/* * Copyright (C) 2022 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #define LOG_TAG "TcUtils" #include "tcutils/tcutils.h" #include "logging.h" #include "kernelversion.h" #include "scopeguard.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define BPF_FD_JUST_USE_INT #include #undef BPF_FD_JUST_USE_INT // The maximum length of TCA_BPF_NAME. Sync from net/sched/cls_bpf.c. #define CLS_BPF_NAME_LEN 256 // Classifier name. See cls_bpf_ops in net/sched/cls_bpf.c. #define CLS_BPF_KIND_NAME "bpf" namespace android { namespace { /** * IngressPoliceFilterBuilder builds a nlmsg request equivalent to the following * tc command: * * tc filter add dev .. ingress prio .. protocol .. matchall \ * action police rate .. burst .. conform-exceed pipe/continue \ * action bpf object-pinned .. \ * drop */ class IngressPoliceFilterBuilder final { // default mtu is 2047, so the cell logarithm factor (cell_log) is 3. // 0x7FF >> 0x3FF x 2^1 >> 0x1FF x 2^2 >> 0xFF x 2^3 static constexpr int RTAB_CELL_LOGARITHM = 3; static constexpr size_t RTAB_SIZE = 256; static constexpr unsigned TIME_UNITS_PER_SEC = 1000000; struct Request { nlmsghdr n; tcmsg t; struct { nlattr attr; char str[NLMSG_ALIGN(sizeof("matchall"))]; } kind; struct { nlattr attr; struct { nlattr attr; struct { nlattr attr; struct { nlattr attr; char str[NLMSG_ALIGN(sizeof("police"))]; } kind; struct { nlattr attr; struct { nlattr attr; struct tc_police obj; } police; struct { nlattr attr; uint32_t u32[RTAB_SIZE]; } rtab; struct { nlattr attr; int32_t s32; } notexceedact; } opt; } act1; struct { nlattr attr; struct { nlattr attr; char str[NLMSG_ALIGN(sizeof("bpf"))]; } kind; struct { nlattr attr; struct { nlattr attr; uint32_t u32; } fd; struct { nlattr attr; char str[NLMSG_ALIGN(CLS_BPF_NAME_LEN)]; } name; struct { nlattr attr; struct tc_act_bpf obj; } parms; } opt; } act2; } acts; } opt; }; // class members const unsigned mBurstInBytes; const char *mBpfProgPath; int mBpfFd; Request mRequest; static double getTickInUsec() { FILE *fp = fopen("/proc/net/psched", "re"); if (!fp) { ALOGE("fopen(\"/proc/net/psched\"): %s", strerror(errno)); return 0.0; } auto scopeGuard = base::make_scope_guard([fp] { fclose(fp); }); uint32_t t2us; uint32_t us2t; uint32_t clockRes; const bool isError = fscanf(fp, "%08x%08x%08x", &t2us, &us2t, &clockRes) != 3; if (isError) { ALOGE("fscanf(/proc/net/psched, \"%%08x%%08x%%08x\"): %s", strerror(errno)); return 0.0; } const double clockFactor = static_cast(clockRes) / TIME_UNITS_PER_SEC; return static_cast(t2us) / static_cast(us2t) * clockFactor; } static inline const double kTickInUsec = getTickInUsec(); public: // clang-format off IngressPoliceFilterBuilder(int ifIndex, uint16_t prio, uint16_t proto, unsigned rateInBytesPerSec, unsigned burstInBytes, const char* bpfProgPath) : mBurstInBytes(burstInBytes), mBpfProgPath(bpfProgPath), mBpfFd(-1), mRequest{ .n = { .nlmsg_len = sizeof(mRequest), .nlmsg_type = RTM_NEWTFILTER, .nlmsg_flags = NLM_F_REQUEST | NLM_F_ACK | NLM_F_EXCL | NLM_F_CREATE, }, .t = { .tcm_family = AF_UNSPEC, .tcm_ifindex = ifIndex, .tcm_handle = TC_H_UNSPEC, .tcm_parent = TC_H_MAKE(TC_H_CLSACT, TC_H_MIN_INGRESS), .tcm_info = (static_cast(prio) << 16) | static_cast(htons(proto)), }, .kind = { .attr = { .nla_len = sizeof(mRequest.kind), .nla_type = TCA_KIND, }, .str = "matchall", }, .opt = { .attr = { .nla_len = sizeof(mRequest.opt), .nla_type = TCA_OPTIONS, }, .acts = { .attr = { .nla_len = sizeof(mRequest.opt.acts), .nla_type = TCA_MATCHALL_ACT, }, .act1 = { .attr = { .nla_len = sizeof(mRequest.opt.acts.act1), .nla_type = 1, // action priority }, .kind = { .attr = { .nla_len = sizeof(mRequest.opt.acts.act1.kind), .nla_type = TCA_ACT_KIND, }, .str = "police", }, .opt = { .attr = { .nla_len = sizeof(mRequest.opt.acts.act1.opt), .nla_type = TCA_ACT_OPTIONS | NLA_F_NESTED, }, .police = { .attr = { .nla_len = sizeof(mRequest.opt.acts.act1.opt.police), .nla_type = TCA_POLICE_TBF, }, .obj = { .action = TC_ACT_PIPE, .burst = 0, .rate = { .cell_log = RTAB_CELL_LOGARITHM, .linklayer = TC_LINKLAYER_ETHERNET, .cell_align = -1, .rate = rateInBytesPerSec, }, }, }, .rtab = { .attr = { .nla_len = sizeof(mRequest.opt.acts.act1.opt.rtab), .nla_type = TCA_POLICE_RATE, }, .u32 = {}, }, .notexceedact = { .attr = { .nla_len = sizeof(mRequest.opt.acts.act1.opt.notexceedact), .nla_type = TCA_POLICE_RESULT, }, .s32 = TC_ACT_UNSPEC, }, }, }, .act2 = { .attr = { .nla_len = sizeof(mRequest.opt.acts.act2), .nla_type = 2, // action priority }, .kind = { .attr = { .nla_len = sizeof(mRequest.opt.acts.act2.kind), .nla_type = TCA_ACT_KIND, }, .str = "bpf", }, .opt = { .attr = { .nla_len = sizeof(mRequest.opt.acts.act2.opt), .nla_type = TCA_ACT_OPTIONS | NLA_F_NESTED, }, .fd = { .attr = { .nla_len = sizeof(mRequest.opt.acts.act2.opt.fd), .nla_type = TCA_ACT_BPF_FD, }, .u32 = 0, // set during build() }, .name = { .attr = { .nla_len = sizeof(mRequest.opt.acts.act2.opt.name), .nla_type = TCA_ACT_BPF_NAME, }, .str = "placeholder", }, .parms = { .attr = { .nla_len = sizeof(mRequest.opt.acts.act2.opt.parms), .nla_type = TCA_ACT_BPF_PARMS, }, .obj = { // default action to be executed when bpf prog // returns TC_ACT_UNSPEC. .action = TC_ACT_SHOT, }, }, }, }, }, }, } { // constructor body } // clang-format on ~IngressPoliceFilterBuilder() { // TODO: use unique_fd if (mBpfFd != -1) { close(mBpfFd); } } constexpr unsigned getRequestSize() const { return sizeof(Request); } private: unsigned calculateXmitTime(unsigned size) { const uint32_t rate = mRequest.opt.acts.act1.opt.police.obj.rate.rate; return (static_cast(size) / static_cast(rate)) * TIME_UNITS_PER_SEC * kTickInUsec; } void initBurstRate() { mRequest.opt.acts.act1.opt.police.obj.burst = calculateXmitTime(mBurstInBytes); } // Calculates a table with 256 transmission times for different packet sizes // (all the way up to MTU). RTAB_CELL_LOGARITHM is used as a scaling factor. // In this case, MTU size is always 2048, so RTAB_CELL_LOGARITHM is always // 3. Therefore, this function generates the transmission times for packets // of size 1..256 x 2^3. void initRateTable() { for (unsigned i = 0; i < RTAB_SIZE; ++i) { unsigned adjustedSize = (i + 1) << RTAB_CELL_LOGARITHM; mRequest.opt.acts.act1.opt.rtab.u32[i] = calculateXmitTime(adjustedSize); } } int initBpfFd() { mBpfFd = bpf::retrieveProgram(mBpfProgPath); if (mBpfFd == -1) { int error = errno; ALOGE("retrieveProgram failed: %d", error); return -error; } mRequest.opt.acts.act2.opt.fd.u32 = static_cast(mBpfFd); snprintf(mRequest.opt.acts.act2.opt.name.str, sizeof(mRequest.opt.acts.act2.opt.name.str), "%s:[*fsobj]", basename(mBpfProgPath)); return 0; } public: int build() { if (kTickInUsec == 0.0) { return -EINVAL; } initBurstRate(); initRateTable(); return initBpfFd(); } const Request *getRequest() const { // Make sure to call build() before calling this function. Otherwise, the // request will be invalid. return &mRequest; } }; const sockaddr_nl KERNEL_NLADDR = {AF_NETLINK, 0, 0, 0}; const uint16_t NETLINK_REQUEST_FLAGS = NLM_F_REQUEST | NLM_F_ACK; int sendAndProcessNetlinkResponse(const void *req, int len) { // TODO: use unique_fd instead of ScopeGuard int fd = socket(AF_NETLINK, SOCK_RAW | SOCK_CLOEXEC, NETLINK_ROUTE); if (fd == -1) { int error = errno; ALOGE("socket(AF_NETLINK, SOCK_RAW | SOCK_CLOEXEC, NETLINK_ROUTE): %d", error); return -error; } auto scopeGuard = base::make_scope_guard([fd] { close(fd); }); static constexpr int on = 1; if (setsockopt(fd, SOL_NETLINK, NETLINK_CAP_ACK, &on, sizeof(on))) { int error = errno; ALOGE("setsockopt(fd, SOL_NETLINK, NETLINK_CAP_ACK, 1): %d", error); return -error; } // this is needed to get valid strace netlink parsing, it allocates the pid if (bind(fd, (const struct sockaddr *)&KERNEL_NLADDR, sizeof(KERNEL_NLADDR))) { int error = errno; ALOGE("bind(fd, {AF_NETLINK, 0, 0}: %d)", error); return -error; } // we do not want to receive messages from anyone besides the kernel if (connect(fd, (const struct sockaddr *)&KERNEL_NLADDR, sizeof(KERNEL_NLADDR))) { int error = errno; ALOGE("connect(fd, {AF_NETLINK, 0, 0}): %d", error); return -error; } int rv = send(fd, req, len, 0); if (rv == -1) { int error = errno; ALOGE("send(fd, req, len, 0) failed: %d", error); return -error; } if (rv != len) { ALOGE("send(fd, req, len = %d, 0) returned invalid message size %d", len, rv); return -EMSGSIZE; } struct { nlmsghdr h; nlmsgerr e; char buf[256]; } resp = {}; rv = recv(fd, &resp, sizeof(resp), MSG_TRUNC); if (rv == -1) { int error = errno; ALOGE("recv() failed: %d", error); return -error; } if (rv < (int)NLMSG_SPACE(sizeof(struct nlmsgerr))) { ALOGE("recv() returned short packet: %d", rv); return -EBADMSG; } if (resp.h.nlmsg_len != (unsigned)rv) { ALOGE("recv() returned invalid header length: %d != %d", resp.h.nlmsg_len, rv); return -EBADMSG; } if (resp.h.nlmsg_type != NLMSG_ERROR) { ALOGE("recv() did not return NLMSG_ERROR message: %d", resp.h.nlmsg_type); return -ENOMSG; } if (resp.e.error) { ALOGE("NLMSG_ERROR message return error: %d", resp.e.error); } return resp.e.error; // returns 0 on success } int hardwareAddressType(const char *interface) { int fd = socket(AF_INET6, SOCK_DGRAM | SOCK_CLOEXEC, 0); if (fd < 0) return -errno; auto scopeGuard = base::make_scope_guard([fd] { close(fd); }); struct ifreq ifr = {}; // We use strncpy() instead of strlcpy() since kernel has to be able // to handle non-zero terminated junk passed in by userspace anyway, // and this way too long interface names (more than IFNAMSIZ-1 = 15 // characters plus terminating NULL) will not get truncated to 15 // characters and zero-terminated and thus potentially erroneously // match a truncated interface if one were to exist. strncpy(ifr.ifr_name, interface, sizeof(ifr.ifr_name)); if (ioctl(fd, SIOCGIFHWADDR, &ifr, sizeof(ifr))) { return -errno; } return ifr.ifr_hwaddr.sa_family; } } // namespace int isEthernet(const char *iface, bool &isEthernet) { int rv = hardwareAddressType(iface); if (rv < 0) { ALOGE("Get hardware address type of interface %s failed: %s", iface, strerror(-rv)); return rv; } // Backwards compatibility with pre-GKI kernels that use various custom // ARPHRD_* for their cellular interface switch (rv) { // ARPHRD_PUREIP on at least some Mediatek Android kernels // example: wembley with 4.19 kernel case 520: // in Linux 4.14+ rmnet support was upstreamed and ARHRD_RAWIP became 519, // but it is 530 on at least some Qualcomm Android 4.9 kernels with rmnet // example: Pixel 3 family case 530: // >5.4 kernels are GKI2.0 and thus upstream compatible, however 5.10 // shipped with Android S, so (for safety) let's limit ourselves to // >5.10, ie. 5.11+ as a guarantee we're on Android T+ and thus no // longer need this non-upstream compatibility logic static bool is_pre_5_11_kernel = !isAtLeastKernelVersion(5, 11, 0); if (is_pre_5_11_kernel) return false; } switch (rv) { case ARPHRD_ETHER: isEthernet = true; return 0; case ARPHRD_NONE: case ARPHRD_PPP: case ARPHRD_RAWIP: isEthernet = false; return 0; default: ALOGE("Unknown hardware address type %d on interface %s", rv, iface); return -EAFNOSUPPORT; } } // ADD: nlMsgType=RTM_NEWQDISC nlMsgFlags=NLM_F_EXCL|NLM_F_CREATE // REPLACE: nlMsgType=RTM_NEWQDISC nlMsgFlags=NLM_F_CREATE|NLM_F_REPLACE // DEL: nlMsgType=RTM_DELQDISC nlMsgFlags=0 int doTcQdiscClsact(int ifIndex, uint16_t nlMsgType, uint16_t nlMsgFlags) { // This is the name of the qdisc we are attaching. // Some hoop jumping to make this compile time constant with known size, // so that the structure declaration is well defined at compile time. #define CLSACT "clsact" // sizeof() includes the terminating NULL static constexpr size_t ASCIIZ_LEN_CLSACT = sizeof(CLSACT); const struct { nlmsghdr n; tcmsg t; struct { nlattr attr; char str[NLMSG_ALIGN(ASCIIZ_LEN_CLSACT)]; } kind; } req = { .n = { .nlmsg_len = sizeof(req), .nlmsg_type = nlMsgType, .nlmsg_flags = static_cast<__u16>(NETLINK_REQUEST_FLAGS | nlMsgFlags), }, .t = { .tcm_family = AF_UNSPEC, .tcm_ifindex = ifIndex, .tcm_handle = TC_H_MAKE(TC_H_CLSACT, 0), .tcm_parent = TC_H_CLSACT, }, .kind = { .attr = { .nla_len = NLA_HDRLEN + ASCIIZ_LEN_CLSACT, .nla_type = TCA_KIND, }, .str = CLSACT, }, }; #undef CLSACT return sendAndProcessNetlinkResponse(&req, sizeof(req)); } // tc filter add dev .. in/egress prio 1 protocol ipv6/ip bpf object-pinned // /sys/fs/bpf/... direct-action int tcAddBpfFilter(int ifIndex, bool ingress, uint16_t prio, uint16_t proto, const char *bpfProgPath) { const int bpfFd = bpf::retrieveProgram(bpfProgPath); if (bpfFd == -1) { ALOGE("retrieveProgram failed: %d", errno); return -errno; } auto scopeGuard = base::make_scope_guard([bpfFd] { close(bpfFd); }); struct { nlmsghdr n; tcmsg t; struct { nlattr attr; // The maximum classifier name length is defined in // tcf_proto_ops in include/net/sch_generic.h. char str[NLMSG_ALIGN(sizeof(CLS_BPF_KIND_NAME))]; } kind; struct { nlattr attr; struct { nlattr attr; __u32 u32; } fd; struct { nlattr attr; char str[NLMSG_ALIGN(CLS_BPF_NAME_LEN)]; } name; struct { nlattr attr; __u32 u32; } flags; } options; } req = { .n = { .nlmsg_len = sizeof(req), .nlmsg_type = RTM_NEWTFILTER, .nlmsg_flags = NETLINK_REQUEST_FLAGS | NLM_F_EXCL | NLM_F_CREATE, }, .t = { .tcm_family = AF_UNSPEC, .tcm_ifindex = ifIndex, .tcm_handle = TC_H_UNSPEC, .tcm_parent = TC_H_MAKE(TC_H_CLSACT, ingress ? TC_H_MIN_INGRESS : TC_H_MIN_EGRESS), .tcm_info = static_cast<__u32>((static_cast(prio) << 16) | htons(static_cast(proto))), }, .kind = { .attr = { .nla_len = sizeof(req.kind), .nla_type = TCA_KIND, }, .str = CLS_BPF_KIND_NAME, }, .options = { .attr = { .nla_len = sizeof(req.options), .nla_type = NLA_F_NESTED | TCA_OPTIONS, }, .fd = { .attr = { .nla_len = sizeof(req.options.fd), .nla_type = TCA_BPF_FD, }, .u32 = static_cast<__u32>(bpfFd), }, .name = { .attr = { .nla_len = sizeof(req.options.name), .nla_type = TCA_BPF_NAME, }, // Visible via 'tc filter show', but // is overwritten by strncpy below .str = "placeholder", }, .flags = { .attr = { .nla_len = sizeof(req.options.flags), .nla_type = TCA_BPF_FLAGS, }, .u32 = TCA_BPF_FLAG_ACT_DIRECT, }, }, }; snprintf(req.options.name.str, sizeof(req.options.name.str), "%s:[*fsobj]", basename(bpfProgPath)); int error = sendAndProcessNetlinkResponse(&req, sizeof(req)); return error; } // tc filter add dev .. ingress prio .. protocol .. matchall \ // action police rate .. burst .. conform-exceed pipe/continue \ // action bpf object-pinned .. \ // drop // // TODO: tc-police does not do ECN marking, so in the future, we should consider // adding a second tc-police filter at a lower priority that rate limits traffic // at something like 0.8 times the global rate limit and ecn marks exceeding // packets inside a bpf program (but does not drop them). int tcAddIngressPoliceFilter(int ifIndex, uint16_t prio, uint16_t proto, unsigned rateInBytesPerSec, const char *bpfProgPath) { // TODO: this value needs to be validated. // TCP IW10 (initial congestion window) means servers will send 10 mtus worth // of data on initial connect. // If nic is LRO capable it could aggregate up to 64KiB, so again probably a // bad idea to set burst below that, because ingress packets could get // aggregated to 64KiB at the nic. // I don't know, but I wonder whether we shouldn't just do 128KiB and not do // any math. static constexpr unsigned BURST_SIZE_IN_BYTES = 128 * 1024; // 128KiB IngressPoliceFilterBuilder filter(ifIndex, prio, proto, rateInBytesPerSec, BURST_SIZE_IN_BYTES, bpfProgPath); const int error = filter.build(); if (error) { return error; } return sendAndProcessNetlinkResponse(filter.getRequest(), filter.getRequestSize()); } // tc filter del dev .. in/egress prio .. protocol .. int tcDeleteFilter(int ifIndex, bool ingress, uint16_t prio, uint16_t proto) { const struct { nlmsghdr n; tcmsg t; } req = { .n = { .nlmsg_len = sizeof(req), .nlmsg_type = RTM_DELTFILTER, .nlmsg_flags = NETLINK_REQUEST_FLAGS, }, .t = { .tcm_family = AF_UNSPEC, .tcm_ifindex = ifIndex, .tcm_handle = TC_H_UNSPEC, .tcm_parent = TC_H_MAKE(TC_H_CLSACT, ingress ? TC_H_MIN_INGRESS : TC_H_MIN_EGRESS), .tcm_info = static_cast<__u32>((static_cast(prio) << 16) | htons(static_cast(proto))), }, }; return sendAndProcessNetlinkResponse(&req, sizeof(req)); } } // namespace android