/* * Copyright (C) 2016 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "ElfFake.h" #include "ElfTestUtils.h" #include "utils/MemoryFake.h" namespace unwindstack { class MapInfoGetLoadBiasTest : public ::testing::Test { protected: void SetUp() override { memory_ = new MemoryFake; process_memory_.reset(memory_); elf_ = new ElfFake(new MemoryFake); elf_container_.reset(elf_); map_info_ = MapInfo::Create(0x1000, 0x20000, 0, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE, ""); } void MultipleThreadTest(uint64_t expected_load_bias); std::shared_ptr process_memory_; MemoryFake* memory_; ElfFake* elf_; std::unique_ptr elf_container_; std::shared_ptr map_info_; }; TEST_F(MapInfoGetLoadBiasTest, no_elf_and_no_valid_elf_in_memory) { auto info = MapInfo::Create(0x1000, 0x2000, 0, PROT_READ, ""); EXPECT_EQ(0U, info->GetLoadBias(process_memory_)); } TEST_F(MapInfoGetLoadBiasTest, load_bias_cached_from_elf) { map_info_->set_elf(elf_container_.release()); elf_->FakeSetLoadBias(0); EXPECT_EQ(0U, map_info_->GetLoadBias(process_memory_)); elf_->FakeSetLoadBias(0x1000); EXPECT_EQ(0U, map_info_->GetLoadBias(process_memory_)); } TEST_F(MapInfoGetLoadBiasTest, elf_exists) { map_info_->set_elf(elf_container_.release()); elf_->FakeSetLoadBias(0); EXPECT_EQ(0U, map_info_->GetLoadBias(process_memory_)); map_info_->set_load_bias(UINT64_MAX); elf_->FakeSetLoadBias(0x1000); EXPECT_EQ(0x1000U, map_info_->GetLoadBias(process_memory_)); } void MapInfoGetLoadBiasTest::MultipleThreadTest(uint64_t expected_load_bias) { static constexpr size_t kNumConcurrentThreads = 100; uint64_t load_bias_values[kNumConcurrentThreads]; std::vector threads; std::atomic_bool wait; wait = true; // Create all of the threads and have them do the GetLoadBias at the same time // to make it likely that a race will occur. for (size_t i = 0; i < kNumConcurrentThreads; i++) { std::thread* thread = new std::thread([i, this, &wait, &load_bias_values]() { while (wait) ; load_bias_values[i] = map_info_->GetLoadBias(process_memory_); }); threads.push_back(thread); } // Set them all going and wait for the threads to finish. wait = false; for (auto thread : threads) { thread->join(); delete thread; } // Now verify that all of the elf files are exactly the same and valid. for (size_t i = 0; i < kNumConcurrentThreads; i++) { EXPECT_EQ(expected_load_bias, load_bias_values[i]) << "Thread " << i << " mismatched."; } } TEST_F(MapInfoGetLoadBiasTest, multiple_thread_elf_exists) { map_info_->set_elf(elf_container_.release()); elf_->FakeSetLoadBias(0x1000); MultipleThreadTest(0x1000); } static void InitElfData(MemoryFake* memory, uint64_t offset) { Elf32_Ehdr ehdr; TestInitEhdr(&ehdr, ELFCLASS32, EM_ARM); ehdr.e_phoff = 0x5000; ehdr.e_phnum = 2; ehdr.e_phentsize = sizeof(Elf32_Phdr); memory->SetMemory(offset, &ehdr, sizeof(ehdr)); Elf32_Phdr phdr; memset(&phdr, 0, sizeof(phdr)); phdr.p_type = PT_NULL; memory->SetMemory(offset + 0x5000, &phdr, sizeof(phdr)); phdr.p_type = PT_LOAD; phdr.p_flags = PF_X; phdr.p_offset = 0; phdr.p_vaddr = 0xe000; memory->SetMemory(offset + 0x5000 + sizeof(phdr), &phdr, sizeof(phdr)); } TEST_F(MapInfoGetLoadBiasTest, elf_exists_in_memory) { InitElfData(memory_, map_info_->start()); EXPECT_EQ(0xe000U, map_info_->GetLoadBias(process_memory_)); } TEST_F(MapInfoGetLoadBiasTest, elf_exists_in_memory_cached) { InitElfData(memory_, map_info_->start()); EXPECT_EQ(0xe000U, map_info_->GetLoadBias(process_memory_)); memory_->Clear(); EXPECT_EQ(0xe000U, map_info_->GetLoadBias(process_memory_)); } TEST_F(MapInfoGetLoadBiasTest, multiple_thread_elf_exists_in_memory) { InitElfData(memory_, map_info_->start()); MultipleThreadTest(0xe000); } } // namespace unwindstack