429 lines
15 KiB
Executable File
429 lines
15 KiB
Executable File
# Copyright (C) 2021 The Android Open Source Project
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
Reports on merge status of Java files in a package based on four
baseline - upstream baseline used for previous Android release
release - files in previous Android release
current - target for merge
upstream - new upstream being merged
Example output:
$ tools/upstream/pkg-status java.security.spec
AlgorithmParameterSpec.java: Unchanged, Done
DSAGenParameterSpec.java: Added, TO DO
DSAParameterSpec.java: Unchanged, Done
DSAPrivateKeySpec.java: Unchanged, Done
DSAPublicKeySpec.java: Unchanged, Done
ECField.java: Unchanged, Done
ECFieldF2m.java: Unchanged, Done
ECFieldFp.java: Unchanged, Done
ECGenParameterSpec.java: Updated, TO DO
import argparse
import hashlib
import os
import os.path
import sys
from enum import Enum
from pathlib import Path
RED = '\u001b[31m'
GREEN = "\u001b[32m"
YELLOW = "\u001b[33m"
RESET = "\u001b[0m"
def colourise(colour, string):
"""Wrap a string with an ANSI colour code"""
return "%s%s%s" % (colour, string, RESET)
def red(string):
"""Wrap a string with a red ANSI colour code"""
return colourise(RED, string)
def green(string):
"""Wrap a string with a green ANSI colour code"""
return colourise(GREEN, string)
def yellow(string):
"""Wrap a string with a yellow ANSI colour code"""
return colourise(YELLOW, string)
class WorkStatus(Enum):
"""Enum for a file's work completion status"""
UNKNOWN = ('Unknown', red)
TODO = ('TO DO', yellow)
DONE = ('Done', green)
PROBABLY_DONE = ('Probably done', green)
ERROR = ('Error', red)
def colourise(self, string):
"""Colourise a string using the method for this enum value"""
return self.colourfunc(string)
def __init__(self, description, colourfunc):
self.description = description
self.colourfunc = colourfunc
class MergeStatus(Enum):
"""Enum for a file's merge status"""
UNKNOWN = 'Unknown!'
MISSING = 'Missing'
ADDED = 'Added'
DELETED = 'Deleted or moved'
UNCHANGED = 'Unchanged'
UPDATED = 'Updated'
def __init__(self, description):
self.description = description
class MergeConfig:
Configuration for an upstream merge.
Encapsulates the paths to each of the required code repositories.
def __init__(self, baseline, release, current, upstream) -> None:
self.baseline = baseline
self.release = release
self.current = current
self.upstream = upstream
# Root of checked-out Android sources, set by the "lunch" command.
self.android_build_top = os.environ['ANDROID_BUILD_TOP']
# Root of repository snapshots.
self.ojluni_upstreams = os.environ['OJLUNI_UPSTREAMS']
except KeyError:
sys.exit('`lunch` and set OJLUNI_UPSTREAMS first.')
def java_dir(self, repo, pkg):
relpath = pkg.replace('.', '/')
if repo == self.current:
return '%s/libcore/%s/src/main/java/%s' % (
self.android_build_top, self.current, relpath)
return '%s/%s/%s' % (self.ojluni_upstreams, repo, relpath)
def baseline_dir(self, pkg):
return self.java_dir(self.baseline, pkg)
def release_dir(self, pkg):
return self.java_dir(self.release, pkg)
def current_dir(self, pkg):
return self.java_dir(self.current, pkg)
def upstream_dir(self, pkg):
return self.java_dir(self.upstream, pkg)
class JavaPackage:
Encapsulates information about a single Java package, notably paths
to it within each repository.
def __init__(self, config, name) -> None:
self.name = name
self.baseline_dir = config.baseline_dir(name)
self.release_dir = config.release_dir(name)
self.current_dir = config.current_dir(name)
self.upstream_dir = config.upstream_dir(name)
def list_candidate_files(path):
"""Returns a list of all the Java filenames in a directory."""
return list(filter(
lambda f: f.endswith('.java') and f != 'package-info.java',
def all_files(self):
"""Returns the union of all the Java filenames in all repositories."""
files = set(self.list_candidate_files(self.baseline_dir))
return sorted(list(files))
def java_files(self):
"""Returns a list of JavaFiles corresponding to all filenames."""
return map(lambda f: JavaFile(self, f), self.all_files())
def baseline_path(self, filename):
return Path(self.baseline_dir + '/' + filename)
def release_path(self, filename):
return Path(self.release_dir + '/' + filename)
def current_path(self, filename):
return Path(self.current_dir + '/' + filename)
def upstream_path(self, filename):
return Path(self.upstream_dir + '/' + filename)
def report_merge_status(self):
"""Report on the mergse status of this package."""
for file in self.java_files():
merge_status, work_status = file.status()
text = '%s: %s, %s' % \
file.name, merge_status.description,
if work_status == WorkStatus.ERROR:
print(file.baseline_sum, file.baseline)
print(file.release_sum, file.release)
print(file.current_sum, file.current)
print(file.upstream_sum, file.upstream)
class JavaFile:
Encapsulates information about a single Java file in a package across
all of the repositories involved in a merge.
def __init__(self, package, name):
self.package = package
self.name = name
# Paths for this file in each repository
self.baseline = package.baseline_path(name)
self.release = package.release_path(name)
self.upstream = package.upstream_path(name)
self.current = package.current_path(name)
# Checksums for this file in each repository, or None if absent
self.baseline_sum = self.checksum(self.baseline)
self.release_sum = self.checksum(self.release)
self.upstream_sum = self.checksum(self.upstream)
self.current_sum = self.checksum(self.current)
# List of methods for determining file's merge status.
# Order matters - see merge_status() for details
self.merge_status_methods = [
(self.check_for_missing, MergeStatus.MISSING),
(self.check_for_unchanged, MergeStatus.UNCHANGED),
(self.check_for_added_upstream, MergeStatus.ADDED),
(self.check_for_removed_upstream, MergeStatus.DELETED),
(self.check_for_changed_upstream, MergeStatus.UPDATED),
# Map of methods from merge status to determine work status
self.work_status_methods = {
MergeStatus.MISSING: self.calculate_missing_work_status,
MergeStatus.UNCHANGED: self.calculate_unchanged_work_status,
MergeStatus.ADDED: self.calculate_added_work_status,
MergeStatus.DELETED: self.calculate_deleted_work_status,
MergeStatus.UPDATED: self.calculate_updated_work_status,
def is_android_changed(self):
Returns true if the file was changed between the baseline and Android
return self.is_in_release() and self.baseline_sum != self.release_sum
def is_android_unchanged(self):
Returns true if the file is in the Android release and is unchanged.
return self.is_in_release() and self.baseline_sum == self.release_sum
def check_for_changed_upstream(self):
"""Returns true if the file is changed upstream since the baseline."""
return self.baseline_sum != self.upstream_sum
def is_in_baseline(self):
return self.baseline_sum is not None
def is_in_release(self):
"""Returns true if the file is present in the baseline and release."""
return self.is_in_baseline() and self.release_sum is not None
def is_in_current(self):
"""Returns true if the file is in current, release and baseline."""
return self.is_in_release() and self.current_sum is not None
def is_in_upstream(self):
return self.upstream_sum is not None
def check_for_missing(self):
Returns true if the file is expected to be in current, but isn't.
return self.is_in_release() and self.is_in_upstream() \
and not self.is_in_current()
def removed_in_release(self):
"""Returns true if the file was removed by Android in the release."""
return self.is_in_baseline() and not self.is_in_release()
def check_for_removed_upstream(self):
"""Returns true if the file was removed upstream since the baseline."""
return self.is_in_baseline() and not self.is_in_upstream()
def check_for_added_upstream(self):
"""Returns true if the file was added upstream since the baseline."""
return self.is_in_upstream() and not self.is_in_baseline()
def check_for_unchanged(self):
"""Returns true if the file is unchanged upstream since the baseline."""
return not self.check_for_changed_upstream()
def merge_status(self):
Returns the merge status for this file, or UNKNOWN.
Tries each merge_status_method in turn, and if one returns true
then this method returns the associated merge status.
for (method, status) in self.merge_status_methods:
if method():
return status
return MergeStatus.UNKNOWN
def work_status(self):
Returns the work status for this file.
Looks up a status method based on the merge statis and uses that to
determine the work status.
status = self.merge_status()
if status in self.work_status_methods:
return self.work_status_methods[status]()
return WorkStatus.ERROR
def calculate_missing_work_status():
"""Missing files are always an error."""
return WorkStatus.ERROR
def calculate_unchanged_work_status(self):
File is unchanged upstream, so should be unchanged between release and
if self.current_sum == self.release_sum:
return WorkStatus.DONE
return WorkStatus.UNKNOWN
def calculate_added_work_status(self):
"""File was added upstream so needs to be added to current."""
if self.current_sum is None:
return WorkStatus.TODO
if self.current_sum == self.upstream_sum:
return WorkStatus.DONE
# XXX check for change markers if android changed
return WorkStatus.UNKNOWN
def calculate_deleted_work_status(self):
"""File was removed upstream so needs to be removed from current."""
if self.is_in_current():
return WorkStatus.TODO
return WorkStatus.DONE
def calculate_updated_work_status(self):
"""File was updated upstream."""
if self.current_sum == self.upstream_sum:
if self.is_android_unchanged():
return WorkStatus.DONE
# Looks like Android changes are missing in current
return WorkStatus.ERROR
if self.is_android_unchanged():
return WorkStatus.TODO
# If we get here there are upstream and Android changes that need
# to be merged, If possible use the file copyright date as a
# heuristic to determine if upstream has been merged into current
release_copyright = self.get_copyright(self.release)
current_copyright = self.get_copyright(self.current)
upstream_copyright = self.get_copyright(self.upstream)
if release_copyright == upstream_copyright:
# Upstream copyright same as last release, so can't infer anything
return WorkStatus.UNKNOWN
if current_copyright == upstream_copyright:
return WorkStatus.PROBABLY_DONE
if current_copyright == release_copyright:
return WorkStatus.TODO
# Give up
return WorkStatus.UNKNOWN
def status(self):
return self.merge_status(), self.work_status()
def checksum(path):
"""Returns a checksum string for a file, SHA256 as a hex string."""
with open(path, 'rb') as file:
bytes = file.read()
return hashlib.sha256(bytes).hexdigest()
return None
def get_copyright(file):
"""Returns the upstream copyright line for a file."""
with open(file, 'r') as file:
for count in range(5):
line = file.readline()
if line.startswith(
' * Copyright') and 'Android' not in line:
return line
return None
return None
def main():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
description='Report on merge status of Java packages',
# TODO(prb): Add help for available repositories
parser.add_argument('-b', '--baseline', default='expected',
help='Baseline repo')
parser.add_argument('-r', '--release', default='sc-release',
help='Last released repo')
parser.add_argument('-u', '--upstream', default='11+28',
help='Upstream repo.')
parser.add_argument('-c', '--current', default='ojluni',
help='Current repo.')
parser.add_argument('pkgs', nargs="+",
help='Packages to report on')
args = parser.parse_args()
config = MergeConfig(args.baseline, args.release, args.current,
for pkg_name in args.pkgs:
package = JavaPackage(config, pkg_name)
except Exception as e:
print(red("ERROR: Unable to process package " + pkg_name + e))
if __name__ == "__main__":