/* * Copyright (C) 2020 Arm Limited. * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ soong_namespace { imports: [ "hardware/google/graphics/common", "hardware/google/gchips", ] } package { default_applicable_licenses: ["Android-Apache-2.0"], } soong_config_module_type { name: "arm_gralloc_cc_defaults", module_type: "cc_defaults", config_namespace: "arm_gralloc", variables: [ "mali_display_version", "gralloc_hwc_force_bgra_8888", "gralloc_hwc_fb_disable_afbc", "gralloc_camera_write_raw16", ], properties: [ "cflags", ], } soong_config_string_variable { name: "mali_display_version", values: [ "v0", "v500", "v550", "v650", "v71", ], } soong_config_bool_variable { name: "gralloc_hwc_force_bgra_8888", } soong_config_bool_variable { name: "gralloc_hwc_fb_disable_afbc", } soong_config_bool_variable { name: "gralloc_camera_write_raw16", } arm_gralloc_cc_defaults { name: "arm_gralloc_defaults", owner: "arm", vendor: true, proprietary: true, cflags: [ "-Wundef", "-Werror", "-DGRALLOC_LIBRARY_BUILD=1", "-DDISABLE_FRAMEBUFFER_HAL=1", "-DGRALLOC_USE_LEGACY_CALCS=0", "-DGRALLOC_USE_LEGACY_LOCK=0", ], product_variables: { platform_sdk_version: { cflags: ["-DPLATFORM_SDK_VERSION=%d"], }, }, header_libs: [ "libgralloc_headers", ], target: { android: { cflags: [ "-DGRALLOC_HOST_BUILD=0", ], }, host: { cflags: [ "-DGRALLOC_HOST_BUILD=1", ], }, }, soong_config_variables: { mali_display_version: { v0: { cflags: [ "-DMALI_DISPLAY_VERSION=0", ], }, v500: { cflags: [ "-DMALI_DISPLAY_VERSION=500", ], }, v550: { cflags: [ "-DMALI_DISPLAY_VERSION=550", ], }, v650: { cflags: [ "-DMALI_DISPLAY_VERSION=650", ], }, v71: { cflags: [ "-DMALI_DISPLAY_VERSION=71", ], }, }, gralloc_hwc_force_bgra_8888: { cflags: [ "-DGRALLOC_HWC_FORCE_BGRA_8888=1", ], }, gralloc_hwc_fb_disable_afbc: { cflags: [ "-DGRALLOC_HWC_FB_DISABLE_AFBC=1", ], }, gralloc_camera_write_raw16: { cflags: [ "-DGRALLOC_CAMERA_WRITE_RAW16=1", ], }, }, }