/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 */ /* Copyright (c) 2018 Fuzhou Rockchip Electronics Co., Ltd. */ #ifndef _RKISP1_VERSION_H #define _RKISP1_VERSION_H #include /* *RKISP1 DRIVER VERSION NOTE * *v0.1.0: *1. First version; * *v0.1.1: *1. request isp irqs independently for rk3326/rk1808; *2. fix demosaic is not bypass for grey sensor; *3. rk3326 use csi2host instead of old mipi host; *4. isp v12/v13 add raw stream; *5. selfpath support interlace input; *6. speed up stream off; *7. support for RK3368; *8. fix dvp data width config; *9. fix sp rgb output format; *10. del nonsupport yuv format; *11. fix high fps preview blurred bug; *12. support otp information; *13. add module and lens name to match iq file; *14. change vm149c driver and add vm149c dts node; *15. support iesharp/demosaiclp/wdr for isp v12/v13; *16. check first iq param is set or not; *17. add macro to switch between old mipi and new mipi; *18. stop isp when too many errors are reported; *19. use tasklet to get 3A states; *20. stop mipi with shutdown lan; *21. check for capture S_FMT; *22. raw patch with default sensor fmt&size; * *v0.1.2: *1. fix reset on too high isp_clk rate will result in bus dead; *2. add RKMODULE_LSC_CFG ioctl; * *v0.1.3: *1. fix wrong RG10 format *2. clear unready subdevice when kernel boot complete *3. fix diff isp ver to get frame num *4. enable af awb irq * *v0.1.4: *1. add dmarx patch; *2. fix get zero data when start stream again; *3. add pipeline power management; * *v0.1.5: *1. fix kernel reboot in monkey test; *2. fix raw patch wrong RG10 format; *3. fix isp iommu work after suspend; */ #define RKISP1_DRIVER_VERSION KERNEL_VERSION(0, 1, 0x5) #endif