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Bug report Create a report to help us improve Oboe bug

Android version(s): Android device(s): Oboe version: App name used for testing: (Please try to reproduce the issue using the OboeTester or an Oboe sample.)

Short description (Please only report one bug per Issue. Do not combine multiple bugs.)

Steps to reproduce

Expected behavior

Actual behavior


Please list which devices have this bug. If device specific, and you are on Linux or a Macintosh, connect the device and please share the result for the following script. This gets properties of the device.

for p in \
    ro.product.brand ro.product.manufacturer ro.product.model \
    ro.product.device ro.product.cpu.abi \
    ro.hardware ro.hardware.chipname ro.arch "| grep aaudio";
    do echo "$p = $(adb shell getprop $p)"; done

Any additional context

If applicable, please attach a few seconds of an uncompressed recording of the sound in a WAV or AIFF file.