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// Copyright 2014 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package proptools
import (
const maxUnpackErrors = 10
var (
// Hard-coded list of allowlisted property names of type map. This is to limit use of maps to
// where absolutely necessary.
validMapProperties = []string{}
type UnpackError struct {
Err error
Pos scanner.Position
func (e *UnpackError) Error() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%s: %s", e.Pos, e.Err)
// packedProperty helps to track properties usage (`used` will be true)
type packedProperty struct {
property *parser.Property
used bool
// unpackContext keeps compound names and their values in a map. It is initialized from
// parsed properties.
type unpackContext struct {
propertyMap map[string]*packedProperty
validMapProperties map[string]bool
errs []error
// UnpackProperties populates the list of runtime values ("property structs") from the parsed properties.
// If a property a.b.c has a value, a field with the matching name in each runtime value is initialized
// from it. See PropertyNameForField for field and property name matching.
// For instance, if the input contains
// { foo: "abc", bar: {x: 1},}
// and a runtime value being has been declared as
// var v struct { Foo string; Bar int }
// then v.Foo will be set to "abc" and v.Bar will be set to 1
// (cf. unpack_test.go for further examples)
// The type of a receiving field has to match the property type, i.e., a bool/int/string field
// can be set from a property with bool/int/string value, a struct can be set from a map (only the
// matching fields are set), and an slice can be set from a list.
// If a field of a runtime value has been already set prior to the UnpackProperties, the new value
// is appended to it (see somewhat inappropriately named ExtendBasicType).
// The same property can initialize fields in multiple runtime values. It is an error if any property
// value was not used to initialize at least one field.
func UnpackProperties(properties []*parser.Property, objects ...interface{}) (map[string]*parser.Property, []error) {
return unpackProperties(properties, validMapProperties, objects...)
func unpackProperties(properties []*parser.Property, validMapProps []string, objects ...interface{}) (map[string]*parser.Property, []error) {
var unpackContext unpackContext
unpackContext.propertyMap = make(map[string]*packedProperty)
if !unpackContext.buildPropertyMap("", properties) {
return nil, unpackContext.errs
unpackContext.validMapProperties = make(map[string]bool, len(validMapProps))
for _, p := range validMapProps {
unpackContext.validMapProperties[p] = true
for _, obj := range objects {
valueObject := reflect.ValueOf(obj)
if !isStructPtr(valueObject.Type()) {
panic(fmt.Errorf("properties must be *struct, got %s",
unpackContext.unpackToStruct("", valueObject.Elem())
if len(unpackContext.errs) >= maxUnpackErrors {
return nil, unpackContext.errs
// Gather property map, and collect any unused properties.
// Avoid reporting subproperties of unused properties.
result := make(map[string]*parser.Property)
var unusedNames []string
for name, v := range unpackContext.propertyMap {
if v.used {
result[name] =
} else {
unusedNames = append(unusedNames, name)
if len(unusedNames) == 0 && len(unpackContext.errs) == 0 {
return result, nil
return nil, unpackContext.reportUnusedNames(unusedNames)
func (ctx *unpackContext) reportUnusedNames(unusedNames []string) []error {
var lastReported string
for _, name := range unusedNames {
// if 'foo' has been reported, ignore 'foo\..*' and 'foo\[.*'
if lastReported != "" {
trimmed := strings.TrimPrefix(name, lastReported)
if trimmed != name && (trimmed[0] == '.' || trimmed[0] == '[') {
ctx.errs = append(ctx.errs, &UnpackError{
fmt.Errorf("unrecognized property %q", name),
lastReported = name
return ctx.errs
func (ctx *unpackContext) buildPropertyMap(prefix string, properties []*parser.Property) bool {
nOldErrors := len(ctx.errs)
for _, property := range properties {
name := fieldPath(prefix, property.Name)
if first, present := ctx.propertyMap[name]; present {
&UnpackError{fmt.Errorf("property %q already defined", name), property.ColonPos})
if ctx.addError(
&UnpackError{fmt.Errorf("<-- previous definition here"),}) {
return false
ctx.propertyMap[name] = &packedProperty{property, false}
switch propValue := property.Value.Eval().(type) {
case *parser.Map:
// If this is a map and the values are not primitive types, we need to unroll it for further
// mapping. Keys are limited to string types.
ctx.buildPropertyMap(name, propValue.Properties)
if len(propValue.MapItems) == 0 {
items := propValue.MapItems
keysType := items[0].Key.Type()
valsAreBasic := primitiveType(items[0].Value.Type())
if keysType != parser.StringType {
ctx.addError(&UnpackError{Err: fmt.Errorf("complex key types are unsupported: %s", keysType)})
return false
} else if valsAreBasic {
itemProperties := make([]*parser.Property, len(items), len(items))
for i, item := range items {
itemProperties[i] = &parser.Property{
Name: fmt.Sprintf("%s{value:%d}", property.Name, i),
NamePos: property.NamePos,
ColonPos: property.ColonPos,
Value: item.Value,
if !ctx.buildPropertyMap(prefix, itemProperties) {
return false
case *parser.List:
// If it is a list, unroll it unless its elements are of primitive type
// (no further mapping will be needed in that case, so we avoid cluttering
// the map).
if len(propValue.Values) == 0 {
if primitiveType(propValue.Values[0].Type()) {
itemProperties := make([]*parser.Property, len(propValue.Values), len(propValue.Values))
for i, expr := range propValue.Values {
itemProperties[i] = &parser.Property{
Name: property.Name + "[" + strconv.Itoa(i) + "]",
NamePos: property.NamePos,
ColonPos: property.ColonPos,
Value: expr,
if !ctx.buildPropertyMap(prefix, itemProperties) {
return false
return len(ctx.errs) == nOldErrors
// primitiveType returns whether typ is a primitive type
func primitiveType(typ parser.Type) bool {
return typ == parser.StringType || typ == parser.Int64Type || typ == parser.BoolType
func fieldPath(prefix, fieldName string) string {
if prefix == "" {
return fieldName
return prefix + "." + fieldName
func (ctx *unpackContext) addError(e error) bool {
ctx.errs = append(ctx.errs, e)
return len(ctx.errs) < maxUnpackErrors
func (ctx *unpackContext) unpackToStruct(namePrefix string, structValue reflect.Value) {
structType := structValue.Type()
for i := 0; i < structValue.NumField(); i++ {
fieldValue := structValue.Field(i)
field := structType.Field(i)
// In Go 1.7, runtime-created structs are unexported, so it's not
// possible to create an exported anonymous field with a generated
// type. So workaround this by special-casing "BlueprintEmbed" to
// behave like an anonymous field for structure unpacking.
if field.Name == "BlueprintEmbed" {
field.Name = ""
field.Anonymous = true
if field.PkgPath != "" {
// This is an unexported field, so just skip it.
propertyName := fieldPath(namePrefix, PropertyNameForField(field.Name))
if !fieldValue.CanSet() {
panic(fmt.Errorf("field %s is not settable", propertyName))
// Get the property value if it was specified.
packedProperty, propertyIsSet := ctx.propertyMap[propertyName]
origFieldValue := fieldValue
// To make testing easier we validate the struct field's type regardless
// of whether or not the property was specified in the parsed string.
// TODO(ccross): we don't validate types inside nil struct pointers
// Move type validation to a function that runs on each factory once
switch kind := fieldValue.Kind(); kind {
case reflect.Bool, reflect.String, reflect.Struct, reflect.Slice:
// Do nothing
case reflect.Map:
// Restrict names of map properties that _can_ be set in bp files
if _, ok := ctx.validMapProperties[propertyName]; !ok {
if !HasTag(field, "blueprint", "mutated") {
Err: fmt.Errorf("Uses of maps for properties must be allowlisted. %q is an unsupported use case", propertyName),
case reflect.Interface:
if fieldValue.IsNil() {
panic(fmt.Errorf("field %s contains a nil interface", propertyName))
fieldValue = fieldValue.Elem()
elemType := fieldValue.Type()
if elemType.Kind() != reflect.Ptr {
panic(fmt.Errorf("field %s contains a non-pointer interface", propertyName))
case reflect.Ptr:
switch ptrKind := fieldValue.Type().Elem().Kind(); ptrKind {
case reflect.Struct:
if fieldValue.IsNil() && (propertyIsSet || field.Anonymous) {
// Instantiate nil struct pointers
// Set into origFieldValue in case it was an interface, in which case
// fieldValue points to the unsettable pointer inside the interface
fieldValue = reflect.New(fieldValue.Type().Elem())
fieldValue = fieldValue.Elem()
case reflect.Bool, reflect.Int64, reflect.String:
// Nothing
panic(fmt.Errorf("field %s contains a pointer to %s", propertyName, ptrKind))
case reflect.Int, reflect.Uint:
if !HasTag(field, "blueprint", "mutated") {
panic(fmt.Errorf(`int field %s must be tagged blueprint:"mutated"`, propertyName))
panic(fmt.Errorf("unsupported kind for field %s: %s", propertyName, kind))
if field.Anonymous && isStruct(fieldValue.Type()) {
ctx.unpackToStruct(namePrefix, fieldValue)
if !propertyIsSet {
// This property wasn't specified.
packedProperty.used = true
property :=
if HasTag(field, "blueprint", "mutated") {
if !ctx.addError(
fmt.Errorf("mutated field %s cannot be set in a Blueprint file", propertyName),
}) {
if isStruct(fieldValue.Type()) {
if property.Value.Eval().Type() != parser.MapType {
fmt.Errorf("can't assign %s value to map property %q",
property.Value.Type(), property.Name),
ctx.unpackToStruct(propertyName, fieldValue)
if len(ctx.errs) >= maxUnpackErrors {
} else if isSlice(fieldValue.Type()) {
if unpackedValue, ok := ctx.unpackToSlice(propertyName, property, fieldValue.Type()); ok {
ExtendBasicType(fieldValue, unpackedValue, Append)
if len(ctx.errs) >= maxUnpackErrors {
} else if fieldValue.Type().Kind() == reflect.Map {
if unpackedValue, ok := ctx.unpackToMap(propertyName, property, fieldValue.Type()); ok {
ExtendBasicType(fieldValue, unpackedValue, Append)
if len(ctx.errs) >= maxUnpackErrors {
} else {
unpackedValue, err := propertyToValue(fieldValue.Type(), property)
if err != nil && !ctx.addError(err) {
ExtendBasicType(fieldValue, unpackedValue, Append)
// unpackToMap unpacks given into a go map of type mapType
func (ctx *unpackContext) unpackToMap(mapName string, property *parser.Property, mapType reflect.Type) (reflect.Value, bool) {
propValueAsMap, ok := property.Value.Eval().(*parser.Map)
// Verify this property is a map
if !ok {
fmt.Errorf("can't assign %q value to map property %q", property.Value.Type(), property.Name),
return reflect.MakeMap(mapType), false
// And is not a struct
if len(propValueAsMap.Properties) > 0 {
fmt.Errorf("can't assign property to a map (%s) property %q", property.Value.Type(), property.Name),
return reflect.MakeMap(mapType), false
items := propValueAsMap.MapItems
m := reflect.MakeMap(mapType)
if len(items) == 0 {
return m, true
keyConstructor := ctx.itemConstructor(items[0].Key.Type())
keyType := mapType.Key()
valueConstructor := ctx.itemConstructor(items[0].Value.Type())
valueType := mapType.Elem()
itemProperty := &parser.Property{NamePos: property.NamePos, ColonPos: property.ColonPos}
for i, item := range items {
itemProperty.Name = fmt.Sprintf("%s{key:%d}", mapName, i)
itemProperty.Value = item.Key
if packedProperty, ok := ctx.propertyMap[itemProperty.Name]; ok {
packedProperty.used = true
keyValue, ok := itemValue(keyConstructor, itemProperty, keyType)
if !ok {
itemProperty.Name = fmt.Sprintf("%s{value:%d}", mapName, i)
itemProperty.Value = item.Value
if packedProperty, ok := ctx.propertyMap[itemProperty.Name]; ok {
packedProperty.used = true
value, ok := itemValue(valueConstructor, itemProperty, valueType)
if ok {
m.SetMapIndex(keyValue, value)
return m, true
// unpackSlice creates a value of a given slice type from the property which should be a list
func (ctx *unpackContext) unpackToSlice(
sliceName string, property *parser.Property, sliceType reflect.Type) (reflect.Value, bool) {
propValueAsList, ok := property.Value.Eval().(*parser.List)
if !ok {
fmt.Errorf("can't assign %s value to list property %q",
property.Value.Type(), property.Name),
return reflect.MakeSlice(sliceType, 0, 0), false
exprs := propValueAsList.Values
value := reflect.MakeSlice(sliceType, 0, len(exprs))
if len(exprs) == 0 {
return value, true
itemConstructor := ctx.itemConstructor(exprs[0].Type())
itemType := sliceType.Elem()
itemProperty := &parser.Property{NamePos: property.NamePos, ColonPos: property.ColonPos}
for i, expr := range exprs {
itemProperty.Name = sliceName + "[" + strconv.Itoa(i) + "]"
itemProperty.Value = expr
if packedProperty, ok := ctx.propertyMap[itemProperty.Name]; ok {
packedProperty.used = true
if itemValue, ok := itemValue(itemConstructor, itemProperty, itemType); ok {
value = reflect.Append(value, itemValue)
return value, true
// constructItem is a function to construct a reflect.Value from given parser.Property of reflect.Type
type constructItem func(*parser.Property, reflect.Type) (reflect.Value, bool)
// itemValue creates a new item of type t with value determined by f
func itemValue(f constructItem, property *parser.Property, t reflect.Type) (reflect.Value, bool) {
isPtr := t.Kind() == reflect.Ptr
if isPtr {
t = t.Elem()
val, ok := f(property, t)
if !ok {
return val, ok
if isPtr {
ptrValue := reflect.New(val.Type())
return ptrValue, true
return val, true
// itemConstructor returns a function to construct an item of typ
func (ctx *unpackContext) itemConstructor(typ parser.Type) constructItem {
// The function to construct an item value depends on the type of list elements.
switch typ {
case parser.BoolType, parser.StringType, parser.Int64Type:
return func(property *parser.Property, t reflect.Type) (reflect.Value, bool) {
value, err := propertyToValue(t, property)
if err != nil {
return value, false
return value, true
case parser.ListType:
return func(property *parser.Property, t reflect.Type) (reflect.Value, bool) {
return ctx.unpackToSlice(property.Name, property, t)
case parser.MapType:
return func(property *parser.Property, t reflect.Type) (reflect.Value, bool) {
if t.Kind() == reflect.Map {
return ctx.unpackToMap(property.Name, property, t)
} else {
itemValue := reflect.New(t).Elem()
ctx.unpackToStruct(property.Name, itemValue)
return itemValue, true
case parser.NotEvaluatedType:
return func(property *parser.Property, t reflect.Type) (reflect.Value, bool) {
return reflect.New(t), false
panic(fmt.Errorf("bizarre property expression type: %v", typ))
// propertyToValue creates a value of a given value type from the property.
func propertyToValue(typ reflect.Type, property *parser.Property) (reflect.Value, error) {
var value reflect.Value
var baseType reflect.Type
isPtr := typ.Kind() == reflect.Ptr
if isPtr {
baseType = typ.Elem()
} else {
baseType = typ
switch kind := baseType.Kind(); kind {
case reflect.Bool:
b, ok := property.Value.Eval().(*parser.Bool)
if !ok {
return value, &UnpackError{
fmt.Errorf("can't assign %s value to bool property %q",
property.Value.Type(), property.Name),
value = reflect.ValueOf(b.Value)
case reflect.Int64:
b, ok := property.Value.Eval().(*parser.Int64)
if !ok {
return value, &UnpackError{
fmt.Errorf("can't assign %s value to int64 property %q",
property.Value.Type(), property.Name),
value = reflect.ValueOf(b.Value)
case reflect.String:
s, ok := property.Value.Eval().(*parser.String)
if !ok {
return value, &UnpackError{
fmt.Errorf("can't assign %s value to string property %q",
property.Value.Type(), property.Name),
value = reflect.ValueOf(s.Value)
return value, &UnpackError{
fmt.Errorf("cannot assign %s value %s to %s property %s", property.Value.Type(), property.Value, kind, typ),
if isPtr {
ptrValue := reflect.New(value.Type())
return ptrValue, nil
return value, nil