/* * Copyright (C) 2019 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #ifndef ANDROID_INCREMENTAL_FILE_SYSTEM_DATA_LOADER_NDK_H #define ANDROID_INCREMENTAL_FILE_SYSTEM_DATA_LOADER_NDK_H #include #include __BEGIN_DECLS #define DATALOADER_LIBRARY_NAME "libdataloader.so" typedef enum { DATA_LOADER_UNAVAILABLE = 7, DATA_LOADER_UNRECOVERABLE = 8, } DataLoaderStatus; typedef enum { DATA_LOADER_TYPE_NONE = 0, DATA_LOADER_TYPE_STREAMING = 1, DATA_LOADER_TYPE_INCREMENTAL = 2, } DataLoaderType; typedef enum { DATA_LOADER_LOCATION_DATA_APP = 0, DATA_LOADER_LOCATION_MEDIA_OBB = 1, DATA_LOADER_LOCATION_MEDIA_DATA = 2, } DataLoaderLocation; typedef enum { DATA_LOADER_FEATURE_NONE = 0, DATA_LOADER_FEATURE_UID = 1 << 0, } DataLoaderFeatures; struct DataLoaderParams { int type; const char* packageName; const char* className; const char* arguments; }; typedef struct { int location; const char* name; IncFsSize size; IncFsSpan metadata; } DataLoaderInstallationFile; typedef struct { bool readLogsEnabled; } DataLoaderFilesystemParams; #ifdef __cplusplus typedef class DataLoaderFilesystemConnector { } * DataLoaderFilesystemConnectorPtr; typedef class DataLoaderStatusListener { } * DataLoaderStatusListenerPtr; #else /* not __cplusplus */ typedef void* DataLoaderFilesystemConnectorPtr; typedef void* DataLoaderStatusListenerPtr; #endif /* not __cplusplus */ typedef JavaVM* DataLoaderServiceVmPtr; typedef jobject DataLoaderServiceConnectorPtr; typedef jobject DataLoaderServiceParamsPtr; struct DataLoader { // DataLoader v1. bool (*onStart)(struct DataLoader* self); void (*onStop)(struct DataLoader* self); void (*onDestroy)(struct DataLoader* self); bool (*onPrepareImage)(struct DataLoader* self, const DataLoaderInstallationFile addedFiles[], int addedFilesCount); void (*onPendingReads)(struct DataLoader* self, const IncFsReadInfo pendingReads[], int pendingReadsCount); void (*onPageReads)(struct DataLoader* self, const IncFsReadInfo pageReads[], int pageReadsCount); // DataLoader v2, with features. // Use DataLoader_Initialize_WithFeatures to set a factory for v2 DataLoader. DataLoaderFeatures (*getFeatures)(struct DataLoader* self); void (*onPendingReadsWithUid)(struct DataLoader* self, const IncFsReadInfoWithUid pendingReads[], int pendingReadsCount); void (*onPageReadsWithUid)(struct DataLoader* self, const IncFsReadInfoWithUid pageReads[], int pageReadsCount); }; struct DataLoaderFactory { struct DataLoader* (*onCreate)(struct DataLoaderFactory* self, const struct DataLoaderParams*, DataLoaderFilesystemConnectorPtr, DataLoaderStatusListenerPtr, DataLoaderServiceVmPtr, DataLoaderServiceConnectorPtr, DataLoaderServiceParamsPtr); }; void DataLoader_Initialize(struct DataLoaderFactory*); void DataLoader_Initialize_WithFeatures(struct DataLoaderFactory*); void DataLoader_FilesystemConnector_writeData(DataLoaderFilesystemConnectorPtr, jstring name, jlong offsetBytes, jlong lengthBytes, jobject incomingFd); // Returns a newly opened file descriptor and gives the ownership to the caller. int DataLoader_FilesystemConnector_openForSpecialOps(DataLoaderFilesystemConnectorPtr, IncFsFileId fid); int DataLoader_FilesystemConnector_writeBlocks(DataLoaderFilesystemConnectorPtr, const IncFsDataBlock blocks[], int blocksCount); // INCFS_MAX_FILE_ATTR_SIZE int DataLoader_FilesystemConnector_getRawMetadata(DataLoaderFilesystemConnectorPtr, IncFsFileId fid, char buffer[], size_t* bufferSize); bool DataLoader_FilesystemConnector_setParams(DataLoaderFilesystemConnectorPtr, DataLoaderFilesystemParams params); int DataLoader_StatusListener_reportStatus(DataLoaderStatusListenerPtr listener, DataLoaderStatus status); // DataLoaderService JNI bool DataLoaderService_OnCreate(JNIEnv* env, jobject service, jint storageId, jobject control, jobject params, jobject listener); bool DataLoaderService_OnStart(JNIEnv* env, jint storageId); bool DataLoaderService_OnStop(JNIEnv* env, jint storageId); bool DataLoaderService_OnDestroy(JNIEnv* env, jint storageId); bool DataLoaderService_OnPrepareImage(JNIEnv* env, jint storageId, jobjectArray addedFiles, jobjectArray removedFiles); __END_DECLS #endif // ANDROID_INCREMENTAL_FILE_SYSTEM_DATA_LOADER_NDK_H