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* Copyright (C) 2017 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
// Result<T, E> is the type that is used to pass a success value of type T or an error code of type
// E, optionally together with an error message. T and E can be any type. If E is omitted it
// defaults to int, which is useful when errno(3) is used as the error code.
// Passing a success value or an error value:
// Result<std::string> readFile() {
// std::string content;
// if (base::ReadFileToString("path", &content)) {
// return content; // ok case
// } else {
// return ErrnoError() << "failed to read"; // error case
// }
// }
// Checking the result and then unwrapping the value or propagating the error:
// Result<bool> hasAWord() {
// auto content = readFile();
// if (!content.ok()) {
// return Error() << "failed to process: " << content.error();
// }
// return (*content.find("happy") != std::string::npos);
// }
// Using custom error code type:
// enum class MyError { A, B }; // assume that this is the error code you already have
// // To use the error code with Result, define a wrapper class that provides the following
// operations and use the wrapper class as the second type parameter (E) when instantiating
// Result<T, E>
// 1. default constructor
// 2. copy constructor / and move constructor if copying is expensive
// 3. conversion operator to the error code type
// 4. value() function that return the error code value
// 5. print() function that gives a string representation of the error ode value
// struct MyErrorWrapper {
// MyError val_;
// MyErrorWrapper() : val_(/* reasonable default value */) {}
// MyErrorWrapper(MyError&& e) : val_(std:forward<MyError>(e)) {}
// operator const MyError&() const { return val_; }
// MyError value() const { return val_; }
// std::string print() const {
// switch(val_) {
// MyError::A: return "A";
// MyError::B: return "B";
// }
// }
// };
// #define NewMyError(e) Error<MyErrorWrapper>(MyError::e)
// Result<T, MyError> val = NewMyError(A) << "some message";
// Formatting the error message using fmtlib:
// Errorf("{} errors", num); // equivalent to Error() << num << " errors";
// ErrnoErrorf("{} errors", num); // equivalent to ErrnoError() << num << " errors";
// Returning success or failure, but not the value:
// Result<void> doSomething() {
// if (success) return {};
// else return Error() << "error occurred";
// }
// Extracting error code:
// Result<T> val = Error(3) << "some error occurred";
// assert(3 == val.error().code());
#pragma once
#include <assert.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
#include <type_traits>
#include "android-base/errors.h"
#include "android-base/expected.h"
#include "android-base/format.h"
namespace android {
namespace base {
// Errno is a wrapper class for errno(3). Use this type instead of `int` when instantiating
// `Result<T, E>` and `Error<E>` template classes. This is required to distinguish errno from other
// integer-based error code types like `status_t`.
struct Errno {
Errno() : val_(0) {}
Errno(int e) : val_(e) {}
int value() const { return val_; }
operator int() const { return value(); }
std::string print() const { return strerror(value()); }
int val_;
// TODO(b/209929099): remove this conversion operator. This currently is needed to not break
// existing places where error().code() is used to construct enum values.
template <typename E, typename = std::enable_if_t<std::is_enum_v<E>>>
operator E() const {
return E(val_);
template <typename E = Errno, bool include_message = true>
struct ResultError {
template <typename T, typename P, typename = std::enable_if_t<std::is_convertible_v<P, E>>>
ResultError(T&& message, P&& code)
: message_(std::forward<T>(message)), code_(E(std::forward<P>(code))) {}
template <typename T>
// NOLINTNEXTLINE(google-explicit-constructor)
operator android::base::expected<T, ResultError<E>>() const {
return android::base::unexpected(ResultError<E>(message_, code_));
std::string message() const { return message_; }
const E& code() const { return code_; }
std::string message_;
E code_;
template <typename E>
struct ResultError<E, /* include_message */ false> {
template <typename P, typename = std::enable_if_t<std::is_convertible_v<P, E>>>
ResultError(P&& code) : code_(E(std::forward<P>(code))) {}
template <typename T>
operator android::base::expected<T, ResultError<E, false>>() const {
return android::base::unexpected(ResultError<E, false>(code_));
const E& code() const { return code_; }
E code_;
template <typename E>
inline bool operator==(const ResultError<E>& lhs, const ResultError<E>& rhs) {
return lhs.message() == rhs.message() && lhs.code() == rhs.code();
template <typename E>
inline bool operator!=(const ResultError<E>& lhs, const ResultError<E>& rhs) {
return !(lhs == rhs);
template <typename E>
inline std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const ResultError<E>& t) {
os << t.message();
return os;
namespace internal {
// Stream class that does nothing and is has zero (actually 1) size. It is used instead of
// std::stringstream when include_message is false so that we use less on stack.
// sizeof(std::stringstream) is 280 on arm64.
struct DoNothingStream {
template <typename T>
DoNothingStream& operator<<(T&&) {
return *this;
std::string str() const { return ""; }
} // namespace internal
template <typename E = Errno, bool include_message = true,
typename = std::enable_if_t<!std::is_same_v<E, int>>>
class Error {
Error() : code_(0), has_code_(false) {}
template <typename P, typename = std::enable_if_t<std::is_convertible_v<P, E>>>
// NOLINTNEXTLINE(google-explicit-constructor)
Error(P&& code) : code_(std::forward<P>(code)), has_code_(true) {}
template <typename T, typename P, typename = std::enable_if_t<std::is_convertible_v<E, P>>>
// NOLINTNEXTLINE(google-explicit-constructor)
operator android::base::expected<T, ResultError<P>>() const {
return android::base::unexpected(ResultError<P>(str(), static_cast<P>(code_)));
template <typename T, typename P, typename = std::enable_if_t<std::is_convertible_v<E, P>>>
// NOLINTNEXTLINE(google-explicit-constructor)
operator android::base::expected<T, ResultError<P, false>>() const {
return android::base::unexpected(ResultError<P, false>(static_cast<P>(code_)));
template <typename T>
Error& operator<<(T&& t) {
static_assert(include_message, "<< not supported when include_message = false");
// NOLINTNEXTLINE(bugprone-suspicious-semicolon)
if constexpr (std::is_same_v<std::remove_cv_t<std::remove_reference_t<T>>, ResultError<E>>) {
if (!has_code_) {
code_ = t.code();
return (*this) << t.message();
int saved = errno;
ss_ << t;
errno = saved;
return *this;
const std::string str() const {
static_assert(include_message, "str() not supported when include_message = false");
std::string str = ss_.str();
if (has_code_) {
if (str.empty()) {
return code_.print();
return std::move(str) + ": " + code_.print();
return str;
Error(const Error&) = delete;
Error(Error&&) = delete;
Error& operator=(const Error&) = delete;
Error& operator=(Error&&) = delete;
template <typename T, typename... Args>
friend Error ErrorfImpl(const T&& fmt, const Args&... args);
template <typename T, typename... Args>
friend Error ErrnoErrorfImpl(const T&& fmt, const Args&... args);
Error(bool has_code, E code, const std::string& message) : code_(code), has_code_(has_code) {
(*this) << message;
std::conditional_t<include_message, std::stringstream, internal::DoNothingStream> ss_;
E code_;
const bool has_code_;
inline Error<Errno> ErrnoError() {
return Error<Errno>(Errno{errno});
template <typename E>
inline E ErrorCode(E code) {
return code;
// Return the error code of the last ResultError object, if any.
// Otherwise, return `code` as it is.
template <typename T, typename E, typename... Args>
inline E ErrorCode(E code, T&& t, const Args&... args) {
if constexpr (std::is_same_v<std::remove_cv_t<std::remove_reference_t<T>>, ResultError<E>>) {
return ErrorCode(t.code(), args...);
return ErrorCode(code, args...);
template <typename T, typename... Args>
inline Error<Errno> ErrorfImpl(const T&& fmt, const Args&... args) {
return Error(false, ErrorCode(Errno{}, args...), fmt::format(fmt, args...));
template <typename T, typename... Args>
inline Error<Errno> ErrnoErrorfImpl(const T&& fmt, const Args&... args) {
return Error<Errno>(true, Errno{errno}, fmt::format(fmt, args...));
#define Errorf(fmt, ...) android::base::ErrorfImpl(FMT_STRING(fmt), ##__VA_ARGS__)
#define ErrnoErrorf(fmt, ...) android::base::ErrnoErrorfImpl(FMT_STRING(fmt), ##__VA_ARGS__)
template <typename T, typename E = Errno, bool include_message = true>
using Result = android::base::expected<T, ResultError<E, include_message>>;
// Specialization of android::base::OkOrFail<V> for V = Result<T, E>. See android-base/errors.h
// for the contract.
namespace impl {
template <typename U>
using Code = std::decay_t<decltype(std::declval<U>().error().code())>;
template <typename U>
using ErrorType = std::decay_t<decltype(std::declval<U>().error())>;
template <typename U>
constexpr bool IsNumeric = std::is_integral_v<U> || std::is_floating_point_v<U> ||
(std::is_enum_v<U> && std::is_convertible_v<U, size_t>);
// This base class exists to take advantage of shadowing
// We include the conversion in this base class so that if the conversion in NumericConversions
// overlaps, we (arbitrarily) choose the implementation in NumericConversions due to shadowing.
template <typename T>
struct ConversionBase {
ErrorType<T> error_;
// T is a expected<U, ErrorType<T>>.
operator const T() const && {
return unexpected(std::move(error_));
operator const Code<T>() const && {
return error_.code();
// User defined conversions can be followed by numeric conversions
// Although we template specialize for the exact code type, we need
// specializations for conversions to all numeric types to avoid an
// ambiguous conversion sequence.
template <typename T, typename = void>
struct NumericConversions : public ConversionBase<T> {};
template <typename T>
struct NumericConversions<T,
> : public ConversionBase<T>
#pragma push_macro("SPECIALIZED_CONVERSION")
operator const expected<type, ErrorType<T>>() const &&\
{ return unexpected(std::move(this->error_));}
SPECIALIZED_CONVERSION(unsigned short int)
SPECIALIZED_CONVERSION(unsigned long long int)
#pragma pop_macro("SPECIALIZED_CONVERSION")
// For debugging purposes
using IsNumericT = std::true_type;
#ifdef __cpp_concepts
template<class U>
concept Trivial = std::is_same_v<U, U>;
} // namespace impl
template <typename T, typename E, bool include_message>
struct OkOrFail<Result<T, E, include_message>>
: public impl::NumericConversions<Result<T, E, include_message>> {
using V = Result<T, E, include_message>;
using Err = impl::ErrorType<V>;
using C = impl::Code<V>;
OkOrFail(Err&& v): impl::NumericConversions<V>{std::move(v)} {}
OkOrFail(const OkOrFail& other) = delete;
OkOrFail(const OkOrFail&& other) = delete;
// Checks if V is ok or fail
static bool IsOk(const V& val) { return val.ok(); }
// Turns V into a success value
static T Unwrap(V&& val) { return std::move(val.value()); }
// Consumes V when it's a fail value
static const OkOrFail<V> Fail(V&& v) {
return OkOrFail<V>{std::move(v.error())};
// We specialize as much as possible to avoid ambiguous conversion with
// templated expected ctor
operator const Result<C, E, include_message>() const && {
return unexpected(std::move(this->error_));
#ifdef __cpp_concepts
template <impl::Trivial U>
template <typename U>
operator const Result<U, E, include_message>() const && {
return unexpected(std::move(this->error_));
static std::string ErrorMessage(const V& val) { return val.error().message(); }
// Macros for testing the results of functions that return android::base::Result.
// These also work with base::android::expected.
// For advanced matchers and customized error messages, see result-gtest.h.
#define ASSERT_RESULT_OK(stmt) \
if (const auto& tmp = (stmt); !tmp.ok()) \
FAIL() << "Value of: " << #stmt << "\n" \
<< " Actual: " << tmp.error().message() << "\n" \
<< "Expected: is ok\n"
#define EXPECT_RESULT_OK(stmt) \
if (const auto& tmp = (stmt); !tmp.ok()) \
ADD_FAILURE() << "Value of: " << #stmt << "\n" \
<< " Actual: " << tmp.error().message() << "\n" \
<< "Expected: is ok\n"
} // namespace base
} // namespace android