// Copyright (C) 2021 The Android Open Source Project // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. package { default_applicable_licenses: ["Android-Apache-2.0"], } cc_defaults { name: "libwifi-hal_cflags_defaults", // Generated by building libwifi-hal and printing LOCAL_CFLAGS. cflags: [ "-Wall", "-Werror", "-Winit-self", "-Wno-unused-function", "-Wno-unused-parameter", "-Wshadow", "-Wunused-variable", "-Wwrite-strings", "-DWIFI_DRIVER_FW_PATH_STA=\"/dev/null\"", "-DWIFI_DRIVER_FW_PATH_AP=\"/dev/null\"", "-DWIFI_DRIVER_FW_PATH_PARAM=\"/dev/null\"", ], } cc_library_static { name: "libwifi-hal-common_bp", defaults: ["libwifi-hal_cflags_defaults"], srcs: ["wifi_hal_common.cpp"], soc_specific: true, local_include_dirs: ["include"], shared_libs: [ "libbase", ], header_libs: ["libcutils_headers"], } filegroup { name: "libwifi-hal_srcs", srcs: [ "driver_tool.cpp", "hal_tool.cpp", ], } cc_library_headers { name: "libwifi-hal_headers", soc_specific: true, export_include_dirs: ["include"], } cc_defaults { name: "libwifi-hal_defaults", defaults: ["libwifi-hal_cflags_defaults"], soc_specific: true, srcs: [":libwifi-hal_srcs"], // Generated by building libwifi-hal and printing LOCAL_SHARED_LIBRARIES. shared_libs: [ "libbase", "libcutils", "liblog", "libnl", "libutils", ], // Generated by building libwifi-hal and printing LOCAL_WHOLE_STATIC_LIBRARIES. whole_static_libs: [ "libwifi-hal-common_bp", ], header_libs: [ "libhardware_legacy_headers", "libwifi-hal_headers", ], export_header_lib_headers: [ "libhardware_legacy_headers", "libwifi-hal_headers", ], } wifi_hal_cflags = [ "-Wall", "-Werror", "-Wextra", "-Winit-self", "-Wno-unused-function", "-Wno-unused-parameter", "-Wshadow", "-Wunused-variable", "-Wwrite-strings", ] cc_library_shared { name: "librkwifi-ctrl", vendor: true, cflags: wifi_hal_cflags, local_include_dirs: ["include"], shared_libs: ["libbase"], header_libs: ["libcutils_headers"], srcs: ["rk_wifi_ctrl.cpp"], } cc_library_static { name: "librkwifi-ctrl-static", recovery_available: true, cflags: wifi_hal_cflags, local_include_dirs: ["include"], export_include_dirs: ["include"], shared_libs: ["libbase"], header_libs: ["libcutils_headers"], srcs: ["rk_wifi_ctrl.cpp"], }