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snapshot_power_test is a standalone test to simulate power failures during a snapshot-merge operation.

Test Setup

Start by creating two large files that will be used as the pre-merge and post-merge state. You can take two different partition images (for example, a product.img from two separate builds), or just create random data:

dd if=/dev/urandom of=pre-merge count=1024 bs=1048576
dd if=/dev/urandom of=post-merge count=1024 bs=1048576

Next, push these files to an unencrypted directory on the device:

adb push pre-merge /data/local/unencrypted
adb push post-merge /data/local/unencrypted

Next, run the test setup:

adb sync data
adb shell /data/nativetest64/snapshot_power_test/snapshot_power_test \
	/data/local/unencrypted/pre-merge \

This will create the necessary fiemap-based images.


The actual test can be run via Its syntax is: <POST_MERGE_FILE>

POST_MERGE_FILE should be the path on the device of the image to validate the merge against. Example: /data/local/unencrypted/post-merge

The device will begin the merge with a 5% chance of injecting a kernel crash every 10ms. The device should be capable of rebooting normally without user intervention. Once the merge has completed, the test will run a final check command to validate the contents of the snapshot against the post-merge file. It will error if there are any incorrect blocks.

Two environment variables can be passed to

  1. FAIL_RATE - A fraction between 0 and 100 (inclusive) indicating the probability the device should inject a kernel crash every 10ms.
  2. DEVICE_SERIAL - If multiple devices are attached to adb, this argument is passed as the serial to select (to adb -s).