/* * Copyright (C) 2018 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include #include #include "parcel_internal.h" #include "ibinder_internal.h" #include "status_internal.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include using ::android::IBinder; using ::android::Parcel; using ::android::sp; using ::android::status_t; using ::android::base::unique_fd; using ::android::os::ParcelFileDescriptor; template using ContiguousArrayAllocator = bool (*)(void* arrayData, int32_t length, T** outBuffer); template using ArrayAllocator = bool (*)(void* arrayData, int32_t length); template using ArrayGetter = T (*)(const void* arrayData, size_t index); template using ArraySetter = void (*)(void* arrayData, size_t index, T value); static binder_status_t WriteAndValidateArraySize(AParcel* parcel, bool isNullArray, int32_t length) { // only -1 can be used to represent a null array if (length < -1) return STATUS_BAD_VALUE; if (!isNullArray && length < 0) { LOG(ERROR) << __func__ << ": non-null array but length is " << length; return STATUS_BAD_VALUE; } if (isNullArray && length > 0) { LOG(ERROR) << __func__ << ": null buffer cannot be for size " << length << " array."; return STATUS_BAD_VALUE; } Parcel* rawParcel = parcel->get(); status_t status = rawParcel->writeInt32(length); if (status != STATUS_OK) return PruneStatusT(status); return STATUS_OK; } static binder_status_t ReadAndValidateArraySize(const AParcel* parcel, int32_t* length) { if (status_t status = parcel->get()->readInt32(length); status != STATUS_OK) { return PruneStatusT(status); } if (*length < -1) return STATUS_BAD_VALUE; // libbinder_ndk reserves these if (*length <= 0) return STATUS_OK; // null if (static_cast(*length) > parcel->get()->dataAvail()) return STATUS_NO_MEMORY; return STATUS_OK; } template binder_status_t WriteArray(AParcel* parcel, const T* array, int32_t length) { binder_status_t status = WriteAndValidateArraySize(parcel, array == nullptr, length); if (status != STATUS_OK) return status; if (length <= 0) return STATUS_OK; int32_t size = 0; if (__builtin_smul_overflow(sizeof(T), length, &size)) return STATUS_NO_MEMORY; void* const data = parcel->get()->writeInplace(size); if (data == nullptr) return STATUS_NO_MEMORY; memcpy(data, array, size); return STATUS_OK; } // Each element in a char16_t array is converted to an int32_t (not packed). template <> binder_status_t WriteArray(AParcel* parcel, const char16_t* array, int32_t length) { binder_status_t status = WriteAndValidateArraySize(parcel, array == nullptr, length); if (status != STATUS_OK) return status; if (length <= 0) return STATUS_OK; int32_t size = 0; if (__builtin_smul_overflow(sizeof(char16_t), length, &size)) return STATUS_NO_MEMORY; Parcel* rawParcel = parcel->get(); for (int32_t i = 0; i < length; i++) { status = rawParcel->writeChar(array[i]); if (status != STATUS_OK) return PruneStatusT(status); } return STATUS_OK; } template binder_status_t ReadArray(const AParcel* parcel, void* arrayData, ContiguousArrayAllocator allocator) { const Parcel* rawParcel = parcel->get(); int32_t length; if (binder_status_t status = ReadAndValidateArraySize(parcel, &length); status != STATUS_OK) { return status; } T* array; if (!allocator(arrayData, length, &array)) return STATUS_NO_MEMORY; if (length <= 0) return STATUS_OK; if (array == nullptr) return STATUS_NO_MEMORY; int32_t size = 0; if (__builtin_smul_overflow(sizeof(T), length, &size)) return STATUS_NO_MEMORY; const void* data = rawParcel->readInplace(size); if (data == nullptr) return STATUS_NO_MEMORY; memcpy(array, data, size); return STATUS_OK; } // Each element in a char16_t array is converted to an int32_t (not packed) template <> binder_status_t ReadArray(const AParcel* parcel, void* arrayData, ContiguousArrayAllocator allocator) { const Parcel* rawParcel = parcel->get(); int32_t length; if (binder_status_t status = ReadAndValidateArraySize(parcel, &length); status != STATUS_OK) { return status; } char16_t* array; if (!allocator(arrayData, length, &array)) return STATUS_NO_MEMORY; if (length <= 0) return STATUS_OK; if (array == nullptr) return STATUS_NO_MEMORY; int32_t size = 0; if (__builtin_smul_overflow(sizeof(char16_t), length, &size)) return STATUS_NO_MEMORY; for (int32_t i = 0; i < length; i++) { status_t status = rawParcel->readChar(array + i); if (status != STATUS_OK) return PruneStatusT(status); } return STATUS_OK; } template binder_status_t WriteArray(AParcel* parcel, const void* arrayData, int32_t length, ArrayGetter getter, status_t (Parcel::*write)(T)) { // we have no clue if arrayData represents a null object or not, we can only infer from length bool arrayIsNull = length < 0; binder_status_t status = WriteAndValidateArraySize(parcel, arrayIsNull, length); if (status != STATUS_OK) return status; if (length <= 0) return STATUS_OK; Parcel* rawParcel = parcel->get(); for (int32_t i = 0; i < length; i++) { status = (rawParcel->*write)(getter(arrayData, i)); if (status != STATUS_OK) return PruneStatusT(status); } return STATUS_OK; } template binder_status_t ReadArray(const AParcel* parcel, void* arrayData, ArrayAllocator allocator, ArraySetter setter, status_t (Parcel::*read)(T*) const) { const Parcel* rawParcel = parcel->get(); int32_t length; if (binder_status_t status = ReadAndValidateArraySize(parcel, &length); status != STATUS_OK) { return status; } if (!allocator(arrayData, length)) return STATUS_NO_MEMORY; if (length <= 0) return STATUS_OK; for (int32_t i = 0; i < length; i++) { T readTarget; status_t status = (rawParcel->*read)(&readTarget); if (status != STATUS_OK) return PruneStatusT(status); setter(arrayData, i, readTarget); } return STATUS_OK; } void AParcel_delete(AParcel* parcel) { delete parcel; } binder_status_t AParcel_setDataPosition(const AParcel* parcel, int32_t position) { if (position < 0) { return STATUS_BAD_VALUE; } parcel->get()->setDataPosition(position); return STATUS_OK; } int32_t AParcel_getDataPosition(const AParcel* parcel) { return parcel->get()->dataPosition(); } void AParcel_markSensitive(const AParcel* parcel) { return parcel->get()->markSensitive(); } binder_status_t AParcel_writeStrongBinder(AParcel* parcel, AIBinder* binder) { sp writeBinder = binder != nullptr ? binder->getBinder() : nullptr; return parcel->get()->writeStrongBinder(writeBinder); } binder_status_t AParcel_readStrongBinder(const AParcel* parcel, AIBinder** binder) { sp readBinder = nullptr; status_t status = parcel->get()->readNullableStrongBinder(&readBinder); if (status != STATUS_OK) { return PruneStatusT(status); } sp ret = ABpBinder::lookupOrCreateFromBinder(readBinder); AIBinder_incStrong(ret.get()); *binder = ret.get(); return PruneStatusT(status); } binder_status_t AParcel_writeParcelFileDescriptor(AParcel* parcel, int fd) { if (fd < 0) { if (fd != -1) { return STATUS_UNKNOWN_ERROR; } return PruneStatusT(parcel->get()->writeInt32(0)); // null } status_t status = parcel->get()->writeInt32(1); // not-null if (status != STATUS_OK) return PruneStatusT(status); status = parcel->get()->writeDupParcelFileDescriptor(fd); return PruneStatusT(status); } binder_status_t AParcel_readParcelFileDescriptor(const AParcel* parcel, int* fd) { std::optional parcelFd; status_t status = parcel->get()->readParcelable(&parcelFd); if (status != STATUS_OK) return PruneStatusT(status); if (parcelFd) { *fd = parcelFd->release().release(); } else { *fd = -1; } return STATUS_OK; } binder_status_t AParcel_writeStatusHeader(AParcel* parcel, const AStatus* status) { return PruneStatusT(status->get().writeToParcel(parcel->get())); } binder_status_t AParcel_readStatusHeader(const AParcel* parcel, AStatus** status) { ::android::binder::Status bstatus; binder_status_t ret = PruneStatusT(bstatus.readFromParcel(*parcel->get())); if (ret == STATUS_OK) { *status = new AStatus(std::move(bstatus)); } return PruneStatusT(ret); } binder_status_t AParcel_writeString(AParcel* parcel, const char* string, int32_t length) { if (string == nullptr) { if (length != -1) { LOG(WARNING) << __func__ << ": null string must be used with length == -1."; return STATUS_BAD_VALUE; } status_t err = parcel->get()->writeInt32(-1); return PruneStatusT(err); } if (length < 0) { LOG(WARNING) << __func__ << ": Negative string length: " << length; return STATUS_BAD_VALUE; } const uint8_t* str8 = (uint8_t*)string; const ssize_t len16 = utf8_to_utf16_length(str8, length); if (len16 < 0 || len16 >= std::numeric_limits::max()) { LOG(WARNING) << __func__ << ": Invalid string length: " << len16; return STATUS_BAD_VALUE; } status_t err = parcel->get()->writeInt32(len16); if (err) { return PruneStatusT(err); } void* str16 = parcel->get()->writeInplace((len16 + 1) * sizeof(char16_t)); if (str16 == nullptr) { return STATUS_NO_MEMORY; } utf8_to_utf16(str8, length, (char16_t*)str16, (size_t)len16 + 1); return STATUS_OK; } binder_status_t AParcel_readString(const AParcel* parcel, void* stringData, AParcel_stringAllocator allocator) { size_t len16; const char16_t* str16 = parcel->get()->readString16Inplace(&len16); if (str16 == nullptr) { if (allocator(stringData, -1, nullptr)) { return STATUS_OK; } return STATUS_UNEXPECTED_NULL; } ssize_t len8; if (len16 == 0) { len8 = 1; } else { len8 = utf16_to_utf8_length(str16, len16) + 1; } if (len8 <= 0 || len8 > std::numeric_limits::max()) { LOG(WARNING) << __func__ << ": Invalid string length: " << len8; return STATUS_BAD_VALUE; } char* str8; bool success = allocator(stringData, len8, &str8); if (!success || str8 == nullptr) { LOG(WARNING) << __func__ << ": AParcel_stringAllocator failed to allocate."; return STATUS_NO_MEMORY; } utf16_to_utf8(str16, len16, str8, len8); return STATUS_OK; } binder_status_t AParcel_writeStringArray(AParcel* parcel, const void* arrayData, int32_t length, AParcel_stringArrayElementGetter getter) { // we have no clue if arrayData represents a null object or not, we can only infer from length bool arrayIsNull = length < 0; binder_status_t status = WriteAndValidateArraySize(parcel, arrayIsNull, length); if (status != STATUS_OK) return status; if (length <= 0) return STATUS_OK; for (int32_t i = 0; i < length; i++) { int32_t elementLength = 0; const char* str = getter(arrayData, i, &elementLength); if (str == nullptr && elementLength != -1) return STATUS_BAD_VALUE; binder_status_t status = AParcel_writeString(parcel, str, elementLength); if (status != STATUS_OK) return status; } return STATUS_OK; } // This implements AParcel_stringAllocator for a string using an array, index, and element // allocator. struct StringArrayElementAllocationAdapter { void* arrayData; // stringData from the NDK int32_t index; // index into the string array AParcel_stringArrayElementAllocator elementAllocator; static bool Allocator(void* stringData, int32_t length, char** buffer) { StringArrayElementAllocationAdapter* adapter = static_cast(stringData); return adapter->elementAllocator(adapter->arrayData, adapter->index, length, buffer); } }; binder_status_t AParcel_readStringArray(const AParcel* parcel, void* arrayData, AParcel_stringArrayAllocator allocator, AParcel_stringArrayElementAllocator elementAllocator) { int32_t length; if (binder_status_t status = ReadAndValidateArraySize(parcel, &length); status != STATUS_OK) { return status; } if (!allocator(arrayData, length)) return STATUS_NO_MEMORY; if (length == -1) return STATUS_OK; // null string array StringArrayElementAllocationAdapter adapter{ .arrayData = arrayData, .index = 0, .elementAllocator = elementAllocator, }; for (; adapter.index < length; adapter.index++) { binder_status_t status = AParcel_readString(parcel, static_cast(&adapter), StringArrayElementAllocationAdapter::Allocator); if (status != STATUS_OK) return status; } return STATUS_OK; } binder_status_t AParcel_writeParcelableArray(AParcel* parcel, const void* arrayData, int32_t length, AParcel_writeParcelableElement elementWriter) { // we have no clue if arrayData represents a null object or not, we can only infer from length bool arrayIsNull = length < 0; binder_status_t status = WriteAndValidateArraySize(parcel, arrayIsNull, length); if (status != STATUS_OK) return status; if (length <= 0) return STATUS_OK; for (int32_t i = 0; i < length; i++) { binder_status_t status = elementWriter(parcel, arrayData, i); if (status != STATUS_OK) return status; } return STATUS_OK; } binder_status_t AParcel_readParcelableArray(const AParcel* parcel, void* arrayData, AParcel_parcelableArrayAllocator allocator, AParcel_readParcelableElement elementReader) { int32_t length; if (binder_status_t status = ReadAndValidateArraySize(parcel, &length); status != STATUS_OK) { return status; } if (!allocator(arrayData, length)) return STATUS_NO_MEMORY; if (length == -1) return STATUS_OK; // null array for (int32_t i = 0; i < length; i++) { binder_status_t status = elementReader(parcel, arrayData, i); if (status != STATUS_OK) return status; } return STATUS_OK; } // See gen_parcel_helper.py. These auto-generated read/write methods use the same types for // libbinder and this library. // @START binder_status_t AParcel_writeInt32(AParcel* parcel, int32_t value) { status_t status = parcel->get()->writeInt32(value); return PruneStatusT(status); } binder_status_t AParcel_writeUint32(AParcel* parcel, uint32_t value) { status_t status = parcel->get()->writeUint32(value); return PruneStatusT(status); } binder_status_t AParcel_writeInt64(AParcel* parcel, int64_t value) { status_t status = parcel->get()->writeInt64(value); return PruneStatusT(status); } binder_status_t AParcel_writeUint64(AParcel* parcel, uint64_t value) { status_t status = parcel->get()->writeUint64(value); return PruneStatusT(status); } binder_status_t AParcel_writeFloat(AParcel* parcel, float value) { status_t status = parcel->get()->writeFloat(value); return PruneStatusT(status); } binder_status_t AParcel_writeDouble(AParcel* parcel, double value) { status_t status = parcel->get()->writeDouble(value); return PruneStatusT(status); } binder_status_t AParcel_writeBool(AParcel* parcel, bool value) { status_t status = parcel->get()->writeBool(value); return PruneStatusT(status); } binder_status_t AParcel_writeChar(AParcel* parcel, char16_t value) { status_t status = parcel->get()->writeChar(value); return PruneStatusT(status); } binder_status_t AParcel_writeByte(AParcel* parcel, int8_t value) { status_t status = parcel->get()->writeByte(value); return PruneStatusT(status); } binder_status_t AParcel_readInt32(const AParcel* parcel, int32_t* value) { status_t status = parcel->get()->readInt32(value); return PruneStatusT(status); } binder_status_t AParcel_readUint32(const AParcel* parcel, uint32_t* value) { status_t status = parcel->get()->readUint32(value); return PruneStatusT(status); } binder_status_t AParcel_readInt64(const AParcel* parcel, int64_t* value) { status_t status = parcel->get()->readInt64(value); return PruneStatusT(status); } binder_status_t AParcel_readUint64(const AParcel* parcel, uint64_t* value) { status_t status = parcel->get()->readUint64(value); return PruneStatusT(status); } binder_status_t AParcel_readFloat(const AParcel* parcel, float* value) { status_t status = parcel->get()->readFloat(value); return PruneStatusT(status); } binder_status_t AParcel_readDouble(const AParcel* parcel, double* value) { status_t status = parcel->get()->readDouble(value); return PruneStatusT(status); } binder_status_t AParcel_readBool(const AParcel* parcel, bool* value) { status_t status = parcel->get()->readBool(value); return PruneStatusT(status); } binder_status_t AParcel_readChar(const AParcel* parcel, char16_t* value) { status_t status = parcel->get()->readChar(value); return PruneStatusT(status); } binder_status_t AParcel_readByte(const AParcel* parcel, int8_t* value) { status_t status = parcel->get()->readByte(value); return PruneStatusT(status); } binder_status_t AParcel_writeInt32Array(AParcel* parcel, const int32_t* arrayData, int32_t length) { return WriteArray(parcel, arrayData, length); } binder_status_t AParcel_writeUint32Array(AParcel* parcel, const uint32_t* arrayData, int32_t length) { return WriteArray(parcel, arrayData, length); } binder_status_t AParcel_writeInt64Array(AParcel* parcel, const int64_t* arrayData, int32_t length) { return WriteArray(parcel, arrayData, length); } binder_status_t AParcel_writeUint64Array(AParcel* parcel, const uint64_t* arrayData, int32_t length) { return WriteArray(parcel, arrayData, length); } binder_status_t AParcel_writeFloatArray(AParcel* parcel, const float* arrayData, int32_t length) { return WriteArray(parcel, arrayData, length); } binder_status_t AParcel_writeDoubleArray(AParcel* parcel, const double* arrayData, int32_t length) { return WriteArray(parcel, arrayData, length); } binder_status_t AParcel_writeBoolArray(AParcel* parcel, const void* arrayData, int32_t length, AParcel_boolArrayGetter getter) { return WriteArray(parcel, arrayData, length, getter, &Parcel::writeBool); } binder_status_t AParcel_writeCharArray(AParcel* parcel, const char16_t* arrayData, int32_t length) { return WriteArray(parcel, arrayData, length); } binder_status_t AParcel_writeByteArray(AParcel* parcel, const int8_t* arrayData, int32_t length) { return WriteArray(parcel, arrayData, length); } binder_status_t AParcel_readInt32Array(const AParcel* parcel, void* arrayData, AParcel_int32ArrayAllocator allocator) { return ReadArray(parcel, arrayData, allocator); } binder_status_t AParcel_readUint32Array(const AParcel* parcel, void* arrayData, AParcel_uint32ArrayAllocator allocator) { return ReadArray(parcel, arrayData, allocator); } binder_status_t AParcel_readInt64Array(const AParcel* parcel, void* arrayData, AParcel_int64ArrayAllocator allocator) { return ReadArray(parcel, arrayData, allocator); } binder_status_t AParcel_readUint64Array(const AParcel* parcel, void* arrayData, AParcel_uint64ArrayAllocator allocator) { return ReadArray(parcel, arrayData, allocator); } binder_status_t AParcel_readFloatArray(const AParcel* parcel, void* arrayData, AParcel_floatArrayAllocator allocator) { return ReadArray(parcel, arrayData, allocator); } binder_status_t AParcel_readDoubleArray(const AParcel* parcel, void* arrayData, AParcel_doubleArrayAllocator allocator) { return ReadArray(parcel, arrayData, allocator); } binder_status_t AParcel_readBoolArray(const AParcel* parcel, void* arrayData, AParcel_boolArrayAllocator allocator, AParcel_boolArraySetter setter) { return ReadArray(parcel, arrayData, allocator, setter, &Parcel::readBool); } binder_status_t AParcel_readCharArray(const AParcel* parcel, void* arrayData, AParcel_charArrayAllocator allocator) { return ReadArray(parcel, arrayData, allocator); } binder_status_t AParcel_readByteArray(const AParcel* parcel, void* arrayData, AParcel_byteArrayAllocator allocator) { return ReadArray(parcel, arrayData, allocator); } bool AParcel_getAllowFds(const AParcel* parcel) { return parcel->get()->allowFds(); } binder_status_t AParcel_reset(AParcel* parcel) { parcel->get()->freeData(); return STATUS_OK; } int32_t AParcel_getDataSize(const AParcel* parcel) { return parcel->get()->dataSize(); } binder_status_t AParcel_appendFrom(const AParcel* from, AParcel* to, int32_t start, int32_t size) { status_t status = to->get()->appendFrom(from->get(), start, size); return PruneStatusT(status); } AParcel* AParcel_create() { return new AParcel(nullptr); } binder_status_t AParcel_marshal(const AParcel* parcel, uint8_t* buffer, size_t start, size_t len) { if (parcel->get()->objectsCount()) { return STATUS_INVALID_OPERATION; } int32_t dataSize = AParcel_getDataSize(parcel); if (len > static_cast(dataSize) || start > static_cast(dataSize) - len) { return STATUS_BAD_VALUE; } const uint8_t* internalBuffer = parcel->get()->data(); memcpy(buffer, internalBuffer + start, len); return STATUS_OK; } binder_status_t AParcel_unmarshal(AParcel* parcel, const uint8_t* buffer, size_t len) { status_t status = parcel->get()->setDataSize(len); if (status != ::android::OK) { return PruneStatusT(status); } parcel->get()->setDataPosition(0); void* raw = parcel->get()->writeInplace(len); if (raw == nullptr) { return STATUS_NO_MEMORY; } memcpy(raw, buffer, len); return STATUS_OK; } // @END