/* * Copyright (C) 2009 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "dumpsys.h" using namespace android; using ::android::base::StringAppendF; using ::android::base::StringPrintf; using ::android::base::unique_fd; using ::android::base::WriteFully; using ::android::base::WriteStringToFd; static int sort_func(const String16* lhs, const String16* rhs) { return lhs->compare(*rhs); } static void usage() { fprintf( stderr, "usage: dumpsys\n" " To dump all services.\n" "or:\n" " dumpsys [-t TIMEOUT] [--priority LEVEL] [--clients] [--dump] [--pid] [--thread] " "[--help | " "-l | --skip SERVICES " "| SERVICE [ARGS]]\n" " --help: shows this help\n" " -l: only list services, do not dump them\n" " -t TIMEOUT_SEC: TIMEOUT to use in seconds instead of default 10 seconds\n" " -T TIMEOUT_MS: TIMEOUT to use in milliseconds instead of default 10 seconds\n" " --clients: dump client PIDs instead of usual dump\n" " --dump: ask the service to dump itself (this is the default)\n" " --pid: dump PID instead of usual dump\n" " --proto: filter services that support dumping data in proto format. Dumps\n" " will be in proto format.\n" " --priority LEVEL: filter services based on specified priority\n" " LEVEL must be one of CRITICAL | HIGH | NORMAL\n" " --skip SERVICES: dumps all services but SERVICES (comma-separated list)\n" " --stability: dump binder stability information instead of usual dump\n" " --thread: dump thread usage instead of usual dump\n" " SERVICE [ARGS]: dumps only service SERVICE, optionally passing ARGS to it\n"); } static bool IsSkipped(const Vector& skipped, const String16& service) { for (const auto& candidate : skipped) { if (candidate == service) { return true; } } return false; } static bool ConvertPriorityTypeToBitmask(const String16& type, int& bitmask) { if (type == PriorityDumper::PRIORITY_ARG_CRITICAL) { bitmask = IServiceManager::DUMP_FLAG_PRIORITY_CRITICAL; return true; } if (type == PriorityDumper::PRIORITY_ARG_HIGH) { bitmask = IServiceManager::DUMP_FLAG_PRIORITY_HIGH; return true; } if (type == PriorityDumper::PRIORITY_ARG_NORMAL) { bitmask = IServiceManager::DUMP_FLAG_PRIORITY_NORMAL; return true; } return false; } String16 ConvertBitmaskToPriorityType(int bitmask) { if (bitmask == IServiceManager::DUMP_FLAG_PRIORITY_CRITICAL) { return String16(PriorityDumper::PRIORITY_ARG_CRITICAL); } if (bitmask == IServiceManager::DUMP_FLAG_PRIORITY_HIGH) { return String16(PriorityDumper::PRIORITY_ARG_HIGH); } if (bitmask == IServiceManager::DUMP_FLAG_PRIORITY_NORMAL) { return String16(PriorityDumper::PRIORITY_ARG_NORMAL); } return String16(""); } int Dumpsys::main(int argc, char* const argv[]) { Vector services; Vector args; String16 priorityType; Vector skippedServices; Vector protoServices; bool showListOnly = false; bool skipServices = false; bool asProto = false; int dumpTypeFlags = 0; int timeoutArgMs = 10000; int priorityFlags = IServiceManager::DUMP_FLAG_PRIORITY_ALL; static struct option longOptions[] = { {"help", no_argument, 0, 0}, {"clients", no_argument, 0, 0}, {"dump", no_argument, 0, 0}, {"pid", no_argument, 0, 0}, {"priority", required_argument, 0, 0}, {"proto", no_argument, 0, 0}, {"skip", no_argument, 0, 0}, {"stability", no_argument, 0, 0}, {"thread", no_argument, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 0, 0}}; // Must reset optind, otherwise subsequent calls will fail (wouldn't happen on main.cpp, but // happens on test cases). optind = 1; while (1) { int c; int optionIndex = 0; c = getopt_long(argc, argv, "+t:T:l", longOptions, &optionIndex); if (c == -1) { break; } switch (c) { case 0: if (!strcmp(longOptions[optionIndex].name, "skip")) { skipServices = true; } else if (!strcmp(longOptions[optionIndex].name, "proto")) { asProto = true; } else if (!strcmp(longOptions[optionIndex].name, "help")) { usage(); return 0; } else if (!strcmp(longOptions[optionIndex].name, "priority")) { priorityType = String16(String8(optarg)); if (!ConvertPriorityTypeToBitmask(priorityType, priorityFlags)) { fprintf(stderr, "\n"); usage(); return -1; } } else if (!strcmp(longOptions[optionIndex].name, "dump")) { dumpTypeFlags |= TYPE_DUMP; } else if (!strcmp(longOptions[optionIndex].name, "pid")) { dumpTypeFlags |= TYPE_PID; } else if (!strcmp(longOptions[optionIndex].name, "stability")) { dumpTypeFlags |= TYPE_STABILITY; } else if (!strcmp(longOptions[optionIndex].name, "thread")) { dumpTypeFlags |= TYPE_THREAD; } else if (!strcmp(longOptions[optionIndex].name, "clients")) { dumpTypeFlags |= TYPE_CLIENTS; } break; case 't': { char* endptr; timeoutArgMs = strtol(optarg, &endptr, 10); timeoutArgMs = timeoutArgMs * 1000; if (*endptr != '\0' || timeoutArgMs <= 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Error: invalid timeout(seconds) number: '%s'\n", optarg); return -1; } } break; case 'T': { char* endptr; timeoutArgMs = strtol(optarg, &endptr, 10); if (*endptr != '\0' || timeoutArgMs <= 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Error: invalid timeout(milliseconds) number: '%s'\n", optarg); return -1; } } break; case 'l': showListOnly = true; break; default: fprintf(stderr, "\n"); usage(); return -1; } } if (dumpTypeFlags == 0) { dumpTypeFlags = TYPE_DUMP; } for (int i = optind; i < argc; i++) { if (skipServices) { skippedServices.add(String16(argv[i])); } else { if (i == optind) { services.add(String16(argv[i])); } else { const String16 arg(argv[i]); args.add(arg); // For backward compatible, if the proto argument is passed to the service, the // dump request is also considered to use proto. if (!asProto && !arg.compare(String16(PriorityDumper::PROTO_ARG))) { asProto = true; } } } } if ((skipServices && skippedServices.empty()) || (showListOnly && (!services.empty() || !skippedServices.empty()))) { usage(); return -1; } if (services.empty() || showListOnly) { services = listServices(priorityFlags, asProto); setServiceArgs(args, asProto, priorityFlags); } const size_t N = services.size(); if (N > 1 || showListOnly) { // first print a list of the current services std::cout << "Currently running services:" << std::endl; for (size_t i=0; i service = sm_->checkService(services[i]); if (service != nullptr) { bool skipped = IsSkipped(skippedServices, services[i]); std::cout << " " << services[i] << (skipped ? " (skipped)" : "") << std::endl; } } } if (showListOnly) { return 0; } for (size_t i = 0; i < N; i++) { const String16& serviceName = services[i]; if (IsSkipped(skippedServices, serviceName)) continue; if (startDumpThread(dumpTypeFlags, serviceName, args) == OK) { bool addSeparator = (N > 1); if (addSeparator) { writeDumpHeader(STDOUT_FILENO, serviceName, priorityFlags); } std::chrono::duration elapsedDuration; size_t bytesWritten = 0; status_t status = writeDump(STDOUT_FILENO, serviceName, std::chrono::milliseconds(timeoutArgMs), asProto, elapsedDuration, bytesWritten); if (status == TIMED_OUT) { std::cout << std::endl << "*** SERVICE '" << serviceName << "' DUMP TIMEOUT (" << timeoutArgMs << "ms) EXPIRED ***" << std::endl << std::endl; } if (addSeparator) { writeDumpFooter(STDOUT_FILENO, serviceName, elapsedDuration); } bool dumpComplete = (status == OK); stopDumpThread(dumpComplete); } } return 0; } Vector Dumpsys::listServices(int priorityFilterFlags, bool filterByProto) const { Vector services = sm_->listServices(priorityFilterFlags); services.sort(sort_func); if (filterByProto) { Vector protoServices = sm_->listServices(IServiceManager::DUMP_FLAG_PROTO); protoServices.sort(sort_func); Vector intersection; std::set_intersection(services.begin(), services.end(), protoServices.begin(), protoServices.end(), std::back_inserter(intersection)); services = std::move(intersection); } return services; } void Dumpsys::setServiceArgs(Vector& args, bool asProto, int priorityFlags) { // Add proto flag if dumping service as proto. if (asProto) { args.insertAt(String16(PriorityDumper::PROTO_ARG), 0); } // Add -a (dump all) flag if dumping all services, dumping normal services or // services not explicitly registered to a priority bucket (default services). if ((priorityFlags == IServiceManager::DUMP_FLAG_PRIORITY_ALL) || (priorityFlags == IServiceManager::DUMP_FLAG_PRIORITY_NORMAL) || (priorityFlags == IServiceManager::DUMP_FLAG_PRIORITY_DEFAULT)) { args.insertAt(String16("-a"), 0); } // Add priority flags when dumping services registered to a specific priority bucket. if ((priorityFlags == IServiceManager::DUMP_FLAG_PRIORITY_CRITICAL) || (priorityFlags == IServiceManager::DUMP_FLAG_PRIORITY_HIGH) || (priorityFlags == IServiceManager::DUMP_FLAG_PRIORITY_NORMAL)) { String16 priorityType = ConvertBitmaskToPriorityType(priorityFlags); args.insertAt(String16(PriorityDumper::PRIORITY_ARG), 0); args.insertAt(priorityType, 1); } } static status_t dumpPidToFd(const sp& service, const unique_fd& fd, bool exclusive) { pid_t pid; status_t status = service->getDebugPid(&pid); if (status != OK) { return status; } if (!exclusive) { WriteStringToFd("Service host process PID: ", fd.get()); } WriteStringToFd(std::to_string(pid) + "\n", fd.get()); return OK; } static status_t dumpStabilityToFd(const sp& service, const unique_fd& fd) { WriteStringToFd("Stability: " + internal::Stability::debugToString(service) + "\n", fd); return OK; } static status_t dumpThreadsToFd(const sp& service, const unique_fd& fd) { pid_t pid; status_t status = service->getDebugPid(&pid); if (status != OK) { return status; } BinderPidInfo pidInfo; status = getBinderPidInfo(BinderDebugContext::BINDER, pid, &pidInfo); if (status != OK) { return status; } WriteStringToFd("Threads in use: " + std::to_string(pidInfo.threadUsage) + "/" + std::to_string(pidInfo.threadCount) + "\n", fd.get()); return OK; } static status_t dumpClientsToFd(const sp& service, const unique_fd& fd) { std::string clientPids; const auto remoteBinder = service->remoteBinder(); if (remoteBinder == nullptr) { WriteStringToFd("Client PIDs are not available for local binders.\n", fd.get()); return OK; } const auto handle = remoteBinder->getDebugBinderHandle(); if (handle == std::nullopt) { return OK; } std::vector pids; pid_t myPid = getpid(); pid_t servicePid; status_t status = service->getDebugPid(&servicePid); if (status != OK) { return status; } status = getBinderClientPids(BinderDebugContext::BINDER, myPid, servicePid, handle.value(), &pids); if (status != OK) { return status; } pids.erase(std::remove_if(pids.begin(), pids.end(), [&](pid_t pid) { return pid == myPid; }), pids.end()); WriteStringToFd("Client PIDs: " + ::android::base::Join(pids, ", ") + "\n", fd.get()); return OK; } static void reportDumpError(const String16& serviceName, status_t error, const char* context) { if (error == OK) return; std::cerr << "Error with service '" << serviceName << "' while " << context << ": " << statusToString(error) << std::endl; } status_t Dumpsys::startDumpThread(int dumpTypeFlags, const String16& serviceName, const Vector& args) { sp service = sm_->checkService(serviceName); if (service == nullptr) { std::cerr << "Can't find service: " << serviceName << std::endl; return NAME_NOT_FOUND; } int sfd[2]; if (pipe(sfd) != 0) { std::cerr << "Failed to create pipe to dump service info for " << serviceName << ": " << strerror(errno) << std::endl; return -errno; } redirectFd_ = unique_fd(sfd[0]); unique_fd remote_end(sfd[1]); sfd[0] = sfd[1] = -1; // dump blocks until completion, so spawn a thread.. activeThread_ = std::thread([=, remote_end{std::move(remote_end)}]() mutable { if (dumpTypeFlags & TYPE_PID) { status_t err = dumpPidToFd(service, remote_end, dumpTypeFlags == TYPE_PID); reportDumpError(serviceName, err, "dumping PID"); } if (dumpTypeFlags & TYPE_STABILITY) { status_t err = dumpStabilityToFd(service, remote_end); reportDumpError(serviceName, err, "dumping stability"); } if (dumpTypeFlags & TYPE_THREAD) { status_t err = dumpThreadsToFd(service, remote_end); reportDumpError(serviceName, err, "dumping thread info"); } if (dumpTypeFlags & TYPE_CLIENTS) { status_t err = dumpClientsToFd(service, remote_end); reportDumpError(serviceName, err, "dumping clients info"); } // other types always act as a header, this is usually longer if (dumpTypeFlags & TYPE_DUMP) { status_t err = service->dump(remote_end.get(), args); reportDumpError(serviceName, err, "dumping"); } }); return OK; } void Dumpsys::stopDumpThread(bool dumpComplete) { if (dumpComplete) { activeThread_.join(); } else { activeThread_.detach(); } /* close read end of the dump output redirection pipe */ redirectFd_.reset(); } void Dumpsys::writeDumpHeader(int fd, const String16& serviceName, int priorityFlags) const { std::string msg( "----------------------------------------" "---------------------------------------\n"); if (priorityFlags == IServiceManager::DUMP_FLAG_PRIORITY_ALL || priorityFlags == IServiceManager::DUMP_FLAG_PRIORITY_NORMAL || priorityFlags == IServiceManager::DUMP_FLAG_PRIORITY_DEFAULT) { StringAppendF(&msg, "DUMP OF SERVICE %s:\n", String8(serviceName).c_str()); } else { String16 priorityType = ConvertBitmaskToPriorityType(priorityFlags); StringAppendF(&msg, "DUMP OF SERVICE %s %s:\n", String8(priorityType).c_str(), String8(serviceName).c_str()); } WriteStringToFd(msg, fd); } status_t Dumpsys::writeDump(int fd, const String16& serviceName, std::chrono::milliseconds timeout, bool asProto, std::chrono::duration& elapsedDuration, size_t& bytesWritten) const { status_t status = OK; size_t totalBytes = 0; auto start = std::chrono::steady_clock::now(); auto end = start + timeout; int serviceDumpFd = redirectFd_.get(); if (serviceDumpFd == -1) { return INVALID_OPERATION; } struct pollfd pfd = {.fd = serviceDumpFd, .events = POLLIN}; while (true) { // Wrap this in a lambda so that TEMP_FAILURE_RETRY recalculates the timeout. auto time_left_ms = [end]() { auto now = std::chrono::steady_clock::now(); auto diff = std::chrono::duration_cast(end - now); return std::max(diff.count(), 0LL); }; int rc = TEMP_FAILURE_RETRY(poll(&pfd, 1, time_left_ms())); if (rc < 0) { std::cerr << "Error in poll while dumping service " << serviceName << " : " << strerror(errno) << std::endl; status = -errno; break; } else if (rc == 0 || time_left_ms() == 0) { status = TIMED_OUT; break; } char buf[4096]; rc = TEMP_FAILURE_RETRY(read(redirectFd_.get(), buf, sizeof(buf))); if (rc < 0) { std::cerr << "Failed to read while dumping service " << serviceName << ": " << strerror(errno) << std::endl; status = -errno; break; } else if (rc == 0) { // EOF. break; } if (!WriteFully(fd, buf, rc)) { std::cerr << "Failed to write while dumping service " << serviceName << ": " << strerror(errno) << std::endl; status = -errno; break; } totalBytes += rc; } if ((status == TIMED_OUT) && (!asProto)) { std::string msg = StringPrintf("\n*** SERVICE '%s' DUMP TIMEOUT (%llums) EXPIRED ***\n\n", String8(serviceName).string(), timeout.count()); WriteStringToFd(msg, fd); } elapsedDuration = std::chrono::steady_clock::now() - start; bytesWritten = totalBytes; return status; } void Dumpsys::writeDumpFooter(int fd, const String16& serviceName, const std::chrono::duration& elapsedDuration) const { using std::chrono::system_clock; const auto finish = system_clock::to_time_t(system_clock::now()); std::tm finish_tm; localtime_r(&finish, &finish_tm); std::stringstream oss; oss << std::put_time(&finish_tm, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"); std::string msg = StringPrintf("--------- %.3fs was the duration of dumpsys %s, ending at: %s\n", elapsedDuration.count(), String8(serviceName).string(), oss.str().c_str()); WriteStringToFd(msg, fd); }