## -*- coding: utf-8 -*- /* * Copyright (C) ${copyright_year()} The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ <%! def annotated_type(entry): if entry.enum: type = 'enum' else: type = entry.type if entry.container == 'array': type += '[]' return type def annotated_enum_type(entry): if entry.type == 'int64' and entry.container == 'array': type = ' int64_t' else: type = ' uint32_t' return type %>\ /* * Autogenerated from camera metadata definitions in * /system/media/camera/docs/metadata_definitions.xml * *** DO NOT EDIT BY HAND *** */ package android.hardware.camera.metadata@${hal_major_version()}.${hal_minor_version()}; % if first_hal_minor_version(hal_major_version()) != hal_minor_version(): % for i in range(first_hal_minor_version(hal_major_version()),hal_minor_version()): import android.hardware.camera.metadata@${hal_major_version()}.${i}; % endfor % endif <% gotSections = False %>\ <% gotFirstNewSection = False %>\ % for idx, section in enumerate(find_all_sections_added_in_hal(metadata, hal_major_version(), hal_minor_version())): % if idx == 0: <% gotSections = True %>\ /** * Top level hierarchy definitions for camera metadata. *_INFO sections are for * the static metadata that can be retrived without opening the camera device. */ enum CameraMetadataSection : ${'uint32_t' if first_hal_minor_version(hal_major_version()) == hal_minor_version() else '@%d.%d::CameraMetadataSection' % (hal_major_version(), hal_minor_version()-1)} { % endif % if first_hal_minor_version(hal_major_version()) != hal_minor_version() and not gotFirstNewSection: ${path_name(section) | csym} = android.hardware.camera.metadata@${hal_major_version()}.${hal_minor_version()-1}::CameraMetadataSection:ANDROID_SECTION_COUNT, <% gotFirstNewSection = True %>\ % else: ${path_name(section) | csym}, % endif % endfor % if gotSections: ANDROID_SECTION_COUNT${'' if first_hal_minor_version(hal_major_version()) == hal_minor_version() else '_%d_%d' % (hal_major_version(),hal_minor_version())}, VENDOR_SECTION${'' if first_hal_minor_version(hal_major_version()) == hal_minor_version() else '_%d_%d' % (hal_major_version(),hal_minor_version())} = 0x8000, }; /** * Hierarchy positions in enum space. All vendor extension sections must be * defined with tag >= VENDOR_SECTION_START */ enum CameraMetadataSectionStart : ${'uint32_t' if first_hal_minor_version(hal_major_version()) == hal_minor_version() else 'android.hardware.camera.metadata@%d.%d::CameraMetadataSectionStart' % (hal_major_version(), hal_minor_version()-1)} { % for i in find_all_sections_added_in_hal(metadata, hal_major_version(), hal_minor_version()): ${path_name(i) + '.start' | csym} = CameraMetadataSection:${path_name(i) | csym} << 16, % endfor % if first_hal_minor_version(hal_major_version()) != hal_minor_version() : VENDOR_SECTION_START${'_%d_%d' % (hal_major_version(),hal_minor_version())} = CameraMetadataSection:VENDOR_SECTION${'_%d_%d' % (hal_major_version(),hal_minor_version())} << 16, % else: VENDOR_SECTION_START = CameraMetadataSection:VENDOR_SECTION << 16, % endif }; % else: // No new metadata sections added in this revision % endif /** * Main enumeration for defining camera metadata tags added in this revision * *

Partial documentation is included for each tag; for complete documentation, reference * '/system/media/camera/docs/docs.html' in the corresponding Android source tree.

*/ enum CameraMetadataTag : ${'uint32_t' if first_hal_minor_version(hal_major_version()) == hal_minor_version() else '@%d.%d::CameraMetadataTag' % (hal_major_version(), hal_minor_version()-1)} { % for sec in find_all_sections(metadata): <% gotEntries = False %>\ % for idx,entry in enumerate(filter_added_in_hal_version(remove_hal_non_visible(find_unique_entries(sec)), hal_major_version(), hal_minor_version())): <% gotEntries = True %>\ /** ${entry.name} [${entry.kind}, ${annotated_type(entry)}, ${entry.applied_visibility}] % if entry.description: * ${entry.description | hidldoc(metadata)}\ % endif */ % if idx == 0: % if find_first_older_used_hal_version(sec, hal_major_version(), hal_minor_version()) == (0, 0): ${entry.name + " =" | csym} CameraMetadataSectionStart:${path_name(find_parent_section(entry)) | csym}_START, % else: <% prevVersion = find_first_older_used_hal_version(sec, hal_major_version(), hal_minor_version()) %>\ ${entry.name + " =" | csym} ${'android.hardware.camera.metadata@%d.%d' % prevVersion}::CameraMetadataTag:${path_name(find_parent_section(entry)) | csym}${'_END' if prevVersion[1] == first_hal_minor_version(hal_major_version()) else '_END_%d_%d' % prevVersion}, % endif % else: ${entry.name + "," | csym} % endif % endfor % if gotEntries: ${path_name(sec) | csym}${'_END' if first_hal_minor_version(hal_major_version()) == hal_minor_version() else '_END_%d_%d' % (hal_major_version(),hal_minor_version())}, % endif %endfor }; /* * Enumeration definitions for the various entries that need them */ % for sec in find_all_sections(metadata): % for entry in filter_has_enum_values_added_in_hal_version(remove_hal_non_visible(find_unique_entries(sec)), hal_major_version(), hal_minor_version()): % if entry.enum: <% isFirstValue = True %>\ <% prevValue = None %>\ % for val in entry.enum.values: % if val.hal_major_version == hal_major_version() and val.hal_minor_version == hal_minor_version(): % if isFirstValue: % if prevValue is None: /** ${entry.name} enumeration values % else: /** ${entry.name} enumeration values added since v${prevValue.hal_major_version}.${prevValue.hal_minor_version} % endif * @see ${entry.name | csym} */ enum CameraMetadataEnum${entry.name | pascal_case} :${annotated_enum_type(entry) if prevValue is None else '\n @%d.%d::CameraMetadataEnum%s' % (prevValue.hal_major_version, prevValue.hal_minor_version, pascal_case(entry.name))} { % endif % if val.id is None: ${entry.name | csym}_${val.name}, % else: ${'%s_%s'%(csym(entry.name), val.name) | pad(65)} = ${val.id}, % endif <% isFirstValue = False %>\ % else: <% prevValue = val %>\ % endif % endfor }; % endif % endfor % endfor