314 lines
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314 lines
13 KiB
* cpuset header file
* Copyright (c) 2004-2006 Silicon Graphics, Inc. All rights reserved.
* Paul Jackson <pj@sgi.com>
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
* cpusets - basic routines (use cpuset relative numbering of CPUs)
* link with -lbitmask -lcpuset
* cpuset_pin(int relcpu) - Pin current task to one CPU in its cpuset.
* cpuset_size() - How many CPUs are in current tasks cpuset?
* cpuset_where() - Most recent CPU in current tasks cpuset that task ran on.
* cpuset_unpin() - Undo cpuset_pin(), let task run anywhere in its cpuset.
* cpusets - sets of CPUs and Memory Nodes - advanced routines (use system
* wide numbering of CPUs and Memory Nodes, except as noted)
* link with -lbitmask -lcpuset
* cpuset_version() - [optional] Version (simple integer) of the library.
* ==== Allocate and free struct cpuset ====
* cpuset_alloc() - Allocate a new struct cpuset
* cpuset_free(struct cpuset *cp) - Free struct cpuset *cp
* ==== Lengths of CPUs and Memory Nodes bitmasks - use to alloc them ====
* cpuset_cpus_nbits() - Number of bits in a CPU bitmask on current system
* cpuset_mems_nbits() - Number of bits in a Memory bitmask on current system
* ==== Set various attributes of a struct cpuset ====
* cpuset_setcpus(cp, cpus) - Set CPUs in cpuset cp to bitmask cpus
* cpuset_setmems(cp, mems) - Set Memory Nodes in cpuset cp to bitmask mems
* cpuset_set_iopt(cp, optname, val) - Set integer value optname of cpuset cp
* cpuset_set_sopt(cp, optname, val) - [optional] Set string value optname
* ==== Query various attributes of a struct cpuset ====
* cpuset_getcpus(cp, cpus) - Write CPUs in cpuset cp to bitmask cpus
* cpuset_getmems(cp, mems) - Write Memory Nodes in cpuset cp to bitmask mems
* cpuset_cpus_weight(cp) - Number of CPUs in a cpuset
* cpuset_mems_weight(cp) - Number of Memory Nodes in a cpuset
* cpuset_get_iopt(cp, optname) - Return integer value of option optname in cp
* cpuset_get_sopt(cp, optname) - [optional] Return string value of optname
* ==== Local CPUs and Memory Nodes ====
* cpuset_localcpus(mems, cpus) - Set cpus to those local to Memory Nodes mems
* cpuset_localmems(cpus, mems) - Set mems to those local to CPUs cpus
* cpuset_cpumemdist(cpu, mem) - [optional] Hardware distance from CPU to Memory Node
* cpuset_cpu2node(cpu) - [optional] Return Memory Node closest to cpu
* cpuset_addr2node(addr) - [optional] Return Memory Node holding page at specified addr
* ==== Create, delete, query, modify, list and examine cpusets ====
* cpuset_create(path, cp) - Create cpuset 'cp' at location 'path'
* cpuset_delete(path) - Delete cpuset at location 'path' (if empty)
* cpuset_query(cp, path) - Set cpuset cp to the cpuset at location 'path'
* cpuset_modify(path, cp) - Change cpuset at location 'path' to values of 'cp'
* cpuset_getcpusetpath(pid, buf, buflen) - Get cpuset path of pid into buf
* cpuset_cpusetofpid(cp, pid) - Get cpuset 'cp' of pid
* cpuset_mountpoint() - [optional] Cpuset filesystem mount point
* cpuset_collides_exclusive - [optional] True if would collide exclusive
* cpuset_nuke(path, unsigned int seconds) - [optional] Remove cpuset anyway possible
* ==== List tasks (pids) currently attached to a cpuset ====
* cpuset_init_pidlist(path, recurseflag) - Return list pids in cpuset 'path'
* cpuset_pidlist_length(pidlist) - Return number of elements in pidlist
* cpuset_get_pidlist(pidlist, i) - Return i'th element of pidlist
* cpuset_freepidlist(pidlist) - Free pidlist
* ==== Attach tasks to cpusets ====
* cpuset_move(pid, path) - Move task (pid == 0 for current) to a cpuset
* cpuset_move_all(pidlist, path) - Move all tasks in pidlist to a cpuset
* cpuset_move_cpuset_tasks(fromrelpath, torelpath) - [optional]
* Move all tasks in cpuset 'fromrelpath' to cpuset 'torelpath'
* cpuset_migrate(pid, path) - [optional] Like cpuset_move - plus migrate memory
* cpuset_migrate_all(pidlist, path) - [optional] cpuset_move_all plus migrate
* cpuset_reattach(path) - Rebind cpus_allowed of each task in cpuset 'path'
* ==== Determine memory pressure ====
* cpuset_open_memory_pressure(path) - [optional] Open handle to read memory_pressure
* cpuset_read_memory_pressure(han) - [optional] Read cpuset current memory_pressure
* cpuset_close_memory_pressure(han) - [optional] Close handle to read memory pressure
* ==== Map between relative and system-wide CPU and Memory Node numbers ====
* cpuset_c_rel_to_sys_cpu(cp, cpu) - Map cpuset relative cpu to system wide
* cpuset_c_sys_to_rel_cpu(cp, cpu) - Map system wide cpu to cpuset relative
* cpuset_c_rel_to_sys_mem(cp, mem) - Map cpuset relative mem to system wide
* cpuset_c_sys_to_rel_mem(cp, mem) - Map system wide mem to cpuset relative
* cpuset_p_rel_to_sys_cpu(pid, cpu) - Map cpuset relative cpu to system wide
* cpuset_p_sys_to_rel_cpu(pid, cpu) - Map system wide cpu to cpuset relative
* cpuset_p_rel_to_sys_mem(pid, mem) - Map cpuset relative mem to system wide
* cpuset_p_sys_to_rel_mem(pid, mem) - Map system wide mem to cpuset relative
* ==== Placement operations - for detecting cpuset migration ====
* cpuset_get_placement(pid) - [optional] Return current placement of task pid
* cpuset_equal_placement(plc1, plc2) - [optional] True if two placements equal
* cpuset_free_placement(plc) - [optional] Free placement
* ==== Traverse a cpuset hierarchy ====
* cpuset_fts_open(path) - [optional] Open cpuset hierarchy ==> cs_tree
* cpuset_fts_read(cs_tree) - [optional] Next entry in tree ==> cs_entry
* cpuset_fts_reverse(cs_tree) - [optional] Reverse order of entries in cs_tree
* cpuset_fts_rewind(cs_tree) - [optional] Rewind cs_tree to beginning
* cpuset_fts_get_path(cs_entry) - [optional] Get entry's cpuset path
* cpuset_fts_get_stat(cs_entry) - [optional] Get entry's stat(2) pointer
* cpuset_fts_get_cpuset(cs_entry) - [optional] Get entry's cpuset pointer
* cpuset_fts_get_errno(cs_entry) - [optional] Get entry's errno
* cpuset_fts_get_info(cs_entry) - [optional] Get operation causing error
* cpuset_fts_close(cs_tree) - [optional] Close cpuset hierarchy
* ==== Bind to a CPU or Memory Node within the current cpuset ====
* cpuset_cpubind(cpu) - Bind current task to cpu (uses sched_setaffinity(2))
* cpuset_latestcpu(pid) - Return most recent CPU on which task pid executed
* cpuset_membind(mem) - Bind current task to memory (uses set_mempolicy(2))
* ==== Export cpuset settings to, and import from, a regular file ====
* cpuset_export(cp, file) - Export cpuset settings to a regular file
* cpuset_import(cp, file) - Import cpuset settings from a regular file
* ==== Support calls to [optional] cpuset_* API routines ====
* cpuset_function - Return pointer to a libcpuset.so function, or NULL
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#ifndef _CPUSET_H
#define _CPUSET_H
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
int cpuset_version(void);
int cpuset_pin(int relcpu);
int cpuset_size(void);
int cpuset_where(void);
int cpuset_unpin(void);
struct bitmask;
struct cpuset;
struct cpuset_pidlist;
struct cpuset_placement;
struct cpuset_fts_tree;
struct cpuset_fts_entry;
struct cpuset *cpuset_alloc(void);
void cpuset_free(struct cpuset *cp);
int cpuset_cpus_nbits(void);
int cpuset_mems_nbits(void);
int cpuset_setcpus(struct cpuset *cp, const struct bitmask *cpus);
int cpuset_setmems(struct cpuset *cp, const struct bitmask *mems);
int cpuset_set_iopt(struct cpuset *cp, const char *optionname, int value);
int cpuset_set_sopt(struct cpuset *cp, const char *optionname,
const char *value);
int cpuset_open_memory_pressure(const char *cpusetpath);
int cpuset_read_memory_pressure(int han);
void cpuset_close_memory_pressure(int han);
int cpuset_getcpus(const struct cpuset *cp, struct bitmask *cpus);
int cpuset_getmems(const struct cpuset *cp, struct bitmask *mems);
int cpuset_cpus_weight(const struct cpuset *cp);
int cpuset_mems_weight(const struct cpuset *cp);
int cpuset_get_iopt(const struct cpuset *cp, const char *optionname);
const char *cpuset_get_sopt(const struct cpuset *cp, const char *optionname);
int cpuset_localcpus(const struct bitmask *mems, struct bitmask *cpus);
int cpuset_localmems(const struct bitmask *cpus, struct bitmask *mems);
unsigned int cpuset_cpumemdist(int cpu, int mem);
int cpuset_cpu2node(int cpu);
int cpuset_addr2node(void *addr);
int cpuset_create(const char *cpusetpath, const struct cpuset *cp);
int cpuset_delete(const char *cpusetpath);
int cpuset_query(struct cpuset *cp, const char *cpusetpath);
int cpuset_modify(const char *cpusetpath, const struct cpuset *cp);
char *cpuset_getcpusetpath(pid_t pid, char *buf, size_t size);
int cpuset_cpusetofpid(struct cpuset *cp, pid_t pid);
const char *cpuset_mountpoint(void);
int cpuset_collides_exclusive(const char *cpusetpath, const struct cpuset *cp);
int cpuset_nuke(const char *cpusetpath, unsigned int seconds);
struct cpuset_pidlist *cpuset_init_pidlist(const char *cpusetpath,
int recursiveflag);
int cpuset_pidlist_length(const struct cpuset_pidlist *pl);
pid_t cpuset_get_pidlist(const struct cpuset_pidlist *pl, int i);
void cpuset_freepidlist(struct cpuset_pidlist *pl);
int cpuset_move(pid_t pid, const char *cpusetpath);
int cpuset_move_all(struct cpuset_pidlist *pl, const char *cpusetpath);
int cpuset_move_cpuset_tasks(const char *fromrelpath, const char *torelpath);
int cpuset_migrate(pid_t pid, const char *cpusetpath);
int cpuset_migrate_all(struct cpuset_pidlist *pl, const char *cpusetpath);
int cpuset_reattach(const char *cpusetpath);
int cpuset_c_rel_to_sys_cpu(const struct cpuset *cp, int cpu);
int cpuset_c_sys_to_rel_cpu(const struct cpuset *cp, int cpu);
int cpuset_c_rel_to_sys_mem(const struct cpuset *cp, int mem);
int cpuset_c_sys_to_rel_mem(const struct cpuset *cp, int mem);
int cpuset_p_rel_to_sys_cpu(pid_t pid, int cpu);
int cpuset_p_sys_to_rel_cpu(pid_t pid, int cpu);
int cpuset_p_rel_to_sys_mem(pid_t pid, int mem);
int cpuset_p_sys_to_rel_mem(pid_t pid, int mem);
struct cpuset_placement *cpuset_get_placement(pid_t pid);
int cpuset_equal_placement(const struct cpuset_placement *plc1,
const struct cpuset_placement *plc2);
void cpuset_free_placement(struct cpuset_placement *plc);
struct cpuset_fts_tree *cpuset_fts_open(const char *cpusetpath);
const struct cpuset_fts_entry *cpuset_fts_read(
struct cpuset_fts_tree *cs_tree);
void cpuset_fts_reverse(struct cpuset_fts_tree *cs_tree);
void cpuset_fts_rewind(struct cpuset_fts_tree *cs_tree);
const char *cpuset_fts_get_path(
const struct cpuset_fts_entry *cs_entry);
const struct stat *cpuset_fts_get_stat(
const struct cpuset_fts_entry *cs_entry);
const struct cpuset *cpuset_fts_get_cpuset(
const struct cpuset_fts_entry *cs_entry);
int cpuset_fts_get_errno(const struct cpuset_fts_entry *cs_entry);
int cpuset_fts_get_info(const struct cpuset_fts_entry *cs_entry);
void cpuset_fts_close(struct cpuset_fts_tree *cs_tree);
int cpuset_cpubind(int cpu);
int cpuset_latestcpu(pid_t pid);
int cpuset_membind(int mem);
int cpuset_export(const struct cpuset *cp, char *buf, int buflen);
int cpuset_import(struct cpuset *cp, const char *buf, int *elinenum,
char *emsg, int elen);
void *cpuset_function(const char * function_name);
* cpuset_fts_entry.info values.
* Because the cpuset_fts_open() call collects all the information
* at once from an entire cpuset subtree, a simple error return would
* not provide sufficient information as to what failed, and on what
* cpuset in the subtree. So, except for malloc(3) failures, errors
* are captured in the list of entries. If an entry has one of the
* following CPUSET_FTS_ERR_* values in the "info" field, then the "info"
* field indicates which operation failed, the "err" field captures the
* failing errno value for that operation, and the other entry fields
* might not be valid. If an entry has the value "CPUSET_FTS_CPUSET" for its
* "info" field, then the err field will have the value "0", and the
* other fields will be contain valid information about that cpuset.
enum {
CPUSET_FTS_CPUSET = 0, /* valid cpuset */
CPUSET_FTS_ERR_DNR = 1, /* error - couldn't read directory */
CPUSET_FTS_ERR_STAT = 2, /* error - couldn't stat directory */
CPUSET_FTS_ERR_CPUSET = 3, /* error - cpuset_query() failed */
* If it necessary to maintain source code compatibility with earlier
* versions of this header file lacking the above CPUSET_FTS_* values,
* one can conditionally check that the C preprocessor symbol
* CPUSET_FTS_INFO_VALUES_DEFINED symbol is not defined and provide
* alternative coding for that case.
#ifdef __cplusplus