/* * Copyright 2019 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #define ATRACE_TAG ATRACE_TAG_GRAPHICS #define LOG_TAG "SamplingTest" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace std::chrono_literals; namespace android { class Button : public gui::BnRegionSamplingListener { public: Button(const char* name, const Rect& samplingArea) { sp client = new SurfaceComposerClient; mButton = client->createSurface(String8(name), 0, 0, PIXEL_FORMAT_RGBA_8888, ISurfaceComposerClient::eFXSurfaceEffect); const int32_t width = samplingArea.getWidth(); const int32_t height = samplingArea.getHeight(); SurfaceComposerClient::Transaction{} .setLayer(mButton, 0x7fffffff) .setCrop(mButton, {0, 0, width - 2 * BUTTON_PADDING, height - 2 * BUTTON_PADDING}) .setPosition(mButton, samplingArea.left + BUTTON_PADDING, samplingArea.top + BUTTON_PADDING) .setColor(mButton, half3{1, 1, 1}) .show(mButton) .apply(); mButtonBlend = client->createSurface(String8(name) + "Blend", 0, 0, PIXEL_FORMAT_RGBA_8888, ISurfaceComposerClient::eFXSurfaceEffect); SurfaceComposerClient::Transaction{} .setLayer(mButtonBlend, 0x7ffffffe) .setCrop(mButtonBlend, {0, 0, width - 2 * SAMPLE_AREA_PADDING, height - 2 * SAMPLE_AREA_PADDING}) .setPosition(mButtonBlend, samplingArea.left + SAMPLE_AREA_PADDING, samplingArea.top + SAMPLE_AREA_PADDING) .setColor(mButtonBlend, half3{1, 1, 1}) .setAlpha(mButtonBlend, 0.2) .show(mButtonBlend) .apply(true); const bool HIGHLIGHT_SAMPLING_AREA = false; if (HIGHLIGHT_SAMPLING_AREA) { mSamplingArea = client->createSurface(String8("SamplingArea"), 0, 0, PIXEL_FORMAT_RGBA_8888, ISurfaceComposerClient::eFXSurfaceEffect); SurfaceComposerClient::Transaction{} .setLayer(mSamplingArea, 0x7ffffffd) .setCrop(mSamplingArea, {0, 0, 100, 32}) .setPosition(mSamplingArea, 490, 1606) .setColor(mSamplingArea, half3{0, 1, 0}) .setAlpha(mSamplingArea, 0.1) .show(mSamplingArea) .apply(); } } sp getStopLayerHandle() { return mButtonBlend->getHandle(); } private: static const int32_t BLEND_WIDTH = 2; static const int32_t SAMPLE_AREA_PADDING = 8; static const int32_t BUTTON_PADDING = BLEND_WIDTH + SAMPLE_AREA_PADDING; void setColor(float color) { const float complement = std::fmod(color + 0.5f, 1.0f); SurfaceComposerClient::Transaction{} .setColor(mButton, half3{complement, complement, complement}) .setColor(mButtonBlend, half3{color, color, color}) .apply(); } binder::Status onSampleCollected(float medianLuma) override { ATRACE_CALL(); setColor(medianLuma); return binder::Status::ok(); } sp mClient; sp mButton; sp mButtonBlend; sp mSamplingArea; }; } // namespace android using namespace android; int main(int, const char**) { const Rect homeButtonArea{490, 1606, 590, 1654}; sp homeButton = new android::Button("HomeButton", homeButtonArea); const Rect backButtonArea{200, 1606, 248, 1654}; sp backButton = new android::Button("BackButton", backButtonArea); sp composer = ComposerService::getComposerService(); composer->addRegionSamplingListener(homeButtonArea, homeButton->getStopLayerHandle(), homeButton); composer->addRegionSamplingListener(backButtonArea, backButton->getStopLayerHandle(), backButton); ProcessState::self()->startThreadPool(); IPCThreadState::self()->joinThreadPool(); return 0; }