#!/usr/bin/env python3 # # Copyright (C) 2016 The Android Open Source Project # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # """annotate.py: annotate source files based on perf.data. """ import logging import os import os.path import shutil from texttable import Texttable from typing import Dict, Union from simpleperf_report_lib import ReportLib from simpleperf_utils import ( Addr2Nearestline, BaseArgumentParser, BinaryFinder, extant_dir, flatten_arg_list, is_windows, log_exit, ReadElf, SourceFileSearcher) class SourceLine(object): def __init__(self, file_id, function, line): self.file = file_id self.function = function self.line = line @property def file_key(self): return self.file @property def function_key(self): return (self.file, self.function) @property def line_key(self): return (self.file, self.line) class Addr2Line(object): """collect information of how to map [dso_name, vaddr] to [source_file:line]. """ def __init__(self, ndk_path, binary_cache_path, source_dirs): binary_finder = BinaryFinder(binary_cache_path, ReadElf(ndk_path)) self.addr2line = Addr2Nearestline(ndk_path, binary_finder, True) self.source_searcher = SourceFileSearcher(source_dirs) def add_addr(self, dso_path: str, build_id: str, func_addr: int, addr: int): self.addr2line.add_addr(dso_path, build_id, func_addr, addr) def convert_addrs_to_lines(self): self.addr2line.convert_addrs_to_lines(jobs=os.cpu_count()) def get_sources(self, dso_path, addr): dso = self.addr2line.get_dso(dso_path) if not dso: return [] source = self.addr2line.get_addr_source(dso, addr) if not source: return [] result = [] for (source_file, source_line, function_name) in source: source_file_path = self.source_searcher.get_real_path(source_file) if not source_file_path: source_file_path = source_file result.append(SourceLine(source_file_path, function_name, source_line)) return result class Period(object): """event count information. It can be used to represent event count of a line, a function, a source file, or a binary. It contains two parts: period and acc_period. When used for a line, period is the event count occurred when running that line, acc_period is the accumulated event count occurred when running that line and functions called by that line. Same thing applies when it is used for a function, a source file, or a binary. """ def __init__(self, period=0, acc_period=0): self.period = period self.acc_period = acc_period def __iadd__(self, other): self.period += other.period self.acc_period += other.acc_period return self class DsoPeriod(object): """Period for each shared library""" def __init__(self, dso_name): self.dso_name = dso_name self.period = Period() def add_period(self, period): self.period += period class FilePeriod(object): """Period for each source file""" def __init__(self, file_id): self.file = file_id self.period = Period() # Period for each line in the file. self.line_dict = {} # Period for each function in the source file. self.function_dict = {} def add_period(self, period): self.period += period def add_line_period(self, line, period): a = self.line_dict.get(line) if a is None: self.line_dict[line] = a = Period() a += period def add_function_period(self, function_name, function_start_line, period): a = self.function_dict.get(function_name) if not a: if function_start_line is None: function_start_line = -1 self.function_dict[function_name] = a = [function_start_line, Period()] a[1] += period class SourceFileAnnotator(object): """group code for annotating source files""" def __init__(self, config): # check config variables config_names = ['perf_data_list', 'source_dirs', 'dso_filters', 'ndk_path'] for name in config_names: if name not in config: log_exit('config [%s] is missing' % name) symfs_dir = 'binary_cache' if not os.path.isdir(symfs_dir): symfs_dir = None kallsyms = 'binary_cache/kallsyms' if not os.path.isfile(kallsyms): kallsyms = None # init member variables self.config = config self.symfs_dir = symfs_dir self.kallsyms = kallsyms self.dso_filter = set(config['dso_filters']) if config.get('dso_filters') else None config['annotate_dest_dir'] = 'annotated_files' output_dir = config['annotate_dest_dir'] if os.path.isdir(output_dir): shutil.rmtree(output_dir) os.makedirs(output_dir) self.addr2line = Addr2Line(self.config['ndk_path'], symfs_dir, config.get('source_dirs')) self.period = 0 self.dso_periods = {} self.file_periods = {} def annotate(self): self._collect_addrs() self._convert_addrs_to_lines() self._generate_periods() self._write_summary() self._annotate_files() def _collect_addrs(self): """Read perf.data, collect all addresses we need to convert to source file:line. """ for perf_data in self.config['perf_data_list']: lib = ReportLib() lib.SetRecordFile(perf_data) if self.symfs_dir: lib.SetSymfs(self.symfs_dir) if self.kallsyms: lib.SetKallsymsFile(self.kallsyms) lib.SetReportOptions(self.config['report_lib_options']) while True: sample = lib.GetNextSample() if sample is None: lib.Close() break symbols = [] symbols.append(lib.GetSymbolOfCurrentSample()) callchain = lib.GetCallChainOfCurrentSample() for i in range(callchain.nr): symbols.append(callchain.entries[i].symbol) for symbol in symbols: if self._filter_symbol(symbol): build_id = lib.GetBuildIdForPath(symbol.dso_name) self.addr2line.add_addr(symbol.dso_name, build_id, symbol.symbol_addr, symbol.vaddr_in_file) self.addr2line.add_addr(symbol.dso_name, build_id, symbol.symbol_addr, symbol.symbol_addr) def _filter_symbol(self, symbol): if not self.dso_filter or symbol.dso_name in self.dso_filter: return True return False def _convert_addrs_to_lines(self): self.addr2line.convert_addrs_to_lines() def _generate_periods(self): """read perf.data, collect Period for all types: binaries, source files, functions, lines. """ for perf_data in self.config['perf_data_list']: lib = ReportLib() lib.SetRecordFile(perf_data) if self.symfs_dir: lib.SetSymfs(self.symfs_dir) if self.kallsyms: lib.SetKallsymsFile(self.kallsyms) lib.SetReportOptions(self.config['report_lib_options']) while True: sample = lib.GetNextSample() if sample is None: lib.Close() break self._generate_periods_for_sample(lib, sample) def _generate_periods_for_sample(self, lib, sample): symbols = [] symbols.append(lib.GetSymbolOfCurrentSample()) callchain = lib.GetCallChainOfCurrentSample() for i in range(callchain.nr): symbols.append(callchain.entries[i].symbol) # Each sample has a callchain, but its period is only used once # to add period for each function/source_line/source_file/binary. # For example, if more than one entry in the callchain hits a # function, the event count of that function is only increased once. # Otherwise, we may get periods > 100%. is_sample_used = False used_dso_dict = {} used_file_dict = {} used_function_dict = {} used_line_dict = {} period = Period(sample.period, sample.period) for j, symbol in enumerate(symbols): if j == 1: period = Period(0, sample.period) if not self._filter_symbol(symbol): continue is_sample_used = True # Add period to dso. self._add_dso_period(symbol.dso_name, period, used_dso_dict) # Add period to source file. sources = self.addr2line.get_sources(symbol.dso_name, symbol.vaddr_in_file) for source in sources: if source.file: self._add_file_period(source, period, used_file_dict) # Add period to line. if source.line: self._add_line_period(source, period, used_line_dict) # Add period to function. sources = self.addr2line.get_sources(symbol.dso_name, symbol.symbol_addr) for source in sources: if source.file: self._add_file_period(source, period, used_file_dict) if source.function: self._add_function_period(source, period, used_function_dict) if is_sample_used: self.period += sample.period def _add_dso_period(self, dso_name: str, period: Period, used_dso_dict: Dict[str, bool]): if dso_name not in used_dso_dict: used_dso_dict[dso_name] = True dso_period = self.dso_periods.get(dso_name) if dso_period is None: dso_period = self.dso_periods[dso_name] = DsoPeriod(dso_name) dso_period.add_period(period) def _add_file_period(self, source, period, used_file_dict): if source.file_key not in used_file_dict: used_file_dict[source.file_key] = True file_period = self.file_periods.get(source.file) if file_period is None: file_period = self.file_periods[source.file] = FilePeriod(source.file) file_period.add_period(period) def _add_line_period(self, source, period, used_line_dict): if source.line_key not in used_line_dict: used_line_dict[source.line_key] = True file_period = self.file_periods[source.file] file_period.add_line_period(source.line, period) def _add_function_period(self, source, period, used_function_dict): if source.function_key not in used_function_dict: used_function_dict[source.function_key] = True file_period = self.file_periods[source.file] file_period.add_function_period(source.function, source.line, period) def _write_summary(self): summary = os.path.join(self.config['annotate_dest_dir'], 'summary') with open(summary, 'w') as f: f.write('total period: %d\n\n' % self.period) self._write_dso_summary(f) self._write_file_summary(f) file_periods = sorted(self.file_periods.values(), key=lambda x: x.period.acc_period, reverse=True) for file_period in file_periods: self._write_function_line_summary(f, file_period) def _write_dso_summary(self, summary_fh): dso_periods = sorted(self.dso_periods.values(), key=lambda x: x.period.acc_period, reverse=True) table = Texttable(max_width=self.config['summary_width']) table.set_cols_align(['l', 'l', 'l']) table.add_row(['Total', 'Self', 'DSO']) for dso_period in dso_periods: total_str = self._get_period_str(dso_period.period.acc_period) self_str = self._get_period_str(dso_period.period.period) table.add_row([total_str, self_str, dso_period.dso_name]) print(table.draw(), file=summary_fh) print(file=summary_fh) def _write_file_summary(self, summary_fh): file_periods = sorted(self.file_periods.values(), key=lambda x: x.period.acc_period, reverse=True) table = Texttable(max_width=self.config['summary_width']) table.set_cols_align(['l', 'l', 'l']) table.add_row(['Total', 'Self', 'Source File']) for file_period in file_periods: total_str = self._get_period_str(file_period.period.acc_period) self_str = self._get_period_str(file_period.period.period) table.add_row([total_str, self_str, file_period.file]) print(table.draw(), file=summary_fh) print(file=summary_fh) def _write_function_line_summary(self, summary_fh, file_period: FilePeriod): table = Texttable(max_width=self.config['summary_width']) table.set_cols_align(['l', 'l', 'l']) table.add_row(['Total', 'Self', 'Function/Line in ' + file_period.file]) values = [] for func_name in file_period.function_dict.keys(): func_start_line, period = file_period.function_dict[func_name] values.append((func_name, func_start_line, period)) values.sort(key=lambda x: x[2].acc_period, reverse=True) for func_name, func_start_line, period in values: total_str = self._get_period_str(period.acc_period) self_str = self._get_period_str(period.period) name = func_name + ' (line %d)' % func_start_line table.add_row([total_str, self_str, name]) for line in sorted(file_period.line_dict.keys()): period = file_period.line_dict[line] total_str = self._get_period_str(period.acc_period) self_str = self._get_period_str(period.period) name = 'line %d' % line table.add_row([total_str, self_str, name]) print(table.draw(), file=summary_fh) print(file=summary_fh) def _get_period_str(self, period: Union[Period, int]) -> str: if isinstance(period, Period): return 'Total %s, Self %s' % ( self._get_period_str(period.acc_period), self._get_period_str(period.period)) if self.config['raw_period'] or self.period == 0: return str(period) return '%.2f%%' % (100.0 * period / self.period) def _annotate_files(self): """Annotate Source files: add acc_period/period for each source file. 1. Annotate java source files, which have $JAVA_SRC_ROOT prefix. 2. Annotate c++ source files. """ dest_dir = self.config['annotate_dest_dir'] for key in self.file_periods: from_path = key if not os.path.isfile(from_path): logging.warning("can't find source file for path %s" % from_path) continue if from_path.startswith('/'): to_path = os.path.join(dest_dir, from_path[1:]) elif is_windows() and ':\\' in from_path: to_path = os.path.join(dest_dir, from_path.replace(':\\', os.sep)) else: to_path = os.path.join(dest_dir, from_path) is_java = from_path.endswith('.java') self._annotate_file(from_path, to_path, self.file_periods[key], is_java) def _annotate_file(self, from_path, to_path, file_period, is_java): """Annotate a source file. Annotate a source file in three steps: 1. In the first line, show periods of this file. 2. For each function, show periods of this function. 3. For each line not hitting the same line as functions, show line periods. """ logging.info('annotate file %s' % from_path) with open(from_path, 'r') as rf: lines = rf.readlines() annotates = {} for line in file_period.line_dict.keys(): annotates[line] = self._get_period_str(file_period.line_dict[line]) for func_name in file_period.function_dict.keys(): func_start_line, period = file_period.function_dict[func_name] if func_start_line == -1: continue line = func_start_line - 1 if is_java else func_start_line annotates[line] = '[func] ' + self._get_period_str(period) annotates[1] = '[file] ' + self._get_period_str(file_period.period) max_annotate_cols = 0 for key in annotates: max_annotate_cols = max(max_annotate_cols, len(annotates[key])) empty_annotate = ' ' * (max_annotate_cols + 6) dirname = os.path.dirname(to_path) if not os.path.isdir(dirname): os.makedirs(dirname) with open(to_path, 'w') as wf: for line in range(1, len(lines) + 1): annotate = annotates.get(line) if annotate is None: if not lines[line-1].strip(): annotate = '' else: annotate = empty_annotate else: annotate = '/* ' + annotate + ( ' ' * (max_annotate_cols - len(annotate))) + ' */' wf.write(annotate) wf.write(lines[line-1]) def main(): parser = BaseArgumentParser(description=""" Annotate source files based on profiling data. It reads line information from binary_cache generated by app_profiler.py or binary_cache_builder.py, and generate annotated source files in annotated_files directory.""") parser.add_argument('-i', '--perf_data_list', nargs='+', action='append', help=""" The paths of profiling data. Default is perf.data.""") parser.add_argument('-s', '--source_dirs', type=extant_dir, nargs='+', action='append', help=""" Directories to find source files.""") parser.add_argument('--ndk_path', type=extant_dir, help='Set the path of a ndk release.') parser.add_argument('--raw-period', action='store_true', help='show raw period instead of percentage') parser.add_argument('--summary-width', type=int, default=80, help='max width of summary file') sample_filter_group = parser.add_argument_group('Sample filter options') sample_filter_group.add_argument('--dso', nargs='+', action='append', help=""" Use samples only in selected binaries.""") parser.add_report_lib_options(sample_filter_group=sample_filter_group) args = parser.parse_args() config = {} config['perf_data_list'] = flatten_arg_list(args.perf_data_list) if not config['perf_data_list']: config['perf_data_list'].append('perf.data') config['source_dirs'] = flatten_arg_list(args.source_dirs) config['dso_filters'] = flatten_arg_list(args.dso) config['ndk_path'] = args.ndk_path config['raw_period'] = args.raw_period config['summary_width'] = args.summary_width config['report_lib_options'] = args.report_lib_options annotator = SourceFileAnnotator(config) annotator.annotate() logging.info('annotate finish successfully, please check result in annotated_files/.') if __name__ == '__main__': main()