#!/usr/bin/python3 -B # Copyright 2017 The Android Open Source Project # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """Downloads the latest IANA time zone files.""" import argparse import ftplib import os import shutil import subprocess import sys sys.path.append('%s/external/icu/tools' % os.environ.get('ANDROID_BUILD_TOP')) import i18nutil import tzdatautil # Calculate the paths that are referred to by multiple functions. android_build_top = i18nutil.GetAndroidRootOrDie() iana_data_dir = os.path.realpath('%s/system/timezone/input_data/iana' % android_build_top) iana_tools_dir = os.path.realpath('%s/system/timezone/input_tools/iana' % android_build_top) def FtpRetrieveFile(ftp, filename): ftp.retrbinary('RETR %s' % filename, open(filename, 'wb').write) def CheckSignature(data_filename, signature_filename): """Checks the signature of a file.""" print('Verifying signature of %s using %s...' % (data_filename, signature_filename)) try: subprocess.check_call(['gpg', '--trusted-key=ED97E90E62AA7E34', '--verify', signature_filename, data_filename]) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as err: print('Unable to verify signature') print('\n\n******') print('If this fails for you, you probably need to import Paul Eggert''s public key:') print(' gpg --receive-keys ED97E90E62AA7E34') print('******\n\n') raise def FindLatestRemoteTar(ftp, file_prefix): iana_tar_filenames = [] for filename in ftp.nlst(): if "/" in filename: print("FTP server returned bogus file name") sys.exit(1) if filename.startswith(file_prefix) and filename.endswith('.tar.gz'): iana_tar_filenames.append(filename) iana_tar_filenames.sort(reverse=True) if len(iana_tar_filenames) == 0: print('No files found') sys.exit(1) return iana_tar_filenames[0] def DownloadAndReplaceLocalFiles(file_prefixes, ftp, local_dir): output_files = [] for file_prefix in file_prefixes: latest_iana_tar_filename = FindLatestRemoteTar(ftp, file_prefix) local_iana_tar_file = tzdatautil.GetIanaTarFile(local_dir, file_prefix) if local_iana_tar_file: local_iana_tar_filename = os.path.basename(local_iana_tar_file) if latest_iana_tar_filename <= local_iana_tar_filename: print('Latest remote file for %s is called %s and is older or the same as' ' current local file %s' % (local_dir, latest_iana_tar_filename, local_iana_tar_filename)) continue print('Found new %s* file for %s: %s' % (file_prefix, local_dir, latest_iana_tar_filename)) i18nutil.SwitchToNewTemporaryDirectory() print('Downloading file %s...' % latest_iana_tar_filename) FtpRetrieveFile(ftp, latest_iana_tar_filename) signature_filename = '%s.asc' % latest_iana_tar_filename print('Downloading signature %s...' % signature_filename) FtpRetrieveFile(ftp, signature_filename) CheckSignature(latest_iana_tar_filename, signature_filename) new_local_iana_tar_file = '%s/%s' % (local_dir, latest_iana_tar_filename) shutil.copyfile(latest_iana_tar_filename, new_local_iana_tar_file) new_local_signature_file = '%s/%s' % (local_dir, signature_filename) shutil.copyfile(signature_filename, new_local_signature_file) output_files.append(new_local_iana_tar_file) output_files.append(new_local_signature_file) # Delete the existing local IANA tar file, if there is one. if local_iana_tar_file: os.remove(local_iana_tar_file) local_signature_file = '%s.asc' % local_iana_tar_file if os.path.exists(local_signature_file): os.remove(local_signature_file) return output_files # Run from any directory after having run source/envsetup.sh / lunch # See http://www.iana.org/time-zones/ for more about the source of this data. def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=('Update IANA files from upstream')) parser.add_argument('--tools', help='Download tools files', action='store_true') parser.add_argument('--data', help='Download data files', action='store_true') args = parser.parse_args() if not args.tools and not args.data: parser.error("Nothing to do") sys.exit(1) print('Looking for new IANA files...') ftp = ftplib.FTP('ftp.iana.org') ftp.login() ftp.cwd('tz/releases') output_files = [] if args.tools: # The tools and data files are kept separate to make the updates independent. # This means we duplicate the tzdata20xx file (once in the tools dir, once # in the data dir) but the contents of the data tar appear to be needed for # the zic build. new_files = DownloadAndReplaceLocalFiles(['tzdata20', 'tzcode20'], ftp, iana_tools_dir) output_files += new_files if args.data: new_files = DownloadAndReplaceLocalFiles(['tzdata20'], ftp, iana_data_dir) output_files += new_files if len(output_files) == 0: print('No files updated') else: print('New files:') for output_file in output_files: print(' %s' % output_file) if __name__ == '__main__': main()