// // Copyright (C) 2015 The Android Open Source Project // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. // #include "update_engine/payload_generator/ab_generator.h" #include #include #include #include "update_engine/common/hash_calculator.h" #include "update_engine/common/utils.h" #include "update_engine/payload_consumer/payload_constants.h" #include "update_engine/payload_generator/annotated_operation.h" #include "update_engine/payload_generator/bzip.h" #include "update_engine/payload_generator/delta_diff_generator.h" #include "update_engine/payload_generator/delta_diff_utils.h" using chromeos_update_engine::diff_utils::IsAReplaceOperation; using std::string; using std::vector; namespace chromeos_update_engine { bool ABGenerator::GenerateOperations(const PayloadGenerationConfig& config, const PartitionConfig& old_part, const PartitionConfig& new_part, BlobFileWriter* blob_file, vector* aops) { TEST_AND_RETURN_FALSE(old_part.name == new_part.name); ssize_t hard_chunk_blocks = (config.hard_chunk_size == -1 ? -1 : config.hard_chunk_size / config.block_size); size_t soft_chunk_blocks = config.soft_chunk_size / config.block_size; aops->clear(); TEST_AND_RETURN_FALSE(diff_utils::DeltaReadPartition(aops, old_part, new_part, hard_chunk_blocks, soft_chunk_blocks, config, blob_file)); LOG(INFO) << "done reading " << new_part.name; SortOperationsByDestination(aops); // Use the soft_chunk_size when merging operations to prevent merging all // the operations into a huge one if there's no hard limit. size_t merge_chunk_blocks = soft_chunk_blocks; if (hard_chunk_blocks != -1 && static_cast(hard_chunk_blocks) < soft_chunk_blocks) { merge_chunk_blocks = hard_chunk_blocks; } LOG(INFO) << "Merging " << aops->size() << " operations."; TEST_AND_RETURN_FALSE(MergeOperations( aops, config.version, merge_chunk_blocks, new_part.path, blob_file)); LOG(INFO) << aops->size() << " operations after merge."; if (config.version.minor >= kOpSrcHashMinorPayloadVersion) TEST_AND_RETURN_FALSE(AddSourceHash(aops, old_part.path)); return true; } void ABGenerator::SortOperationsByDestination( vector* aops) { sort(aops->begin(), aops->end(), diff_utils::CompareAopsByDestination); } bool ABGenerator::FragmentOperations(const PayloadVersion& version, vector* aops, const string& target_part_path, BlobFileWriter* blob_file) { vector fragmented_aops; for (const AnnotatedOperation& aop : *aops) { // Only do split if the operation has more than one dst extents. if (aop.op.dst_extents_size() > 1) { if (aop.op.type() == InstallOperation::SOURCE_COPY) { TEST_AND_RETURN_FALSE(SplitSourceCopy(aop, &fragmented_aops)); continue; } if (IsAReplaceOperation(aop.op.type())) { TEST_AND_RETURN_FALSE(SplitAReplaceOp( version, aop, target_part_path, &fragmented_aops, blob_file)); continue; } } fragmented_aops.push_back(aop); } *aops = std::move(fragmented_aops); return true; } bool ABGenerator::SplitSourceCopy(const AnnotatedOperation& original_aop, vector* result_aops) { InstallOperation original_op = original_aop.op; TEST_AND_RETURN_FALSE(original_op.type() == InstallOperation::SOURCE_COPY); // Keeps track of the index of curr_src_ext. int curr_src_ext_index = 0; Extent curr_src_ext = original_op.src_extents(curr_src_ext_index); for (int i = 0; i < original_op.dst_extents_size(); i++) { const Extent& dst_ext = original_op.dst_extents(i); // The new operation which will have only one dst extent. InstallOperation new_op; uint64_t blocks_left = dst_ext.num_blocks(); while (blocks_left > 0) { if (curr_src_ext.num_blocks() <= blocks_left) { // If the curr_src_ext is smaller than dst_ext, add it. blocks_left -= curr_src_ext.num_blocks(); *(new_op.add_src_extents()) = curr_src_ext; if (curr_src_ext_index + 1 < original_op.src_extents().size()) { curr_src_ext = original_op.src_extents(++curr_src_ext_index); } else { break; } } else { // Split src_exts that are bigger than the dst_ext we're dealing with. Extent first_ext; first_ext.set_num_blocks(blocks_left); first_ext.set_start_block(curr_src_ext.start_block()); *(new_op.add_src_extents()) = first_ext; // Keep the second half of the split op. curr_src_ext.set_num_blocks(curr_src_ext.num_blocks() - blocks_left); curr_src_ext.set_start_block(curr_src_ext.start_block() + blocks_left); blocks_left -= first_ext.num_blocks(); } } // Fix up our new operation and add it to the results. new_op.set_type(InstallOperation::SOURCE_COPY); *(new_op.add_dst_extents()) = dst_ext; AnnotatedOperation new_aop; new_aop.op = new_op; new_aop.name = base::StringPrintf("%s:%d", original_aop.name.c_str(), i); result_aops->push_back(new_aop); } if (curr_src_ext_index != original_op.src_extents().size() - 1) { LOG(FATAL) << "Incorrectly split SOURCE_COPY operation. Did not use all " << "source extents."; } return true; } bool ABGenerator::SplitAReplaceOp(const PayloadVersion& version, const AnnotatedOperation& original_aop, const string& target_part_path, vector* result_aops, BlobFileWriter* blob_file) { InstallOperation original_op = original_aop.op; TEST_AND_RETURN_FALSE(IsAReplaceOperation(original_op.type())); const bool is_replace = original_op.type() == InstallOperation::REPLACE; uint64_t data_offset = original_op.data_offset(); for (int i = 0; i < original_op.dst_extents_size(); i++) { const Extent& dst_ext = original_op.dst_extents(i); // Make a new operation with only one dst extent. InstallOperation new_op; *(new_op.add_dst_extents()) = dst_ext; uint64_t data_size = dst_ext.num_blocks() * kBlockSize; // If this is a REPLACE, attempt to reuse portions of the existing blob. if (is_replace) { new_op.set_type(InstallOperation::REPLACE); new_op.set_data_length(data_size); new_op.set_data_offset(data_offset); data_offset += data_size; } AnnotatedOperation new_aop; new_aop.op = new_op; new_aop.name = base::StringPrintf("%s:%d", original_aop.name.c_str(), i); TEST_AND_RETURN_FALSE( AddDataAndSetType(&new_aop, version, target_part_path, blob_file)); result_aops->push_back(new_aop); } return true; } bool ABGenerator::MergeOperations(vector* aops, const PayloadVersion& version, size_t chunk_blocks, const string& target_part_path, BlobFileWriter* blob_file) { vector new_aops; for (const AnnotatedOperation& curr_aop : *aops) { if (new_aops.empty()) { new_aops.push_back(curr_aop); continue; } AnnotatedOperation& last_aop = new_aops.back(); bool last_is_a_replace = IsAReplaceOperation(last_aop.op.type()); if (last_aop.op.dst_extents_size() <= 0 || curr_aop.op.dst_extents_size() <= 0) { new_aops.push_back(curr_aop); continue; } uint32_t last_dst_idx = last_aop.op.dst_extents_size() - 1; uint32_t last_end_block = last_aop.op.dst_extents(last_dst_idx).start_block() + last_aop.op.dst_extents(last_dst_idx).num_blocks(); uint32_t curr_start_block = curr_aop.op.dst_extents(0).start_block(); uint32_t combined_block_count = last_aop.op.dst_extents(last_dst_idx).num_blocks() + curr_aop.op.dst_extents(0).num_blocks(); bool is_a_replace = IsAReplaceOperation(curr_aop.op.type()); bool is_delta_op = curr_aop.op.type() == InstallOperation::SOURCE_COPY; if (((is_delta_op && (last_aop.op.type() == curr_aop.op.type())) || (is_a_replace && last_is_a_replace)) && last_end_block == curr_start_block && combined_block_count <= chunk_blocks) { // If the operations have the same type (which is a type that we can // merge), are contiguous, are fragmented to have one destination extent, // and their combined block count would be less than chunk size, merge // them. last_aop.name = base::StringPrintf( "%s,%s", last_aop.name.c_str(), curr_aop.name.c_str()); if (is_delta_op) { ExtendExtents(last_aop.op.mutable_src_extents(), curr_aop.op.src_extents()); } ExtendExtents(last_aop.op.mutable_dst_extents(), curr_aop.op.dst_extents()); // Set the data length to zero so we know to add the blob later. if (is_a_replace) last_aop.op.set_data_length(0); } else { // Otherwise just include the extent as is. new_aops.push_back(curr_aop); } } // Set the blobs for REPLACE/REPLACE_BZ/REPLACE_XZ operations that have been // merged. for (AnnotatedOperation& curr_aop : new_aops) { if (curr_aop.op.data_length() == 0 && IsAReplaceOperation(curr_aop.op.type())) { TEST_AND_RETURN_FALSE( AddDataAndSetType(&curr_aop, version, target_part_path, blob_file)); } } *aops = new_aops; return true; } bool ABGenerator::AddDataAndSetType(AnnotatedOperation* aop, const PayloadVersion& version, const string& target_part_path, BlobFileWriter* blob_file) { TEST_AND_RETURN_FALSE(IsAReplaceOperation(aop->op.type())); vector dst_extents; ExtentsToVector(aop->op.dst_extents(), &dst_extents); brillo::Blob data(utils::BlocksInExtents(dst_extents) * kBlockSize); TEST_AND_RETURN_FALSE(utils::ReadExtents( target_part_path, dst_extents, &data, data.size(), kBlockSize)); brillo::Blob blob; InstallOperation::Type op_type; TEST_AND_RETURN_FALSE( diff_utils::GenerateBestFullOperation(data, version, &blob, &op_type)); // If the operation doesn't point to a data blob or points to a data blob of // a different type then we add it. if (aop->op.type() != op_type || aop->op.data_length() != blob.size()) { aop->op.set_type(op_type); aop->SetOperationBlob(blob, blob_file); } return true; } bool ABGenerator::AddSourceHash(vector* aops, const string& source_part_path) { for (AnnotatedOperation& aop : *aops) { if (aop.op.src_extents_size() == 0) continue; vector src_extents; ExtentsToVector(aop.op.src_extents(), &src_extents); brillo::Blob src_data, src_hash; uint64_t src_length = aop.op.has_src_length() ? aop.op.src_length() : utils::BlocksInExtents(aop.op.src_extents()) * kBlockSize; TEST_AND_RETURN_FALSE(utils::ReadExtents( source_part_path, src_extents, &src_data, src_length, kBlockSize)); TEST_AND_RETURN_FALSE(HashCalculator::RawHashOfData(src_data, &src_hash)); aop.op.set_src_sha256_hash(src_hash.data(), src_hash.size()); } return true; } } // namespace chromeos_update_engine