##This file needs to be pushed into /vendor/etc/libese-nxp.conf ############################################################################### # Application options SE_DEBUG_ENABLED=1 #WTX Count in secs NXP_WTX_COUNT_VALUE=30 #Max WTX Count in OSU mode in secs NXP_OSU_MAX_WTX_COUNT=60 #Delay(us) to recover if invalid data received RNACK_RETRY_DELAY=7000 # PN67T_PWR_SCHEME 0x01 # PN80T_LEGACY_PWR_SCHEME 0x02 # PN80T_EXT_PMU_SCHEME 0x03 NXP_POWER_SCHEME=0x02 # For SOF = 0x5A 0x01 # For SOF = 0x00 0x02 NXP_SOF_WRITE=0x01 #SPI Thorughput measurement log enabled(1)/disabled(0) in kernel NXP_TP_MEASUREMENT=0x00 #Enable/Disable interface reset as part of SPI open NXP_SPI_INTF_RST_ENABLE=0x01 #Wait extension call back notification count to notify(In secs) NXP_WTX_NTF_COUNT=0x03 ############################################################################### # SPI WRITE TIMEOUT for RF event synchronization NXP_SPI_WRITE_TIMEOUT=0x14 ############################################################################### # SPI Device Node name NXP_ESE_DEV_NODE="/dev/p73" #MAX NO OF R_NACK RETRY ALLOWED IN CASE OF CRC FAILURE NXP_MAX_RNACK_RETRY=0x03 NXP_VISO_DPD_ENABLED=0x01 #NXP_NAD_POLL_RETRY_TIME is in 100's of us # e.g. 0x05 --> 500 us dealy NXP_NAD_POLL_RETRY_TIME=0x05 ############################################################################### # IFS adjustment configuration value of IFSD for eSE # Any value set which is greater than IFSC value will be R-NACKed from JCOP # Default IFSC: 0x01FA = (0x0200 - 0x6(header))(As agreed with JCOP) # NXP_ESE_IFSD_VALUE=0x0200 ############################################################################### # IFS adjustment configuration value of IFSD for eUICC # Any value set which is greater than IFSC value will be R-NACKed from JCOP # Default IFSC: 0x01FA = (0x0200 - 0x6(header))(As agreed with JCOP) # NXP_EUICC_IFSD_VALUE=0x0200 ############################################################################### # Interface to perform the eSE cold reset # Possible value can be 0x00 or 0x01 # 0x00 = ESE_HAL # 0x01 = NFC_HAL NXP_P61_COLD_RESET_INTERFACE=0x00 ############################################################################### ############################################################################### # Identify the CHIP/OS version for which this config file is targeted # Possible value can be as below # 0x01 = JCOP_4_0 # 0x02 = JCOP_5_1 # 0x03 = JCOP_5_2 NXP_OS_VERSION=0x03