320 lines
9.5 KiB
320 lines
9.5 KiB
* Copyright (c) 2021, ARM Limited and Contributors. All rights reserved.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
#include <arch.h>
#include <asm_macros.S>
#include <assert_macros.S>
#include <console_macros.S>
/* UART16550 Registers */
#define UARTTX 0x0
#define UARTRX 0x0
#define UARTDLL 0x0
#define UARTIER 0x1
#define UARTDLLM 0x1
#define UARTFCR 0x2
#define UARTLCR 0x3
#define UARTLSR 0x5
#define UARTMCR 0x4
/* FIFO Control Register bits */
#define UARTFCR_FIFOMD_16450 (0 << 6)
#define UARTFCR_FIFOMD_16550 (1 << 6)
#define UARTFCR_RXTRIG_1 (0 << 6)
#define UARTFCR_RXTRIG_4 (1 << 6)
#define UARTFCR_RXTRIG_8 (2 << 6)
#define UARTFCR_RXTRIG_16 (3 << 6)
#define UARTFCR_TXTRIG_1 (0 << 4)
#define UARTFCR_TXTRIG_4 (1 << 4)
#define UARTFCR_TXTRIG_8 (2 << 4)
#define UARTFCR_TXTRIG_16 (3 << 4)
#define UARTFCR_DMAEN (1 << 3) /* Enable DMA mode */
#define UARTFCR_TXCLR (1 << 2) /* Clear contents of Tx FIFO */
#define UARTFCR_RXCLR (1 << 1) /* Clear contents of Rx FIFO */
#define UARTFCR_FIFOEN (1 << 0) /* Enable the Tx/Rx FIFO */
#define UARTFCR_64FIFO (1 << 5)
/* Line Control Register bits */
#define UARTLCR_DLAB (1 << 7) /* Divisor Latch Access */
#define UARTLCR_SETB (1 << 6) /* Set BREAK Condition */
#define UARTLCR_SETP (1 << 5) /* Set Parity to LCR[4] */
#define UARTLCR_EVEN (1 << 4) /* Even Parity Format */
#define UARTLCR_PAR (1 << 3) /* Parity */
#define UARTLCR_STOP (1 << 2) /* Stop Bit */
#define UARTLCR_WORDSZ_5 0 /* Word Length of 5 */
#define UARTLCR_WORDSZ_6 1 /* Word Length of 6 */
#define UARTLCR_WORDSZ_7 2 /* Word Length of 7 */
#define UARTLCR_WORDSZ_8 3 /* Word Length of 8 */
/* Line Status Register bits */
#define UARTLSR_RXFIFOEMT (1 << 9) /* Rx Fifo Empty */
#define UARTLSR_TXFIFOFULL (1 << 8) /* Tx Fifo Full */
#define UARTLSR_RXFIFOERR (1 << 7) /* Rx Fifo Error */
#define UARTLSR_TEMT (1 << 6) /* Tx Shift Register Empty */
#define UARTLSR_THRE (1 << 5) /* Tx Holding Register Empty */
#define UARTLSR_BRK (1 << 4) /* Break Condition Detected */
#define UARTLSR_FERR (1 << 3) /* Framing Error */
#define UARTLSR_PERR (1 << 3) /* Parity Error */
#define UARTLSR_OVRF (1 << 2) /* Rx Overrun Error */
#define UARTLSR_RDR (1 << 2) /* Rx Data Ready */
* "core" functions are low-level implementations that don't require
* writable memory and are thus safe to call in BL1 crash context.
.globl nxp_console_16550_core_init
.globl nxp_console_16550_core_putc
.globl nxp_console_16550_core_getc
.globl nxp_console_16550_core_flush
.globl console_16550_putc
.globl console_16550_getc
.globl console_16550_flush
/* -----------------------------------------------
* int nxp_console_16550_core_init(uintptr_t base_addr,
* unsigned int uart_clk, unsigned int baud_rate)
* Function to initialize the console without a
* C Runtime to print debug information. This
* function will be accessed by console_init and
* crash reporting.
* In: x0 - console base address
* w1 - Uart clock in Hz
* w2 - Baud rate
* Out: return 1 on success, 0 on error
* Clobber list : x1, x2, x3
* -----------------------------------------------
func nxp_console_16550_core_init
/* Check the input base address */
cbz x0, init_fail
/* Check baud rate and uart clock for sanity */
cbz w1, init_fail
cbz w2, init_fail
/* Program the baudrate */
/* Divisor = Uart clock / (16 * baudrate) */
lsl w2, w2, #4
udiv w2, w1, w2
and w1, w2, #0xff /* w1 = DLL */
lsr w2, w2, #8
and w2, w2, #0xff /* w2 = DLLM */
ldrb w3, [x0, #UARTLCR]
orr w3, w3, #UARTLCR_DLAB
strb w3, [x0, #UARTLCR] /* enable DLL, DLLM programming */
strb w1, [x0, #UARTDLL] /* program DLL */
strb w2, [x0, #UARTDLLM] /* program DLLM */
mov w2, #~UARTLCR_DLAB
and w3, w3, w2
strb w3, [x0, #UARTLCR] /* disable DLL, DLLM programming */
/* 8n1 */
mov w3, #3
strb w3, [x0, #UARTLCR]
/* no interrupt */
mov w3, #0
strb w3, [x0, #UARTIER]
/* enable fifo, DMA */
strb w3, [x0, #UARTFCR]
/* DTR + RTS */
mov w3, #3
str w3, [x0, #UARTMCR]
mov w0, #1
mov w0, #0
endfunc nxp_console_16550_core_init
.globl nxp_console_16550_register
/* -----------------------------------------------
* int nxp_console_16550_register(uintptr_t baseaddr,
* uint32_t clock, uint32_t baud,
* console_t *console);
* Function to initialize and register a new 16550
* console. Storage passed in for the console struct
* *must* be persistent (i.e. not from the stack).
* If w1 (UART clock) is 0, initialisation will be
* skipped, relying on previous code to have done
* this already. w2 is ignored then as well.
* In: x0 - UART register base address
* w1 - UART clock in Hz
* w2 - Baud rate (ignored if w1 is 0)
* x3 - pointer to empty console_t struct
* Out: return 1 on success, 0 on error
* Clobber list : x0, x1, x2, x6, x7, x14
* -----------------------------------------------
func nxp_console_16550_register
mov x7, x30
mov x6, x3
cbz x6, register_fail
str x0, [x6, #CONSOLE_T_16550_BASE]
/* A clock rate of zero means to skip the initialisation. */
cbz w1, register_16550
bl nxp_console_16550_core_init
cbz x0, register_fail
mov x0, x6
mov x30, x7
finish_console_register 16550 putc=1, getc=1, flush=1
ret x7
endfunc nxp_console_16550_register
/* --------------------------------------------------------
* int console_16550_core_putc(int c, uintptr_t base_addr)
* Function to output a character over the console. It
* returns the character printed on success or -1 on error.
* In : w0 - character to be printed
* x1 - console base address
* Out : return -1 on error else return character.
* Clobber list : x2
* --------------------------------------------------------
func nxp_console_16550_core_putc
cmp x1, #0
/* Prepend '\r' to '\n' */
cmp w0, #'\n'
b.ne 2f
/* Check if the transmit FIFO is full */
1: ldrb w2, [x1, #UARTLSR]
cmp w2, #(UARTLSR_THRE)
b.ne 1b
mov w2, #'\r'
strb w2, [x1, #UARTTX]
ldrb w2, [x1, #UARTFCR]
orr w2, w2, #UARTFCR_TXCLR
/* Check if the transmit FIFO is full */
2: ldrb w2, [x1, #UARTLSR]
and w2, w2, #(UARTLSR_THRE)
cmp w2, #(UARTLSR_THRE)
b.ne 2b
strb w0, [x1, #UARTTX]
endfunc nxp_console_16550_core_putc
/* --------------------------------------------------------
* int console_16550_putc(int c, console_t *console)
* Function to output a character over the console. It
* returns the character printed on success or -1 on error.
* In : w0 - character to be printed
* x1 - pointer to console_t structure
* Out : return -1 on error else return character.
* Clobber list : x2
* --------------------------------------------------------
func console_16550_putc
cmp x1, #0
ldr x1, [x1, #CONSOLE_T_16550_BASE]
b nxp_console_16550_core_putc
endfunc console_16550_putc
/* ---------------------------------------------
* int console_16550_core_getc(uintptr_t base_addr)
* Function to get a character from the console.
* It returns the character grabbed on success
* or -1 on if no character is available.
* In : x0 - console base address
* Out : w0 - character if available, else -1
* Clobber list : x0, x1
* ---------------------------------------------
func nxp_console_16550_core_getc
cmp x0, #0
/* Check if the receive FIFO is empty */
1: ldrb w1, [x0, #UARTLSR]
tbz w1, #UARTLSR_RDR, 1b
ldrb w0, [x0, #UARTRX]
endfunc nxp_console_16550_core_getc
/* ---------------------------------------------
* int console_16550_getc(console_t *console)
* Function to get a character from the console.
* It returns the character grabbed on success
* or -1 on if no character is available.
* In : x0 - pointer to console_t structure
* Out : w0 - character if available, else -1
* Clobber list : x0, x1
* ---------------------------------------------
func console_16550_getc
cmp x1, #0
ldr x0, [x0, #CONSOLE_T_16550_BASE]
b nxp_console_16550_core_getc
endfunc console_16550_getc
/* ---------------------------------------------
* int console_16550_core_flush(uintptr_t base_addr)
* Function to force a write of all buffered
* data that hasn't been output.
* In : x0 - console base address
* Out : return -1 on error else return 0.
* Clobber list : x0, x1
* ---------------------------------------------
func nxp_console_16550_core_flush
cmp x0, #0
/* Loop until the transmit FIFO is empty */
1: ldrb w1, [x0, #UARTLSR]
and w1, w1, #(UARTLSR_THRE)
cmp w1, #(UARTLSR_THRE)
b.ne 1b
mov w0, #0
endfunc nxp_console_16550_core_flush
/* ---------------------------------------------
* int console_16550_flush(console_t *console)
* Function to force a write of all buffered
* data that hasn't been output.
* In : x0 - pointer to console_t structure
* Out : return -1 on error else return 0.
* Clobber list : x0, x1
* ---------------------------------------------
func console_16550_flush
cmp x0, #0
ldr x0, [x0, #CONSOLE_T_16550_BASE]
b nxp_console_16550_core_flush
endfunc console_16550_flush