.arch armv8-a+nosimd .file "mp_boot.c" .text .Ltext0: .cfi_sections .debug_frame .section .text.mpb_task_set_state,"ax",@progbits .align 2 .type mpb_task_set_state, %function mpb_task_set_state: .LFB225: .file 1 "common/mp_boot.c" .loc 1 227 0 .cfi_startproc .LVL0: .LBB30: .LBB31: .loc 1 146 0 mov x4, 136314880 mov w3, 1 lsl w3, w3, w1 ldr w5, [x4] .LBE31: .LBE30: .loc 1 232 0 tst w3, w5 beq .L11 .LBB32: .LBB33: .loc 1 199 0 uxtw x5, w0 mov x3, 328 umull x0, w0, w3 .LVL1: madd x4, x5, x3, x4 mov w3, 0 ldrb w6, [x4, 328] mov x4, 20 movk x4, 0x820, lsl 16 add x4, x0, x4 .L3: .LVL2: cmp w3, w6 blt .L5 .LVL3: .L11: .LBE33: .LBE32: .loc 1 252 0 mov w0, 0 ret .LVL4: .L5: .LBB35: .LBB34: .loc 1 200 0 ldr w7, [x4], 40 cmp w1, w7 beq .L4 .loc 1 199 0 add w3, w3, 1 .LVL5: b .L3 .L4: .LVL6: .LBE34: .LBE35: .loc 1 239 0 mov x8, 328 sxtw x4, w3 mov x7, 40 .loc 1 240 0 add x0, x0, 16 .loc 1 239 0 mul x5, x5, x8 .loc 1 227 0 stp x29, x30, [sp, -16]! .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 .cfi_offset 29, -16 .cfi_offset 30, -8 .loc 1 239 0 nop // between mem op and mult-accumulate madd x4, x4, x7, x5 mov x6, 136314880 .loc 1 240 0 smaddl x3, w3, w7, x0 .loc 1 227 0 add x29, sp, 0 .cfi_def_cfa_register 29 .loc 1 239 0 add x4, x6, x4 .loc 1 227 0 .loc 1 239 0 add w1, w1, w2 .LVL7: .loc 1 240 0 add x0, x3, x6 .loc 1 239 0 str w1, [x4, 16] .loc 1 241 0 add x1, x0, 4 bl flush_dcache_range .LVL8: .loc 1 252 0 mov w0, 0 ldp x29, x30, [sp], 16 .cfi_restore 30 .cfi_restore 29 .cfi_def_cfa 31, 0 ret .cfi_endproc .LFE225: .size mpb_task_set_state, .-mpb_task_set_state .section .text.mpb_quit_load_image,"ax",@progbits .align 2 .type mpb_quit_load_image, %function mpb_quit_load_image: .LFB238: .loc 1 560 0 .cfi_startproc stp x29, x30, [sp, -32]! .cfi_def_cfa_offset 32 .cfi_offset 29, -32 .cfi_offset 30, -24 add x29, sp, 0 .cfi_def_cfa_register 29 str x19, [sp, 16] .cfi_offset 19, -16 .loc 1 563 0 bl rockchip_get_boot_mode .LVL9: cmp w0, 1 bne .L15 mov w19, w0 .LBB38: .LBB39: .loc 1 564 0 adrp x0, .LANCHOR0 ldr w1, [x0, #:lo12:.LANCHOR0] cbnz w1, .L13 .loc 1 565 0 str w19, [x0, #:lo12:.LANCHOR0] .loc 1 566 0 adrp x0, .LC1 add x0, x0, :lo12:.LC1 bl printf .LVL10: .L13: .LBE39: .LBE38: .loc 1 573 0 mov w0, w19 ldr x19, [sp, 16] ldp x29, x30, [sp], 32 .cfi_remember_state .cfi_restore 30 .cfi_restore 29 .cfi_restore 19 .cfi_def_cfa 31, 0 ret .L15: .cfi_restore_state .loc 1 572 0 mov w19, 0 b .L13 .cfi_endproc .LFE238: .size mpb_quit_load_image, .-mpb_quit_load_image .section .text.spl_init_display,"ax",@progbits .align 2 .weak spl_init_display .type spl_init_display, %function spl_init_display: .LFB252: .cfi_startproc mov w0, 0 ret .cfi_endproc .LFE252: .size spl_init_display, .-spl_init_display .section .text.spl_load_baseparamter,"ax",@progbits .align 2 .weak spl_load_baseparamter .type spl_load_baseparamter, %function spl_load_baseparamter: .LFB250: .cfi_startproc mov w0, 0 ret .cfi_endproc .LFE250: .size spl_load_baseparamter, .-spl_load_baseparamter .section .text.spl_load_fit,"ax",@progbits .align 2 .weak spl_load_fit .type spl_load_fit, %function spl_load_fit: .LFB248: .cfi_startproc mov w0, 0 ret .cfi_endproc .LFE248: .size spl_load_fit, .-spl_load_fit .section .text.spl_load_android,"ax",@progbits .align 2 .weak spl_load_android .type spl_load_android, %function spl_load_android: .LFB246: .cfi_startproc mov w0, 0 ret .cfi_endproc .LFE246: .size spl_load_android, .-spl_load_android .section .text.spl_hash_android,"ax",@progbits .align 2 .weak spl_hash_android .type spl_hash_android, %function spl_hash_android: .LFB244: .cfi_startproc mov w0, 0 ret .cfi_endproc .LFE244: .size spl_hash_android, .-spl_hash_android .section .text.spl_dummy,"ax",@progbits .align 2 .weak spl_dummy .type spl_dummy, %function spl_dummy: .LFB218: .loc 1 52 0 .cfi_startproc .LVL11: .loc 1 52 0 mov w0, 0 .LVL12: ret .cfi_endproc .LFE218: .size spl_dummy, .-spl_dummy .section .text.mpb_task_is_done,"ax",@progbits .align 2 .global mpb_task_is_done .type mpb_task_is_done, %function mpb_task_is_done: .LFB226: .loc 1 261 0 .cfi_startproc .LVL13: .LBB40: .LBB41: .loc 1 146 0 mov x2, 136314880 mov w1, 1 lsl w1, w1, w0 ldr w2, [x2] .LBE41: .LBE40: .loc 1 265 0 tst w1, w2 beq .L39 .loc 1 261 0 stp x29, x30, [sp, -96]! .cfi_def_cfa_offset 96 .cfi_offset 29, -96 .cfi_offset 30, -88 add x29, sp, 0 .cfi_def_cfa_register 29 stp x19, x20, [sp, 16] .cfi_offset 19, -80 .cfi_offset 20, -72 mov w19, w0 stp x23, x24, [sp, 48] .cfi_offset 23, -48 .cfi_offset 24, -40 .loc 1 275 0 mov w24, -559087616 .loc 1 261 0 str x27, [sp, 80] .loc 1 275 0 add w24, w0, w24 .cfi_offset 27, -16 .loc 1 277 0 sub w27, w0, #65536 .loc 1 261 0 stp x21, x22, [sp, 32] stp x25, x26, [sp, 64] .cfi_offset 21, -64 .cfi_offset 22, -56 .cfi_offset 25, -32 .cfi_offset 26, -24 mov x21, 0 .LVL14: .L31: mov x22, 16 mov x20, 20 .loc 1 269 0 mov x26, 328 movk x22, 0x820, lsl 16 movk x20, 0x820, lsl 16 add x22, x21, x22 add x20, x21, x20 .loc 1 261 0 mov w23, 0 .loc 1 269 0 movk x26, 0x820, lsl 16 .loc 1 279 0 mov w25, 1431655765 b .L27 .LVL15: .L30: .loc 1 270 0 ldr w0, [x20] cmp w19, w0 beq .L26 .L29: .loc 1 269 0 add w23, w23, 1 .LVL16: add x22, x22, 40 add x20, x20, 40 .LVL17: .L27: .loc 1 269 0 is_stmt 0 discriminator 1 ldrb w0, [x21, x26] cmp w23, w0 blt .L30 .LVL18: add x21, x21, 328 .loc 1 268 0 is_stmt 1 discriminator 2 cmp x21, 1312 bne .L31 .loc 1 286 0 mov w0, 0 .L23: .loc 1 287 0 ldp x19, x20, [sp, 16] .LVL19: ldp x21, x22, [sp, 32] ldp x23, x24, [sp, 48] .LVL20: ldp x25, x26, [sp, 64] ldr x27, [sp, 80] .LVL21: ldp x29, x30, [sp], 96 .cfi_remember_state .cfi_restore 30 .cfi_restore 29 .cfi_restore 27 .cfi_restore 25 .cfi_restore 26 .cfi_restore 23 .cfi_restore 24 .cfi_restore 21 .cfi_restore 22 .cfi_restore 19 .cfi_restore 20 .cfi_def_cfa 31, 0 ret .LVL22: .L26: .cfi_restore_state .loc 1 272 0 mov x0, x22 mov x1, x20 bl invalidate_dcache_range .LVL23: .loc 1 275 0 ldr w0, [x22] cmp w0, w24 beq .L32 .loc 1 277 0 cmp w0, w27 beq .L24 .loc 1 279 0 add w1, w19, w25 cmp w0, w1 bne .L29 .loc 1 280 0 mov w0, -2 b .L23 .L24: .loc 1 266 0 mov w0, -1 b .L23 .L32: .loc 1 276 0 mov w0, 1 b .L23 .LVL24: .L39: .cfi_def_cfa 31, 0 .cfi_restore 19 .cfi_restore 20 .cfi_restore 21 .cfi_restore 22 .cfi_restore 23 .cfi_restore 24 .cfi_restore 25 .cfi_restore 26 .cfi_restore 27 .cfi_restore 29 .cfi_restore 30 .loc 1 266 0 mov w0, -1 .LVL25: .loc 1 287 0 ret .cfi_endproc .LFE226: .size mpb_task_is_done, .-mpb_task_is_done .section .text.mpb_task_dump,"ax",@progbits .align 2 .global mpb_task_dump .type mpb_task_dump, %function mpb_task_dump: .LFB227: .loc 1 290 0 .cfi_startproc stp x29, x30, [sp, -80]! .cfi_def_cfa_offset 80 .cfi_offset 29, -80 .cfi_offset 30, -72 .loc 1 294 0 mov x0, 136314880 .loc 1 290 0 add x29, sp, 0 .cfi_def_cfa_register 29 .loc 1 294 0 ldr x1, [x0, 1360] ldr x2, [x0, 1368] adrp x0, .LC2 .loc 1 290 0 stp x19, x20, [sp, 16] .cfi_offset 19, -64 .cfi_offset 20, -56 .loc 1 294 0 mov x20, 20 .loc 1 290 0 stp x23, x24, [sp, 48] .loc 1 294 0 movk x20, 0x820, lsl 16 .loc 1 290 0 stp x21, x22, [sp, 32] .cfi_offset 23, -32 .cfi_offset 24, -24 .cfi_offset 21, -48 .cfi_offset 22, -40 .loc 1 299 0 adrp x23, .LANCHOR1 adrp x24, .LC3 .loc 1 296 0 mov w21, 0 .loc 1 299 0 add x23, x23, :lo12:.LANCHOR1 add x24, x24, :lo12:.LC3 .loc 1 294 0 add x0, x0, :lo12:.LC2 .loc 1 290 0 str x25, [sp, 64] .cfi_offset 25, -16 .loc 1 294 0 bl printf .LVL26: .L43: .loc 1 290 0 mov x19, x20 mov w22, 0 .loc 1 300 0 adrp x25, .LC4 b .L46 .LVL27: .L44: .loc 1 299 0 discriminator 3 ldr w2, [x19] mov w1, w21 mov x0, x24 .loc 1 297 0 discriminator 3 add w22, w22, 1 .LVL28: add x19, x19, 40 .loc 1 299 0 discriminator 3 ldr x3, [x23, w2, uxtw 3] bl printf .LVL29: .loc 1 300 0 discriminator 3 ldr w1, [x19, -40] add x0, x25, :lo12:.LC4 bl printf .LVL30: .loc 1 301 0 discriminator 3 ldr x1, [x19, -52] adrp x0, .LC5 add x0, x0, :lo12:.LC5 bl printf .LVL31: .loc 1 302 0 discriminator 3 ldr w1, [x19, -44] adrp x0, .LC6 add x0, x0, :lo12:.LC6 bl printf .LVL32: .loc 1 303 0 discriminator 3 ldr w1, [x19, -28] adrp x0, .LC7 add x0, x0, :lo12:.LC7 bl printf .LVL33: .loc 1 304 0 discriminator 3 ldr x1, [x19, -20] adrp x0, .LC8 add x0, x0, :lo12:.LC8 bl printf .LVL34: .loc 1 305 0 discriminator 3 ldr w1, [x19, -36] adrp x0, .LC9 add x0, x0, :lo12:.LC9 bl printf .LVL35: .loc 1 306 0 discriminator 3 ldr w1, [x19, -32] adrp x0, .LC10 add x0, x0, :lo12:.LC10 bl printf .LVL36: .L46: .loc 1 297 0 discriminator 1 ldrb w0, [x20, 308] cmp w22, w0 blt .L44 .loc 1 296 0 discriminator 2 add w21, w21, 1 .LVL37: add x20, x20, 328 cmp w21, 4 bne .L43 .loc 1 310 0 ldp x19, x20, [sp, 16] ldp x21, x22, [sp, 32] .LVL38: ldp x23, x24, [sp, 48] ldr x25, [sp, 64] ldp x29, x30, [sp], 80 .cfi_restore 30 .cfi_restore 29 .cfi_restore 25 .cfi_restore 23 .cfi_restore 24 .cfi_restore 21 .cfi_restore 22 .cfi_restore 19 .cfi_restore 20 .cfi_def_cfa 31, 0 ret .cfi_endproc .LFE227: .size mpb_task_dump, .-mpb_task_dump .section .text.core_task_run.part.2,"ax",@progbits .align 2 .type core_task_run.part.2, %function core_task_run.part.2: .LFB242: .loc 1 370 0 .cfi_startproc .LVL39: stp x29, x30, [sp, -80]! .cfi_def_cfa_offset 80 .cfi_offset 29, -80 .cfi_offset 30, -72 add x29, sp, 0 .cfi_def_cfa_register 29 stp x19, x20, [sp, 16] .cfi_offset 19, -64 .cfi_offset 20, -56 mov w19, w0 stp x21, x22, [sp, 32] mov w20, w2 .LVL40: stp x23, x24, [sp, 48] .cfi_offset 21, -48 .cfi_offset 22, -40 .cfi_offset 23, -32 .cfi_offset 24, -24 and x22, x1, 255 stp x25, x26, [sp, 64] .cfi_offset 25, -16 .cfi_offset 26, -8 .LBB52: .LBB53: .loc 1 319 0 cbz w3, .L49 mov w25, w3 mov w23, 0 mov w21, 0 .loc 1 324 0 mov w26, 1 .LVL41: .L54: lsl w0, w26, w21 tst w0, w25 beq .L50 .L51: .loc 1 319 0 mov w24, 20000 .L52: .LVL42: .loc 1 329 0 mov w0, w21 bl mpb_task_is_done .LVL43: cbz w0, .L53 .loc 1 344 0 mov w0, w21 bl mpb_task_is_done .LVL44: .loc 1 345 0 cmp w0, 0 cinc w23, w23, lt .LVL45: .L50: .loc 1 323 0 add w21, w21, 1 .LVL46: cmp w21, 8 bne .L54 .LVL47: .LBE53: .LBE52: .loc 1 387 0 cbz w23, .L49 .LVL48: .loc 1 389 0 uxtw x1, w19 mov x2, 328 sxtw x0, w22 mul x1, x1, x2 mov x2, 40 madd x0, x0, x2, x1 mov x1, 136314880 add x0, x1, x0 ldr w0, [x0, 28] cbnz w0, .L55 .LVL49: .L56: .loc 1 410 0 mov w2, w20 mov w1, w19 adrp x0, .LC12 add x0, x0, :lo12:.LC12 bl printf .LVL50: .loc 1 374 0 mov w21, 0 .loc 1 411 0 mov w2, 1431655765 mov w1, w20 mov w0, w19 bl mpb_task_set_state .LVL51: b .L62 .LVL52: .L53: .LBB55: .LBB54: .loc 1 330 0 mov x0, 100 bl udelay .LVL53: .loc 1 333 0 subs w24, w24, #1 .LVL54: bne .L52 .LVL55: .loc 1 337 0 bl mpb_task_dump .LVL56: b .L51 .LVL57: .L49: .LBE54: .LBE55: .loc 1 392 0 uxtw x1, w19 mov x2, 328 sxtw x0, w22 mul x1, x1, x2 mov x2, 40 madd x0, x0, x2, x1 mov x1, 136314880 add x0, x1, x0 ldr w0, [x0, 28] cbnz w0, .L56 .L55: .LVL58: .loc 1 397 0 mov w2, w20 mov w1, w19 adrp x0, .LC13 add x0, x0, :lo12:.LC13 bl printf .LVL59: .loc 1 401 0 uxtw x24, w19 .loc 1 398 0 bl get_ticks .LVL60: mov x23, x0 .LVL61: .loc 1 400 0 mov w2, 286331153 mov w1, w20 mov w0, w19 .LVL62: bl mpb_task_set_state .LVL63: .loc 1 401 0 mov x1, 328 mov x0, 40 mul x1, x24, x1 madd x1, x22, x0, x1 mov x0, 8 movk x0, 0x820, lsl 16 ldr x1, [x0, x1] mov x0, 1320 movk x0, 0x820, lsl 16 blr x1 .LVL64: mov w21, w0 .LVL65: .loc 1 402 0 cbnz w0, .L63 .loc 1 405 0 mov w2, -559087616 b .L81 .L63: .loc 1 403 0 mov w2, -65536 .L81: .loc 1 405 0 mov w1, w20 mov w0, w19 .LVL66: bl mpb_task_set_state .LVL67: .loc 1 407 0 bl get_ticks .LVL68: sub x0, x0, x23 mov x4, 24000 .loc 1 408 0 mov w3, w21 mov w2, w20 mov w1, w19 .loc 1 407 0 udiv x4, x0, x4 mov x0, 328 mul x0, x24, x0 mov x24, 40 madd x24, x22, x24, x0 mov x22, 40 .LVL69: movk x22, 0x820, lsl 16 .loc 1 408 0 adrp x0, .LC11 add x0, x0, :lo12:.LC11 .loc 1 407 0 str x4, [x22, x24] .loc 1 408 0 bl printf .LVL70: .L62: .LBB56: .LBB57: .LBB58: .LBB59: .loc 1 146 0 mov x0, 136314880 mov w1, 1 lsl w1, w1, w20 ldr w2, [x0] .LBE59: .LBE58: .loc 1 212 0 tst w1, w2 beq .L48 .LBB60: .LBB61: .loc 1 199 0 uxtw x3, w19 mov x1, 328 umull x19, w19, w1 .LVL71: madd x0, x3, x1, x0 mov w1, 0 ldrb w2, [x0, 328] mov x0, 20 movk x0, 0x820, lsl 16 add x0, x19, x0 .L59: .LVL72: cmp w1, w2 blt .L61 .LVL73: .L48: .LBE61: .LBE60: .LBE57: .LBE56: .loc 1 417 0 ldp x19, x20, [sp, 16] .LVL74: ldp x21, x22, [sp, 32] .LVL75: ldp x23, x24, [sp, 48] ldp x25, x26, [sp, 64] ldp x29, x30, [sp], 80 .cfi_remember_state .cfi_restore 30 .cfi_restore 29 .cfi_restore 25 .cfi_restore 26 .cfi_restore 23 .cfi_restore 24 .cfi_restore 21 .cfi_restore 22 .cfi_restore 19 .cfi_restore 20 .cfi_def_cfa 31, 0 ret .LVL76: .L61: .cfi_restore_state .LBB69: .LBB64: .LBB63: .LBB62: .loc 1 200 0 ldr w4, [x0], 40 cmp w20, w4 beq .L60 .loc 1 199 0 add w1, w1, 1 .LVL77: b .L59 .L60: .LVL78: .LBE62: .LBE63: .loc 1 219 0 sxtw x2, w1 mov x5, 328 mov x4, 40 .loc 1 220 0 add x19, x19, 32 .loc 1 219 0 mul x3, x3, x5 mov x0, 136314880 madd x2, x2, x4, x3 .loc 1 220 0 smaddl x19, w1, w4, x19 .loc 1 219 0 add x2, x0, x2 .LBE64: .LBE69: .loc 1 417 0 ldp x23, x24, [sp, 48] .LBB70: .LBB65: .loc 1 220 0 add x0, x19, x0 .LBE65: .LBE70: .loc 1 417 0 ldp x25, x26, [sp, 64] .LBB71: .LBB66: .loc 1 221 0 add x1, x0, 4 .LBE66: .LBE71: .loc 1 417 0 ldp x19, x20, [sp, 16] .LVL79: .LBB72: .LBB67: .loc 1 219 0 str w21, [x2, 32] .LBE67: .LBE72: .loc 1 417 0 ldp x21, x22, [sp, 32] .LVL80: ldp x29, x30, [sp], 80 .cfi_restore 30 .cfi_restore 29 .cfi_restore 25 .cfi_restore 26 .cfi_restore 23 .cfi_restore 24 .cfi_restore 21 .cfi_restore 22 .cfi_restore 19 .cfi_restore 20 .cfi_def_cfa 31, 0 .LBB73: .LBB68: .loc 1 221 0 b flush_dcache_range .LVL81: .LBE68: .LBE73: .cfi_endproc .LFE242: .size core_task_run.part.2, .-core_task_run.part.2 .section .text.mpb_task_wait_done,"ax",@progbits .align 2 .global mpb_task_wait_done .type mpb_task_wait_done, %function mpb_task_wait_done: .LFB230: .loc 1 366 0 .cfi_startproc .LVL82: stp x29, x30, [sp, -32]! .cfi_def_cfa_offset 32 .cfi_offset 29, -32 .cfi_offset 30, -24 add x29, sp, 0 .cfi_def_cfa_register 29 str x19, [sp, 16] .cfi_offset 19, -16 mov w19, w0 .LVL83: .L84: .LBB78: .LBB79: .loc 1 355 0 mov w0, w19 bl mpb_task_is_done .LVL84: cbnz w0, .L83 .LVL85: .LBB80: .LBB81: .file 2 "include/linux/delay.h" .loc 2 16 0 mov x0, 1000 bl udelay .LVL86: mov x0, 1000 bl udelay .LVL87: b .L84 .L83: .LBE81: .LBE80: .loc 1 362 0 mov w0, w19 .LBE79: .LBE78: .loc 1 368 0 ldr x19, [sp, 16] .LVL88: ldp x29, x30, [sp], 32 .cfi_restore 30 .cfi_restore 29 .cfi_restore 19 .cfi_def_cfa 31, 0 .LBB83: .LBB82: .loc 1 362 0 b mpb_task_is_done .LVL89: .LBE82: .LBE83: .cfi_endproc .LFE230: .size mpb_task_wait_done, .-mpb_task_wait_done .section .text.mpb_task_run,"ax",@progbits .align 2 .global mpb_task_run .type mpb_task_run, %function mpb_task_run: .LFB232: .loc 1 420 0 .cfi_startproc .LVL90: stp x29, x30, [sp, -80]! .cfi_def_cfa_offset 80 .cfi_offset 29, -80 .cfi_offset 30, -72 .LBB90: .LBB91: .loc 1 146 0 mov x3, 136314880 .LBE91: .LBE90: .loc 1 420 0 add x29, sp, 0 .cfi_def_cfa_register 29 stp x23, x24, [sp, 48] .cfi_offset 23, -32 .cfi_offset 24, -24 .LBB93: .LBB92: .loc 1 146 0 mov w24, 1 ldr w2, [x3] lsl w24, w24, w1 .LVL91: .LBE92: .LBE93: .loc 1 420 0 stp x19, x20, [sp, 16] stp x21, x22, [sp, 32] .loc 1 424 0 tst w24, w2 .loc 1 420 0 str x25, [sp, 64] .cfi_offset 19, -64 .cfi_offset 20, -56 .cfi_offset 21, -48 .cfi_offset 22, -40 .cfi_offset 25, -16 .loc 1 424 0 beq .L86 .loc 1 424 0 is_stmt 0 discriminator 1 cbz w1, .L86 uxtw x25, w0 .LVL92: .loc 1 421 0 is_stmt 1 mov w19, 328 mov x0, 8 .LVL93: mov x22, x25 mov w21, w1 .loc 1 427 0 mov x20, x3 .loc 1 421 0 umaddl x19, w25, w19, x0 .loc 1 427 0 mov x0, 328 .loc 1 421 0 mov w23, 0 .loc 1 427 0 madd x25, x25, x0, x3 .LVL94: .loc 1 421 0 add x19, x19, x3 .LVL95: .L89: .loc 1 427 0 discriminator 1 ldrb w0, [x25, 328] cmp w23, w0 blt .L91 .LVL96: .L86: .loc 1 431 0 ldp x19, x20, [sp, 16] ldp x21, x22, [sp, 32] ldp x23, x24, [sp, 48] ldr x25, [sp, 64] ldp x29, x30, [sp], 80 .cfi_remember_state .cfi_restore 30 .cfi_restore 29 .cfi_restore 25 .cfi_restore 23 .cfi_restore 24 .cfi_restore 21 .cfi_restore 22 .cfi_restore 19 .cfi_restore 20 .cfi_def_cfa 31, 0 ret .LVL97: .L91: .cfi_restore_state .loc 1 428 0 ldr w0, [x19, 12] cmp w21, w0 bne .L90 .loc 1 428 0 is_stmt 0 discriminator 1 ldr x0, [x19] cbz x0, .L90 .LVL98: .LBB94: .LBB95: .LBB96: .LBB97: .loc 1 146 0 is_stmt 1 ldr w0, [x20] .LBE97: .LBE96: .loc 1 377 0 tst w24, w0 beq .L90 ldr w3, [x19, 16] mov w2, w21 mov w1, w23 mov w0, w22 bl core_task_run.part.2 .LVL99: .L90: .LBE95: .LBE94: .loc 1 427 0 discriminator 2 add w23, w23, 1 .LVL100: add x19, x19, 40 b .L89 .cfi_endproc .LFE232: .size mpb_task_run, .-mpb_task_run .section .text.core_main,"ax",@progbits .align 2 .global core_main .type core_main, %function core_main: .LFB233: .loc 1 434 0 .cfi_startproc .LVL101: stp x29, x30, [sp, -64]! .cfi_def_cfa_offset 64 .cfi_offset 29, -64 .cfi_offset 30, -56 add x29, sp, 0 .cfi_def_cfa_register 29 stp x21, x22, [sp, 32] .cfi_offset 21, -32 .cfi_offset 22, -24 uxtw x22, w0 stp x19, x20, [sp, 16] .loc 1 435 0 mov x0, 8 .LVL102: .cfi_offset 19, -48 .cfi_offset 20, -40 mov w19, 328 mov x20, 136314880 .loc 1 434 0 stp x23, x24, [sp, 48] .cfi_offset 23, -16 .cfi_offset 24, -8 .loc 1 434 0 mov x23, x22 .LVL103: .loc 1 435 0 umaddl x19, w22, w19, x0 .loc 1 438 0 mov x0, 328 mov w21, 0 .LBB102: .LBB103: .LBB104: .LBB105: .loc 1 146 0 mov w24, 1 .LBE105: .LBE104: .LBE103: .LBE102: .loc 1 438 0 madd x22, x22, x0, x20 .LVL104: .loc 1 435 0 add x19, x19, x20 .LVL105: .L103: .loc 1 438 0 discriminator 1 ldrb w0, [x22, 328] cmp w21, w0 blt .L105 .loc 1 442 0 ldp x19, x20, [sp, 16] ldp x21, x22, [sp, 32] .LVL106: ldp x23, x24, [sp, 48] .LVL107: ldp x29, x30, [sp], 64 .cfi_remember_state .cfi_restore 30 .cfi_restore 29 .cfi_restore 23 .cfi_restore 24 .cfi_restore 21 .cfi_restore 22 .cfi_restore 19 .cfi_restore 20 .cfi_def_cfa 31, 0 ret .LVL108: .L105: .cfi_restore_state .loc 1 439 0 ldr x0, [x19] cbz x0, .L104 .loc 1 440 0 ldr w2, [x19, 12] .LVL109: .LBB109: .LBB108: .LBB107: .LBB106: .loc 1 146 0 ldr w0, [x20] lsl w1, w24, w2 .LBE106: .LBE107: .loc 1 377 0 tst w1, w0 beq .L104 ldr w3, [x19, 16] mov w1, w21 mov w0, w23 bl core_task_run.part.2 .LVL110: .L104: .LBE108: .LBE109: .loc 1 438 0 discriminator 2 add w21, w21, 1 .LVL111: add x19, x19, 40 b .L103 .cfi_endproc .LFE233: .size core_main, .-core_main .section .text.smp_entry,"ax",@progbits .align 2 .global smp_entry .type smp_entry, %function smp_entry: .LFB234: .loc 1 448 0 .cfi_startproc .LVL112: stp x29, x30, [sp, -32]! .cfi_def_cfa_offset 32 .cfi_offset 29, -32 .cfi_offset 30, -24 add x29, sp, 0 .cfi_def_cfa_register 29 str x19, [sp, 16] .cfi_offset 19, -16 .loc 1 448 0 mov w19, w0 .loc 1 450 0 adrp x0, .LANCHOR2 .LVL113: ldr x0, [x0, #:lo12:.LANCHOR2] .LVL114: .LBB110: .LBB111: .loc 1 131 0 #APP // 131 "common/mp_boot.c" 1 mov x18, x0 // 0 "" 2 .LVL115: #NO_APP .LBE111: .LBE110: .loc 1 451 0 bl dcache_enable .LVL116: .loc 1 455 0 cmp w19, 1 bne .L114 .L118: .loc 1 460 0 mov w0, w19 bl core_main .LVL117: b .L115 .L114: .loc 1 459 0 cmp w19, 2 beq .L118 .L115: .loc 1 468 0 bl flush_dcache_all .LVL118: .loc 1 469 0 bl disable_interrupts .LVL119: .LBB112: .LBB113: .file 3 "./arch/arm/include/asm/system.h" .loc 3 193 0 #APP // 193 "./arch/arm/include/asm/system.h" 1 msr daifset, #0x04 // 0 "" 2 #NO_APP .LBE113: .LBE112: .loc 1 471 0 bl icache_disable .LVL120: .loc 1 472 0 bl invalidate_icache_all .LVL121: .loc 1 473 0 bl dcache_disable .LVL122: .LBB114: .LBB115: .loc 1 138 0 #APP // 138 "common/mp_boot.c" 1 mrs x0, S3_1_c15_c2_1 // 0 "" 2 .loc 1 139 0 // 139 "common/mp_boot.c" 1 bic x0, x0, #0x40 // 0 "" 2 .loc 1 140 0 // 140 "common/mp_boot.c" 1 msr S3_1_c15_c2_1, x0 // 0 "" 2 #NO_APP .LBE115: .LBE114: .loc 1 475 0 bl invalidate_dcache_all .LVL123: .loc 1 478 0 #APP // 478 "common/mp_boot.c" 1 dsb sy // 0 "" 2 .loc 1 479 0 // 479 "common/mp_boot.c" 1 isb sy // 0 "" 2 #NO_APP .L116: .loc 1 481 0 discriminator 1 #APP // 481 "common/mp_boot.c" 1 wfe // 0 "" 2 #NO_APP b .L116 .cfi_endproc .LFE234: .size smp_entry, .-smp_entry .section .text.mpb_init_1,"ax",@progbits .align 2 .global mpb_init_1 .type mpb_init_1, %function mpb_init_1: .LFB236: .loc 1 527 0 .cfi_startproc stp x29, x30, [sp, -16]! .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 .cfi_offset 29, -16 .cfi_offset 30, -8 .loc 1 528 0 mov x2, 40 mov x1, x0 mov x0, 1320 .loc 1 527 0 add x29, sp, 0 .cfi_def_cfa_register 29 .loc 1 528 0 movk x0, 0x820, lsl 16 .loc 1 527 0 .loc 1 528 0 bl memcpy .LVL124: .loc 1 530 0 mov w1, 2 mov w0, 0 bl mpb_task_run .LVL125: .loc 1 531 0 mov w2, 286331153 mov w1, 3 mov w0, 0 bl mpb_task_set_state .LVL126: .loc 1 532 0 bl flush_dcache_all .LVL127: .loc 1 533 0 #APP // 533 "common/mp_boot.c" 1 dsb sy // 0 "" 2 .loc 1 534 0 // 534 "common/mp_boot.c" 1 isb sy // 0 "" 2 .loc 1 535 0 #NO_APP ldp x29, x30, [sp], 16 .cfi_restore 30 .cfi_restore 29 .cfi_def_cfa 31, 0 ret .cfi_endproc .LFE236: .size mpb_init_1, .-mpb_init_1 .section .text.mpb_init_x,"ax",@progbits .align 2 .global mpb_init_x .type mpb_init_x, %function mpb_init_x: .LFB237: .loc 1 538 0 .cfi_startproc .LVL128: stp x29, x30, [sp, -64]! .cfi_def_cfa_offset 64 .cfi_offset 29, -64 .cfi_offset 30, -56 .loc 1 539 0 cmp w0, 2 .loc 1 538 0 add x29, sp, 0 .cfi_def_cfa_register 29 .loc 1 539 0 beq .L123 cmp w0, 3 beq .L124 cbnz w0, .L121 .LBB124: .LBB125: .loc 1 494 0 adrp x1, .LANCHOR3 add x1, x1, :lo12:.LANCHOR3 mov x2, 48 add x0, x29, 16 .LVL129: bl memcpy .LVL130: .loc 1 509 0 adrp x0, .LC14 add x0, x0, :lo12:.LC14 bl printf .LVL131: .loc 1 511 0 mov x2, 1376 mov w1, 0 mov x0, 136314880 bl memset .LVL132: .loc 1 512 0 adrp x0, .LANCHOR2 add x6, x29, 64 .LBB126: .LBB127: .loc 1 177 0 mov x4, 136314880 mov x7, 328 .LBE127: .LBE126: .loc 1 512 0 str x18, [x0, #:lo12:.LANCHOR2] .LVL133: add x0, x29, 16 .LBB130: .LBB128: .loc 1 179 0 mov x8, 40 .loc 1 185 0 mov w10, 1 .LVL134: .L126: .LBE128: .LBE130: .loc 1 514 0 cmp x6, x0 bne .L128 .loc 1 517 0 bl flush_dcache_all .LVL135: .LBB131: .loc 1 518 0 #APP // 518 "common/mp_boot.c" 1 dmb sy // 0 "" 2 #NO_APP mov x1, 8 adrp x0, save_boot_params_ret movk x1, 0xfe48, lsl 16 add x0, x0, :lo12:save_boot_params_ret str w0, [x1] .LVL136: .LBE131: .LBB132: .loc 1 519 0 #APP // 519 "common/mp_boot.c" 1 dmb sy // 0 "" 2 #NO_APP mov x0, 4 mov w1, 48815 movk x0, 0xfe48, lsl 16 movk w1, 0xdead, lsl 16 str w1, [x0] .LBE132: .loc 1 520 0 #APP // 520 "common/mp_boot.c" 1 dsb sy // 0 "" 2 .loc 1 522 0 // 522 "common/mp_boot.c" 1 sev // 0 "" 2 .loc 1 523 0 // 523 "common/mp_boot.c" 1 isb sy // 0 "" 2 .LVL137: #NO_APP .L121: .LBE125: .LBE124: .loc 1 556 0 ldp x29, x30, [sp], 64 .cfi_remember_state .cfi_restore 30 .cfi_restore 29 .cfi_def_cfa 31, 0 ret .L128: .cfi_restore_state ldp w1, w3, [x0] .LVL138: ldp w12, w11, [x0, 16] .LBB135: .LBB134: .LBB133: .LBB129: .loc 1 172 0 cmp w1, 3 ldr x13, [x0, 8] .LVL139: beq .L127 .loc 1 176 0 sub w2, w3, #1 cmp w2, 6 bhi .L127 .LVL140: .loc 1 177 0 uxtw x1, w1 mul x2, x1, x7 add x5, x4, x2 .loc 1 179 0 ldrb w1, [x5, 328] .LVL141: madd x1, x1, x8, x2 add x1, x4, x1 .loc 1 181 0 stp w3, w12, [x1, 20] .LVL142: .loc 1 185 0 lsl w3, w10, w3 .LVL143: .loc 1 183 0 stp w11, wzr, [x1, 28] .loc 1 179 0 str x13, [x1, 8] .loc 1 184 0 str xzr, [x1, 40] .loc 1 185 0 ldr w1, [x4] .LVL144: orr w3, w1, w3 str w3, [x4] .loc 1 186 0 ldrb w1, [x5, 328] add w1, w1, 1 strb w1, [x5, 328] .L127: add x0, x0, 24 b .L126 .LVL145: .L123: .LBE129: .LBE133: .LBE134: .LBE135: .loc 1 544 0 mov w2, -559087616 mov w1, 3 mov w0, 0 .LVL146: bl mpb_task_set_state .LVL147: .loc 1 545 0 bl flush_dcache_all .LVL148: .loc 1 546 0 #APP // 546 "common/mp_boot.c" 1 dsb sy // 0 "" 2 .loc 1 547 0 // 547 "common/mp_boot.c" 1 isb sy // 0 "" 2 .LVL149: .loc 1 556 0 #NO_APP ldp x29, x30, [sp], 64 .cfi_remember_state .cfi_restore 30 .cfi_restore 29 .cfi_def_cfa 31, 0 .LBB136: .LBB137: .loc 2 16 0 mov x0, 1000 b udelay .LVL150: .L124: .cfi_restore_state .LBE137: .LBE136: .loc 1 556 0 ldp x29, x30, [sp], 64 .cfi_restore 30 .cfi_restore 29 .cfi_def_cfa 31, 0 .loc 1 553 0 mov w2, -559087616 mov w1, 7 mov w0, 0 .LVL151: b mpb_task_set_state .LVL152: .cfi_endproc .LFE237: .size mpb_init_x, .-mpb_init_x .section .text.mpb_post,"ax",@progbits .align 2 .global mpb_post .type mpb_post, %function mpb_post: .LFB239: .loc 1 576 0 .cfi_startproc .LVL153: .loc 1 580 0 cmp w0, 5 bhi .L147 .loc 1 576 0 stp x29, x30, [sp, -48]! .cfi_def_cfa_offset 48 .cfi_offset 29, -48 .cfi_offset 30, -40 .loc 1 580 0 adrp x1, .L136 add x1, x1, :lo12:.L136 .loc 1 576 0 add x29, sp, 0 .cfi_def_cfa_register 29 .loc 1 580 0 ldrb w0, [x1,w0,uxtw] adr x1, .Lrtx136 add x0, x1, w0, sxtb #2 br x0 .Lrtx136: .LVL154: .section .rodata.mpb_post,"a",@progbits .align 0 .align 2 .L136: .byte (.L135 - .Lrtx136) / 4 .byte (.L137 - .Lrtx136) / 4 .byte (.L138 - .Lrtx136) / 4 .byte (.L139 - .Lrtx136) / 4 .byte (.L140 - .Lrtx136) / 4 .byte (.L141 - .Lrtx136) / 4 .section .text.mpb_post .L135: .loc 1 582 0 mov w0, 5 .L155: .loc 1 602 0 bl mpb_task_wait_done .LVL155: sxtw x0, w0 b .L133 .L137: .LVL156: .loc 1 586 0 mov w0, 5 bl mpb_task_wait_done .LVL157: .loc 1 587 0 bl mpb_quit_load_image .LVL158: cbz w0, .L142 .LVL159: .L156: .loc 1 621 0 mov x0, 0 .loc 1 617 0 b .L133 .LVL160: .L142: .loc 1 587 0 discriminator 1 mov x0, 136314880 ldr x0, [x0, 1360] .LVL161: .L133: .loc 1 622 0 ldp x29, x30, [sp], 48 .cfi_remember_state .cfi_restore 30 .cfi_restore 29 .cfi_def_cfa 31, 0 ret .L138: .cfi_restore_state .loc 1 590 0 bl mpb_quit_load_image .LVL162: cbnz w0, .L156 .loc 1 590 0 is_stmt 0 discriminator 1 mov x0, 136314880 ldr x0, [x0, 1368] b .L133 .L139: .loc 1 594 0 is_stmt 1 bl mpb_quit_load_image .LVL163: cbz w0, .L156 .loc 1 596 0 mov w0, 6 bl mpb_task_wait_done .LVL164: .loc 1 597 0 mov x0, 1 b .L133 .L140: .loc 1 602 0 mov w0, 6 b .L155 .L141: .loc 1 605 0 bl mpb_quit_load_image .LVL165: cbnz w0, .L156 .LVL166: .loc 1 609 0 mov w0, 5 bl mpb_task_wait_done .LVL167: cmp w0, 0 ble .L144 .L146: .loc 1 611 0 mov x0, 136314880 adrp x2, .LC15 add x2, x2, :lo12:.LC15 mov x1, 32 ldr x3, [x0, 1360] add x0, x29, 16 bl snprintf .LVL168: .loc 1 612 0 mov w1, 0 add x0, x29, 16 bl run_command .LVL169: .L145: .loc 1 616 0 bl mpb_task_dump .LVL170: b .L156 .L144: .loc 1 610 0 discriminator 1 mov w0, 4 bl mpb_task_wait_done .LVL171: .loc 1 609 0 discriminator 1 cmp w0, 0 bgt .L146 b .L145 .LVL172: .L147: .cfi_def_cfa 31, 0 .cfi_restore 29 .cfi_restore 30 .loc 1 621 0 mov x0, 0 .LVL173: ret .cfi_endproc .LFE239: .size mpb_post, .-mpb_post .section .rodata .align 3 .set .LANCHOR3,. + 0 .LC0: .word 0 .word 2 .xword spl_load_baseparamter .word 0 .word 0 .word 2 .word 1 .xword spl_init_display .word 0 .word 0 .section .bss.mpb_gd,"aw",@nobits .align 3 .set .LANCHOR2,. + 0 .type mpb_gd, %object .size mpb_gd, 8 mpb_gd: .zero 8 .section .bss.once.6657,"aw",@nobits .align 2 .set .LANCHOR0,. + 0 .type once.6657, %object .size once.6657, 4 once.6657: .zero 4 .section .rodata.core_task_run.part.2.str1.1,"aMS",@progbits,1 .LC11: .string "-- T%d.%d [%d, %ld]\n" .LC12: .string "++ T%d.%d -\n" .LC13: .string "++ T%d.%d\n" .section .rodata.mpb_init_x.str1.1,"aMS",@progbits,1 .LC14: .string "U-Boot SPL MP\n" .section .rodata.mpb_post.str1.1,"aMS",@progbits,1 .LC15: .string "bootm 0x%lx" .section .rodata.mpb_quit_load_image.str1.1,"aMS",@progbits,1 .LC1: .string "++ serial boot\n" .section .rodata.mpb_task_dump.str1.1,"aMS",@progbits,1 .LC2: .string "data: %08lx, %08lx\n" .LC3: .string "T%d.%d:[%s]\n" .LC4: .string " tid: %d\n" .LC5: .string " fn: 0x%08lx\n" .LC6: .string " state: 0x%08x\n" .LC7: .string " ret: %d\n" .LC8: .string " ms: %ld\n" .LC9: .string " ptid_mask: 0x%08x\n" .LC10: .string " rip_fail: %d\n\n" .section .rodata.str1.1,"aMS",@progbits,1 .LC16: .string "none" .LC17: .string "init-display" .LC18: .string "load-baseparameter" .LC19: .string "load-uboot" .LC20: .string "load-fit" .LC21: .string "load-android" .LC22: .string "hash-android" .LC23: .string "run-uboot" .section .rodata.tid_name,"a",@progbits .align 3 .set .LANCHOR1,. + 0 .type tid_name, %object .size tid_name, 64 tid_name: .xword .LC16 .xword .LC17 .xword .LC18 .xword .LC19 .xword .LC20 .xword .LC21 .xword .LC22 .xword .LC23 .text .Letext0: .file 4 "include/common.h" .file 5 "./arch/arm/include/asm/types.h" .file 6 "include/linux/types.h" .file 7 "include/errno.h" .file 8 "include/linux/string.h" .file 9 "include/efi.h" .file 10 "include/ide.h" .file 11 "include/linux/list.h" .file 12 "include/part.h" .file 13 "include/flash.h" .file 14 "include/lmb.h" .file 15 "include/asm-generic/u-boot.h" .file 16 "./arch/arm/include/asm/u-boot-arm.h" .file 17 "include/linux/libfdt_env.h" .file 18 "include/linux/../../scripts/dtc/libfdt/fdt.h" .file 19 "include/linux/libfdt.h" .file 20 "include/image.h" .file 21 "./arch/arm/include/asm/global_data.h" .file 22 "include/asm-generic/global_data.h" .file 23 "include/net.h" .file 24 "include/dm/uclass-id.h" .file 25 "./arch/arm/include/asm/spl.h" .file 26 "include/spl.h" .file 27 "include/mp_boot.h" .file 28 "include/boot_rkimg.h" .file 29 "include/log.h" .file 30 "include/vsprintf.h" .file 31 "include/stdio.h" .section .debug_info,"",@progbits .Ldebug_info0: .4byte 0x2575 .2byte 0x4 .4byte .Ldebug_abbrev0 .byte 0x8 .uleb128 0x1 .4byte .LASF447 .byte 0xc .4byte .LASF448 .4byte .LASF449 .4byte .Ldebug_ranges0+0x230 .8byte 0 .4byte .Ldebug_line0 .uleb128 0x2 .4byte .LASF4 .byte 0x4 .byte 0xd .4byte 0x34 .uleb128 0x3 .byte 0x1 .byte 0x8 .4byte .LASF0 .uleb128 0x3 .byte 0x8 .byte 0x7 .4byte .LASF1 .uleb128 0x3 .byte 0x2 .byte 0x7 .4byte .LASF2 .uleb128 0x4 .4byte .LASF20 .byte 0x7 .byte 0xc .4byte 0x54 .uleb128 0x5 .byte 0x4 .byte 0x5 .string "int" .uleb128 0x3 .byte 0x1 .byte 0x6 .4byte .LASF3 .uleb128 0x2 .4byte .LASF5 .byte 0x5 .byte 0xc .4byte 0x34 .uleb128 0x3 .byte 0x2 .byte 0x5 .4byte .LASF6 .uleb128 0x2 .4byte .LASF7 .byte 0x5 .byte 0x12 .4byte 0x7f .uleb128 0x3 .byte 0x4 .byte 0x7 .4byte .LASF8 .uleb128 0x3 .byte 0x8 .byte 0x5 .4byte .LASF9 .uleb128 0x3 .byte 0x8 .byte 0x7 .4byte .LASF10 .uleb128 0x6 .string "u8" .byte 0x5 .byte 0x1f .4byte 0x34 .uleb128 0x7 .4byte 0x94 .uleb128 0x6 .string "u32" .byte 0x5 .byte 0x25 .4byte 0x7f .uleb128 0x6 .string "u64" .byte 0x5 .byte 0x28 .4byte 0x8d .uleb128 0x2 .4byte .LASF11 .byte 0x5 .byte 0x31 .4byte 0x8d .uleb128 0x2 .4byte .LASF12 .byte 0x5 .byte 0x32 .4byte 0x8d .uleb128 0x3 .byte 0x8 .byte 0x7 .4byte .LASF13 .uleb128 0x8 .byte 0x8 .4byte 0xe3 .uleb128 0x3 .byte 0x1 .byte 0x8 .4byte .LASF14 .uleb128 0x7 .4byte 0xdc .uleb128 0x3 .byte 0x8 .byte 0x5 .4byte .LASF15 .uleb128 0x8 .byte 0x8 .4byte 0xdc .uleb128 0x2 .4byte .LASF16 .byte 0x6 .byte 0x59 .4byte 0x42 .uleb128 0x2 .4byte .LASF17 .byte 0x6 .byte 0x5b .4byte 0x3b .uleb128 0x9 .4byte 0x100 .uleb128 0x2 .4byte .LASF18 .byte 0x6 .byte 0x69 .4byte 0x62 .uleb128 0x2 .4byte .LASF19 .byte 0x6 .byte 0x97 .4byte 0x74 .uleb128 0xa .byte 0x8 .uleb128 0x4 .4byte .LASF21 .byte 0x8 .byte 0xb .4byte 0xef .uleb128 0x3 .byte 0x1 .byte 0x2 .4byte .LASF22 .uleb128 0xb .4byte 0xdc .4byte 0x145 .uleb128 0xc .byte 0 .uleb128 0xd .4byte .LASF23 .byte 0x9 .2byte 0x140 .4byte 0x13a .uleb128 0xd .4byte .LASF24 .byte 0x9 .2byte 0x143 .4byte 0x13a .uleb128 0xd .4byte .LASF25 .byte 0x9 .2byte 0x143 .4byte 0x13a .uleb128 0xe .4byte .LASF38 .uleb128 0x8 .byte 0x8 .4byte 0x169 .uleb128 0x8 .byte 0x8 .4byte 0x17a .uleb128 0xf .uleb128 0xb .4byte 0x100 .4byte 0x186 .uleb128 0xc .byte 0 .uleb128 0x4 .4byte .LASF26 .byte 0xa .byte 0x10 .4byte 0x17b .uleb128 0xb .4byte 0x34 .4byte 0x1a1 .uleb128 0x10 .4byte 0xcf .byte 0x5 .byte 0 .uleb128 0x11 .4byte .LASF29 .byte 0x10 .byte 0xb .byte 0x16 .4byte 0x1c6 .uleb128 0x12 .4byte .LASF27 .byte 0xb .byte 0x17 .4byte 0x1c6 .byte 0 .uleb128 0x12 .4byte .LASF28 .byte 0xb .byte 0x17 .4byte 0x1c6 .byte 0x8 .byte 0 .uleb128 0x8 .byte 0x8 .4byte 0x1a1 .uleb128 0x11 .4byte .LASF30 .byte 0x10 .byte 0xc .byte 0xf .4byte 0x1f1 .uleb128 0x12 .4byte .LASF31 .byte 0xc .byte 0x10 .4byte 0xef .byte 0 .uleb128 0x12 .4byte .LASF32 .byte 0xc .byte 0x11 .4byte 0x20a .byte 0x8 .byte 0 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.uleb128 0xe .4byte .LASF39 .uleb128 0x8 .byte 0x8 .4byte 0x2a1 .uleb128 0x2 .4byte .LASF40 .byte 0xd .byte 0x37 .4byte 0x22b .uleb128 0xb .4byte 0x2ac .4byte 0x2c2 .uleb128 0xc .byte 0 .uleb128 0x4 .4byte .LASF41 .byte 0xd .byte 0x39 .4byte 0x2b7 .uleb128 0x3 .byte 0x10 .byte 0x4 .4byte .LASF42 .uleb128 0x11 .4byte .LASF43 .byte 0x10 .byte 0xe .byte 0x10 .4byte 0x2f9 .uleb128 0x12 .4byte .LASF44 .byte 0xe .byte 0x11 .4byte 0xb9 .byte 0 .uleb128 0x12 .4byte .LASF33 .byte 0xe .byte 0x12 .4byte 0xc4 .byte 0x8 .byte 0 .uleb128 0x19 .4byte .LASF45 .2byte 0x120 .byte 0xe .byte 0x15 .4byte 0x32b .uleb128 0x1a .string "cnt" .byte 0xe .byte 0x16 .4byte 0x3b .byte 0 .uleb128 0x12 .4byte .LASF33 .byte 0xe .byte 0x17 .4byte 0xc4 .byte 0x8 .uleb128 0x12 .4byte .LASF46 .byte 0xe .byte 0x18 .4byte 0x32b .byte 0x10 .byte 0 .uleb128 0xb .4byte 0x2d4 .4byte 0x33b .uleb128 0x10 .4byte 0xcf .byte 0x10 .byte 0 .uleb128 0x1b .string "lmb" .2byte 0x240 .byte 0xe .byte 0x1b .4byte 0x362 .uleb128 0x12 .4byte .LASF47 .byte 0xe .byte 0x1c .4byte 0x2f9 .byte 0 .uleb128 0x16 .4byte .LASF48 .byte 0xe .byte 0x1d .4byte 0x2f9 .2byte 0x120 .byte 0 .uleb128 0x1c .string "lmb" .byte 0xe .byte 0x20 .4byte 0x33b .uleb128 0x1d .byte 0x10 .byte 0xf .byte 0x5b .4byte 0x38e .uleb128 0x12 .4byte .LASF36 .byte 0xf .byte 0x5c .4byte 0xae .byte 0 .uleb128 0x12 .4byte .LASF33 .byte 0xf .byte 0x5d .4byte 0xae .byte 0x8 .byte 0 .uleb128 0x19 .4byte .LASF49 .2byte 0x148 .byte 0xf .byte 0x1b .4byte 0x480 .uleb128 0x12 .4byte .LASF50 .byte 0xf .byte 0x1c .4byte 0x3b .byte 0 .uleb128 0x12 .4byte .LASF51 .byte 0xf .byte 0x1d .4byte 0xc4 .byte 0x8 .uleb128 0x12 .4byte .LASF52 .byte 0xf .byte 0x1e .4byte 0x3b .byte 0x10 .uleb128 0x12 .4byte .LASF53 .byte 0xf .byte 0x1f .4byte 0x3b .byte 0x18 .uleb128 0x12 .4byte .LASF54 .byte 0xf .byte 0x20 .4byte 0x3b .byte 0x20 .uleb128 0x12 .4byte .LASF55 .byte 0xf .byte 0x21 .4byte 0x3b .byte 0x28 .uleb128 0x12 .4byte .LASF56 .byte 0xf .byte 0x22 .4byte 0x3b .byte 0x30 .uleb128 0x12 .4byte .LASF57 .byte 0xf .byte 0x24 .4byte 0x3b .byte 0x38 .uleb128 0x12 .4byte .LASF58 .byte 0xf .byte 0x25 .4byte 0x3b .byte 0x40 .uleb128 0x12 .4byte .LASF59 .byte 0xf .byte 0x26 .4byte 0x3b .byte 0x48 .uleb128 0x12 .4byte .LASF60 .byte 0xf .byte 0x31 .4byte 0x3b .byte 0x50 .uleb128 0x12 .4byte .LASF61 .byte 0xf .byte 0x32 .4byte 0x3b .byte 0x58 .uleb128 0x12 .4byte .LASF62 .byte 0xf .byte 0x33 .4byte 0x191 .byte 0x60 .uleb128 0x12 .4byte .LASF63 .byte 0xf .byte 0x34 .4byte 0x42 .byte 0x66 .uleb128 0x12 .4byte .LASF64 .byte 0xf .byte 0x35 .4byte 0x3b .byte 0x68 .uleb128 0x12 .4byte .LASF65 .byte 0xf .byte 0x36 .4byte 0x3b .byte 0x70 .uleb128 0x12 .4byte .LASF66 .byte 0xf .byte 0x57 .4byte 0x100 .byte 0x78 .uleb128 0x12 .4byte .LASF67 .byte 0xf .byte 0x58 .4byte 0x100 .byte 0x80 .uleb128 0x12 .4byte .LASF68 .byte 0xf .byte 0x5e .4byte 0x480 .byte 0x88 .byte 0 .uleb128 0xb .4byte 0x36d .4byte 0x490 .uleb128 0x10 .4byte 0xcf .byte 0xb .byte 0 .uleb128 0x2 .4byte .LASF69 .byte 0xf .byte 0x60 .4byte 0x38e .uleb128 0x4 .4byte .LASF70 .byte 0x10 .byte 0x13 .4byte 0x100 .uleb128 0x4 .4byte .LASF71 .byte 0x10 .byte 0x14 .4byte 0x100 .uleb128 0x4 .4byte .LASF72 .byte 0x10 .byte 0x15 .4byte 0x100 .uleb128 0x4 .4byte .LASF73 .byte 0x10 .byte 0x16 .4byte 0x100 .uleb128 0x4 .4byte .LASF74 .byte 0x10 .byte 0x17 .4byte 0x100 .uleb128 0x4 .4byte .LASF75 .byte 0x10 .byte 0x18 .4byte 0x100 .uleb128 0x4 .4byte .LASF76 .byte 0x10 .byte 0x19 .4byte 0x100 .uleb128 0x2 .4byte .LASF77 .byte 0x11 .byte 0x11 .4byte 0x11b .uleb128 0x11 .4byte .LASF78 .byte 0x28 .byte 0x12 .byte 0x39 .4byte 0x578 .uleb128 0x12 .4byte .LASF79 .byte 0x12 .byte 0x3a .4byte 0x4e8 .byte 0 .uleb128 0x12 .4byte .LASF80 .byte 0x12 .byte 0x3b .4byte 0x4e8 .byte 0x4 .uleb128 0x12 .4byte .LASF81 .byte 0x12 .byte 0x3c .4byte 0x4e8 .byte 0x8 .uleb128 0x12 .4byte .LASF82 .byte 0x12 .byte 0x3d .4byte 0x4e8 .byte 0xc .uleb128 0x12 .4byte .LASF83 .byte 0x12 .byte 0x3e .4byte 0x4e8 .byte 0x10 .uleb128 0x12 .4byte .LASF84 .byte 0x12 .byte 0x3f .4byte 0x4e8 .byte 0x14 .uleb128 0x12 .4byte .LASF85 .byte 0x12 .byte 0x40 .4byte 0x4e8 .byte 0x18 .uleb128 0x12 .4byte .LASF86 .byte 0x12 .byte 0x43 .4byte 0x4e8 .byte 0x1c .uleb128 0x12 .4byte .LASF87 .byte 0x12 .byte 0x46 .4byte 0x4e8 .byte 0x20 .uleb128 0x12 .4byte .LASF88 .byte 0x12 .byte 0x49 .4byte 0x4e8 .byte 0x24 .byte 0 .uleb128 0xd .4byte .LASF89 .byte 0x13 .2byte 0x136 .4byte 0x584 .uleb128 0x8 .byte 0x8 .4byte 0x4f3 .uleb128 0x1e .4byte .LASF90 .byte 0x40 .byte 0x14 .2byte 0x137 .4byte 0x634 .uleb128 0x1f .4byte .LASF91 .byte 0x14 .2byte 0x138 .4byte 0x11b .byte 0 .uleb128 0x1f .4byte .LASF92 .byte 0x14 .2byte 0x139 .4byte 0x11b .byte 0x4 .uleb128 0x1f .4byte .LASF93 .byte 0x14 .2byte 0x13a .4byte 0x11b .byte 0x8 .uleb128 0x1f .4byte .LASF94 .byte 0x14 .2byte 0x13b .4byte 0x11b .byte 0xc .uleb128 0x1f .4byte .LASF95 .byte 0x14 .2byte 0x13c .4byte 0x11b .byte 0x10 .uleb128 0x1f .4byte .LASF96 .byte 0x14 .2byte 0x13d .4byte 0x11b .byte 0x14 .uleb128 0x1f .4byte .LASF97 .byte 0x14 .2byte 0x13e .4byte 0x11b .byte 0x18 .uleb128 0x1f .4byte .LASF98 .byte 0x14 .2byte 0x13f .4byte 0x110 .byte 0x1c .uleb128 0x1f .4byte .LASF99 .byte 0x14 .2byte 0x140 .4byte 0x110 .byte 0x1d .uleb128 0x1f .4byte .LASF100 .byte 0x14 .2byte 0x141 .4byte 0x110 .byte 0x1e .uleb128 0x1f .4byte .LASF101 .byte 0x14 .2byte 0x142 .4byte 0x110 .byte 0x1f .uleb128 0x1f .4byte .LASF102 .byte 0x14 .2byte 0x143 .4byte 0x634 .byte 0x20 .byte 0 .uleb128 0xb .4byte 0x110 .4byte 0x644 .uleb128 0x10 .4byte 0xcf .byte 0x1f .byte 0 .uleb128 0x20 .4byte .LASF103 .byte 0x14 .2byte 0x144 .4byte 0x58a .uleb128 0x1e .4byte .LASF104 .byte 0x30 .byte 0x14 .2byte 0x146 .4byte 0x6d2 .uleb128 0x1f .4byte .LASF36 .byte 0x14 .2byte 0x147 .4byte 0x100 .byte 0 .uleb128 0x21 .string "end" .byte 0x14 .2byte 0x147 .4byte 0x100 .byte 0x8 .uleb128 0x1f .4byte .LASF105 .byte 0x14 .2byte 0x148 .4byte 0x100 .byte 0x10 .uleb128 0x1f .4byte .LASF106 .byte 0x14 .2byte 0x148 .4byte 0x100 .byte 0x18 .uleb128 0x1f .4byte .LASF107 .byte 0x14 .2byte 0x149 .4byte 0x100 .byte 0x20 .uleb128 0x1f .4byte .LASF108 .byte 0x14 .2byte 0x14a .4byte 0x110 .byte 0x28 .uleb128 0x1f .4byte .LASF109 .byte 0x14 .2byte 0x14a .4byte 0x110 .byte 0x29 .uleb128 0x21 .string "os" .byte 0x14 .2byte 0x14a .4byte 0x110 .byte 0x2a .uleb128 0x1f .4byte .LASF110 .byte 0x14 .2byte 0x14b .4byte 0x110 .byte 0x2b .byte 0 .uleb128 0x20 .4byte .LASF111 .byte 0x14 .2byte 0x14c .4byte 0x650 .uleb128 0x22 .4byte .LASF112 .2byte 0x380 .byte 0x14 .2byte 0x152 .4byte 0x87b .uleb128 0x1f .4byte .LASF113 .byte 0x14 .2byte 0x158 .4byte 0x87b .byte 0 .uleb128 0x1f .4byte .LASF114 .byte 0x14 .2byte 0x159 .4byte 0x644 .byte 0x8 .uleb128 0x1f .4byte .LASF115 .byte 0x14 .2byte 0x15a .4byte 0x100 .byte 0x48 .uleb128 0x1f .4byte .LASF116 .byte 0x14 .2byte 0x15d .4byte 0xd6 .byte 0x50 .uleb128 0x1f .4byte .LASF117 .byte 0x14 .2byte 0x15f .4byte 0x126 .byte 0x58 .uleb128 0x1f .4byte .LASF118 .byte 0x14 .2byte 0x160 .4byte 0xd6 .byte 0x60 .uleb128 0x1f .4byte .LASF119 .byte 0x14 .2byte 0x161 .4byte 0x54 .byte 0x68 .uleb128 0x1f .4byte .LASF120 .byte 0x14 .2byte 0x163 .4byte 0x126 .byte 0x70 .uleb128 0x1f .4byte .LASF121 .byte 0x14 .2byte 0x164 .4byte 0xd6 .byte 0x78 .uleb128 0x1f .4byte .LASF122 .byte 0x14 .2byte 0x165 .4byte 0x54 .byte 0x80 .uleb128 0x1f .4byte .LASF123 .byte 0x14 .2byte 0x167 .4byte 0x126 .byte 0x88 .uleb128 0x1f .4byte .LASF124 .byte 0x14 .2byte 0x168 .4byte 0xd6 .byte 0x90 .uleb128 0x1f .4byte .LASF125 .byte 0x14 .2byte 0x169 .4byte 0x54 .byte 0x98 .uleb128 0x1f .4byte .LASF126 .byte 0x14 .2byte 0x16b .4byte 0x126 .byte 0xa0 .uleb128 0x1f .4byte .LASF127 .byte 0x14 .2byte 0x16c .4byte 0xd6 .byte 0xa8 .uleb128 0x1f .4byte .LASF128 .byte 0x14 .2byte 0x16d .4byte 0x54 .byte 0xb0 .uleb128 0x21 .string "os" .byte 0x14 .2byte 0x171 .4byte 0x6d2 .byte 0xb8 .uleb128 0x21 .string "ep" .byte 0x14 .2byte 0x172 .4byte 0x100 .byte 0xe8 .uleb128 0x1f .4byte .LASF129 .byte 0x14 .2byte 0x174 .4byte 0x100 .byte 0xf0 .uleb128 0x1f .4byte .LASF130 .byte 0x14 .2byte 0x174 .4byte 0x100 .byte 0xf8 .uleb128 0x23 .4byte .LASF131 .byte 0x14 .2byte 0x176 .4byte 0xef .2byte 0x100 .uleb128 0x23 .4byte .LASF132 .byte 0x14 .2byte 0x177 .4byte 0x100 .2byte 0x108 .uleb128 0x23 .4byte .LASF133 .byte 0x14 .2byte 0x179 .4byte 0x100 .2byte 0x110 .uleb128 0x23 .4byte .LASF134 .byte 0x14 .2byte 0x17a .4byte 0x100 .2byte 0x118 .uleb128 0x23 .4byte .LASF135 .byte 0x14 .2byte 0x17b .4byte 0x100 .2byte 0x120 .uleb128 0x23 .4byte .LASF136 .byte 0x14 .2byte 0x17c .4byte 0x100 .2byte 0x128 .uleb128 0x24 .string "kbd" .byte 0x14 .2byte 0x17d .4byte 0x881 .2byte 0x130 .uleb128 0x23 .4byte .LASF137 .byte 0x14 .2byte 0x180 .4byte 0x54 .2byte 0x138 .uleb128 0x23 .4byte .LASF138 .byte 0x14 .2byte 0x18d .4byte 0x54 .2byte 0x13c .uleb128 0x24 .string "lmb" .byte 0x14 .2byte 0x190 .4byte 0x33b .2byte 0x140 .byte 0 .uleb128 0x8 .byte 0x8 .4byte 0x644 .uleb128 0x8 .byte 0x8 .4byte 0x490 .uleb128 0x20 .4byte .LASF139 .byte 0x14 .2byte 0x196 .4byte 0x6de .uleb128 0xd .4byte .LASF140 .byte 0x14 .2byte 0x198 .4byte 0x887 .uleb128 0xb .4byte 0xdc .4byte 0x8b0 .uleb128 0x18 .4byte 0xcf .2byte 0x3ff .byte 0 .uleb128 0x25 .4byte .LASF331 .byte 0x4 .4byte 0x54 .byte 0x18 .byte 0xe .4byte 0xb19 .uleb128 0x26 .4byte .LASF141 .byte 0 .uleb128 0x26 .4byte .LASF142 .byte 0x1 .uleb128 0x26 .4byte .LASF143 .byte 0x2 .uleb128 0x26 .4byte .LASF144 .byte 0x3 .uleb128 0x26 .4byte .LASF145 .byte 0x4 .uleb128 0x26 .4byte .LASF146 .byte 0x5 .uleb128 0x26 .4byte .LASF147 .byte 0x6 .uleb128 0x26 .4byte .LASF148 .byte 0x7 .uleb128 0x26 .4byte .LASF149 .byte 0x8 .uleb128 0x26 .4byte .LASF150 .byte 0x9 .uleb128 0x26 .4byte .LASF151 .byte 0xa .uleb128 0x26 .4byte .LASF152 .byte 0xb .uleb128 0x26 .4byte .LASF153 .byte 0xc .uleb128 0x26 .4byte .LASF154 .byte 0xd .uleb128 0x26 .4byte .LASF155 .byte 0xe .uleb128 0x26 .4byte .LASF156 .byte 0xf .uleb128 0x26 .4byte .LASF157 .byte 0x10 .uleb128 0x26 .4byte .LASF158 .byte 0x11 .uleb128 0x26 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0x16 .byte 0x4b .4byte 0x3b .byte 0x80 .uleb128 0x12 .4byte .LASF271 .byte 0x16 .byte 0x4c .4byte 0x3b .byte 0x88 .uleb128 0x12 .4byte .LASF272 .byte 0x16 .byte 0x4d .4byte 0xe23 .byte 0x90 .uleb128 0x12 .4byte .LASF273 .byte 0x16 .byte 0x50 .4byte 0x16e .byte 0x98 .uleb128 0x12 .4byte .LASF274 .byte 0x16 .byte 0x51 .4byte 0x16e .byte 0xa0 .uleb128 0x12 .4byte .LASF275 .byte 0x16 .byte 0x52 .4byte 0x1a1 .byte 0xa8 .uleb128 0x12 .4byte .LASF276 .byte 0x16 .byte 0x57 .4byte 0x174 .byte 0xb8 .uleb128 0x12 .4byte .LASF277 .byte 0x16 .byte 0x58 .4byte 0x126 .byte 0xc0 .uleb128 0x12 .4byte .LASF278 .byte 0x16 .byte 0x59 .4byte 0x3b .byte 0xc8 .uleb128 0x12 .4byte .LASF279 .byte 0x16 .byte 0x5b .4byte 0xe2e .byte 0xd0 .uleb128 0x12 .4byte .LASF280 .byte 0x16 .byte 0x5c .4byte 0xe2e .byte 0xd8 .uleb128 0x12 .4byte .LASF281 .byte 0x16 .byte 0x5e .4byte 0x174 .byte 0xe0 .uleb128 0x12 .4byte .LASF282 .byte 0x16 .byte 0x5f .4byte 0x174 .byte 0xe8 .uleb128 0x1a .string "jt" .byte 0x16 .byte 0x60 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0x8c .4byte 0xba5 .2byte 0x1a0 .uleb128 0x16 .4byte .LASF295 .byte 0x16 .byte 0x8d .4byte 0x100 .2byte 0x1b8 .uleb128 0x16 .4byte .LASF296 .byte 0x16 .byte 0x8e .4byte 0x54 .2byte 0x1c0 .byte 0 .uleb128 0x8 .byte 0x8 .4byte 0xbed .uleb128 0xe .4byte .LASF297 .uleb128 0x8 .byte 0x8 .4byte 0xe29 .uleb128 0xe .4byte .LASF298 .uleb128 0x8 .byte 0x8 .4byte 0xe34 .uleb128 0xb .4byte 0xdc .4byte 0xe4f .uleb128 0x10 .4byte 0xcf .byte 0x1f .byte 0 .uleb128 0x2 .4byte .LASF299 .byte 0x16 .byte 0x9b .4byte 0xbed .uleb128 0x9 .4byte 0xe4f .uleb128 0x4 .4byte .LASF300 .byte 0x4 .byte 0xad .4byte 0x100 .uleb128 0xb .4byte 0x94 .4byte 0xe75 .uleb128 0xc .byte 0 .uleb128 0x4 .4byte .LASF301 .byte 0x4 .byte 0xaf .4byte 0xe6a .uleb128 0x4 .4byte .LASF302 .byte 0x4 .byte 0xb0 .4byte 0xe6a .uleb128 0x4 .4byte .LASF303 .byte 0x4 .byte 0xfe .4byte 0x100 .uleb128 0x4 .4byte .LASF304 .byte 0x4 .byte 0xff .4byte 0x100 .uleb128 0xd .4byte .LASF305 .byte 0x4 .2byte 0x100 .4byte 0x100 .uleb128 0x11 .4byte 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0x8 .4byte 0x12fe .uleb128 0x2b .4byte .LASF392 .byte 0x1 .byte 0x7f .4byte 0x100 .uleb128 0x9 .byte 0x3 .8byte mpb_gd .uleb128 0x11 .4byte .LASF393 .byte 0x18 .byte 0x1 .byte 0x95 .4byte 0x13af .uleb128 0x1a .string "cid" .byte 0x1 .byte 0x96 .4byte 0xa3 .byte 0 .uleb128 0x1a .string "tid" .byte 0x1 .byte 0x97 .4byte 0xa3 .byte 0x4 .uleb128 0x1a .string "fn" .byte 0x1 .byte 0x98 .4byte 0x1242 .byte 0x8 .uleb128 0x12 .4byte .LASF385 .byte 0x1 .byte 0x99 .4byte 0xa3 .byte 0x10 .uleb128 0x12 .4byte .LASF386 .byte 0x1 .byte 0x9a .4byte 0xa3 .byte 0x14 .byte 0 .uleb128 0x2d .4byte .LASF406 .byte 0x1 .2byte 0x23f .4byte 0x100 .8byte .LFB239 .8byte .LFE239-.LFB239 .uleb128 0x1 .byte 0x9c .4byte 0x14ef .uleb128 0x2e .string "evt" .byte 0x1 .2byte 0x23f .4byte 0x54 .4byte .LLST61 .uleb128 0x2f .4byte .LASF394 .byte 0x1 .2byte 0x241 .4byte 0x54 .4byte .LLST62 .uleb128 0x30 .string "cmd" .byte 0x1 .2byte 0x242 .4byte 0xe3f .uleb128 0x2 .byte 0x91 .sleb128 -32 .uleb128 0x31 .8byte .LVL155 .4byte 0x1b59 .uleb128 0x32 .8byte .LVL157 .4byte 0x1b59 .4byte 0x1424 .uleb128 0x33 .uleb128 0x1 .byte 0x50 .uleb128 0x1 .byte 0x35 .byte 0 .uleb128 0x31 .8byte .LVL158 .4byte 0x14ef .uleb128 0x31 .8byte .LVL162 .4byte 0x14ef .uleb128 0x31 .8byte .LVL163 .4byte 0x14ef .uleb128 0x32 .8byte .LVL164 .4byte 0x1b59 .4byte 0x1462 .uleb128 0x33 .uleb128 0x1 .byte 0x50 .uleb128 0x1 .byte 0x36 .byte 0 .uleb128 0x31 .8byte .LVL165 .4byte 0x14ef .uleb128 0x32 .8byte .LVL167 .4byte 0x1b59 .4byte 0x1486 .uleb128 0x33 .uleb128 0x1 .byte 0x50 .uleb128 0x1 .byte 0x35 .byte 0 .uleb128 0x32 .8byte .LVL168 .4byte 0x24b5 .4byte 0x14b1 .uleb128 0x33 .uleb128 0x1 .byte 0x50 .uleb128 0x2 .byte 0x8f .sleb128 16 .uleb128 0x33 .uleb128 0x1 .byte 0x51 .uleb128 0x2 .byte 0x8 .byte 0x20 .uleb128 0x33 .uleb128 0x1 .byte 0x52 .uleb128 0x9 .byte 0x3 .8byte .LC15 .byte 0 .uleb128 0x32 .8byte .LVL169 .4byte 0x24c0 .4byte 0x14ce .uleb128 0x33 .uleb128 0x1 .byte 0x50 .uleb128 0x2 .byte 0x8f .sleb128 16 .uleb128 0x33 .uleb128 0x1 .byte 0x51 .uleb128 0x1 .byte 0x30 .byte 0 .uleb128 0x31 .8byte .LVL170 .4byte 0x1cdf .uleb128 0x34 .8byte .LVL171 .4byte 0x1b59 .uleb128 0x33 .uleb128 0x1 .byte 0x50 .uleb128 0x1 .byte 0x34 .byte 0 .byte 0 .uleb128 0x35 .4byte .LASF402 .byte 0x1 .2byte 0x22f .4byte 0x54 .byte 0x1 .4byte 0x150d .uleb128 0x36 .4byte .LASF395 .byte 0x1 .2byte 0x231 .4byte 0x54 .byte 0 .uleb128 0x37 .4byte .LASF396 .byte 0x1 .2byte 0x219 .8byte .LFB237 .8byte .LFE237-.LFB237 .uleb128 0x1 .byte 0x9c .4byte 0x16f6 .uleb128 0x2e .string "evt" .byte 0x1 .2byte 0x219 .4byte 0x54 .4byte .LLST53 .uleb128 0x38 .4byte 0x178a .8byte .LBB124 .4byte .Ldebug_ranges0+0x1c0 .byte 0x1 .2byte 0x21d .4byte 0x1665 .uleb128 0x39 .4byte .Ldebug_ranges0+0x1c0 .uleb128 0x3a .4byte 0x1797 .uleb128 0x2 .byte 0x91 .sleb128 -48 .uleb128 0x3b .4byte 0x17a3 .4byte .LLST54 .uleb128 0x38 .4byte 0x2027 .8byte .LBB126 .4byte .Ldebug_ranges0+0x1f0 .byte 0x1 .2byte 0x203 .4byte 0x15ac .uleb128 0x3c .4byte 0x2037 .4byte .LLST55 .uleb128 0x39 .4byte .Ldebug_ranges0+0x1f0 .uleb128 0x3b .4byte 0x2042 .4byte .LLST56 .uleb128 0x3b .4byte 0x204d .4byte .LLST57 .uleb128 0x3b .4byte 0x2058 .4byte .LLST58 .byte 0 .byte 0 .uleb128 0x3d .8byte .LBB131 .8byte .LBE131-.LBB131 .4byte 0x15c7 .uleb128 0x3e .4byte 0x17b2 .byte 0 .uleb128 0x3d .8byte .LBB132 .8byte .LBE132-.LBB132 .4byte 0x15e6 .uleb128 0x3b .4byte 0x17c0 .4byte .LLST59 .byte 0 .uleb128 0x32 .8byte .LVL130 .4byte 0x24cb .4byte 0x1611 .uleb128 0x33 .uleb128 0x1 .byte 0x50 .uleb128 0x2 .byte 0x8f .sleb128 16 .uleb128 0x33 .uleb128 0x1 .byte 0x51 .uleb128 0x9 .byte 0x3 .8byte .LANCHOR3 .uleb128 0x33 .uleb128 0x1 .byte 0x52 .uleb128 0x2 .byte 0x8 .byte 0x30 .byte 0 .uleb128 0x32 .8byte .LVL131 .4byte 0x24d4 .4byte 0x1630 .uleb128 0x33 .uleb128 0x1 .byte 0x50 .uleb128 0x9 .byte 0x3 .8byte .LC14 .byte 0 .uleb128 0x32 .8byte .LVL132 .4byte 0x24df .4byte 0x1656 .uleb128 0x33 .uleb128 0x1 .byte 0x50 .uleb128 0x4 .byte 0x8 .byte 0x82 .byte 0x44 .byte 0x24 .uleb128 0x33 .uleb128 0x1 .byte 0x51 .uleb128 0x1 .byte 0x30 .uleb128 0x33 .uleb128 0x1 .byte 0x52 .uleb128 0x3 .byte 0xa .2byte 0x560 .byte 0 .uleb128 0x31 .8byte .LVL135 .4byte 0x24ea .byte 0 .byte 0 .uleb128 0x3f .4byte 0x2149 .8byte .LBB136 .8byte .LBE136-.LBB136 .byte 0x1 .2byte 0x226 .4byte 0x16a0 .uleb128 0x3c .4byte 0x2155 .4byte .LLST60 .uleb128 0x40 .8byte .LVL150 .4byte 0x24f6 .uleb128 0x33 .uleb128 0x1 .byte 0x50 .uleb128 0x3 .byte 0xa .2byte 0x3e8 .byte 0 .byte 0 .uleb128 0x32 .8byte .LVL147 .4byte 0x1edd .4byte 0x16c6 .uleb128 0x33 .uleb128 0x1 .byte 0x50 .uleb128 0x1 .byte 0x30 .uleb128 0x33 .uleb128 0x1 .byte 0x51 .uleb128 0x1 .byte 0x33 .uleb128 0x33 .uleb128 0x1 .byte 0x52 .uleb128 0x6 .byte 0x11 .sleb128 -559087616 .byte 0 .uleb128 0x31 .8byte .LVL148 .4byte 0x24ea .uleb128 0x40 .8byte .LVL152 .4byte 0x1edd .uleb128 0x33 .uleb128 0x1 .byte 0x50 .uleb128 0x1 .byte 0x30 .uleb128 0x33 .uleb128 0x1 .byte 0x51 .uleb128 0x1 .byte 0x37 .uleb128 0x33 .uleb128 0x1 .byte 0x52 .uleb128 0x6 .byte 0x11 .sleb128 -559087616 .byte 0 .byte 0 .uleb128 0x37 .4byte .LASF397 .byte 0x1 .2byte 0x20e .8byte .LFB236 .8byte .LFE236-.LFB236 .uleb128 0x1 .byte 0x9c .4byte 0x178a .uleb128 0x41 .4byte .LASF346 .byte 0x1 .2byte 0x20e .4byte 0x1071 .uleb128 0x2 .byte 0x70 .sleb128 0 .uleb128 0x32 .8byte .LVL124 .4byte 0x24cb .4byte 0x173b .uleb128 0x33 .uleb128 0x1 .byte 0x52 .uleb128 0x2 .byte 0x8 .byte 0x28 .byte 0 .uleb128 0x32 .8byte .LVL125 .4byte 0x19bc .4byte 0x1757 .uleb128 0x33 .uleb128 0x1 .byte 0x50 .uleb128 0x1 .byte 0x30 .uleb128 0x33 .uleb128 0x1 .byte 0x51 .uleb128 0x1 .byte 0x32 .byte 0 .uleb128 0x32 .8byte .LVL126 .4byte 0x1edd .4byte 0x177c .uleb128 0x33 .uleb128 0x1 .byte 0x50 .uleb128 0x1 .byte 0x30 .uleb128 0x33 .uleb128 0x1 .byte 0x51 .uleb128 0x1 .byte 0x33 .uleb128 0x33 .uleb128 0x1 .byte 0x52 .uleb128 0x5 .byte 0xc .4byte 0x11111111 .byte 0 .uleb128 0x31 .8byte .LVL127 .4byte 0x24ea .byte 0 .uleb128 0x42 .4byte .LASF419 .byte 0x1 .2byte 0x1e9 .byte 0x1 .4byte 0x17ce 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0x1 .byte 0x32 .4byte 0x54 .4byte 0x20f0 .uleb128 0x56 .4byte .LASF421 .byte 0x1 .byte 0x32 .4byte 0x1262 .byte 0 .uleb128 0x5a .4byte .LASF424 .byte 0x1 .byte 0x31 .4byte 0x54 .4byte 0x210b .uleb128 0x56 .4byte .LASF421 .byte 0x1 .byte 0x31 .4byte 0x1262 .byte 0 .uleb128 0x5a .4byte .LASF425 .byte 0x1 .byte 0x30 .4byte 0x54 .4byte 0x2126 .uleb128 0x56 .4byte .LASF421 .byte 0x1 .byte 0x30 .4byte 0x1262 .byte 0 .uleb128 0x5a .4byte .LASF426 .byte 0x1 .byte 0x2f .4byte 0x54 .4byte 0x2141 .uleb128 0x56 .4byte .LASF421 .byte 0x1 .byte 0x2f .4byte 0x1262 .byte 0 .uleb128 0x57 .4byte .LASF428 .byte 0x3 .byte 0xbf .byte 0x3 .uleb128 0x58 .4byte .LASF429 .byte 0x2 .byte 0xd .byte 0x3 .4byte 0x2161 .uleb128 0x56 .4byte .LASF430 .byte 0x2 .byte 0xd .4byte 0x3b .byte 0 .uleb128 0x5b .4byte 0x14ef .8byte .LFB238 .8byte .LFE238-.LFB238 .uleb128 0x1 .byte 0x9c .4byte 0x21cf .uleb128 0x3a .4byte 0x1500 .uleb128 0x9 .byte 0x3 .8byte once.6657 .uleb128 0x3d .8byte .LBB39 .8byte .LBE39-.LBB39 .4byte 0x21c1 .uleb128 0x3e .4byte 0x217c .uleb128 0x34 .8byte .LVL10 .4byte 0x24d4 .uleb128 0x33 .uleb128 0x1 .byte 0x50 .uleb128 0x9 .byte 0x3 .8byte .LC1 .byte 0 .byte 0 .uleb128 0x31 .8byte .LVL9 .4byte 0x2561 .byte 0 .uleb128 0x5b .4byte 0x209e .8byte .LFB218 .8byte .LFE218-.LFB218 .uleb128 0x1 .byte 0x9c .4byte 0x21f4 .uleb128 0x3c .4byte 0x20ae .4byte .LLST4 .byte 0 .uleb128 0x5c .4byte 0x1ae8 .8byte .LFB242 .8byte .LFE242-.LFB242 .uleb128 0x1 .byte 0x9c .4byte 0x24b5 .uleb128 0x3c .4byte 0x1af9 .4byte .LLST11 .uleb128 0x3c .4byte 0x1b05 .4byte .LLST12 .uleb128 0x3c .4byte 0x1b10 .4byte .LLST13 .uleb128 0x3c .4byte 0x1b1c .4byte .LLST14 .uleb128 0x3b .4byte 0x1b28 .4byte .LLST15 .uleb128 0x3e .4byte 0x1b34 .uleb128 0x3b .4byte 0x1b40 .4byte .LLST16 .uleb128 0x3b .4byte 0x1b4c .4byte .LLST17 .uleb128 0x38 .4byte 0x1c70 .8byte .LBB52 .4byte .Ldebug_ranges0+0x30 .byte 0x1 .2byte 0x17f .4byte 0x2308 .uleb128 0x3c .4byte 0x1c81 .4byte .LLST18 .uleb128 0x3c .4byte 0x1c8d .4byte .LLST19 .uleb128 0x3c .4byte 0x1c99 .4byte .LLST20 .uleb128 0x39 .4byte .Ldebug_ranges0+0x30 .uleb128 0x3b .4byte 0x1ca5 .4byte .LLST21 .uleb128 0x5d .4byte 0x1cb1 .byte 0x64 .uleb128 0x3e .4byte 0x1cbc .uleb128 0x3b .4byte 0x1cc6 .4byte .LLST22 .uleb128 0x3b .4byte 0x1cd2 .4byte .LLST23 .uleb128 0x32 .8byte .LVL43 .4byte 0x1e3e .4byte 0x22c9 .uleb128 0x33 .uleb128 0x1 .byte 0x50 .uleb128 0x2 .byte 0x85 .sleb128 0 .byte 0 .uleb128 0x32 .8byte .LVL44 .4byte 0x1e3e .4byte 0x22e1 .uleb128 0x33 .uleb128 0x1 .byte 0x50 .uleb128 0x2 .byte 0x85 .sleb128 0 .byte 0 .uleb128 0x32 .8byte .LVL53 .4byte 0x24f6 .4byte 0x22f9 .uleb128 0x33 .uleb128 0x1 .byte 0x50 .uleb128 0x2 .byte 0x8 .byte 0x64 .byte 0 .uleb128 0x31 .8byte .LVL56 .4byte 0x1cdf .byte 0 .byte 0 .uleb128 0x38 .4byte 0x1faa .8byte .LBB56 .4byte .Ldebug_ranges0+0x60 .byte 0x1 .2byte 0x19e .4byte 0x23ab .uleb128 0x3c .4byte 0x1fd0 .4byte .LLST24 .uleb128 0x3c .4byte 0x1fc5 .4byte .LLST25 .uleb128 0x3c .4byte 0x1fba .4byte .LLST26 .uleb128 0x39 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0x2 .byte 0x84 .sleb128 0 .uleb128 0x33 .uleb128 0x1 .byte 0x52 .uleb128 0x5 .byte 0xc .4byte 0x55555555 .byte 0 .uleb128 0x32 .8byte .LVL59 .4byte 0x24d4 .4byte 0x2428 .uleb128 0x33 .uleb128 0x1 .byte 0x50 .uleb128 0x9 .byte 0x3 .8byte .LC13 .uleb128 0x33 .uleb128 0x1 .byte 0x51 .uleb128 0x2 .byte 0x83 .sleb128 0 .uleb128 0x33 .uleb128 0x1 .byte 0x52 .uleb128 0x2 .byte 0x84 .sleb128 0 .byte 0 .uleb128 0x31 .8byte .LVL60 .4byte 0x256c .uleb128 0x32 .8byte .LVL63 .4byte 0x1edd .4byte 0x245c .uleb128 0x33 .uleb128 0x1 .byte 0x50 .uleb128 0x2 .byte 0x83 .sleb128 0 .uleb128 0x33 .uleb128 0x1 .byte 0x51 .uleb128 0x2 .byte 0x84 .sleb128 0 .uleb128 0x33 .uleb128 0x1 .byte 0x52 .uleb128 0x5 .byte 0xc .4byte 0x11111111 .byte 0 .uleb128 0x32 .8byte .LVL67 .4byte 0x1edd .4byte 0x247a .uleb128 0x33 .uleb128 0x1 .byte 0x50 .uleb128 0x2 .byte 0x83 .sleb128 0 .uleb128 0x33 .uleb128 0x1 .byte 0x51 .uleb128 0x2 .byte 0x84 .sleb128 0 .byte 0 .uleb128 0x31 .8byte .LVL68 .4byte 0x256c .uleb128 0x34 .8byte .LVL70 .4byte 0x24d4 .uleb128 0x33 .uleb128 0x1 .byte 0x50 .uleb128 0x9 .byte 0x3 .8byte .LC11 .uleb128 0x33 .uleb128 0x1 .byte 0x51 .uleb128 0x2 .byte 0x83 .sleb128 0 .uleb128 0x33 .uleb128 0x1 .byte 0x52 .uleb128 0x2 .byte 0x84 .sleb128 0 .uleb128 0x33 .uleb128 0x1 .byte 0x53 .uleb128 0x2 .byte 0x85 .sleb128 0 .byte 0 .byte 0 .uleb128 0x5f .4byte .LASF431 .4byte .LASF431 .byte 0x1e .byte 0x8e .uleb128 0x5f .4byte .LASF432 .4byte .LASF432 .byte 0x4 .byte 0x6b .uleb128 0x60 .4byte .LASF452 .4byte .LASF452 .uleb128 0x5f .4byte .LASF433 .4byte .LASF433 .byte 0x1f .byte 0x13 .uleb128 0x5f .4byte .LASF434 .4byte .LASF434 .byte 0x8 .byte 0x66 .uleb128 0x61 .4byte .LASF435 .4byte .LASF435 .byte 0x4 .2byte 0x260 .uleb128 0x5f .4byte .LASF436 .4byte .LASF436 .byte 0x2 .byte 0xb .uleb128 0x61 .4byte .LASF437 .4byte .LASF437 .byte 0x4 .2byte 0x1f3 .uleb128 0x61 .4byte .LASF438 .4byte .LASF438 .byte 0x4 .2byte 0x248 .uleb128 0x61 .4byte .LASF439 .4byte .LASF439 .byte 0x4 .2byte 0x1f1 .uleb128 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0x8 .byte 0x5c .byte 0x93 .uleb128 0x4 .byte 0x5b .byte 0x93 .uleb128 0x4 .8byte .LVL143 .8byte .LVL144 .2byte 0xf .byte 0x93 .uleb128 0x4 .byte 0x71 .sleb128 20 .byte 0x93 .uleb128 0x4 .byte 0x5d .byte 0x93 .uleb128 0x8 .byte 0x5c .byte 0x93 .uleb128 0x4 .byte 0x5b .byte 0x93 .uleb128 0x4 .8byte .LVL144 .8byte .LVL145 .2byte 0xb .byte 0x93 .uleb128 0x8 .byte 0x5d .byte 0x93 .uleb128 0x8 .byte 0x5c .byte 0x93 .uleb128 0x4 .byte 0x5b .byte 0x93 .uleb128 0x4 .8byte 0 .8byte 0 .LLST56: .8byte .LVL139 .8byte .LVL141 .2byte 0x1 .byte 0x51 .8byte .LVL141 .8byte .LVL142 .2byte 0x2 .byte 0x70 .sleb128 0 .8byte 0 .8byte 0 .LLST57: .8byte .LVL139 .8byte .LVL143 .2byte 0x1 .byte 0x53 .8byte .LVL143 .8byte .LVL144 .2byte 0x2 .byte 0x71 .sleb128 20 .8byte 0 .8byte 0 .LLST58: .8byte .LVL140 .8byte .LVL141 .2byte 0x11 .byte 0x71 .sleb128 0 .byte 0xc .4byte 0xffffffff .byte 0x1a .byte 0xa .2byte 0x148 .byte 0x1e .byte 0x23 .uleb128 0x8200148 .8byte .LVL141 .8byte .LVL142 .2byte 0x13 .byte 0x70 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0x1 .byte 0x65 .8byte 0 .8byte 0 .LLST48: .8byte .LVL109 .8byte .LVL110 .2byte 0x1 .byte 0x67 .8byte 0 .8byte 0 .LLST49: .8byte .LVL109 .8byte .LVL110 .2byte 0x2 .byte 0x30 .byte 0x9f .8byte 0 .8byte 0 .LLST50: .8byte .LVL109 .8byte .LVL110 .2byte 0x2 .byte 0x31 .byte 0x9f .8byte 0 .8byte 0 .LLST31: .8byte .LVL90 .8byte .LVL93 .2byte 0x1 .byte 0x50 .8byte .LVL93 .8byte .LVL94 .2byte 0x1 .byte 0x69 .8byte .LVL94 .8byte .LVL96 .2byte 0x1 .byte 0x66 .8byte .LVL96 .8byte .LFE232 .2byte 0x4 .byte 0xf3 .uleb128 0x1 .byte 0x50 .byte 0x9f .8byte 0 .8byte 0 .LLST32: .8byte .LVL90 .8byte .LVL95 .2byte 0x1 .byte 0x51 .8byte .LVL95 .8byte .LVL96 .2byte 0x1 .byte 0x65 .8byte .LVL96 .8byte .LVL97 .2byte 0x4 .byte 0xf3 .uleb128 0x1 .byte 0x51 .byte 0x9f .8byte .LVL97 .8byte .LFE232 .2byte 0x1 .byte 0x65 .8byte 0 .8byte 0 .LLST33: .8byte .LVL90 .8byte .LVL92 .2byte 0x12 .byte 0x70 .sleb128 0 .byte 0xc .4byte 0xffffffff .byte 0x1a .byte 0xa .2byte 0x148 .byte 0x1e .byte 0x23 .uleb128 0x8200008 .byte 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0x64 .8byte .LVL74 .8byte .LVL76 .2byte 0x4 .byte 0xf3 .uleb128 0x1 .byte 0x52 .byte 0x9f .8byte .LVL76 .8byte .LVL79 .2byte 0x1 .byte 0x64 .8byte .LVL79 .8byte .LFE242 .2byte 0x4 .byte 0xf3 .uleb128 0x1 .byte 0x52 .byte 0x9f .8byte 0 .8byte 0 .LLST26: .8byte .LVL70 .8byte .LVL71 .2byte 0x1 .byte 0x63 .8byte .LVL71 .8byte .LVL73 .2byte 0x1 .byte 0x53 .8byte .LVL73 .8byte .LFE242 .2byte 0x4 .byte 0xf3 .uleb128 0x1 .byte 0x50 .byte 0x9f .8byte 0 .8byte 0 .LLST27: .8byte .LVL72 .8byte .LVL73 .2byte 0x1 .byte 0x51 .8byte .LVL76 .8byte .LVL78 .2byte 0x1 .byte 0x51 .8byte 0 .8byte 0 .section .debug_aranges,"",@progbits .4byte 0xec .2byte 0x2 .4byte .Ldebug_info0 .byte 0x8 .byte 0 .2byte 0 .2byte 0 .8byte .LFB225 .8byte .LFE225-.LFB225 .8byte .LFB238 .8byte .LFE238-.LFB238 .8byte .LFB218 .8byte .LFE218-.LFB218 .8byte .LFB226 .8byte .LFE226-.LFB226 .8byte .LFB227 .8byte .LFE227-.LFB227 .8byte .LFB242 .8byte .LFE242-.LFB242 .8byte .LFB230 .8byte .LFE230-.LFB230 .8byte .LFB232 .8byte .LFE232-.LFB232 .8byte .LFB233 .8byte .LFE233-.LFB233 .8byte .LFB234 .8byte .LFE234-.LFB234 .8byte .LFB236 .8byte .LFE236-.LFB236 .8byte .LFB237 .8byte .LFE237-.LFB237 .8byte .LFB239 .8byte .LFE239-.LFB239 .8byte 0 .8byte 0 .section .debug_ranges,"",@progbits .Ldebug_ranges0: .8byte .LBB32 .8byte .LBE32 .8byte .LBB35 .8byte .LBE35 .8byte 0 .8byte 0 .8byte .LBB52 .8byte .LBE52 .8byte .LBB55 .8byte .LBE55 .8byte 0 .8byte 0 .8byte .LBB56 .8byte .LBE56 .8byte .LBB69 .8byte .LBE69 .8byte .LBB70 .8byte .LBE70 .8byte .LBB71 .8byte .LBE71 .8byte .LBB72 .8byte .LBE72 .8byte .LBB73 .8byte .LBE73 .8byte 0 .8byte 0 .8byte .LBB60 .8byte .LBE60 .8byte .LBB63 .8byte .LBE63 .8byte 0 .8byte 0 .8byte .LBB78 .8byte .LBE78 .8byte .LBB83 .8byte .LBE83 .8byte 0 .8byte 0 .8byte .LBB90 .8byte .LBE90 .8byte .LBB93 .8byte .LBE93 .8byte 0 .8byte 0 .8byte .LBB102 .8byte .LBE102 .8byte .LBB109 .8byte .LBE109 .8byte 0 .8byte 0 .8byte .LBB104 .8byte .LBE104 .8byte .LBB107 .8byte .LBE107 .8byte 0 .8byte 0 .8byte 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.string "UCLASS_I2S" .LASF334: .string "NETLOOP_RESTART" .LASF167: .string "UCLASS_I2C_GENERIC" .LASF179: .string "UCLASS_MOD_EXP" .LASF230: .string "UCLASS_IO_DOMAIN" .LASF251: .string "using_pre_serial" .LASF200: .string "UCLASS_RKNAND" .LASF142: .string "UCLASS_DEMO" .LASF386: .string "rip_fail" .LASF91: .string "ih_magic" .LASF29: .string "list_head" .LASF292: .string "pm_ctx_phys" .LASF146: .string "UCLASS_TEST_PROBE" .LASF226: .string "UCLASS_KEY" .LASF64: .string "bi_intfreq" .LASF11: .string "phys_addr_t" .LASF221: .string "UCLASS_VIDEO_BRIDGE" .LASF291: .string "video_bottom" .LASF5: .string "__u8" .LASF390: .string "task_list" .LASF333: .string "NETLOOP_CONTINUE" .LASF209: .string "UCLASS_SPI_GENERIC" .LASF286: .string "malloc_base" .LASF382: .string "tid_name" .LASF40: .string "flash_info_t" .LASF184: .string "UCLASS_PANEL" .LASF108: .string "comp" .LASF103: .string "image_header_t" .LASF138: .string "state" .LASF428: .string "disable_serror" .LASF159: .string "UCLASS_CROS_EC" .LASF360: .string "BOOT_MODE_QUIESCENT" .LASF58: .string "bi_dsp_freq" .LASF105: .string "image_start" .LASF350: .string "BOOT_MODE_NORMAL" .LASF440: .string "invalidate_icache_all" .LASF438: .string "disable_interrupts" .LASF144: .string "UCLASS_TEST_FDT" .LASF49: .string "bd_info" .LASF331: .string "uclass_id" .LASF95: .string "ih_load" .LASF215: .string "UCLASS_UFS" .LASF302: .string "__dtb_dt_spl_begin" .LASF376: .string "TASK_LOAD_UBOOT" .LASF7: .string "__u32" .LASF149: .string "UCLASS_PCI_EMUL" .LASF449: .string "/home4/cjh/uboot-nextdev-v3" .LASF289: .string "cur_serial_dev" .LASF351: .string "BOOT_MODE_RECOVERY" .LASF318: .string "net_tx_packet" .LASF225: .string "UCLASS_FG" .LASF317: .string "net_server_ip" .LASF325: .string "net_native_vlan" .LASF265: .string "ram_top_ext_size" .LASF223: .string "UCLASS_VIDEO_CRTC" .LASF158: .string "UCLASS_CODEC" .LASF447: .ascii "GNU C11 6.3.1 20170404 -ms" .string "trict-align -march=armv8-a+nosimd -mlittle-endian -mabi=lp64 -g -Os -fno-builtin -ffreestanding -fshort-wchar -fno-stack-protector -fno-delete-null-pointer-checks -fstack-usage -fno-pic -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections -ffixed-r9 -fno-common -ffixed-x18" .LASF283: .string "env_buf" .LASF20: .string "errno" .LASF15: .string "long int" .LASF53: .string "bi_flashsize" .LASF339: .string "__bss_end" .LASF189: .string "UCLASS_PHY" .LASF76: .string "IRQ_STACK_START_IN" .LASF87: .string "size_dt_strings" .LASF220: .string "UCLASS_VIDEO" .LASF369: .string "EVT_CRYPTO" .LASF266: .string "relocaddr" .LASF406: .string "mpb_post" .LASF448: .string "common/mp_boot.c" .LASF328: .string "net_boot_file_size" .LASF387: .string "cpu_core" .LASF432: .string "run_command" .LASF97: .string "ih_dcrc" .LASF63: .string "bi_ethspeed" .LASF141: .string "UCLASS_ROOT" .LASF26: .string "ide_bus_offset" .LASF374: .string "TASK_INIT_DISPLAY" .LASF315: .string "net_server_ethaddr" .LASF66: .string "bi_arch_number" .LASF3: .string "signed char" .LASF172: .string "UCLASS_KEYBOARD" .LASF18: .string "uint8_t" .LASF38: .string "udevice" .LASF436: .string "udelay" .LASF99: .string "ih_arch" .LASF80: .string "totalsize" .LASF92: .string "ih_hcrc" .LASF268: .string "mon_len" .LASF107: .string "load" .LASF214: .string "UCLASS_TPM" .LASF43: .string "lmb_property" .LASF85: .string "last_comp_version" .LASF0: .string "unsigned char" .LASF140: .string "images" .LASF341: .string "priv" .LASF229: .string "UCLASS_DVFS" .LASF59: .string "bi_ddr_freq" .LASF419: .string "mpb_initial" .LASF173: .string "UCLASS_LED" .LASF94: .string "ih_size" .LASF445: .string "rockchip_get_boot_mode" .LASF437: .string "dcache_enable" .LASF203: .string "UCLASS_SCMI_AGENT" .LASF233: .string "UCLASS_MDIO" .LASF22: .string "_Bool" .LASF337: .string "net_state" .LASF168: .string "UCLASS_I2C_MUX" .LASF14: .string "char" .LASF24: .string "_binary_u_boot_bin_start" .LASF219: .string "UCLASS_USB_GADGET_GENERIC" .LASF335: .string "NETLOOP_SUCCESS" .LASF433: .string "printf" .LASF385: .string "ptid_mask" .LASF332: .string "net_loop_state" .LASF247: .string "tlb_size" .LASF274: .string "dm_root_f" .LASF157: .string "UCLASS_AMP" .LASF195: .string "UCLASS_PWRSEQ" .LASF123: .string "fit_hdr_fdt" .LASF326: .string "net_restart_wrap" .LASF314: .string "net_ethaddr" .LASF256: .string "flags" .LASF100: .string "ih_type" .LASF368: .string "EVT_BOOT_SIZE" .LASF81: .string "off_dt_struct" .LASF429: .string "mdelay" .LASF54: .string "bi_flashoffset" .LASF327: .string "net_boot_file_name" .LASF143: .string "UCLASS_TEST" .LASF413: .string "mpb_task_dump" .LASF93: .string "ih_time" .LASF258: .string "bus_clk" .LASF196: .string "UCLASS_RAM" .LASF162: .string "UCLASS_ETH" .LASF377: .string "TASK_LOAD_FIT" .LASF104: .string "image_info" .LASF110: .string "arch" .LASF260: .string "mem_clk" .LASF257: .string "cpu_clk" .LASF32: .string "select_hwpart" .LASF319: .string "net_rx_packets" .LASF75: .string "_datarelro_start_ofs" .LASF17: .string "ulong" .LASF384: .string "task_fn" .LASF96: .string "ih_ep" .LASF45: .string "lmb_region" .LASF388: .string "task" .LASF408: .string "mpb_task_wait_timeout_done" .LASF416: .string "tid_to_task_index" .LASF118: .string "fit_uname_os" .LASF60: .string "bi_bootflags" .LASF316: .string "net_ip" .LASF278: .string "fdt_size" .LASF310: .string "net_dns_server" .LASF338: .string "__bss_start" .LASF330: .string "net_ping_ip" .LASF47: .string "memory" .LASF78: .string "fdt_header" .LASF175: .string "UCLASS_MAILBOX" .LASF343: .string "filename" .LASF130: .string "rd_end" .LASF269: .string "irq_sp" .LASF135: .string "cmdline_start" .LASF255: .string "global_data" .LASF371: .string "EVT_SIMPLE_BOOTM" .LASF379: .string "TASK_HASH_ANDROID" .LASF204: .string "UCLASS_SCSI" .LASF217: .string "UCLASS_USB_DEV_GENERIC" .LASF176: .string "UCLASS_MASS_STORAGE" .LASF1: .string "long unsigned int" .LASF151: .string "UCLASS_SIMPLE_BUS" .LASF299: .string "gd_t" .LASF311: .string "net_nis_domain" .LASF125: .string "fit_noffset_fdt" .LASF370: .string "EVT_LINUX" .LASF342: .string "bl_len" .LASF446: .string "get_ticks" .LASF336: .string "NETLOOP_FAIL" .LASF224: .string "UCLASS_WDT" .LASF245: .string "timer_reset_value" .LASF270: .string "start_addr_sp" .LASF55: .string "bi_sramstart" .LASF25: .string "_binary_u_boot_bin_end" .LASF271: .string "reloc_off" .LASF86: .string "boot_cpuid_phys" .LASF244: .string "lastinc" .LASF248: .string "tlb_fillptr" .LASF121: .string "fit_uname_rd" .LASF210: .string "UCLASS_SYSCON" .LASF116: .string "fit_uname_cfg" .LASF205: .string "UCLASS_SERIAL" .LASF324: .string "net_our_vlan" .LASF294: .string "serial" .LASF154: .string "UCLASS_BLK" .LASF111: .string "image_info_t" .LASF150: .string "UCLASS_USB_EMUL" .LASF439: .string "icache_disable" .LASF246: .string "tlb_addr" .LASF354: .string "BOOT_MODE_CHARGING" .LASF188: .string "UCLASS_PCI_GENERIC" .LASF383: .string "task_t" .LASF423: .string "spl_load_android" .LASF404: .string "ticks" .LASF106: .string "image_len" .LASF375: .string "TASK_LOAD_BASEPARAMETER" .LASF394: .string "wait_evt" .LASF61: .string "bi_ip_addr" .LASF409: .string "timeout_ms" .LASF190: .string "UCLASS_PINCONFIG" .LASF399: .string "smp_entry" .LASF212: .string "UCLASS_THERMAL" .LASF114: .string "legacy_hdr_os_copy" .LASF367: .string "EVT_BOOT_ADDR" .LASF9: .string "long long int" .LASF277: .string "new_fdt" .LASF21: .string "___strtok" .LASF329: .string "net_boot_file_expected_size_in_blocks" .LASF252: .string "enable" .LASF411: .string "ptid" .LASF183: .string "UCLASS_NVME" .LASF249: .string "tlb_emerg" .LASF112: .string "bootm_headers" .LASF37: .string "protect" .LASF216: .string "UCLASS_USB" .LASF227: .string "UCLASS_RC" .LASF414: .string "mpb_task_is_done" .LASF284: .string "timebase_h" .LASF285: .string "timebase_l" .LASF160: .string "UCLASS_DISPLAY" .LASF323: .string "net_null_ethaddr" .LASF263: .string "env_valid" .LASF228: .string "UCLASS_CHARGE_DISPLAY" .LASF303: .string "load_addr" .LASF117: .string "fit_hdr_os" .LASF73: .string "_datarelrolocal_start_ofs" .LASF412: .string "timeout" .LASF361: .string "BOOT_MODE_UNDEFINE" .LASF254: .string "addr" .LASF344: .string "read" .LASF355: .string "BOOT_MODE_UMS" .LASF8: .string "unsigned int" .LASF16: .string "ushort" .LASF418: .string "task_is_registered" .LASF281: .string "ufdt_blob" .LASF426: .string "spl_init_display" .LASF287: .string "malloc_limit" .LASF417: .string "mpb_task_register" .LASF192: .string "UCLASS_PMIC" .LASF113: .string "legacy_hdr_os" .LASF82: .string "off_dt_strings" .LASF397: .string "mpb_init_1" .LASF300: .string "monitor_flash_len" .LASF177: .string "UCLASS_MISC" .LASF51: .string "bi_memsize" .LASF410: .string "mpb_task_wait_parent" .LASF23: .string "image_base" .LASF395: .string "once" .LASF211: .string "UCLASS_SYSRESET" .LASF164: .string "UCLASS_FIRMWARE" .LASF443: .string "invalidate_dcache_range" .LASF174: .string "UCLASS_LPC" .LASF170: .string "UCLASS_IDE" .LASF290: .string "video_top" .LASF431: .string "snprintf" .LASF280: .string "of_root_f" .LASF139: .string "bootm_headers_t" .LASF57: .string "bi_arm_freq" .LASF198: .string "UCLASS_REMOTEPROC" .LASF109: .string "type" .LASF120: .string "fit_hdr_rd" .LASF405: .string "fail" .LASF262: .string "env_addr" .LASF56: .string "bi_sramsize" .LASF348: .string "boot_size" .LASF407: .string "mpb_task_wait_done" .LASF422: .string "spl_hash_android" .LASF275: .string "uclass_root" .LASF163: .string "UCLASS_GPIO" .LASF193: .string "UCLASS_PWM" .LASF420: .string "set_gd" .LASF42: .string "long double" .LASF264: .string "ram_top" .LASF296: .string "console_evt" .LASF396: .string "mpb_init_x" .LASF450: .string "mpb_task_set_state" .LASF129: .string "rd_start" .LASF194: .string "UCLASS_POWER_DOMAIN" .LASF197: .string "UCLASS_REGULATOR" .LASF305: .string "save_size" .LASF430: .string "msec" .LASF155: .string "UCLASS_CLK" .LASF403: .string "core_task_run" .LASF346: .string "info" .LASF72: .string "_datarel_start_ofs" .LASF250: .string "pre_serial" .LASF102: .string "ih_name" .LASF98: .string "ih_os" .LASF345: .string "task_data" .LASF136: .string "cmdline_end" .LASF320: .string "net_rx_packet" .LASF241: .string "LOGF_MAX_CATEGORIES" .LASF276: .string "fdt_blob" .LASF33: .string "size" .LASF357: .string "BOOT_MODE_PANIC" .LASF10: .string "long long unsigned int" .LASF90: .string "image_header" .LASF363: .string "CPU_1" .LASF19: .string "__be32" .LASF402: .string "mpb_quit_load_image" .LASF52: .string "bi_flashstart" .LASF119: .string "fit_noffset_os" .LASF415: .string "mpb_task_set_result" .LASF178: .string "UCLASS_MMC" .LASF240: .string "UCLASS_INVALID" .LASF389: .string "mpb_core" .LASF218: .string "UCLASS_USB_HUB" .LASF279: .string "of_root" .LASF234: .string "UCLASS_EBC" .LASF340: .string "spl_load_info" .LASF293: .string "new_line" .LASF434: .string "memset" .LASF41: .string "flash_info" .LASF84: .string "version" .LASF46: .string "region" .LASF88: .string "size_dt_struct" .LASF273: .string "dm_root" .LASF236: .string "UCLASS_RNG" .LASF295: .string "sys_start_tick" .LASF180: .string "UCLASS_MTD" .LASF352: .string "BOOT_MODE_BOOTLOADER" .LASF77: .string "fdt32_t" .LASF272: .string "new_gd" .LASF182: .string "UCLASS_NORTHBRIDGE" .LASF62: .string "bi_enetaddr" .LASF39: .string "mtd_info" .LASF306: .string "in_addr" .LASF353: .string "BOOT_MODE_LOADER" .LASF321: .string "net_rx_packet_len" .LASF398: .string "init" .LASF301: .string "__dtb_dt_begin" .LASF199: .string "UCLASS_RESET" .LASF122: .string "fit_noffset_rd" .LASF153: .string "UCLASS_AHCI" .LASF12: .string "phys_size_t" .LASF156: .string "UCLASS_CPU" .LASF71: .string "FIQ_STACK_START" .LASF137: .string "verify" .LASF31: .string "name" .LASF235: .string "UCLASS_EINK_DISPLAY" .LASF185: .string "UCLASS_PANEL_BACKLIGHT" .LASF213: .string "UCLASS_TIMER" .LASF208: .string "UCLASS_SPI_FLASH" .LASF261: .string "have_console" .LASF65: .string "bi_busfreq" .LASF6: .string "short int" .LASF347: .string "boot_addr" .LASF191: .string "UCLASS_PINCTRL" .LASF201: .string "UCLASS_RAMDISK" .LASF148: .string "UCLASS_I2C_EMUL" .LASF378: .string "TASK_LOAD_ANDROID" .LASF207: .string "UCLASS_SPMI" .LASF391: .string "tdata" .LASF145: .string "UCLASS_TEST_BUS" .LASF435: .string "flush_dcache_all" .LASF304: .string "save_addr" .LASF444: .string "flush_dcache_range" .LASF288: .string "malloc_ptr" .LASF427: .string "cpuectlr_disable" .LASF401: .string "mpb_task_run" .LASF424: .string "spl_load_fit" .LASF134: .string "initrd_end" .LASF372: .string "EVT_VIDEO_BP" .LASF253: .string "baudrate" .LASF74: .string "_datarellocal_start_ofs" .LASF242: .string "arch_global_data" .LASF239: .string "UCLASS_COUNT" .LASF362: .string "CPU_0" .LASF259: .string "pci_clk" .LASF364: .string "CPU_2" .LASF365: .string "CPU_3" .LASF30: .string "block_drvr" .LASF452: .string "memcpy" .LASF35: .string "flash_id" .LASF231: .string "UCLASS_CRYPTO" .LASF297: .string "device_node" .LASF267: .string "ram_size" .LASF128: .string "fit_noffset_setup" .LASF89: .string "working_fdt" .LASF282: .string "fdt_blob_kern" .LASF313: .string "net_root_path" .LASF161: .string "UCLASS_DMA" .LASF69: .string "bd_t" .LASF237: .string "UCLASS_DMC" .LASF307: .string "s_addr" .LASF322: .string "net_bcast_ethaddr" .LASF392: .string "mpb_gd" .LASF67: .string "bi_boot_params" .LASF359: .string "BOOT_MODE_DFU" .LASF308: .string "net_gateway" .LASF50: .string "bi_memstart" .LASF222: .string "UCLASS_VIDEO_CONSOLE" .LASF48: .string "reserved" .LASF373: .string "TASK_NONE" .LASF238: .string "UCLASS_PD" .LASF441: .string "dcache_disable" .LASF68: .string "bi_dram" .LASF2: .string "short unsigned int" .LASF79: .string "magic" .LASF126: .string "fit_hdr_setup" .LASF115: .string "legacy_hdr_valid" .LASF381: .string "TASK_MAX" .LASF44: .string "base" .LASF451: .string "spl_dummy" .LASF202: .string "UCLASS_RTC" .LASF366: .string "EVT_BOOT_DEV" .LASF243: .string "timer_rate_hz" .LASF34: .string "sector_count" .LASF101: .string "ih_comp" .LASF400: .string "core_main" .LASF131: .string "ft_addr" .LASF232: .string "UCLASS_ETH_PHY" .LASF393: .string "task_init" .LASF4: .string "uchar" .LASF132: .string "ft_len" .LASF27: .string "next" .LASF421: .string "data" .LASF181: .string "UCLASS_NOP" .LASF380: .string "TASK_RUN_UBOOT" .LASF349: .string "_boot_mode" .LASF127: .string "fit_uname_setup" .LASF28: .string "prev" .LASF442: .string "invalidate_dcache_all" .LASF186: .string "UCLASS_PCH" .LASF187: .string "UCLASS_PCI" .LASF309: .string "net_netmask" .LASF358: .string "BOOT_MODE_WATCHDOG" .LASF70: .string "IRQ_STACK_START" .LASF152: .string "UCLASS_ADC" .LASF356: .string "BOOT_MODE_BROM_DOWNLOAD" .LASF147: .string "UCLASS_SPI_EMUL" .LASF425: .string "spl_load_baseparamter" .LASF124: .string "fit_uname_fdt" .ident "GCC: (Linaro GCC 6.3-2017.05) 6.3.1 20170404" .section .note.GNU-stack,"",@progbits