# # Copyright (C) 2016 The Android Open-Source Project # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # # Common make file for all car builds PRODUCT_PUBLIC_SEPOLICY_DIRS += packages/services/Car/car_product/sepolicy/public PRODUCT_PRIVATE_SEPOLICY_DIRS += packages/services/Car/car_product/sepolicy/private ifeq ($(ENABLE_CARTELEMETRY_SERVICE), true) PRODUCT_PRIVATE_SEPOLICY_DIRS += packages/services/Car/car_product/sepolicy/cartelemetry endif PRODUCT_PACKAGES += \ Bluetooth \ CarActivityResolver \ CarDeveloperOptions \ CarSettingsIntelligence \ CarManagedProvisioning \ OneTimeInitializer \ CarProvision \ StatementService \ SystemUpdater PRODUCT_PACKAGES += \ pppd \ screenrecord # This is for testing ifneq (,$(filter userdebug eng, $(TARGET_BUILD_VARIANT))) PRODUCT_PACKAGES += \ DefaultStorageMonitoringCompanionApp \ EmbeddedKitchenSinkApp \ GarageModeTestApp \ ExperimentalCarService \ BugReportApp \ NetworkPreferenceApp \ SampleCustomInputService \ AdasLocationTestApp \ curl \ CarTelemetryApp \ RailwayReferenceApp \ # SEPolicy for test apps / services BOARD_SEPOLICY_DIRS += packages/services/Car/car_product/sepolicy/test endif # ClusterOsDouble is the testing app to test Cluster2 framework and it can handle Cluster VHAL # and do some Cluster OS role. ifeq ($(ENABLE_CLUSTER_OS_DOUBLE), true) PRODUCT_PACKAGES += ClusterHomeSample ClusterOsDouble else # DirectRenderingCluster is the sample app for the old Cluster framework. PRODUCT_PACKAGES += DirectRenderingCluster endif # ENABLE_CLUSTER_OS_DOUBLE PRODUCT_COPY_FILES += \ frameworks/av/media/libeffects/data/audio_effects.conf:system/etc/audio_effects.conf PRODUCT_PROPERTY_OVERRIDES += \ ro.carrier=unknown \ ro.hardware.type=automotive \ # Set default Bluetooth profiles TARGET_SYSTEM_PROP += \ packages/services/Car/car_product/properties/bluetooth.prop PRODUCT_SYSTEM_DEFAULT_PROPERTIES += \ config.disable_systemtextclassifier=true ### ### Suggested values for multi-user properties - can be overridden ### # Enable headless system user mode PRODUCT_SYSTEM_DEFAULT_PROPERTIES += \ ro.fw.mu.headless_system_user?=true # Enable user pre-creation PRODUCT_SYSTEM_DEFAULT_PROPERTIES += \ android.car.number_pre_created_users?=1 \ android.car.number_pre_created_guests?=1 # Enable User HAL integration # NOTE: when set to true, VHAL must also implement the user-related properties, # otherwise CarService will ignore it PRODUCT_SYSTEM_DEFAULT_PROPERTIES += \ android.car.user_hal_enabled?=true ### end of multi-user properties ### # Overlay for Google network and fused location providers $(call inherit-product, device/sample/products/location_overlay.mk) $(call inherit-product-if-exists, frameworks/webview/chromium/chromium.mk) $(call inherit-product, packages/services/Car/car_product/build/car_base.mk) # Overrides PRODUCT_BRAND := generic PRODUCT_DEVICE := generic PRODUCT_NAME := generic_car_no_telephony PRODUCT_IS_AUTOMOTIVE := true PRODUCT_PROPERTY_OVERRIDES := \ ro.config.ringtone=Girtab.ogg \ ro.config.notification_sound=Tethys.ogg \ ro.config.alarm_alert=Oxygen.ogg \ $(PRODUCT_PROPERTY_OVERRIDES) \ PRODUCT_PROPERTY_OVERRIDES += \ keyguard.no_require_sim=true # TODO(b/205189147): Remove the following change after the proper fix is landed. # Uses the local KeyGuard animation to resolve TaskView misalignment issue after display-on. PRODUCT_SYSTEM_PROPERTIES += \ persist.wm.enable_remote_keyguard_animation=0 # TODO(b/198516172): Find a better location to add this read only property # It is added here to check the functionality, will be updated in next CL PRODUCT_SYSTEM_PROPERTIES += \ ro.android.car.carservice.overlay.packages?=com.android.car.resources.vendor;com.google.android.car.resources.vendor; # vendor layer can override this PRODUCT_SYSTEM_PROPERTIES += \ ro.android.car.carservice.package?=com.android.car.updatable # Update with PLATFORM_VERSION_MINOR_INT update PRODUCT_SYSTEM_PROPERTIES += ro.android.car.version.platform_minor=3 # Automotive specific packages PRODUCT_PACKAGES += \ CarFrameworkPackageStubs \ CarService \ CarShell \ CarDialerApp \ CarRadioApp \ OverviewApp \ CarLauncher \ CarSystemUI \ LocalMediaPlayer \ CarMediaApp \ CarMessengerApp \ CarHTMLViewer \ CarHvacApp \ CarMapsPlaceholder \ CarLatinIME \ CarSettings \ CarUsbHandler \ RotaryIME \ RotaryPlayground \ android.car.builtin \ car-frameworks-service \ com.android.car.procfsinspector \ com.android.permission \ # RROs PRODUCT_PACKAGES += \ CarPermissionControllerRRO \ # System Server components # Order is important: if X depends on Y, then Y should precede X on the list. PRODUCT_SYSTEM_SERVER_JARS += car-frameworks-service # TODO: make the order optimal by appending 'car-frameworks-service' at the end # after its dependency 'services'. Currently the order is violated because this # makefile is included before AOSP makefile. PRODUCT_BROKEN_SUBOPTIMAL_ORDER_OF_SYSTEM_SERVER_JARS := true # Boot animation PRODUCT_COPY_FILES += \ packages/services/Car/car_product/bootanimations/bootanimation-832.zip:system/media/bootanimation.zip PRODUCT_LOCALES := \ en_US \ af_ZA \ am_ET \ ar_EG ar_XB \ as_IN \ az_AZ \ be_BY \ bg_BG \ bn_BD \ bs_BA \ ca_ES \ cs_CZ \ da_DK \ de_DE \ el_GR \ en_AU en_CA en_GB en_IN en_XA \ es_ES es_US \ et_EE \ eu_ES \ fa_IR \ fi_FI \ fil_PH \ fr_CA fr_FR \ gl_ES \ gu_IN \ hi_IN \ hr_HR \ hu_HU \ hy_AM \ id_ID \ is_IS \ it_IT \ iw_IL \ ja_JP \ ka_GE \ kk_KZ \ km_KH km_MH \ kn_IN \ ko_KR \ ky_KG \ lo_LA \ lv_LV \ lt_LT \ mk_MK \ ml_IN \ mn_MN \ mr_IN \ ms_MY \ my_MM \ ne_NP \ nl_NL \ no_NO \ or_IN \ pa_IN \ pl_PL \ pt_BR pt_PT \ ro_RO \ ru_RU \ si_LK \ sk_SK \ sl_SI \ sq_AL \ sr_RS \ sv_SE \ sw_TZ \ ta_IN \ te_IN \ th_TH \ tr_TR \ uk_UA \ ur_PK \ uz_UZ \ vi_VN \ zh_CN zh_HK zh_TW \ zu_ZA PRODUCT_BOOT_JARS += \ android.car.builtin USE_CAR_FRAMEWORK_APEX ?= true ifeq ($(USE_CAR_FRAMEWORK_APEX),true) PRODUCT_PACKAGES += com.android.car.framework PRODUCT_APEX_BOOT_JARS += com.android.car.framework:android.car-module PRODUCT_APEX_SYSTEM_SERVER_JARS += com.android.car.framework:car-frameworks-service-module PRODUCT_HIDDENAPI_STUBS := android.car-module.stubs PRODUCT_HIDDENAPI_STUBS_SYSTEM := android.car-module.stubs.system PRODUCT_HIDDENAPI_STUBS_TEST := android.car-module.stubs.test else # !USE_CAR_FRAMEWORK_APEX $(warning NOT using CarFramework APEX) PRODUCT_BOOT_JARS += android.car PRODUCT_PACKAGES += android.car CarServiceUpdatableNonModule car-frameworks-service-module PRODUCT_SYSTEM_SERVER_JARS += car-frameworks-service-module PRODUCT_HIDDENAPI_STUBS := android.car-stubs-dex PRODUCT_HIDDENAPI_STUBS_SYSTEM := android.car-system-stubs-dex PRODUCT_HIDDENAPI_STUBS_TEST := android.car-test-stubs-dex endif # USE_CAR_FRAMEWORK_APEX # Disable Prime Shader Cache in SurfaceFlinger to make it available faster PRODUCT_PROPERTY_OVERRIDES += \ service.sf.prime_shader_cache=0