/* * Copyright (C) 2020 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #define LOG_TAG "DMABUFHEAPS" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include static constexpr char kDmaHeapRoot[] = "/dev/dma_heap/"; static constexpr char kIonDevice[] = "/dev/ion"; static constexpr char kIonSystemHeapName[] = "ion_system_heap"; void BufferAllocator::LogInterface(const std::string& interface) { if (!logged_interface_) { LOG(INFO) << "Using : " << interface; logged_interface_ = true; } } int BufferAllocator::OpenDmabufHeap(const std::string& heap_name) { std::shared_lock slock(dmabuf_heap_fd_mutex_); /* Check if heap has already been opened. */ auto it = dmabuf_heap_fds_.find(heap_name); if (it != dmabuf_heap_fds_.end()) return it->second; slock.unlock(); /* * Heap device needs to be opened, use a unique_lock since dmabuf_heap_fd_ * needs to be modified. */ std::unique_lock ulock(dmabuf_heap_fd_mutex_); /* * Check if we already opened this heap again to prevent racing threads from * opening the heap device multiple times. */ it = dmabuf_heap_fds_.find(heap_name); if (it != dmabuf_heap_fds_.end()) return it->second; std::string heap_path = kDmaHeapRoot + heap_name; int fd = TEMP_FAILURE_RETRY(open(heap_path.c_str(), O_RDONLY | O_CLOEXEC)); if (fd < 0) return -errno; LOG(INFO) << "Using DMA-BUF heap named: " << heap_name; auto ret = dmabuf_heap_fds_.insert({heap_name, android::base::unique_fd(fd)}); CHECK(ret.second); return fd; } void BufferAllocator::QueryIonHeaps() { uses_legacy_ion_iface_ = ion_is_legacy(ion_fd_); if (uses_legacy_ion_iface_) { LogInterface("Legacy ion heaps"); MapNameToIonMask(kDmabufSystemHeapName, ION_HEAP_SYSTEM_MASK, ION_FLAG_CACHED); MapNameToIonMask(kDmabufSystemUncachedHeapName, ION_HEAP_SYSTEM_MASK); return; } int heap_count; int ret = ion_query_heap_cnt(ion_fd_, &heap_count); if (ret == 0) { ion_heap_info_.resize(heap_count, {}); ret = ion_query_get_heaps(ion_fd_, heap_count, ion_heap_info_.data()); } // Abort if heap query fails CHECK(ret == 0) << "Non-legacy ION implementation must support heap information queries"; LogInterface("Non-legacy ION heaps"); /* * No error checking here, it is possible that devices may have used another name for * the ion system heap. */ MapNameToIonName(kDmabufSystemHeapName, kIonSystemHeapName, ION_FLAG_CACHED); MapNameToIonName(kDmabufSystemUncachedHeapName, kIonSystemHeapName); } BufferAllocator::BufferAllocator() { ion_fd_.reset(TEMP_FAILURE_RETRY(open(kIonDevice, O_RDONLY| O_CLOEXEC))); if (ion_fd_ >= 0) QueryIonHeaps(); } int BufferAllocator::MapNameToIonMask(const std::string& heap_name, unsigned int ion_heap_mask, unsigned int ion_heap_flags) { if (!ion_heap_mask) return -EINVAL; IonHeapConfig heap_config = { ion_heap_mask, ion_heap_flags }; std::unique_lock ulock(heap_name_to_config_mutex_); heap_name_to_config_[heap_name] = heap_config; return 0; } int BufferAllocator::GetIonHeapIdByName(const std::string& heap_name, unsigned int* heap_id) { for (auto& it : ion_heap_info_) { if (heap_name == it.name) { *heap_id = it.heap_id; return 0; } } LOG(ERROR) << "No ion heap of name " << heap_name << " exists"; return -EINVAL; } int BufferAllocator::MapNameToIonName(const std::string& heap_name, const std::string& ion_heap_name, unsigned int ion_heap_flags) { unsigned int ion_heap_id = 0; auto ret = GetIonHeapIdByName(ion_heap_name, &ion_heap_id); if (ret < 0) return ret; unsigned int ion_heap_mask = 1 << ion_heap_id; IonHeapConfig heap_config = { ion_heap_mask, ion_heap_flags }; std::unique_lock ulock(heap_name_to_config_mutex_); heap_name_to_config_[heap_name] = heap_config; return 0; } int BufferAllocator::MapNameToIonHeap(const std::string& heap_name, const std::string& ion_heap_name, unsigned int ion_heap_flags, unsigned int legacy_ion_heap_mask, unsigned int legacy_ion_heap_flags) { /* if the DMA-BUF Heap exists, we can ignore ion mappings */ int ret = OpenDmabufHeap(heap_name); if (ret >= 0) return 0; /* If ION support is not detected, ignore the mappings */ if (ion_fd_ < 0) return 0; if (uses_legacy_ion_iface_ || ion_heap_name == "") { ret = MapNameToIonMask(heap_name, legacy_ion_heap_mask, legacy_ion_heap_flags); } else if (!ion_heap_name.empty()) { ret = MapNameToIonName(heap_name, ion_heap_name, ion_heap_flags); } return ret; } int BufferAllocator::GetIonConfig(const std::string& heap_name, IonHeapConfig& heap_config) { int ret = 0; std::shared_lock slock(heap_name_to_config_mutex_); auto it = heap_name_to_config_.find(heap_name); if (it != heap_name_to_config_.end()) { heap_config = it->second; return ret; } slock.unlock(); if (uses_legacy_ion_iface_) { ret = -EINVAL; } else { unsigned int heap_id; ret = GetIonHeapIdByName(heap_name, &heap_id); if (ret == 0) { heap_config.mask = 1 << heap_id; heap_config.flags = 0; /* save it so that this lookup does not need to happen again */ std::unique_lock ulock(heap_name_to_config_mutex_); heap_name_to_config_[heap_name] = heap_config; } } if (ret) LOG(ERROR) << "No ion heap of name " << heap_name << " exists"; return ret; } int BufferAllocator::DmabufAlloc(const std::string& heap_name, size_t len) { int fd = OpenDmabufHeap(heap_name); if (fd < 0) return fd; struct dma_heap_allocation_data heap_data{ .len = len, // length of data to be allocated in bytes .fd_flags = O_RDWR | O_CLOEXEC, // permissions for the memory to be allocated }; auto ret = TEMP_FAILURE_RETRY(ioctl(fd, DMA_HEAP_IOCTL_ALLOC, &heap_data)); if (ret < 0) { PLOG(ERROR) << "Unable to allocate from DMA-BUF heap: " << heap_name; return ret; } return heap_data.fd; } int BufferAllocator::IonAlloc(const std::string& heap_name, size_t len, unsigned int heap_flags, size_t legacy_align) { IonHeapConfig heap_config; auto ret = GetIonConfig(heap_name, heap_config); if (ret) return ret; int alloc_fd = -1; unsigned int flags = heap_config.flags | heap_flags; ret = ion_alloc_fd(ion_fd_, len, legacy_align, heap_config.mask, flags, &alloc_fd); if (ret) { PLOG(ERROR) << "allocation fails for ion heap with mask: " << heap_config.mask << " and flags: " << flags; return ret; } return alloc_fd; } int BufferAllocator::Alloc(const std::string& heap_name, size_t len, unsigned int heap_flags, size_t legacy_align) { int fd = DmabufAlloc(heap_name, len); if (fd < 0) fd = IonAlloc(heap_name, len, heap_flags, legacy_align); return fd; } int BufferAllocator::AllocSystem(bool cpu_access_needed, size_t len, unsigned int heap_flags, size_t legacy_align) { if (!cpu_access_needed) { /* * CPU does not need to access allocated buffer so we try to allocate in * the 'system-uncached' heap after querying for its existence. */ static bool uncached_dmabuf_system_heap_support = [this]() -> bool { auto dmabuf_heap_list = this->GetDmabufHeapList(); return (dmabuf_heap_list.find(kDmabufSystemUncachedHeapName) != dmabuf_heap_list.end()); }(); if (uncached_dmabuf_system_heap_support) return DmabufAlloc(kDmabufSystemUncachedHeapName, len); static bool uncached_ion_system_heap_support = [this]() -> bool { IonHeapConfig heap_config; auto ret = this->GetIonConfig(kDmabufSystemUncachedHeapName, heap_config); return (ret == 0); }(); if (uncached_ion_system_heap_support) return IonAlloc(kDmabufSystemUncachedHeapName, len, heap_flags, legacy_align); } /* * Either 1) CPU needs to access allocated buffer OR 2) CPU does not need to * access allocated buffer but the "system-uncached" heap is unsupported. */ return Alloc(kDmabufSystemHeapName, len, heap_flags, legacy_align); } int BufferAllocator::LegacyIonCpuSync(unsigned int dmabuf_fd, const CustomCpuSyncLegacyIon& legacy_ion_cpu_sync_custom, void *legacy_ion_custom_data) { if (!legacy_ion_cpu_sync_custom) return ion_sync_fd(ion_fd_, dmabuf_fd); // dup ion_fd_ so that we retain its ownership. int new_ion_fd = TEMP_FAILURE_RETRY(dup(ion_fd_.get())); if (new_ion_fd < 0) { PLOG(ERROR) << "Unable to dup ion fd. error: " << new_ion_fd; return new_ion_fd; } int ret = legacy_ion_cpu_sync_custom(new_ion_fd, dmabuf_fd, legacy_ion_custom_data); close(new_ion_fd); return ret; } int BufferAllocator::DoSync(unsigned int dmabuf_fd, bool start, SyncType sync_type, const CustomCpuSyncLegacyIon& legacy_ion_cpu_sync_custom, void *legacy_ion_custom_data) { if (uses_legacy_ion_iface_) { return LegacyIonCpuSync(dmabuf_fd, legacy_ion_cpu_sync_custom, legacy_ion_custom_data); } struct dma_buf_sync sync = { .flags = (start ? DMA_BUF_SYNC_START : DMA_BUF_SYNC_END) | static_cast(sync_type), }; return TEMP_FAILURE_RETRY(ioctl(dmabuf_fd, DMA_BUF_IOCTL_SYNC, &sync)); } int BufferAllocator::CpuSyncStart(unsigned int dmabuf_fd, SyncType sync_type, const CustomCpuSyncLegacyIon& legacy_ion_cpu_sync_custom, void *legacy_ion_custom_data) { int ret = DoSync(dmabuf_fd, true /* start */, sync_type, legacy_ion_cpu_sync_custom, legacy_ion_custom_data); if (ret) PLOG(ERROR) << "CpuSyncStart() failure"; return ret; } int BufferAllocator::CpuSyncEnd(unsigned int dmabuf_fd, SyncType sync_type, const CustomCpuSyncLegacyIon& legacy_ion_cpu_sync_custom, void* legacy_ion_custom_data) { int ret = DoSync(dmabuf_fd, false /* start */, sync_type, legacy_ion_cpu_sync_custom, legacy_ion_custom_data); if (ret) PLOG(ERROR) << "CpuSyncEnd() failure"; return ret; } std::unordered_set BufferAllocator::GetDmabufHeapList() { std::unordered_set heap_list; std::unique_ptr dir(opendir(kDmaHeapRoot), closedir); if (dir) { struct dirent* dent; while ((dent = readdir(dir.get()))) { if (!strcmp(dent->d_name, ".") || !strcmp(dent->d_name, "..")) continue; heap_list.insert(dent->d_name); } } return heap_list; } bool BufferAllocator::CheckIonSupport() { static bool ion_support = (access(kIonDevice, R_OK) == 0); return ion_support; }