Release Notes [V1.3.1] Date: 9/26/2021 enhancement: fix: [V1.3.0.19] Date: 9/18/2021 enhancement: 1. support sdx62 (17cb:0308) 2. support IPQ5018's NSS 3. use 'qsdk/qca/src/data-kernel/drivers/rmnet-nss/rmnet_nss.c' instead myself rmnet_nss.c and pcie_mhi.ko must load after then rmnet_nss.ko 4. allow bhi irq is not 0 (for ipq5018) fix: [V1.3.0.18] Date: 4/14/2021 enhancement: 1. support mbim multiple call, usage: # insmod pcie_mhi.ko mhi_mbim_enabeld=1 qmap_mode=4 # quectel-mbim-proxy -d /dev/mhi_MBIM & # quectel-CM -n X fix: [V1.3.0.17] Date: 3/11/2021 enhancement: fix: 1. fix CPU loading very high when TPUT test when only one MSI interrupt 2. fix error on latest X24 modem [V1.3.0.16] Date: 11/18/2020 enhancement: fix: 1. add ring size to 32, for in-bound chan, if one ring is full, modem will not generate MSI interrupt for all chan [V1.3.0.15] Date: 10/30/2020 enhancement: 1. support multi-modems, named as /dev/mhi_X fix: 1. fix compile error on kernel v5.8 [V1.3.0.14] Date: 10/9/2020 enhancement: 1. suppport EM120&EM160 fix: 1. fix compile error on kernel v5.6 2. support runtime suspend [V1.3.0.13] Date: 9/7/2020 enhancement: 1. suppport EM120&EM160 fix: 1. fix error on X55 + PCIE2.0(e.g IPQ4019) 2. support runtime suspend [V1.3.0.12] Date: 7/7/2020 enhancement: 1. suppport create only none netcard (enabled by marco MHI_NETDEV_ONE_CARD_MODE), fix: