/* * Copyright (C) 2021 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "ramdisk_utils.h" using android::base::GetBoolProperty; using android::base::GetProperty; using android::kver::KernelRelease; using android::vintf::Level; using android::vintf::RuntimeInfo; using android::vintf::Version; using android::vintf::VintfObject; using testing::IsSupersetOf; // Returns true iff the device has the specified feature. static bool deviceSupportsFeature(const char *feature) { bool device_supports_feature = false; FILE *p = popen("pm list features", "re"); if (p) { char *line = NULL; size_t len = 0; while (getline(&line, &len, p) > 0) { if (strstr(line, feature)) { device_supports_feature = true; break; } } if (line) { free(line); line = NULL; } pclose(p); } return device_supports_feature; } static bool isTV() { return deviceSupportsFeature("android.software.leanback"); } std::optional get_config( const std::map& configs, const std::string& key) { auto it = configs.find(key); if (it == configs.end()) { return std::nullopt; } return it->second; } class GenericBootImageTest : public testing::Test { public: void SetUp() override { auto vintf = VintfObject::GetInstance(); ASSERT_NE(nullptr, vintf); runtime_info = vintf->getRuntimeInfo(RuntimeInfo::FetchFlag::CPU_VERSION | RuntimeInfo::FetchFlag::CONFIG_GZ); ASSERT_NE(nullptr, runtime_info); const auto& configs = runtime_info->kernelConfigs(); if (get_config(configs, "CONFIG_ARM") == "y") { GTEST_SKIP() << "Skipping on 32-bit ARM devices"; } // Technically, the test should also be skipped on CONFIG_X86 and // CONFIG_X86_64, and only run on CONFIG_ARM64, // but we want to keep this test passing on virtual // device targets, and we don't have any requests to skip this test // on x86 / x86_64 as of 2022-06-07. int firstApiLevel = std::stoi(android::base::GetProperty("ro.product.first_api_level", "0")); if (isTV() && firstApiLevel <= __ANDROID_API_T__) { GTEST_SKIP() << "Skipping on TV devices"; } } std::shared_ptr runtime_info; }; TEST_F(GenericBootImageTest, KernelReleaseFormat) { // On "GKI 2.0" with 5.10+ kernels, VTS runs once with the device kernel, // so this test is meaningful. if (runtime_info->kernelVersion().dropMinor() < Version{5, 10}) { GTEST_SKIP() << "Exempt generic kernel image (GKI) test on kernel " << runtime_info->kernelVersion() << ". Only required on 5.10+."; } const std::string& release = runtime_info->osRelease(); ASSERT_TRUE( KernelRelease::Parse(release, true /* allow_suffix */).has_value()) << "Kernel release '" << release << "' does not have generic kernel image (GKI) release format. It must " "match this regex:\n" << R"(^(?P\d+)[.](?P\d+)[.](?P\d+)-(?Pandroid\d+)-(?P\d+).*$)" << "\nExample: 5.4.42-android12-0-something"; } std::set GetRequirementBySdkLevel(uint32_t target_sdk_level) { // Files which must be present in generic ramdisk. This list acts as a lower // bound for device's ramdisk. static const std::map> required_by_level = { {0, {"init", "system/etc/ramdisk/build.prop"}}, // or some other number? { __ANDROID_API_T__, {"system/bin/snapuserd", "system/etc/init/snapuserd.rc"}, }}; std::set res; for (const auto& [level, requirements] : required_by_level) { if (level > target_sdk_level) { break; } res.insert(requirements.begin(), requirements.end()); } return res; } std::set GetAllowListBySdkLevel(uint32_t target_sdk_level) { // Files that are allowed in generic ramdisk(but not necessarily required) // This list acts as an upper bound for what the device's ramdisk can possibly // contain. static const std::map> allow_by_level = {{ __ANDROID_API_T__, {"system/bin/snapuserd_ramdisk"}, }}; auto res = GetRequirementBySdkLevel(target_sdk_level); for (const auto& [level, requirements] : allow_by_level) { if (level > target_sdk_level) { break; } res.insert(requirements.begin(), requirements.end()); } return res; } TEST_F(GenericBootImageTest, GenericRamdisk) { // On "GKI 2.0" with 5.10+ kernels, VTS runs once with the device kernel, // so this test is meaningful. if (runtime_info->kernelVersion().dropMinor() < Version{5, 10}) { GTEST_SKIP() << "Exempt generic ramdisk test on kernel " << runtime_info->kernelVersion() << ". Only required on 5.10+."; return; } using std::filesystem::recursive_directory_iterator; std::string slot_suffix = GetProperty("ro.boot.slot_suffix", ""); // Launching devices with T+ using android13+ kernels have the ramdisk in // init_boot instead of boot std::string error_msg; const auto kernel_level = VintfObject::GetInstance()->getKernelLevel(&error_msg); ASSERT_NE(Level::UNSPECIFIED, kernel_level) << error_msg; std::string boot_path; if (kernel_level >= Level::T) { if (std::stoi(android::base::GetProperty("ro.vendor.api_level", "0")) >= __ANDROID_API_T__) { boot_path = "/dev/block/by-name/init_boot" + slot_suffix; } else { // This is the case of a device launched before Android 13 that is // upgrading its kernel to android13+. These devices can't add an // init_boot partition and need to include the equivalent ramdisk // functionality somewhere outside of boot.img (most likely in the // vendor_boot image). Since we don't know where to look, or which files // will be present, we can skip the rest of this test case. GTEST_SKIP() << "Exempt generic ramdisk test on upgrading device that " << "launched before Android 13 and is now using an Android " << "13+ kernel."; return; } } else { boot_path = "/dev/block/by-name/boot" + slot_suffix; } if (0 != access(boot_path.c_str(), R_OK)) { int saved_errno = errno; FAIL() << "Can't access " << boot_path << ": " << strerror(saved_errno); return; } const auto extracted_ramdisk = android::ExtractRamdiskToDirectory(boot_path); ASSERT_TRUE(extracted_ramdisk.ok()) << "Failed to extract ramdisk: " << extracted_ramdisk.error(); std::set actual_files; const std::filesystem::path extracted_ramdisk_path((*extracted_ramdisk)->path); for (auto& p : recursive_directory_iterator(extracted_ramdisk_path)) { if (p.is_directory()) continue; EXPECT_TRUE(p.is_regular_file()) << "Unexpected non-regular file " << p.path(); auto rel_path = p.path().lexically_relative(extracted_ramdisk_path); actual_files.insert(rel_path.string()); } const auto sdk_level = android::base::GetIntProperty("ro.bootimage.build.version.sdk", 0); const std::set generic_ramdisk_required_list = GetRequirementBySdkLevel(sdk_level); std::set generic_ramdisk_allow_list = GetAllowListBySdkLevel(sdk_level); const bool is_debuggable = GetBoolProperty("ro.debuggable", false); if (is_debuggable) { const std::set debuggable_allowlist{ "adb_debug.prop", "force_debuggable", "userdebug_plat_sepolicy.cil", }; generic_ramdisk_allow_list.insert(debuggable_allowlist.begin(), debuggable_allowlist.end()); } EXPECT_THAT(actual_files, IsSupersetOf(generic_ramdisk_required_list)) << "Missing files required by " << (is_debuggable ? "debuggable " : "") << "generic ramdisk"; EXPECT_THAT(generic_ramdisk_allow_list, IsSupersetOf(actual_files)) << "Contains files disallowed by " << (is_debuggable ? "debuggable " : "") << "generic ramdisk"; }