/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 */ //#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include //#include //#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "rga_reg_info.h" #include "rga_rop.h" #include "rga.h" /************************************************************* Func: RGA_pixel_width_init Description: select pixel_width form data format Author: ZhangShengqin Date: 20012-2-2 10:59:25 **************************************************************/ unsigned char RGA_pixel_width_init(unsigned int format) { unsigned char pixel_width; pixel_width = 0; switch(format) { /* RGB FORMAT */ case RK_FORMAT_RGBA_8888 : pixel_width = 4; break; case RK_FORMAT_RGBX_8888 : pixel_width = 4; break; case RK_FORMAT_RGB_888 : pixel_width = 3; break; case RK_FORMAT_BGRA_8888 : pixel_width = 4; break; case RK_FORMAT_RGB_565 : pixel_width = 2; break; case RK_FORMAT_RGBA_5551 : pixel_width = 2; break; case RK_FORMAT_RGBA_4444 : pixel_width = 2; break; case RK_FORMAT_BGR_888 : pixel_width = 3; break; /* YUV FORMAT */ case RK_FORMAT_YCbCr_422_SP : pixel_width = 1; break; case RK_FORMAT_YCbCr_422_P : pixel_width = 1; break; case RK_FORMAT_YCbCr_420_SP : pixel_width = 1; break; case RK_FORMAT_YCbCr_420_P : pixel_width = 1; break; case RK_FORMAT_YCrCb_422_SP : pixel_width = 1; break; case RK_FORMAT_YCrCb_422_P : pixel_width = 1; break; case RK_FORMAT_YCrCb_420_SP : pixel_width = 1; break; case RK_FORMAT_YCrCb_420_P : pixel_width = 1; break; //case default : pixel_width = 0; break; } return pixel_width; } /************************************************************* Func: dst_ctrl_cal Description: calculate dst act window position / width / height and set the tile struct Author: ZhangShengqin Date: 20012-2-2 10:59:25 **************************************************************/ static void dst_ctrl_cal(const struct rga_req *msg, TILE_INFO *tile) { u32 width = msg->dst.act_w; u32 height = msg->dst.act_h; s32 xoff = msg->dst.x_offset; s32 yoff = msg->dst.y_offset; s32 x0, y0, x1, y1, x2, y2; s32 x00,y00,x10,y10,x20,y20; s32 xx, xy, yx, yy; s32 pos[8]; s32 xmax, xmin, ymax, ymin; s32 sina = msg->sina; /* 16.16 */ s32 cosa = msg->cosa; /* 16.16 */ xmax = xmin = ymax = ymin = 0; if((msg->rotate_mode == 0)||(msg->rotate_mode == 2)||(msg->rotate_mode == 3)) { pos[0] = xoff; pos[1] = yoff; pos[2] = xoff; pos[3] = yoff + height - 1; pos[4] = xoff + width - 1; pos[5] = yoff + height - 1; pos[6] = xoff + width - 1; pos[7] = yoff; xmax = MIN(MAX(MAX(MAX(pos[0], pos[2]), pos[4]), pos[6]), msg->clip.xmax); xmin = MAX(MIN(MIN(MIN(pos[0], pos[2]), pos[4]), pos[6]), msg->clip.xmin); ymax = MIN(MAX(MAX(MAX(pos[1], pos[3]), pos[5]), pos[7]), msg->clip.ymax); ymin = MAX(MIN(MIN(MIN(pos[1], pos[3]), pos[5]), pos[7]), msg->clip.ymin); //printk("xmax = %d, xmin = %d, ymin = %d, ymax = %d\n", xmax, xmin, ymin, ymax); } else if(msg->rotate_mode == 1) { if((sina == 0) || (cosa == 0)) { if((sina == 0) && (cosa == -65536)) { /* 180 */ pos[0] = xoff - width + 1; pos[1] = yoff - height + 1; pos[2] = xoff - width + 1; pos[3] = yoff; pos[4] = xoff; pos[5] = yoff; pos[6] = xoff; pos[7] = yoff - height + 1; } else if((cosa == 0)&&(sina == 65536)) { /* 90 */ pos[0] = xoff - height + 1; pos[1] = yoff; pos[2] = xoff - height + 1; pos[3] = yoff + width - 1; pos[4] = xoff; pos[5] = yoff + width - 1; pos[6] = xoff; pos[7] = yoff; } else if((cosa == 0)&&(sina == -65536)) { /* 270 */ pos[0] = xoff; pos[1] = yoff - width + 1; pos[2] = xoff; pos[3] = yoff; pos[4] = xoff + height - 1; pos[5] = yoff; pos[6] = xoff + height - 1; pos[7] = yoff - width + 1; } else { /* 0 */ pos[0] = xoff; pos[1] = yoff; pos[2] = xoff; pos[3] = yoff + height - 1; pos[4] = xoff + width - 1; pos[5] = yoff + height - 1; pos[6] = xoff + width - 1; pos[7] = yoff; } xmax = MIN(MAX(MAX(MAX(pos[0], pos[2]), pos[4]), pos[6]), msg->clip.xmax); xmin = MAX(MIN(MIN(MIN(pos[0], pos[2]), pos[4]), pos[6]), msg->clip.xmin); ymax = MIN(MAX(MAX(MAX(pos[1], pos[3]), pos[5]), pos[7]), msg->clip.ymax); ymin = MAX(MIN(MIN(MIN(pos[1], pos[3]), pos[5]), pos[7]), msg->clip.ymin); } else { xx = msg->cosa; xy = msg->sina; yx = xy; yy = xx; x0 = width + xoff; y0 = yoff; x1 = xoff; y1 = height + yoff; x2 = width + xoff; y2 = height + yoff; pos[0] = xoff; pos[1] = yoff; pos[2] = x00 = (((x0 - xoff)*xx - (y0 - yoff)*xy)>>16) + xoff; pos[3] = y00 = (((x0 - xoff)*yx + (y0 - yoff)*yy)>>16) + yoff; pos[4] = x10 = (((x1 - xoff)*xx - (y1 - yoff)*xy)>>16) + xoff; pos[5] = y10 = (((x1 - xoff)*yx + (y1 - yoff)*yy)>>16) + yoff; pos[6] = x20 = (((x2 - xoff)*xx - (y2 - yoff)*xy)>>16) + xoff; pos[7] = y20 = (((x2 - xoff)*yx + (y2 - yoff)*yy)>>16) + yoff; xmax = MAX(MAX(MAX(x00, xoff), x10), x20) + 2; xmin = MIN(MIN(MIN(x00, xoff), x10), x20) - 1; ymax = MAX(MAX(MAX(y00, yoff), y10), y20) + 2; ymin = MIN(MIN(MIN(y00, yoff), y10), y20) - 1; xmax = MIN(xmax, msg->clip.xmax); xmin = MAX(xmin, msg->clip.xmin); ymax = MIN(ymax, msg->clip.ymax); ymin = MAX(ymin, msg->clip.ymin); //printk("xmin = %d, xmax = %d, ymin = %d, ymax = %d\n", xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax); } } if ((xmax < xmin) || (ymax < ymin)) { xmin = xmax; ymin = ymax; } if ((xmin >= msg->dst.vir_w)||(xmax < 0)||(ymin >= msg->dst.vir_h)||(ymax < 0)) { xmin = xmax = ymin = ymax = 0; } //printk("xmin = %d, xmax = %d, ymin = %d, ymax = %d\n", xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax); tile->dst_ctrl.w = (xmax - xmin); tile->dst_ctrl.h = (ymax - ymin); tile->dst_ctrl.x_off = xmin; tile->dst_ctrl.y_off = ymin; //printk("tile->dst_ctrl.w = %x, tile->dst_ctrl.h = %x\n", tile->dst_ctrl.w, tile->dst_ctrl.h); tile->tile_x_num = (xmax - xmin + 1 + 7)>>3; tile->tile_y_num = (ymax - ymin + 1 + 7)>>3; tile->dst_x_tmp = xmin - msg->dst.x_offset; tile->dst_y_tmp = ymin - msg->dst.y_offset; } /************************************************************* Func: src_tile_info_cal Description: calculate src remap window position / width / height and set the tile struct Author: ZhangShengqin Date: 20012-2-2 10:59:25 **************************************************************/ static void src_tile_info_cal(const struct rga_req *msg, TILE_INFO *tile) { s32 x0, x1, x2, x3, y0, y1, y2, y3; int64_t xx, xy, yx, yy; int64_t pos[8]; int64_t epos[8]; int64_t x_dx, x_dy, y_dx, y_dy; int64_t x_temp_start, y_temp_start; int64_t xmax, xmin, ymax, ymin; int64_t t_xoff, t_yoff; xx = tile->matrix[0]; /* 32.32 */ xy = tile->matrix[1]; /* 32.32 */ yx = tile->matrix[2]; /* 32.32 */ yy = tile->matrix[3]; /* 32.32 */ if(msg->rotate_mode == 1) { x0 = tile->dst_x_tmp; y0 = tile->dst_y_tmp; x1 = x0; y1 = y0 + 8; x2 = x0 + 8; y2 = y0 + 8; x3 = x0 + 8; y3 = y0; pos[0] = (x0*xx + y0*yx); pos[1] = (x0*xy + y0*yy); pos[2] = (x1*xx + y1*yx); pos[3] = (x1*xy + y1*yy); pos[4] = (x2*xx + y2*yx); pos[5] = (x2*xy + y2*yy); pos[6] = (x3*xx + y3*yx); pos[7] = (x3*xy + y3*yy); y1 = y0 + 7; x2 = x0 + 7; y2 = y0 + 7; x3 = x0 + 7; epos[0] = pos[0]; epos[1] = pos[1]; epos[2] = (x1*xx + y1*yx); epos[3] = (x1*xy + y1*yy); epos[4] = (x2*xx + y2*yx); epos[5] = (x2*xy + y2*yy); epos[6] = (x3*xx + y3*yx); epos[7] = (x3*xy + y3*yy); x_dx = pos[6] - pos[0]; x_dy = pos[7] - pos[1]; y_dx = pos[2] - pos[0]; y_dy = pos[3] - pos[1]; tile->x_dx = (s32)(x_dx >> 22 ); tile->x_dy = (s32)(x_dy >> 22 ); tile->y_dx = (s32)(y_dx >> 22 ); tile->y_dy = (s32)(y_dy >> 22 ); x_temp_start = x0*xx + y0*yx; y_temp_start = x0*xy + y0*yy; xmax = (MAX(MAX(MAX(epos[0], epos[2]), epos[4]), epos[6])); xmin = (MIN(MIN(MIN(epos[0], epos[2]), epos[4]), epos[6])); ymax = (MAX(MAX(MAX(epos[1], epos[3]), epos[5]), epos[7])); ymin = (MIN(MIN(MIN(epos[1], epos[3]), epos[5]), epos[7])); t_xoff = (x_temp_start - xmin)>>18; t_yoff = (y_temp_start - ymin)>>18; tile->tile_xoff = (s32)t_xoff; tile->tile_yoff = (s32)t_yoff; tile->tile_w = (u16)((xmax - xmin)>>21); //.11 tile->tile_h = (u16)((ymax - ymin)>>21); //.11 tile->tile_start_x_coor = (s16)(xmin>>29); //.3 tile->tile_start_y_coor = (s16)(ymin>>29); //.3 } else if (msg->rotate_mode == 2) { tile->x_dx = (s32)((8*xx)>>22); tile->x_dy = 0; tile->y_dx = 0; tile->y_dy = (s32)((8*yy)>>22); tile->tile_w = ABS((s32)((7*xx)>>21)); tile->tile_h = ABS((s32)((7*yy)>>21)); tile->tile_xoff = ABS((s32)((7*xx)>>18)); tile->tile_yoff = 0; tile->tile_start_x_coor = (((msg->src.act_w - 1)<<11) - (tile->tile_w))>>8; tile->tile_start_y_coor = 0; } else if (msg->rotate_mode == 3) { tile->x_dx = (s32)((8*xx)>>22); tile->x_dy = 0; tile->y_dx = 0; tile->y_dy = (s32)((8*yy)>>22); tile->tile_w = ABS((s32)((7*xx)>>21)); tile->tile_h = ABS((s32)((7*yy)>>21)); tile->tile_xoff = 0; tile->tile_yoff = ABS((s32)((7*yy)>>18)); tile->tile_start_x_coor = 0; tile->tile_start_y_coor = (((msg->src.act_h - 1)<<11) - (tile->tile_h))>>8; } if ((msg->scale_mode == 2)||(msg->alpha_rop_flag >> 7)) { tile->tile_start_x_coor -= (1<<3); tile->tile_start_y_coor -= (1<<3); tile->tile_w += (2 << 11); tile->tile_h += (2 << 11); tile->tile_xoff += (1<<14); tile->tile_yoff += (1<<14); } } /************************************************************* Func: RGA_set_mode_ctrl Description: fill mode ctrl reg info Author: ZhangShengqin Date: 20012-2-2 10:59:25 **************************************************************/ static void RGA_set_mode_ctrl(u8 *base, const struct rga_req *msg) { u32 *bRGA_MODE_CTL; u32 reg = 0; u8 src_rgb_pack = 0; u8 src_format = 0; u8 src_rb_swp = 0; u8 src_a_swp = 0; u8 src_cbcr_swp = 0; u8 dst_rgb_pack = 0; u8 dst_format = 0; u8 dst_rb_swp = 0; u8 dst_a_swp = 0; bRGA_MODE_CTL = (u32 *)(base + RGA_MODE_CTRL_OFFSET); reg = ((reg & (~m_RGA_MODE_CTRL_2D_RENDER_MODE)) | (s_RGA_MODE_CTRL_2D_RENDER_MODE(msg->render_mode))); /* src info set */ if (msg->render_mode == color_palette_mode || msg->render_mode == update_palette_table_mode) { src_format = 0x10 | (msg->palette_mode & 3); } else { switch (msg->src.format) { case RK_FORMAT_RGBA_8888 : src_format = 0x0; break; case RK_FORMAT_RGBA_4444 : src_format = 0x3; break; case RK_FORMAT_RGBA_5551 : src_format = 0x2; break; case RK_FORMAT_BGRA_8888 : src_format = 0x0; src_rb_swp = 0x1; break; case RK_FORMAT_RGBX_8888 : src_format = 0x0; break; case RK_FORMAT_RGB_565 : src_format = 0x1; break; case RK_FORMAT_RGB_888 : src_format = 0x0; src_rgb_pack = 1; break; case RK_FORMAT_BGR_888 : src_format = 0x0; src_rgb_pack = 1; src_rb_swp = 1; break; case RK_FORMAT_YCbCr_422_SP : src_format = 0x4; break; case RK_FORMAT_YCbCr_422_P : src_format = 0x5; break; case RK_FORMAT_YCbCr_420_SP : src_format = 0x6; break; case RK_FORMAT_YCbCr_420_P : src_format = 0x7; break; case RK_FORMAT_YCrCb_422_SP : src_format = 0x4; src_cbcr_swp = 1; break; case RK_FORMAT_YCrCb_422_P : src_format = 0x5; src_cbcr_swp = 1; break; case RK_FORMAT_YCrCb_420_SP : src_format = 0x6; src_cbcr_swp = 1; break; case RK_FORMAT_YCrCb_420_P : src_format = 0x7; src_cbcr_swp = 1; break; } } src_a_swp = msg->src.alpha_swap & 1; reg = ((reg & (~m_RGA_MODE_CTRL_SRC_RGB_PACK)) | (s_RGA_MODE_CTRL_SRC_RGB_PACK(src_rgb_pack))); reg = ((reg & (~m_RGA_MODE_CTRL_SRC_FORMAT)) | (s_RGA_MODE_CTRL_SRC_FORMAT(src_format))); reg = ((reg & (~m_RGA_MODE_CTRL_SRC_RB_SWAP)) | (s_RGA_MODE_CTRL_SRC_RB_SWAP(src_rb_swp))); reg = ((reg & (~m_RGA_MODE_CTRL_SRC_ALPHA_SWAP)) | (s_RGA_MODE_CTRL_SRC_ALPHA_SWAP(src_a_swp))); reg = ((reg & (~m_RGA_MODE_CTRL_SRC_UV_SWAP_MODE )) | (s_RGA_MODE_CTRL_SRC_UV_SWAP_MODE (src_cbcr_swp))); /* YUV2RGB MODE */ reg = ((reg & (~m_RGA_MODE_CTRL_YUV2RGB_CON_MODE)) | (s_RGA_MODE_CTRL_YUV2RGB_CON_MODE(msg->yuv2rgb_mode))); /* ROTATE MODE */ reg = ((reg & (~m_RGA_MODE_CTRL_ROTATE_MODE)) | (s_RGA_MODE_CTRL_ROTATE_MODE(msg->rotate_mode))); /* SCALE MODE */ reg = ((reg & (~m_RGA_MODE_CTRL_SCALE_MODE)) | (s_RGA_MODE_CTRL_SCALE_MODE(msg->scale_mode))); /* COLOR FILL MODE */ reg = ((reg & (~m_RGA_MODE_CTRL_PAT_SEL)) | (s_RGA_MODE_CTRL_PAT_SEL(msg->color_fill_mode))); if ((msg->render_mode == update_palette_table_mode)||(msg->render_mode == update_patten_buff_mode)) { dst_format = msg->pat.format; } else { dst_format = (u8)msg->dst.format; } /* dst info set */ switch (dst_format) { case RK_FORMAT_BGRA_8888 : dst_format = 0x0; dst_rb_swp = 0x1; break; case RK_FORMAT_RGBA_4444 : dst_format = 0x3; break; case RK_FORMAT_RGBA_5551 : dst_format = 0x2; break; case RK_FORMAT_RGBA_8888 : dst_format = 0x0; break; case RK_FORMAT_RGB_565 : dst_format = 0x1; break; case RK_FORMAT_RGB_888 : dst_format = 0x0; dst_rgb_pack = 0x1; break; case RK_FORMAT_BGR_888 : dst_format = 0x0; dst_rgb_pack = 0x1; dst_rb_swp = 1; break; case RK_FORMAT_RGBX_8888 : dst_format = 0x0; break; } dst_a_swp = msg->dst.alpha_swap & 1; reg = ((reg & (~m_RGA_MODE_CTRL_DST_FORMAT)) | (s_RGA_MODE_CTRL_DST_FORMAT(dst_format))); reg = ((reg & (~m_RGA_MODE_CTRL_DST_RGB_PACK)) | (s_RGA_MODE_CTRL_DST_RGB_PACK(dst_rgb_pack))); reg = ((reg & (~m_RGA_MODE_CTRL_DST_RB_SWAP)) | (s_RGA_MODE_CTRL_DST_RB_SWAP(dst_rb_swp))); reg = ((reg & (~m_RGA_MODE_CTRL_DST_ALPHA_SWAP)) | (s_RGA_MODE_CTRL_DST_ALPHA_SWAP(dst_a_swp))); reg = ((reg & (~m_RGA_MODE_CTRL_LUT_ENDIAN_MODE)) | (s_RGA_MODE_CTRL_LUT_ENDIAN_MODE(msg->endian_mode & 1))); reg = ((reg & (~m_RGA_MODE_CTRL_SRC_TRANS_MODE)) | (s_RGA_MODE_CTRL_SRC_TRANS_MODE(msg->src_trans_mode))); reg = ((reg & (~m_RGA_MODE_CTRL_ZERO_MODE_ENABLE)) | (s_RGA_MODE_CTRL_ZERO_MODE_ENABLE(msg->alpha_rop_mode >> 4))); reg = ((reg & (~m_RGA_MODE_CTRL_DST_ALPHA_ENABLE)) | (s_RGA_MODE_CTRL_DST_ALPHA_ENABLE(msg->alpha_rop_mode >> 5))); *bRGA_MODE_CTL = reg; } /************************************************************* Func: RGA_set_src Description: fill src relate reg info Author: ZhangShengqin Date: 20012-2-2 10:59:25 **************************************************************/ static void RGA_set_src(u8 *base, const struct rga_req *msg) { u32 *bRGA_SRC_VIR_INFO; u32 *bRGA_SRC_ACT_INFO; u32 *bRGA_SRC_Y_MST; u32 *bRGA_SRC_CB_MST; u32 *bRGA_SRC_CR_MST; s16 x_off, y_off, stride; s16 uv_x_off, uv_y_off, uv_stride; u32 pixel_width; uv_x_off = uv_y_off = uv_stride = 0; bRGA_SRC_Y_MST = (u32 *)(base + RGA_SRC_Y_MST_OFFSET); bRGA_SRC_CB_MST = (u32 *)(base + RGA_SRC_CB_MST_OFFSET); bRGA_SRC_CR_MST = (u32 *)(base + RGA_SRC_CR_MST_OFFSET); bRGA_SRC_VIR_INFO = (u32 *)(base + RGA_SRC_VIR_INFO_OFFSET); bRGA_SRC_ACT_INFO = (u32 *)(base + RGA_SRC_ACT_INFO_OFFSET); x_off = msg->src.x_offset; y_off = msg->src.y_offset; pixel_width = RGA_pixel_width_init(msg->src.format); stride = ((msg->src.vir_w * pixel_width) + 3) & (~3); switch(msg->src.format) { case RK_FORMAT_YCbCr_422_SP : uv_stride = stride; uv_x_off = x_off; uv_y_off = y_off; break; case RK_FORMAT_YCbCr_422_P : uv_stride = stride >> 1; uv_x_off = x_off >> 1; uv_y_off = y_off; break; case RK_FORMAT_YCbCr_420_SP : uv_stride = stride; uv_x_off = x_off; uv_y_off = y_off >> 1; break; case RK_FORMAT_YCbCr_420_P : uv_stride = stride >> 1; uv_x_off = x_off >> 1; uv_y_off = y_off >> 1; break; case RK_FORMAT_YCrCb_422_SP : uv_stride = stride; uv_x_off = x_off; uv_y_off = y_off; break; case RK_FORMAT_YCrCb_422_P : uv_stride = stride >> 1; uv_x_off = x_off >> 1; uv_y_off = y_off; break; case RK_FORMAT_YCrCb_420_SP : uv_stride = stride; uv_x_off = x_off; uv_y_off = y_off >> 1; break; case RK_FORMAT_YCrCb_420_P : uv_stride = stride >> 1; uv_x_off = x_off >> 1; uv_y_off = y_off >> 1; break; } /* src addr set */ *bRGA_SRC_Y_MST = msg->src.yrgb_addr + (y_off * stride) + (x_off * pixel_width); *bRGA_SRC_CB_MST = msg->src.uv_addr + uv_y_off * uv_stride + uv_x_off; *bRGA_SRC_CR_MST = msg->src.v_addr + uv_y_off * uv_stride + uv_x_off; if((msg->alpha_rop_flag >> 1) & 1) *bRGA_SRC_CB_MST = (u32)msg->rop_mask_addr; if (msg->render_mode == color_palette_mode) { u8 shift; u16 sw, byte_num; shift = 3 - (msg->palette_mode & 3); sw = msg->src.vir_w; byte_num = sw >> shift; stride = (byte_num + 3) & (~3); } /* src act window / vir window set */ *bRGA_SRC_VIR_INFO = ((stride >> 2) | (msg->src.vir_h)<<16); *bRGA_SRC_ACT_INFO = ((msg->src.act_w-1) | (msg->src.act_h-1)<<16); } /************************************************************* Func: RGA_set_dst Description: fill dst relate reg info Author: ZhangShengqin Date: 20012-2-2 10:59:25 **************************************************************/ static s32 RGA_set_dst(u8 *base, const struct rga_req *msg) { u32 *bRGA_DST_MST; u32 *bRGA_DST_UV_MST; u32 *bRGA_DST_VIR_INFO; u32 *bRGA_DST_CTR_INFO; u32 *bRGA_PRESCL_CB_MST; u32 *bRGA_PRESCL_CR_MST; u32 *bRGA_YUV_OUT_CFG; u32 reg = 0; u8 pw; s16 x_off = msg->dst.x_offset; s16 y_off = msg->dst.y_offset; u16 stride, rop_mask_stride; bRGA_DST_MST = (u32 *)(base + RGA_DST_MST_OFFSET); bRGA_DST_UV_MST = (u32 *)(base + RGA_DST_UV_MST_OFFSET); bRGA_DST_VIR_INFO = (u32 *)(base + RGA_DST_VIR_INFO_OFFSET); bRGA_DST_CTR_INFO = (u32 *)(base + RGA_DST_CTR_INFO_OFFSET); bRGA_PRESCL_CB_MST = (u32 *)(base + RGA_PRESCL_CB_MST_OFFSET); bRGA_PRESCL_CR_MST = (u32 *)(base + RGA_PRESCL_CR_MST_OFFSET); bRGA_YUV_OUT_CFG = (u32 *)(base + RGA_YUV_OUT_CFG_OFFSET); pw = RGA_pixel_width_init(msg->dst.format); stride = (msg->dst.vir_w * pw + 3) & (~3); *bRGA_DST_MST = (u32)msg->dst.yrgb_addr + (y_off * stride) + (x_off * pw); *bRGA_DST_UV_MST = 0; *bRGA_YUV_OUT_CFG = 0; if (msg->rotate_mode == 1) { if (msg->sina == 65536 && msg->cosa == 0) { /* rotate 90 */ x_off = msg->dst.x_offset - msg->dst.act_h + 1; } else if (msg->sina == 0 && msg->cosa == -65536) { /* rotate 180 */ x_off = msg->dst.x_offset - msg->dst.act_w + 1; y_off = msg->dst.y_offset - msg->dst.act_h + 1; } else if (msg->sina == -65536 && msg->cosa == 0) { /* totate 270 */ y_off = msg->dst.y_offset - msg->dst.act_w + 1; } } switch(msg->dst.format) { case RK_FORMAT_YCbCr_422_SP : *bRGA_PRESCL_CB_MST = (u32)msg->dst.uv_addr + ((y_off) * stride) + ((x_off) * pw); *bRGA_DST_UV_MST = (u32)msg->dst.uv_addr + (y_off * stride) + x_off; *bRGA_YUV_OUT_CFG |= (((msg->yuv2rgb_mode >> 2) & 3) << 4) | (0 << 3) | (0 << 1) | 1; break; case RK_FORMAT_YCbCr_422_P : *bRGA_PRESCL_CB_MST = (u32)msg->dst.uv_addr + ((y_off) * stride) + ((x_off>>1) * pw); *bRGA_PRESCL_CR_MST = (u32)msg->dst.v_addr + ((y_off) * stride) + ((x_off>>1) * pw); break; case RK_FORMAT_YCbCr_420_SP : *bRGA_PRESCL_CB_MST = (u32)msg->dst.uv_addr + ((y_off>>1) * stride) + ((x_off) * pw); *bRGA_DST_UV_MST = (u32)msg->dst.uv_addr + ((y_off>>1) * stride) + x_off; *bRGA_YUV_OUT_CFG |= (((msg->yuv2rgb_mode >> 2) & 3) << 4) | (0 << 3) | (1 << 1) | 1; break; case RK_FORMAT_YCbCr_420_P : *bRGA_PRESCL_CB_MST = (u32)msg->dst.uv_addr + ((y_off>>1) * stride) + ((x_off>>1) * pw); *bRGA_PRESCL_CR_MST = (u32)msg->dst.v_addr + ((y_off>>1) * stride) + ((x_off>>1) * pw); break; case RK_FORMAT_YCrCb_422_SP : *bRGA_PRESCL_CB_MST = (u32)msg->dst.uv_addr + ((y_off) * stride) + ((x_off) * pw); *bRGA_DST_UV_MST = (u32)msg->dst.uv_addr + (y_off * stride) + x_off; *bRGA_YUV_OUT_CFG |= (((msg->yuv2rgb_mode >> 2) & 3) << 4) | (1 << 3) | (0 << 1) | 1; break; case RK_FORMAT_YCrCb_422_P : *bRGA_PRESCL_CB_MST = (u32)msg->dst.uv_addr + ((y_off) * stride) + ((x_off>>1) * pw); *bRGA_PRESCL_CR_MST = (u32)msg->dst.v_addr + ((y_off) * stride) + ((x_off>>1) * pw); break; case RK_FORMAT_YCrCb_420_SP : *bRGA_PRESCL_CB_MST = (u32)msg->dst.uv_addr + ((y_off>>1) * stride) + ((x_off) * pw); *bRGA_DST_UV_MST = (u32)msg->dst.uv_addr + ((y_off>>1) * stride) + x_off; *bRGA_YUV_OUT_CFG |= (((msg->yuv2rgb_mode >> 2) & 3) << 4) | (1 << 3) | (1 << 1) | 1; break; case RK_FORMAT_YCrCb_420_P : *bRGA_PRESCL_CB_MST = (u32)msg->dst.uv_addr + ((y_off>>1) * stride) + ((x_off>>1) * pw); *bRGA_PRESCL_CR_MST = (u32)msg->dst.v_addr + ((y_off>>1) * stride) + ((x_off>>1) * pw); break; } rop_mask_stride = (((msg->src.vir_w + 7)>>3) + 3) & (~3);//not dst_vir.w,hxx,2011.7.21 reg = (stride >> 2) & 0xffff; reg = reg | ((rop_mask_stride>>2) << 16); #if defined(CONFIG_ARCH_RK2928) || defined(CONFIG_ARCH_RK3188) //reg = reg | ((msg->alpha_rop_mode & 3) << 28); reg = reg | (1 << 28); #endif if (msg->render_mode == line_point_drawing_mode) { reg &= 0xffff; reg = reg | (msg->dst.vir_h << 16); } *bRGA_DST_VIR_INFO = reg; *bRGA_DST_CTR_INFO = (msg->dst.act_w - 1) | ((msg->dst.act_h - 1) << 16); #if (LINUX_VERSION_CODE >= KERNEL_VERSION(3, 1, 0)) if (msg->render_mode == pre_scaling_mode) { *bRGA_YUV_OUT_CFG &= 0xfffffffe; } #endif return 0; } /************************************************************* Func: RGA_set_alpha_rop Description: fill alpha rop some relate reg bit Author: ZhangShengqin Date: 20012-2-2 10:59:25 **************************************************************/ static void RGA_set_alpha_rop(u8 *base, const struct rga_req *msg) { u32 *bRGA_ALPHA_CON; u32 *bRGA_ROP_CON0; u32 *bRGA_ROP_CON1; u32 reg = 0; u32 rop_con0, rop_con1; u8 rop_mode = (msg->alpha_rop_mode) & 3; u8 alpha_mode = msg->alpha_rop_mode & 3; rop_con0 = rop_con1 = 0; bRGA_ALPHA_CON = (u32 *)(base + RGA_ALPHA_CON_OFFSET); reg = ((reg & (~m_RGA_ALPHA_CON_ENABLE) )| (s_RGA_ALPHA_CON_ENABLE(msg->alpha_rop_flag & 1))); reg = ((reg & (~m_RGA_ALPHA_CON_A_OR_R_SEL)) | (s_RGA_ALPHA_CON_A_OR_R_SEL((msg->alpha_rop_flag >> 1) & 1))); reg = ((reg & (~m_RGA_ALPHA_CON_ALPHA_MODE)) | (s_RGA_ALPHA_CON_ALPHA_MODE(alpha_mode))); reg = ((reg & (~m_RGA_ALPHA_CON_PD_MODE)) | (s_RGA_ALPHA_CON_PD_MODE(msg->PD_mode))); reg = ((reg & (~m_RGA_ALPHA_CON_SET_CONSTANT_VALUE)) | (s_RGA_ALPHA_CON_SET_CONSTANT_VALUE(msg->alpha_global_value))); reg = ((reg & (~m_RGA_ALPHA_CON_PD_M_SEL)) | (s_RGA_ALPHA_CON_PD_M_SEL(msg->alpha_rop_flag >> 3))); reg = ((reg & (~m_RGA_ALPHA_CON_FADING_ENABLE)) | (s_RGA_ALPHA_CON_FADING_ENABLE(msg->alpha_rop_flag >> 2))); reg = ((reg & (~m_RGA_ALPHA_CON_ROP_MODE_SEL)) | (s_RGA_ALPHA_CON_ROP_MODE_SEL(rop_mode))); reg = ((reg & (~m_RGA_ALPHA_CON_CAL_MODE_SEL)) | (s_RGA_ALPHA_CON_CAL_MODE_SEL(msg->alpha_rop_flag >> 4))); reg = ((reg & (~m_RGA_ALPHA_CON_DITHER_ENABLE)) | (s_RGA_ALPHA_CON_DITHER_ENABLE(msg->alpha_rop_flag >> 5))); reg = ((reg & (~m_RGA_ALPHA_CON_GRADIENT_CAL_MODE)) | (s_RGA_ALPHA_CON_GRADIENT_CAL_MODE(msg->alpha_rop_flag >> 6))); reg = ((reg & (~m_RGA_ALPHA_CON_AA_SEL)) | (s_RGA_ALPHA_CON_AA_SEL(msg->alpha_rop_flag >> 7))); *bRGA_ALPHA_CON = reg; if(rop_mode == 0) { rop_con0 = ROP3_code[(msg->rop_code & 0xff)]; } else if(rop_mode == 1) { rop_con0 = ROP3_code[(msg->rop_code & 0xff)]; } else if(rop_mode == 2) { rop_con0 = ROP3_code[(msg->rop_code & 0xff)]; rop_con1 = ROP3_code[(msg->rop_code & 0xff00)>>8]; } bRGA_ROP_CON0 = (u32 *)(base + RGA_ROP_CON0_OFFSET); bRGA_ROP_CON1 = (u32 *)(base + RGA_ROP_CON1_OFFSET); *bRGA_ROP_CON0 = (u32)rop_con0; *bRGA_ROP_CON1 = (u32)rop_con1; } /************************************************************* Func: RGA_set_color Description: fill color some relate reg bit bg_color/fg_color Author: ZhangShengqin Date: 20012-2-2 10:59:25 **************************************************************/ static void RGA_set_color(u8 *base, const struct rga_req *msg) { u32 *bRGA_SRC_TR_COLOR0; u32 *bRGA_SRC_TR_COLOR1; u32 *bRGA_SRC_BG_COLOR; u32 *bRGA_SRC_FG_COLOR; bRGA_SRC_BG_COLOR = (u32 *)(base + RGA_SRC_BG_COLOR_OFFSET); bRGA_SRC_FG_COLOR = (u32 *)(base + RGA_SRC_FG_COLOR_OFFSET); *bRGA_SRC_BG_COLOR = msg->bg_color; /* 1bpp 0 */ *bRGA_SRC_FG_COLOR = msg->fg_color; /* 1bpp 1 */ bRGA_SRC_TR_COLOR0 = (u32 *)(base + RGA_SRC_TR_COLOR0_OFFSET); bRGA_SRC_TR_COLOR1 = (u32 *)(base + RGA_SRC_TR_COLOR1_OFFSET); *bRGA_SRC_TR_COLOR0 = msg->color_key_min; *bRGA_SRC_TR_COLOR1 = msg->color_key_max; } /************************************************************* Func: RGA_set_fading Description: fill fading some relate reg bit Author: ZhangShengqin Date: 20012-2-2 10:59:25 **************************************************************/ static s32 RGA_set_fading(u8 *base, const struct rga_req *msg) { u32 *bRGA_FADING_CON; u8 r, g, b; u32 reg = 0; bRGA_FADING_CON = (u32 *)(base + RGA_FADING_CON_OFFSET); b = msg->fading.b; g = msg->fading.g; r = msg->fading.r; reg = (r<<8) | (g<<16) | (b<<24) | reg; *bRGA_FADING_CON = reg; return 0; } /************************************************************* Func: RGA_set_pat Description: fill patten some relate reg bit Author: ZhangShengqin Date: 20012-2-2 10:59:25 **************************************************************/ static s32 RGA_set_pat(u8 *base, const struct rga_req *msg) { u32 *bRGA_PAT_CON; u32 *bRGA_PAT_START_POINT; u32 reg = 0; bRGA_PAT_START_POINT = (u32 *)(base + RGA_PAT_START_POINT_OFFSET); bRGA_PAT_CON = (u32 *)(base + RGA_PAT_CON_OFFSET); *bRGA_PAT_START_POINT = (msg->pat.act_w * msg->pat.y_offset) + msg->pat.x_offset; reg = (msg->pat.act_w - 1) | ((msg->pat.act_h - 1) << 8) | (msg->pat.x_offset << 16) | (msg->pat.y_offset << 24); *bRGA_PAT_CON = reg; return 0; } /************************************************************* Func: RGA_set_bitblt_reg_info Description: fill bitblt mode relate ren info Author: ZhangShengqin Date: 20012-2-2 10:59:25 **************************************************************/ static void RGA_set_bitblt_reg_info(u8 *base, const struct rga_req * msg, TILE_INFO *tile) { u32 *bRGA_SRC_Y_MST; u32 *bRGA_SRC_CB_MST; u32 *bRGA_SRC_CR_MST; u32 *bRGA_SRC_X_PARA; u32 *bRGA_SRC_Y_PARA; u32 *bRGA_SRC_TILE_XINFO; u32 *bRGA_SRC_TILE_YINFO; u32 *bRGA_SRC_TILE_H_INCR; u32 *bRGA_SRC_TILE_V_INCR; u32 *bRGA_SRC_TILE_OFFSETX; u32 *bRGA_SRC_TILE_OFFSETY; u32 *bRGA_DST_MST; u32 *bRGA_DST_CTR_INFO; s32 m0, m1, m2, m3; s32 pos[8]; //s32 x_dx, x_dy, y_dx, y_dy; s32 xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax; s32 xp, yp; u32 y_addr, u_addr, v_addr; u32 pixel_width, stride; u_addr = v_addr = 0; /* src info */ bRGA_SRC_Y_MST = (u32 *)(base + RGA_SRC_Y_MST_OFFSET); bRGA_SRC_CB_MST = (u32 *)(base + RGA_SRC_CB_MST_OFFSET); bRGA_SRC_CR_MST = (u32 *)(base + RGA_SRC_CR_MST_OFFSET); bRGA_SRC_X_PARA = (u32 *)(base + RGA_SRC_X_PARA_OFFSET); bRGA_SRC_Y_PARA = (u32 *)(base + RGA_SRC_Y_PARA_OFFSET); bRGA_SRC_TILE_XINFO = (u32 *)(base + RGA_SRC_TILE_XINFO_OFFSET); bRGA_SRC_TILE_YINFO = (u32 *)(base + RGA_SRC_TILE_YINFO_OFFSET); bRGA_SRC_TILE_H_INCR = (u32 *)(base + RGA_SRC_TILE_H_INCR_OFFSET); bRGA_SRC_TILE_V_INCR = (u32 *)(base + RGA_SRC_TILE_V_INCR_OFFSET); bRGA_SRC_TILE_OFFSETX = (u32 *)(base + RGA_SRC_TILE_OFFSETX_OFFSET); bRGA_SRC_TILE_OFFSETY = (u32 *)(base + RGA_SRC_TILE_OFFSETY_OFFSET); bRGA_DST_MST = (u32 *)(base + RGA_DST_MST_OFFSET); bRGA_DST_CTR_INFO = (u32 *)(base + RGA_DST_CTR_INFO_OFFSET); /* Matrix reg fill */ m0 = (s32)(tile->matrix[0] >> 18); m1 = (s32)(tile->matrix[1] >> 18); m2 = (s32)(tile->matrix[2] >> 18); m3 = (s32)(tile->matrix[3] >> 18); *bRGA_SRC_X_PARA = (m0 & 0xffff) | (m2 << 16); *bRGA_SRC_Y_PARA = (m1 & 0xffff) | (m3 << 16); /* src tile information setting */ if(msg->rotate_mode != 0)//add by hxx,2011.7.12,for rtl0707,when line scanning ,do not calc src tile info { *bRGA_SRC_TILE_XINFO = (tile->tile_start_x_coor & 0xffff) | (tile->tile_w << 16); *bRGA_SRC_TILE_YINFO = (tile->tile_start_y_coor & 0xffff) | (tile->tile_h << 16); *bRGA_SRC_TILE_H_INCR = ((tile->x_dx) & 0xffff) | ((tile->x_dy) << 16); *bRGA_SRC_TILE_V_INCR = ((tile->y_dx) & 0xffff) | ((tile->y_dy) << 16); *bRGA_SRC_TILE_OFFSETX = tile->tile_xoff; *bRGA_SRC_TILE_OFFSETY = tile->tile_yoff; } pixel_width = RGA_pixel_width_init(msg->src.format); stride = ((msg->src.vir_w * pixel_width) + 3) & (~3); if ((msg->rotate_mode == 1)||(msg->rotate_mode == 2)||(msg->rotate_mode == 3)) { pos[0] = tile->tile_start_x_coor<<8; pos[1] = tile->tile_start_y_coor<<8; pos[2] = pos[0]; pos[3] = pos[1] + tile->tile_h; pos[4] = pos[0] + tile->tile_w; pos[5] = pos[1] + tile->tile_h; pos[6] = pos[0] + tile->tile_w; pos[7] = pos[1]; pos[0] >>= 11; pos[1] >>= 11; pos[2] >>= 11; pos[3] >>= 11; pos[4] >>= 11; pos[5] >>= 11; pos[6] >>= 11; pos[7] >>= 11; xmax = (MAX(MAX(MAX(pos[0], pos[2]), pos[4]), pos[6]) + 1); xmin = (MIN(MIN(MIN(pos[0], pos[2]), pos[4]), pos[6])); ymax = (MAX(MAX(MAX(pos[1], pos[3]), pos[5]), pos[7]) + 1); ymin = (MIN(MIN(MIN(pos[1], pos[3]), pos[5]), pos[7])); xp = xmin + msg->src.x_offset; yp = ymin + msg->src.y_offset; if (!((xmax < 0)||(xmin > msg->src.act_w - 1)||(ymax < 0)||(ymin > msg->src.act_h - 1))) { xp = CLIP(xp, msg->src.x_offset, msg->src.x_offset + msg->src.act_w - 1); yp = CLIP(yp, msg->src.y_offset, msg->src.y_offset + msg->src.act_h - 1); } switch(msg->src.format) { case RK_FORMAT_YCbCr_420_P : y_addr = msg->src.yrgb_addr + yp*stride + xp; u_addr = msg->src.uv_addr + (yp>>1)*(stride>>1) + (xp>>1); v_addr = msg->src.v_addr + (yp>>1)*(stride>>1) + (xp>>1); break; case RK_FORMAT_YCbCr_420_SP : y_addr = msg->src.yrgb_addr + yp*stride + xp; u_addr = msg->src.uv_addr + (yp>>1)*stride + ((xp>>1)<<1); break; case RK_FORMAT_YCbCr_422_P : y_addr = msg->src.yrgb_addr + yp*stride + xp; u_addr = msg->src.uv_addr + (yp)*(stride>>1) + (xp>>1); v_addr = msg->src.v_addr + (yp)*(stride>>1) + (xp>>1); break; case RK_FORMAT_YCbCr_422_SP: y_addr = msg->src.yrgb_addr + yp*stride + xp; u_addr = msg->src.uv_addr + yp*stride + ((xp>>1)<<1); break; case RK_FORMAT_YCrCb_420_P : y_addr = msg->src.yrgb_addr + yp*stride + xp; u_addr = msg->src.uv_addr + (yp>>1)*(stride>>1) + (xp>>1); v_addr = msg->src.v_addr + (yp>>1)*(stride>>1) + (xp>>1); break; case RK_FORMAT_YCrCb_420_SP : y_addr = msg->src.yrgb_addr + yp*stride + xp; u_addr = msg->src.uv_addr + (yp>>1)*stride + ((xp>>1)<<1); break; case RK_FORMAT_YCrCb_422_P : y_addr = msg->src.yrgb_addr + yp*stride + xp; u_addr = msg->src.uv_addr + (yp)*(stride>>1) + (xp>>1); v_addr = msg->src.v_addr + (yp)*(stride>>1) + (xp>>1); break; case RK_FORMAT_YCrCb_422_SP: y_addr = msg->src.yrgb_addr + yp*stride + xp; u_addr = msg->src.uv_addr + yp*stride + ((xp>>1)<<1); break; default : y_addr = msg->src.yrgb_addr + yp*stride + xp*pixel_width; break; } *bRGA_SRC_Y_MST = y_addr; *bRGA_SRC_CB_MST = u_addr; *bRGA_SRC_CR_MST = v_addr; } /*dst info*/ pixel_width = RGA_pixel_width_init(msg->dst.format); stride = (msg->dst.vir_w * pixel_width + 3) & (~3); *bRGA_DST_MST = (u32)msg->dst.yrgb_addr + (tile->dst_ctrl.y_off * stride) + (tile->dst_ctrl.x_off * pixel_width); *bRGA_DST_CTR_INFO = (tile->dst_ctrl.w) | ((tile->dst_ctrl.h) << 16); *bRGA_DST_CTR_INFO |= ((1<<29) | (1<<28)); } /************************************************************* Func: RGA_set_color_palette_reg_info Description: fill color palette process some relate reg bit Author: ZhangShengqin Date: 20012-2-2 10:59:25 **************************************************************/ static void RGA_set_color_palette_reg_info(u8 *base, const struct rga_req *msg) { u32 *bRGA_SRC_Y_MST; u32 p; s16 x_off, y_off; u16 src_stride; u8 shift; u16 sw, byte_num; x_off = msg->src.x_offset; y_off = msg->src.y_offset; sw = msg->src.vir_w; shift = 3 - (msg->palette_mode & 3); byte_num = sw >> shift; src_stride = (byte_num + 3) & (~3); p = msg->src.yrgb_addr; p = p + (x_off>>shift) + y_off*src_stride; bRGA_SRC_Y_MST = (u32 *)(base + RGA_SRC_Y_MST_OFFSET); *bRGA_SRC_Y_MST = (u32)p; } /************************************************************* Func: RGA_set_color_fill_reg_info Description: fill color fill process some relate reg bit Author: ZhangShengqin Date: 20012-2-2 10:59:25 **************************************************************/ static void RGA_set_color_fill_reg_info(u8 *base, const struct rga_req *msg) { u32 *bRGA_CP_GR_A; u32 *bRGA_CP_GR_B; u32 *bRGA_CP_GR_G; u32 *bRGA_CP_GR_R; u32 *bRGA_PAT_CON; bRGA_CP_GR_A = (u32 *)(base + RGA_CP_GR_A_OFFSET); bRGA_CP_GR_B = (u32 *)(base + RGA_CP_GR_B_OFFSET); bRGA_CP_GR_G = (u32 *)(base + RGA_CP_GR_G_OFFSET); bRGA_CP_GR_R = (u32 *)(base + RGA_CP_GR_R_OFFSET); bRGA_PAT_CON = (u32 *)(base + RGA_PAT_CON_OFFSET); *bRGA_CP_GR_A = (msg->gr_color.gr_x_a & 0xffff) | (msg->gr_color.gr_y_a << 16); *bRGA_CP_GR_B = (msg->gr_color.gr_x_b & 0xffff) | (msg->gr_color.gr_y_b << 16); *bRGA_CP_GR_G = (msg->gr_color.gr_x_g & 0xffff) | (msg->gr_color.gr_y_g << 16); *bRGA_CP_GR_R = (msg->gr_color.gr_x_r & 0xffff) | (msg->gr_color.gr_y_r << 16); *bRGA_PAT_CON = (msg->pat.vir_w-1) | ((msg->pat.vir_h-1) << 8) | (msg->pat.x_offset << 16) | (msg->pat.y_offset << 24); } /************************************************************* Func: RGA_set_line_drawing_reg_info Description: fill line drawing process some relate reg bit Author: ZhangShengqin Date: 20012-2-2 10:59:25 **************************************************************/ static s32 RGA_set_line_drawing_reg_info(u8 *base, const struct rga_req *msg) { u32 *bRGA_LINE_DRAW; u32 *bRGA_DST_VIR_INFO; u32 *bRGA_LINE_DRAW_XY_INFO; u32 *bRGA_LINE_DRAW_WIDTH; u32 *bRGA_LINE_DRAWING_COLOR; u32 *bRGA_LINE_DRAWING_MST; u32 reg = 0; s16 x_width, y_width; u16 abs_x, abs_y, delta; u16 stride; u8 pw; u32 start_addr; u8 line_dir, dir_major, dir_semi_major; u16 major_width; bRGA_LINE_DRAW = (u32 *)(base + RGA_LINE_DRAW_OFFSET); bRGA_DST_VIR_INFO = (u32 *)(base + RGA_DST_VIR_INFO_OFFSET); bRGA_LINE_DRAW_XY_INFO = (u32 *)(base + RGA_LINE_DRAW_XY_INFO_OFFSET); bRGA_LINE_DRAW_WIDTH = (u32 *)(base + RGA_LINE_DRAWING_WIDTH_OFFSET); bRGA_LINE_DRAWING_COLOR = (u32 *)(base + RGA_LINE_DRAWING_COLOR_OFFSET); bRGA_LINE_DRAWING_MST = (u32 *)(base + RGA_LINE_DRAWING_MST_OFFSET); pw = RGA_pixel_width_init(msg->dst.format); stride = (msg->dst.vir_w * pw + 3) & (~3); start_addr = msg->dst.yrgb_addr + (msg->line_draw_info.start_point.y * stride) + (msg->line_draw_info.start_point.x * pw); x_width = msg->line_draw_info.start_point.x - msg->line_draw_info.end_point.x; y_width = msg->line_draw_info.start_point.y - msg->line_draw_info.end_point.y; abs_x = abs(x_width); abs_y = abs(y_width); if (abs_x >= abs_y) { if (y_width > 0) dir_semi_major = 1; else dir_semi_major = 0; if (x_width > 0) dir_major = 1; else dir_major = 0; if((abs_x == 0)||(abs_y == 0)) delta = 0; else delta = (abs_y<<12)/abs_x; if (delta >> 12) delta -= 1; major_width = abs_x; line_dir = 0; } else { if (x_width > 0) dir_semi_major = 1; else dir_semi_major = 0; if (y_width > 0) dir_major = 1; else dir_major = 0; delta = (abs_x<<12)/abs_y; major_width = abs_y; line_dir = 1; } reg = (reg & (~m_RGA_LINE_DRAW_MAJOR_WIDTH)) | (s_RGA_LINE_DRAW_MAJOR_WIDTH(major_width)); reg = (reg & (~m_RGA_LINE_DRAW_LINE_DIRECTION)) | (s_RGA_LINE_DRAW_LINE_DIRECTION(line_dir)); reg = (reg & (~m_RGA_LINE_DRAW_LINE_WIDTH)) | (s_RGA_LINE_DRAW_LINE_WIDTH(msg->line_draw_info.line_width - 1)); reg = (reg & (~m_RGA_LINE_DRAW_INCR_VALUE)) | (s_RGA_LINE_DRAW_INCR_VALUE(delta)); reg = (reg & (~m_RGA_LINE_DRAW_DIR_SEMI_MAJOR)) | (s_RGA_LINE_DRAW_DIR_SEMI_MAJOR(dir_semi_major)); reg = (reg & (~m_RGA_LINE_DRAW_DIR_MAJOR)) | (s_RGA_LINE_DRAW_DIR_MAJOR(dir_major)); reg = (reg & (~m_RGA_LINE_DRAW_LAST_POINT)) | (s_RGA_LINE_DRAW_LAST_POINT(msg->line_draw_info.flag >> 1)); reg = (reg & (~m_RGA_LINE_DRAW_ANTI_ALISING)) | (s_RGA_LINE_DRAW_ANTI_ALISING(msg->line_draw_info.flag)); *bRGA_LINE_DRAW = reg; reg = (msg->line_draw_info.start_point.x & 0xfff) | ((msg->line_draw_info.start_point.y & 0xfff) << 16); *bRGA_LINE_DRAW_XY_INFO = reg; *bRGA_LINE_DRAW_WIDTH = msg->dst.vir_w; *bRGA_LINE_DRAWING_COLOR = msg->line_draw_info.color; *bRGA_LINE_DRAWING_MST = (u32)start_addr; return 0; } /*full*/ static s32 RGA_set_filter_reg_info(u8 *base, const struct rga_req *msg) { u32 *bRGA_BLUR_SHARP_INFO; u32 reg = 0; bRGA_BLUR_SHARP_INFO = (u32 *)(base + RGA_ALPHA_CON_OFFSET); reg = *bRGA_BLUR_SHARP_INFO; reg = ((reg & (~m_RGA_BLUR_SHARP_FILTER_TYPE)) | (s_RGA_BLUR_SHARP_FILTER_TYPE(msg->bsfilter_flag & 3))); reg = ((reg & (~m_RGA_BLUR_SHARP_FILTER_MODE)) | (s_RGA_BLUR_SHARP_FILTER_MODE(msg->bsfilter_flag >>2))); *bRGA_BLUR_SHARP_INFO = reg; return 0; } /*full*/ static s32 RGA_set_pre_scale_reg_info(u8 *base, const struct rga_req *msg) { u32 *bRGA_PRE_SCALE_INFO; u32 reg = 0; u32 h_ratio = 0; u32 v_ratio = 0; u32 ps_yuv_flag = 0; u32 src_width, src_height; u32 dst_width, dst_height; src_width = msg->src.act_w; src_height = msg->src.act_h; dst_width = msg->dst.act_w; dst_height = msg->dst.act_h; if((dst_width == 0) || (dst_height == 0)) { printk("pre scale reg info error ratio is divide zero\n"); return -EINVAL; } h_ratio = (src_width <<16) / dst_width; v_ratio = (src_height<<16) / dst_height; if (h_ratio <= (1<<16)) h_ratio = 0; else if (h_ratio <= (2<<16)) h_ratio = 1; else if (h_ratio <= (4<<16)) h_ratio = 2; else if (h_ratio <= (8<<16)) h_ratio = 3; if (v_ratio <= (1<<16)) v_ratio = 0; else if (v_ratio <= (2<<16)) v_ratio = 1; else if (v_ratio <= (4<<16)) v_ratio = 2; else if (v_ratio <= (8<<16)) v_ratio = 3; if(msg->src.format == msg->dst.format) ps_yuv_flag = 0; else ps_yuv_flag = 1; bRGA_PRE_SCALE_INFO = (u32 *)(base + RGA_ALPHA_CON_OFFSET); reg = *bRGA_PRE_SCALE_INFO; reg = ((reg & (~m_RGA_PRE_SCALE_HOR_RATIO)) | (s_RGA_PRE_SCALE_HOR_RATIO((u8)h_ratio))); reg = ((reg & (~m_RGA_PRE_SCALE_VER_RATIO)) | (s_RGA_PRE_SCALE_VER_RATIO((u8)v_ratio))); reg = ((reg & (~m_RGA_PRE_SCALE_OUTPUT_FORMAT)) | (s_RGA_PRE_SCALE_OUTPUT_FORMAT(ps_yuv_flag))); *bRGA_PRE_SCALE_INFO = reg; return 0; } /*full*/ static int RGA_set_update_palette_table_reg_info(u8 *base, const struct rga_req *msg) { u32 *bRGA_LUT_MST; if (!msg->LUT_addr) { return -1; } bRGA_LUT_MST = (u32 *)(base + RGA_LUT_MST_OFFSET); *bRGA_LUT_MST = (u32)msg->LUT_addr; return 0; } /*full*/ static int RGA_set_update_patten_buff_reg_info(u8 *base, const struct rga_req *msg) { u32 *bRGA_PAT_MST; u32 *bRGA_PAT_CON; u32 *bRGA_PAT_START_POINT; u32 reg = 0; rga_img_info_t *pat; pat = (rga_img_info_t *)&msg->pat; bRGA_PAT_START_POINT = (u32 *)(base + RGA_PAT_START_POINT_OFFSET); bRGA_PAT_MST = (u32 *)(base + RGA_PAT_MST_OFFSET); bRGA_PAT_CON = (u32 *)(base + RGA_PAT_CON_OFFSET); if ( !pat->yrgb_addr ) { return -1; } *bRGA_PAT_MST = (u32)pat->yrgb_addr; if ((pat->vir_w > 256)||(pat->x_offset > 256)||(pat->y_offset > 256)) { return -1; } *bRGA_PAT_START_POINT = (pat->vir_w * pat->y_offset) + pat->x_offset; reg = (pat->vir_w-1) | ((pat->vir_h-1) << 8) | (pat->x_offset << 16) | (pat->y_offset << 24); *bRGA_PAT_CON = reg; return 0; } /************************************************************* Func: RGA_set_mmu_ctrl_reg_info Description: fill mmu relate some reg info Author: ZhangShengqin Date: 20012-2-2 10:59:25 **************************************************************/ static s32 RGA_set_mmu_ctrl_reg_info(u8 *base, const struct rga_req *msg) { u32 *RGA_MMU_TLB, *RGA_MMU_CTRL_ADDR; u32 mmu_addr; u8 TLB_size, mmu_enable, src_flag, dst_flag, CMD_flag; u32 reg = 0; mmu_addr = (u32)msg->mmu_info.base_addr; TLB_size = (msg->mmu_info.mmu_flag >> 4) & 0x3; mmu_enable = msg->mmu_info.mmu_flag & 0x1; src_flag = (msg->mmu_info.mmu_flag >> 1) & 0x1; dst_flag = (msg->mmu_info.mmu_flag >> 2) & 0x1; CMD_flag = (msg->mmu_info.mmu_flag >> 3) & 0x1; RGA_MMU_TLB = (u32 *)(base + RGA_MMU_TLB_OFFSET); RGA_MMU_CTRL_ADDR = (u32 *)(base + RGA_FADING_CON_OFFSET); reg = ((reg & (~m_RGA_MMU_CTRL_TLB_ADDR)) | s_RGA_MMU_CTRL_TLB_ADDR(mmu_addr)); *RGA_MMU_TLB = reg; reg = *RGA_MMU_CTRL_ADDR; reg = ((reg & (~m_RGA_MMU_CTRL_PAGE_TABLE_SIZE)) | s_RGA_MMU_CTRL_PAGE_TABLE_SIZE(TLB_size)); reg = ((reg & (~m_RGA_MMU_CTRL_MMU_ENABLE)) | s_RGA_MMU_CTRL_MMU_ENABLE(mmu_enable)); reg = ((reg & (~m_RGA_MMU_CTRL_SRC_FLUSH)) | s_RGA_MMU_CTRL_SRC_FLUSH(1)); reg = ((reg & (~m_RGA_MMU_CTRL_DST_FLUSH)) | s_RGA_MMU_CTRL_DST_FLUSH(1)); reg = ((reg & (~m_RGA_MMU_CTRL_CMD_CHAN_FLUSH)) | s_RGA_MMU_CTRL_CMD_CHAN_FLUSH(1)); *RGA_MMU_CTRL_ADDR = reg; return 0; } /************************************************************* Func: RGA_gen_reg_info Description: Generate RGA command reg list from rga_req struct. Author: ZhangShengqin Date: 20012-2-2 10:59:25 **************************************************************/ int RGA_gen_reg_info(const struct rga_req *msg, unsigned char *base) { TILE_INFO tile; memset(base, 0x0, 28*4); RGA_set_mode_ctrl(base, msg); switch(msg->render_mode) { case bitblt_mode : RGA_set_alpha_rop(base, msg); RGA_set_src(base, msg); RGA_set_dst(base, msg); RGA_set_color(base, msg); RGA_set_fading(base, msg); RGA_set_pat(base, msg); matrix_cal(msg, &tile); dst_ctrl_cal(msg, &tile); src_tile_info_cal(msg, &tile); RGA_set_bitblt_reg_info(base, msg, &tile); break; case color_palette_mode : RGA_set_src(base, msg); RGA_set_dst(base, msg); RGA_set_color(base, msg); RGA_set_color_palette_reg_info(base, msg); break; case color_fill_mode : RGA_set_alpha_rop(base, msg); RGA_set_dst(base, msg); RGA_set_color(base, msg); RGA_set_pat(base, msg); RGA_set_color_fill_reg_info(base, msg); break; case line_point_drawing_mode : RGA_set_alpha_rop(base, msg); RGA_set_dst(base, msg); RGA_set_color(base, msg); RGA_set_line_drawing_reg_info(base, msg); break; case blur_sharp_filter_mode : RGA_set_src(base, msg); RGA_set_dst(base, msg); RGA_set_filter_reg_info(base, msg); break; case pre_scaling_mode : RGA_set_src(base, msg); RGA_set_dst(base, msg); if(RGA_set_pre_scale_reg_info(base, msg) == -EINVAL) return -1; break; case update_palette_table_mode : if (RGA_set_update_palette_table_reg_info(base, msg)) { return -1; } break; case update_patten_buff_mode: if (RGA_set_update_patten_buff_reg_info(base, msg)){ return -1; } break; } RGA_set_mmu_ctrl_reg_info(base, msg); return 0; }