/* * Copyright 2016 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include "HalHidlProfilerCodeGen.h" #include "VtsCompilerUtils.h" #include "utils/InterfaceSpecUtil.h" #include "utils/StringUtil.h" namespace android { namespace vts { void HalHidlProfilerCodeGen::GenerateProfilerForScalarVariable( Formatter& out, const VariableSpecificationMessage& val, const std::string& arg_name, const std::string& arg_value) { out << arg_name << "->set_type(TYPE_SCALAR);\n"; out << arg_name << "->mutable_scalar_value()->set_" << val.scalar_type() << "(" << arg_value << ");\n"; } void HalHidlProfilerCodeGen::GenerateProfilerForStringVariable( Formatter& out, const VariableSpecificationMessage&, const std::string& arg_name, const std::string& arg_value) { out << arg_name << "->set_type(TYPE_STRING);\n"; out << arg_name << "->mutable_string_value()->set_message" << "(" << arg_value << ".c_str());\n"; out << arg_name << "->mutable_string_value()->set_length" << "(" << arg_value << ".size());\n"; } void HalHidlProfilerCodeGen::GenerateProfilerForEnumVariable( Formatter& out, const VariableSpecificationMessage& val, const std::string& arg_name, const std::string& arg_value) { out << arg_name << "->set_type(TYPE_ENUM);\n"; // For predefined type, call the corresponding profile method. if (val.has_predefined_type()) { std::string predefined_type = val.predefined_type(); ReplaceSubString(predefined_type, "::", "__"); out << "profile__" << predefined_type << "(" << arg_name << ", " << arg_value << ");\n"; } else { const std::string scalar_type = val.enum_value().scalar_type(); out << arg_name << "->mutable_scalar_value()->set_" << scalar_type << "(static_cast<" << scalar_type << ">(" << arg_value << "));\n"; out << arg_name << "->set_scalar_type(\"" << scalar_type << "\");\n"; } } void HalHidlProfilerCodeGen::GenerateProfilerForVectorVariable( Formatter& out, const VariableSpecificationMessage& val, const std::string& arg_name, const std::string& arg_value) { out << arg_name << "->set_type(TYPE_VECTOR);\n"; out << arg_name << "->set_vector_size(" << arg_value << ".size());\n"; std::string index_name = GetVarString(arg_name) + "_index"; out << "for (int " << index_name << " = 0; " << index_name << " < (int)" << arg_value << ".size(); " << index_name << "++) {\n"; out.indent(); std::string vector_element_name = GetVarString(arg_name) + "_vector_" + index_name; out << "auto *" << vector_element_name << " __attribute__((__unused__)) = " << arg_name << "->add_vector_value();\n"; GenerateProfilerForTypedVariable(out, val.vector_value(0), vector_element_name, arg_value + "[" + index_name + "]"); out.unindent(); out << "}\n"; } void HalHidlProfilerCodeGen::GenerateProfilerForArrayVariable( Formatter& out, const VariableSpecificationMessage& val, const std::string& arg_name, const std::string& arg_value) { out << arg_name << "->set_type(TYPE_ARRAY);\n"; out << arg_name << "->set_vector_size(" << val.vector_size() << ");\n"; std::string index_name = GetVarString(arg_name) + "_index"; out << "for (int " << index_name << " = 0; " << index_name << " < " << val.vector_size() << "; " << index_name << "++) {\n"; out.indent(); std::string array_element_name = GetVarString(arg_name) + "_array_" + index_name; out << "auto *" << array_element_name << " __attribute__((__unused__)) = " << arg_name << "->add_vector_value();\n"; GenerateProfilerForTypedVariable(out, val.vector_value(0), array_element_name, arg_value + "[" + index_name + "]"); out.unindent(); out << "}\n"; } void HalHidlProfilerCodeGen::GenerateProfilerForStructVariable( Formatter& out, const VariableSpecificationMessage& val, const std::string& arg_name, const std::string& arg_value) { out << arg_name << "->set_type(TYPE_STRUCT);\n"; // For predefined type, call the corresponding profile method. if (val.struct_value().size() == 0 && val.has_predefined_type()) { std::string predefined_type = val.predefined_type(); ReplaceSubString(predefined_type, "::", "__"); out << "profile__" << predefined_type << "(" << arg_name << ", " << arg_value << ");\n"; } else { for (const auto& struct_field : val.struct_value()) { std::string struct_field_name = arg_name + "_" + struct_field.name(); out << "auto *" << struct_field_name << " __attribute__((__unused__)) = " << arg_name << "->add_struct_value();\n"; GenerateProfilerForTypedVariable(out, struct_field, struct_field_name, arg_value + "." + struct_field.name()); } } } void HalHidlProfilerCodeGen::GenerateProfilerForUnionVariable( Formatter& out, const VariableSpecificationMessage& val, const std::string& arg_name, const std::string& arg_value) { out << arg_name << "->set_type(TYPE_UNION);\n"; // For predefined type, call the corresponding profile method. if (val.union_value().size() == 0 && val.has_predefined_type()) { std::string predefined_type = val.predefined_type(); ReplaceSubString(predefined_type, "::", "__"); out << "profile__" << predefined_type << "(" << arg_name << ", " << arg_value << ");\n"; } else { for (const auto& union_field : val.union_value()) { std::string union_field_name = arg_name + "_" + union_field.name(); out << "auto *" << union_field_name << " = " << arg_name << "->add_union_value();\n"; GenerateProfilerForTypedVariable(out, union_field, union_field_name, arg_value + "." + union_field.name()); } } } void HalHidlProfilerCodeGen::GenerateProfilerForHidlCallbackVariable( Formatter& out, const VariableSpecificationMessage& val, const std::string& arg_name, const std::string&) { out << arg_name << "->set_type(TYPE_HIDL_CALLBACK);\n"; out << arg_name << "->set_predefined_type(\"" << val.predefined_type() << "\");\n"; } void HalHidlProfilerCodeGen::GenerateProfilerForHidlInterfaceVariable( Formatter& out, const VariableSpecificationMessage& val, const std::string& arg_name, const std::string&) { out << arg_name << "->set_type(TYPE_HIDL_INTERFACE);\n"; out << arg_name << "->set_predefined_type(\"" << val.predefined_type() << "\");\n"; } void HalHidlProfilerCodeGen::GenerateProfilerForMaskVariable( Formatter& out, const VariableSpecificationMessage& val, const std::string& arg_name, const std::string& arg_value) { out << arg_name << "->set_type(TYPE_MASK);\n"; out << arg_name << "->set_scalar_type(\"" << val.scalar_type() << "\");\n"; out << arg_name << "->mutable_scalar_value()->set_" << val.scalar_type() << "(" << arg_value << ");\n"; } void HalHidlProfilerCodeGen::GenerateProfilerForHandleVariable( Formatter& out, const VariableSpecificationMessage&, const std::string& arg_name, const std::string& arg_value) { out << arg_name << "->set_type(TYPE_HANDLE);\n"; std::string handle_name = arg_name + "_h"; out << "auto " << handle_name << " = " << arg_value << ".getNativeHandle();\n"; out << "if (" << handle_name << ") {\n"; out.indent(); out << arg_name << "->mutable_handle_value()->set_version(" << handle_name << "->version);\n"; out << arg_name << "->mutable_handle_value()->set_num_ints(" << handle_name << "->numInts);\n"; out << arg_name << "->mutable_handle_value()->set_num_fds(" << handle_name << "->numFds);\n"; out << "for (int i = 0; i < " << handle_name << "->numInts + " << handle_name << "->numFds; i++) {\n"; out.indent(); out << "if(i < " << handle_name << "->numFds) {\n"; out.indent(); out << "auto* fd_val_i = " << arg_name << "->mutable_handle_value()->add_fd_val();\n"; out << "char filePath[PATH_MAX];\n"; out << "string procPath = \"/proc/self/fd/\" + to_string(" << handle_name << "->data[i]);\n"; out << "ssize_t r = readlink(procPath.c_str(), filePath, " "sizeof(filePath));\n"; out << "if (r == -1) {\n"; out.indent(); out << "LOG(ERROR) << \"Unable to get file path\";\n"; out << "continue;\n"; out.unindent(); out << "}\n"; out << "filePath[r] = '\\0';\n"; out << "fd_val_i->set_file_name(filePath);\n"; out << "struct stat statbuf;\n"; out << "fstat(" << handle_name << "->data[i], &statbuf);\n"; out << "fd_val_i->set_mode(statbuf.st_mode);\n"; out << "if (S_ISREG(statbuf.st_mode) || S_ISDIR(statbuf.st_mode)) {\n"; out.indent(); out << "fd_val_i->set_type(S_ISREG(statbuf.st_mode)? FILE_TYPE: DIR_TYPE);\n"; out << "int flags = fcntl(" << handle_name << "->data[i], F_GETFL);\n"; out << "fd_val_i->set_flags(flags);\n"; out.unindent(); out << "}\n"; out << "else if (S_ISCHR(statbuf.st_mode) || S_ISBLK(statbuf.st_mode)) {\n"; out.indent(); out << "fd_val_i->set_type(DEV_TYPE);\n"; out << "if (strcmp(filePath, \"/dev/ashmem\") == 0) {\n"; out.indent(); out << "int size = ashmem_get_size_region(" << handle_name << "->data[i]);\n"; out << "fd_val_i->mutable_memory()->set_size(size);\n"; out.unindent(); out << "}\n"; out.unindent(); out << "}\n"; out << "else if (S_ISFIFO(statbuf.st_mode)){\n"; out.indent(); out << "fd_val_i->set_type(PIPE_TYPE);\n"; out.unindent(); out << "}\n"; out << "else if (S_ISSOCK(statbuf.st_mode)) {\n"; out.indent(); out << "fd_val_i->set_type(SOCKET_TYPE);\n"; out.unindent(); out << "}\n"; out << "else {\n"; out.indent(); out << "fd_val_i->set_type(LINK_TYPE);\n"; out.unindent(); out << "}\n"; out.unindent(); out << "} else {\n"; out.indent(); out << arg_name << "->mutable_handle_value()->add_int_val(" << handle_name << "->data[i]);\n"; out.unindent(); out << "}\n"; out.unindent(); out << "}\n"; out.unindent(); out << "} else {\n"; out.indent(); out << "LOG(WARNING) << \"null handle\";\n"; out << arg_name << "->mutable_handle_value()->set_hidl_handle_address(0);\n"; out.unindent(); out << "}\n"; } void HalHidlProfilerCodeGen::GenerateProfilerForHidlMemoryVariable( Formatter& out, const VariableSpecificationMessage&, const std::string& arg_name, const std::string& arg_value) { out << arg_name << "->set_type(TYPE_HIDL_MEMORY);\n"; out << arg_name << "->mutable_hidl_memory_value()->set_size" << "(" << arg_value << ".size());\n"; // Dump the memory contents if specified in system property. out << "if (property_get_bool(\"hal.instrumentation.dump.memory\", " "false)){\n"; out.indent(); string mem_name = arg_name + "_mem"; string mem_content_name = arg_name + "_mem_char"; out << "sp " << mem_name << " = mapMemory(" << arg_value << ");\n"; out << "if (" << mem_name << " == nullptr) {\n"; out.indent(); out << "LOG(WARNING) << \"Unable to map hidl_memory to IMemory object.\";\n"; out.unindent(); out << "} else {\n"; out.indent(); out << mem_name << "->read();\n"; out << "char* " << mem_content_name << " = static_cast(static_cast(" << mem_name << "->getPointer()));\n"; out << arg_name << "->mutable_hidl_memory_value()->set_contents(string(" << mem_content_name << ", " << arg_value << ".size()));\n"; out << mem_name << "->commit();\n"; out.unindent(); out << "}\n"; out.unindent(); out << "}\n"; } void HalHidlProfilerCodeGen::GenerateProfilerForPointerVariable( Formatter& out, const VariableSpecificationMessage&, const std::string& arg_name, const std::string&) { out << arg_name << "->set_type(TYPE_POINTER);\n"; // TODO(zhuoyao): figure the right way to profile pointer type. } void HalHidlProfilerCodeGen::GenerateProfilerForFMQSyncVariable( Formatter& out, const VariableSpecificationMessage& val, const std::string& arg_name, const std::string& arg_value) { out << arg_name << "->set_type(TYPE_FMQ_SYNC);\n"; string element_type = GetCppVariableType(val.fmq_value(0)); std::string queue_name = arg_name + "_q"; std::string temp_result_name = arg_name + "_result"; out << "MessageQueue<" << element_type << ", kSynchronizedReadWrite> " << queue_name << "(" << arg_value << ", false);\n"; out << "if (" << queue_name << ".isValid()) {\n"; out.indent(); out << "for (int i = 0; i < (int)" << queue_name << ".availableToRead(); i++) {\n"; out.indent(); std::string fmq_item_name = arg_name + "_item_i"; out << "auto *" << fmq_item_name << " = " << arg_name << "->add_fmq_value();\n"; out << element_type << " " << temp_result_name << ";\n"; out << queue_name << ".read(&" << temp_result_name << ");\n"; out << queue_name << ".write(&" << temp_result_name << ");\n"; GenerateProfilerForTypedVariable(out, val.fmq_value(0), fmq_item_name, temp_result_name); out.unindent(); out << "}\n"; out.unindent(); out << "}\n"; } void HalHidlProfilerCodeGen::GenerateProfilerForFMQUnsyncVariable( Formatter& out, const VariableSpecificationMessage& val, const std::string& arg_name, const std::string& arg_value) { out << arg_name << "->set_type(TYPE_FMQ_UNSYNC);\n"; string element_type = GetCppVariableType(val.fmq_value(0)); std::string queue_name = arg_name + "_q"; std::string temp_result_name = arg_name + "_result"; out << "MessageQueue<" << element_type << ", kUnsynchronizedWrite> " << queue_name << "(" << arg_value << ");\n"; out << "if (" << queue_name << ".isValid()) {\n"; out.indent(); out << "for (int i = 0; i < (int)" << queue_name << ".availableToRead(); i++) {\n"; out.indent(); std::string fmq_item_name = arg_name + "_item_i"; out << "auto *" << fmq_item_name << " = " << arg_name << "->add_fmq_value();\n"; out << element_type << " " << temp_result_name << ";\n"; out << queue_name << ".read(&" << temp_result_name << ");\n"; GenerateProfilerForTypedVariable(out, val.fmq_value(0), fmq_item_name, temp_result_name); out.unindent(); out << "}\n"; out.unindent(); out << "}\n"; } void HalHidlProfilerCodeGen::GenerateProfilerForSafeUnionVariable( Formatter& out, const VariableSpecificationMessage&, const std::string& arg_name, const std::string&) { out << arg_name << "->set_type(TYPE_SAFE_UNION);\n"; out << "LOG(ERROR) << \"TYPE_SAFE_UNION is not supported yet. \";\n"; } void HalHidlProfilerCodeGen::GenerateProfilerForMethod( Formatter& out, const FunctionSpecificationMessage& method) { out << "FunctionSpecificationMessage msg;\n"; out << "msg.set_name(\"" << method.name() << "\");\n"; out << "if (profiling_for_args) {\n"; out.indent(); out << "if (!args) {\n"; out.indent(); out << "LOG(WARNING) << \"no argument passed\";\n"; out.unindent(); out << "} else {\n"; out.indent(); out << "switch (event) {\n"; out.indent(); out << "case details::HidlInstrumentor::CLIENT_API_ENTRY:\n"; out << "case details::HidlInstrumentor::SERVER_API_ENTRY:\n"; out << "case details::HidlInstrumentor::PASSTHROUGH_ENTRY:\n"; out << "{\n"; out.indent(); ComponentSpecificationMessage message; out << "if ((*args).size() != " << method.arg().size() << ") {\n"; out.indent(); out << "LOG(ERROR) << \"Number of arguments does not match. expect: " << method.arg().size() << ", actual: \" << (*args).size() << \", method name: " << method.name() << ", event type: \" << event;\n"; out << "break;\n"; out.unindent(); out << "}\n"; for (int i = 0; i < method.arg().size(); i++) { const VariableSpecificationMessage arg = method.arg(i); std::string arg_name = "arg_" + std::to_string(i); std::string arg_value = "arg_val_" + std::to_string(i); out << "auto *" << arg_name << " __attribute__((__unused__)) = msg.add_arg();\n"; out << GetCppVariableType(arg) << " *" << arg_value << " __attribute__((__unused__)) = reinterpret_cast<" << GetCppVariableType(arg) << "*> ((*args)[" << i << "]);\n"; out << "if (" << arg_value << " != nullptr) {\n"; out.indent(); GenerateProfilerForTypedVariable(out, arg, arg_name, "(*" + arg_value + ")"); out.unindent(); out << "} else {\n"; out.indent(); out << "LOG(WARNING) << \"argument " << i << " is null.\";\n"; out.unindent(); out << "}\n"; } out << "break;\n"; out.unindent(); out << "}\n"; out << "case details::HidlInstrumentor::CLIENT_API_EXIT:\n"; out << "case details::HidlInstrumentor::SERVER_API_EXIT:\n"; out << "case details::HidlInstrumentor::PASSTHROUGH_EXIT:\n"; out << "{\n"; out.indent(); out << "if ((*args).size() != " << method.return_type_hidl().size() << ") {\n"; out.indent(); out << "LOG(ERROR) << \"Number of return values does not match. expect: " << method.return_type_hidl().size() << ", actual: \" << (*args).size() << \", method name: " << method.name() << ", event type: \" << event;\n"; out << "break;\n"; out.unindent(); out << "}\n"; for (int i = 0; i < method.return_type_hidl().size(); i++) { const VariableSpecificationMessage arg = method.return_type_hidl(i); std::string result_name = "result_" + std::to_string(i); std::string result_value = "result_val_" + std::to_string(i); out << "auto *" << result_name << " __attribute__((__unused__)) = msg.add_return_type_hidl();\n"; out << GetCppVariableType(arg) << " *" << result_value << " __attribute__((__unused__)) = reinterpret_cast<" << GetCppVariableType(arg) << "*> ((*args)[" << i << "]);\n"; out << "if (" << result_value << " != nullptr) {\n"; out.indent(); GenerateProfilerForTypedVariable(out, arg, result_name, "(*" + result_value + ")"); out.unindent(); out << "} else {\n"; out.indent(); out << "LOG(WARNING) << \"return value " << i << " is null.\";\n"; out.unindent(); out << "}\n"; } out << "break;\n"; out.unindent(); out << "}\n"; out << "default:\n"; out << "{\n"; out.indent(); out << "LOG(WARNING) << \"not supported. \";\n"; out << "break;\n"; out.unindent(); out << "}\n"; out.unindent(); out << "}\n"; out.unindent(); out << "}\n"; out.unindent(); out << "}\n"; out << "profiler.AddTraceEvent(event, package, version, interface, msg);\n"; } void HalHidlProfilerCodeGen::GenerateHeaderIncludeFiles( Formatter& out, const ComponentSpecificationMessage& message) { // Basic includes. out << "#include \n"; out << "#include \n"; out << "#include \n"; out << "#include \n"; out << "#include \"VtsProfilingInterface.h\"\n"; out << "\n"; out << "// HACK: NAN is #defined by math.h which gets included by\n"; out << "// ComponentSpecificationMessage.pb.h, but some HALs use\n"; out << "// enums called NAN. Undefine NAN to work around it.\n"; out << "#undef NAN\n"; out << "\n"; // Include generated hal classes. out << "#include <" << GetPackagePath(message) << "/" << GetVersion(message) << "/" << GetComponentName(message) << ".h>\n"; // Include imported classes. for (const auto& import : message.import()) { FQName import_name; if (!FQName::parse(import, &import_name)) { abort(); } string imported_package_name = import_name.package(); string imported_package_version = import_name.version(); string imported_component_name = import_name.name(); string imported_package_path = imported_package_name; ReplaceSubString(imported_package_path, ".", "/"); out << "#include <" << imported_package_path << "/" << imported_package_version << "/" << imported_component_name << ".h>\n"; // Exclude the base hal in include list. if (imported_package_name.find("android.hidl.base") == std::string::npos) { if (imported_component_name[0] == 'I') { imported_component_name = imported_component_name.substr(1); } out << "#include <" << imported_package_path << "/" << imported_package_version << "/" << imported_component_name << ".vts.h>\n"; } } out << "\n\n"; } void HalHidlProfilerCodeGen::GenerateSourceIncludeFiles( Formatter& out, const ComponentSpecificationMessage& message) { // Include the corresponding profiler header file. out << "#include \"" << GetPackagePath(message) << "/" << GetVersion(message) << "/" << GetComponentBaseName(message) << ".vts.h\"\n"; out << "#include \n"; if (IncludeHidlNativeType(message, TYPE_HANDLE)) { out << "#include \n"; out << "#include \n"; out << "#include \n"; } if (IncludeHidlNativeType(message, TYPE_FMQ_SYNC) || IncludeHidlNativeType(message, TYPE_FMQ_UNSYNC)) { out << "#include \n"; } if (IncludeHidlNativeType(message, TYPE_HIDL_MEMORY)) { out << "#include \n"; out << "#include \n"; out << "#include \n"; } out << "\n"; } void HalHidlProfilerCodeGen::GenerateUsingDeclaration( Formatter& out, const ComponentSpecificationMessage& message) { out << "using namespace "; out << GetPackageNamespaceToken(message) << "::" << GetVersion(message, true) << ";\n"; out << "using namespace android::hardware;\n"; out << "\n"; } void HalHidlProfilerCodeGen::GenerateMacros( Formatter& out, const ComponentSpecificationMessage&) { out << "#define TRACEFILEPREFIX \"/data/local/tmp/\"\n"; out << "\n"; } void HalHidlProfilerCodeGen::GenerateProfilerCheck( Formatter& out, const ComponentSpecificationMessage& message) { out << "if (strcmp(package, \"" << GetPackageName(message) << "\") != 0) {\n"; out.indent(); out << "LOG(WARNING) << \"incorrect package. Expect: " << GetPackageName(message) << " actual: \" << package;\n"; out.unindent(); out << "}\n"; out << "std::string version_str = std::string(version);\n"; out << "int major_version = stoi(version_str.substr(0, " "version_str.find('.')));\n"; out << "int minor_version = stoi(version_str.substr(version_str.find('.') + " "1));\n"; out << "if (major_version != " << GetMajorVersion(message) << " || minor_version > " << GetMinorVersion(message) << ") {\n"; out.indent(); out << "LOG(WARNING) << \"incorrect version. Expect: " << GetVersion(message) << " or lower (if version != x.0), actual: \" << version;\n"; out.unindent(); out << "}\n"; out << "if (strcmp(interface, \"" << GetComponentName(message) << "\") != 0) {\n"; out.indent(); out << "LOG(WARNING) << \"incorrect interface. Expect: " << GetComponentName(message) << " actual: \" << interface;\n"; out.unindent(); out << "}\n"; out << "\n"; } void HalHidlProfilerCodeGen::GenerateLocalVariableDefinition( Formatter& out, const ComponentSpecificationMessage&) { // create and initialize the VTS profiler interface. out << "VtsProfilingInterface& profiler = " << "VtsProfilingInterface::getInstance(TRACEFILEPREFIX);\n\n"; out << "bool profiling_for_args = " "property_get_bool(\"hal.instrumentation.profile.args\", true);\n"; } } // namespace vts } // namespace android