#define LOG_TAG "hidl_test_client" #include "FooCallback.h" #include "hidl_test.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #if GTEST_IS_THREADSAFE #include #include #include #include #include #else #error "GTest did not detect pthread library." #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define EXPECT_OK(__ret__) EXPECT_TRUE(isOk(__ret__)) #define EXPECT_FAIL(__ret__) EXPECT_FALSE(isOk(__ret__)) #define EXPECT_ARRAYEQ(__a1__, __a2__, __size__) EXPECT_TRUE(isArrayEqual(__a1__, __a2__, __size__)) // forward declarations. class HidlEnvironment; // static storage enum TestMode { BINDERIZED, PASSTHROUGH }; static HidlEnvironment *gHidlEnvironment = nullptr; using ::android::Condition; using ::android::DELAY_NS; using ::android::DELAY_S; using ::android::FQName; using ::android::MultiDimensionalToString; using ::android::Mutex; using ::android::ONEWAY_TOLERANCE_NS; using ::android::sp; using ::android::to_string; using ::android::TOLERANCE_NS; using ::android::wp; using ::android::hardware::GrantorDescriptor; using ::android::hardware::hidl_array; using ::android::hardware::hidl_death_recipient; using ::android::hardware::hidl_handle; using ::android::hardware::hidl_memory; using ::android::hardware::hidl_string; using ::android::hardware::hidl_vec; using ::android::hardware::HidlMemory; using ::android::hardware::MQDescriptor; using ::android::hardware::MQFlavor; using ::android::hardware::Return; using ::android::hardware::Void; using ::android::hardware::tests::bar::V1_0::IBar; using ::android::hardware::tests::bar::V1_0::IComplicated; using ::android::hardware::tests::baz::V1_0::IBaz; using ::android::hardware::tests::expression::V1_0::IExpression; using ::android::hardware::tests::foo::V1_0::Abc; using ::android::hardware::tests::foo::V1_0::IFoo; using ::android::hardware::tests::foo::V1_0::IFooCallback; using ::android::hardware::tests::foo::V1_0::ISimple; using ::android::hardware::tests::foo::V1_0::implementation::FooCallback; using ::android::hardware::tests::hash::V1_0::IHash; using ::android::hardware::tests::inheritance::V1_0::IChild; using ::android::hardware::tests::inheritance::V1_0::IFetcher; using ::android::hardware::tests::inheritance::V1_0::IGrandparent; using ::android::hardware::tests::inheritance::V1_0::IParent; using ::android::hardware::tests::memory::V1_0::IMemoryTest; using ::android::hardware::tests::multithread::V1_0::IMultithread; using ::android::hardware::tests::safeunion::cpp::V1_0::ICppSafeUnion; using ::android::hardware::tests::safeunion::V1_0::ISafeUnion; using ::android::hardware::tests::trie::V1_0::ITrie; using ::android::hardware::tests::trie::V1_0::TrieNode; using ::android::hidl::allocator::V1_0::IAllocator; using ::android::hidl::base::V1_0::IBase; using ::android::hidl::manager::V1_0::IServiceNotification; using ::android::hidl::manager::V1_2::IServiceManager; using ::android::hidl::memory::block::V1_0::MemoryBlock; using ::android::hidl::memory::token::V1_0::IMemoryToken; using ::android::hidl::memory::V1_0::IMemory; using ::android::hidl::token::V1_0::ITokenManager; using std::to_string; using HandleTypeSafeUnion = ISafeUnion::HandleTypeSafeUnion; using InterfaceTypeSafeUnion = ISafeUnion::InterfaceTypeSafeUnion; using LargeSafeUnion = ISafeUnion::LargeSafeUnion; using SmallSafeUnion = ISafeUnion::SmallSafeUnion; template using hidl_enum_range = ::android::hardware::hidl_enum_range; template static inline ::testing::AssertionResult isOk(const ::android::hardware::Return &ret) { return ret.isOk() ? (::testing::AssertionSuccess() << ret.description()) : (::testing::AssertionFailure() << ret.description()); } template static inline bool isArrayEqual(const T arr1, const S arr2, size_t size) { for(size_t i = 0; i < size; i++) if(arr1[i] != arr2[i]) return false; return true; } template std::string to_string(std::set set) { std::stringstream ss; ss << "{"; bool first = true; for (const T &item : set) { if (first) { first = false; } else { ss << ", "; } ss << to_string(item); } ss << "}"; return ss.str(); } // does not check for fd equality static void checkNativeHandlesDataEquality(const native_handle_t* reference, const native_handle_t* result) { if (reference == nullptr || result == nullptr) { EXPECT_EQ(reference, result); return; } ASSERT_EQ(reference->version, result->version); EXPECT_EQ(reference->numFds, result->numFds); EXPECT_EQ(reference->numInts, result->numInts); int offset = reference->numFds; int numInts = reference->numInts; EXPECT_ARRAYEQ(&(reference->data[offset]), &(result->data[offset]), numInts); } template static void checkMQDescriptorEquality(const MQDescriptor& expected, const MQDescriptor& actual) { checkNativeHandlesDataEquality(expected.handle(), actual.handle()); EXPECT_EQ(expected.grantors().size(), actual.grantors().size()); EXPECT_EQ(expected.getQuantum(), actual.getQuantum()); EXPECT_EQ(expected.getFlags(), actual.getFlags()); } struct Simple : public ISimple { Simple(int32_t cookie) : mCookie(cookie) { } Return getCookie() override { return mCookie; } Return customVecInt(customVecInt_cb _cb) override { _cb(hidl_vec()); return Void(); } Return customVecStr(customVecStr_cb _cb) override { hidl_vec vec; vec.resize(2); _cb(vec); return Void(); } Return mystr(mystr_cb _cb) override { _cb(hidl_string()); return Void(); } Return myhandle(myhandle_cb _cb) override { auto h = native_handle_create(0, 1); _cb(h); native_handle_delete(h); return Void(); } private: int32_t mCookie; }; struct SimpleParent : public IParent { Return doGrandparent() override { return Void(); } Return doParent() override { return Void(); } }; struct SimpleChild : public IChild { Return doGrandparent() override { return Void(); } Return doParent() override { return Void(); } Return doChild() override { return Void(); } }; struct Complicated : public IComplicated { Complicated(int32_t cookie) : mCookie(cookie) { } Return getCookie() override { return mCookie; } Return customVecInt(customVecInt_cb _cb) override { _cb(hidl_vec()); return Void(); } Return customVecStr(customVecStr_cb _cb) override { hidl_vec vec; vec.resize(2); _cb(vec); return Void(); } Return mystr(mystr_cb _cb) override { _cb(hidl_string()); return Void(); } Return myhandle(myhandle_cb _cb) override { auto h = native_handle_create(0, 1); _cb(h); native_handle_delete(h); return Void(); } private: int32_t mCookie; }; struct ServiceNotification : public IServiceNotification { std::mutex mutex; std::condition_variable condition; Return onRegistration(const hidl_string &fqName, const hidl_string &name, bool preexisting) override { if (preexisting) { // not interested in things registered from previous runs of hidl_test return Void(); } std::unique_lock lock(mutex); mRegistered.push_back(std::string(fqName.c_str()) + "/" + name.c_str()); lock.unlock(); condition.notify_one(); return Void(); } const std::vector &getRegistrations() const { return mRegistered; } private: std::vector mRegistered{}; }; class HidlEnvironment : public ::testing::Environment { public: sp manager; sp tokenManager; sp ashmemAllocator; sp memoryTest; sp fetcher; sp foo; sp baz; sp dyingBaz; sp bar; sp multithreadInterface; sp trieInterface; sp cppSafeunionInterface; sp safeunionInterface; TestMode mode; bool enableDelayMeasurementTests; HidlEnvironment(TestMode mode, bool enableDelayMeasurementTests) : mode(mode), enableDelayMeasurementTests(enableDelayMeasurementTests) {}; void getServices() { manager = IServiceManager::getService(); // alternatively: // manager = defaultServiceManager() ASSERT_NE(manager, nullptr); ASSERT_TRUE(manager->isRemote()); // manager is always remote tokenManager = ITokenManager::getService(); ASSERT_NE(tokenManager, nullptr); ASSERT_TRUE(tokenManager->isRemote()); // tokenManager is always remote ashmemAllocator = IAllocator::getService("ashmem"); ASSERT_NE(ashmemAllocator, nullptr); ASSERT_TRUE(ashmemAllocator->isRemote()); // allocator is always remote // getStub is true if we are in passthrough mode to skip checking // binderized server, false for binderized mode. memoryTest = IMemoryTest::getService("memory", mode == PASSTHROUGH /* getStub */); ASSERT_NE(memoryTest, nullptr); ASSERT_EQ(memoryTest->isRemote(), mode == BINDERIZED); fetcher = IFetcher::getService("fetcher", mode == PASSTHROUGH /* getStub */); ASSERT_NE(fetcher, nullptr); ASSERT_EQ(fetcher->isRemote(), mode == BINDERIZED); foo = IFoo::getService("foo", mode == PASSTHROUGH /* getStub */); ASSERT_NE(foo, nullptr); ASSERT_EQ(foo->isRemote(), mode == BINDERIZED); baz = IBaz::getService("baz", mode == PASSTHROUGH /* getStub */); ASSERT_NE(baz, nullptr); ASSERT_EQ(baz->isRemote(), mode == BINDERIZED); dyingBaz = IBaz::getService("dyingBaz", mode == PASSTHROUGH /* getStub */); ASSERT_NE(dyingBaz, nullptr); ASSERT_EQ(dyingBaz->isRemote(), mode == BINDERIZED); bar = IBar::getService("foo", mode == PASSTHROUGH /* getStub */); ASSERT_NE(bar, nullptr); ASSERT_EQ(bar->isRemote(), mode == BINDERIZED); multithreadInterface = IMultithread::getService("multithread", mode == PASSTHROUGH /* getStub */); ASSERT_NE(multithreadInterface, nullptr); ASSERT_EQ(multithreadInterface->isRemote(), mode == BINDERIZED); trieInterface = ITrie::getService("trie", mode == PASSTHROUGH /* getStub */); ASSERT_NE(trieInterface, nullptr); ASSERT_EQ(trieInterface->isRemote(), mode == BINDERIZED); cppSafeunionInterface = ICppSafeUnion::getService("default", mode == PASSTHROUGH /* getStub */); ASSERT_NE(cppSafeunionInterface, nullptr); ASSERT_EQ(cppSafeunionInterface->isRemote(), mode == BINDERIZED); safeunionInterface = ISafeUnion::getService("safeunion", mode == PASSTHROUGH /* getStub */); ASSERT_NE(safeunionInterface, nullptr); ASSERT_EQ(safeunionInterface->isRemote(), mode == BINDERIZED); } void SetUp() override { ALOGI("Environment setup beginning..."); getServices(); ALOGI("Environment setup complete."); } }; class HidlTest : public ::testing::Test { public: sp manager; sp tokenManager; sp ashmemAllocator; sp memoryTest; sp fetcher; sp foo; sp baz; sp dyingBaz; sp bar; sp trieInterface; sp cppSafeunionInterface; sp safeunionInterface; TestMode mode = TestMode::PASSTHROUGH; void SetUp() override { ALOGI("Test setup beginning..."); manager = gHidlEnvironment->manager; tokenManager = gHidlEnvironment->tokenManager; ashmemAllocator = gHidlEnvironment->ashmemAllocator; memoryTest = gHidlEnvironment->memoryTest; fetcher = gHidlEnvironment->fetcher; foo = gHidlEnvironment->foo; baz = gHidlEnvironment->baz; dyingBaz = gHidlEnvironment->dyingBaz; bar = gHidlEnvironment->bar; trieInterface = gHidlEnvironment->trieInterface; cppSafeunionInterface = gHidlEnvironment->cppSafeunionInterface; safeunionInterface = gHidlEnvironment->safeunionInterface; mode = gHidlEnvironment->mode; ALOGI("Test setup complete"); } }; TEST_F(HidlTest, ToStringTest) { using namespace android::hardware; LOG(INFO) << toString(IFoo::Everything{}); // Note that handles don't need to be deleted because MQDescriptor takes ownership // and deletes them when destructed. auto handle = native_handle_create(0, 1); auto handle2 = native_handle_create(0, 1); handle->data[0] = 5; handle2->data[0] = 6; IFoo::Everything e{ .u = {.number = 3}, .number = 10, .h = handle, .descSync = {std::vector(), handle, 5}, .descUnsync = {std::vector(), handle2, 6}, .mem = hidl_memory("mymem", handle, 5), .p = reinterpret_cast(0x6), .vs = {"hello", "world"}, .multidimArray = hidl_vec{"hello", "great", "awesome", "nice"}.data(), .sArray = hidl_vec{"awesome", "thanks", "you're welcome"}.data(), .anotherStruct = {.first = "first", .last = "last"}, .bf = IFoo::BitField::V0 | IFoo::BitField::V2}; LOG(INFO) << toString(e); LOG(INFO) << toString(foo); // toString is for debugging purposes only; no good EXPECT // statement can be written here. } TEST_F(HidlTest, PrintToTest) { using namespace android::hardware::tests; using ::testing::PrintToString; trie::V1_0::TrieNode trieNode; trieNode.isTerminal = true; LOG(INFO) << PrintToString(trieNode); // The exact contents of the string are for debugging purposes, but to be // friendly it should provide a name for the boolean field. EXPECT_TRUE(PrintToString(trieNode).find("isTerminal") != std::string::npos); LOG(INFO) << PrintToString(trie::V1_0::E1::OK); LOG(INFO) << PrintToString(trie::V1_0::E1::ANOTHER); LOG(INFO) << PrintToString(trie::V1_0::E2::ACCEPT); // The exact contents of the string are for debugging purposes, but to be // friendly it should provide a name for each enum value. EXPECT_TRUE(PrintToString(trie::V1_0::E1::OK).find("OK") != std::string::npos); EXPECT_TRUE(PrintToString(trie::V1_0::E1::ANOTHER).find("ANOTHER") != std::string::npos); EXPECT_TRUE(PrintToString(trie::V1_0::E2::ACCEPT).find("ACCEPT") != std::string::npos); } TEST_F(HidlTest, ConstantExpressionTest) { // these tests are written so that these always evaluate to one for (const auto value : hidl_enum_range()) { EXPECT_EQ(1, static_cast(value)); } for (const auto value : hidl_enum_range()) { EXPECT_EQ(1, static_cast(value)); } } TEST_F(HidlTest, PassthroughLookupTest) { // IFoo is special because it returns an interface no matter // what instance name is requested. In general, this is BAD! EXPECT_NE(nullptr, IFoo::getService("", true /* getStub */).get()); EXPECT_NE(nullptr, IFoo::getService("a", true /* getStub */).get()); EXPECT_NE(nullptr, IFoo::getService("asdf", true /* getStub */).get()); EXPECT_NE(nullptr, IFoo::getService("::::::::", true /* getStub */).get()); EXPECT_NE(nullptr, IFoo::getService("/////", true /* getStub */).get()); EXPECT_NE(nullptr, IFoo::getService("\n", true /* getStub */).get()); } TEST_F(HidlTest, EnumIteratorTest) { using Empty = ::android::hardware::tests::foo::V1_0::EnumIterators::Empty; using Grandchild = ::android::hardware::tests::foo::V1_0::EnumIterators::Grandchild; using SkipsValues = ::android::hardware::tests::foo::V1_0::EnumIterators::SkipsValues; using MultipleValues = ::android::hardware::tests::foo::V1_0::EnumIterators::MultipleValues; for (const auto value : hidl_enum_range()) { (void)value; ADD_FAILURE() << "Empty range should not iterate"; } EXPECT_EQ(hidl_enum_range().begin(), hidl_enum_range().cbegin()); EXPECT_EQ(hidl_enum_range().end(), hidl_enum_range().cend()); EXPECT_EQ(hidl_enum_range().rbegin(), hidl_enum_range().crbegin()); EXPECT_EQ(hidl_enum_range().rend(), hidl_enum_range().crend()); auto it1 = hidl_enum_range().begin(); EXPECT_EQ(Grandchild::A, *it1++); EXPECT_EQ(Grandchild::B, *it1++); EXPECT_EQ(hidl_enum_range().end(), it1); auto it1r = hidl_enum_range().rbegin(); EXPECT_EQ(Grandchild::B, *it1r++); EXPECT_EQ(Grandchild::A, *it1r++); EXPECT_EQ(hidl_enum_range().rend(), it1r); auto it2 = hidl_enum_range().begin(); EXPECT_EQ(SkipsValues::A, *it2++); EXPECT_EQ(SkipsValues::B, *it2++); EXPECT_EQ(SkipsValues::C, *it2++); EXPECT_EQ(SkipsValues::D, *it2++); EXPECT_EQ(SkipsValues::E, *it2++); EXPECT_EQ(hidl_enum_range().end(), it2); auto it2r = hidl_enum_range().rbegin(); EXPECT_EQ(SkipsValues::E, *it2r++); EXPECT_EQ(SkipsValues::D, *it2r++); EXPECT_EQ(SkipsValues::C, *it2r++); EXPECT_EQ(SkipsValues::B, *it2r++); EXPECT_EQ(SkipsValues::A, *it2r++); EXPECT_EQ(hidl_enum_range().rend(), it2r); auto it3 = hidl_enum_range().begin(); EXPECT_EQ(MultipleValues::A, *it3++); EXPECT_EQ(MultipleValues::B, *it3++); EXPECT_EQ(MultipleValues::C, *it3++); EXPECT_EQ(MultipleValues::D, *it3++); EXPECT_EQ(hidl_enum_range().end(), it3); auto it3r = hidl_enum_range().rbegin(); EXPECT_EQ(MultipleValues::D, *it3r++); EXPECT_EQ(MultipleValues::C, *it3r++); EXPECT_EQ(MultipleValues::B, *it3r++); EXPECT_EQ(MultipleValues::A, *it3r++); EXPECT_EQ(hidl_enum_range().rend(), it3r); } TEST_F(HidlTest, EnumToStringTest) { using namespace std::string_literals; using ::android::hardware::tests::foo::V1_0::toString; // toString for enum EXPECT_EQ(toString(IFoo::BitField::V0), "V0"s); EXPECT_EQ(toString(static_cast(0)), "0"s) << "Invalid enum isn't stringified correctly."; EXPECT_EQ(toString(static_cast(IFoo::BitField::V0 | IFoo::BitField::V2)), "0x5"s) << "Invalid enum isn't stringified correctly."; // dump bitfields EXPECT_EQ(toString((uint8_t)0 | IFoo::BitField::V0), "V0 (0x1)"s); EXPECT_EQ(toString((uint8_t)0 | IFoo::BitField::V0 | IFoo::BitField::V2), "V0 | V2 (0x5)"s); EXPECT_EQ(toString((uint8_t)0xF), "V0 | V1 | V2 | V3 | VALL (0xf)"s); EXPECT_EQ(toString((uint8_t)0xFF), "V0 | V1 | V2 | V3 | VALL | 0xf0 (0xff)"s); // inheritance using Parent = ::android::hardware::tests::foo::V1_0::EnumIterators::Parent; using EmptyChild = ::android::hardware::tests::foo::V1_0::EnumIterators::EmptyChild; using Grandchild = ::android::hardware::tests::foo::V1_0::EnumIterators::Grandchild; EXPECT_EQ(toString(Parent::A), "A"s); EXPECT_EQ(toString(EmptyChild::A), "A"s); EXPECT_EQ(toString(Grandchild::A), "A"s); EXPECT_EQ(toString(Grandchild::B), "B"s); } TEST_F(HidlTest, PingTest) { EXPECT_OK(manager->ping()); } TEST_F(HidlTest, TryGetServiceTest) { sp dne = IServiceManager::tryGetService("boss"); ASSERT_EQ(dne, nullptr); sp manager = IServiceManager::tryGetService(); ASSERT_NE(manager, nullptr); } TEST_F(HidlTest, ServiceListTest) { static const std::set binderizedSet = { "android.hardware.tests.bar@1.0::IBar/foo", "android.hardware.tests.inheritance@1.0::IFetcher/fetcher", "android.hardware.tests.inheritance@1.0::IParent/parent", "android.hardware.tests.inheritance@1.0::IParent/child", "android.hardware.tests.inheritance@1.0::IChild/child", "android.hardware.tests.inheritance@1.0::IGrandparent/child", "android.hardware.tests.foo@1.0::IFoo/foo", "android.hidl.manager@1.0::IServiceManager/default", "android.hidl.manager@1.1::IServiceManager/default", }; static const std::set passthroughSet = { "android.hidl.manager@1.0::IServiceManager/default", "android.hidl.manager@1.1::IServiceManager/default", }; std::set activeSet; switch(mode) { case BINDERIZED: { activeSet = binderizedSet; } break; case PASSTHROUGH: { activeSet = passthroughSet; } break; default: EXPECT_TRUE(false) << "unrecognized mode"; } EXPECT_OK(manager->list([&activeSet](const hidl_vec ®istered){ std::set registeredSet; for (size_t i = 0; i < registered.size(); i++) { registeredSet.insert(registered[i]); } std::set difference; std::set_difference(activeSet.begin(), activeSet.end(), registeredSet.begin(), registeredSet.end(), std::inserter(difference, difference.begin())); EXPECT_EQ(difference.size(), 0u) << "service(s) not registered " << to_string(difference); })); } TEST_F(HidlTest, ServiceListByInterfaceTest) { if (mode != BINDERIZED) { // passthrough service manager does not know about services return; } EXPECT_OK( manager->listByInterface(IParent::descriptor, [](const hidl_vec& registered) { std::set registeredSet; for (size_t i = 0; i < registered.size(); i++) { registeredSet.insert(registered[i]); } std::set activeSet = {"parent", "child"}; std::set difference; std::set_difference(activeSet.begin(), activeSet.end(), registeredSet.begin(), registeredSet.end(), std::inserter(difference, difference.begin())); EXPECT_EQ(difference.size(), 0u) << "service(s) not registered " << to_string(difference); })); } TEST_F(HidlTest, ServiceListManifestByInterfaceTest) { // system service EXPECT_OK(manager->listManifestByInterface(IServiceManager::descriptor, [](const hidl_vec& registered) { ASSERT_EQ(1, registered.size()); EXPECT_EQ("default", registered[0]); })); // test service that will never be in a manifest EXPECT_OK(manager->listManifestByInterface( IParent::descriptor, [](const hidl_vec& registered) { ASSERT_EQ(0, registered.size()); })); // invalid service EXPECT_OK(manager->listManifestByInterface( "!(*#&$ASDASLKDJasdlkjfads", [](const hidl_vec& registered) { ASSERT_EQ(0, registered.size()); })); } TEST_F(HidlTest, SubInterfaceServiceRegistrationTest) { using ::android::hardware::interfacesEqual; const std::string kInstanceName = "no-matter-what-it-is"; const std::string kOtherName = "something-different"; sp child = new SimpleChild(); sp parent = new SimpleParent(); EXPECT_EQ(::android::OK, child->registerAsService(kInstanceName)); EXPECT_EQ(::android::OK, child->registerAsService(kOtherName)); EXPECT_TRUE(interfacesEqual(child, IChild::getService(kInstanceName))); EXPECT_TRUE(interfacesEqual(child, IParent::getService(kInstanceName))); EXPECT_EQ(::android::OK, parent->registerAsService(kInstanceName)); // FALSE since passthrough HAL will return an instance // since binderized instance is nullptr EXPECT_FALSE(interfacesEqual(parent, IChild::getService(kInstanceName))); EXPECT_TRUE(interfacesEqual(parent, IParent::getService(kInstanceName))); // other instance name is unchanged EXPECT_TRUE(interfacesEqual(child, IChild::getService(kOtherName))); EXPECT_TRUE(interfacesEqual(child, IParent::getService(kOtherName))); } TEST_F(HidlTest, ServiceNotificationTest) { if (mode != BINDERIZED) { // service notifications aren't supported in passthrough mode return; } ServiceNotification* notification = new ServiceNotification(); std::string instanceName = "test-instance"; EXPECT_TRUE(IParent::registerForNotifications(instanceName, notification)); EXPECT_EQ(::android::OK, (new SimpleChild())->registerAsService(instanceName)); EXPECT_EQ(::android::OK, (new SimpleParent())->registerAsService(instanceName)); std::unique_lock lock(notification->mutex); notification->condition.wait_for(lock, std::chrono::milliseconds(500), [¬ification]() { return notification->getRegistrations().size() >= 2; }); std::vector registrations = notification->getRegistrations(); EXPECT_EQ(registrations.size(), 2u); EXPECT_EQ(to_string(registrations.data(), registrations.size()), std::string("['") + IParent::descriptor + "/" + instanceName + "', '" + IParent::descriptor + "/" + instanceName + "']"); } TEST_F(HidlTest, ServiceUnregisterTest) { const std::string instance = "some-instance-name"; sp sNotification = new ServiceNotification(); // unregister all EXPECT_TRUE(IParent::registerForNotifications(instance, sNotification)); EXPECT_TRUE(manager->unregisterForNotifications("", "", sNotification)); // unregister all with instance name EXPECT_TRUE(IParent::registerForNotifications(instance, sNotification)); EXPECT_TRUE(manager->unregisterForNotifications(IParent::descriptor, "", sNotification)); // unregister package listener EXPECT_TRUE(IParent::registerForNotifications("", sNotification)); EXPECT_TRUE(manager->unregisterForNotifications(IParent::descriptor, "", sNotification)); // unregister listener for specific service and name EXPECT_TRUE(IParent::registerForNotifications(instance, sNotification)); EXPECT_TRUE(manager->unregisterForNotifications(IParent::descriptor, instance, sNotification)); EXPECT_FALSE(manager->unregisterForNotifications("", "", sNotification)); // TODO(b/32837397): remote destructor is lazy // wp wNotification = sNotification; // sNotification = nullptr; // EXPECT_EQ(nullptr, wNotification.promote().get()); } TEST_F(HidlTest, ServiceAllNotificationTest) { ServiceNotification* notification = new ServiceNotification(); std::string instanceOne = "test-instance-one"; std::string instanceTwo = "test-instance-two"; EXPECT_TRUE(ISimple::registerForNotifications("", notification)); Simple* instanceA = new Simple(1); EXPECT_EQ(::android::OK, instanceA->registerAsService(instanceOne)); Simple* instanceB = new Simple(2); EXPECT_EQ(::android::OK, instanceB->registerAsService(instanceTwo)); std::unique_lock lock(notification->mutex); notification->condition.wait_for(lock, std::chrono::milliseconds(500), [¬ification]() { return notification->getRegistrations().size() >= 2; }); std::vector registrations = notification->getRegistrations(); std::sort(registrations.begin(), registrations.end()); EXPECT_EQ(registrations.size(), 2u); std::string descriptor = ISimple::descriptor; EXPECT_EQ( to_string(registrations.data(), registrations.size()), "['" + descriptor + "/" + instanceOne + "', '" + descriptor + "/" + instanceTwo + "']"); } TEST_F(HidlTest, DebugDumpTest) { EXPECT_OK(manager->debugDump([](const auto& list) { for (const auto& debugInfo : list) { FQName name; EXPECT_TRUE(FQName::parse(debugInfo.interfaceName, &name)) << debugInfo.interfaceName; EXPECT_TRUE(debugInfo.instanceName.size() > 0); } })); } TEST_F(HidlTest, InterfacesEqualTest) { using android::hardware::interfacesEqual; sp service1 = IParent::getService("child", mode == PASSTHROUGH /* getStub */); sp service2 = service1; // Passthrough services are reinstantiated whenever getService is called. if (mode == BINDERIZED) { service2 = IParent::getService("child"); } EXPECT_NE(nullptr, service1.get()); EXPECT_NE(nullptr, service2.get()); EXPECT_TRUE(interfacesEqual(service1, service2)); sp child = IChild::castFrom(service1); EXPECT_NE(nullptr, child.get()); // it is actually a child EXPECT_TRUE(interfacesEqual(service1, child)); EXPECT_TRUE(interfacesEqual(service2, child)); } TEST_F(HidlTest, TestToken) { using android::hardware::interfacesEqual; Return ret = tokenManager->createToken(manager, [&] (const hidl_vec &token) { Return> retService = tokenManager->get(token); EXPECT_OK(retService); if (retService.isOk()) { sp service = retService; EXPECT_NE(nullptr, service.get()); sp retManager = IServiceManager::castFrom(service); EXPECT_TRUE(interfacesEqual(manager, retManager)); } Return unregisterRet = tokenManager->unregister(token); EXPECT_OK(unregisterRet); if (unregisterRet.isOk()) { EXPECT_TRUE(unregisterRet); } }); EXPECT_OK(ret); } TEST_F(HidlTest, TestSharedMemory) { const uint8_t kValue = 0xCA; hidl_memory mem_copy; EXPECT_OK(ashmemAllocator->allocate(1024, [&](bool success, const hidl_memory& mem) { EXPECT_EQ(success, true); sp memory = mapMemory(mem); EXPECT_NE(memory, nullptr); uint8_t* data = static_cast(static_cast(memory->getPointer())); EXPECT_NE(data, nullptr); EXPECT_EQ(memory->getSize(), mem.size()); memory->update(); memset(data, 0, memory->getSize()); memory->commit(); mem_copy = mem; memoryTest->fillMemory(mem, kValue); memory->read(); for (size_t i = 0; i < mem.size(); i++) { EXPECT_EQ(kValue, data[i]); } memory->commit(); })); // Test the memory persists after the call sp memory = mapMemory(mem_copy); EXPECT_NE(memory, nullptr); uint8_t* data = static_cast(static_cast(memory->getPointer())); EXPECT_NE(data, nullptr); memory->read(); for (size_t i = 0; i < mem_copy.size(); i++) { EXPECT_EQ(kValue, data[i]); } memory->commit(); hidl_memory mem_move(std::move(mem_copy)); ASSERT_EQ(nullptr, mem_copy.handle()); ASSERT_EQ(0UL, mem_copy.size()); ASSERT_EQ("", mem_copy.name()); memory.clear(); memory = mapMemory(mem_move); EXPECT_NE(memory, nullptr); data = static_cast(static_cast(memory->getPointer())); EXPECT_NE(data, nullptr); memory->read(); for (size_t i = 0; i < mem_move.size(); i++) { EXPECT_EQ(kValue, data[i]); } memory->commit(); } TEST_F(HidlTest, BatchSharedMemory) { const uint8_t kValue = 0xCA; const uint64_t kBatchSize = 2; hidl_vec batchCopy; EXPECT_OK(ashmemAllocator->batchAllocate(1024, kBatchSize, [&](bool success, const hidl_vec& batch) { ASSERT_TRUE(success); EXPECT_EQ(kBatchSize, batch.size()); for (uint64_t i = 0; i < batch.size(); i++) { sp memory = mapMemory(batch[i]); EXPECT_NE(nullptr, memory.get()); uint8_t* data = static_cast(static_cast(memory->getPointer())); EXPECT_NE(nullptr, data); EXPECT_EQ(memory->getSize(), batch[i].size()); memory->update(); memset(data, kValue, memory->getSize()); memory->commit(); } batchCopy = batch; })); for (uint64_t i = 0; i < batchCopy.size(); i++) { // Test the memory persists after the call sp memory = mapMemory(batchCopy[i]); EXPECT_NE(memory, nullptr); uint8_t* data = static_cast(static_cast(memory->getPointer())); EXPECT_NE(data, nullptr); memory->read(); for (size_t i = 0; i < batchCopy[i].size(); i++) { EXPECT_EQ(kValue, data[i]); } memory->commit(); } } TEST_F(HidlTest, MemoryBlock) { const uint8_t kValue = 0xCA; using ::android::hardware::IBinder; using ::android::hardware::interfacesEqual; using ::android::hardware::toBinder; sp mem; EXPECT_OK(ashmemAllocator->allocate(1024, [&](bool success, const hidl_memory& _mem) { ASSERT_TRUE(success); mem = HidlMemory::getInstance(_mem); })); memoryTest->set(*mem); Return> tokenRet = memoryTest->get(); EXPECT_OK(tokenRet); sp token = tokenRet; EXPECT_NE(nullptr, token.get()); EXPECT_OK(token->get([&](const hidl_memory& mem) { sp memory = mapMemory(mem); EXPECT_NE(nullptr, memory.get()); uint8_t* data = static_cast(static_cast(memory->getPointer())); EXPECT_NE(data, nullptr); EXPECT_EQ(memory->getSize(), mem.size()); memory->update(); memset(data, 0, memory->getSize()); memory->commit(); memoryTest->fillMemory(mem, kValue); memory->commit(); })); MemoryBlock blk = {token, 0x200 /* size */, 0x100 /* offset */}; EXPECT_OK(memoryTest->haveSomeMemoryBlock(blk, [&](const MemoryBlock& blkBack) { sp tokenBack = blkBack.token; EXPECT_TRUE(interfacesEqual(token, tokenBack)); EXPECT_EQ(blkBack.size, 0x200ULL); EXPECT_EQ(blkBack.offset, 0x100ULL); blk = blkBack; })); sp mtoken = blk.token; mtoken->get([&](const hidl_memory& mem) { sp memory = mapMemory(mem); uint8_t* data = static_cast(static_cast(memory->getPointer())); EXPECT_NE(data, nullptr); for (size_t i = 0; i < mem.size(); i++) { EXPECT_EQ(kValue, data[i]); } }); } TEST_F(HidlTest, NullSharedMemory) { hidl_memory memory{}; EXPECT_EQ(nullptr, memory.handle()); EXPECT_OK(memoryTest->haveSomeMemory(memory, [&](const hidl_memory &mem) { EXPECT_EQ(nullptr, mem.handle()); })); } TEST_F(HidlTest, FooGetDescriptorTest) { EXPECT_OK(foo->interfaceDescriptor([&] (const auto &desc) { EXPECT_EQ(desc, mode == BINDERIZED ? IBar::descriptor // service is actually IBar in binderized mode : IFoo::descriptor); // dlopened, so service is IFoo })); } TEST_F(HidlTest, FooConvertToBoolIfSmallTest) { hidl_vec u = { {.intValue = 7}, {.intValue = 0}, {.intValue = 1}, {.intValue = 8}, }; EXPECT_OK(foo->convertToBoolIfSmall(IFoo::Discriminator::INT, u, [&](const auto& res) { ASSERT_EQ(4u, res.size()); EXPECT_EQ(IFoo::Discriminator::INT, res[0].discriminator); EXPECT_EQ(u[0].intValue, res[0].value.intValue); EXPECT_EQ(IFoo::Discriminator::BOOL, res[1].discriminator); EXPECT_EQ(static_cast(u[1].intValue), res[1].value.boolValue); EXPECT_EQ(IFoo::Discriminator::BOOL, res[2].discriminator); EXPECT_EQ(static_cast(u[2].intValue), res[2].value.boolValue); EXPECT_EQ(IFoo::Discriminator::INT, res[3].discriminator); EXPECT_EQ(u[3].intValue, res[3].value.intValue); })); } TEST_F(HidlTest, FooDoThisTest) { ALOGI("CLIENT call doThis."); EXPECT_OK(foo->doThis(1.0f)); ALOGI("CLIENT doThis returned."); } TEST_F(HidlTest, FooDoThatAndReturnSomethingTest) { ALOGI("CLIENT call doThatAndReturnSomething."); int32_t result = foo->doThatAndReturnSomething(2.0f); ALOGI("CLIENT doThatAndReturnSomething returned %d.", result); EXPECT_EQ(result, 666); } TEST_F(HidlTest, FooDoQuiteABitTest) { ALOGI("CLIENT call doQuiteABit"); double something = foo->doQuiteABit(1, 2, 3.0f, 4.0); ALOGI("CLIENT doQuiteABit returned %f.", something); EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(something, 666.5); } TEST_F(HidlTest, FooDoSomethingElseTest) { ALOGI("CLIENT call doSomethingElse"); hidl_array param; for (size_t i = 0; i < sizeof(param) / sizeof(param[0]); ++i) { param[i] = i; } EXPECT_OK(foo->doSomethingElse(param, [&](const auto &something) { ALOGI("CLIENT doSomethingElse returned %s.", to_string(something).c_str()); int32_t expect[] = {0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24, 26, 28, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 1, 2}; EXPECT_TRUE(isArrayEqual(something, expect, 32)); })); } TEST_F(HidlTest, FooDoStuffAndReturnAStringTest) { ALOGI("CLIENT call doStuffAndReturnAString"); EXPECT_OK(foo->doStuffAndReturnAString([&](const auto &something) { ALOGI("CLIENT doStuffAndReturnAString returned '%s'.", something.c_str()); EXPECT_STREQ(something.c_str(), "Hello, world"); EXPECT_EQ(strlen("Hello, world"), something.size()); })); } TEST_F(HidlTest, FooMapThisVectorTest) { hidl_vec vecParam; vecParam.resize(10); for (size_t i = 0; i < 10; ++i) { vecParam[i] = i; } EXPECT_OK(foo->mapThisVector(vecParam, [&](const auto &something) { ALOGI("CLIENT mapThisVector returned %s.", to_string(something).c_str()); int32_t expect[] = {0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18}; EXPECT_TRUE(isArrayEqual(something, expect, something.size())); })); } TEST_F(HidlTest, WrapTest) { if (!gHidlEnvironment->enableDelayMeasurementTests) { return; } using ::android::hardware::tests::foo::V1_0::BnHwSimple; using ::android::hardware::tests::foo::V1_0::BsSimple; using ::android::hardware::tests::foo::V1_0::BpHwSimple; using ::android::hardware::details::HidlInstrumentor; nsecs_t now; int i = 0; now = systemTime(); new BnHwSimple(new Simple(1)); EXPECT_LT(systemTime() - now, 2000000) << " for BnHwSimple(nonnull)"; now = systemTime(); new BnHwSimple(nullptr); EXPECT_LT(systemTime() - now, 2000000) << " for BnHwSimple(null)"; now = systemTime(); new BsSimple(new Simple(1)); EXPECT_LT(systemTime() - now, 2000000) << " for BsSimple(nonnull)"; now = systemTime(); new BsSimple(nullptr); EXPECT_LT(systemTime() - now, 2000000) << " for BsSimple(null)"; now = systemTime(); new BpHwSimple(nullptr); EXPECT_LT(systemTime() - now, 2000000) << " for BpHwSimple(null)"; now = systemTime(); new ::android::hardware::details::HidlInstrumentor("", ""); EXPECT_LT(systemTime() - now, 2000000) << " for HidlInstrumentor"; now = systemTime(); i++; EXPECT_LT(systemTime() - now, 1000) << " for nothing"; } TEST_F(HidlTest, FooCallMeTest) { if (!gHidlEnvironment->enableDelayMeasurementTests) { return; } sp fooCb = new FooCallback(); ALOGI("CLIENT call callMe."); // callMe is oneway, should return instantly. nsecs_t now; now = systemTime(); EXPECT_OK(foo->callMe(fooCb)); EXPECT_LT(systemTime() - now, ONEWAY_TOLERANCE_NS); ALOGI("CLIENT callMe returned."); // Bar::callMe will invoke three methods on FooCallback; one will return // right away (even though it is a two-way method); the second one will // block Bar for DELAY_S seconds, and the third one will return // to Bar right away (is oneway) but will itself block for DELAY_S seconds. // We need a way to make sure that these three things have happened within // 2*DELAY_S seconds plus some small tolerance. // // Method FooCallback::reportResults() takes a timeout parameter. It blocks for // that length of time, while waiting for the three methods above to // complete. It returns the information of whether each method was invoked, // as well as how long the body of the method took to execute. We verify // the information returned by reportResults() against the timeout we pass (which // is long enough for the method bodies to execute, plus tolerance), and // verify that eachof them executed, as expected, and took the length of // time to execute that we also expect. const nsecs_t waitNs = 3 * DELAY_NS + TOLERANCE_NS; const nsecs_t reportResultsNs = 2 * DELAY_NS + TOLERANCE_NS; ALOGI("CLIENT: Waiting for up to %" PRId64 " seconds.", nanoseconds_to_seconds(waitNs)); fooCb->reportResults(waitNs, [&](int64_t timeLeftNs, const hidl_array &invokeResults) { ALOGI("CLIENT: FooCallback::reportResults() is returning data."); ALOGI("CLIENT: Waited for %" PRId64 " milliseconds.", nanoseconds_to_milliseconds(waitNs - timeLeftNs)); EXPECT_LE(waitNs - timeLeftNs, reportResultsNs) << "waited for " << (timeLeftNs >= 0 ? "" : "more than ") << (timeLeftNs >= 0 ? (waitNs - timeLeftNs) : waitNs) << "ns, expect to finish in " << reportResultsNs << " ns"; // two-way method, was supposed to return right away EXPECT_TRUE(invokeResults[0].invoked); EXPECT_LE(invokeResults[0].timeNs, invokeResults[0].callerBlockedNs); EXPECT_LE(invokeResults[0].callerBlockedNs, TOLERANCE_NS); // two-way method, was supposed to block caller for DELAY_NS EXPECT_TRUE(invokeResults[1].invoked); EXPECT_LE(invokeResults[1].timeNs, invokeResults[1].callerBlockedNs); EXPECT_LE(invokeResults[1].callerBlockedNs, DELAY_NS + TOLERANCE_NS); // one-way method, do not block caller, but body was supposed to block for DELAY_NS EXPECT_TRUE(invokeResults[2].invoked); EXPECT_LE(invokeResults[2].callerBlockedNs, ONEWAY_TOLERANCE_NS); EXPECT_LE(invokeResults[2].timeNs, DELAY_NS + TOLERANCE_NS); }); } TEST_F(HidlTest, FooUseAnEnumTest) { ALOGI("CLIENT call useAnEnum."); IFoo::SomeEnum sleepy = foo->useAnEnum(IFoo::SomeEnum::quux); ALOGI("CLIENT useAnEnum returned %u", (unsigned)sleepy); EXPECT_EQ(sleepy, IFoo::SomeEnum::goober); } TEST_F(HidlTest, FooHaveAGooberTest) { hidl_vec gooberVecParam; gooberVecParam.resize(2); gooberVecParam[0].name = "Hello"; gooberVecParam[1].name = "World"; ALOGI("CLIENT call haveAGooberVec."); EXPECT_OK(foo->haveAGooberVec(gooberVecParam)); ALOGI("CLIENT haveAGooberVec returned."); ALOGI("CLIENT call haveaGoober."); EXPECT_OK(foo->haveAGoober(gooberVecParam[0])); ALOGI("CLIENT haveaGoober returned."); ALOGI("CLIENT call haveAGooberArray."); hidl_array gooberArrayParam; EXPECT_OK(foo->haveAGooberArray(gooberArrayParam)); ALOGI("CLIENT haveAGooberArray returned."); } TEST_F(HidlTest, FooHaveATypeFromAnotherFileTest) { ALOGI("CLIENT call haveATypeFromAnotherFile."); Abc abcParam{}; abcParam.x = "alphabet"; abcParam.y = 3.14f; native_handle_t *handle = native_handle_create(0, 0); abcParam.z = handle; EXPECT_OK(foo->haveATypeFromAnotherFile(abcParam)); ALOGI("CLIENT haveATypeFromAnotherFile returned."); native_handle_delete(handle); abcParam.z = nullptr; } TEST_F(HidlTest, FooHaveSomeStringsTest) { ALOGI("CLIENT call haveSomeStrings."); hidl_array stringArrayParam; stringArrayParam[0] = "What"; stringArrayParam[1] = "a"; stringArrayParam[2] = "disaster"; EXPECT_OK(foo->haveSomeStrings( stringArrayParam, [&](const auto &out) { ALOGI("CLIENT haveSomeStrings returned %s.", to_string(out).c_str()); EXPECT_EQ(to_string(out), "['Hello', 'World']"); })); ALOGI("CLIENT haveSomeStrings returned."); } TEST_F(HidlTest, FooHaveAStringVecTest) { ALOGI("CLIENT call haveAStringVec."); hidl_vec stringVecParam; stringVecParam.resize(3); stringVecParam[0] = "What"; stringVecParam[1] = "a"; stringVecParam[2] = "disaster"; EXPECT_OK(foo->haveAStringVec( stringVecParam, [&](const auto &out) { ALOGI("CLIENT haveAStringVec returned %s.", to_string(out).c_str()); EXPECT_EQ(to_string(out), "['Hello', 'World']"); })); ALOGI("CLIENT haveAStringVec returned."); } TEST_F(HidlTest, FooTransposeMeTest) { hidl_array in; float k = 1.0f; for (size_t i = 0; i < 3; ++i) { for (size_t j = 0; j < 5; ++j, ++k) { in[i][j] = k; } } ALOGI("CLIENT call transposeMe(%s).", to_string(in).c_str()); EXPECT_OK(foo->transposeMe( in, [&](const auto &out) { ALOGI("CLIENT transposeMe returned %s.", to_string(out).c_str()); for (size_t i = 0; i < 3; ++i) { for (size_t j = 0; j < 5; ++j) { EXPECT_EQ(out[j][i], in[i][j]); } } })); } TEST_F(HidlTest, FooCallingDrWhoTest) { IFoo::MultiDimensional in; size_t k = 0; for (size_t i = 0; i < 5; ++i) { for (size_t j = 0; j < 3; ++j, ++k) { in.quuxMatrix[i][j].first = ("First " + std::to_string(k)).c_str(); in.quuxMatrix[i][j].last = ("Last " + std::to_string(15-k)).c_str(); } } ALOGI("CLIENT call callingDrWho(%s).", MultiDimensionalToString(in).c_str()); EXPECT_OK(foo->callingDrWho( in, [&](const auto &out) { ALOGI("CLIENT callingDrWho returned %s.", MultiDimensionalToString(out).c_str()); size_t k = 0; for (size_t i = 0; i < 5; ++i) { for (size_t j = 0; j < 3; ++j, ++k) { EXPECT_STREQ( out.quuxMatrix[i][j].first.c_str(), in.quuxMatrix[4 - i][2 - j].last.c_str()); EXPECT_STREQ( out.quuxMatrix[i][j].last.c_str(), in.quuxMatrix[4 - i][2 - j].first.c_str()); } } })); } static std::string numberToEnglish(int x) { static const char *const kDigits[] = { "zero", "one", "two", "three", "four", "five", "six", "seven", "eight", "nine", }; if (x < 0) { return "negative " + numberToEnglish(-x); } if (x < 10) { return kDigits[x]; } if (x <= 15) { static const char *const kSpecialTens[] = { "ten", "eleven", "twelve", "thirteen", "fourteen", "fifteen", }; return kSpecialTens[x - 10]; } if (x < 20) { return std::string(kDigits[x % 10]) + "teen"; } if (x < 100) { static const char *const kDecades[] = { "twenty", "thirty", "forty", "fifty", "sixty", "seventy", "eighty", "ninety", }; return std::string(kDecades[x / 10 - 2]) + kDigits[x % 10]; } return "positively huge!"; } TEST_F(HidlTest, FooTransposeTest) { IFoo::StringMatrix5x3 in; for (int i = 0; i < 5; ++i) { for (int j = 0; j < 3; ++j) { in.s[i][j] = numberToEnglish(3 * i + j + 1).c_str(); } } EXPECT_OK(foo->transpose( in, [&](const auto &out) { EXPECT_EQ( to_string(out), "[['one', 'four', 'seven', 'ten', 'thirteen'], " "['two', 'five', 'eight', 'eleven', 'fourteen'], " "['three', 'six', 'nine', 'twelve', 'fifteen']]"); })); } TEST_F(HidlTest, FooTranspose2Test) { hidl_array in; for (int i = 0; i < 5; ++i) { for (int j = 0; j < 3; ++j) { in[i][j] = numberToEnglish(3 * i + j + 1).c_str(); } } EXPECT_OK(foo->transpose2( in, [&](const auto &out) { EXPECT_EQ( to_string(out), "[['one', 'four', 'seven', 'ten', 'thirteen'], " "['two', 'five', 'eight', 'eleven', 'fourteen'], " "['three', 'six', 'nine', 'twelve', 'fifteen']]"); })); } TEST_F(HidlTest, FooNullNativeHandleTest) { Abc xyz; xyz.z = nullptr; EXPECT_OK(bar->expectNullHandle(nullptr, xyz, [](bool hIsNull, bool xyzHasNull) { EXPECT_TRUE(hIsNull); EXPECT_TRUE(xyzHasNull); })); } TEST_F(HidlTest, FooNullCallbackTest) { EXPECT_OK(foo->echoNullInterface(nullptr, [](const auto receivedNull, const auto &intf) { EXPECT_TRUE(receivedNull); EXPECT_EQ(intf, nullptr); })); } TEST_F(HidlTest, StructWithFmq) { IFoo::WithFmq w = { .scatterGathered = { .descSync = {std::vector(), native_handle_create(0, 1), 5}, }, .containsPointer = { .descSync = {std::vector(), native_handle_create(0, 1), 5}, .foo = nullptr, }, }; EXPECT_OK(foo->repeatWithFmq(w, [&](const IFoo::WithFmq& returned) { checkMQDescriptorEquality(w.scatterGathered.descSync, returned.scatterGathered.descSync); checkMQDescriptorEquality(w.containsPointer.descSync, returned.containsPointer.descSync); EXPECT_EQ(w.containsPointer.foo, returned.containsPointer.foo); })); } TEST_F(HidlTest, FooSendVecTest) { hidl_vec in; in.resize(16); for (size_t i = 0; i < in.size(); ++i) { in[i] = i; } EXPECT_OK(foo->sendVec( in, [&](const auto &out) { EXPECT_EQ(to_string(in), to_string(out)); })); } TEST_F(HidlTest, FooSendEmptyVecTest) { hidl_vec in; EXPECT_OK(foo->sendVec( in, [&](const auto &out) { EXPECT_EQ(out.size(), 0u); EXPECT_EQ(to_string(in), to_string(out)); })); } TEST_F(HidlTest, FooHaveAVectorOfInterfacesTest) { hidl_vec > in; in.resize(16); for (size_t i = 0; i < in.size(); ++i) { in[i] = new Simple(i); } EXPECT_OK(foo->haveAVectorOfInterfaces( in, [&](const auto &out) { EXPECT_EQ(in.size(), out.size()); for (size_t i = 0; i < in.size(); ++i) { int32_t inCookie = in[i]->getCookie(); int32_t outCookie = out[i]->getCookie(); EXPECT_EQ(inCookie, outCookie); } })); } TEST_F(HidlTest, FooHaveAVectorOfGenericInterfacesTest) { hidl_vec > in; in.resize(16); for (size_t i = 0; i < in.size(); ++i) { sp s = new Simple(i); in[i] = s; } EXPECT_OK(foo->haveAVectorOfGenericInterfaces( in, [&](const auto &out) { EXPECT_EQ(in.size(), out.size()); EXPECT_OK(out[0]->interfaceDescriptor([](const auto &name) { ASSERT_STREQ(name.c_str(), ISimple::descriptor); })); for (size_t i = 0; i < in.size(); ++i) { sp inSimple = ISimple::castFrom(in[i]); sp outSimple = ISimple::castFrom(out[i]); ASSERT_NE(inSimple.get(), nullptr); ASSERT_NE(outSimple.get(), nullptr); EXPECT_EQ(in[i], inSimple.get()); // pointers must be equal! int32_t inCookie = inSimple->getCookie(); int32_t outCookie = outSimple->getCookie(); EXPECT_EQ(inCookie, outCookie); } })); } TEST_F(HidlTest, FooStructEmbeddedHandleTest) { EXPECT_OK(foo->createMyHandle([&](const auto &myHandle) { EXPECT_EQ(myHandle.guard, 666); const native_handle_t* handle = myHandle.h.getNativeHandle(); EXPECT_EQ(handle->numInts, 10); EXPECT_EQ(handle->numFds, 0); int data[] = {2,3,5,7,11,13,17,19,21,23}; EXPECT_ARRAYEQ(handle->data, data, 10); })); EXPECT_OK(foo->closeHandles()); } TEST_F(HidlTest, FooHandleVecTest) { EXPECT_OK(foo->createHandles(3, [&](const auto &handles) { EXPECT_EQ(handles.size(), 3ull); int data[] = {2,3,5,7,11,13,17,19,21,23}; for (size_t i = 0; i < 3; i++) { const native_handle_t *h = handles[i]; EXPECT_EQ(h->numInts, 10) << " for element " << i; EXPECT_EQ(h->numFds, 0) << " for element " << i; EXPECT_ARRAYEQ(h->data, data, 10); } })); EXPECT_OK(foo->closeHandles()); } TEST_F(HidlTest, BazStructWithInterfaceTest) { using ::android::hardware::interfacesEqual; const std::string testString = "Hello, World!"; const std::array testArray{-1, -2, -3, 0, 1, 2, 3}; const hidl_vec testStrings{"So", "Many", "Words"}; const hidl_vec testVector{false, true, false, true, true, true}; hidl_vec goldenResult(testVector.size()); for (size_t i = 0; i < testVector.size(); i++) { goldenResult[i] = !testVector[i]; } IBaz::StructWithInterface swi; swi.number = 42; swi.array = testArray; swi.oneString = testString; swi.vectorOfStrings = testStrings; swi.iface = baz; EXPECT_OK(baz->haveSomeStructWithInterface(swi, [&](const IBaz::StructWithInterface& swiBack) { EXPECT_EQ(42, swiBack.number); for (size_t i = 0; i < testArray.size(); i++) { EXPECT_EQ(testArray[i], swiBack.array[i]); } EXPECT_EQ(testString, std::string(swiBack.oneString)); EXPECT_EQ(testStrings, swiBack.vectorOfStrings); EXPECT_TRUE(interfacesEqual(swi.iface, swiBack.iface)); })); } struct HidlDeathRecipient : hidl_death_recipient { std::mutex mutex; std::condition_variable condition; wp who; bool fired = false; uint64_t cookie = 0; void serviceDied(uint64_t cookie, const wp& who) override { std::unique_lock lock(mutex); fired = true; this->cookie = cookie; this->who = who; condition.notify_one(); }; }; TEST_F(HidlTest, DeathRecipientTest) { sp recipient = new HidlDeathRecipient(); sp recipient2 = new HidlDeathRecipient(); EXPECT_TRUE(dyingBaz->linkToDeath(recipient, 0x1481)); EXPECT_TRUE(dyingBaz->linkToDeath(recipient, 0x1482)); EXPECT_TRUE(dyingBaz->unlinkToDeath(recipient)); EXPECT_TRUE(dyingBaz->linkToDeath(recipient2, 0x2592)); EXPECT_TRUE(dyingBaz->unlinkToDeath(recipient2)); if (mode != BINDERIZED) { // Passthrough doesn't fire, nor does it keep state of // registered death recipients (so it won't fail unlinking // the same recipient twice). return; } EXPECT_FALSE(dyingBaz->unlinkToDeath(recipient2)); auto ret = dyingBaz->dieNow(); if (!ret.isOk()) { //do nothing, this is expected } // further calls fail EXPECT_FAIL(dyingBaz->ping()); std::unique_lock lock(recipient->mutex); recipient->condition.wait_for(lock, std::chrono::milliseconds(100), [&recipient]() { return recipient->fired; }); EXPECT_TRUE(recipient->fired); EXPECT_EQ(recipient->cookie, 0x1481u); EXPECT_EQ(recipient->who, dyingBaz); std::unique_lock lock2(recipient2->mutex); recipient2->condition.wait_for(lock2, std::chrono::milliseconds(100), [&recipient2]() { return recipient2->fired; }); EXPECT_FALSE(recipient2->fired); // Verify servicemanager dropped its reference too sp deadBaz = IBaz::getService("dyingBaz", false); if (deadBaz != nullptr) { // Got a passthrough EXPECT_FALSE(deadBaz->isRemote()); } } TEST_F(HidlTest, BarThisIsNewTest) { // Now the tricky part, get access to the derived interface. ALOGI("CLIENT call thisIsNew."); EXPECT_OK(bar->thisIsNew()); ALOGI("CLIENT thisIsNew returned."); } static void expectGoodChild(sp child) { ASSERT_NE(child.get(), nullptr); child = IChild::castFrom(child); ASSERT_NE(child.get(), nullptr); EXPECT_OK(child->doGrandparent()); EXPECT_OK(child->doParent()); EXPECT_OK(child->doChild()); } static void expectGoodParent(sp parent) { ASSERT_NE(parent.get(), nullptr); parent = IParent::castFrom(parent); ASSERT_NE(parent.get(), nullptr); EXPECT_OK(parent->doGrandparent()); EXPECT_OK(parent->doParent()); sp child = IChild::castFrom(parent); expectGoodChild(child); } static void expectGoodGrandparent(sp grandparent) { ASSERT_NE(grandparent.get(), nullptr); grandparent = IGrandparent::castFrom(grandparent); ASSERT_NE(grandparent.get(), nullptr); EXPECT_OK(grandparent->doGrandparent()); sp parent = IParent::castFrom(grandparent); expectGoodParent(parent); } TEST_F(HidlTest, FooHaveAnInterfaceTest) { sp in = new Complicated(42); Return> ret = bar->haveAInterface(in); EXPECT_OK(ret); sp out = ret; ASSERT_NE(out.get(), nullptr); EXPECT_EQ(out->getCookie(), 42); EXPECT_OK(out->customVecInt([](const auto &) { })); EXPECT_OK(out->customVecStr([](const auto &) { })); EXPECT_OK(out->ping()); EXPECT_OK(out->mystr([](const auto &) { })); EXPECT_OK(out->myhandle([](const auto &) { })); } TEST_F(HidlTest, InheritRemoteGrandparentTest) { Return> ret = fetcher->getGrandparent(true); EXPECT_OK(ret); expectGoodGrandparent(ret); } TEST_F(HidlTest, InheritLocalGrandparentTest) { Return> ret = fetcher->getGrandparent(false); EXPECT_OK(ret); expectGoodGrandparent(ret); } TEST_F(HidlTest, InheritRemoteParentTest) { Return> ret = fetcher->getParent(true); EXPECT_OK(ret); expectGoodParent(ret); } TEST_F(HidlTest, InheritLocalParentTest) { Return> ret = fetcher->getParent(false); EXPECT_OK(ret); expectGoodParent(ret); } TEST_F(HidlTest, InheritRemoteChildTest) { Return> ret = fetcher->getChild(true); EXPECT_OK(ret); expectGoodChild(ret); } TEST_F(HidlTest, InheritLocalChildTest) { Return> ret = fetcher->getChild(false); EXPECT_OK(ret); expectGoodChild(ret); } TEST_F(HidlTest, TestArrayDimensionality) { hidl_array oneDim; hidl_array twoDim; hidl_array threeDim; EXPECT_EQ(oneDim.size(), 2u); EXPECT_EQ(twoDim.size(), std::make_tuple(2u, 3u)); EXPECT_EQ(threeDim.size(), std::make_tuple(2u, 3u, 4u)); } TEST_F(HidlTest, StructEqualTest) { using G = IFoo::Goober; using F = IFoo::Fumble; G g1{ .q = 42, .name = "The Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe, and Everything", .address = "North Pole", .numbers = std::array{ {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10} }, .fumble = F{.data = {.data = 50}}, .gumble = F{.data = {.data = 60}} }; G g2{ .q = 42, .name = "The Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe, and Everything", .address = "North Pole", .numbers = std::array{ {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10} }, .fumble = F{.data = {.data = 50}}, .gumble = F{.data = {.data = 60}} }; G g3{ .q = 42, .name = "The Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe, and Everything", .address = "North Pole", .numbers = std::array{ {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10} }, .fumble = F{.data = {.data = 50}}, .gumble = F{.data = {.data = 61}} }; // explicitly invoke operator== here. EXPECT_TRUE(g1 == g2); EXPECT_TRUE(g1 != g3); } TEST_F(HidlTest, EnumEqualTest) { using E = IFoo::SomeEnum; E e1 = E::quux; E e2 = E::quux; E e3 = E::goober; // explicitly invoke operator== here. EXPECT_TRUE(e1 == e2); EXPECT_TRUE(e1 != e3); } TEST_F(HidlTest, InvalidTransactionTest) { using ::android::hardware::tests::bar::V1_0::BnHwBar; using ::android::hardware::IBinder; using ::android::hardware::Parcel; sp binder = ::android::hardware::toBinder(bar); Parcel request, reply; EXPECT_EQ(::android::OK, request.writeInterfaceToken(IBar::descriptor)); EXPECT_EQ(::android::UNKNOWN_TRANSACTION, binder->transact(1234, request, &reply)); EXPECT_OK(bar->ping()); // still works } TEST_F(HidlTest, EmptyTransactionTest) { using ::android::hardware::IBinder; using ::android::hardware::Parcel; using ::android::hardware::tests::bar::V1_0::BnHwBar; sp binder = ::android::hardware::toBinder(bar); Parcel request, reply; EXPECT_EQ(::android::BAD_TYPE, binder->transact(3 /*someBoolMethod*/, request, &reply)); EXPECT_OK(bar->ping()); // still works } TEST_F(HidlTest, WrongDescriptorTest) { using ::android::hardware::IBinder; using ::android::hardware::Parcel; using ::android::hardware::tests::bar::V1_0::BnHwBar; sp binder = ::android::hardware::toBinder(bar); Parcel request, reply; // wrong descriptor EXPECT_EQ(::android::OK, request.writeInterfaceToken("not a real descriptor")); EXPECT_EQ(::android::BAD_TYPE, binder->transact(3 /*someBoolMethod*/, request, &reply)); EXPECT_OK(bar->ping()); // still works } TEST_F(HidlTest, TwowayMethodOnewayEnabledTest) { using ::android::hardware::IBinder; using ::android::hardware::Parcel; using ::android::hardware::tests::baz::V1_0::BnHwBaz; sp binder = ::android::hardware::toBinder(baz); Parcel request, reply; EXPECT_EQ(::android::OK, request.writeInterfaceToken(IBaz::descriptor)); EXPECT_EQ(::android::OK, request.writeInt64(1234)); // IBaz::doThatAndReturnSomething is two-way but we call it using FLAG_ONEWAY. EXPECT_EQ(::android::OK, binder->transact(19 /*doThatAndReturnSomething*/, request, &reply, IBinder::FLAG_ONEWAY)); ::android::hardware::Status status; ::android::status_t readFromParcelStatus = ::android::hardware::readFromParcel(&status, reply); if (mode == BINDERIZED) { EXPECT_EQ(::android::NOT_ENOUGH_DATA, readFromParcelStatus); EXPECT_EQ(::android::hardware::Status::EX_TRANSACTION_FAILED, status.exceptionCode()); } else { EXPECT_EQ(666, reply.readInt32()); } EXPECT_OK(baz->ping()); // still works } TEST_F(HidlTest, OnewayMethodOnewayDisabledTest) { using ::android::hardware::IBinder; using ::android::hardware::Parcel; using ::android::hardware::tests::baz::V1_0::BnHwBaz; sp binder = ::android::hardware::toBinder(baz); Parcel request, reply; EXPECT_EQ(::android::OK, request.writeInterfaceToken(IBaz::descriptor)); EXPECT_EQ(::android::OK, request.writeFloat(1.0f)); nsecs_t now = systemTime(); // IBaz::doThis is oneway but we call it without using FLAG_ONEWAY. EXPECT_EQ( // Expect OK because IPCThreadState::executeCommand for BR_TRANSACTION // sends an empty reply for two-way transactions if the transaction itself // did not send a reply. ::android::OK, binder->transact(18 /*doThis*/, request, &reply, 0 /* Not FLAG_ONEWAY */)); if (gHidlEnvironment->enableDelayMeasurementTests) { // IBaz::doThis is oneway, should return instantly. EXPECT_LT(systemTime() - now, ONEWAY_TOLERANCE_NS); } EXPECT_OK(baz->ping()); // still works } TEST_F(HidlTest, TrieSimpleTest) { trieInterface->newTrie([&](const TrieNode& trie) { trieInterface->addStrings(trie, {"a", "ba"}, [&](const TrieNode& trie) { trieInterface->containsStrings( trie, {"", "a", "b", "ab", "ba", "c"}, [](const hidl_vec& response) { EXPECT_EQ(response, std::vector({false, true, false, false, true, false})); }); trieInterface->addStrings(trie, {"", "ab", "bab"}, [&](const TrieNode& trie) { trieInterface->containsStrings( trie, {"", "a", "b", "ab", "ba", "c"}, [](const hidl_vec& response) { EXPECT_EQ(response, std::vector({true, true, false, true, true, false})); }); }); }); }); } struct RandomString { std::string next() { std::string ret(lengthDist(rng), 0); std::generate(ret.begin(), ret.end(), [&]() { return charDist(rng); }); return ret; } RandomString() : rng(std::random_device{}()), lengthDist(5, 10), charDist('a', 'a' + 10) {} private: std::default_random_engine rng; std::uniform_int_distribution<> lengthDist; std::uniform_int_distribution<> charDist; }; TEST_F(HidlTest, TrieStressTest) { const size_t REQUEST_NUM = 1000; RandomString stringGenerator; trieInterface->newTrie([&](const TrieNode& trie) { std::vector strings(REQUEST_NUM); for (auto& str : strings) { str = stringGenerator.next(); } trieInterface->addStrings( trie, hidl_vec(strings.begin(), strings.end()), [&](const TrieNode& trie) { std::unordered_set addedStrings(strings.begin(), strings.end()); for (size_t i = 0; i != REQUEST_NUM; ++i) { strings.push_back(stringGenerator.next()); } std::vector trueResponse(strings.size()); std::transform(strings.begin(), strings.end(), trueResponse.begin(), [&](const std::string& str) { return addedStrings.find(str) != addedStrings.end(); }); trieInterface->containsStrings( trie, hidl_vec(strings.begin(), strings.end()), [&](const hidl_vec& response) { EXPECT_EQ(response, trueResponse); }); }); }); } TEST_F(HidlTest, SafeUnionNoInitTest) { EXPECT_OK(safeunionInterface->newLargeSafeUnion([&](const LargeSafeUnion& safeUnion) { EXPECT_EQ(LargeSafeUnion::hidl_discriminator::noinit, safeUnion.getDiscriminator()); })); } TEST_F(HidlTest, SafeUnionSimpleTest) { EXPECT_OK(safeunionInterface->newLargeSafeUnion([&](const LargeSafeUnion& safeUnion) { EXPECT_OK(safeunionInterface->setA(safeUnion, -5, [&](const LargeSafeUnion& safeUnion) { EXPECT_EQ(LargeSafeUnion::hidl_discriminator::a, safeUnion.getDiscriminator()); EXPECT_EQ(-5, safeUnion.a()); uint64_t max = std::numeric_limits::max(); EXPECT_OK( safeunionInterface->setD(safeUnion, max, [&](const LargeSafeUnion& safeUnion) { EXPECT_EQ(LargeSafeUnion::hidl_discriminator::d, safeUnion.getDiscriminator()); EXPECT_EQ(max, safeUnion.d()); })); })); })); } TEST_F(HidlTest, SafeUnionArrayLikeTypesTest) { const std::array testArray{1, -2, 3, -4, 5}; const hidl_vec testVector{std::numeric_limits::max()}; EXPECT_OK(safeunionInterface->newLargeSafeUnion([&](const LargeSafeUnion& safeUnion) { EXPECT_OK( safeunionInterface->setF(safeUnion, testArray, [&](const LargeSafeUnion& safeUnion) { EXPECT_EQ(LargeSafeUnion::hidl_discriminator::f, safeUnion.getDiscriminator()); for (size_t i = 0; i < testArray.size(); i++) { EXPECT_EQ(testArray[i], safeUnion.f()[i]); } })); EXPECT_OK( safeunionInterface->setI(safeUnion, testVector, [&](const LargeSafeUnion& safeUnion) { EXPECT_EQ(LargeSafeUnion::hidl_discriminator::i, safeUnion.getDiscriminator()); EXPECT_EQ(testVector, safeUnion.i()); })); })); } TEST_F(HidlTest, SafeUnionStringTypeTest) { const std::string testString = "This is an inordinately long test string to exercise hidl_string types in safe unions."; EXPECT_OK(safeunionInterface->newLargeSafeUnion([&](const LargeSafeUnion& safeUnion) { EXPECT_OK(safeunionInterface->setG( safeUnion, hidl_string(testString), [&](const LargeSafeUnion& safeUnion) { EXPECT_EQ(LargeSafeUnion::hidl_discriminator::g, safeUnion.getDiscriminator()); EXPECT_EQ(testString, std::string(safeUnion.g())); })); })); } TEST_F(HidlTest, SafeUnionCopyConstructorTest) { const hidl_vec testVector{true, false, true, false, false, false, true, false, true, true, true, false, false, true, false, true}; EXPECT_OK(safeunionInterface->newLargeSafeUnion([&](const LargeSafeUnion& safeUnion) { EXPECT_OK( safeunionInterface->setH(safeUnion, testVector, [&](const LargeSafeUnion& safeUnion) { LargeSafeUnion safeUnionCopy(safeUnion); EXPECT_EQ(LargeSafeUnion::hidl_discriminator::h, safeUnionCopy.getDiscriminator()); EXPECT_EQ(testVector, safeUnionCopy.h()); })); })); } template void testZeroInit(const std::string& header) { uint8_t buf[sizeof(T)]; memset(buf, 0xFF, sizeof(buf)); T* t = new (buf) T; for (size_t i = 0; i < sizeof(T); i++) { EXPECT_EQ(0, buf[i]) << header << " at offset: " << i; } t->~T(); t = nullptr; memset(buf, 0xFF, sizeof(buf)); t = new (buf) T(T()); // copy constructor for (size_t i = 0; i < sizeof(T); i++) { EXPECT_EQ(0, buf[i]) << header << " at offset: " << i; } t->~T(); t = nullptr; memset(buf, 0xFF, sizeof(buf)); const T aT = T(); t = new (buf) T(std::move(aT)); // move constructor for (size_t i = 0; i < sizeof(T); i++) { EXPECT_EQ(0, buf[i]) << header << " at offset: " << i; } t->~T(); t = nullptr; } TEST_F(HidlTest, SafeUnionUninit) { testZeroInit("SmallSafeUnion"); testZeroInit("LargeSafeUnion"); testZeroInit("InterfaceTypeSafeUnion"); testZeroInit("HandleTypeSafeUnion"); } TEST_F(HidlTest, SafeUnionMoveConstructorTest) { sp otherInterface = new SimpleChild(); ASSERT_EQ(1, otherInterface->getStrongCount()); InterfaceTypeSafeUnion safeUnion; safeUnion.c(otherInterface); EXPECT_EQ(2, otherInterface->getStrongCount()); InterfaceTypeSafeUnion anotherSafeUnion(std::move(safeUnion)); EXPECT_EQ(InterfaceTypeSafeUnion::hidl_discriminator::c, anotherSafeUnion.getDiscriminator()); EXPECT_EQ(2, otherInterface->getStrongCount()); } TEST_F(HidlTest, SafeUnionCopyAssignmentTest) { const hidl_vec testVector{"So", "Many", "Words"}; InterfaceTypeSafeUnion safeUnion; safeUnion.e(testVector); InterfaceTypeSafeUnion anotherSafeUnion; anotherSafeUnion = safeUnion; EXPECT_EQ(InterfaceTypeSafeUnion::hidl_discriminator::e, anotherSafeUnion.getDiscriminator()); EXPECT_EQ(InterfaceTypeSafeUnion::hidl_discriminator::e, safeUnion.getDiscriminator()); EXPECT_NE(&(safeUnion.e()), &(anotherSafeUnion.e())); EXPECT_EQ(testVector, anotherSafeUnion.e()); EXPECT_EQ(testVector, safeUnion.e()); } TEST_F(HidlTest, SafeUnionMoveAssignmentTest) { sp otherInterface = new SimpleChild(); ASSERT_EQ(1, otherInterface->getStrongCount()); InterfaceTypeSafeUnion safeUnion; safeUnion.c(otherInterface); EXPECT_EQ(2, otherInterface->getStrongCount()); InterfaceTypeSafeUnion anotherSafeUnion; anotherSafeUnion.a(255); anotherSafeUnion = std::move(safeUnion); EXPECT_EQ(InterfaceTypeSafeUnion::hidl_discriminator::c, anotherSafeUnion.getDiscriminator()); EXPECT_EQ(2, otherInterface->getStrongCount()); } TEST_F(HidlTest, SafeUnionMutateTest) { const std::array testArray{-1, -2, -3, -4, -5}; const std::string testString = "Test string"; LargeSafeUnion safeUnion; safeUnion.f(testArray); safeUnion.f()[0] += 10; EXPECT_EQ(testArray[0] + 10, safeUnion.f()[0]); safeUnion.j(ISafeUnion::J()); safeUnion.j().j3 = testString; EXPECT_EQ(testString, std::string(safeUnion.j().j3)); } TEST_F(HidlTest, SafeUnionNestedTest) { SmallSafeUnion smallSafeUnion; smallSafeUnion.a(1); EXPECT_OK(safeunionInterface->newLargeSafeUnion([&](const LargeSafeUnion& safeUnion) { EXPECT_OK(safeunionInterface->setL( safeUnion, smallSafeUnion, [&](const LargeSafeUnion& safeUnion) { EXPECT_EQ(LargeSafeUnion::hidl_discriminator::l, safeUnion.getDiscriminator()); EXPECT_EQ(SmallSafeUnion::hidl_discriminator::a, safeUnion.l().getDiscriminator()); EXPECT_EQ(1, safeUnion.l().a()); })); })); } TEST_F(HidlTest, SafeUnionEnumTest) { EXPECT_OK(safeunionInterface->newLargeSafeUnion([&](const LargeSafeUnion& safeUnion) { EXPECT_OK(safeunionInterface->setM( safeUnion, ISafeUnion::BitField::V1, [&](const LargeSafeUnion& safeUnion) { EXPECT_EQ(LargeSafeUnion::hidl_discriminator::m, safeUnion.getDiscriminator()); EXPECT_EQ(ISafeUnion::BitField::V1, safeUnion.m()); })); })); } TEST_F(HidlTest, SafeUnionBitFieldTest) { EXPECT_OK(safeunionInterface->newLargeSafeUnion([&](const LargeSafeUnion& safeUnion) { EXPECT_OK(safeunionInterface->setN( safeUnion, 0 | ISafeUnion::BitField::V1, [&](const LargeSafeUnion& safeUnion) { EXPECT_EQ(LargeSafeUnion::hidl_discriminator::n, safeUnion.getDiscriminator()); EXPECT_EQ(0 | ISafeUnion::BitField::V1, safeUnion.n()); })); })); } TEST_F(HidlTest, SafeUnionInterfaceTest) { const std::array testArray{-1, -2, -3, 0, 1, 2, 3}; const hidl_vec testVector{"So", "Many", "Words"}; const std::string testStringA = "Hello"; const std::string testStringB = "World"; EXPECT_OK( safeunionInterface->newInterfaceTypeSafeUnion([&](const InterfaceTypeSafeUnion& safeUnion) { EXPECT_EQ(InterfaceTypeSafeUnion::hidl_discriminator::noinit, safeUnion.getDiscriminator()); isOk(safeunionInterface->setInterfaceB( safeUnion, testArray, [&](const InterfaceTypeSafeUnion& safeUnion) { EXPECT_EQ(InterfaceTypeSafeUnion::hidl_discriminator::b, safeUnion.getDiscriminator()); for (size_t i = 0; i < testArray.size(); i++) { EXPECT_EQ(testArray[i], safeUnion.b()[i]); } EXPECT_OK(safeunionInterface->setInterfaceC( safeUnion, manager, [&](const InterfaceTypeSafeUnion& safeUnion) { EXPECT_EQ(InterfaceTypeSafeUnion::hidl_discriminator::c, safeUnion.getDiscriminator()); using ::android::hardware::interfacesEqual; EXPECT_TRUE(interfacesEqual(safeUnion.c(), manager)); })); })); EXPECT_OK(safeunionInterface->setInterfaceD( safeUnion, testStringA, [&](const InterfaceTypeSafeUnion& safeUnion) { EXPECT_EQ(InterfaceTypeSafeUnion::hidl_discriminator::d, safeUnion.getDiscriminator()); EXPECT_EQ(testStringA, safeUnion.d()); })); EXPECT_OK(safeunionInterface->setInterfaceE( safeUnion, testVector, [&](const InterfaceTypeSafeUnion& safeUnion) { EXPECT_EQ(InterfaceTypeSafeUnion::hidl_discriminator::e, safeUnion.getDiscriminator()); EXPECT_EQ(testVector, safeUnion.e()); })); })); } TEST_F(HidlTest, SafeUnionNullHandleTest) { HandleTypeSafeUnion safeUnion; EXPECT_OK(safeunionInterface->setHandleA( safeUnion, hidl_handle(nullptr), [&](const HandleTypeSafeUnion& safeUnion) { EXPECT_EQ(HandleTypeSafeUnion::hidl_discriminator::a, safeUnion.getDiscriminator()); checkNativeHandlesDataEquality(nullptr, safeUnion.a().getNativeHandle()); })); } TEST_F(HidlTest, SafeUnionSimpleHandleTest) { const std::array testData{2, -32, 10, -4329454, 11, 24}; native_handle_t* h = native_handle_create(0, testData.size()); ASSERT_EQ(sizeof(testData), testData.size() * sizeof(int)); std::memcpy(h->data, testData.data(), sizeof(testData)); std::array testArray; for (size_t i = 0; i < testArray.size(); i++) { testArray[i].setTo(native_handle_clone(h), true /* shouldOwn */); } std::vector testVector(256); for (size_t i = 0; i < testVector.size(); i++) { testVector[i].setTo(native_handle_clone(h), true /* shouldOwn */); } EXPECT_OK( safeunionInterface->newHandleTypeSafeUnion([&](const HandleTypeSafeUnion& safeUnion) { EXPECT_OK(safeunionInterface->setHandleA( safeUnion, hidl_handle(h), [&](const HandleTypeSafeUnion& safeUnion) { EXPECT_EQ(HandleTypeSafeUnion::hidl_discriminator::a, safeUnion.getDiscriminator()); checkNativeHandlesDataEquality(h, safeUnion.a().getNativeHandle()); })); EXPECT_OK(safeunionInterface->setHandleB( safeUnion, testArray, [&](const HandleTypeSafeUnion& safeUnion) { EXPECT_EQ(HandleTypeSafeUnion::hidl_discriminator::b, safeUnion.getDiscriminator()); for (size_t i = 0; i < testArray.size(); i++) { checkNativeHandlesDataEquality(h, safeUnion.b()[i].getNativeHandle()); } })); EXPECT_OK(safeunionInterface->setHandleC( safeUnion, testVector, [&](const HandleTypeSafeUnion& safeUnion) { EXPECT_EQ(HandleTypeSafeUnion::hidl_discriminator::c, safeUnion.getDiscriminator()); for (size_t i = 0; i < testVector.size(); i++) { checkNativeHandlesDataEquality(h, safeUnion.c()[i].getNativeHandle()); } })); })); native_handle_delete(h); } TEST_F(HidlTest, SafeUnionVecOfHandlesWithOneFdTest) { const std::vector testStrings{"This ", "is ", "so ", "much ", "data!\n"}; const std::string testFileName = "/data/local/tmp/SafeUnionVecOfHandlesWithOneFdTest"; const std::array testData{2, -32, 10, -4329454, 11, 24}; ASSERT_EQ(sizeof(testData), testData.size() * sizeof(int)); const std::string goldenResult = std::accumulate(testStrings.begin(), testStrings.end(), std::string()); int fd = open(testFileName.c_str(), (O_RDWR | O_TRUNC | O_CREAT), (S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR)); ASSERT_TRUE(fd >= 0); native_handle* h = native_handle_create(1 /* numFds */, testData.size() /* numInts */); std::memcpy(&(h->data[1]), testData.data(), sizeof(testData)); h->data[0] = fd; hidl_vec testHandles(testStrings.size()); for (size_t i = 0; i < testHandles.size(); i++) { testHandles[i].setTo(native_handle_clone(h), true /* shouldOwn */); } EXPECT_OK( safeunionInterface->newHandleTypeSafeUnion([&](const HandleTypeSafeUnion& safeUnion) { EXPECT_OK(safeunionInterface->setHandleC( safeUnion, testHandles, [&](const HandleTypeSafeUnion& safeUnion) { EXPECT_EQ(HandleTypeSafeUnion::hidl_discriminator::c, safeUnion.getDiscriminator()); for (size_t i = 0; i < safeUnion.c().size(); i++) { const native_handle_t* reference = testHandles[i].getNativeHandle(); const native_handle_t* result = safeUnion.c()[i].getNativeHandle(); checkNativeHandlesDataEquality(reference, result); // Original FDs should be dup'd int resultFd = result->data[0]; EXPECT_NE(reference->data[0], resultFd); EXPECT_TRUE(android::base::WriteStringToFd(testStrings[i], resultFd)); EXPECT_EQ(0, fsync(resultFd)); } })); })); std::string result; lseek(fd, 0, SEEK_SET); EXPECT_TRUE(android::base::ReadFdToString(fd, &result)); EXPECT_EQ(goldenResult, result); native_handle_delete(h); EXPECT_EQ(0, close(fd)); EXPECT_EQ(0, remove(testFileName.c_str())); } TEST_F(HidlTest, SafeUnionHandleWithMultipleFdsTest) { const std::vector testStrings{"This ", "is ", "so ", "much ", "data!\n"}; const std::string testFileName = "/data/local/tmp/SafeUnionHandleWithMultipleFdsTest"; const std::array testData{2, -32, 10, -4329454, 11, 24}; ASSERT_EQ(sizeof(testData), testData.size() * sizeof(int)); const std::string goldenResult = std::accumulate(testStrings.begin(), testStrings.end(), std::string()); int fd = open(testFileName.c_str(), (O_RDWR | O_TRUNC | O_CREAT), (S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR)); ASSERT_TRUE(fd >= 0); const int numFds = testStrings.size(); native_handle* h = native_handle_create(numFds, testData.size() /* numInts */); std::memcpy(&(h->data[numFds]), testData.data(), sizeof(testData)); for (size_t i = 0; i < numFds; i++) { h->data[i] = fd; } hidl_handle testHandle; testHandle.setTo(h, false /* shouldOwn */); EXPECT_OK( safeunionInterface->newHandleTypeSafeUnion([&](const HandleTypeSafeUnion& safeUnion) { EXPECT_OK(safeunionInterface->setHandleA( safeUnion, testHandle, [&](const HandleTypeSafeUnion& safeUnion) { EXPECT_EQ(HandleTypeSafeUnion::hidl_discriminator::a, safeUnion.getDiscriminator()); const native_handle_t* result = safeUnion.a().getNativeHandle(); checkNativeHandlesDataEquality(h, result); for (size_t i = 0; i < result->numFds; i++) { // Original FDs should be dup'd int resultFd = result->data[i]; EXPECT_NE(h->data[i], resultFd); EXPECT_TRUE(android::base::WriteStringToFd(testStrings[i], resultFd)); EXPECT_EQ(0, fsync(resultFd)); } })); })); std::string result; lseek(fd, 0, SEEK_SET); EXPECT_TRUE(android::base::ReadFdToString(fd, &result)); EXPECT_EQ(goldenResult, result); native_handle_delete(h); EXPECT_EQ(0, close(fd)); EXPECT_EQ(0, remove(testFileName.c_str())); } TEST_F(HidlTest, SafeUnionEqualityTest) { EXPECT_OK(safeunionInterface->newLargeSafeUnion([&](const LargeSafeUnion& one) { EXPECT_OK(safeunionInterface->newLargeSafeUnion([&](const LargeSafeUnion& two) { EXPECT_TRUE(one == two); EXPECT_FALSE(one != two); })); EXPECT_OK(safeunionInterface->setA(one, 1, [&](const LargeSafeUnion& one) { EXPECT_OK(safeunionInterface->newLargeSafeUnion([&](const LargeSafeUnion& two) { EXPECT_FALSE(one == two); EXPECT_TRUE(one != two); })); EXPECT_OK(safeunionInterface->newLargeSafeUnion([&](const LargeSafeUnion& two) { EXPECT_OK(safeunionInterface->setB(two, 1, [&](const LargeSafeUnion& two) { EXPECT_FALSE(one == two); EXPECT_TRUE(one != two); })); })); EXPECT_OK(safeunionInterface->newLargeSafeUnion([&](const LargeSafeUnion& two) { EXPECT_OK(safeunionInterface->setA(two, 2, [&](const LargeSafeUnion& two) { EXPECT_FALSE(one == two); EXPECT_TRUE(one != two); })); })); EXPECT_OK(safeunionInterface->newLargeSafeUnion([&](const LargeSafeUnion& two) { EXPECT_OK(safeunionInterface->setA(two, 1, [&](const LargeSafeUnion& two) { EXPECT_TRUE(one == two); EXPECT_FALSE(one != two); })); })); })); })); } TEST_F(HidlTest, SafeUnionSimpleDestructorTest) { sp otherInterface = new SimpleChild(); ASSERT_EQ(1, otherInterface->getStrongCount()); { InterfaceTypeSafeUnion safeUnion; safeUnion.c(otherInterface); EXPECT_EQ(2, otherInterface->getStrongCount()); } EXPECT_EQ(1, otherInterface->getStrongCount()); } TEST_F(HidlTest, SafeUnionSwitchActiveComponentsDestructorTest) { sp otherInterface = new SimpleChild(); ASSERT_EQ(1, otherInterface->getStrongCount()); InterfaceTypeSafeUnion safeUnion; safeUnion.c(otherInterface); EXPECT_EQ(2, otherInterface->getStrongCount()); safeUnion.a(1); EXPECT_EQ(1, otherInterface->getStrongCount()); } TEST_F(HidlTest, SafeUnionCppSpecificTest) { ICppSafeUnion::PointerFmqSafeUnion pointerFmqSafeUnion; pointerFmqSafeUnion.fmqSync({std::vector(), native_handle_create(0, 1), 5}); EXPECT_OK(cppSafeunionInterface->repeatPointerFmqSafeUnion( pointerFmqSafeUnion, [&](const ICppSafeUnion::PointerFmqSafeUnion& fmq) { ASSERT_EQ(pointerFmqSafeUnion.getDiscriminator(), fmq.getDiscriminator()); checkMQDescriptorEquality(pointerFmqSafeUnion.fmqSync(), fmq.fmqSync()); })); ICppSafeUnion::FmqSafeUnion fmqSafeUnion; fmqSafeUnion.fmqUnsync({std::vector(), native_handle_create(0, 1), 5}); EXPECT_OK(cppSafeunionInterface->repeatFmqSafeUnion( fmqSafeUnion, [&](const ICppSafeUnion::FmqSafeUnion& fmq) { ASSERT_EQ(fmqSafeUnion.getDiscriminator(), fmq.getDiscriminator()); checkMQDescriptorEquality(fmqSafeUnion.fmqUnsync(), fmq.fmqUnsync()); })); } class HidlMultithreadTest : public ::testing::Test { public: sp multithreadInterface; TestMode mode = TestMode::PASSTHROUGH; void SetUp() override { ALOGI("Test setup beginning..."); multithreadInterface = gHidlEnvironment->multithreadInterface; mode = gHidlEnvironment->mode; ALOGI("Test setup complete"); } void test_multithread(int maxThreads, int numThreads) { LOG(INFO) << "CLIENT call setNumThreads(" << maxThreads << ", " << numThreads << ")"; EXPECT_OK(multithreadInterface->setNumThreads(maxThreads, numThreads)); std::vector> threads; for (int i = 0; i != numThreads; ++i) { LOG(INFO) << "CLIENT call runNewThread"; threads.emplace_back(std::async( std::launch::async, [&]() { return (bool)multithreadInterface->runNewThread(); })); } bool noTimeout = std::all_of(threads.begin(), threads.end(), [](std::future& thread) { return thread.get(); }); EXPECT_EQ(noTimeout, maxThreads >= numThreads || mode == PASSTHROUGH); } }; // If it fails first try to increment timeout duration at // hardware/interfaces/tests/multithread/1.0/default TEST_F(HidlMultithreadTest, MultithreadTest) { // configureRpcThreadpool doesn't stop threads, // so maxThreads should not decrease test_multithread(1, 1); test_multithread(2, 1); test_multithread(2, 2); test_multithread(2, 3); test_multithread(10, 5); test_multithread(10, 10); test_multithread(10, 15); test_multithread(20, 30); test_multithread(20, 20); test_multithread(20, 10); } template struct WaitForServer { static void run(const std::string& serviceName) { ::android::hardware::details::waitForHwService(T::descriptor, serviceName); } }; int forkAndRunTests(TestMode mode, bool enableDelayMeasurementTests) { pid_t child; int status; const char* modeText = (mode == BINDERIZED) ? "BINDERIZED" : "PASSTHROUGH"; ALOGI("Start running tests in %s mode...", modeText); fprintf(stdout, "Start running tests in %s mode...\n", modeText); fflush(stdout); if ((child = fork()) == 0) { gHidlEnvironment = static_cast( ::testing::AddGlobalTestEnvironment(new HidlEnvironment( mode, enableDelayMeasurementTests))); int testStatus = RUN_ALL_TESTS(); if(testStatus == 0) { exit(0); } int failed = ::testing::UnitTest::GetInstance()->failed_test_count(); if (failed == 0) { exit(-testStatus); } exit(failed); } waitpid(child, &status, 0 /* options */); ALOGI("All tests finished in %s mode.", modeText); fprintf(stdout, "All tests finished in %s mode.\n", modeText); fflush(stdout); return status; } void handleStatus(int status, const char *mode) { if (status != 0) { if (WIFEXITED(status)) { status = WEXITSTATUS(status); if (status < 0) { fprintf(stdout, " RUN_ALL_TESTS returns %d for %s mode.\n", -status, mode); } else { fprintf(stdout, " %d test(s) failed for %s mode.\n", status, mode); } } else { fprintf(stdout, " ERROR: %s child process exited abnormally with %d\n", mode, status); } } } static void usage(const char *me) { fprintf(stderr, "usage: %s [-b] [-p] [-d] [GTEST_OPTIONS]\n", me); fprintf(stderr, " -b binderized mode only\n"); fprintf(stderr, " -p passthrough mode only\n"); fprintf(stderr, " (if -b and -p are both missing or both present, " "both modes are tested.)\n"); fprintf(stderr, " -d Enable delay measurement tests\n"); } int main(int argc, char **argv) { android::hardware::details::setTrebleTestingOverride(true); const char *me = argv[0]; bool b = false; bool p = false; bool d = false; struct option longopts[] = {{nullptr,0,nullptr,0}}; int res; while ((res = getopt_long(argc, argv, "hbpd", longopts, nullptr)) >= 0) { switch (res) { case 'h': { usage(me); exit(1); } break; case 'b': { b = true; } break; case 'p': { p = true; } break; case 'd': { d = true; } break; case '?': default: { // ignore. pass to gTest. } break; } } if (!b && !p) { b = p = true; } ::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv); // put test in child process because RUN_ALL_TESTS // should not be run twice. int pStatus = p ? forkAndRunTests(PASSTHROUGH, d) : 0; int bStatus = b ? forkAndRunTests(BINDERIZED, d) : 0; fprintf(stdout, "\n=========================================================\n\n" " Summary:\n\n"); if (p) { ALOGI("PASSTHROUGH Test result = %d", pStatus); handleStatus(pStatus, "PASSTHROUGH"); } if (b) { runOnEachServer(); ALOGI("BINDERIZED Test result = %d", bStatus); handleStatus(bStatus, "BINDERIZED "); } if (pStatus == 0 && bStatus == 0) { fprintf(stdout, " Hooray! All tests passed.\n"); } fprintf(stdout, "\n=========================================================\n\n"); return pStatus + bStatus != 0; }