"); return 1; } const std::optional maybe_package_id_int = ResourceUtils::ParseInt(package_id_.value()); if (!maybe_package_id_int) { context.GetDiagnostics()->Error(DiagMessage() << "package ID '" << package_id_.value() << "' is not a valid integer"); return 1; } const uint32_t package_id_int = maybe_package_id_int.value(); if (package_id_int > std::numeric_limits::max() || package_id_int == kFrameworkPackageId || (!options_.allow_reserved_package_id && package_id_int < kAppPackageId)) { context.GetDiagnostics()->Error( DiagMessage() << StringPrintf( "invalid package ID 0x%02x. Must be in the range 0x7f-0xff.", package_id_int)); return 1; } context.SetPackageId(static_cast(package_id_int)); } // Populate the set of extra packages for which to generate R.java. for (std::string& extra_package : extra_java_packages_) { // A given package can actually be a colon separated list of packages. for (StringPiece package : util::Split(extra_package, ':')) { options_.extra_java_packages.insert(package.to_string()); } } if (product_list_) { for (StringPiece product : util::Tokenize(product_list_.value(), ',')) { if (product != "" && product != "default") { options_.products.insert(product.to_string()); } } } std::unique_ptr filter; if (!configs_.empty()) { filter = ParseConfigFilterParameters(configs_, context.GetDiagnostics()); if (filter == nullptr) { return 1; } options_.table_splitter_options.config_filter = filter.get(); } if (preferred_density_) { std::optional density = ParseTargetDensityParameter(preferred_density_.value(), context.GetDiagnostics()); if (!density) { return 1; } options_.table_splitter_options.preferred_densities.push_back(density.value()); } // Parse the split parameters. for (const std::string& split_arg : split_args_) { options_.split_paths.push_back({}); options_.split_constraints.push_back({}); if (!ParseSplitParameter(split_arg, context.GetDiagnostics(), &options_.split_paths.back(), &options_.split_constraints.back())) { return 1; } } if (context.GetPackageType() != PackageType::kStaticLib && stable_id_file_path_) { if (!LoadStableIdMap(context.GetDiagnostics(), stable_id_file_path_.value(), &options_.stable_id_map)) { return 1; } } if (no_compress_regex) { std::string regex = no_compress_regex.value(); if (util::StartsWith(regex, "@")) { const std::string path = regex.substr(1, regex.size() -1); std::string error; if (!file::AppendSetArgsFromFile(path, &options_.extensions_to_not_compress, &error)) { context.GetDiagnostics()->Error(DiagMessage(path) << error); return 1; } } else { options_.regex_to_not_compress = GetRegularExpression(no_compress_regex.value()); } } // Populate some default no-compress extensions that are already compressed. options_.extensions_to_not_compress.insert({ // Image extensions ".jpg", ".jpeg", ".png", ".gif", ".webp", // Audio extensions ".wav", ".mp2", ".mp3", ".ogg", ".aac", ".mid", ".midi", ".smf", ".jet", ".rtttl", ".imy", ".xmf", ".amr", ".awb", // Audio/video extensions ".mpg", ".mpeg", ".mp4", ".m4a", ".m4v", ".3gp", ".3gpp", ".3g2", ".3gpp2", ".wma", ".wmv", ".webm", ".mkv"}); // Turn off auto versioning for static-libs. if (context.GetPackageType() == PackageType::kStaticLib) { options_.no_auto_version = true; options_.no_version_vectors = true; options_.no_version_transitions = true; } Linker cmd(&context, options_); return cmd.Run(arg_list); } } // namespace aapt