# # Copyright (C) 2013 The Android Open Source Project # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # """Tools for reading, verifying and applying Chrome OS update payloads.""" from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import print_function import hashlib import io import mmap import struct import zipfile from update_payload import applier from update_payload import checker from update_payload import common from update_payload import update_metadata_pb2 from update_payload.error import PayloadError # # Helper functions. # def _ReadInt(file_obj, size, is_unsigned, hasher=None): """Reads a binary-encoded integer from a file. It will do the correct conversion based on the reported size and whether or not a signed number is expected. Assumes a network (big-endian) byte ordering. Args: file_obj: a file object size: the integer size in bytes (2, 4 or 8) is_unsigned: whether it is signed or not hasher: an optional hasher to pass the value through Returns: An "unpacked" (Python) integer value. Raises: PayloadError if an read error occurred. """ return struct.unpack(common.IntPackingFmtStr(size, is_unsigned), common.Read(file_obj, size, hasher=hasher))[0] # # Update payload. # class Payload(object): """Chrome OS update payload processor.""" class _PayloadHeader(object): """Update payload header struct.""" # Header constants; sizes are in bytes. _MAGIC = b'CrAU' _VERSION_SIZE = 8 _MANIFEST_LEN_SIZE = 8 _METADATA_SIGNATURE_LEN_SIZE = 4 def __init__(self): self.version = None self.manifest_len = None self.metadata_signature_len = None self.size = None def ReadFromPayload(self, payload_file, hasher=None): """Reads the payload header from a file. Reads the payload header from the |payload_file| and updates the |hasher| if one is passed. The parsed header is stored in the _PayloadHeader instance attributes. Args: payload_file: a file object hasher: an optional hasher to pass the value through Returns: None. Raises: PayloadError if a read error occurred or the header is invalid. """ # Verify magic magic = common.Read(payload_file, len(self._MAGIC), hasher=hasher) if magic != self._MAGIC: raise PayloadError('invalid payload magic: %s' % magic) self.version = _ReadInt(payload_file, self._VERSION_SIZE, True, hasher=hasher) self.manifest_len = _ReadInt(payload_file, self._MANIFEST_LEN_SIZE, True, hasher=hasher) self.size = (len(self._MAGIC) + self._VERSION_SIZE + self._MANIFEST_LEN_SIZE) self.metadata_signature_len = 0 if self.version == common.BRILLO_MAJOR_PAYLOAD_VERSION: self.size += self._METADATA_SIGNATURE_LEN_SIZE self.metadata_signature_len = _ReadInt( payload_file, self._METADATA_SIGNATURE_LEN_SIZE, True, hasher=hasher) def __init__(self, payload_file, payload_file_offset=0): """Initialize the payload object. Args: payload_file: update payload file object open for reading payload_file_offset: the offset of the actual payload """ if zipfile.is_zipfile(payload_file): with zipfile.ZipFile(payload_file) as zfp: self.payload_file = zfp.open("payload.bin", "r") elif isinstance(payload_file, str): payload_fp = open(payload_file, "rb") payload_bytes = mmap.mmap( payload_fp.fileno(), 0, access=mmap.ACCESS_READ) self.payload_file = io.BytesIO(payload_bytes) else: self.payload_file = payload_file self.payload_file_offset = payload_file_offset self.manifest_hasher = None self.is_init = False self.header = None self.manifest = None self.data_offset = None self.metadata_signature = None self.payload_signature = None self.metadata_size = None @property def is_incremental(self): return any([part.HasField("old_partition_info") for part in self.manifest.partitions]) @property def is_partial(self): return self.manifest.partial_update def _ReadHeader(self): """Reads and returns the payload header. Returns: A payload header object. Raises: PayloadError if a read error occurred. """ header = self._PayloadHeader() header.ReadFromPayload(self.payload_file, self.manifest_hasher) return header def _ReadManifest(self): """Reads and returns the payload manifest. Returns: A string containing the payload manifest in binary form. Raises: PayloadError if a read error occurred. """ if not self.header: raise PayloadError('payload header not present') return common.Read(self.payload_file, self.header.manifest_len, hasher=self.manifest_hasher) def _ReadMetadataSignature(self): """Reads and returns the metadata signatures. Returns: A string containing the metadata signatures protobuf in binary form or an empty string if no metadata signature found in the payload. Raises: PayloadError if a read error occurred. """ if not self.header: raise PayloadError('payload header not present') return common.Read( self.payload_file, self.header.metadata_signature_len, offset=self.payload_file_offset + self.header.size + self.header.manifest_len) def ReadDataBlob(self, offset, length): """Reads and returns a single data blob from the update payload. Args: offset: offset to the beginning of the blob from the end of the manifest length: the blob's length Returns: A string containing the raw blob data. Raises: PayloadError if a read error occurred. """ return common.Read(self.payload_file, length, offset=self.payload_file_offset + self.data_offset + offset) def Init(self): """Initializes the payload object. This is a prerequisite for any other public API call. Raises: PayloadError if object already initialized or fails to initialize correctly. """ if self.is_init: raise PayloadError('payload object already initialized') self.manifest_hasher = hashlib.sha256() # Read the file header. self.payload_file.seek(self.payload_file_offset) self.header = self._ReadHeader() # Read the manifest. manifest_raw = self._ReadManifest() self.manifest = update_metadata_pb2.DeltaArchiveManifest() self.manifest.ParseFromString(manifest_raw) # Read the metadata signature (if any). metadata_signature_raw = self._ReadMetadataSignature() if metadata_signature_raw: self.metadata_signature = update_metadata_pb2.Signatures() self.metadata_signature.ParseFromString(metadata_signature_raw) self.metadata_size = self.header.size + self.header.manifest_len self.data_offset = self.metadata_size + self.header.metadata_signature_len if self.manifest.signatures_offset and self.manifest.signatures_size: payload_signature_blob = self.ReadDataBlob( self.manifest.signatures_offset, self.manifest.signatures_size) payload_signature = update_metadata_pb2.Signatures() payload_signature.ParseFromString(payload_signature_blob) self.payload_signature = payload_signature self.is_init = True def _AssertInit(self): """Raises an exception if the object was not initialized.""" if not self.is_init: raise PayloadError('payload object not initialized') def ResetFile(self): """Resets the offset of the payload file to right past the manifest.""" self.payload_file.seek(self.payload_file_offset + self.data_offset) def IsDelta(self): """Returns True iff the payload appears to be a delta.""" self._AssertInit() return (any(partition.HasField('old_partition_info') for partition in self.manifest.partitions)) def IsFull(self): """Returns True iff the payload appears to be a full.""" return not self.IsDelta() def Check(self, pubkey_file_name=None, metadata_sig_file=None, metadata_size=0, report_out_file=None, assert_type=None, block_size=0, part_sizes=None, allow_unhashed=False, disabled_tests=()): """Checks the payload integrity. Args: pubkey_file_name: public key used for signature verification metadata_sig_file: metadata signature, if verification is desired metadata_size: metadata size, if verification is desired report_out_file: file object to dump the report to assert_type: assert that payload is either 'full' or 'delta' block_size: expected filesystem / payload block size part_sizes: map of partition label to (physical) size in bytes allow_unhashed: allow unhashed operation blobs disabled_tests: list of tests to disable Raises: PayloadError if payload verification failed. """ self._AssertInit() # Create a short-lived payload checker object and run it. helper = checker.PayloadChecker( self, assert_type=assert_type, block_size=block_size, allow_unhashed=allow_unhashed, disabled_tests=disabled_tests) helper.Run(pubkey_file_name=pubkey_file_name, metadata_sig_file=metadata_sig_file, metadata_size=metadata_size, part_sizes=part_sizes, report_out_file=report_out_file) def Apply(self, new_parts, old_parts=None, bsdiff_in_place=True, bspatch_path=None, puffpatch_path=None, truncate_to_expected_size=True): """Applies the update payload. Args: new_parts: map of partition name to dest partition file old_parts: map of partition name to partition file (optional) bsdiff_in_place: whether to perform BSDIFF operations in-place (optional) bspatch_path: path to the bspatch binary (optional) puffpatch_path: path to the puffpatch binary (optional) truncate_to_expected_size: whether to truncate the resulting partitions to their expected sizes, as specified in the payload (optional) Raises: PayloadError if payload application failed. """ self._AssertInit() # Create a short-lived payload applier object and run it. helper = applier.PayloadApplier( self, bsdiff_in_place=bsdiff_in_place, bspatch_path=bspatch_path, puffpatch_path=puffpatch_path, truncate_to_expected_size=truncate_to_expected_size) helper.Run(new_parts, old_parts=old_parts)