2050 lines
61 KiB
2050 lines
61 KiB
# coding: utf-8
"""fontTools.ttLib.tables.otTables -- A collection of classes representing the various
OpenType subtables.
Most are constructed upon import from data in otData.py, all are populated with
converter objects from otConverters.py.
import copy
from enum import IntEnum
import itertools
from collections import defaultdict, namedtuple
from fontTools.misc.roundTools import otRound
from fontTools.misc.textTools import bytesjoin, pad, safeEval
from .otBase import (
BaseTable, FormatSwitchingBaseTable, ValueRecord, CountReference,
from fontTools.feaLib.lookupDebugInfo import LookupDebugInfo, LOOKUP_DEBUG_INFO_KEY
import logging
import struct
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class AATStateTable(object):
def __init__(self):
self.GlyphClasses = {} # GlyphID --> GlyphClass
self.States = [] # List of AATState, indexed by state number
self.PerGlyphLookups = [] # [{GlyphID:GlyphID}, ...]
class AATState(object):
def __init__(self):
self.Transitions = {} # GlyphClass --> AATAction
class AATAction(object):
_FLAGS = None
def compileActions(font, states):
return (None, None)
def _writeFlagsToXML(self, xmlWriter):
flags = [f for f in self._FLAGS if self.__dict__[f]]
if flags:
xmlWriter.simpletag("Flags", value=",".join(flags))
if self.ReservedFlags != 0:
value='0x%04X' % self.ReservedFlags)
def _setFlag(self, flag):
assert flag in self._FLAGS, "unsupported flag %s" % flag
self.__dict__[flag] = True
class RearrangementMorphAction(AATAction):
staticSize = 4
actionHeaderSize = 0
_FLAGS = ["MarkFirst", "DontAdvance", "MarkLast"]
_VERBS = {
0: "no change",
1: "Ax ⇒ xA",
2: "xD ⇒ Dx",
3: "AxD ⇒ DxA",
4: "ABx ⇒ xAB",
5: "ABx ⇒ xBA",
6: "xCD ⇒ CDx",
7: "xCD ⇒ DCx",
8: "AxCD ⇒ CDxA",
9: "AxCD ⇒ DCxA",
10: "ABxD ⇒ DxAB",
11: "ABxD ⇒ DxBA",
12: "ABxCD ⇒ CDxAB",
13: "ABxCD ⇒ CDxBA",
14: "ABxCD ⇒ DCxAB",
15: "ABxCD ⇒ DCxBA",
def __init__(self):
self.NewState = 0
self.Verb = 0
self.MarkFirst = False
self.DontAdvance = False
self.MarkLast = False
self.ReservedFlags = 0
def compile(self, writer, font, actionIndex):
assert actionIndex is None
assert self.Verb >= 0 and self.Verb <= 15, self.Verb
flags = self.Verb | self.ReservedFlags
if self.MarkFirst: flags |= 0x8000
if self.DontAdvance: flags |= 0x4000
if self.MarkLast: flags |= 0x2000
def decompile(self, reader, font, actionReader):
assert actionReader is None
self.NewState = reader.readUShort()
flags = reader.readUShort()
self.Verb = flags & 0xF
self.MarkFirst = bool(flags & 0x8000)
self.DontAdvance = bool(flags & 0x4000)
self.MarkLast = bool(flags & 0x2000)
self.ReservedFlags = flags & 0x1FF0
def toXML(self, xmlWriter, font, attrs, name):
xmlWriter.begintag(name, **attrs)
xmlWriter.simpletag("NewState", value=self.NewState)
xmlWriter.simpletag("Verb", value=self.Verb)
verbComment = self._VERBS.get(self.Verb)
if verbComment is not None:
def fromXML(self, name, attrs, content, font):
self.NewState = self.Verb = self.ReservedFlags = 0
self.MarkFirst = self.DontAdvance = self.MarkLast = False
content = [t for t in content if isinstance(t, tuple)]
for eltName, eltAttrs, eltContent in content:
if eltName == "NewState":
self.NewState = safeEval(eltAttrs["value"])
elif eltName == "Verb":
self.Verb = safeEval(eltAttrs["value"])
elif eltName == "ReservedFlags":
self.ReservedFlags = safeEval(eltAttrs["value"])
elif eltName == "Flags":
for flag in eltAttrs["value"].split(","):
class ContextualMorphAction(AATAction):
staticSize = 8
actionHeaderSize = 0
_FLAGS = ["SetMark", "DontAdvance"]
def __init__(self):
self.NewState = 0
self.SetMark, self.DontAdvance = False, False
self.ReservedFlags = 0
self.MarkIndex, self.CurrentIndex = 0xFFFF, 0xFFFF
def compile(self, writer, font, actionIndex):
assert actionIndex is None
flags = self.ReservedFlags
if self.SetMark: flags |= 0x8000
if self.DontAdvance: flags |= 0x4000
def decompile(self, reader, font, actionReader):
assert actionReader is None
self.NewState = reader.readUShort()
flags = reader.readUShort()
self.SetMark = bool(flags & 0x8000)
self.DontAdvance = bool(flags & 0x4000)
self.ReservedFlags = flags & 0x3FFF
self.MarkIndex = reader.readUShort()
self.CurrentIndex = reader.readUShort()
def toXML(self, xmlWriter, font, attrs, name):
xmlWriter.begintag(name, **attrs)
xmlWriter.simpletag("NewState", value=self.NewState)
xmlWriter.simpletag("MarkIndex", value=self.MarkIndex)
def fromXML(self, name, attrs, content, font):
self.NewState = self.ReservedFlags = 0
self.SetMark = self.DontAdvance = False
self.MarkIndex, self.CurrentIndex = 0xFFFF, 0xFFFF
content = [t for t in content if isinstance(t, tuple)]
for eltName, eltAttrs, eltContent in content:
if eltName == "NewState":
self.NewState = safeEval(eltAttrs["value"])
elif eltName == "Flags":
for flag in eltAttrs["value"].split(","):
elif eltName == "ReservedFlags":
self.ReservedFlags = safeEval(eltAttrs["value"])
elif eltName == "MarkIndex":
self.MarkIndex = safeEval(eltAttrs["value"])
elif eltName == "CurrentIndex":
self.CurrentIndex = safeEval(eltAttrs["value"])
class LigAction(object):
def __init__(self):
self.Store = False
# GlyphIndexDelta is a (possibly negative) delta that gets
# added to the glyph ID at the top of the AAT runtime
# execution stack. It is *not* a byte offset into the
# morx table. The result of the addition, which is performed
# at run time by the shaping engine, is an index into
# the ligature components table. See 'morx' specification.
# In the AAT specification, this field is called Offset;
# but its meaning is quite different from other offsets
# in either AAT or OpenType, so we use a different name.
self.GlyphIndexDelta = 0
class LigatureMorphAction(AATAction):
staticSize = 6
# 4 bytes for each of {action,ligComponents,ligatures}Offset
actionHeaderSize = 12
_FLAGS = ["SetComponent", "DontAdvance"]
def __init__(self):
self.NewState = 0
self.SetComponent, self.DontAdvance = False, False
self.ReservedFlags = 0
self.Actions = []
def compile(self, writer, font, actionIndex):
assert actionIndex is not None
flags = self.ReservedFlags
if self.SetComponent: flags |= 0x8000
if self.DontAdvance: flags |= 0x4000
if len(self.Actions) > 0: flags |= 0x2000
if len(self.Actions) > 0:
actions = self.compileLigActions()
def decompile(self, reader, font, actionReader):
assert actionReader is not None
self.NewState = reader.readUShort()
flags = reader.readUShort()
self.SetComponent = bool(flags & 0x8000)
self.DontAdvance = bool(flags & 0x4000)
performAction = bool(flags & 0x2000)
# As of 2017-09-12, the 'morx' specification says that
# the reserved bitmask in ligature subtables is 0x3FFF.
# However, the specification also defines a flag 0x2000,
# so the reserved value should actually be 0x1FFF.
# TODO: Report this specification bug to Apple.
self.ReservedFlags = flags & 0x1FFF
actionIndex = reader.readUShort()
if performAction:
self.Actions = self._decompileLigActions(
actionReader, actionIndex)
self.Actions = []
def compileActions(font, states):
result, actions, actionIndex = b"", set(), {}
for state in states:
for _glyphClass, trans in state.Transitions.items():
# Sort the compiled actions in decreasing order of
# length, so that the longer sequence come before the
# shorter ones. For each compiled action ABCD, its
# suffixes BCD, CD, and D do not be encoded separately
# (in case they occur); instead, we can just store an
# index that points into the middle of the longer
# sequence. Every compiled AAT ligature sequence is
# terminated with an end-of-sequence flag, which can
# only be set on the last element of the sequence.
# Therefore, it is sufficient to consider just the
# suffixes.
for a in sorted(actions, key=lambda x:(-len(x), x)):
if a not in actionIndex:
for i in range(0, len(a), 4):
suffix = a[i:]
suffixIndex = (len(result) + i) // 4
suffix, suffixIndex)
result += a
result = pad(result, 4)
return (result, actionIndex)
def compileLigActions(self):
result = []
for i, action in enumerate(self.Actions):
last = (i == len(self.Actions) - 1)
value = action.GlyphIndexDelta & 0x3FFFFFFF
value |= 0x80000000 if last else 0
value |= 0x40000000 if action.Store else 0
result.append(struct.pack(">L", value))
return bytesjoin(result)
def _decompileLigActions(self, actionReader, actionIndex):
actions = []
last = False
reader = actionReader.getSubReader(
actionReader.pos + actionIndex * 4)
while not last:
value = reader.readULong()
last = bool(value & 0x80000000)
action = LigAction()
action.Store = bool(value & 0x40000000)
delta = value & 0x3FFFFFFF
if delta >= 0x20000000: # sign-extend 30-bit value
delta = -0x40000000 + delta
action.GlyphIndexDelta = delta
return actions
def fromXML(self, name, attrs, content, font):
self.NewState = self.ReservedFlags = 0
self.SetComponent = self.DontAdvance = False
self.ReservedFlags = 0
self.Actions = []
content = [t for t in content if isinstance(t, tuple)]
for eltName, eltAttrs, eltContent in content:
if eltName == "NewState":
self.NewState = safeEval(eltAttrs["value"])
elif eltName == "Flags":
for flag in eltAttrs["value"].split(","):
elif eltName == "ReservedFlags":
self.ReservedFlags = safeEval(eltAttrs["value"])
elif eltName == "Action":
action = LigAction()
flags = eltAttrs.get("Flags", "").split(",")
flags = [f.strip() for f in flags]
action.Store = "Store" in flags
action.GlyphIndexDelta = safeEval(
def toXML(self, xmlWriter, font, attrs, name):
xmlWriter.begintag(name, **attrs)
xmlWriter.simpletag("NewState", value=self.NewState)
for action in self.Actions:
attribs = [("GlyphIndexDelta", action.GlyphIndexDelta)]
if action.Store:
attribs.append(("Flags", "Store"))
xmlWriter.simpletag("Action", attribs)
class InsertionMorphAction(AATAction):
staticSize = 8
actionHeaderSize = 4 # 4 bytes for actionOffset
_FLAGS = ["SetMark", "DontAdvance",
"CurrentIsKashidaLike", "MarkedIsKashidaLike",
"CurrentInsertBefore", "MarkedInsertBefore"]
def __init__(self):
self.NewState = 0
for flag in self._FLAGS:
setattr(self, flag, False)
self.ReservedFlags = 0
self.CurrentInsertionAction, self.MarkedInsertionAction = [], []
def compile(self, writer, font, actionIndex):
assert actionIndex is not None
flags = self.ReservedFlags
if self.SetMark: flags |= 0x8000
if self.DontAdvance: flags |= 0x4000
if self.CurrentIsKashidaLike: flags |= 0x2000
if self.MarkedIsKashidaLike: flags |= 0x1000
if self.CurrentInsertBefore: flags |= 0x0800
if self.MarkedInsertBefore: flags |= 0x0400
flags |= len(self.CurrentInsertionAction) << 5
flags |= len(self.MarkedInsertionAction)
if len(self.CurrentInsertionAction) > 0:
currentIndex = actionIndex[
currentIndex = 0xFFFF
if len(self.MarkedInsertionAction) > 0:
markedIndex = actionIndex[
markedIndex = 0xFFFF
def decompile(self, reader, font, actionReader):
assert actionReader is not None
self.NewState = reader.readUShort()
flags = reader.readUShort()
self.SetMark = bool(flags & 0x8000)
self.DontAdvance = bool(flags & 0x4000)
self.CurrentIsKashidaLike = bool(flags & 0x2000)
self.MarkedIsKashidaLike = bool(flags & 0x1000)
self.CurrentInsertBefore = bool(flags & 0x0800)
self.MarkedInsertBefore = bool(flags & 0x0400)
self.CurrentInsertionAction = self._decompileInsertionAction(
actionReader, font,
count=((flags & 0x03E0) >> 5))
self.MarkedInsertionAction = self._decompileInsertionAction(
actionReader, font,
count=(flags & 0x001F))
def _decompileInsertionAction(self, actionReader, font, index, count):
if index == 0xFFFF or count == 0:
return []
reader = actionReader.getSubReader(
actionReader.pos + index * 2)
return font.getGlyphNameMany(reader.readUShortArray(count))
def toXML(self, xmlWriter, font, attrs, name):
xmlWriter.begintag(name, **attrs)
xmlWriter.simpletag("NewState", value=self.NewState)
for g in self.CurrentInsertionAction:
xmlWriter.simpletag("CurrentInsertionAction", glyph=g)
for g in self.MarkedInsertionAction:
xmlWriter.simpletag("MarkedInsertionAction", glyph=g)
def fromXML(self, name, attrs, content, font):
content = [t for t in content if isinstance(t, tuple)]
for eltName, eltAttrs, eltContent in content:
if eltName == "NewState":
self.NewState = safeEval(eltAttrs["value"])
elif eltName == "Flags":
for flag in eltAttrs["value"].split(","):
elif eltName == "CurrentInsertionAction":
elif eltName == "MarkedInsertionAction":
assert False, eltName
def compileActions(font, states):
actions, actionIndex, result = set(), {}, b""
for state in states:
for _glyphClass, trans in state.Transitions.items():
if trans.CurrentInsertionAction is not None:
if trans.MarkedInsertionAction is not None:
# Sort the compiled actions in decreasing order of
# length, so that the longer sequence come before the
# shorter ones.
for action in sorted(actions, key=lambda x:(-len(x), x)):
# We insert all sub-sequences of the action glyph sequence
# into actionIndex. For example, if one action triggers on
# glyph sequence [A, B, C, D, E] and another action triggers
# on [C, D], we return result=[A, B, C, D, E] (as list of
# encoded glyph IDs), and actionIndex={('A','B','C','D','E'): 0,
# ('C','D'): 2}.
if action in actionIndex:
for start in range(0, len(action)):
startIndex = (len(result) // 2) + start
for limit in range(start, len(action)):
glyphs = action[start : limit + 1]
actionIndex.setdefault(glyphs, startIndex)
for glyph in action:
glyphID = font.getGlyphID(glyph)
result += struct.pack(">H", glyphID)
return result, actionIndex
class FeatureParams(BaseTable):
def compile(self, writer, font):
assert featureParamTypes.get(writer['FeatureTag']) == self.__class__, "Wrong FeatureParams type for feature '%s': %s" % (writer['FeatureTag'], self.__class__.__name__)
BaseTable.compile(self, writer, font)
def toXML(self, xmlWriter, font, attrs=None, name=None):
BaseTable.toXML(self, xmlWriter, font, attrs, name=self.__class__.__name__)
class FeatureParamsSize(FeatureParams):
class FeatureParamsStylisticSet(FeatureParams):
class FeatureParamsCharacterVariants(FeatureParams):
class Coverage(FormatSwitchingBaseTable):
# manual implementation to get rid of glyphID dependencies
def populateDefaults(self, propagator=None):
if not hasattr(self, 'glyphs'):
self.glyphs = []
def postRead(self, rawTable, font):
if self.Format == 1:
self.glyphs = rawTable["GlyphArray"]
elif self.Format == 2:
glyphs = self.glyphs = []
ranges = rawTable["RangeRecord"]
# Some SIL fonts have coverage entries that don't have sorted
# StartCoverageIndex. If it is so, fixup and warn. We undo
# this when writing font out.
sorted_ranges = sorted(ranges, key=lambda a: a.StartCoverageIndex)
if ranges != sorted_ranges:
log.warning("GSUB/GPOS Coverage is not sorted by glyph ids.")
ranges = sorted_ranges
del sorted_ranges
for r in ranges:
start = r.Start
end = r.End
startID = font.getGlyphID(start)
endID = font.getGlyphID(end) + 1
glyphs.extend(font.getGlyphNameMany(range(startID, endID)))
self.glyphs = []
log.warning("Unknown Coverage format: %s", self.Format)
del self.Format # Don't need this anymore
def preWrite(self, font):
glyphs = getattr(self, "glyphs", None)
if glyphs is None:
glyphs = self.glyphs = []
format = 1
rawTable = {"GlyphArray": glyphs}
if glyphs:
# find out whether Format 2 is more compact or not
glyphIDs = font.getGlyphIDMany(glyphs)
brokenOrder = sorted(glyphIDs) != glyphIDs
last = glyphIDs[0]
ranges = [[last]]
for glyphID in glyphIDs[1:]:
if glyphID != last + 1:
last = glyphID
if brokenOrder or len(ranges) * 3 < len(glyphs): # 3 words vs. 1 word
# Format 2 is more compact
index = 0
for i in range(len(ranges)):
start, end = ranges[i]
r = RangeRecord()
r.StartID = start
r.Start = font.getGlyphName(start)
r.End = font.getGlyphName(end)
r.StartCoverageIndex = index
ranges[i] = r
index = index + end - start + 1
if brokenOrder:
log.warning("GSUB/GPOS Coverage is not sorted by glyph ids.")
ranges.sort(key=lambda a: a.StartID)
for r in ranges:
del r.StartID
format = 2
rawTable = {"RangeRecord": ranges}
# fallthrough; Format 1 is more compact
self.Format = format
return rawTable
def toXML2(self, xmlWriter, font):
for glyphName in getattr(self, "glyphs", []):
xmlWriter.simpletag("Glyph", value=glyphName)
def fromXML(self, name, attrs, content, font):
glyphs = getattr(self, "glyphs", None)
if glyphs is None:
glyphs = []
self.glyphs = glyphs
class DeltaSetIndexMap(getFormatSwitchingBaseTableClass("uint8")):
def populateDefaults(self, propagator=None):
if not hasattr(self, 'mapping'):
self.mapping = []
def postRead(self, rawTable, font):
assert (rawTable['EntryFormat'] & 0xFFC0) == 0
self.mapping = rawTable['mapping']
def getEntryFormat(mapping):
ored = 0
for idx in mapping:
ored |= idx
inner = ored & 0xFFFF
innerBits = 0
while inner:
innerBits += 1
inner >>= 1
innerBits = max(innerBits, 1)
assert innerBits <= 16
ored = (ored >> (16-innerBits)) | (ored & ((1<<innerBits)-1))
if ored <= 0x000000FF:
entrySize = 1
elif ored <= 0x0000FFFF:
entrySize = 2
elif ored <= 0x00FFFFFF:
entrySize = 3
entrySize = 4
return ((entrySize - 1) << 4) | (innerBits - 1)
def preWrite(self, font):
mapping = getattr(self, "mapping", None)
if mapping is None:
mapping = self.mapping = []
self.Format = 1 if len(mapping) > 0xFFFF else 0
rawTable = self.__dict__.copy()
rawTable['MappingCount'] = len(mapping)
rawTable['EntryFormat'] = self.getEntryFormat(mapping)
return rawTable
def toXML2(self, xmlWriter, font):
for i, value in enumerate(getattr(self, "mapping", [])):
attrs = (
('index', i),
('outer', value >> 16),
('inner', value & 0xFFFF),
xmlWriter.simpletag("Map", attrs)
def fromXML(self, name, attrs, content, font):
mapping = getattr(self, "mapping", None)
if mapping is None:
self.mapping = mapping = []
index = safeEval(attrs['index'])
outer = safeEval(attrs['outer'])
inner = safeEval(attrs['inner'])
assert inner <= 0xFFFF
mapping.insert(index, (outer << 16) | inner)
class VarIdxMap(BaseTable):
def populateDefaults(self, propagator=None):
if not hasattr(self, 'mapping'):
self.mapping = {}
def postRead(self, rawTable, font):
assert (rawTable['EntryFormat'] & 0xFFC0) == 0
glyphOrder = font.getGlyphOrder()
mapList = rawTable['mapping']
mapList.extend([mapList[-1]] * (len(glyphOrder) - len(mapList)))
self.mapping = dict(zip(glyphOrder, mapList))
def preWrite(self, font):
mapping = getattr(self, "mapping", None)
if mapping is None:
mapping = self.mapping = {}
glyphOrder = font.getGlyphOrder()
mapping = [mapping[g] for g in glyphOrder]
while len(mapping) > 1 and mapping[-2] == mapping[-1]:
del mapping[-1]
rawTable = {'mapping': mapping}
rawTable['MappingCount'] = len(mapping)
rawTable['EntryFormat'] = DeltaSetIndexMap.getEntryFormat(mapping)
return rawTable
def toXML2(self, xmlWriter, font):
for glyph, value in sorted(getattr(self, "mapping", {}).items()):
attrs = (
('glyph', glyph),
('outer', value >> 16),
('inner', value & 0xFFFF),
xmlWriter.simpletag("Map", attrs)
def fromXML(self, name, attrs, content, font):
mapping = getattr(self, "mapping", None)
if mapping is None:
mapping = {}
self.mapping = mapping
glyph = attrs['glyph']
except: # https://github.com/fonttools/fonttools/commit/21cbab8ce9ded3356fef3745122da64dcaf314e9#commitcomment-27649836
glyph = font.getGlyphOrder()[attrs['index']]
outer = safeEval(attrs['outer'])
inner = safeEval(attrs['inner'])
assert inner <= 0xFFFF
mapping[glyph] = (outer << 16) | inner
class VarRegionList(BaseTable):
def preWrite(self, font):
# The OT spec says VarStore.VarRegionList.RegionAxisCount should always
# be equal to the fvar.axisCount, and OTS < v8.0.0 enforces this rule
# even when the VarRegionList is empty. We can't treat RegionAxisCount
# like a normal propagated count (== len(Region[i].VarRegionAxis)),
# otherwise it would default to 0 if VarRegionList is empty.
# Thus, we force it to always be equal to fvar.axisCount.
# https://github.com/khaledhosny/ots/pull/192
fvarTable = font.get("fvar")
if fvarTable:
self.RegionAxisCount = len(fvarTable.axes)
return {
"RegionAxisCount": CountReference(self.__dict__, "RegionAxisCount")
class SingleSubst(FormatSwitchingBaseTable):
def populateDefaults(self, propagator=None):
if not hasattr(self, 'mapping'):
self.mapping = {}
def postRead(self, rawTable, font):
mapping = {}
input = _getGlyphsFromCoverageTable(rawTable["Coverage"])
if self.Format == 1:
delta = rawTable["DeltaGlyphID"]
inputGIDS = font.getGlyphIDMany(input)
outGIDS = [ (glyphID + delta) % 65536 for glyphID in inputGIDS ]
outNames = font.getGlyphNameMany(outGIDS)
for inp, out in zip(input, outNames):
mapping[inp] = out
elif self.Format == 2:
assert len(input) == rawTable["GlyphCount"], \
"invalid SingleSubstFormat2 table"
subst = rawTable["Substitute"]
for inp, sub in zip(input, subst):
mapping[inp] = sub
assert 0, "unknown format: %s" % self.Format
self.mapping = mapping
del self.Format # Don't need this anymore
def preWrite(self, font):
mapping = getattr(self, "mapping", None)
if mapping is None:
mapping = self.mapping = {}
items = list(mapping.items())
getGlyphID = font.getGlyphID
gidItems = [(getGlyphID(a), getGlyphID(b)) for a,b in items]
sortableItems = sorted(zip(gidItems, items))
# figure out format
format = 2
delta = None
for inID, outID in gidItems:
if delta is None:
delta = (outID - inID) % 65536
if (inID + delta) % 65536 != outID:
if delta is None:
# the mapping is empty, better use format 2
format = 2
format = 1
rawTable = {}
self.Format = format
cov = Coverage()
input = [ item [1][0] for item in sortableItems]
subst = [ item [1][1] for item in sortableItems]
cov.glyphs = input
rawTable["Coverage"] = cov
if format == 1:
assert delta is not None
rawTable["DeltaGlyphID"] = delta
rawTable["Substitute"] = subst
return rawTable
def toXML2(self, xmlWriter, font):
items = sorted(self.mapping.items())
for inGlyph, outGlyph in items:
[("in", inGlyph), ("out", outGlyph)])
def fromXML(self, name, attrs, content, font):
mapping = getattr(self, "mapping", None)
if mapping is None:
mapping = {}
self.mapping = mapping
mapping[attrs["in"]] = attrs["out"]
class MultipleSubst(FormatSwitchingBaseTable):
def populateDefaults(self, propagator=None):
if not hasattr(self, 'mapping'):
self.mapping = {}
def postRead(self, rawTable, font):
mapping = {}
if self.Format == 1:
glyphs = _getGlyphsFromCoverageTable(rawTable["Coverage"])
subst = [s.Substitute for s in rawTable["Sequence"]]
mapping = dict(zip(glyphs, subst))
assert 0, "unknown format: %s" % self.Format
self.mapping = mapping
del self.Format # Don't need this anymore
def preWrite(self, font):
mapping = getattr(self, "mapping", None)
if mapping is None:
mapping = self.mapping = {}
cov = Coverage()
cov.glyphs = sorted(list(mapping.keys()), key=font.getGlyphID)
self.Format = 1
rawTable = {
"Coverage": cov,
"Sequence": [self.makeSequence_(mapping[glyph])
for glyph in cov.glyphs],
return rawTable
def toXML2(self, xmlWriter, font):
items = sorted(self.mapping.items())
for inGlyph, outGlyphs in items:
out = ",".join(outGlyphs)
[("in", inGlyph), ("out", out)])
def fromXML(self, name, attrs, content, font):
mapping = getattr(self, "mapping", None)
if mapping is None:
mapping = {}
self.mapping = mapping
# TTX v3.0 and earlier.
if name == "Coverage":
self.old_coverage_ = []
for element in content:
if not isinstance(element, tuple):
element_name, element_attrs, _ = element
if element_name == "Glyph":
if name == "Sequence":
index = int(attrs.get("index", len(mapping)))
glyph = self.old_coverage_[index]
glyph_mapping = mapping[glyph] = []
for element in content:
if not isinstance(element, tuple):
element_name, element_attrs, _ = element
if element_name == "Substitute":
# TTX v3.1 and later.
outGlyphs = attrs["out"].split(",") if attrs["out"] else []
mapping[attrs["in"]] = [g.strip() for g in outGlyphs]
def makeSequence_(g):
seq = Sequence()
seq.Substitute = g
return seq
class ClassDef(FormatSwitchingBaseTable):
def populateDefaults(self, propagator=None):
if not hasattr(self, 'classDefs'):
self.classDefs = {}
def postRead(self, rawTable, font):
classDefs = {}
if self.Format == 1:
start = rawTable["StartGlyph"]
classList = rawTable["ClassValueArray"]
startID = font.getGlyphID(start)
endID = startID + len(classList)
glyphNames = font.getGlyphNameMany(range(startID, endID))
for glyphName, cls in zip(glyphNames, classList):
if cls:
classDefs[glyphName] = cls
elif self.Format == 2:
records = rawTable["ClassRangeRecord"]
for rec in records:
cls = rec.Class
if not cls:
start = rec.Start
end = rec.End
startID = font.getGlyphID(start)
endID = font.getGlyphID(end) + 1
glyphNames = font.getGlyphNameMany(range(startID, endID))
for glyphName in glyphNames:
classDefs[glyphName] = cls
log.warning("Unknown ClassDef format: %s", self.Format)
self.classDefs = classDefs
del self.Format # Don't need this anymore
def _getClassRanges(self, font):
classDefs = getattr(self, "classDefs", None)
if classDefs is None:
self.classDefs = {}
getGlyphID = font.getGlyphID
items = []
for glyphName, cls in classDefs.items():
if not cls:
items.append((getGlyphID(glyphName), glyphName, cls))
if items:
last, lastName, lastCls = items[0]
ranges = [[lastCls, last, lastName]]
for glyphID, glyphName, cls in items[1:]:
if glyphID != last + 1 or cls != lastCls:
ranges[-1].extend([last, lastName])
ranges.append([cls, glyphID, glyphName])
last = glyphID
lastName = glyphName
lastCls = cls
ranges[-1].extend([last, lastName])
return ranges
def preWrite(self, font):
format = 2
rawTable = {"ClassRangeRecord": []}
ranges = self._getClassRanges(font)
if ranges:
startGlyph = ranges[0][1]
endGlyph = ranges[-1][3]
glyphCount = endGlyph - startGlyph + 1
if len(ranges) * 3 < glyphCount + 1:
# Format 2 is more compact
for i in range(len(ranges)):
cls, start, startName, end, endName = ranges[i]
rec = ClassRangeRecord()
rec.Start = startName
rec.End = endName
rec.Class = cls
ranges[i] = rec
format = 2
rawTable = {"ClassRangeRecord": ranges}
# Format 1 is more compact
startGlyphName = ranges[0][2]
classes = [0] * glyphCount
for cls, start, startName, end, endName in ranges:
for g in range(start - startGlyph, end - startGlyph + 1):
classes[g] = cls
format = 1
rawTable = {"StartGlyph": startGlyphName, "ClassValueArray": classes}
self.Format = format
return rawTable
def toXML2(self, xmlWriter, font):
items = sorted(self.classDefs.items())
for glyphName, cls in items:
xmlWriter.simpletag("ClassDef", [("glyph", glyphName), ("class", cls)])
def fromXML(self, name, attrs, content, font):
classDefs = getattr(self, "classDefs", None)
if classDefs is None:
classDefs = {}
self.classDefs = classDefs
classDefs[attrs["glyph"]] = int(attrs["class"])
class AlternateSubst(FormatSwitchingBaseTable):
def populateDefaults(self, propagator=None):
if not hasattr(self, 'alternates'):
self.alternates = {}
def postRead(self, rawTable, font):
alternates = {}
if self.Format == 1:
input = _getGlyphsFromCoverageTable(rawTable["Coverage"])
alts = rawTable["AlternateSet"]
assert len(input) == len(alts)
for inp,alt in zip(input,alts):
alternates[inp] = alt.Alternate
assert 0, "unknown format: %s" % self.Format
self.alternates = alternates
del self.Format # Don't need this anymore
def preWrite(self, font):
self.Format = 1
alternates = getattr(self, "alternates", None)
if alternates is None:
alternates = self.alternates = {}
items = list(alternates.items())
for i in range(len(items)):
glyphName, set = items[i]
items[i] = font.getGlyphID(glyphName), glyphName, set
cov = Coverage()
cov.glyphs = [ item[1] for item in items]
alternates = []
setList = [ item[-1] for item in items]
for set in setList:
alts = AlternateSet()
alts.Alternate = set
# a special case to deal with the fact that several hundred Adobe Japan1-5
# CJK fonts will overflow an offset if the coverage table isn't pushed to the end.
# Also useful in that when splitting a sub-table because of an offset overflow
# I don't need to calculate the change in the subtable offset due to the change in the coverage table size.
# Allows packing more rules in subtable.
self.sortCoverageLast = 1
return {"Coverage": cov, "AlternateSet": alternates}
def toXML2(self, xmlWriter, font):
items = sorted(self.alternates.items())
for glyphName, alternates in items:
xmlWriter.begintag("AlternateSet", glyph=glyphName)
for alt in alternates:
xmlWriter.simpletag("Alternate", glyph=alt)
def fromXML(self, name, attrs, content, font):
alternates = getattr(self, "alternates", None)
if alternates is None:
alternates = {}
self.alternates = alternates
glyphName = attrs["glyph"]
set = []
alternates[glyphName] = set
for element in content:
if not isinstance(element, tuple):
name, attrs, content = element
class LigatureSubst(FormatSwitchingBaseTable):
def populateDefaults(self, propagator=None):
if not hasattr(self, 'ligatures'):
self.ligatures = {}
def postRead(self, rawTable, font):
ligatures = {}
if self.Format == 1:
input = _getGlyphsFromCoverageTable(rawTable["Coverage"])
ligSets = rawTable["LigatureSet"]
assert len(input) == len(ligSets)
for i in range(len(input)):
ligatures[input[i]] = ligSets[i].Ligature
assert 0, "unknown format: %s" % self.Format
self.ligatures = ligatures
del self.Format # Don't need this anymore
def preWrite(self, font):
self.Format = 1
ligatures = getattr(self, "ligatures", None)
if ligatures is None:
ligatures = self.ligatures = {}
if ligatures and isinstance(next(iter(ligatures)), tuple):
# New high-level API in v3.1 and later. Note that we just support compiling this
# for now. We don't load to this API, and don't do XML with it.
# ligatures is map from components-sequence to lig-glyph
newLigatures = dict()
for comps,lig in sorted(ligatures.items(), key=lambda item: (-len(item[0]), item[0])):
ligature = Ligature()
ligature.Component = comps[1:]
ligature.CompCount = len(comps)
ligature.LigGlyph = lig
newLigatures.setdefault(comps[0], []).append(ligature)
ligatures = newLigatures
items = list(ligatures.items())
for i in range(len(items)):
glyphName, set = items[i]
items[i] = font.getGlyphID(glyphName), glyphName, set
cov = Coverage()
cov.glyphs = [ item[1] for item in items]
ligSets = []
setList = [ item[-1] for item in items ]
for set in setList:
ligSet = LigatureSet()
ligs = ligSet.Ligature = []
for lig in set:
# Useful in that when splitting a sub-table because of an offset overflow
# I don't need to calculate the change in subtabl offset due to the coverage table size.
# Allows packing more rules in subtable.
self.sortCoverageLast = 1
return {"Coverage": cov, "LigatureSet": ligSets}
def toXML2(self, xmlWriter, font):
items = sorted(self.ligatures.items())
for glyphName, ligSets in items:
xmlWriter.begintag("LigatureSet", glyph=glyphName)
for lig in ligSets:
xmlWriter.simpletag("Ligature", glyph=lig.LigGlyph,
def fromXML(self, name, attrs, content, font):
ligatures = getattr(self, "ligatures", None)
if ligatures is None:
ligatures = {}
self.ligatures = ligatures
glyphName = attrs["glyph"]
ligs = []
ligatures[glyphName] = ligs
for element in content:
if not isinstance(element, tuple):
name, attrs, content = element
lig = Ligature()
lig.LigGlyph = attrs["glyph"]
components = attrs["components"]
lig.Component = components.split(",") if components else []
lig.CompCount = len(lig.Component)
class COLR(BaseTable):
def decompile(self, reader, font):
# COLRv0 is exceptional in that LayerRecordCount appears *after* the
# LayerRecordArray it counts, but the parser logic expects Count fields
# to always precede the arrays. Here we work around this by parsing the
# LayerRecordCount before the rest of the table, and storing it in
# the reader's local state.
subReader = reader.getSubReader(offset=0)
for conv in self.getConverters():
if conv.name != "LayerRecordCount":
reader[conv.name] = conv.read(subReader, font, tableDict={})
raise AssertionError("LayerRecordCount converter not found")
return BaseTable.decompile(self, reader, font)
def preWrite(self, font):
# The writer similarly assumes Count values precede the things counted,
# thus here we pre-initialize a CountReference; the actual count value
# will be set to the lenght of the array by the time this is assembled.
self.LayerRecordCount = None
return {
"LayerRecordCount": CountReference(self.__dict__, "LayerRecordCount")
class LookupList(BaseTable):
def table(self):
for l in self.Lookup:
for st in l.SubTable:
if type(st).__name__.endswith("Subst"):
return "GSUB"
if type(st).__name__.endswith("Pos"):
return "GPOS"
raise ValueError
def toXML2(self, xmlWriter, font):
if not font or "Debg" not in font or LOOKUP_DEBUG_INFO_KEY not in font["Debg"].data:
return super().toXML2(xmlWriter, font)
debugData = font["Debg"].data[LOOKUP_DEBUG_INFO_KEY][self.table]
for conv in self.getConverters():
if conv.repeat:
value = getattr(self, conv.name, [])
for lookupIndex, item in enumerate(value):
if str(lookupIndex) in debugData:
info = LookupDebugInfo(*debugData[str(lookupIndex)])
tag = info.location
if info.name:
tag = f'{info.name}: {tag}'
if info.feature:
script,language,feature = info.feature
tag = f'{tag} in {feature} ({script}/{language})'
conv.xmlWrite(xmlWriter, font, item, conv.name,
[("index", lookupIndex)])
if conv.aux and not eval(conv.aux, None, vars(self)):
value = getattr(self, conv.name, None) # TODO Handle defaults instead of defaulting to None!
conv.xmlWrite(xmlWriter, font, value, conv.name, [])
class BaseGlyphRecordArray(BaseTable):
def preWrite(self, font):
self.BaseGlyphRecord = sorted(
key=lambda rec: font.getGlyphID(rec.BaseGlyph)
return self.__dict__.copy()
class BaseGlyphList(BaseTable):
def preWrite(self, font):
self.BaseGlyphPaintRecord = sorted(
key=lambda rec: font.getGlyphID(rec.BaseGlyph)
return self.__dict__.copy()
class ClipBox(getFormatSwitchingBaseTableClass("uint8")):
def as_tuple(self):
return tuple(getattr(self, conv.name) for conv in self.getConverters())
def __repr__(self):
return f"{self.__class__.__name__}{self.as_tuple()}"
class ClipList(getFormatSwitchingBaseTableClass("uint8")):
def populateDefaults(self, propagator=None):
if not hasattr(self, "clips"):
self.clips = {}
def postRead(self, rawTable, font):
clips = {}
glyphOrder = font.getGlyphOrder()
for i, rec in enumerate(rawTable["ClipRecord"]):
if rec.StartGlyphID > rec.EndGlyphID:
"invalid ClipRecord[%i].StartGlyphID (%i) > "
"EndGlyphID (%i); skipped",
redefinedGlyphs = []
missingGlyphs = []
for glyphID in range(rec.StartGlyphID, rec.EndGlyphID + 1):
glyph = glyphOrder[glyphID]
except IndexError:
if glyph not in clips:
clips[glyph] = copy.copy(rec.ClipBox)
if redefinedGlyphs:
"ClipRecord[%i] overlaps previous records; "
"ignoring redefined clip boxes for the "
"following glyph ID range: [%i-%i]",
if missingGlyphs:
"ClipRecord[%i] range references missing "
"glyph IDs: [%i-%i]",
self.clips = clips
def groups(self):
glyphsByClip = defaultdict(list)
uniqueClips = {}
for glyphName, clipBox in self.clips.items():
key = clipBox.as_tuple()
if key not in uniqueClips:
uniqueClips[key] = clipBox
return {
frozenset(glyphs): uniqueClips[key]
for key, glyphs in glyphsByClip.items()
def preWrite(self, font):
if not hasattr(self, "clips"):
self.clips = {}
clipBoxRanges = {}
glyphMap = font.getReverseGlyphMap()
for glyphs, clipBox in self.groups().items():
glyphIDs = sorted(
glyphMap[glyphName] for glyphName in glyphs
if glyphName in glyphMap
if not glyphIDs:
last = glyphIDs[0]
ranges = [[last]]
for glyphID in glyphIDs[1:]:
if glyphID != last + 1:
last = glyphID
for start, end in ranges:
assert (start, end) not in clipBoxRanges
clipBoxRanges[(start, end)] = clipBox
clipRecords = []
for (start, end), clipBox in sorted(clipBoxRanges.items()):
record = ClipRecord()
record.StartGlyphID = start
record.EndGlyphID = end
record.ClipBox = clipBox
rawTable = {
"ClipCount": len(clipRecords),
"ClipRecord": clipRecords,
return rawTable
def toXML(self, xmlWriter, font, attrs=None, name=None):
tableName = name if name else self.__class__.__name__
if attrs is None:
attrs = []
if hasattr(self, "Format"):
attrs.append(("Format", self.Format))
xmlWriter.begintag(tableName, attrs)
# sort clips alphabetically to ensure deterministic XML dump
for glyphs, clipBox in sorted(
self.groups().items(), key=lambda item: min(item[0])
for glyphName in sorted(glyphs):
xmlWriter.simpletag("Glyph", value=glyphName)
xmlWriter.begintag("ClipBox", [("Format", clipBox.Format)])
clipBox.toXML2(xmlWriter, font)
def fromXML(self, name, attrs, content, font):
clips = getattr(self, "clips", None)
if clips is None:
self.clips = clips = {}
assert name == "Clip"
glyphs = []
clipBox = None
for elem in content:
if not isinstance(elem, tuple):
name, attrs, content = elem
if name == "Glyph":
elif name == "ClipBox":
clipBox = ClipBox()
clipBox.Format = safeEval(attrs["Format"])
for elem in content:
if not isinstance(elem, tuple):
name, attrs, content = elem
clipBox.fromXML(name, attrs, content, font)
if clipBox:
for glyphName in glyphs:
clips[glyphName] = clipBox
class ExtendMode(IntEnum):
PAD = 0
# Porter-Duff modes for COLRv1 PaintComposite:
# https://github.com/googlefonts/colr-gradients-spec/tree/off_sub_1#compositemode-enumeration
class CompositeMode(IntEnum):
SRC = 1
DEST = 2
SRC_IN = 5
XOR = 11
PLUS = 12
HSL_HUE = 24
class PaintFormat(IntEnum):
PaintColrLayers = 1
PaintSolid = 2
PaintVarSolid = 3,
PaintLinearGradient = 4
PaintVarLinearGradient = 5
PaintRadialGradient = 6
PaintVarRadialGradient = 7
PaintSweepGradient = 8
PaintVarSweepGradient = 9
PaintGlyph = 10
PaintColrGlyph = 11
PaintTransform = 12
PaintVarTransform = 13
PaintTranslate = 14
PaintVarTranslate = 15
PaintScale = 16
PaintVarScale = 17
PaintScaleAroundCenter = 18
PaintVarScaleAroundCenter = 19
PaintScaleUniform = 20
PaintVarScaleUniform = 21
PaintScaleUniformAroundCenter = 22
PaintVarScaleUniformAroundCenter = 23
PaintRotate = 24
PaintVarRotate = 25
PaintRotateAroundCenter = 26
PaintVarRotateAroundCenter = 27
PaintSkew = 28
PaintVarSkew = 29
PaintSkewAroundCenter = 30
PaintVarSkewAroundCenter = 31
PaintComposite = 32
class Paint(getFormatSwitchingBaseTableClass("uint8")):
def getFormatName(self):
return PaintFormat(self.Format).name
except ValueError:
raise NotImplementedError(f"Unknown Paint format: {self.Format}")
def toXML(self, xmlWriter, font, attrs=None, name=None):
tableName = name if name else self.__class__.__name__
if attrs is None:
attrs = []
attrs.append(("Format", self.Format))
xmlWriter.begintag(tableName, attrs)
self.toXML2(xmlWriter, font)
def getChildren(self, colr):
if self.Format == PaintFormat.PaintColrLayers:
# https://github.com/fonttools/fonttools/issues/2438: don't die when no LayerList exists
layers = []
if colr.LayerList is not None:
layers = colr.LayerList.Paint
return layers[
self.FirstLayerIndex : self.FirstLayerIndex + self.NumLayers
if self.Format == PaintFormat.PaintColrGlyph:
for record in colr.BaseGlyphList.BaseGlyphPaintRecord:
if record.BaseGlyph == self.Glyph:
return [record.Paint]
raise KeyError(f"{self.Glyph!r} not in colr.BaseGlyphList")
children = []
for conv in self.getConverters():
if conv.tableClass is not None and issubclass(conv.tableClass, type(self)):
children.append(getattr(self, conv.name))
return children
def traverse(self, colr: COLR, callback):
"""Depth-first traversal of graph rooted at self, callback on each node."""
if not callable(callback):
raise TypeError("callback must be callable")
stack = [self]
visited = set()
while stack:
current = stack.pop()
if id(current) in visited:
# For each subtable format there is a class. However, we don't really distinguish
# between "field name" and "format name": often these are the same. Yet there's
# a whole bunch of fields with different names. The following dict is a mapping
# from "format name" to "field name". _buildClasses() uses this to create a
# subclass for each alternate field name.
_equivalents = {
'MarkArray': ("Mark1Array",),
'LangSys': ('DefaultLangSys',),
'Coverage': ('MarkCoverage', 'BaseCoverage', 'LigatureCoverage', 'Mark1Coverage',
'Mark2Coverage', 'BacktrackCoverage', 'InputCoverage',
'LookAheadCoverage', 'VertGlyphCoverage', 'HorizGlyphCoverage',
'TopAccentCoverage', 'ExtendedShapeCoverage', 'MathKernCoverage'),
'ClassDef': ('ClassDef1', 'ClassDef2', 'BacktrackClassDef', 'InputClassDef',
'LookAheadClassDef', 'GlyphClassDef', 'MarkAttachClassDef'),
'Anchor': ('EntryAnchor', 'ExitAnchor', 'BaseAnchor', 'LigatureAnchor',
'Mark2Anchor', 'MarkAnchor'),
'Device': ('XPlaDevice', 'YPlaDevice', 'XAdvDevice', 'YAdvDevice',
'XDeviceTable', 'YDeviceTable', 'DeviceTable'),
'Axis': ('HorizAxis', 'VertAxis',),
'MinMax': ('DefaultMinMax',),
'BaseCoord': ('MinCoord', 'MaxCoord',),
'JstfLangSys': ('DefJstfLangSys',),
'JstfGSUBModList': ('ShrinkageEnableGSUB', 'ShrinkageDisableGSUB', 'ExtensionEnableGSUB',
'JstfGPOSModList': ('ShrinkageEnableGPOS', 'ShrinkageDisableGPOS', 'ExtensionEnableGPOS',
'JstfMax': ('ShrinkageJstfMax', 'ExtensionJstfMax',),
'MathKern': ('TopRightMathKern', 'TopLeftMathKern', 'BottomRightMathKern',
'MathGlyphConstruction': ('VertGlyphConstruction', 'HorizGlyphConstruction'),
# OverFlow logic, to automatically create ExtensionLookups
# XXX This should probably move to otBase.py
def fixLookupOverFlows(ttf, overflowRecord):
""" Either the offset from the LookupList to a lookup overflowed, or
an offset from a lookup to a subtable overflowed.
The table layout is:
Script List
Feature List
Lookup[0] and contents
SubTable offset list
SubTable[0] and contents
SubTable[n] and contents
Lookup[n] and contents
SubTable offset list
SubTable[0] and contents
SubTable[n] and contents
If the offset to a lookup overflowed (SubTableIndex is None)
we must promote the *previous* lookup to an Extension type.
If the offset from a lookup to subtable overflowed, then we must promote it
to an Extension Lookup type.
ok = 0
lookupIndex = overflowRecord.LookupListIndex
if (overflowRecord.SubTableIndex is None):
lookupIndex = lookupIndex - 1
if lookupIndex < 0:
return ok
if overflowRecord.tableType == 'GSUB':
extType = 7
elif overflowRecord.tableType == 'GPOS':
extType = 9
lookups = ttf[overflowRecord.tableType].table.LookupList.Lookup
lookup = lookups[lookupIndex]
# If the previous lookup is an extType, look further back. Very unlikely, but possible.
while lookup.SubTable[0].__class__.LookupType == extType:
lookupIndex = lookupIndex -1
if lookupIndex < 0:
return ok
lookup = lookups[lookupIndex]
for lookupIndex in range(lookupIndex, len(lookups)):
lookup = lookups[lookupIndex]
if lookup.LookupType != extType:
lookup.LookupType = extType
for si in range(len(lookup.SubTable)):
subTable = lookup.SubTable[si]
extSubTableClass = lookupTypes[overflowRecord.tableType][extType]
extSubTable = extSubTableClass()
extSubTable.Format = 1
extSubTable.ExtSubTable = subTable
lookup.SubTable[si] = extSubTable
ok = 1
return ok
def splitMultipleSubst(oldSubTable, newSubTable, overflowRecord):
ok = 1
oldMapping = sorted(oldSubTable.mapping.items())
oldLen = len(oldMapping)
if overflowRecord.itemName in ['Coverage', 'RangeRecord']:
# Coverage table is written last. Overflow is to or within the
# the coverage table. We will just cut the subtable in half.
newLen = oldLen // 2
elif overflowRecord.itemName == 'Sequence':
# We just need to back up by two items from the overflowed
# Sequence index to make sure the offset to the Coverage table
# doesn't overflow.
newLen = overflowRecord.itemIndex - 1
newSubTable.mapping = {}
for i in range(newLen, oldLen):
item = oldMapping[i]
key = item[0]
newSubTable.mapping[key] = item[1]
del oldSubTable.mapping[key]
return ok
def splitAlternateSubst(oldSubTable, newSubTable, overflowRecord):
ok = 1
if hasattr(oldSubTable, 'sortCoverageLast'):
newSubTable.sortCoverageLast = oldSubTable.sortCoverageLast
oldAlts = sorted(oldSubTable.alternates.items())
oldLen = len(oldAlts)
if overflowRecord.itemName in [ 'Coverage', 'RangeRecord']:
# Coverage table is written last. overflow is to or within the
# the coverage table. We will just cut the subtable in half.
newLen = oldLen//2
elif overflowRecord.itemName == 'AlternateSet':
# We just need to back up by two items
# from the overflowed AlternateSet index to make sure the offset
# to the Coverage table doesn't overflow.
newLen = overflowRecord.itemIndex - 1
newSubTable.alternates = {}
for i in range(newLen, oldLen):
item = oldAlts[i]
key = item[0]
newSubTable.alternates[key] = item[1]
del oldSubTable.alternates[key]
return ok
def splitLigatureSubst(oldSubTable, newSubTable, overflowRecord):
ok = 1
oldLigs = sorted(oldSubTable.ligatures.items())
oldLen = len(oldLigs)
if overflowRecord.itemName in [ 'Coverage', 'RangeRecord']:
# Coverage table is written last. overflow is to or within the
# the coverage table. We will just cut the subtable in half.
newLen = oldLen//2
elif overflowRecord.itemName == 'LigatureSet':
# We just need to back up by two items
# from the overflowed AlternateSet index to make sure the offset
# to the Coverage table doesn't overflow.
newLen = overflowRecord.itemIndex - 1
newSubTable.ligatures = {}
for i in range(newLen, oldLen):
item = oldLigs[i]
key = item[0]
newSubTable.ligatures[key] = item[1]
del oldSubTable.ligatures[key]
return ok
def splitPairPos(oldSubTable, newSubTable, overflowRecord):
st = oldSubTable
ok = False
newSubTable.Format = oldSubTable.Format
if oldSubTable.Format == 1 and len(oldSubTable.PairSet) > 1:
for name in 'ValueFormat1', 'ValueFormat2':
setattr(newSubTable, name, getattr(oldSubTable, name))
# Move top half of coverage to new subtable
newSubTable.Coverage = oldSubTable.Coverage.__class__()
coverage = oldSubTable.Coverage.glyphs
records = oldSubTable.PairSet
oldCount = len(oldSubTable.PairSet) // 2
oldSubTable.Coverage.glyphs = coverage[:oldCount]
oldSubTable.PairSet = records[:oldCount]
newSubTable.Coverage.glyphs = coverage[oldCount:]
newSubTable.PairSet = records[oldCount:]
oldSubTable.PairSetCount = len(oldSubTable.PairSet)
newSubTable.PairSetCount = len(newSubTable.PairSet)
ok = True
elif oldSubTable.Format == 2 and len(oldSubTable.Class1Record) > 1:
if not hasattr(oldSubTable, 'Class2Count'):
oldSubTable.Class2Count = len(oldSubTable.Class1Record[0].Class2Record)
for name in 'Class2Count', 'ClassDef2', 'ValueFormat1', 'ValueFormat2':
setattr(newSubTable, name, getattr(oldSubTable, name))
# The two subtables will still have the same ClassDef2 and the table
# sharing will still cause the sharing to overflow. As such, disable
# sharing on the one that is serialized second (that's oldSubTable).
oldSubTable.DontShare = True
# Move top half of class numbers to new subtable
newSubTable.Coverage = oldSubTable.Coverage.__class__()
newSubTable.ClassDef1 = oldSubTable.ClassDef1.__class__()
coverage = oldSubTable.Coverage.glyphs
classDefs = oldSubTable.ClassDef1.classDefs
records = oldSubTable.Class1Record
oldCount = len(oldSubTable.Class1Record) // 2
newGlyphs = set(k for k,v in classDefs.items() if v >= oldCount)
oldSubTable.Coverage.glyphs = [g for g in coverage if g not in newGlyphs]
oldSubTable.ClassDef1.classDefs = {k:v for k,v in classDefs.items() if v < oldCount}
oldSubTable.Class1Record = records[:oldCount]
newSubTable.Coverage.glyphs = [g for g in coverage if g in newGlyphs]
newSubTable.ClassDef1.classDefs = {k:(v-oldCount) for k,v in classDefs.items() if v > oldCount}
newSubTable.Class1Record = records[oldCount:]
oldSubTable.Class1Count = len(oldSubTable.Class1Record)
newSubTable.Class1Count = len(newSubTable.Class1Record)
ok = True
return ok
def splitMarkBasePos(oldSubTable, newSubTable, overflowRecord):
# split half of the mark classes to the new subtable
classCount = oldSubTable.ClassCount
if classCount < 2:
# oh well, not much left to split...
return False
oldClassCount = classCount // 2
newClassCount = classCount - oldClassCount
oldMarkCoverage, oldMarkRecords = [], []
newMarkCoverage, newMarkRecords = [], []
for glyphName, markRecord in zip(
if markRecord.Class < oldClassCount:
markRecord.Class -= oldClassCount
oldBaseRecords, newBaseRecords = [], []
for rec in oldSubTable.BaseArray.BaseRecord:
oldBaseRecord, newBaseRecord = rec.__class__(), rec.__class__()
oldBaseRecord.BaseAnchor = rec.BaseAnchor[:oldClassCount]
newBaseRecord.BaseAnchor = rec.BaseAnchor[oldClassCount:]
newSubTable.Format = oldSubTable.Format
oldSubTable.MarkCoverage.glyphs = oldMarkCoverage
newSubTable.MarkCoverage = oldSubTable.MarkCoverage.__class__()
newSubTable.MarkCoverage.glyphs = newMarkCoverage
# share the same BaseCoverage in both halves
newSubTable.BaseCoverage = oldSubTable.BaseCoverage
oldSubTable.ClassCount = oldClassCount
newSubTable.ClassCount = newClassCount
oldSubTable.MarkArray.MarkRecord = oldMarkRecords
newSubTable.MarkArray = oldSubTable.MarkArray.__class__()
newSubTable.MarkArray.MarkRecord = newMarkRecords
oldSubTable.MarkArray.MarkCount = len(oldMarkRecords)
newSubTable.MarkArray.MarkCount = len(newMarkRecords)
oldSubTable.BaseArray.BaseRecord = oldBaseRecords
newSubTable.BaseArray = oldSubTable.BaseArray.__class__()
newSubTable.BaseArray.BaseRecord = newBaseRecords
oldSubTable.BaseArray.BaseCount = len(oldBaseRecords)
newSubTable.BaseArray.BaseCount = len(newBaseRecords)
return True
splitTable = { 'GSUB': {
# 1: splitSingleSubst,
2: splitMultipleSubst,
3: splitAlternateSubst,
4: splitLigatureSubst,
# 5: splitContextSubst,
# 6: splitChainContextSubst,
# 7: splitExtensionSubst,
# 8: splitReverseChainSingleSubst,
'GPOS': {
# 1: splitSinglePos,
2: splitPairPos,
# 3: splitCursivePos,
4: splitMarkBasePos,
# 5: splitMarkLigPos,
# 6: splitMarkMarkPos,
# 7: splitContextPos,
# 8: splitChainContextPos,
# 9: splitExtensionPos,
def fixSubTableOverFlows(ttf, overflowRecord):
An offset has overflowed within a sub-table. We need to divide this subtable into smaller parts.
table = ttf[overflowRecord.tableType].table
lookup = table.LookupList.Lookup[overflowRecord.LookupListIndex]
subIndex = overflowRecord.SubTableIndex
subtable = lookup.SubTable[subIndex]
# First, try not sharing anything for this subtable...
if not hasattr(subtable, "DontShare"):
subtable.DontShare = True
return True
if hasattr(subtable, 'ExtSubTable'):
# We split the subtable of the Extension table, and add a new Extension table
# to contain the new subtable.
subTableType = subtable.ExtSubTable.__class__.LookupType
extSubTable = subtable
subtable = extSubTable.ExtSubTable
newExtSubTableClass = lookupTypes[overflowRecord.tableType][extSubTable.__class__.LookupType]
newExtSubTable = newExtSubTableClass()
newExtSubTable.Format = extSubTable.Format
toInsert = newExtSubTable
newSubTableClass = lookupTypes[overflowRecord.tableType][subTableType]
newSubTable = newSubTableClass()
newExtSubTable.ExtSubTable = newSubTable
subTableType = subtable.__class__.LookupType
newSubTableClass = lookupTypes[overflowRecord.tableType][subTableType]
newSubTable = newSubTableClass()
toInsert = newSubTable
if hasattr(lookup, 'SubTableCount'): # may not be defined yet.
lookup.SubTableCount = lookup.SubTableCount + 1
splitFunc = splitTable[overflowRecord.tableType][subTableType]
except KeyError:
"Don't know how to split %s lookup type %s",
return False
ok = splitFunc(subtable, newSubTable, overflowRecord)
if ok:
lookup.SubTable.insert(subIndex + 1, toInsert)
return ok
# End of OverFlow logic
def _buildClasses():
import re
from .otData import otData
formatPat = re.compile(r"([A-Za-z0-9]+)Format(\d+)$")
namespace = globals()
# populate module with classes
for name, table in otData:
baseClass = BaseTable
m = formatPat.match(name)
if m:
# XxxFormatN subtable, we only add the "base" table
name = m.group(1)
# the first row of a format-switching otData table describes the Format;
# the first column defines the type of the Format field.
# Currently this can be either 'uint16' or 'uint8'.
formatType = table[0][0]
baseClass = getFormatSwitchingBaseTableClass(formatType)
if name not in namespace:
# the class doesn't exist yet, so the base implementation is used.
cls = type(name, (baseClass,), {})
if name in ('GSUB', 'GPOS'):
cls.DontShare = True
namespace[name] = cls
for base, alts in _equivalents.items():
base = namespace[base]
for alt in alts:
namespace[alt] = base
global lookupTypes
lookupTypes = {
'GSUB': {
1: SingleSubst,
2: MultipleSubst,
3: AlternateSubst,
4: LigatureSubst,
5: ContextSubst,
6: ChainContextSubst,
7: ExtensionSubst,
8: ReverseChainSingleSubst,
'GPOS': {
1: SinglePos,
2: PairPos,
3: CursivePos,
4: MarkBasePos,
5: MarkLigPos,
6: MarkMarkPos,
7: ContextPos,
8: ChainContextPos,
9: ExtensionPos,
'mort': {
4: NoncontextualMorph,
'morx': {
0: RearrangementMorph,
1: ContextualMorph,
2: LigatureMorph,
# 3: Reserved,
4: NoncontextualMorph,
5: InsertionMorph,
lookupTypes['JSTF'] = lookupTypes['GPOS'] # JSTF contains GPOS
for lookupEnum in lookupTypes.values():
for enum, cls in lookupEnum.items():
cls.LookupType = enum
global featureParamTypes
featureParamTypes = {
'size': FeatureParamsSize,
for i in range(1, 20+1):
featureParamTypes['ss%02d' % i] = FeatureParamsStylisticSet
for i in range(1, 99+1):
featureParamTypes['cv%02d' % i] = FeatureParamsCharacterVariants
# add converters to classes
from .otConverters import buildConverters
for name, table in otData:
m = formatPat.match(name)
if m:
# XxxFormatN subtable, add converter to "base" table
name, format = m.groups()
format = int(format)
cls = namespace[name]
if not hasattr(cls, "converters"):
cls.converters = {}
cls.convertersByName = {}
converters, convertersByName = buildConverters(table[1:], namespace)
cls.converters[format] = converters
cls.convertersByName[format] = convertersByName
# XXX Add staticSize?
cls = namespace[name]
cls.converters, cls.convertersByName = buildConverters(table, namespace)
# XXX Add staticSize?
def _getGlyphsFromCoverageTable(coverage):
if coverage is None:
# empty coverage table
return []
return coverage.glyphs