84 lines
3.6 KiB
84 lines
3.6 KiB
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import <ANTLR/ANTLR.h>
#import "SimpleCLexer.h"
#import "SimpleCParser.h"
#import "SimpleCWalker.h"
#import "stdio.h"
#include <unistd.h>
int main(int argc, const char * argv[]) {
NSError *anError;
NSAutoreleasePool *pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];
char *inp = "/Users/acondit/source/antlr/code/antlr3/runtime/ObjC/Framework/examples/simplecTreeParser/input";
if (argc < 2) {
NSLog(@"provide the input file, please");
return 1;
// simply read in the input file in one gulp
NSString *string = [NSString stringWithContentsOfFile:[NSString stringWithCString:inp encoding:NSASCIIStringEncoding] encoding:NSASCIIStringEncoding error:&anError];
NSLog(@"input is : %@", string);
// create a stream over the input, so the lexer can seek back and forth, but don't copy the string,
// as we make sure it will not go away.
// If the string would be coming from a volatile source, say a text field, we could opt to copy the string.
// That way we could do the parsing in a different thread, and still let the user edit the original string.
// But here we do it the simple way.
ANTLRStringStream *stream = [ANTLRStringStream newANTLRStringStream:string];
// Actually create the lexer feeding of the character stream.
SimpleCLexer *lexer = [SimpleCLexer newSimpleCLexerWithCharStream:stream];
// For fun, you could print all tokens the lexer recognized, but we can only do it once. After that
// we would need to reset the lexer, and lex again.
// id<Token> currentToken;
// while ((currentToken = [lexer nextToken]) && [currentToken type] != TokenTypeEOF) {
// NSLog(@"%@", currentToken);
// }
// [lexer reset];
// Since the parser needs to scan back and forth over the tokens, we put them into a stream, too.
CommonTokenStream *tokenStream = [CommonTokenStream newCommonTokenStreamWithTokenSource:lexer];
// Construct a parser and feed it the token stream.
SimpleCParser *parser = [[SimpleCParser alloc] initWithTokenStream:tokenStream];
// We start the parsing process by calling a parser rule. In theory you can call any parser rule here,
// but it obviously has to match the input token stream. Otherwise parsing would fail.
// Also watch out for internal dependencies in your grammar (e.g. you use a symbol table that's only
// initialized when you call a specific parser rule).
// This is a simple example, so we just call the top-most rule 'program'.
// Since we want to parse the AST the parser builds, we just ask the returned object for that.
CommonTree *program_tree = [[parser program] getTree];
NSLog(@"Reached end of first parse\n");
// Print the matched tree as a Lisp-style string
NSLog(@"tree: %@", [program_tree treeDescription]);
// Create a new tree node stream that's feeding off of the root node (thus seeing the whole tree)
CommonTreeNodeStream *treeStream = [CommonTreeNodeStream newCommonTreeNodeStream:program_tree];
// tell the TreeNodeStream where the tokens originally came from, so we can retrieve arbitrary tokens and their text.
[treeStream setTokenStream:tokenStream];
// Create the treeparser instance, passing it the stream of nodes
SimpleCWalker *walker = [[SimpleCWalker alloc] initWithStream:treeStream];
// As with parsers, you can invoke any treeparser rule here.
[walker program];
// Whew, done. Release everything that we are responsible for.
[lexer release];
[stream release];
[tokenStream release];
[parser release];
[treeStream release];
[walker release];
[pool release];
// use this for ObjectAlloc on Tiger
//while(1) sleep(5);
return 0;
} |