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# [devil.android.device_utils](https://chromium.googlesource.com/catapult.git/+/HEAD/devil/devil/android/device_utils.py)
*This page was autogenerated. Run `devil/bin/generate_md_docs` to update*
## DeviceUtils
### DeviceUtils.BroadcastIntent
Send a broadcast intent.
intent: An Intent to broadcast.
timeout: timeout in seconds
retries: number of retries
CommandTimeoutError on timeout.
DeviceUnreachableError on missing device.
### DeviceUtils.ChangeOwner
Changes file system ownership for permissions.
owner_group: New owner and group to assign. Note that this should be a
string in the form user[.group] where the group is option.
paths: Paths to change ownership of.
Note that the -R recursive option is not supported by all Android
### DeviceUtils.ChangeSecurityContext
Changes the SELinux security context for files.
security_context: The new security context as a string
paths: Paths to change the security context of.
Note that the -R recursive option is not supported by all Android
### DeviceUtils.ClearApplicationState
Clear all state for the given package.
package: A string containing the name of the package to stop.
permissions: List of permissions to set after clearing data.
timeout: timeout in seconds
retries: number of retries
CommandTimeoutError on timeout.
DeviceUnreachableError on missing device.
### DeviceUtils.ClearCache
Clears all caches.
### DeviceUtils.DismissCrashDialogIfNeeded
Dismiss the error/ANR dialog if present.
Returns: Name of the crashed package if a dialog is focused,
None otherwise.
### DeviceUtils.DumpCacheData
Dumps the current cache state to a string.
timeout: timeout in seconds
retries: number of retries
A serialized cache as a string.
### DeviceUtils.EnableRoot
Restarts adbd with root privileges.
timeout: timeout in seconds
retries: number of retries
CommandFailedError if root could not be enabled.
CommandTimeoutError on timeout.
### DeviceUtils.FileExists
Checks whether the given file exists on the device.
Arguments are the same as PathExists.
### DeviceUtils.FileSize
Get the size of a file on the device.
Note: This is implemented by parsing the output of the 'ls' command on
the device. On some Android versions, when passing a directory or special
file, the size is *not* reported and this function will throw an exception.
device_path: A string containing the path of a file on the device.
as_root: A boolean indicating whether the to use root privileges to
access the file information.
timeout: timeout in seconds
retries: number of retries
The size of the file in bytes.
CommandFailedError if device_path cannot be found on the device, or
its size cannot be determited for some reason.
CommandTimeoutError on timeout.
DeviceUnreachableError on missing device.
### DeviceUtils.ForceStop
Close the application.
package: A string containing the name of the package to stop.
timeout: timeout in seconds
retries: number of retries
CommandTimeoutError on timeout.
DeviceUnreachableError on missing device.
### DeviceUtils.GetABI
Gets the device main ABI.
timeout: timeout in seconds
retries: number of retries
The device's main ABI name. For supported ABIs, the return value will be
one of the values defined in devil.android.ndk.abis.
CommandTimeoutError on timeout.
### DeviceUtils.GetAppWritablePath
Get a path that on the device's SD card that apps can write.
timeout: timeout in seconds
retries: number of retries
A app-writeable path on the device's SD card.
CommandFailedError if the external storage path could not be determined.
CommandTimeoutError on timeout.
DeviceUnreachableError on missing device.
### DeviceUtils.GetApplicationDataDirectory
Get the data directory on the device for the given package.
package: Name of the package.
The package's data directory.
CommandFailedError if the package's data directory can't be found,
whether because it's not installed or otherwise.
### DeviceUtils.GetApplicationPaths
Get the paths of the installed apks on the device for the given package.
package: Name of the package.
List of paths to the apks on the device for the given package.
### DeviceUtils.GetApplicationPids
Returns the PID or PIDs of a given process name.
Note that the |process_name|, often the package name, must match exactly.
process_name: A string containing the process name to get the PIDs for.
at_most_one: A boolean indicating that at most one PID is expected to
be found.
timeout: timeout in seconds
retries: number of retries
A list of the PIDs for the named process. If at_most_one=True returns
the single PID found or None otherwise.
CommandFailedError if at_most_one=True and more than one PID is found
for the named process.
CommandTimeoutError on timeout.
DeviceUnreachableError on missing device.
### DeviceUtils.GetApplicationTargetSdk
Get the targetSdkVersion of a package installed on the device.
package: Name of the package.
A string with the targetSdkVersion or None if the package is not found on
the device. Note: this cannot always be cast to an integer. If this
application targets a pre-release SDK, this returns the version codename
instead (ex. "R").
### DeviceUtils.GetApplicationVersion
Get the version name of a package installed on the device.
package: Name of the package.
A string with the version name or None if the package is not found
on the device.
### DeviceUtils.GetClientCache
Returns client cache.
### DeviceUtils.GetCountry
Returns the country setting on the device.
DEPRECATED: Prefer GetLocale() instead.
cache: Whether to use cached properties when available.
### DeviceUtils.GetEnforce
Get the current mode of SELinux.
timeout: timeout in seconds
retries: number of retries
True (enforcing), False (permissive), or None (disabled).
CommandFailedError on failure.
CommandTimeoutError on timeout.
DeviceUnreachableError on missing device.
### DeviceUtils.GetExternalStoragePath
Get the device's path to its SD card.
Note: this path is read-only by apps in R+. Use GetAppWritablePath() to
obtain a path writable by apps.
timeout: timeout in seconds
retries: number of retries
The device's path to its SD card.
CommandFailedError if the external storage path could not be determined.
CommandTimeoutError on timeout.
DeviceUnreachableError on missing device.
### DeviceUtils.GetFeatures
Returns the features supported on the device.
### DeviceUtils.GetIMEI
Get the device's IMEI.
timeout: timeout in seconds
retries: number of retries
The device's IMEI.
AdbCommandFailedError on error
### DeviceUtils.GetLanguage
Returns the language setting on the device.
DEPRECATED: Prefer GetLocale() instead.
cache: Whether to use cached properties when available.
### DeviceUtils.GetLocale
Returns the locale setting on the device.
cache: Whether to use cached properties when available.
A pair (language, country).
### DeviceUtils.GetLogcatMonitor
Returns a new LogcatMonitor associated with this device.
Parameters passed to this function are passed directly to
|logcat_monitor.LogcatMonitor| and are documented there.
### DeviceUtils.GetPackageArchitecture
Get the architecture of a package installed on the device.
package: Name of the package.
A string with the architecture, or None if the package is missing.
### DeviceUtils.GetPids
Returns the PIDs of processes containing the given name as substring.
Note that the |process_name| is often the package name.
process_name: A string containing the process name to get the PIDs for.
If missing returns PIDs for all processes.
timeout: timeout in seconds
retries: number of retries
A dict mapping process name to a list of PIDs for each process that
contained the provided |process_name|.
CommandTimeoutError on timeout.
DeviceUnreachableError on missing device.
### DeviceUtils.GetProp
Gets a property from the device.
property_name: A string containing the name of the property to get from
the device.
cache: Whether to use cached properties when available.
timeout: timeout in seconds
retries: number of retries
The value of the device's |property_name| property.
CommandTimeoutError on timeout.
### DeviceUtils.GetSecurityContextForPackage
Gets the SELinux security context for the given package.
package: Name of the package.
encrypted: Whether to check in the encrypted data directory
(/data/user_de/0/) or the unencrypted data directory (/data/data/).
The package's security context as a string, or None if not found.
### DeviceUtils.GetTracingPath
Gets tracing path from the device.
timeout: timeout in seconds
retries: number of retries
/sys/kernel/debug/tracing for device with debugfs mount support;
/sys/kernel/tracing for device with tracefs support;
/sys/kernel/debug/tracing if support can't be determined.
CommandTimeoutError on timeout.
### DeviceUtils.GetWebViewUpdateServiceDump
Get the WebView update command sysdump on the device.
A dictionary with these possible entries:
FallbackLogicEnabled: True|False
CurrentWebViewPackage: "package name" or None
MinimumWebViewVersionCode: int
WebViewPackages: Dict of installed WebView providers, mapping "package
name" to "reason it's valid/invalid."
The returned dictionary may not include all of the above keys: this depends
on the support of the platform's underlying WebViewUpdateService. This may
return an empty dictionary on OS versions which do not support querying the
CommandTimeoutError on timeout.
DeviceUnreachableError on missing device.
### DeviceUtils.GoHome
Return to the home screen and obtain launcher focus.
This command launches the home screen and attempts to obtain
launcher focus until the timeout is reached.
timeout: timeout in seconds
retries: number of retries
CommandTimeoutError on timeout.
DeviceUnreachableError on missing device.
### DeviceUtils.GrantPermissions
### DeviceUtils.HasRoot
Checks whether or not adbd has root privileges.
A device is considered to have root if all commands are implicitly run
with elevated privileges, i.e. without having to use "su" to run them.
Note that some devices do not allow this implicit privilige elevation,
but _can_ run commands as root just fine when done explicitly with "su".
To check if your device can run commands with elevated privileges at all
device.HasRoot() or device.NeedsSU()
Luckily, for the most part you don't need to worry about this and using
RunShellCommand(cmd, as_root=True) will figure out for you the right
command incantation to run with elevated privileges.
timeout: timeout in seconds
retries: number of retries
True if adbd has root privileges, False otherwise.
CommandTimeoutError on timeout.
DeviceUnreachableError on missing device.
### DeviceUtils.Install
Install an APK or app bundle.
Noop if an identical APK is already installed. If installing a bundle, the
bundletools helper script (bin/*_bundle) should be used rather than the .aab
apk: An ApkHelper instance or string containing the path to the APK or
allow_downgrade: A boolean indicating if we should allow downgrades.
reinstall: A boolean indicating if we should keep any existing app data.
Ignored if |apk| is a bundle.
permissions: Set of permissions to set. If not set, finds permissions with
apk helper. To set no permissions, pass [].
timeout: timeout in seconds
retries: number of retries
modules: An iterable containing specific bundle modules to install.
Error if set and |apk| points to an APK instead of a bundle.
fake_modules: An iterable containing specific bundle modules that should
have their apks copied to |MODULES_SRC_DIRECTORY_PATH| subdirectory
rather than installed. Thus the app can emulate SplitCompat while
running. This should not have any overlap with |modules|.
additional_locales: An iterable with additional locales to install for a
CommandFailedError if the installation fails.
CommandTimeoutError if the installation times out.
DeviceUnreachableError on missing device.
### DeviceUtils.InstallSplitApk
Install a split APK.
Noop if all of the APK splits are already installed.
base_apk: An ApkHelper instance or string containing the path to the base
split_apks: A list of strings of paths of all of the APK splits.
allow_downgrade: A boolean indicating if we should allow downgrades.
reinstall: A boolean indicating if we should keep any existing app data.
allow_cached_props: Whether to use cached values for device properties.
permissions: Set of permissions to set. If not set, finds permissions with
apk helper. To set no permissions, pass [].
timeout: timeout in seconds
retries: number of retries
CommandFailedError if the installation fails.
CommandTimeoutError if the installation times out.
DeviceUnreachableError on missing device.
DeviceVersionError if device SDK is less than Android L.
### DeviceUtils.IsApplicationInstalled
Determines whether a particular package is installed on the device.
package: Name of the package.
version_code: The version of the package to check for as an int, if
applicable. Only used for static shared libraries, otherwise ignored.
True if the application is installed, False otherwise.
### DeviceUtils.IsOnline
Checks whether the device is online.
timeout: timeout in seconds
retries: number of retries
True if the device is online, False otherwise.
CommandTimeoutError on timeout.
### DeviceUtils.IsScreenOn
Determines if screen is on.
Dumpsys input_method exposes screen on/off state. Below is an explination of
the states.
On: mScreenOn=true
Off: mScreenOn=false
On: mInteractive=true
Off: mInteractive=false
True if screen is on, false if it is off.
device_errors.CommandFailedError: If screen state cannot be found.
### DeviceUtils.IsUserBuild
Checks whether or not the device is running a user build.
timeout: timeout in seconds
retries: number of retries
True if the device is running a user build, False otherwise (i.e. if
it's running a userdebug build).
CommandTimeoutError on timeout.
DeviceUnreachableError on missing device.
### DeviceUtils.KillAll
Kill all processes with the given name on the device.
process_name: A string containing the name of the process to kill.
exact: A boolean indicating whether to kill all processes matching
the string |process_name| exactly, or all of those which contain
|process_name| as a substring. Defaults to False.
signum: An integer containing the signal number to send to kill. Defaults
to SIGKILL (9).
as_root: A boolean indicating whether the kill should be executed with
root privileges.
blocking: A boolean indicating whether we should wait until all processes
with the given |process_name| are dead.
quiet: A boolean indicating whether to ignore the fact that no processes
to kill were found.
timeout: timeout in seconds
retries: number of retries
The number of processes attempted to kill.
CommandFailedError if no process was killed and |quiet| is False.
CommandTimeoutError on timeout.
DeviceUnreachableError on missing device.
### DeviceUtils.ListDirectory
List all files on a device directory.
Mirroring os.listdir (and most client expectations) the resulting list
does not include the special entries '.' and '..' even if they are present
in the directory.
device_path: A string containing the path of the directory on the device
to list.
as_root: A boolean indicating whether the to use root privileges to list
the directory contents.
timeout: timeout in seconds
retries: number of retries
A list of filenames for all entries contained in the directory.
AdbCommandFailedError if |device_path| does not specify a valid and
accessible directory in the device.
CommandTimeoutError on timeout.
DeviceUnreachableError on missing device.
### DeviceUtils.ListProcesses
Returns a list of tuples with info about processes on the device.
This essentially parses the output of the |ps| command into convenient
ProcessInfo tuples.
process_name: A string used to filter the returned processes. If given,
only processes whose name have this value as a substring
will be returned.
timeout: timeout in seconds
retries: number of retries
A list of ProcessInfo tuples with |name|, |pid|, and |ppid| fields.
### DeviceUtils.LoadCacheData
Initializes the cache from data created using DumpCacheData.
The cache is used only if its token matches the one found on the device.
This prevents a stale cache from being used (which can happen when sharing
data: A previously serialized cache (string).
timeout: timeout in seconds
retries: number of retries
Whether the cache was loaded.
### DeviceUtils.NeedsSU
Checks whether 'su' is needed to access protected resources.
timeout: timeout in seconds
retries: number of retries
True if 'su' is available on the device and is needed to to access
protected resources; False otherwise if either 'su' is not available
(e.g. because the device has a user build), or not needed (because adbd
already has root privileges).
CommandTimeoutError on timeout.
DeviceUnreachableError on missing device.
### DeviceUtils.PathExists
Checks whether the given path(s) exists on the device.
device_path: A string containing the absolute path to the file on the
device, or an iterable of paths to check.
as_root: Whether root permissions should be use to check for the existence
of the given path(s).
timeout: timeout in seconds
retries: number of retries
True if the all given paths exist on the device, False otherwise.
CommandTimeoutError on timeout.
DeviceUnreachableError on missing device.
### DeviceUtils.PullFile
Pull a file from the device.
device_path: A string containing the absolute path of the file to pull
from the device.
host_path: A string containing the absolute path of the destination on
the host.
as_root: Whether root permissions should be used to pull the file.
timeout: timeout in seconds
retries: number of retries
CommandFailedError on failure.
CommandTimeoutError on timeout.
### DeviceUtils.PushChangedFiles
Push files to the device, skipping files that don't need updating.
When a directory is pushed, it is traversed recursively on the host and
all files in it are pushed to the device as needed.
Additionally, if delete_device_stale option is True,
files that exist on the device but don't exist on the host are deleted.
host_device_tuples: A list of (host_path, device_path) tuples, where
|host_path| is an absolute path of a file or directory on the host
that should be minimially pushed to the device, and |device_path| is
an absolute path of the destination on the device.
delete_device_stale: option to delete stale files on device
timeout: timeout in seconds
retries: number of retries
CommandFailedError on failure.
CommandTimeoutError on timeout.
DeviceUnreachableError on missing device.
### DeviceUtils.ReadFile
Reads the contents of a file from the device.
device_path: A string containing the absolute path of the file to read
from the device.
as_root: A boolean indicating whether the read should be executed with
root privileges.
force_pull: A boolean indicating whether to force the operation to be
performed by pulling a file from the device. The default is, when the
contents are short, to retrieve the contents using cat instead.
timeout: timeout in seconds
retries: number of retries
The contents of |device_path| as a string. Contents are intepreted using
universal newlines, so the caller will see them encoded as '
'. Also,
all lines will be terminated.
AdbCommandFailedError if the file can't be read.
CommandTimeoutError on timeout.
DeviceUnreachableError on missing device.
### DeviceUtils.Reboot
Reboot the device.
Note if the device has the root privilege, it will likely lose it after the
reboot. When |block| is True, it will try to restore the root status if
block: A boolean indicating if we should wait for the reboot to complete.
wifi: A boolean indicating if we should wait for wifi to be enabled after
the reboot.
The option has no effect unless |block| is also True.
decrypt: A boolean indicating if we should wait for full-disk decryption
to complete after the reboot.
The option has no effect unless |block| is also True.
timeout: timeout in seconds
retries: number of retries
CommandTimeoutError on timeout.
DeviceUnreachableError on missing device.
### DeviceUtils.RemovePath
Removes the given path(s) from the device.
device_path: A string containing the absolute path to the file on the
device, or an iterable of paths to check.
force: Whether to remove the path(s) with force (-f).
recursive: Whether to remove any directories in the path(s) recursively.
as_root: Whether root permissions should be use to remove the given
rename: Whether to rename the path(s) before removing to help avoid
filesystem errors. See https://stackoverflow.com/questions/11539657
timeout: timeout in seconds
retries: number of retries
### DeviceUtils.RestartAdbd
### DeviceUtils.RunShellCommand
Run an ADB shell command.
The command to run |cmd| should be a sequence of program arguments
(preferred) or a single string with a shell script to run.
When |cmd| is a sequence, it is assumed to contain the name of the command
to run followed by its arguments. In this case, arguments are passed to the
command exactly as given, preventing any further processing by the shell.
This allows callers to easily pass arguments with spaces or special
characters without having to worry about quoting rules. Whenever possible,
it is recomended to pass |cmd| as a sequence.
When |cmd| is passed as a single string, |shell| should be set to True.
The command will be interpreted and run by the shell on the device,
allowing the use of shell features such as pipes, wildcards, or variables.
Failing to set shell=True will issue a warning, but this will be changed
to a hard failure in the future (see: catapult:#3242).
This behaviour is consistent with that of command runners in cmd_helper as
well as Python's own subprocess.Popen.
TODO(crbug.com/1029769) Change the default of |check_return| to True when
callers have switched to the new behaviour.
cmd: A sequence containing the command to run and its arguments, or a
string with a shell script to run (should also set shell=True).
shell: A boolean indicating whether shell features may be used in |cmd|.
check_return: A boolean indicating whether or not the return code should
be checked.
cwd: The device directory in which the command should be run.
env: The environment variables with which the command should be run.
run_as: A string containing the package as which the command should be
as_root: A boolean indicating whether the shell command should be run
with root privileges.
single_line: A boolean indicating if only a single line of output is
large_output: Uses a work-around for large shell command output. Without
this large output will be truncated.
raw_output: Whether to only return the raw output
(no splitting into lines).
timeout: timeout in seconds
retries: number of retries
If single_line is False, the output of the command as a list of lines,
otherwise, a string with the unique line of output emmited by the command
(with the optional newline at the end stripped).
AdbCommandFailedError if check_return is True and the exit code of
the command run on the device is non-zero.
CommandFailedError if single_line is True but the output contains two or
more lines.
CommandTimeoutError on timeout.
DeviceUnreachableError on missing device.
### DeviceUtils.SendKeyEvent
Sends a keycode to the device.
See the devil.android.sdk.keyevent module for suitable keycode values.
keycode: A integer keycode to send to the device.
timeout: timeout in seconds
retries: number of retries
CommandTimeoutError on timeout.
DeviceUnreachableError on missing device.
### DeviceUtils.SetEnforce
Modify the mode SELinux is running in.
enabled: a boolean indicating whether to put SELinux in encorcing mode
(if True), or permissive mode (otherwise).
timeout: timeout in seconds
retries: number of retries
CommandFailedError on failure.
CommandTimeoutError on timeout.
DeviceUnreachableError on missing device.
### DeviceUtils.SetJavaAsserts
Enables or disables Java asserts.
enabled: A boolean indicating whether Java asserts should be enabled
or disabled.
timeout: timeout in seconds
retries: number of retries
True if the device-side property changed and a restart is required as a
result, False otherwise.
CommandTimeoutError on timeout.
### DeviceUtils.SetProp
Sets a property on the device.
property_name: A string containing the name of the property to set on
the device.
value: A string containing the value to set to the property on the
check: A boolean indicating whether to check that the property was
successfully set on the device.
timeout: timeout in seconds
retries: number of retries
CommandFailedError if check is true and the property was not correctly
set on the device (e.g. because it is not rooted).
CommandTimeoutError on timeout.
### DeviceUtils.SetScreen
Turns screen on and off.
on: bool to decide state to switch to. True = on False = off.
### DeviceUtils.SetWebViewFallbackLogic
Set whether WebViewUpdateService's "fallback logic" should be enabled.
WebViewUpdateService has nonintuitive "fallback logic" for devices where
Monochrome (Chrome Stable) is preinstalled as the WebView provider, with a
"stub" (little-to-no code) implementation of standalone WebView.
"Fallback logic" (enabled by default) is designed, in the case where the
user has disabled Chrome, to fall back to the stub standalone WebView by
enabling the package. The implementation plumbs through the Chrome APK until
Play Store installs an update with the full implementation.
A surprising side-effect of "fallback logic" is that, immediately after
sideloading WebView, WebViewUpdateService re-disables the package and
uninstalls the update. This can prevent successfully using standalone
WebView for development, although "fallback logic" can be disabled on
userdebug/eng devices.
Because this is only relevant for devices with the standalone WebView stub,
this command is only relevant on N-P (inclusive).
You can determine if "fallback logic" is currently enabled by checking
FallbackLogicEnabled in the dictionary returned by
enabled: bool - True for enabled, False for disabled
timeout: timeout in seconds
retries: number of retries
CommandFailedError on failure.
CommandTimeoutError on timeout.
DeviceUnreachableError on missing device.
### DeviceUtils.SetWebViewImplementation
Select the WebView implementation to the specified package.
package_name: The package name of a WebView implementation. The package
must be already installed on the device.
timeout: timeout in seconds
retries: number of retries
CommandFailedError on failure.
CommandTimeoutError on timeout.
DeviceUnreachableError on missing device.
### DeviceUtils.StartActivity
Start package's activity on the device.
intent_obj: An Intent object to send.
blocking: A boolean indicating whether we should wait for the activity to
finish launching.
trace_file_name: If present, a string that both indicates that we want to
profile the activity and contains the path to which the
trace should be saved.
force_stop: A boolean indicating whether we should stop the activity
before starting it.
timeout: timeout in seconds
retries: number of retries
CommandFailedError if the activity could not be started.
CommandTimeoutError on timeout.
DeviceUnreachableError on missing device.
### DeviceUtils.StartInstrumentation
### DeviceUtils.StartService
Start a service on the device.
intent_obj: An Intent object to send describing the service to start.
user_id: A specific user to start the service as, defaults to current.
timeout: Timeout in seconds.
retries: Number of retries
CommandFailedError if the service could not be started.
CommandTimeoutError on timeout.
DeviceUnreachableError on missing device.
### DeviceUtils.StatDirectory
List file and stat info for all entries on a device directory.
Implementation notes: this is currently implemented by parsing the output
of 'ls -a -l' on the device. Whether possible and convenient, we attempt to
make parsing strict and return values mirroring those of the standard |os|
and |stat| Python modules.
Mirroring os.listdir (and most client expectations) the resulting list
does not include the special entries '.' and '..' even if they are present
in the directory.
device_path: A string containing the path of the directory on the device
to list.
as_root: A boolean indicating whether the to use root privileges to list
the directory contents.
timeout: timeout in seconds
retries: number of retries
A list of dictionaries, each containing the following keys:
filename: A string with the file name.
st_mode: File permissions, use the stat module to interpret these.
st_nlink: Number of hard links (may be missing).
st_owner: A string with the user name of the owner.
st_group: A string with the group name of the owner.
st_rdev_pair: Device type as (major, minior) (only if inode device).
st_size: Size of file, in bytes (may be missing for non-regular files).
st_mtime: Time of most recent modification, in seconds since epoch
(although resolution is in minutes).
symbolic_link_to: If entry is a symbolic link, path where it points to;
missing otherwise.
AdbCommandFailedError if |device_path| does not specify a valid and
accessible directory in the device.
CommandTimeoutError on timeout.
DeviceUnreachableError on missing device.
### DeviceUtils.StatPath
Get the stat attributes of a file or directory on the device.
device_path: A string containing the path of a file or directory from
which to get attributes.
as_root: A boolean indicating whether the to use root privileges to
access the file information.
timeout: timeout in seconds
retries: number of retries
A dictionary with the stat info collected; see StatDirectory for details.
CommandFailedError if device_path cannot be found on the device.
CommandTimeoutError on timeout.
DeviceUnreachableError on missing device.
### DeviceUtils.TakeBugReport
Takes a bug report and dumps it to the specified path.
This doesn't use adb's bugreport option since its behavior is dependent on
both adb version and device OS version. To make it simpler, this directly
runs the bugreport command on the device itself and dumps the stdout to a
path: Path on the host to drop the bug report.
timeout: (optional) Timeout per try in seconds.
retries: (optional) Number of retries to attempt.
### DeviceUtils.TakeScreenshot
Takes a screenshot of the device.
host_path: A string containing the path on the host to save the
screenshot to. If None, a file name in the current
directory will be generated.
timeout: timeout in seconds
retries: number of retries
The name of the file on the host to which the screenshot was saved.
CommandFailedError on failure.
CommandTimeoutError on timeout.
DeviceUnreachableError on missing device.
### DeviceUtils.Uninstall
Remove the app |package\_name| from the device.
This is a no-op if the app is not already installed.
package_name: The package to uninstall.
keep_data: (optional) Whether to keep the data and cache directories.
timeout: Timeout in seconds.
retries: Number of retries.
CommandFailedError if the uninstallation fails.
CommandTimeoutError if the uninstallation times out.
DeviceUnreachableError on missing device.
### DeviceUtils.WaitUntilFullyBooted
Wait for the device to fully boot.
This means waiting for the device to boot, the package manager to be
available, and the SD card to be ready.
It can optionally wait the following:
- Wait for wifi to come up.
- Wait for full-disk decryption to complete.
wifi: A boolean indicating if we should wait for wifi to come up or not.
decrypt: A boolean indicating if we should wait for full-disk decryption
to complete.
timeout: timeout in seconds
retries: number of retries
CommandFailedError on failure.
CommandTimeoutError if one of the component waits times out.
DeviceUnreachableError if the device becomes unresponsive.
### DeviceUtils.WriteFile
Writes |contents| to a file on the device.
device_path: A string containing the absolute path to the file to write
on the device.
contents: A string containing the data to write to the device.
as_root: A boolean indicating whether the write should be executed with
root privileges (if available).
force_push: A boolean indicating whether to force the operation to be
performed by pushing a file to the device. The default is, when the
contents are short, to pass the contents using a shell script instead.
timeout: timeout in seconds
retries: number of retries
CommandFailedError if the file could not be written on the device.
CommandTimeoutError on timeout.
DeviceUnreachableError on missing device.
### DeviceUtils.\_\_eq\_\_
Checks whether |other| refers to the same device as |self|.
other: The object to compare to. This can be a basestring, an instance
of adb_wrapper.AdbWrapper, or an instance of DeviceUtils.
Whether |other| refers to the same device as |self|.
### DeviceUtils.\_\_init\_\_
DeviceUtils constructor.
device: Either a device serial, an existing AdbWrapper instance, or an
an existing AndroidCommands instance.
enable_device_files_cache: For PushChangedFiles(), cache checksums of
pushed files rather than recomputing them on a subsequent call.
default_timeout: An integer containing the default number of seconds to
wait for an operation to complete if no explicit value is provided.
default_retries: An integer containing the default number or times an
operation should be retried on failure if no explicit value is provided.
### DeviceUtils.\_\_lt\_\_
Compares two instances of DeviceUtils.
This merely compares their serial numbers.
other: The instance of DeviceUtils to compare to.
Whether |self| is less than |other|.
### DeviceUtils.\_\_str\_\_
Returns the device serial.
## ProcessInfo
ProcessInfo(name, pid, ppid)
### ProcessInfo.\_\_getnewargs\_\_
Return self as a plain tuple. Used by copy and pickle.
### ProcessInfo.\_\_getstate\_\_
Exclude the OrderedDict from pickling
### ProcessInfo.\_\_repr\_\_
Return a nicely formatted representation string
### GetAVDs
Returns a list of Android Virtual Devices.
A list containing the configured AVDs.
### RestartServer
Restarts the adb server.
CommandFailedError if we fail to kill or restart the server.