/* * Copyright (C) 2008 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #define LOG_TAG "IMemory" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define VERBOSE 0 namespace android { // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- class HeapCache : public IBinder::DeathRecipient { public: HeapCache(); virtual ~HeapCache(); virtual void binderDied(const wp& who); sp find_heap(const sp& binder); void free_heap(const sp& binder); sp get_heap(const sp& binder); void dump_heaps(); private: // For IMemory.cpp struct heap_info_t { sp heap; int32_t count; // Note that this cannot be meaningfully copied. }; void free_heap(const wp& binder); Mutex mHeapCacheLock; // Protects entire vector below. std::map, heap_info_t> mHeapCache; // We do not use the copy-on-write capabilities of KeyedVector. // TODO: Reimplemement based on standard C++ container? }; static sp gHeapCache = sp::make(); /******************************************************************************/ enum { HEAP_ID = IBinder::FIRST_CALL_TRANSACTION }; class BpMemoryHeap : public BpInterface { public: explicit BpMemoryHeap(const sp& impl); virtual ~BpMemoryHeap(); int getHeapID() const override; void* getBase() const override; size_t getSize() const override; uint32_t getFlags() const override; off_t getOffset() const override; private: friend class IMemory; friend class HeapCache; // for debugging in this module static inline sp find_heap(const sp& binder) { return gHeapCache->find_heap(binder); } static inline void free_heap(const sp& binder) { gHeapCache->free_heap(binder); } static inline sp get_heap(const sp& binder) { return gHeapCache->get_heap(binder); } static inline void dump_heaps() { gHeapCache->dump_heaps(); } void assertMapped() const; void assertReallyMapped() const; mutable std::atomic mHeapId; mutable void* mBase; mutable size_t mSize; mutable uint32_t mFlags; mutable off_t mOffset; mutable bool mRealHeap; mutable Mutex mLock; }; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- enum { GET_MEMORY = IBinder::FIRST_CALL_TRANSACTION }; class BpMemory : public BpInterface { public: explicit BpMemory(const sp& impl); virtual ~BpMemory(); // NOLINTNEXTLINE(google-default-arguments) virtual sp getMemory(ssize_t* offset=nullptr, size_t* size=nullptr) const; private: mutable sp mHeap; mutable ssize_t mOffset; mutable size_t mSize; }; /******************************************************************************/ void* IMemory::fastPointer(const sp& binder, ssize_t offset) const { sp realHeap = BpMemoryHeap::get_heap(binder); void* const base = realHeap->base(); if (base == MAP_FAILED) return nullptr; return static_cast(base) + offset; } void* IMemory::unsecurePointer() const { ssize_t offset; sp heap = getMemory(&offset); void* const base = heap!=nullptr ? heap->base() : MAP_FAILED; if (base == MAP_FAILED) return nullptr; return static_cast(base) + offset; } void* IMemory::pointer() const { return unsecurePointer(); } size_t IMemory::size() const { size_t size; getMemory(nullptr, &size); return size; } ssize_t IMemory::offset() const { ssize_t offset; getMemory(&offset); return offset; } /******************************************************************************/ BpMemory::BpMemory(const sp& impl) : BpInterface(impl), mOffset(0), mSize(0) { } BpMemory::~BpMemory() { } // NOLINTNEXTLINE(google-default-arguments) sp BpMemory::getMemory(ssize_t* offset, size_t* size) const { if (mHeap == nullptr) { Parcel data, reply; data.writeInterfaceToken(IMemory::getInterfaceDescriptor()); if (remote()->transact(GET_MEMORY, data, &reply) == NO_ERROR) { sp heap = reply.readStrongBinder(); if (heap != nullptr) { mHeap = interface_cast(heap); if (mHeap != nullptr) { const int64_t offset64 = reply.readInt64(); const uint64_t size64 = reply.readUint64(); const ssize_t o = (ssize_t)offset64; const size_t s = (size_t)size64; size_t heapSize = mHeap->getSize(); if (s == size64 && o == offset64 // ILP32 bounds check && s <= heapSize && o >= 0 && (static_cast(o) <= heapSize - s)) { mOffset = o; mSize = s; } else { // Hm. android_errorWriteWithInfoLog(0x534e4554, "26877992", -1, nullptr, 0); mOffset = 0; mSize = 0; } } } } } if (offset) *offset = mOffset; if (size) *size = mSize; return (mSize > 0) ? mHeap : nullptr; } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- IMPLEMENT_META_INTERFACE(Memory, "android.utils.IMemory") BnMemory::BnMemory() { } BnMemory::~BnMemory() { } // NOLINTNEXTLINE(google-default-arguments) status_t BnMemory::onTransact( uint32_t code, const Parcel& data, Parcel* reply, uint32_t flags) { switch(code) { case GET_MEMORY: { CHECK_INTERFACE(IMemory, data, reply); ssize_t offset; size_t size; reply->writeStrongBinder( IInterface::asBinder(getMemory(&offset, &size)) ); reply->writeInt64(offset); reply->writeUint64(size); return NO_ERROR; } break; default: return BBinder::onTransact(code, data, reply, flags); } } /******************************************************************************/ BpMemoryHeap::BpMemoryHeap(const sp& impl) : BpInterface(impl), mHeapId(-1), mBase(MAP_FAILED), mSize(0), mFlags(0), mOffset(0), mRealHeap(false) { } BpMemoryHeap::~BpMemoryHeap() { int32_t heapId = mHeapId.load(memory_order_relaxed); if (heapId != -1) { close(heapId); if (mRealHeap) { // by construction we're the last one if (mBase != MAP_FAILED) { sp binder = IInterface::asBinder(this); if (VERBOSE) { ALOGD("UNMAPPING binder=%p, heap=%p, size=%zu, fd=%d", binder.get(), this, mSize, heapId); } munmap(mBase, mSize); } } else { // remove from list only if it was mapped before sp binder = IInterface::asBinder(this); free_heap(binder); } } } void BpMemoryHeap::assertMapped() const { int32_t heapId = mHeapId.load(memory_order_acquire); if (heapId == -1) { sp binder(IInterface::asBinder(const_cast(this))); sp heap = sp::cast(find_heap(binder)); heap->assertReallyMapped(); if (heap->mBase != MAP_FAILED) { Mutex::Autolock _l(mLock); if (mHeapId.load(memory_order_relaxed) == -1) { mBase = heap->mBase; mSize = heap->mSize; mOffset = heap->mOffset; int fd = fcntl(heap->mHeapId.load(memory_order_relaxed), F_DUPFD_CLOEXEC, 0); ALOGE_IF(fd==-1, "cannot dup fd=%d", heap->mHeapId.load(memory_order_relaxed)); mHeapId.store(fd, memory_order_release); } } else { // something went wrong free_heap(binder); } } } void BpMemoryHeap::assertReallyMapped() const { int32_t heapId = mHeapId.load(memory_order_acquire); if (heapId == -1) { // remote call without mLock held, worse case scenario, we end up // calling transact() from multiple threads, but that's not a problem, // only mmap below must be in the critical section. Parcel data, reply; data.writeInterfaceToken(IMemoryHeap::getInterfaceDescriptor()); status_t err = remote()->transact(HEAP_ID, data, &reply); int parcel_fd = reply.readFileDescriptor(); const uint64_t size64 = reply.readUint64(); const int64_t offset64 = reply.readInt64(); const uint32_t flags = reply.readUint32(); const size_t size = (size_t)size64; const off_t offset = (off_t)offset64; if (err != NO_ERROR || // failed transaction size != size64 || offset != offset64) { // ILP32 size check ALOGE("binder=%p transaction failed fd=%d, size=%zu, err=%d (%s)", IInterface::asBinder(this).get(), parcel_fd, size, err, strerror(-err)); return; } Mutex::Autolock _l(mLock); if (mHeapId.load(memory_order_relaxed) == -1) { int fd = fcntl(parcel_fd, F_DUPFD_CLOEXEC, 0); ALOGE_IF(fd == -1, "cannot dup fd=%d, size=%zu, err=%d (%s)", parcel_fd, size, err, strerror(errno)); int access = PROT_READ; if (!(flags & READ_ONLY)) { access |= PROT_WRITE; } mRealHeap = true; mBase = mmap(nullptr, size, access, MAP_SHARED, fd, offset); if (mBase == MAP_FAILED) { ALOGE("cannot map BpMemoryHeap (binder=%p), size=%zu, fd=%d (%s)", IInterface::asBinder(this).get(), size, fd, strerror(errno)); close(fd); } else { mSize = size; mFlags = flags; mOffset = offset; mHeapId.store(fd, memory_order_release); } } } } int BpMemoryHeap::getHeapID() const { assertMapped(); // We either stored mHeapId ourselves, or loaded it with acquire semantics. return mHeapId.load(memory_order_relaxed); } void* BpMemoryHeap::getBase() const { assertMapped(); return mBase; } size_t BpMemoryHeap::getSize() const { assertMapped(); return mSize; } uint32_t BpMemoryHeap::getFlags() const { assertMapped(); return mFlags; } off_t BpMemoryHeap::getOffset() const { assertMapped(); return mOffset; } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- IMPLEMENT_META_INTERFACE(MemoryHeap, "android.utils.IMemoryHeap") BnMemoryHeap::BnMemoryHeap() { } BnMemoryHeap::~BnMemoryHeap() { } // NOLINTNEXTLINE(google-default-arguments) status_t BnMemoryHeap::onTransact( uint32_t code, const Parcel& data, Parcel* reply, uint32_t flags) { switch(code) { case HEAP_ID: { CHECK_INTERFACE(IMemoryHeap, data, reply); reply->writeFileDescriptor(getHeapID()); reply->writeUint64(getSize()); reply->writeInt64(getOffset()); reply->writeUint32(getFlags()); return NO_ERROR; } break; default: return BBinder::onTransact(code, data, reply, flags); } } /*****************************************************************************/ HeapCache::HeapCache() : DeathRecipient() { } HeapCache::~HeapCache() { } void HeapCache::binderDied(const wp& binder) { //ALOGD("binderDied binder=%p", binder.unsafe_get()); free_heap(binder); } sp HeapCache::find_heap(const sp& binder) { Mutex::Autolock _l(mHeapCacheLock); auto i = mHeapCache.find(binder); if (i != mHeapCache.end()) { heap_info_t& info = i->second; ALOGD_IF(VERBOSE, "found binder=%p, heap=%p, size=%zu, fd=%d, count=%d", binder.get(), info.heap.get(), static_cast(info.heap.get())->mSize, static_cast(info.heap.get()) ->mHeapId.load(memory_order_relaxed), info.count); ++info.count; return info.heap; } else { heap_info_t info; info.heap = interface_cast(binder); info.count = 1; //ALOGD("adding binder=%p, heap=%p, count=%d", // binder.get(), info.heap.get(), info.count); mHeapCache.insert({binder, info}); return info.heap; } } void HeapCache::free_heap(const sp& binder) { free_heap( wp(binder) ); } void HeapCache::free_heap(const wp& binder) { sp rel; { Mutex::Autolock _l(mHeapCacheLock); auto i = mHeapCache.find(binder); if (i != mHeapCache.end()) { heap_info_t& info = i->second; if (--info.count == 0) { ALOGD_IF(VERBOSE, "removing binder=%p, heap=%p, size=%zu, fd=%d, count=%d", binder.unsafe_get(), info.heap.get(), static_cast(info.heap.get())->mSize, static_cast(info.heap.get()) ->mHeapId.load(memory_order_relaxed), info.count); rel = i->second.heap; mHeapCache.erase(i); } } else { ALOGE("free_heap binder=%p not found!!!", binder.unsafe_get()); } } } sp HeapCache::get_heap(const sp& binder) { sp realHeap; Mutex::Autolock _l(mHeapCacheLock); auto i = mHeapCache.find(binder); if (i != mHeapCache.end()) realHeap = i->second.heap; else realHeap = interface_cast(binder); return realHeap; } void HeapCache::dump_heaps() { Mutex::Autolock _l(mHeapCacheLock); for (const auto& i : mHeapCache) { const heap_info_t& info = i.second; BpMemoryHeap const* h(static_cast(info.heap.get())); ALOGD("hey=%p, heap=%p, count=%d, (fd=%d, base=%p, size=%zu)", i.first.unsafe_get(), info.heap.get(), info.count, h->mHeapId.load(memory_order_relaxed), h->mBase, h->mSize); } } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- } // namespace android