/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-only */ /* ################################################################################ # # r8168 is the Linux device driver released for Realtek Gigabit Ethernet # controllers with PCI-Express interface. # # Copyright(c) 2021 Realtek Semiconductor Corp. All rights reserved. # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it # under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free # Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) # any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT # ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for # more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with # this program; if not, see . # # Author: # Realtek NIC software team # No. 2, Innovation Road II, Hsinchu Science Park, Hsinchu 300, Taiwan # ################################################################################ */ /************************************************************************************ * This product is covered by one or more of the following patents: * US6,570,884, US6,115,776, and US6,327,625. ***********************************************************************************/ #ifndef _LINUX_R8168_DASH_H #define _LINUX_R8168_DASH_H #define SIOCDEVPRIVATE_RTLDASH SIOCDEVPRIVATE+2 enum rtl_dash_cmd { RTL_DASH_ARP_NS_OFFLOAD = 0, RTL_DASH_SET_OOB_IPMAC, RTL_DASH_NOTIFY_OOB, RTL_DASH_SEND_BUFFER_DATA_TO_DASH_FW, RTL_DASH_CHECK_SEND_BUFFER_TO_DASH_FW_COMPLETE, RTL_DASH_GET_RCV_FROM_FW_BUFFER_DATA, RTL_DASH_OOB_REQ, RTL_DASH_OOB_ACK, RTL_DASH_DETACH_OOB_REQ, RTL_DASH_DETACH_OOB_ACK, RTL_FW_SET_IPV4 = 0x10, RTL_FW_GET_IPV4, RTL_FW_SET_IPV6, RTL_FW_GET_IPV6, RTL_FW_SET_EXT_SNMP, RTL_FW_GET_EXT_SNMP, RTL_FW_SET_WAKEUP_PATTERN, RTL_FW_GET_WAKEUP_PATTERN, RTL_FW_DEL_WAKEUP_PATTERN, RTLT_DASH_COMMAND_INVALID, }; struct rtl_dash_ip_mac { struct sockaddr ifru_addr; struct sockaddr ifru_netmask; struct sockaddr ifru_hwaddr; }; struct rtl_dash_ioctl_struct { __u32 cmd; __u32 offset; __u32 len; union { __u32 data; void *data_buffer; }; }; struct settings_ipv4 { __u32 IPv4addr; __u32 IPv4mask; __u32 IPv4Gateway; }; struct settings_ipv6 { __u32 reserved; __u32 prefixLen; __u16 IPv6addr[8]; __u16 IPv6Gateway[8]; }; struct settings_ext_snmp { __u16 index; __u16 oid_get_len; __u8 oid_for_get[24]; __u8 reserved0[26]; __u16 value_len; __u8 value[256]; __u8 supported; __u8 reserved1[27]; }; struct wakeup_pattern { __u8 index; __u8 valid; __u8 start; __u8 length; __u8 name[36]; __u8 mask[16]; __u8 pattern[128]; __u32 reserved[2]; }; typedef struct _RX_DASH_FROM_FW_DESC { __le16 length; __le16 status; __le32 resv; __le64 BufferAddress; } RX_DASH_FROM_FW_DESC, *PRX_DASH_FROM_FW_DESC; typedef struct _TX_DASH_SEND_FW_DESC { __le16 length; __le16 status; __le32 resv; __le64 BufferAddress; } TX_DASH_SEND_FW_DESC, *PTX_DASH_SEND_FW_DESC; typedef struct _OSOOBHdr { __le32 len; u8 type; u8 flag; u8 hostReqV; u8 res; } OSOOBHdr, *POSOOBHdr; typedef struct _RX_DASH_BUFFER_TYPE_2 { OSOOBHdr oobhdr; u8 RxDataBuffer[0]; } RX_DASH_BUFFER_TYPE_2, *PRX_DASH_BUFFER_TYPE_2; #define ALIGN_8 (0x7) #define ALIGN_16 (0xf) #define ALIGN_32 (0x1f) #define ALIGN_64 (0x3f) #define ALIGN_256 (0xff) #define ALIGN_4096 (0xfff) #define OCP_REG_CONFIG0 (0x10) #define OCP_REG_CONFIG0_REV_F (0xB8) #define OCP_REG_DASH_POLL (0x30) #define OCP_REG_HOST_REQ (0x34) #define OCP_REG_DASH_REQ (0x35) #define OCP_REG_CR (0x36) #define OCP_REG_DMEMSTA (0x38) #define OCP_REG_GPHYAR (0x60) #define OCP_REG_CONFIG0_DASHEN BIT_15 #define OCP_REG_CONFIG0_OOBRESET BIT_14 #define OCP_REG_CONFIG0_APRDY BIT_13 #define OCP_REG_CONFIG0_FIRMWARERDY BIT_12 #define OCP_REG_CONFIG0_DRIVERRDY BIT_11 #define OCP_REG_CONFIG0_OOB_WDT BIT_9 #define OCP_REG_CONFIG0_DRV_WAIT_OOB BIT_8 #define OCP_REG_CONFIG0_TLSEN BIT_7 #define HW_DASH_SUPPORT_DASH(_M) ((_M)->HwSuppDashVer > 0) #define HW_DASH_SUPPORT_TYPE_1(_M) ((_M)->HwSuppDashVer == 1) #define HW_DASH_SUPPORT_TYPE_2(_M) ((_M)->HwSuppDashVer == 2) #define HW_DASH_SUPPORT_TYPE_3(_M) ((_M)->HwSuppDashVer == 3) #define RECV_FROM_FW_BUF_SIZE (2048) #define SEND_TO_FW_BUF_SIZE (2048) #define RX_DASH_FROM_FW_OWN BIT_15 #define TX_DASH_SEND_FW_OWN BIT_15 #define TXS_CC3_0 (BIT_0|BIT_1|BIT_2|BIT_3) #define TXS_EXC BIT_4 #define TXS_LNKF BIT_5 #define TXS_OWC BIT_6 #define TXS_TES BIT_7 #define TXS_UNF BIT_9 #define TXS_LGSEN BIT_11 #define TXS_LS BIT_12 #define TXS_FS BIT_13 #define TXS_EOR BIT_14 #define TXS_OWN BIT_15 #define TPPool_HRDY 0x20 #define HostReqReg (0xC0) #define SystemMasterDescStartAddrLow (0xF0) #define SystemMasterDescStartAddrHigh (0xF4) #define SystemSlaveDescStartAddrLow (0xF8) #define SystemSlaveDescStartAddrHigh (0xFC) //DASH Request Type #define WSMANREG 0x01 #define OSPUSHDATA 0x02 #define RXS_OWN BIT_15 #define RXS_EOR BIT_14 #define RXS_FS BIT_13 #define RXS_LS BIT_12 #define ISRIMR_DP_DASH_OK BIT_15 #define ISRIMR_DP_HOST_OK BIT_13 #define ISRIMR_DP_REQSYS_OK BIT_11 #define ISRIMR_DASH_INTR_EN BIT_12 #define ISRIMR_DASH_INTR_CMAC_RESET BIT_15 #define ISRIMR_DASH_TYPE2_ROK BIT_0 #define ISRIMR_DASH_TYPE2_RDU BIT_1 #define ISRIMR_DASH_TYPE2_TOK BIT_2 #define ISRIMR_DASH_TYPE2_TDU BIT_3 #define ISRIMR_DASH_TYPE2_TX_FIFO_FULL BIT_4 #define ISRIMR_DASH_TYPE2_TX_DISABLE_IDLE BIT_5 #define ISRIMR_DASH_TYPE2_RX_DISABLE_IDLE BIT_6 #define CMAC_OOB_STOP 0x25 #define CMAC_OOB_INIT 0x26 #define CMAC_OOB_RESET 0x2a #define NO_BASE_ADDRESS 0x00000000 #define RTL8168FP_OOBMAC_BASE 0xBAF70000 #define RTL8168FP_CMAC_IOBASE 0xBAF20000 #define RTL8168FP_KVM_BASE 0xBAF80400 #define CMAC_SYNC_REG 0x20 #define CMAC_RXDESC_OFFSET 0x90 //RX: 0x90 - 0x98 #define CMAC_TXDESC_OFFSET 0x98 //TX: 0x98 - 0x9F /* cmac write/read MMIO register */ #define RTL_CMAC_W8(tp, reg, val8) writeb ((val8), tp->cmac_ioaddr + (reg)) #define RTL_CMAC_W16(tp, reg, val16) writew ((val16), tp->cmac_ioaddr + (reg)) #define RTL_CMAC_W32(tp, reg, val32) writel ((val32), tp->cmac_ioaddr + (reg)) #define RTL_CMAC_R8(tp, reg) readb (tp->cmac_ioaddr + (reg)) #define RTL_CMAC_R16(tp, reg) readw (tp->cmac_ioaddr + (reg)) #define RTL_CMAC_R32(tp, reg) ((unsigned long) readl (tp->cmac_ioaddr + (reg))) int rtl8168_dash_ioctl(struct net_device *dev, struct ifreq *ifr); void HandleDashInterrupt(struct net_device *dev); int AllocateDashShareMemory(struct net_device *dev); void FreeAllocatedDashShareMemory(struct net_device *dev); void DashHwInit(struct net_device *dev); #endif /* _LINUX_R8168_DASH_H */